
Mahatma Ghandi

Starter: Solve the following problem

Break the quote to find the quote.

What does the code say?

Research to find who said the quote.

Lesson Objective: To understand how Ghandi’s non-violent protests effected India

To show how Ghandi put his Hindu beliefs into practice

Task 1: Answer the following questions while watching the clip on the link below:

Life Events of Mahatma Ghandi

When did Ghandi receive global recognition?

What did Ghandi do in India?

What was the first step to Ghandi’s peaceful protests?

Ghandi walked 240 miles protesting about salt with crowds growing day by day. How many supporters were waiting for him?

Why was salt important to Ghandi’s protests?

How did Britain react to the salt protests?

What did Ghandi’s arrest cause?

Britain reacted with violence. How did this help Ghandi?

What did Britain do next?

Why do you think Ghandi put salt in his tea?

Task 2: Interpretation

What do you think Ghandi was trying to say in this quote?

Key Terms:

1. Apartheid: Political system in South Africa where non-whites had no rights

2. Ahimsa: Hindu principal of non-violence and love

Task 3: Look at the following examples

After looking at the situations below, think about how you would respond to the situation by showing Ahimsa.

Chose 4 of the above examples and note how you would show Ahisma in these situations?


Think of another global issue, how did people show ahimsa during this?