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7/18/2019 we & rep 1/3

Women Empowerment Programmes 

Women all over the world are challenged by a number of obstacles that restrict their ability to play significant

roles in their communities and the border society. For a long time they have lagged far behind men in key

socio-economic indicators that place them at a huge disadvantage. Women are less likely to have access to

land, credit, decent jobs even though a growing body of research shows that the achievement of gender equality has enormous socio-economic ramifications. Occupational segregation and gender wage gaps

continue to persist in all parts of the world. mpowered women and girls have a truly transformative role to

 play in their communities but they are rarely afforded the opportunities that will allow them to fulfill their 

enormous potential. !ome Women mpowerment schemes are

Sr.NO Name of the Programme Shortly known as Established on

1Support to Training and Employment

Programme For womenSTEPW !!"#!$

%a&i' (andhi S)heme for Empowerment of

*doles)ent (irls%(SE*( !1!

" %ashitriya +ahila ,osh - National redit Fundfor women


$ 0ndira (andhi +atrit'a Sahyog o&ana 0(+S  

2 Swayam Siddha   !!1

3 Swadhar   1//2

4Support to Training *nd Employment

Programme for WomenSTEP 1/53

56e'elopment of women and )hildren in rural

areas6W%* 1/5

/ 6han 7a8mi   !!5

1! 9&&wala   !!411 (ender :udgeting S)heme (:S !!$

1 National +ission For Empowerment of Women N+EW !1!

7/18/2019 we & rep 2/3

%ural Employment Programmes

!r.NO Name of the S)heme Short Name Started on

" ommunity 6e'elopment Programme 6P 1/2

National Fund for %ural de'elopment NP%6 1/5$

"oun)il for *d'an)ement of People;s

a)tions and rural Te)hnology*P*%T 1/53

$ 6istri)t %ural 6e'elopment *gen)y 6%6* 1//"

2 Pradhan +antri (ram Sadak o&ana P+(S !!!

3 Twenty Point Programme TPP 1/42

4 6rought Prone *reas Programme 6P*P 1/4"#4$

5 *nnapurna S)heme   !!!

/ Total sanitation ampaign TS 1///

1! Nirmal (ram Puraskar N(P !!"

11 6esert 6e'elopment Programme OOP 1/44#45

10ntegrated Wasteland 6e'elopment

Programme0W6P 1/5/#/!

7/18/2019 we & rep 3/3

1" <almiki *mbedkar *was o&ana <** !!1

1$+ember of Parliament 7o)al *rea

6e'elopment programme

+P7*6P 1//"

12*ffordable =ousing 0n Partnership >Part of 

?NN9%+@*=0P !!/

13 %a&i' *was o&ana %* !1!
