Download pptx - Week 1: Introduction



An Introduction

About Me

Edel King

Assistant Librarian, IS40480 Library

[email protected]

Any time!

No such thing as a stupid question!

The Class8 weeks

Every Tuesday, 10-12

Gives an Introduction to Facebook

Step by step process

Setting up to Messenger and everything in between!

Lesson Structure

Week 1 - Introduction and Background

Week 2 - Setting up an Account

Week 3 - Getting to know the Interface

Week 4 - Profile and Privacy settings

Week 5 - Profile and Privacy settings continued

Week 6 - Friending and Messenger

Week 7 - Posting, Liking and Commenting

Week 8 - Assessment and Feedback


Did I miss anything?

Resources to Help

Lecture notes will be given out at the beginning of each class

Class Facebook page - hints, tips, videos and links

Blog with step by step guides and additional notes

Each week’s slides will also be available via Slideshare

Username: Edel14201341, Password: r2gqpp4e

My Uploads

Email me anytime, any query!

[email protected]

Class Format


Practical run through

Hands on


Role play

AssessmentFinal class

Role play

Each person given a different scenario

Informal grading


Week 1

Introduction to Facebook

What do you think it can do for you?

What can it do for you?

What can you do with it?


Facebook was created by Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg in 2004

Was studying psychology

Not the first programme he had created

Most successful


Social Networking Site

Originally only available in educational institutions

Now has over 1 billion users worldwide

Average person will spend 20 minutes on Facebook per visit

What YOU can do with Facebook

So, what do you think Facebook can be used for?

What YOU can do with Facebook

Connect with friends

Post to your own page/Timeline

Read what other people post (put on their page) and like it or comment

Chat to people using Facebook messenger

Getting started

Have a look at this page and have a think about the

sign up process.

We have set up a Facebook page for this class which you can make use

of as you learn new skills -

Some Lingo to start you off!

Timeline - your own page where your stuff will appear

Newsfeed - a continuously updating screen containing material that your friends put on their page

Post - to put something on your page

Like - a button you can press under what someone else has Posted to tell them that you have

enjoyed reading it

Comment - to write a reply under what someone else has Posted in answer to it

Interface - the page that is in front of you and how it looks, how it is laid out etc.

Messenger - a place to send Private Messages to an individual Friend. These Messages can only

be seen by you and them. This is different to Posting on your own or another person’s

page/Timeline which can be seen by all of your/their friends.

Status - Posting what you are doing, how you are feeling or anything else that you might want to

say on your page/Timeline.



Think about what you want from the class

Remember the blog - www.is40480computerclasses.w

Next week - setting up your account

See you next week!!