Page 1: Website Audit Commonwealth Bank, ANZ and Bendigo Bank


Website Audit: Commonwealth Bank, ANZ and Bendigo Bank


The primary domains for the three banks are

1) for the Commonwealth bank.

2) for the ANZ bank.

3) for the Bendigo bank.

The table below shows the secondary domains branching off the bank’s primary websites.

Commonwealth bank ANZ bank Bendigo bank

For the UK office.

for the Cambodia branch

For Vietnam office.

for the Singapore branch

For the Japan branch.

for the Fiji branch

in Hong Kong

In Vanuatu

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in Samoa

in Malaysia

The Commonwealth and Bendigo banks have few sites compared to the ANZ bank which

have numerous, mainly based on the country in which these branches are found.

Search Engine Position

This section evaluates the number of sponsored links that each of the bank’s websites

receives when entered into the major search engines; that is Google, Yahoo and Bing. In

addition, the rankings of the sites according to which search words were used, such as Banking

in Australia, corporate banking in Australia and online banking in Australia is shown.

Google Yahoo Bing

Corporate banking in


Commonwealth bank appears

7th on the first page. ANZ bank

appears 6th on page 1. Bendigo

bank does not appear in the

first 200 results.

Commonwealth bank

appears 3rd on page 1. ANZ

bank appears 14th on page 2.

Bendigo banks does not

appear in the first 200


Commonwealth Bank appears

3rd on page 1. ANZ bank

appears 14th on page 2.

Bendigo bank does not appear

in the first 200 results.

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Online banking in Australia

ANZ bank appears at position 4

on page 1. Commonwealth

bank and Bendigo bank do not

appear in the first 200 results.

ANZ banks appears 2nd on the

first page. Commonwealth

bank appears 16th on page 2.

Bendigo bank appears 49th on

page 5.

Commonwealth bank appears

2nd on page 1. ANZ bank

appears 3rd on the first page.

Bendigo bank does not appear

in the first 200 results.

The results for when the three banks are entered into the widely used search engines above are

shown below:

Commonwealth bank ANZ bank Bendigo bank

Google None None None

Yahoo Earn interest with checking


None None

Bing None None None


Page 4: Website Audit Commonwealth Bank, ANZ and Bendigo Bank


This section discusses how the customers and suppliers of the ANZ, Commonwealth and

Bendigo banks have adopted the use of online banking services. It also shows the various

technological developments and trends within these banks. The Commonwealth Bank, ANZ

Bank and Bendigo Bank have all established online services which both customers and suppliers

increasingly use. However, the intensity of use of these online services differs greatly. According

to research conducted by various auditing firms such as Price Water Coopers people worldwide,

in particular suppliers and customers, have turned to using the internet to carry out their

banking transactions. This is because it is easier and more convenient to use as you can conduct

business in any part of the world. The table below shows types of online services offered by the

three banks.

Bank Services offered

Commonwealth bank Customers can review their accounts, make credit card payments, view

transaction history, pay bills, and transfer funds.

ANZ Bank Customers can view their balances and transaction history, transfer money

between accounts and pay bills.

Bendigo bank Customers can check their account balances, pay their bills, carry out telegraphic

transfers and receive their account notifications.

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A) Commonwealth bank

The website layout has the most noticeable features for customers at the top, such as

personal or business uses, and information about the bank. The site also contains a search

option, facilitating ease of access to relevant information. The site also contains other links to

various products and directions. It appears to be user friendly.

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B) ANZ Bank

The site’s main links are also at the top of the webpage. A search function is also present.

The central part of the website provides the basic information about the bank such as its

history. In addition, the site offers links to its products and the structure of its business, located

on the left of the webpage via the vertical scroll option. At the bottom of the webpage are

other links to the site map and a security and privacy statement.

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C) Bendigo bank

The website design is similar to the other banks’ sites, but it appears smaller and

information is more compressed. The primary navigation is located at the top. Next to these are

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social media links to Twitter and Facebook accounts. The site also contains a search function.

Links to products and services are placed slightly below the main links. There is also a log in

option for anyone wishing to access their personal banking. At the bottom of the site are links

to terms of use and the option to provide feedback navigation. The site fits on the screen easily

with no need to scroll down vertically.


This section looks at how the websites have used different forms of media such as

pictures, videos and texts.

A) Commonwealth bank

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The website has used several pictures to advertise its products. It also has a video

navigation option where it advertises its products. It uses different colours in the text, which

are designed to capture the viewer’s attention.

B) ANZ Bank

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The site mainly uses text to convey its message to viewers. However, the site also has a

video demonstration, in which it explains to customers about the bank’s products.

C) Bendigo Bank

The site also mainly uses text; however its text is placed against an attractive

background which draws the viewer’s attention. It uses no video or sound.

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Corporate ID and Design

1) Commonwealth bank. Their corporate ID is shown below.

The Commonwealth bank’s logo is placed on the left hand side of every

page on the website. It is simple but distinctive especially due to the

colours used. The website has also been designed with different colours

which easily attract the viewer’s attention.

2) The ANZ bank corporate logo is shown below.

Similarly to the Commonwealth bank’s logo, it is somewhat plain; however,

it is clearly visible and unique. The Corporate ID is placed on the bottom

right hand corner of its webpage. The website also uses the logo’s blue and

white colours.

3) Bendigo bank

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The bank’s logo is unique with the bank’s

name visible in the centre. The logo appears

on the top left hand corner of its webpage.

The page also uses white and maroon logo

colours, which make it appear distinctive. The font size and type of the logo is unique compared

with those of the other two banks.


A) Commonwealth bank

The site seems to comply with the user’s expectations. All the main links are placed at

the top for easy access. In addition, the site has a drop down menu which helps the viewer to

navigate easily. The site also has the privacy and other important information about the bank at

the bottom of the webpage. A unique aspect of the site is that it has a menu that allows you to

download the latest applications for banking services.

B) ANZ Bank

The site also complies with the expectations of users in that the main links are visible at

the top. The dropdown menu also shows the various aspects of the services provided. General

information about the bank is located on the left. This clear display of the different aspects of

the bank allows the user to maneuver through the site easily. Similarly to the Commonwealth

bank website, the security information and the site map option are placed at the bottom.

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The unique thing about this site is that, unlike other sites where they advertise their

products in the centre of the site, it mainly uses this section to explain more about the structure

of the business and its leadership role.

C) Bendigo Bank

As with the other two banks, the Bendigo bank website complies with the user’s

expectations by having primary links available at the top of the webpage, and having security

information and terms of use at the bottom. However, the site does not have a dropdown

menu. Also, most of the information on this site is compressed in the centre. This makes it

appear crowded.

Customer Focused

1) Commonwealth bank

The website has been designed in such a way that the main links are customers

oriented, for example, having links to personal, business and corporate sections visibly placed

at the top of the webpage. This allows the user to easily access services most relevant to them.

Additionally, the website subdivides these categories into more specific sections. The various

services that are displayed on the site cover almost all types of customer needs, such as loans

and financial advice. The bank also has various accounts tailored to anyone, from business

people to students. According to the website, the site attracts both educated and

less educated people.

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2) ANZ Bank

The site’s main links are customer focused and include personal, small business and also

corporate use. The website also offers information relating to other services such as directing

the customers on how to get to various branches. The site also provides assistance to

customers with things such as a free budgeting tool. This site also provides information about

various services customers can access according to different categories. The image below

shows the distribution of age groups who access the site.

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3) Bendigo bank

This bank’s website categorises its customer’s uses as personal, business and

community oriented, but it does not explain what type of services are offered under each

category. However, the site has options for applying for different services such as loans and

credit cards. According to analysis by Alexa .com, the site is mostly visited by people directed

from other websites.

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1) Commonwealth bank

The bank currently has no direct user to user communication channel, but it does have a

Facebook page through which the user can comment about the bank. The bank also has a

Twitter account through which users can follow the bank and make comments and suggestions

for it.

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2) ANZ bank

This bank also does not have a direct channel through which customers can

communicate. In addition, there is neither a Facebook nor a Twitter account through which the

community or bank users can communicate their points of view.

3) Bendigo Bank

This bank also lacks a formal channel through which the community and its users can

communicate. However, the bank has a Facebook and Twitter account through which clients

can express their views and comment on various issues.

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1) Commonwealth bank

The only customisation option that is present for this site is to allow users to change text


2) ANZ bank

The only customisation option in this site is to select countries in which the bank


3) Bendigo bank

This site contains no customisation options.


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1) Commonwealth bank

The bank’s website has various mediums of communication allowing for interaction

between customers and the bank. This includes a Contact Us page, subscriber newsletter, a

Compliments and Complaints option, a Facebook and Twitter account, mobile banking options

as well as a Frequently Asked Questions link.

2) ANZ bank-

The website also has various options for communication. This includes a Contact Us

page, newsletter subscription as well as a Facebook and Twitter account. The bank also has

mobile banking options, through which communication can occur.

3) Bendigo bank

The bank’s website seems to have the least available options for communication as it

only has a Contact Us page, Facebook and Twitter account.


1) Commonwealth bank

The website has quick links to terms and conditions of the Dollarmite club, a hit list, and

a know your money option.

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2) ANZ bank

The site has a quick link to foreign exchange rates, currency converters, and travel smart

with your credit card moving to Australia among other options.

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3) Bendigo bank

The site has links to various other websites such as lost superannuation, Centrelink, and

the Australian Taxation Office.


A) Commonwealth Bank

The bank’s website allows customers to do a variety of things including applying for an

account online. A customer can also conduct foreign exchange transactions or make money

market investments. To perform this function, the customer just needs to open an online

account through which he or she can conduct business.

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B) ANZ Bank

This site is not commercially oriented as it does not have an option for users to make

transactions online. Although it has an online banking option it does not provide any further


C) Bendigo Bank

This site has an e-commerce option where users can transactions online, such as applying

for loans. A user can also conduct online telegraphic transfers just by opening an online account

from where one logs on and conducts business.

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A) Commonwealth bank

The Commonwealth bank website has a mobile phone application for their services

allowing the user to view and conduct transactions with their mobile phones. However, it does

not have RSS feed.

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B) ANZ Bank

This site has a mobile phone application that can be downloaded providing mobile

phone access. However, the site also lacks an RSS feed.

C) Bendigo bank

This site also does not have integration with other media as it does not have phone

applications or an RSS feed.

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Cross promotion

A) Commonwealth Bank

The webpage does not carry out any cross-promotions but the bank has sponsored the

Australian cricket team for the last few years. It was also the official bank of the Australian

Olympic team for the Olympic Games.

B) ANZ Bank

The ANZ bank also does not carry out any cross promotions of any other companies. It

sponsors various community activities.

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C) Bendigo Bank.

This site also does not carry out any promotions of other companies. The bank sponsors

various activities in the local community.


A) Commonwealth Bank

This site appears to be compliant with the W3 Disability Standards as it provides the

option of changing text size, which may assist someone who is visually impaired.

It is also compliant with data collection laws. The privacy policy statement reports that

the company protects client’s data in accordance with relevant industry codes. It further states

that personal information may be used and disclosed within the bank to administer their


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B) ANZ Bank

The site does not seem to comply with the W3 Disability Standards as evidenced by the

bank only using text without providing additional images which could assist the visually


It also complies with data collection laws. This is demonstrated by the privacy and

security policies available from the website, which state that the information ANZ collects

about any person is dependent on how the user uses the facilities offered by the website. The

site also states that any disclosure of personal information would occur with regards to security

regulations as set by the relevant authorities.

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C) Bendigo Bank

This site is not compliant with the W3 Disability Standards, as it does not have

alternative text for images, which may impact on the visually impaired being able to use the


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The website complies with the data collection as well as data law. This is clearly outlined

by the privacy policy statement. It states that the bank recognizes the significance of protecting

the information of its customers. It further states that the bank is committed to ensuring the

integrity and security of any information that is entrusted with the company. The statement

also reads that any information collected may only be disclosed to companies that have been

allowed by the law to be privy to this information.


Due to the nature of the banking industry business the website is updated on a daily or

at least weekly basis. This is because most of the information is continually changing.

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A) Commonwealth Bank

The corporate website is located on the About Us menu under the Our Company option.

It consists of an overview of the bank, introduces management, staff, the bank’s approach to

diversity, sustainability, strategy, its history, awards, brand, and international branches. In the

history part of the website, the bank’s establishment is described, in particular with the

beginnings of the bank, its foundation, and past leaders.

B) ANZ Bank

The corporate website for the bank is composed of a profile, business structure, facts

about its history, banking museum, economic profile, sponsorship, ANZ executive, the board of

directors, ANZ management and corporate governance.

C) Bendigo Bank

The bank’s corporate website is found in the About Us menu option. It is composed of

types of banking, a Contact Us option, a Locate Us feature, news and media contacts,

shareholder services, investor information, and corporate governance information.

Corporate responsibility

A) Commonwealth Bank

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The banks have taken a long term view in its proceedings. It states that it ensures that it

is always responsible for its effect on stakeholders and the environment. The bank’s

management is committed to maintaining an ethical working environment ensuring that they

do not tolerate any kind of malpractice. The bank also states on its website that it is committed

to building sustainable communities by supporting various community programs.

B) ANZ bank

The bank is committed to growing its business responsibly by ensuring that it manages

the various risks that it encounters. The bank further states on their website that it approaches

its role in society with a great sense of duty and care towards customers and the society. The

bank also states that it continues to train its staff on social and environmental issues relevant to

their clients.

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C) Bendigo bank

This bank is committed to high ethical standards while doing business. The bank aims to

ensure that all its practices maintain the wellbeing of its customers, and in making sure that the

bank is involved in various activities undertaken by the surrounding community.

Investor relations

1) Commonwealth bank

The website has a shareholders page where various information relating to shareholders

and other investors are displayed. This includes annual reports, annual general meeting

information, presentations and speeches. The page also displays the market share price.

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2) ANZ Bank

The website also has a shareholders page providing information relevant to

shareholders. It also displays the latest share price and other information, such as divided


3) Bendigo bank

The website also has a shareholders page. It mainly provides information in relation to

how one can become a shareholder, annual reports, and divided history.

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Marketing Mix

A) Commonwealth Bank

Product- The website advertises a range of products that the bank offers. It has been broadly

classified into personal, business and corporate banking.

Price- Being a service oriented industry the website shows the charges for different services and

the interest that accumulates on loans and savings.

Place- The website displays the location of branches that the bank has within Australia.

Additionally, the website shows the location of their Automated Teller Machines (ATM’s).

Promotions- The bank has various promotions on its website, one of which is linked to its

centenary celebration where it offers a $20,000 prize for people who take an insurance

protection for their loans.

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B) ANZ Bank

Products- The website advertises various services that the bank offers which are categorised

into personal, small business and corporate use. These services include financing, transaction

and investment services.

Price- The website also displays the charges for its services and the interests on client’s loans

and savings accounts.

Place- It also shows the location of all of the bank’s branches as well as their ATM’s.

Promotions- The bank has an 18 month global Masterbrand campaign in which it aims to

demonstrate how it helps customers with various services.

C) Bendigo Bank

Products- The bank’s website advertises two types of products, one of which is personal

products such as home loans, personal insurance, investments and retirement planning. The

other type of product is business products which include business and equipment finances.

Price- The website displays the charges of the various services that they offer, as well as the

interests on their loans and savings accounts.

Promotions- The bank’s website currently does not have any promotions; however, it states

that it has tailor-made loans for its customers.

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A) Commonwealth bank

The bank’s website has applications which the customer can download to access its

services through their mobile phones.

B) ANZ bank

The bank website has an appstore application as well as Google play application, which

can help the user to use the phone to access the website.

C) Bendigo bank

The website does not have any application that can be downloaded.


A) Commonwealth bank

The website can be used through a mobile phone by first downloading mobile phone


B) ANZ bank

The site can also be accessed via a mobile phone through the specific applications the

user can download.

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C) Bendigo bank

This site has no options available to allow users to access services with their mobiles.


A) Commonwealth bank

The website has a flat design where most of the menu is accessed via a drop down

menu and the user requires a single click to get to a particular section.

B) ANZ Bank

It’s website is also a flat design where most of the sections can be accessed with a single

click; however, there are sections where you have to click twice to get more information.

C) Bendigo bank-

This website also requires a single click to get to any section due its dropdown menu


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