


SESSION: 2015-16





A man is known by his own virtues and qualities he has. There are many virtues like- mankind, kind-heartedness, helpfulness, charity (Daan) etc. A person cannot be known by his richness only until he is helpful and kind to others. Here is a text depicting some of human values which will help you to understand the Morals given by Mahavir Swami, founder of Jainism.

Main Text

Dharam Das was a man of virtues as his name suggested. His father had given him a lot of wealth. He used to spend a lot of it to help others. It was his habit to help anybody. So he was surrounded by a lot of people, always.

Soon he spent all he had. All those who were coming to him suddenly disappeared. He became very poor and very few were there to enquire after him. Even during those hard days he never strayed from his righteous ways. He prayed God every day to bless him enough for helping the needy, who came to him.

One night he had a dream. A divine person came to him and said, Dharmdas, there is one way for you to get a lot of wealth. Tomorrow you willfind me coming to the shadow of the big tree in front of the temple. I will sleep in the shade. All you have to do is to pick up my staff and hit me on my head. My body will turn into a heap of gold. You can take it all. Dharamdas saw the speakers face very clearly.

Although Dharam Das did not believe or like the idea, he went to the tree, next day. True to the word, a holy man came there. He was rather tired from a long walk. As soon as he reached the shade of the tree, he put aside his staff and the long sack he carried and went to sleep. Dharam Das recognized him as the man in the dream. Nobody else was around. He could easily hit the sleeping man and take the gold. All his worries would be over.

But he would do nothing of that sort. Attacking another person is violence, even if permitted by the victim. He would not do that. Not even for the entire wealth of the world.

He sat there looking at the calm face of the sleeping man for several hours. Finally the holy man woke up. He asked with amazement, Why! You had a chance of a lifetime! Dont worry! I will give you another chance. Dharam Das said, No, master,

even then I am not going to do a wrong thing. Instead, why dont you come to my house and have a frugal meal. You have not eaten for several hours now.

The holy man smiled. He got up to leave. Dharam Das touched his feet. With the blessing words You will soon be prosperous! the man gave him the sack he was carrying. In another moment he was gone! The good mans amazement was doubled when he saw that the sack was full of gold coins!

Sample Questions

1- What is Non-violence? What is the importance of non-violence in your life? (3 MARKS)

2- How will you use the value of non-violence in your class and in your family? (3 MARKS)



SESSION: 2015-16






Animals and human beings have co-existed since the very beginning. Animals have helped human beings since then in many ways. Next time you see a pigeon flying across a sky look at it.It might be a working bird. You have probably heard of working dogs that help police officers, or horses that help farmers. The following extract tells us how pigeons have been useful to man in various ways

Thehoming pigeonis a variety ofdomestic pigeon , selectively bredto find its way home over extremely long distances. The wild rock pigeon has an innate homing ability, meaning that it will generally return to its nest and mate. Flight as long as 1,800km (1,100 miles) have been recorded by birds in competitivepigeon racing.Their average flying speed is around 80km/h (50 miles per hour) but speeds of up to 140km/h (90 miles per hour) have been observed in top racers for short distances. Homing pigeons are called messenger orcarrier pigeonswhen they are used to carry messages. They were used in many places in the world and in wars.

Male and female pigeons (cocks and hens respectively), can be differentiated by physical characteristics of the head, beak, height, and breast, Males usually stand taller, and have a largerbeaks, Females, on the other hand, tend to be shorter with smaller beaks,

sport of flying homing pigeons was well-established as early as 3000 years ago. They were used to proclaim the winner of the Olympics. Messenger pigeons were used as early as 1150 inBaghdadand also later byGenghis Khan.Tipu Sultanused carrier pigeons. They returned to the Jamia Masjid mosque inSri Rangapatna, which was his headquarters. The pigeon holes may be seen in the mosque's minarets to this day.

In 1860,Paul Reuter, who later foundedReuterspress agency, used over 45 pigeons to deliver news and stock prices betweenBrusselsandAachen, the terminals of early telegraph lines. The worlds first 'airmail' stamps were issued for the Great Barrier Pigeon-Gram Service from 1898 to 1908

Homing pigeons were still employed in the 21st century by certain remote police departments inOdishastate in easternIndiato provide emergency communication services followingnatural disasters. In March 2002, it was announced that India's Police Pigeon Service messenger system in Odisha was to be retired, due to the expanded use of theInternet.

Research has been performed with the intention of discovering how pigeons, after being transported, can find their way back from distant places they have never visited before. Most researchers believe that homing ability is based on a "map and compass" model, Scientists have found that on top of pigeon's beak large number of particles ofironare found which remain aligned to north like manmade compass, thus it acts ascompasswhich helps pigeon in determining its home. Various experiments suggest that different breeds of homing pigeons rely on different cues to different extents

Some research also indicates that homing pigeons navigate by following roads and other man-made features, making 90 degree turns and following habitual routes, much the same way that humans navigate.

Did you know that carrier pigeons can be trained to help people too? What kind of jobs do these birds perform?


Carrier pigeons can be trained to carry messages to people. The note is placed into a small skinny can. The can is tied to the pigeons leg. Then the pigeon flies off to deliver the note. Carrier pigeons are good messengers because theyre fast and can fly long distances. They also have a good sense of direction. They can even reach places that people cant. More than 800 years ago, Genghis Khan, an Asian ruler set up pigeon post offices across his lands! As recently as 2010, Cuba used pigeons to send election results to its mountain people.


From high up in the sky, specially trained pigeons can spot orange life jackets in the ocean. Sometimes it is difficult for humans to spot people lost at sea, especially when the weather is bad. However, pigeons can fly quickly over a large area of water in


Many years ago, carrier pigeons were used to help our country during wars. Spy pigeons had small cameras that were tied to their feet. As a pigeon flew over enemy land, the camera snapped photos of the land below. This would allow our military to see where the enemies were and what they were doing. The pigeons have probably saved many soldiers' lives. These spy birds had a dangerous job. They had to dodge bullets, poisonous gas, and bullies like hawks. During World Wars 1 and 2, the USA and its allies even had huge pigeon armies. Thousands of pigeons served! They were like flying soldiers. A few even received medals for their brave work.

Scientists Helper

In 2006, a group of scientists used pigeons to study air pollution in California. Special backpacks with miniature cell phones were strapped onto pigeons. As the pigeons flew, machines in the backpacks tested to see what gases were in the air. The cell phones sent information about the air to the scientists.

Bird Brains at Work

So next time you see a pigeon, stop and watch it closely. What might look like an ordinary bird to most people, might actually be a hard-working mail carrier, a scientist, a lifeguard, or even a spy!


Q1. Explain how pigeons have helped our military during war times? Do you think our countrys military still uses carrier pigeon during war times?

Q2. Do you know about any other animals that are being used by military and police in their day-to-day work? Write the names of such animals mentioning the work they are used for by the military and police.



SESSION: 2015-16




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Students of class VI sought the permission to clean and decorate the classroom and the corridor in front of it. The length of the class room is 7m and width is 6m. It has two windows of length 2m and breadth 1m. There is a display board of length 120cm and width 80cm. The class teacher divided the class into five teams. The work assigned to the teams is as follows.



Team :A

Cleaning of the class room.

Team :B

Cleaning of the windows.

Team :C

Cleaning of the corridor of length 9m and width 2m.

Team :D

Decorating the edges of the display board by coloured ribbon. The ribbon costs Rs 6 per metre.

Team :E

Decoration of display board with geometrical plane figures.

Children are although familiar with the most common shapes, until now they may not have been able to verbalize what distinguishes a square from a rectangle or a circle from a triangle. They will learn to describe shapes in terms of their sides and corners. A triangle is a shape with three sides and three corners. A rectangle is a shape with four sides and four corners. They may notice that opposite sides are the same length. A square is a rectangle in which all four sides are of equal length. A circle is a round shape that has no sides or corners. A pentagon is a shape with five sides and five corners. A hexagon is a shape with six sides and six corners. These attributes, as well as size, can be used to sort and classify shapes.


1. How much area was cleaned by figure A ?

2. Name the figure B and C?

3. Find the perimeter of the display-board?

4. How much area was cleaned by figure B ?

5. Classify different shapes used in the display board.





You are now entering in a very special stage of your life. One is not born with ideas, knowledge and values we learn and acquire them while growing up. We learn new things from parents, school , friends ,newspaper and magazine i.e by sources of communication nearby us. We can only decide which things are important to us and others. We must listen to our inner self when we face the choice or difficult situation.

Class VI planned for a picnic. The teacher asked the students to give their choice of fruit out of banana, apple, orange and guava.

Team A leader Uma keeps four Boxes on the floor.

Box ABox BBox CBox DTeam B organized the same Data as:









Teacher interpreted the same data on the bar graph as below:

1 unit length = 1 student























If we

want to write 50 strokes

it is very difficult to write such

large number, to overcome this difficulty we make the group of five numbers, i.e. we place fifth tally mark diagonally every four numbers. For example, if we

count 20 numbers using tally numeral system as . As you see that it is easy and fast to count the numbers using such grouping technique. We see this technique is widely used nowadays in statistics for the construction of frequency.

A teacher wants to know the choice of food of each student as part of the lunch. Work assign to Meena. Under the guidance of teacher Meena prepare a table:


Tally marks

Number of student


|||| |||| |||| ||



|||| |||| |||


Both rice& chapatti

|||| |||| |||| ||||


Teacher assigned the task to record number of students present from Monday to Saturday in class VI. Details of number of students present in class VI.


Number of students present














1. On which day were the maximum numbers of students absent?

2. How many students like chapatti?

3. Which day had full attendance?

4. How many students like banana?

5. Find total number of student absent from Monday to Wednesday?

6. Represent data of absentees in the form of a bar diagram.






History of Garbage Pollution:

Garbage pollution is caused by the discarding of synthetic materials that cannot be decomposed. These artificial materials were first created when the Industrial Revolution began, and then over the years the amount produced increased as the demand increased until present day. We did not realize the problem until the late 20th century. Today, we are still trying to fix this problem with many laws being passed and organizations helping out.

Effect on environment:

Garbage pollution has a big effect on the environment. The garbage can harbor rats and fleas that carry harmful diseases. After that, when even more garbage piles up, there will be more cases and more deaths. Soon there would be an epidemic.

Nobody would be able to survive in the harsh conditions, and, like in many movies such as Wall-E, Earth would not be able sustain life and humanity would be wiped out. This can happen just because you decided to throw away your soda can instead of recycling. So, it is very important that we keep the environment safe.

Methods of garbage disposal:


Landfills are a better way of disposing of garbage than dumping it on the streets in cities. However, the environment is still in danger of the garbagedumped there.

If there were a water pipeline beneath the landfill, and there was a leak then the garbage could enter the pipe and infect the entire water supply of a town. The garbage still cannot be decomposed and the entire landfill is a waste of space. It also is a place where disease causing animals live, such as rats and flies. These can cause diseases in towns. The decaying of organic matter in the landfills produces methane, a dangerous CFC. Landfills are not the way to solve this crisis.


Incinerators burn garbage. They use up much less space than landfills and will get rid of the garbage.

When the garbage is burned, dangerous amounts of toxic gasses are released into the environment. These dangerous toxic gasses can cause diseases in surrounding towns or kill much of the wildlife in the area. This is not the solution to our problem.

Best way to reduce garbage:

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Three great ways YOU can eliminate waste and protect your environment!

Reducing Waste at School:

Reducing waste at school instills a culture of responsible waste management in students while helping schools reduce their waste bill. With some creativity and a simple change of habit, schools can watch their dumpster size shrink.

Follow these tips to reduce and reuse at school:

Reduce Waste at Lunch

Use a lunch box or reusable lunch bag.

Pack your sandwich or salad in a reusable container.

Bring your own reusable utensils and cloth napkin that can be washed and used again.

Try to pack only as much food as you will really eat.

Do not throw wrappers here and there.

Reduce Paper Waste:

Reuse papers for calculations or drafts, or use it to make pads for taking notes.

If you work on a computer, run a spell check on your work on the screen before printing and print double sided.

Encourage students to use both sides of notebook pages when they take notes.

Use a projector or blackboard to help reduce the amount of photocopied information distributed in class.

Dont forget to recycle used paper and paper products like cardboard packaging and boxes.





About 80 per cent of the Indian population lives in villages. When travelling through the length and breadth of this subcontinent, one can really visualize the difference between rural and urban India.There is a big difference between urban and rural India. One of the major differences that can be seen between rural India and urban India is their standards of living.eople living in urban India have better living conditions than those living in the rural parts of India. There is a wide economic gap between rural and urban India. Rural India is very poor when compared to Urban India.Another difference that can be seen between urban and rural India, is their education. In rural India, the parents seldom educate their children, and instead, make their children work in the fields. Poverty, and lack of sufficient infrastructure, can be attributed to the lack of education in rural India.

When considering homes, about three-quarters of the households in urban India live in pucca homes. On the other hand, only a quarter of the people in rural India live in pucka homes. While groundwater is the main source of drinking water in rural India, the urban people rely more on tap-water.Urban India is almost electrified when compared to rural India. One can even come across villages where electric power is not yet available.When comparing the sanitary facilities, it is limited in rural India. About 90 per cent of the households in rural India do not have latrines, but this is not the case in urban India.

Most of the developments have not yet reached the rural parts of India. With regards to health care as well, rural India lacks good hospitals when compared to urban India. Some of the rural areas even lack a dispensary. Various causes are responsible for such irregularities in rural area. The most significant reason is that agriculture (primary activities) is the main source of income in rural areas. In agriculture most of the farmers are landless and they have to depend upon the labour activities. Besides this agriculture is a seasonal activity, due to 3 or 4 months these peoples dont have any source of income. Therefore they are not able provide education and health facilities to their children. Due to lack of proper education they dont have access to the government machinery and schemes of poverty alleviation.





Theme- II


Human beings are exposed to various kinds of pollutions like water pollution air pollution and noise pollution etc which effect humans in various ways like respiratory problems, skin diseases and water born diseases. Children are more affected due to exposure to air pollutants hazardous chemicals and contaminated water. These problems are magnified due to lack of safe drinking water and polluted air.

There are various types of pollutions that affect us in various ways i.e water pollution, air pollution, land pollution and noise pollution.


It is estimated that 75 to 80% of water pollution is caused by domestic sewage. The remaining is industrial wastewater. Farmers use fertilizers and pestides which cause pollutioin of water. People may fall ill due to drinking contaminated ground water.


The main sources of air pollution are from vehicles and industries and to some extent from domestic sources. Urban air pollution is largely and increasingly the result of the combustion of fossil fuels for transport, power generation from coal etc. Air pollution may cause the most serious effects on lungs, including lung cancer .


Increase in vehicular traffic and commercial activities are major cause of

noise pollution in urban areas. Use of loud speakers, diesel generator sets, high pitched music systems, bursting crackers, etc are adding to noise levels in cities. It has been reported that people living in noisy areas have been found with impairment in their hearing system.


Government has made many laws to control the pollution. The use of loudspeakers is banned after 10.00pm, no use of pressure horn in vehicles, industries to be setup far from residential areas, polluted water and waste material from domestic and industries should be thrown in water sources. Rivers to be cleaned.

