
Charities granted charitable status 1 to 30 November 2016

Charity Number

Charity Name Constitutional Form

SC046999 141st City of Glasgow Brownie Unit Unincorporated Association

SC046985 16th Kirkcaldy Guide Unit Unincorporated Association

SC046954 1st Coatbridge Guide Unit Unincorporated Association

SC046984 72nd B City of Dundee Brownie Unit Unincorporated Association

SC046992 87th A City of Dundee Brownie Unit Unincorporated Association

SC046957 Aberdour Parish Hall (SCIO) SCIO

SC047017 Aberfeldy Community First Responders Group SCIO SCIO

SC046962 Abundant Borders Unincorporated Association

SC046996 Allahditta Trust SCIO

SC047000 Animal Rescue Centre - Arbroath SCIO

SC046970 B.J.O. Amara Association Unincorporated Association

SC046994 Beechbrae SCIO SCIO

SC046976 BiPolar Aberdeen Unincorporated Association

SC047015 Breadalbane Men's Shed SCIO

SC047007 Care Botswana Trust Trust

SC046973 Carolside Sports Club SCIO

SC046983 Carrick Coastal Rowing Club SCIO

SC046991 Cat and Chat SCIO SCIO

SC046971 D Unit Combat Sports Hub SCIO

SC046968 Disability Motorsport Scotland SCIO SCIO

SC046980 Doctors' Support Network Unincorporated Association

SC046955 Donside Village Community SCIO SCIO

SC046929 Duntocher Charitable Foundation Unincorporated Association

SC046982 East Kilbride Futsal Unincorporated Association

SC046949 Falkland Community Development Trust Company

SC046950 FOP Friends Trust

SC046989 Fossoway PTA Unincorporated Association

SC046975 Fostering Compassion, SCIO SCIO

SC046978 Friends of the River Tyne Unincorporated Association

SC046956 Galloway Music Festival Unincorporated Association

SC046963 Gillespie Memorial Hall Management Committee Unincorporated Association

SC047006 Gourdon Public Hall Trust

SC046969 Greenpower Education Trust Ltd Company

SC047009 HAEUK Company

SC047001 Harvest Chapel International - UK CIO

SC046972 Home For Good Company

SC046977 Laurieston Old Folks' Welfare Assocation SCIO

SC046953 Light UP Children's Charity SCIO

SC046960 Lucid Dream Arts SCIO

SC046987 Mid Calder Children's Gala Unincorporated Association

SC046995 Mishwar Amal - Trips of Hope Unincorporated Association

SC046979 Newton Stewart Players SCIO

SC046964 Orkney Deaf Children's Society Unincorporated Association

SC047008 Orkney Pilgrimage SCIO SCIO

SC047013 Pittenweem Community Library and Information Centre SCIO

SC046965 Riverside Community Sports Club SCIO SCIO

SC047012 Rogart Development Fund SCIO

SC046993 Scotland's War (1914-1919) SCIO

SC046974 Scottish Action for Refugees (SCIO) SCIO

SC047003 Scottish International Youth SCIO

SC046998 Scottish Kinship Care Alliance SCIO

SC046986 Selkirk Camera Club SCIO

SC047014 Shaper Caper Limited Company

SC047010 Shettleston Juniors Kids Academy SCIO

SC046990 Shine Bright James Trust

SC046988 Skye Camanachd SCIO SCIO

SC046959 Speyfest Association SCIO SCIO

SC046981 Street Doctors Ltd Company

SC046946 SWAN: Scottish Women's Autism Network SCIO

SC047002 Swandro-Orkney Coastal Archaeology Trust SCIO

SC047011 The Adam Foundation SCIO SCIO

SC046997 The Butterflies Charity SCIO

SC046947 The Good Works Company SCIO

SC046951 The I-Touches SCIO

SC047004 The Men of Leith and District Men's Shed SCIO

SC047005 The Sydenhams Chorea Association SCIO SCIO

SC047016 Transport Benevolent Fund CIO CIO

SC046958 Urban Docks SCIO

SC046948 Village Hall (Harthill & District) SCIO
