Page 1:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

Julie Pierce

TLS 303

Dr. Sonya Gaches

Preschool Case Study Child Development

Benchmark Assignment


Over the past year, I have been student teaching and observing in a PACE

classroom in the TUSD school district. During this time, I was assigned one case study

child. I observed her actions in the classroom and completed family engagements in an

effort to know her better. These experiences helped me understand how a child’s home

life and daily interactions help shape who they are; it also helped me create a classroom

environment that was beneficial to her growth. Overall, the time spent working with this

child was exciting and helped me develop an understanding of how to be a better


Child and Family Background

My case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old

and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate family members

include her mother, her father, her 16-year-old brother, her 13-year-old brother, and her

7-year-old sister. ML is able to see most of her extended family often because they also

Page 2:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

live in Tucson, Arizona. (Field Notes) This has allowed for her to be close with all

members of the family, which is evident through her daily journals and the verbal stories

she shares in the classroom. She shares stories about interactions she had with her

family members outside of school. (Journal Writing, Family Journal)

ML was born around the time that her family was participating in many Danza

Azteca ceremonies. Her parents had big hopes and dreams for her to become a “strong

Chicana Guerra”. They were hopeful that ML would be recognized as a blessed child in

the world. As ML’s mother laid eyes on her for the first time, she dedicated ML to “Senor

San Miguel, the Arc Angel, God’s strongest warrior who pushed evil out of heaven.”

(Story of Name) It is evident that ML’s parents have high hopes for ML and the life that

she is going to live.

Her father drops ML off each morning between 8:30 AM and 8:45 AM. Her

mother picks her up at the end of the day around 12:30 PM. This routine is the same

every day. ML’s mother and I are usually able to chat about a variety of topics when she

is picking up ML; I speak with her father in the mornings briefly. (April 13-22 Family)

The family has consistently expressed an appreciation for the arts. The family

participates in dance and music festivals regularly, creates and sells artwork and plays

instruments. The dance and music festivals are usually something that all members of

the family attend; ML has just recently begun to show interest in participating at these

festivals. (Field Notes, Family Engagement on 2-12) ML’s mother creates many pieces

of art and sells them at different events around the city. ML’s older brothers have started

to create artwork to sell at these events. ML is a child who shows a heavy interest in art

related engagements in the classroom. She is always willing to take a chance with her

Page 3:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

artwork and enjoys showing off her creations to others in the classroom. The

connections between ML’s interests in art are heavily influenced by the importance her

mother places on art in the home. ML’s mother has mentioned that she considers the

arts to be just as important as the ‘core’ subjects that are taught in schools. She feels

that the arts allow people to express their emotions and true feelings, which is

important. It is evident that ML has picked up on these thoughts and uses her art as a

way of expression. (Field Notes)

ML will be attending BASIS for her elementary school years. All three of her

siblings attend BASIS currently. ML’s mother believes that this school is a great fit for

her children but is going to actively ensure that ML is happy at the school. She loves the

Reggio philosophy that is in place at the school ML currently attends and is hopeful that

her daughter will be encouraged to be curious and explore in her future schooling

settings. (Field Notes)

Physical Development

ML’s physical development has been fascinating to observe over the past school

year. While her fine motor skills have always been strong, I notice immense growth in

her gross motor skills.

ML is capable of writing the entire alphabet in capital letters. When I first came

into the classroom she was beginning to write her full name. She uses a dynamic tripod

grasp when she is writing with a pencil, pen, marker or crayon. (April 13-22 Dynamic

Tripod, Writing) She has continued to work on her writing skills and is now capable of

Page 4:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

writing short sentences. In the daily journals, students usually draw a picture and

verbally tell a story, which an adult writes down on the page. However, ML has started

to write in her own journal, simply getting spelling help from an adult in the classroom.

(Writing Sample) There were moments of frustration when ML did not believe she could

form the letters correctly however she always pushed through and was able to complete

the writing.

ML also showed how refined her fine motor skills were when I implemented my

cultural story box invitation into the classroom. She was able to manipulate the chapati

dough with ease. She squeezed, rolled, pinched and flattened the dough. She had

drawn a picture of a cat and was using the dough to recreate her drawing. She was

successful in her recreation, because of her fine motor skills. (Chapati Cats)

The gross motor skills are where I have seen the most growth in ML’s physical

development. I have noticed that ML has good self-control when it comes to sitting for

long periods of time. She is able to sit crisscross with her hands in her lap for the

entirety of the time we are on the carpet, usually no more than fifteen to twenty minutes.

She is also able to sit in her chair at the table, without fidgeting, for long periods of time.

(Anecdotal Notes) On the field trip to the DeGrazia Museum, ML was sitting on the floor

drawing a picture. I noticed that she had her feet tucked behind her and she was sitting

on her knees. She was hunched over the paper and supported her body weight with her

left hand as she drew her picture with her right hand. (Anecdotal Notes DeGrazia Field


Another area that I have been able to observe ML’s gross motor skills is outdoors

on the playground. The class has tricycles that are used during outdoor playtime. ML

Page 5:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

was always able to ride the tricycle but she moved slower than other children. There is

also a small ramp on one area of the playground. ML would always stop at the top of

the ramp and walk next to the tricycle. One morning, I noticed that ML stayed on her

tricycle and kept her feet off of the pedals as she made her way down the ramp. Her

feet were dragging along the ground causing the tricycle to move at a slower pace down

the ramp. Towards the end of the year, she was able to ride the tricycle with her feet on

the pedals down the ramp. While this may have been a mental fear she was able to use

her full body in order to control the speed of the tricycle. (Tricycle)

Another outdoor activity that shows ML’s physical development is the monkey

bars. She is able to grasp the monkey bar and hold on for a while. However, she was

unable to let go of the bar and grasp the next one. She fell to the ground as soon as she

let go of the first bar. (Monkey Bars)

Strengths in Physical Development

At five years old, ML has strong gross and fine motor skills. She continues to

develop her motor skills everyday in and out of the classroom. She is able to grasp and

manipulate a variety of materials; this showcases the strength in her fingers and hands.

This continues to be beneficial as it allows her to write words and draw meaningful


In regards to her gross motor skills, she has control over her full body motions.

She has learned what her body is capable of and uses her muscles to follow through

with the actions she is thinking about performing. Now that she has made the

Page 6:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

connection that she controls her entire body she has shown her willingness to take risks


Areas of Growth in Physical Development

ML has strong fine motor skills, but they can always be improved. She will

become more confident in her abilities as she continues to practice. Through more fine

motor manipulation, ML will perfect her abilities that require her fine motor skills.

ML struggles with some activities that require muscle involvement from all areas

of the body. This is evident through her tricycle riding and monkey bar grasps. It would

be beneficial for ML to continue engaging with these activities in order to allow these

muscles to grow and become used to these actions. As ML engages with more activities

that require her full bodies’ attention, her gross motor skills will continue to develop.

Home Based Activities in Physical Development

ML would benefit from continuing to use manipulatives in the home as she

creates artwork. Her family is very art-inclined so the materials would be readily

available. Encouraging ML to experiment with new materials and apply them to her

artwork would allow her fine motor skills to become more developed.

ML could practice riding a bicycle or tricycle at home to become more familiar

with the action and different environments. This would help her gross motor skills

develop on the full body level.

Page 7:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

School Based Activities in Physical Development

The use of a variety of manipulatives would be beneficial for ML to refine her fine

motor skills in the classroom. New experiences with manipulatives would allow ML to

grow because it requires her to understand how the newly introduced manipulatives

work, and which fine motor skills need to be used.

In order to help ML develop her gross motor skills I would suggest implementing

more full body games into the classroom. I have noticed her growth when we have been

outdoors the most. I think a game involving a ball or a community-building relay on the

playground would be most beneficial for her. These are both new experiences so they

would be something she was not bored with.

Cognitive Development

ML showcases her cognitive capabilities on a regular basis in the classroom. She

understands symbolism, shows evidence of reasoning and problem solving, uses her

memory and attention to detail, is creative and imaginative, as well as many other


One instance that showcases a variety of cognitive thinking was a free choice

activity that ML engaged with in the classroom. A new manipulative had become very

popular in the class on this day. ML was playing with the new manipulative when she

noticed a booklet with a picture of a crown. She made the decision that she was going

Page 8:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

to recreate this crown. However, she was puzzled about how to begin making the crown

and what pieces she needed to use. She used the manual to look at the picture of the

crown, figure out how many pieces she needed, and understand how all these pieces fit

together. This one interaction shows ML’s ability to acknowledge symbolism reason and

problem solve, pay attention to detail, and be creative! (April 13-22 Crown)

Another instance that suggests how highly developed ML’s cognitive abilities are

occurred during another free choice exploration. In class, we have foam boards with

pegs that ML uses often. One day in class, she put pegs on one side of the board and

set it on the table. She then began moving the pegs to the opposite side of the foam

board. She was testing balance and generating understanding about how the pegs

supported the foam board. (2.22 Classroom Free Choice) ML was showing curiosity and

the willingness to learn through play. This was a creative exploration that required

executive functioning and high-level thinking.

Additionally, ML used her memory in class when a guest speaker from the

DeGrazia museum came into classroom. The guest speaker had been asking questions

about what certain objects were called. ML processed these questions and was able to

identify the objects from memory. She stated that the objects were things she had seen

or been told about by family members in the past. One of the objects was an old cactus

and the other was a deer dancer. (Class on 3-30) Her ability to process questions,

remember, and articulate responses is another indication of her cognitive thinking skills

in action.

Page 9:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

Strengths in Cognitive Development

ML is able to use her cognitive thinking skills in a variety of ways each day. Her

willingness to approach a new task and generate understanding is something that

shows her desire to learn. She takes risks and is okay with making mistakes. She is

eager to approach new situations and find ways to create understanding for herself.

Areas of Growth in Cognitive Development

ML is not always confident in her capabilities. She depends on others to confirm

that her actions are correct or going to lead to the correct answers. As she continues to

develop her cognitive skills she will be able to understand that mistakes are a vital part

of learning. More experience with activities that require cognitive thinking will allow ML

to develop her skills.

Home Based Activities in Cognitive Development

ML’s family is focused on art. The idea of being creative and allowing ML to

explore new materials in something that I think would be very beneficial for her. She

would be forced to take chances and think about how one action would affect the next.

Her cognitive thinking skills would be challenged in a way that she truly enjoys; her

family would also be able to engage in this type of activity with ML.

Page 10:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

School Based Activities in Cognitive Development

ML is a child who enjoys creating things whether it is using art or using

manipulatives. Introducing manipulatives that encourage creations to be made is

something that could be beneficial for ML. I also think ML would enjoy using challenging

puzzles in the classroom. It is something that she engages with rarely in the classroom

and I think this is because the puzzles we have are very simple. ML enjoys being

challenged and would thrive on the feeling that comes form accomplished a tough task,

which require her cognitive thinking skills.

Language Development

ML has a wonderful understanding of language. She is able to communicate her

thoughts and ideas in ways that make sense to her audience. Her speech and grammar

is rarely incorrect. I feel that this comes from the language rich environment she has

been surrounded by her entire life.

ML shows her pragmatic knowledge in her daily verbalizations within the

classroom. She can respond to others’ comments or questions and add relevant

information to the conversations. “That is an old cactus, my dad had them by his work.

He works on cars”. (Class on 3-30) While the question was focused on the old cactus,

ML was able to verbalize how she knew what the object was. In addition, she made an

extra comment, about what kind of work her dad did, that applied to the conversation.

Another piece of this sentence that sticks out to me is her grammar. ML uses two

Page 11:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

different tenses, past and present, in this statement. This could be a grammatical error

but it also could be correct, depending on current circumstances surround her dad’s

work. If the old cactus pieces are no longer near her father’s workplace, she used the

correct tenses. If they are still there, she made a mistake with her tenses of the word

“had”; it should have been “has”. It also could be a case where her father’s job location

has changed, therefore making her grammar correct.

ML was able to make assumptions and then reflect on those assumptions. This

was evidenced through a paint mixing activity done in class. Prior to mixing red and blue

paint she said, “I think it’s going to be purple”. Once the paints were mixed, revealing a

purple color, she exclaimed, “It’s purple! It’s purple!” (Pictures of Class Time)

Strengths in Language Development

ML is expressive in her language; she can convey her thoughts and emotions

through verbal language. Her thoughts and ideas make sense to her audience

members. She knows how to make connections throughout her speech. Being in a

language rich environment throughout her childhood has been beneficial to her

language development. She has been surrounded by language, and encouraged to use

language, her entire life.

Page 12:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

Areas of Growth in Language Development

While I am not sure if ML made a grammatical error using two different tenses, it

is a common mistake by young children. Ensuring that the words she says aloud are the

words she means is something that would help her understand language more fully.

Additionally, ML could expand her vocabulary in and out of the classroom. This would

allow for her to tell more stories and explain situations in a more lively way.

Home Based Activities in Language Development

Language can be expanded in a variety of different ways. In the home, ML can

engage with storytelling and reading books. Her family is often on the move and

engaging with the community. Encouraging ML to share stories from these experiences

will allow her to develop her language abilities even more.

School Based Activities in Language Development

In this classroom, ML could continue to share stories verbally. This could be

done through sharing time in the classroom. Additionally, ML can be introduced to new

vocabulary through new areas of study being introduced in the classroom. This will

encourage her to speak about what she is engaging with and generate understanding,

through language, about these new topics.

Page 13:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

Emotional Development

ML is a child who is attempts to maintain a positive demeanor in the classroom at

all times. I have no data showing ML being mad or sad while in the classroom. ML has a

strong sense of self-identity. She knows her interests and the things that bring her joy.

She has a happy attitude in the classroom and interacts with her peers in a positive way

each day.

This speaks volumes about the emotional development that ML has.

ML is capable of expressing love and showing empathy towards her family and

friends. She knows that these people are important to her and that their feelings can

have an effect on her own feelings. (Journal Writing)

The only times I have observed ML being fearful or anxious is when she is

attempting to complete tasks that she was not physically ready for. This includes her

fear of riding the tricycle down the ramp and grasping the second bar of the monkey

bars. (Tricycle, Monkey Bars)

One other emotion that I have become more aware of as I have reflected on the

data I have collected on ML is her confidence. There are times when ML seems unsure

of her ability to complete a task and looks to others for support. As she completes these

challenging tasks she is filled with joy. (Crown)

Page 14:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

Strengths in Emotional Development

ML is capable of expressing her emotions in a positive way. She knows the types

of things that bring her joy and seeks those interactions out regularly. Due to her high

emotional development, ML is able to express how others make her feel. This is

something that will help her as she develops the skill of perspective taking.

Areas of Growth in Emotional Development

I am unsure if ML is unable to express negative emotions or simply does not

know how to yet. I am sure that there have been times when ML was mad, frustrated, or

sad but it was never shown to me in the classroom. This could be something that ML

needs help with understanding. She needs support with knowing that these emotions

are good to have and should be expressed when they are felt.

Home Based Activities in Emotional Development

ML’s family could encourage her to share her feelings about the day once she

gets home from school. The family could also share stories about their days and include

the negative emotions that were felt throughout the day. This would bring the family

closer together and allow them to know more about each other’s daily lives. It would

also show ML that positive and negative emotions are normal.

Page 15:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

School Based Activities in Emotional Development

Incorporating community activities that encourage children to share their feelings

would be beneficial for ML. This would allow her to know how her peers are feeling on a

regular basis and become more comfortable with sharing her emotions as well.

Another way the topic of emotions could be learned about in the classroom is

through read-alouds that show characters feeling a wide range of emotions. This could

also help ML develop perspective-taking skills.

Social Development

ML is a child who is very comfortable in social situations. She is involved with

many different parts of the community, which has led to her comfort in social settings.

She shares stories about family outings and the people she interacts with during them.

(Field Notes)

ML is a child who is able to interact with all of her classmates. While she has a

few friends in the class that she appears to spend more time with she never neglects

any child. She is always willing to include every child in her play experiences and works

to make sure all of her peers are happy. This shows that she respects her peers and

wants them to respect her. She is capable of sharing with her peers and is helpful when

it comes to group situations with her peers. (Field Notes)

Page 16:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

Strengths in Social Development

ML is capable of being a friend to others. She knows how to respond to people in

order to help them be happy. She is respectful and is desires to be respected by others.

Ml understands that her actions affect how others view and respond to her, this

knowledge has led her to interact with her peers in positive ways.

Areas of Growth in Social Development

ML could always be pushed outside of her comfort zone. She is capable of

making new friends and generating a larger social circle. She tends to stick with her

preferred friends, when they are at school. Encouraging her to create stronger

friendships with other children in the class could improve her social development.

Home Based Activities in Social Development

ML should continue to attend social events in the community with her family.

These events allow ML to engage with new people and put her social skills to work. She

is able to act appropriately in various settings and make sense of her actions in these

new surroundings.

Page 17:€¦  · Web viewMy case study child is ML. She was born in Tucson, Arizona. ML is five years old and the youngest member of her six-person family. Her immediate

School Based Activities in Social Development

ML should be encouraged to spend time with all of her peers regularly.

Community building activities that encourage children to spend time with new groups of

friends could be beneficial in the development of ML’s social skills.


Over the past year, my time with ML has taught me so much more than I ever

could have imagined. I realize how important it is to know who a child is in and out of

the classroom setting. The times I have spent with ML and her family has allowed me to

see her overall development and adjust my teaching in order to best fit her needs. I am

hopeful that this experience will encourage me to reach out to future students and make

the same type of commitment to their learning needs.
