  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Week: 13

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 13 Dates:

    Day: 1 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: Surah Fatiah nit:


    1. Who is our creator?2. Who is the Last Prophet (P.B.U.H)?3. How many pillars are there of slam?


    !urah "atiha is the #rst !urah of $uran. !urah %l&"atiah is the only !urah which is rea' in eery

    a*at of prayer+ the prayer is not accepta,le of this !urah is left out of Prayer.

    Class #ssi&nment:

    Wor*sheet 13%.

    'ome #ssi&nment:


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Week: 13

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 13 Dates:

    Day: 2 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: Surah Fatiah nit:

    "(#D WIT' T"#%S$#TI!%:

    0eacher will rea' !urah with translation than the whole class will rea' after teacher.

    I%DI)ID#$ "(#DI%*:

    n'ii'ual rea'in of !urah "atiah on Pae no. with translation ,y all stu'ents.

    Class #ssi&nment:

    -o copy wor* to'ay.

    'ome #ssi&nment:

    Learn !urah "atiah ,y hearts.

    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 13

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 13 Dates:

    Day: 3 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: Surah Fatiha nit:


    !urah "atiha oral test.


    Class #ssi&nment:

    n the name of %llah+ 4ost racious+ 4ost 4erciful 5Praise ,e to %llah+ 0he herisher an' !ustainer of

    the Worl's. 4ost 6racious+ 4ost 4erciful. 4aster of the 7ay of 8u'ment. 9ou 'o we worship+ an' your

    ai' we see*. !how us the riht way. 0he way of those on whom you hae ,estowe' your 6race+ 0hose

    whose portion is not wrath an' who o not astray.:

    'ome #ssi&nment:


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Worksheet 13#

    FI)( +"#,("S-

    1. //////////////////////////////

    2. //////////////////////////////3. //////////////////////////////;. //////////////////////////////. //////////////////////////////

    "#.##TS I% FI)( +"#,("S-

    1. /////////////// ////////////////2. /////////////// //////////////// /////////////////3. ///////////////;. /////////////// ////////////////. /////////////// //////////////// /////////////////

    Week: 1/

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 1/ Dates:

    Day: 1 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: Surah #l0#sr nit:


    n !urah %l&%sr %llah %lmihty has 'escri,e' the oo'

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    "(#D WIT' T"#%S$#TI!%:

    0eacher will rea' !urah %sr on pae no = with translation than the whole class will rea' after


    I%DI)ID#$ "(#DI%*:

    n'ii'ual rea'in of !urah %sr on Pae no. = with translation ,y all stu'ents.

    Class #ssi&nment:

    'ome #ssi&nment:

    Learn !urah %l&%sr at home ,y hearts.

    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 1/

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 1/ Dates:Day: 1 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: Surah #l0#sr nit:


    !urah %l&%sr oral test.

    T"#%S$#TI!% !F S"#'0#$0#S":

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    n the name of %llah+ 4ost 6racious+ 4ost 4erciful ,y time. >erily 4n is in loss. @cept such as

    hae "aith+ an' 'o rihteous 'ee's an' (Aoin toether) in the mutual enAoyin of 0ruth+ Patience an'


    Class #ssi&nment:

    'ome #ssi&nment:


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 1/

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 1/ Dates:

    Day: 3 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: Surah #l0#sr nit:


    slamic eti

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    "(#D (+$#%#TI!%:

    ea'in of pae no. 2= an' 2..

    D! ,! .%!W:

    f you 'o not ,rush your teeth ,efore oin to ,e' you will et erms an' infection in your


    Class #ssi&nment:

    'ome #ssi&nment:

    ea' the lesson at home ,y heart.

    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 15

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 15 Dates:

    Day: 1 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: *oo 4anners at 4eal Times- nit:


    ecall the preious paes of the ,oo*.

    %s* the chil'ren a,out preious lesson.

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    ecall some facts of the lesson to refresh pupilCs memories.

    W"ITT(% W!".:


    %ns 1 We shoul' say

    %ns 2 We shoul' always eat with riht han'.%ns 3 We 'o not ,elch lou'ly after eatinD it is ,a' manners an' our 'ear Prophet (P.B.U.H) hate' the


    Class #ssi&nment:

    'ome #ssi&nment:


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 15

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 15 Dates:

    Day: 2 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: *oo 4anners at 4eal Times- nit:


    W"ITT(% W!".:


  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    "ill in the ,lan*s.

    1. Han's.2. "iners.3. 0hree.

    Class #ssi&nment:

    Wor*sheet 1%

    'ome #ssi&nment:


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 15

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 15 Dates:

    Day: 3 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: The 'oly 7uran- nit:


    easons for the reelation of the Holy $uran+ its importance an' race.

    Class #ssi&nment:

    Wor*sheet 1B

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    'ome #ssi&nment:

    ea' the Lesson.

    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    W!".S'((T 15#

    4a*e a list of 6oo' 4anners which you 'o 'aily.

    1. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////2. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////3. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////;. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    . ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    W!".S'((T 15

    How many ,oo* %llah reeale'. Write their names.

    1. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////2. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////3. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    ;. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Week: 18

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 18 Dates:

    Day: 1 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: The 'oly 7uran- nit:

    "(#D (+$#%#TI!%:

    ea'in of Pae no. 2E F 2G on ,oo*.

    D! ,! .%!W:

    ea'in the Holy $uran is *nown as 50ilawat:.

    Class #ssi&nment:

    'ome #ssi&nment:

    7o the actiity Pae no. 3 on the ,oo*.

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 18

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 18 Dates:

    Day: 2 Duration: 35minsTopic: The 'oly 7uran- nit:


    ecall the preious pae of the 0e@t,oo*.

    %s* the chil'ren a,out preious lesson.

    W"ITT(% W!".:


    %ns1 %llah %lmihty comman'e' human ,eins to 'o oo' 'ee's an' *eep away from eil an'

    wron 'ee's.

    %ns2 n %ra,ic.

    %ns3 n the month of ama'an the Holy $uran reeale' an' oer the perio' when people ma'e

    many chanes in the earlier 7iine Boo*s.

    Class #ssi&nment:

    'ome #ssi&nment:

    Wor*sheet 1=%

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 18

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 18 Dates:

    Day: 3 Duration: 35minsTopic: The 'oly 7uran- nit:

    W"ITT(% W!".:


    %ns; %llah %lmihty himself has promise' to uar' it in the Holy $uran.

    hoose the correct answer an' #ll in the ,lan*s.

    1. People2. %llah %lmihty3. Last

    ;. $uran

    Class #ssi&nment:

    'ome #ssi&nment:


  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    W!".S'((T 18#

    "ill the space an' complete the wor's..

    T " '

    9 ! "

    7 " %

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Week: 1

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 1 Dates:

    Day: 1 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: The 'oly 7uran- nit:

    Class #ssi&nment:

    Wor*sheet 1%

    'ome #ssi&nment:


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 1

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 1 Dates:

    Day: 2 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: +rophet 'a;rat %ooh

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Week: 1

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 1 Dates:

    Day: 3 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: +rophet 'a;rat %ooh- nit:

    "(#D (+$#%#TI!%:

    ea'in of Pae no. 32 on ,oo*.

    D! ,! .%!W:

    HaIrat -ooh is *nown as 5%'am : since after HaIrat %'am+ he was the secon' human ,ein

    to #ll the earth with people.

    Class #ssi&nment:

    -o written wor* planne' for to'ay.

    'ome #ssi&nment:


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    W!".S'((T 1#

    4atch the olumn.

    1. 0arah a. HaIrat sa2. Ja,oor ,. HaIrat 7awoo'3. Bi,le c. HaIrat 4uhamma' (P.B.U.H);. Holy $uran '. HaIrat 4usa

    Week: 1>

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 1> Dates:

    Day: 1 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: +rophet 'a;rat %ooh- nit:


    ecall the preious pae of the lesson.


    ea' pae no. 33 an' 3; from the te@t,oo*.

    C$#SS #SSI*%4(%T:

    -o written wor* planne' for to'ay.

    '!4( #SSI*%4(%T:

    ea' the lesson at home.

    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 1>

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Week: 1> Dates:

    Day: 2 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: +rophet 'a;rat %ooh

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 1> Dates:

    Day: 3 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: +rophet 'a;rat %ooh- nit:

    W"ITT(% W!".:


    %ns; 0he water starte' ,u,,lin up from heay rain ,ean to fall an' all 'iso,e'ient people starte'


    "ill in the ,lan*s.

    1. Worship2. 0erri,le Punishment3. Kunan;. 8u'i

    Class #ssi&nment:

    -o written wor* planne' for to'ay.

    'ome #ssi&nment:


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature ////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 1?

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Week: 1? Dates:

    Day: 1 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: The 'ouse o@ #llah #lmi&hty- nit:


    0he $i,la of 4uslims an' the importance of the House of %llah %lmihty.

    "(#DI%* #%D (+$#%#TI!%:

    ea' pae no. 3 an' 3= from the te@t,oo*.

    D! ,! .%!W :

    0he *aa,a is the larest place for oerin prayers in the worl'.

    '!4( #SSI*%4(%T:

    %ctiity Pae no. 3= on the te@t,oo*.

    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 1?

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 1? Dates:

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Day: 2 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: The 'ouse o@ #llah #lmi&hty- nit:


    %s* the chil'ren a,out the preious lesson recall some facts of the lesson to fresh pupils.

    W"ITT(% W!".:


    %ns1 Kaa,a

    %ns2 HaIrat %'am

    %ns3 $i,la

    %ns; !au'i %ra,ia

    C!+, #SSI*(4(%T:

    -o written wor* planne' for to'ay.

    '!4( #SSI*%4(%T:


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 1?

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 1? Dates:

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    Day: 3 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: The 'ouse o@ #llah #lmi&hty- nit:

    W"ITT(% W!".:

    @ercisehoose the correct answer an' #ll in the ,lan*s.

    1. 4a**ah2. Kaa,a3. HaAA;. Gth.

    Class #ssi&nment:

    -o written wor* planne' for to'ay.

    'ome #ssi&nment:


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature ////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 2A

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 2A Dates:

    Day: 1 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: The irth o@ our eloBe +rophet- nit:

  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat



    %,out the ,irth an' un ,rinin of our 'ear Prophet.

    "(#DI%* #%D (+$#%#TI!%:

    ea' pae no. 3E from the te@t,oo*.

    C!+, #SSI*%4(%T:

    -o written wor* for to'ay.

    '!4( #SSI*%4(%T:


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 2A

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 2A Dates:

    Day: 2 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: The irth o@ !ur eloBe +rophet- nit:


  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    ecall the preious pae of the te@t,oo*.ea'in of Pae no. 3G an' ;.

    D! ,! .%!W:

    Mur 'ear Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was name' 54uhamma': ,y his ran'father. t means 5Mne

    who has ,een praise':.

    C!+, #SSI*(4(%T:

    -o written wor* planne' for to'ay.

    '!4( #SSI*%4(%T:

    Wor*sheet 2%

    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature /////////////////////////////////////

    Week: 2A

    Subject: Islamiat Class: 2

    Week: 2A Dates:

    Day: 3 Duration: 35mins

    Topic: The irth o@ our eloBe +rophet- nit:


  • 7/24/2019 Week 13 to 24 Class 2 Islamiat


    1. %t #rst as* the chil'ren a,out the preious lesson.2. ecall some facts of the lesson to refresh pupilCs memories.

    W"ITT(% W!".:


    %ns1 0he custom is %ra,ia was that people use' to han' oer their ,a,ies to nursemai's.

    %ns2 0ill the ae of si@ HaIrat 4uhamma' (P.B.U.H) stay with Bi,i Halima !a'ia.

    "ill in the ,lan*s.

    1. Bi,i %mna.2. HaIrat %,u 0ali,.

    Class #ssi&nment:

    -o written wor* planne' for to'ay.

    'ome #ssi&nment:


    emar*s /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    0eacher /////////////////////////////// %ca'emic oor'inator ///////////////////////////

    !inature ////////////////////////////// !inature ////////////////////////////////////