Page 1: Week 4 - Illuminous Marketing's 30 Day Online Marketing Plan


Week 4 – Creating Great Content & Using it as a Unifier

Page 2: Week 4 - Illuminous Marketing's 30 Day Online Marketing Plan

Series Overview

Week 1 - How to Make Google Like Your Website

Week 2 – Beyond the Website – Your Local Profiles

Week 3 – Using Social Media to Your Advantage

Week 4 – Creating Great Content & Using it as a Unifier


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Week 4 – Creating Great Content & Using it as a Unifier

Why is Content Important?

Planning Your Content Calendar

Creating & Distributing Your Content

Check in on Your Progress


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Why Content is Important


Relevance + Authority = VisibilityGreat content attracts links = Authority

Content Fuels Inbound Marketing = Conversions

Conversions can be a sale, a newsletter sign-up, a form fill, a reservation, etc.

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Inbound Marketing Funnel

Top of the Funnel

Middle of the Funnel

Bottom of the Funnel

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Creating Valuable Content


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Basics of Good Content


Timely & Frequent

Answers a Question

Promotional – Add a Coupon!


Visually Appealing

Shows Company Culture




Case Studies


White Papers


Google Hangouts

Data Sheets/ Online Brochures


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Day 22 – Brainstorm Helpful Content


What questions do your customers frequently ask?How much shelving do I need for my warehouse?

What is the real estate market like currently in my neighborhood?

How much insurance do I need for my construction business?

What objections do people have before buying your product/service?


Lack of Understanding

Don’t know what the outcome will be

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Persona Name: Mike Manager 35%

BackgroundJob? Career Path? Family?

• Warehouse Manager/ Operations Manager• Married, 1-2 kids• Been with the company for several years,

knows the ins an outs of business & acts as liaison between staff & owners

DemographicsGender? Age? Income? Location?

• Male• 40-50• Suburban

IdentifiersDemeanor? Communication Preference?

• Smart, personable, slightly stressed• Email, phone, live chat


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Persona Name: Mike ManagerGoalsPrimary? Secondary

• Keep business operations/warehouse running smoothly

• Retain employees

ChallengesPrimary? Secondary?

• Getting everything done with limited resources

• Convincing Billy Owner to spend money on needed upgrades for the business

• Determining how much shelving is needed for warehouse & what type

What Can We Do…to help persona achieve goals?…to help persona overcome challenges?

• Low-price guarantee, easy-to-follow video tutorials on setting up systems

• Training videos, planning eBook, planning infographic, highlight benefits of upgraded shelving systems (to convince Billy Owner)


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Persona Name: Mike Manager

Real QuotesAbout Goals & Challenges

• “We’re working with a small budget here and I need these installed in two weeks for a shipment we have coming in.”

• “I need shelving that is heavy duty, but we don’t use pallets. Which type is best?”

Common ObjectionsWhy wouldn’t they buy your product or service?

• Not sure which solution is best (delays decision)

• “Will it be too hard to set up?”• Expense

Marketing MessagingDescribe your solution to this persona.Sell your persona!

• Easy assembly at the best price around. Plenty of resources to ensure you get what you need.

• Our business offers our low-price guarantee for all of our industrial shelving solutions. Let us help you make the best decision for your business with our planning guides or live chat! @IlluminousGwen

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Day 23 – Organize Ideas into Editorial Calendar


Add content for all stages of the funnel

Create content for each of your buyer personas

Start simple & grow as you get better at producing content

Integrate Keywords

Use Calls to Action

Define your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

Keep your social goals in mind


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Day 24 – Your 1st Blog Post

Start simple with a Frequently Asked Question (MOFU Content)

Two Options

1. Write the blog post yourself

2. Hire a Writer to create the blog for you1. Use your network to find freelance Writers

2. Use a service like to gain access to a pool of Writers


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Tips for Great Blogs

• Create Interesting Headlines – 6 words or less•

• Use Lists• Top 5, 3 Best, 7 Ways, 10 Reasons

• Break Up Content with Sub-Headings

• Use Keywords!

• Use interesting images/visuals

• Keep it Simple Silly

• Proof Read


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Day 25 – Publish Your Blog

Create A New Blog on Your Website

When you copy from Word, be sure to first paste into a plain text editor like TextEdit (Mac) or Notepad (Windows)

Use Search Engine Friendly Titles, Descriptions, & Images

Images should be 72 ppi

Post a link to your blog post on your social media channels


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Day 26 – Create a VideoVideo Shooting


Use Your Smart Phone or Tablet – shoot horizontally

Pay attention to your lighting – Try open shade or near a sunlit window with light in front

Speak clearly & without background noise

Check out

General Rules

Keep it between 30 sec – 2 Minutes

Catch people’s attention in first 15 seconds

Make it interesting! Show your human side.

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Day 27 – Upload to YouTube & Optimize


Don’t Forget to Share on Your Social Channels!

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Day 28 – Write Email Newsletter

Recap Monthly Specials

Showcase Product/Service Enhancements

Highlight Company Achievements or Community Involvement

Include content pieces that you’ve created

Invite recipients to participate – Social media, reviews, send in questions, give feedback, join a webinar, etc.


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Day 29 – Email Your Newsletter


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Day 30 – Check Your Google Analytics

• Analytics > Acquisition > Overview• Channels• Paid Search – traffic from paid advertising

• Direct – Visitors that typed your URL or had it bookmarked

• Organic Search – User Typed in a search term & clicked your result

• Referral – User clicked a link from another website

• Social – User clicked a link from a social channel

• Email – User clicked an email link

• Learn More About Using Analytics at


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Questions?Contact Info: Gwen Robinson

Email: [email protected]:

Twitter: @IlluminousGwen


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