Page 1: WEEKLY K TUCKY TRIBUNE. - Internet Archive...WEEKLYKTUCKYTRIBUNE. ^tbolrlrl0llctus,|)olittt$,fitrraturc,|ntwrvdImpvobrmcutanK(bntrralInformation O r-t UA^RY 2-^,1858 (6HltnICVKRYrKIDAY117

WEEKLY K TUCKY TRIBUNE.^tbolrlr l0 llctus, |)olittt$, fitrraturc, |ntwrvd Impvobrmcut anK(bntrral Information

O r-t UA^RY 2-^, 1858

(6Hltn ICVKRY rKIDAY 117

•^'0 r ZlMMjyiMAJr& SON,

IV-TliirJ mreel, uorth of Main.

II advance, $2 00

uinllia, 2 SO

r Ihe year. 3 00

(li8CoiiUn\u-il until all arrear»(f«i

I at llic uplioti uf tlio pubiiiiiicrii

$1 UO25

1 501 001 00

ADVERTISING.Kor each square of 12 lines or lu»8, firnt


Kach ailditional in»eilioB,

Poittand rroccHsimi Notices, each,

Lnuuiincing a candidate for any office,

Uiiing name until election,

Jkimmnceinent fees to be paid in ad trance.

W liberal diucouut made to yearly adver-

•.Vdvertisciueuta of a personal clinracler

rixrijcd douli'.t'

ritTNiiiic-'. J'arri«lfi's ai


Of every im'^.- piiDii , iroji-ir ly attended t" i n

I « boat «tylc. on reasonable terms.

piofcssioual €avbs.



Broker in Real Estate,ST. P A I T 1 .



1T7ILL loan mon-y for capitalist!., i>t ii4 to

V\ 36 per cent, per annum; upon r»«l eslBte

worth double llie loan, ( .Minnenota has uo unury

law ) and will nuikc investmenla la any part

nf t'uo Territory, at 21 per cent, on $1,001) or

or iuTral for '.i years. guaranleein|{ '.il

per cent, with Balisfaclory security, the lat

yaar, and charginjf half ihe advance for 3 year,

over 24 per cent., as a conimiaaion.

jarCorrespondeneo aoiiciled.


Prof 0. BlCATTY, )

Kev. J.C Young, D.D j Dauville, Ky.

Hon. J. F. liKi.L, )

Hon. R. II. Stanton. )

RiRRisos Tavi.or, K»q .' May»TiMo, Ky.

Rev. R. C. Grundy, D. V )

march 27, '57 ly

lillYANT & WATTS,Baukcrs and DraliTs iiiEu'haiigr.


.Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois-

DepoBils received on cjrrent accounta. In-

tereot allowed on apucidl depoeita.

Money inve«ted for nou resident*. Draft*.

Acceptaucea, No'«», &R., payable in any part

oi'the country, collected and proceede prompt

ly remitted.

Land VVarranU. Slocka. Bonds, Mortgages.

rnoi Buaineaa Paper, Giild Coin, and Kastern

tichaiiEo, bought and sold at current raten.


mar "57 i>d, I•

The Printer's Consolation.

A rAKuiir.

Tell me, ye gentle winds,

Tliat round my pathway play.

Is there no place on earth.

Where printer's get their pay?

The whi»|»ering brene went by

With accent filled with woe,

A voice borne on the norrnwintf air,

In sadness answered "No!"

Tell me, ya flowing slreanje,

1'hal sinuuthly glide along.

Is there one chsrinlied place.

Where printers meet not wrong?

The gentle brook replied—In raiirmura soft and low

And winding on its verdant way,

Irrnceklv nnswerefl "N'ol"

With an ipdiguant glow

A voice that filled the eurtli with aw*

In thunderb answered "No!"

Tell nie, hard-hearted man.

Withholding day by day,

Is there no honor in ihy breaat,

The printer's bill lo pay ?

Unanawering, turns'hc round—liow plain hia actions show :

Au uttered, oath capt sound I8 lisard,

ilia acciuus onstrvi "Nul"

Tell me, y» gfntle nymphs,

Who bless life's hours tbrougt,

Is there one sucred shrine

Where printers gain their due?

A man:liMg blitsh her cheek djfTuied,

Did ten fold grace injpatt

A soft, respuiikive sigh replied,

"'Tik found in sruiuaii's heart!"

Tell ine, angelic hosts,

Ye mesfiengers Of love,

Sh.->ll hufTering printer* h«;re biluw

IJave no redress above? '

The angel bundd repliid

"Tons is knowledge yivrn

Drliitqtieniri on the printer's books.

Can never enter Heaven!"

I Cl)rtlling ^liriclj.





On niy rettirn from tlic upper Miss-

is.sippi, 1 louiid myself obliijcd to cros.s

unc uf tlie wild pruirics, which in that

portion ol' the I'riited Stales vary the

appearance oi the country. The weath-

er was very fine, all i.rouiid ntc wasfrosh utid bluuiiiiiig, as if it had is-

sued from the lacu ut tiatuie. My koap-ruji. an 1 iiiv doir wen 1

0«i , • . .-'.IS ••••'

Cobiis. lu the Mercer C ircui t Ci u rl lie w '


haT« the assistance of Jamkb Harlan, l-^nq..

who will in future attend It-i terms regularly.

Kspecial atteniion givau to collections, omceon Cross street, opposite North sud of Court


lupeH. '57, tf


Allorney and ('ounscllor al Law.DANVILLK, KY.

msy !S, '56

SPEED S. FR¥^ATTORNEY AT LAW,WILL practice in the Courts of Boylf

aud thxadjoiuing connties. Any bus

neas confided lo hiin, » ill be promptly attend-

,d to.

ri-eb27, '52 tj


WILLoontinueto Practice Lawin parlutr-

shipin Royle aud adjoiuingcountiei.

Office on Mai 1 slr«»t, opposite the Court

House jan2,'49

T. li a It)


F. T. & P,

»ttlorniesOA.WII.LE KY-

Wri.L attend to all buKiness entrusted to thsin

Boyle a>i<i the anjoiulug counties

dec 14 '55 tf.

ROBT. jTbRECKINRIDGE,Attorney 5 Counsellor at Law,

LKXINGTON', KY.OFFICII oa Short street, between Liinestoae

•ad Upper,may 23, 'i6 tf

asauA r. sici.i.. tho". t. morrow

BELL & MORBDW,ATTORNEYS AT L.^W.J AVE associattd thcrr.selves t<ig»lhi-r in

XI 'he practice of law, in the Circuit Courtof Pulaski coujily, and will attend faithfully

to all husUieM.s entrusted to their cure. t>tHce

np stairs, over Allcorn dt Kelley's Store.

Somerset, Aug. 21, '57

i<>NTlST,HAS removed his (ifHce to Third street, ad-

joining WeUh A Store I

Deutal operatlon.s pr das heretofore o.i !

(he tnoft approved pnr .j-.o*.

Daiivdle^ay 1,J57 tf

DR. J. D" JACKSONDanville, Ky.

OFFICE— in Iheiecnnd story of the building

occupied by W. M. sjtutil as a Urug Store.

July 3, 1S57 y

n E im:o^ A. £i .


DR. J. B. WHITEHA^ renioveil his oliice. to Dr. Jackson's

building, second story, over ,Mr. Wni. MStout's Drug Store.

DISSOLUTION.f [IK partne-a lip lierftofore exi.sting betweer.

_L us, is i.'iis^day dissolved by mutual cou-

DsBville, may 33, (Hr)7


r>u. T. R. i)uxr..^p I

Wl lAj continue itie practice at t lu- ul.1 standandria au'.horizcd lo settle the busiuess,


of the lir u.

may 2i. '57 If|


FAS determineti to renisin in Danville, and_ will devote his attention entirely to thepractice of the various branches of his pro-fession.

lU-t)FFICB up-Ktnire over r. Bndri's Si|.

versmithShop, in the brick building nearly op-poiite the Branch Bank.

imrL-h 2,'oj tf

Indian unc; and, as

owed I he prairies, 1

reach at least a copse, in whicli 1 uiigiii

lie down and rest.

The night hawks were skininiing over

and around me, attracted by the buzling wiiijss of the beetles, which formtheir food, and the diatant howl of the

wolves gave me sotne hope that I shouldsoon arrive at the skirt of sonie wuud-land- I did so; and almost at thH,<<an-e

instant a fire light attracted my eye. I

moved towards it, full of cotifidence

that it proceeded from some wanderingIndians. I was mistaketi; I dibcuvered

from its glare that ii was from the hearth i

of a stnall log cabin, and that a tall tig-


ure [jasped atid re passed betwsen it and]

me, as if busily engaged iu household|

arrar geinents.|

I reached the spot and presented my-self at the door, asked a tall figure,

which proved lo be a woman, if I mighttake shelter under her roof hir the

night. Ilcr voice was gruff, and her

attire was negligeully thrown aroundher. .She answered iti the affirmative.

I walked in, took a stool, and quietly

seated mysulf by the fire. The next

object that attracted my attention, wasa finely formed youtig Indian, resliii'/

his head between his hand.s, and hisil

bows upon his ktiees. A long bow res-

ted against the log wall near him, w htle

a ((uantity of arrows and two (*r tlircc

raccoon pkins lay at his feet, lie mo-ved not; he apparently breathed not.

AccUBtomad to the habits of Indians

and knowing that they pay little atten-

tion to the approach of civilized stran

gers, (a circumstatice which in sotne

countries is eonsiJered as cviticittg the

apathy of their cliaraclcr,) 1 addressed

him in French, a lana;uuge not utifre-

quently partially know to the peoplo of

this neighborhood. He raised his headpointed to one of his eyes with his fiii-

f;cr, and gave me a significant glattee

with the other. His face was coveredj

v»ith blood.. The f.i•

'' r


before this, as lir wcharging an arrow at ; rave, mi i.j .u.,- i

top of a tree, it sprang back with such !

\ iul'-'nce into his right eyo us .o J,^.,ii\iy .

it forever.

Feeling hungry, I eiiiiuiroil what sort i

of fare I was to expect. 8uch a thing,

as a bed wtis not to be seeti, b'jt niatiy|

large untanncd buffalo hides lay piledj

up in a corner. 1 drew a fine time-

piece from my breast, and told the wo-

niau that it was now late, and that I'

was very much fatigued. She had spi-

ed my watch, the richness of whicli

seemed to operate on her feelings with

electric qtiickness. She told me there

was plenty of venison atid jerked buffa-

lo meat, and that, on removing the ash-

es. I should find a cake. But my watch

had struck her fancy, and her curiosity

had to be gratified by ati immediatesight of it.

I took off the gold chain that secured

it from around my neck, and presented

it to her. She was all ccstacy atid

spoke of its beauty, asked me its value,

and put the chain around her neek,

saving how happy the possession ofsnefi

a watch, would make her. Thoughtless

and as 1 fancied myself in so retired a

spot, secure, I paid very little :ittcntion

to her talk or her movements. I help-

ed my dog to a pood supper of venison,

and was not long in satisfying the de-

mands of tny own appetite.


The Indian rose from his seat as if

in extreme suffering. He passed and

re passed me several times, and once

pinched me on the side so violently as

to call forth an exclamation of anger.

I looked at him. Hit eye met mine;

but his look was so forbidding that it

struck a chill in the tuore nervous part

of my system. He again seated him-

self, drew his butcher knife from his

scabbard, examined its edge as I would

do that of a razor suspected dull, arttl,

again taking his touiahawV from his

back, filled tlie back of it with tobacco,

and sent nie expressive glances when-

ever our hostess chanced lo have

her back towards us.

Never till that moment had my sen-

ses been awakened lo the danger which

I now suspected to be around me. I

returned glance for glance with mycompanion, and became well assured

that whatever enemies I might have, he

IS not of their niiii-l- -.


' • atch,



siijiped a ball into^aeh barrel, scraped

the edges of my flint, renewed the pri

ming, returned to the but and gave a

favorable account of my observations,

I took up a few bear skins, made a pal-

let of them, and, calling my faithful

dog to my bide, lay down with my gunclose to my body, and in a few minutes

was, to all .ippearaiices, fast asleep.

A short time had ehtpsed, when somevoices were heard, and from the corner

of niy eyes I saw two athletic youthsmaking their entruuce, bearing a deadstag ou a pole. They disposed of their

burden, and asking fur whitky, helped

theuiselves freely to it. Obseiving meand the wounded Indian, they u.-ked

who I was, and why that rascal (moan-ing the Indian, who they knew under-

stood not a word of English.) was in

the house.

The mother (for so she proved to be)

bade them s|icak less louiily, made men-tion of my watch, and took them to a

corner, where a conversation took place,

the purport of vthieli re<juired little

shrewdness in me to guess. I tapped

ny dog gently. He moved his tail, andw^h indescribable pleasure I saw his

fiqL eyes alternately fixed on qje andraind towards the irio in the corner.

I felF.lhat he perceived the danger of

my silvialion. The Indian exchangeda glanceVilh lue.

Thelads h;nl eaten ant^drunken them-selves in such a condition, that 1 alrea-

dy looked upoD^thein as hor.-i ait cutnb il,

and the IVeiiueht visits of the whiskybottle to the mouth of their dauie, I ho-

ped would soon r^uce her tu a like

stale- .Judge of my.astonishmeiit whenI saw this incarnate fieii4 take a large

carving knife, and go the grindstone to

whet its edge.

I saw her pour the water on the ttirn-

ing machine and watching her workingiway on he dangerous iiistrume»t, un

the cold sweat covered every pillt ol

!v, in spite itf my deteruiinal^\,,. . niyieli' iv the Uat. Wer la^

i she walked to her recliuf; H«tis

and said, "There, that will soon settle

him!" She then directed them to kill

the Indian while she dispatched me.1 turned, made ready tny gun, silent-

ly touched my faithful companion, andlay ready to start up and shoot the fiist

that should attempt my life. The mo.inent was fast approaching, and that

night might have been my last had not

I'rovidcnce made preparation for myrescue. All was ready, the old hag ad-

vanced slowly, probably contemplatingthe best way of dispatching me, while

her sons should be engaged with the

Indian. I wai; seveial limes on the eve

of rising and shooting her on the spot;

but she was not to be punished thus.

The door suddenly opened, anil there

entered two stout travelers, each with a

long rifle on his shoulder. I bouncedupon my feet, and making them mostheartily welcome, told them how well it

was for me that they should have arri-

ved at that moment.The tale was told in a moment. The

drunken sous were secured, and the wo-man. In spile of her defence and vocif-

eration shared the same fate. Thewounded Indian fairly danced for joy,

and gave us to understand that as hecould not sleep for pain he would watchover us. You may that we did

much less than talked. The two stran-

gers told me that they themselves hadonce been in a similar condition.

The next morning our captives wereunbouad. and after inflicting on them a

proper chastisement, and suitably re-

warding the friendly Indian, we sel out

tflwards the sei lementa. During up-

wards of tivciity-five years, when mywanderings extended to all parts of ourcountry, this was the only time my life

was in danger front niy fe low-ercatiiros.

Indeed, so little risk d j travolers run in

the I'nitcd States, lliat no one bornthere ever dreams uf d:inger to be en-

"1 in the il I can only

*,)r fliirr- e by suppo-sinji; itiiii the inhu ti; ;u :. '.-^ ol the cabinwere ni l Americans

% ^liclclj for I^bus.



"Go thou and do likewise."

yon know it's hard times now,

said Mr. Hall to his young

dw, I tbiuk. You are

1 - . 1 we will go down town.

OW, I must teii you, brother Claranceaud his wife and three or four families

^T»-coming up from the city, and youknow how anxious I am for you to meetthea"— so Mrs. Dc Jayue urged as Nel-lie stood at the door.

Again Nellie warmly thanked her,

and then walked toward home feeling

so miserable—so wishing she had nofashionable friends, no position to keep—so devoutly wishing she and OeOrgecould move into a little backwoodi nookin some remote corner of the world,wftere emerald velvets and soirees conldnot intrude. With this weariness cameup the high impulses which are in eve-

ry trtie woman's heart, and she resolvedthat it was so heartless to sacrifice herhome happiness i'or a triumphal liour

among the butterflies of fishion, she'



i5i„ An Irishman, near Boston, be-

coming greatly alarmed, recently, at the

severity of the thunder and lighlning,

fell suudenly upon his knees, and ex-


''O, hord, forgive us, and stop litis.''

n ,*

An honest latly when told of herhusband's death, exclaimed:


"Well, do declare, our irotitdcs nevercome alone! It ain t a wcek^slnee I lost

my hen, and now, Mr. Hooper has gone,too—poor man!"

US' The unfortuiiale >outh who wasdrowned a few ,^ays ago in a "flood oftender reeqUectioiis," was slowly recov-ering, bufe/ycslerday, he fell from thesublime-To the ridiculous, and was i'a

tally injured.»4

afej" Why is a lady's hair like the la-

test iiews? Because, in the morning it

is louiid in the papers.

I®* How should a hu>!)aiid speak to

a scolding wife'? My dear, I love youftiil.

egu Why is a cowardly soldier llk(>

butter? Because he is sure to run whenexposed to fire.


wife.* "Hard times!" repeated Nellie, her

sweet mouth pouting. "Fie, that's the

convenient excuse you men always u»e

when we want a new dress. I've lived I

too long, with papa, and in brother

Morgan's futnilv, not to know how muchnieanitig is in the word. Y'ou are only

a bit stingy."

'•No, Nellie, you know I am not.

These certainly a|f«the hardest times I

ever knew for mi .—vho do business on

credit. You kiinw'I haven'' •'

deal of cajiital, though my nanThe bank.-; lire crashing;, everyfiird i^'borfew .<(ponej aiid,„

tiard for un^nioneyed young" r

to get goods or even get exi

credit-I fear for myself. Am . , .^g,,,^ eompcnsateureasonable in wishing you to thiak of

for her discarded desires.all llm before I buy an eighly-dollar

x,,^, ..j^^.^ j,,^ j,,. j„y„e.g ^^-^^^^

was a warm October night—socalHi and"No, George—yet—what will they mellow and golden with the hazy air

say'? Mrs Ue Jayne gives her soiree anj i),e moon and stars—just lite 'nii;ht

next week, and positively I have 'iioth- for a thin, graceful costume—just theing to wear;' and yon know how muchthey have all made of me since we cameheie, and now I've got to lose it all be-

cause I've 'nothing to wear.'"

"'Nothing lo wear,'" queried Georgerather quizzitigly. "Why, Nellie, you've

got a pretty sprigged muslin, you've gotj

a black silk—and there s that beautifalj

lace dress you had when we were mar-ried,'

"Yes, yes, I know—but I ihean I've I

nothing iieic lo wear—everybody has]

seen them all a dozen limes—


•All, 'Flora .McFlimsey,' " said her*

husband, laughing. I

"Well, laugh, ' retorted Nellie, rather!

pettishly, with a desperate ellort not to!

cry; "yuu may aa well laugh as to have,

the whole town laugh aline for wearing!

my old dresses. They will all make \

fun of it." i

•Then they are not worth minding,'

Nellie, I am sure. I know you had

rather stand such idle lautrhs than to

have me break down and cheat niy cred-

itors; and, Nellie, eighty dollar.s will

make a great dittercneo with mc juiil


"Well, I m sure, I wish they had nev-

er taken any notice of uie here. Therest of the women will have now cos-

tumes w helher it's hard times or not"

and Nellie was actually crying.

"Think about it till supper-time, Nel-

lie," said i.eorgp hastily—•'! must godown to the aliire now, "—-and he »kio|.

ed to kis.^ her, but I:

did not lift fr ini the

III ,„/,.


Neliid .

to smsee n (


n a ner>

'"t the ro"

night for Nellie to wear her lace dress,

though she had worn it four times be-

fore that sersoii—yet she looked sosweetly with a chaplet of gorgeous woodleaves over her own brown braids— li-ke

a sylph among the stately ladies in vel-

vets,', silks, and moire antiques—andthree or tour inlelleclual inen from thecity went by them to to talk with .Mrs.

Hall. Some of her set eyed her .scorn-

fully; even her well-bred hostess gaveher a critical look. Bu', ".Mrs- Hallknew two or three secrets which gaveher strength lo meet them coniposediv;rubyvelvet's husband's notes were pro-tested, and .Mr. l)e Jayne would haveto suspend by next week at the latest.

.She glanced over at him as he stood byhis wife, so radiant in her satins anddi;imonds— how sober, how anxious,how sick he looked—how ghastly his

smiles were! She was thankful that hirhusband could wear his calm look with-out deceit.

Next week there was a financial pan-ic, .Mr. He .lavne fai'e '. There wasa rumor that Mrs. He Jayne sold herdiamonds; her brother (,'larance, a weal-thy banker had susjiendcd, and couldno>assisl ikem; aud ruby velvot's Jius-

band was a poor man— his wife's last

dress was worth more than any article

of real estate he owned.Yet George Hall met his creditors

h(uioi:iib!y in New York, though he was11 it able to fill bis sloro a;,'i',n, .ii d ac

ul a iiioderali; salary,

". could do



' ')thing




and her ;

. .1Jirtasant ti:

everything lool>

after much bathm ,-, in i^

look natural, and she tied on-

Neapolitan Uat her

licve her


I . 'to I

ti: pi.-iy

had bought fur her in the

wrapped her dainty white shoulders in

her silk shawl, and went out "calling"

— "calling"-—an escape-valve iov ennui,

which men cannot a[ipreeiate.»

"Oh, dear .^Irs. Hall," screamed one

of her friends, as Nellie entered the lit-

tle h'jou parlor, "oh, Mrs. Hall, I'm so

glad you're come; I want your^taste

about my new. dress for .^Irs. l>e .Tayne's

—see?" aud she held up a beautiful ru-

by velvet, and then the most delicate

and fairy of lloiiilon sleeves and col-

lars. "See! isn't Jamet real tasty and

thoughtful. He brought this up from

t'ne city last night. But what do .i/r>u

mean to wear? I'm dying to know.—You tiHi-l tell me; I won't breathe a wordto an \ body."

"Really, Jlrs. Williams, I di'ii't

know, " poor Nelly answered; "I haven't

concluded. But your velvet superb.''

"Yes. I think so; and Maria has a

new brocade, and Mrs. Henry Grey has

a set of real Valenciennes— but youmust'nt breathe a word on your life, for

they told me in eoiiGdcnce, and don't


mention my new velvet."

And this was the in-triner of greeting

to which Nellie w:is subjected in that

round of calls—how consoling it was!

Finally, she came to ^^Irs. I>e Jayne's.Now Mrs. De Jayne was a lady whosedicta was law, and who gave the tone

and style to till the "society'' of'ihetown of Laiiesburg. ^Phc had wealthyrelatives in the eit_\ and spent a

part of ev. with them, .She

was .1 M l''1


' . I .1 bad a

na •



nee, lier sympathy for

: ! ide her such a course,

uer little ]iur)ile hat and: she had bad when she was mar-

' ! woin ihtfm two winters,

iriiige had got started in

business before she bought another.

This winter George liad-jtrouiisud a

iictv hat and mantilla. But she mustwait. Then there was a new merino she

wanted— her blue dress was so well

known at church and in the street— but

she would do without any new dress.

And so she told George, and a troubled

loiik she had noticed on his face of late

disappeared. She made up the pretty

delaine he had bought for the next day

and wore it serenely by the side of rich-

ly-dressed ladies, w hose husbands are in

Jebt and embarrassed by the demandsof their wives and daughters.

And George Hall will "get on, ' andwe are not a afiaid to predict it. Nocent of their little capital will be touch-

ed this winter. He prefers to work for

^a small salary rather than lounge about

town in ar'stocratio bankruptcy andidleness. And we are h-:p|iy .to s.iy that

Nellie's noble example in economy is

being i'ollowing by several ladies in the

town uf Lanesbiirg. and that ihrir hus-

bands ari^ the cheerfulest men in t iwn

They find their wires ami daughters

powerful auxiliaries in planning and

economizing, and do not dread sour fa-

ces and petulent tones when they comehome at night after a bu.«y, anxious,

diseoiiragiiig business day.

I« there noisome true, inde|»ondent

women in all our towns who will follow

Mrs. Nellie Hall's example, ami showtheir neighbors how they may aid their

husbands in these "hard times? '


I UiittrdleJ.

A i-iJi'aT.'^, N. Y.

e of his fourth ipouse.

it r'ri n we dn " ith liiiii''

perplexed friend of his.

ask ( I

^isli by

low'd to be admired.her neighbors were imite wtahUy,made up a set in her ,lowi» into which 11 .

she had adiiiilted ihe younc nieichant'sj

said a wag

wife, Mr.v Hall— for Nellie' really was a s's'idc, "he'll soon rc-wive!"

sweet, graceful little woman, who dress m-^-med becomingly, and never made any A noble heart will disdain to

awkward iiiovenienls in drawing room*,- subsist, like a drone, upon the honeyand was very much admired, and re-

ceived all the aitentions paid her witha charming, well-bred air, so that thearistocratic .^Ir8. Be Jayne felt herselfsafe in taking her as a sort of pro'(g\

•'Really, Mrs. Hall, I am glad to see

you to day," she said with genuine plea-

sure, as she came forward to meet her;

"come and sit in tny boud oir, and let's

have a confidential l-le a trtc. I havesoiiietliiiig special to say. Hare f^iseen that ease of velvets Clark broughtin yesterday? No, I thought not.

Well, they are splendid, 'fhere is anemerald one there — so superior* to MrsWilliams', so much heavier, fo muchmore lustrous And I told Clark to laj

it aside until I came again. Now I se-

lected il for you. Il will just bring out

that rose-leaf on your checks."

' Thank you, dear madam," Nellie

rer^ponded in an enthusiastic tone, but

with a sinking heart, "I mast call and

gathered by others labors: like a leech,

to filch its food out of the public gran

ary; or like a shark, to prey on lesser

fry; but will one way or other earn his



An old revolulioneer says, that

of all the solemn hours he ever saw,

that occupied in going home one dark

night from the Widow Bent's, after be-

ing told by hcr'dau-hter Sally that he

"needn't come again," was the most sol-

em n-

DanviRe, Ky.noT 13, '.'>7 4 II

Insurance Capital Enlarged!

Incorpoinled mi9. Chnrler Ferpi-Miiil.

ai'soll'if; a.nd i nkmi'MRKdSURPLUS, $422,162 li.

With iheprettige of 3S Veins' success andexp..rn'nc. I

mittlcrDiisT. 1, Brace, Sr , II Z Pr ill

I!..l.t, Bii..i', n, llill\.r,

i;. .-v. Knlielev, Josiph t'liiifch,

.S, .S, Wrtril. K 1 low r,

F, l>i.vis, K G. Kiiiley,

f-^.tiii'I Tudor, A DrnliHiii,

M. A Tiitil.-, •!. A. Al. xaiider,

K. Mather, W . K ei.ey,

C. II. Rriiiiiarii.

I Ol'KICKKS.K. C Riri.KV, T. .\. .tl.F.X AXnKK,

P(e--ul nt. V'u:e I'reM.lent.

Tlios. K. IJIlAfK.. Jr.. S"c'v.

J. B. BENNETT, Gen'l Agent.- 1 .\ > L' 1! K,S A I ; .\ I N > r TU R—

DANGERS OF FIREPerils of Inland Navigation,

At t(s JAhiii l l{iile.< mill /idl'x, iix A'/.s/.-.s

asiiiniij jeniiit "J fur ^'iuU'ilfy

and Fi il- I'l-'ijU.

F.-;PF.CIAL ATI K.N I 1 i.N PAID TOInsurance of Dwellings, FarmProperty, Out-Buildings and

LOSSES PAID, $10,437,312 84.

If wealth, with a steady and prompt alien-

ation to a t'-g'timule Insurance andthe execution of contracts iu good faith, haveinducements with the poblic iu srlecting their

underwriters—we ref.-r tbeiii for lest ol quality

and our claims to their palionage. to re.:ords .-f

our past servict's, tendering their continuancewith increased ability uiid ftcilities in future.

Chni !• Jii st r lufs iiidr:iiniUi/ tuny he ej-

J'l I t d uitliout ileliiy, u/ th this udt-

kiiotrn ail i able curjturaliun,


A. S. MctiKORTY, A;jail.

Djuville, uct '2'i, '57 3m




"V n.AVK just received and opened niy TallJL aud Wjnter Stock ol

Goods IbrGeiitleiiKMi's Wear,Coiisi'^tirig of

Cloths, Cassinieres and Vestings,I )l rvcry »i»*s('r:[t'ion. A ^f*o.

FURNISHING GOODS,Sbirtf, Colii.r>, Drawers. Hosiery Gloves. ."Sus-

penders, Scarfs. Ties. Cr.iv:tts, llandkercbt.'fs.

Huts, Cups, 4lc. kVc. .My present slock lian

be..n s. lei ted with niy usual car.', and is the

lorpest 1 have ev.-r iinpurted. Tlie atteution

of piiiclijsers ia rt;spei;tlu;iy invited

W. 1. .MOOREsept It), '57 If

S. p. BAKBEE'S""


'U'l^i 411 I oastudiera, llial

I n^-T lot ol lIFllCl)-!* ill IU)

lit tliiscti y . tu lu>'

c liuiTbl lu uiiy gr«tlt; }ou



THE nndrrsiguel is now receiving a largeand carefully selected stock of

Staple ; Fancy Dry Goo^s,To which he invites tlis attention of the La-dies and purchasers generally. The stock•inbrucesa very full and complete asaortmeiil.including ev rytliing new aud handsome lO;

the line of

Silks. Beragrs, Del.aines, Alpacas, Luvtres,Giughams, Prints, ^c.

Linen and Cotton doodaOf every grade; Ribboos. Laos, Kmbreid-eries; Gloves end Hosiery;—cr.oTiTs,-—Cassiineres and Vesliags; Boots and St'lroes

Hals and Caps;

I'. ™. .i iciniH < ,,,i^,., tiuoOa, &c. Ac.

lost couipiete undiiiville, an 1 I res.

II lipyers of Dryto pell on as fuvor-litv of'GoSls cai-

inarkit.•o I " il

I the old well knownst;ina recent T occupied by Messrs, ». & E. S.Meseick.

T. C. SflOCSE.Danville, sepi 1 1, '57 If



\TrOUL.D respectfully call the atteution ofVf his cu.stoiners iinil pu rcli tsert ge uerally

til hia DOW a id unusually large stock of

Staple & Fancy Dry Goods,Whicli fur flc(iauc^, v;iri«ty. and luteiiesa ofHtyle, CMiiHfit b'j«>llr<i in this market, tiv

wuuld especially koWcII lite Louies tn exanitUfslork (if


Oro (!o Rhine Silks, Furls Mndralin Robes,

COPPER, TIN,And Sheet-Iron 'Ware



C P. BALL & CO.,'IT^OULD respectfully rnforni the puhli«»» that they !»ii»e formed a copartitrnihip,

and opened a shop oa Main street, in Dauvi4lA,iminruiately opposite the Branch Bank. Theyhre now prepired to fill ail orders for

Copper, Tin snd Sheet Iron WarsAnd House Roofing and QutterinK,Aud have and wi<il conEiiiii« to keep on hand, afull varioty of all articles in tlieir line. They aradeter.nined, by the use of the best materials,by good workmanship and low prices, to merita share of puMi« patronage. A fiua assort*ineot o9

Fftfltrr, Olliee, Chawhrcr iiud t'ooking;,

/All of Ml.- '..,,,,1

- Partieirlar

PER WO-RK .ol everv k.u.;— J ,,,is lot J»»-chinery. Boilers. Kett'es. ic.

lUrVVe will also give our attention to the Rt-fAiRi.vo of every description of FUMPS—andwarrant s'ativfaetinn.

We invite a call from ixU who may neod any-thing III our line.

Oi^The highest price will ba paid for OldCopper ani Pcw»er.

C. P R.VI L ii CO.DanYllle, july 10. ':7 tf


Kopt "

.Moire .\ntiqoe "

(iro de Afrique •'

Liistrilld "

Piuid i Plain

French .Merinos,

fie Laiiiss,

Cusbineres,A 1 pacas,


Giiigt|iiins, Prints, .fee.

Alfa, a fine assortment of Oloaks, Mantles,.M'diuir Braids, L/'liciiilie fleau Dresses, and a

v.ry Urge and heniitilul stock of ICnibruiii-

t-rios, l.iieKs, Kibbous, Gloves, Uosiery,Hoops, Skirts, &.K. Ac.

Stetx^le G-ooc3js,• If every d' script ion ; Clot hs . Cassinieres and^esiiiig.; Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots andSliote-

Carpets and Oil Cloths,'New St \ les; also a Urge v.ii it-ty of CC KTAIN<;Ol)US. of every kind, Djinask, Li.ce, Muslin, tic.

The wlioie stock i.s v^ry complete and em-braces all th.i new, fashionablf 'iiiii hiudsomastyles which coulil bo selected in III'" best Eas-tern Houses. Buyers cannot fail tu suit them-selves out of my Urge assurtiii.*nt, and us I

uiii detcriiliiied tu sell at sM.\i.t. eaoKiTS, it will

be to the interest uf purchasers lo give iiie a


L. OIM.MITT.sepi 4, '67. tf

Fresh Arrival


LIGHTNING ROD.BEING the best and safest Rod ever effer'-d

to the public, and now cominandiiig 11.4

atlentioaand patronage of Scientific and prac-tical ineD throughout the eouutry—copperhaving six till. en more conducting power th^uiron and iiol liuhK- to rust, (which destroys tkoeflicacy of the iron rod.,) cons.quently il i»the only relisble riielal for such purposes.

1 have some of the abore rods on iiand, andhaving been appointed the sole ageul fur thacounties of Mercer, Gi.rrurd, Lincoln, nadB.-yle. for selling and putting Bp the same, I

am ready to fill all orders iu that hue iu thaaboie named territory.

GKO. W. rf)I.l,IN9,r. S. Iron Rods on hand and for sale lo all

those who prefer their). G. Vf. C.Daurille, miy '57, If

Wliipx,i^Hipt't Bugs,Nutclirls,CoIIhin,lirilshes, &.C.

Bfflt, Men who hoast loudly- th.Tt tlicy

never show quarter, are certain, in tinn!S

of danger, to show none but their hindones,

tg^ The man who was 'moved to i

tc.'irs,' complains of the dampness ofl

the premises, and wisheij lo be uioveJ|

back asraiu. ' ,

liue 1


ij iil I,.'. , 1.^111 I

call call for



II 111 iiesN,


My st .i-k embraces a lew lino BullishHorse lirilsUes* Kugiish t'illiugo, sm-rui>>i liits, ^u.Aud I can say, that my work is made

up iu a better St. lo lii.iii can be tound else

where, being exclusively of "Homk .VIaM'Fac-

Tl'SK 'aiid lutouOed for home coiisunipliou—all 1 ask IS lor yuu lo call aud see tor your-

selves. I

,^';-AII accoouts full due the 1st July and

Jtuuary, and I hope all dealing Willi mo will

bear It iu iiiiud, as upou short credit 1 can sell

cheaper-SWIL. P. BARBEE.

Danville, apr ^, '37 tf

IlIAVF, now commenced receiving Fresh

Oysters, warr.iuted good, or bo sale.

Kami ies. Parties, suppNed on short notice,

with auy desireU iiuaiiiitv „T. J. SlUNDELBOWER.

fepl 18, 'o*

* m

Toys and Fancy Articles,

Fresh and Preserved FruitsOysters, Sardines, Lobsters,

Fine Cigars and Tobacco,To all of which I refperifully invite the ntteii

tioii of purchasers. My stock Is -tl^

assorted, and iuclodea a ccnipleta vari.-tv u|

articles in my hue.

The best Candies of my ownnisnufaci

wnvs on hand \Vh«U'si»Ie mill i'.eiHll

Partjev. and Weddings: attended to

brst style ou abort uulice.

J. c. HEWnov 13, '57

WE are just receiving our

Large and Splendid Sto^


Fiill&Wiiilcr Dry Goods,

cfcJ c\ , dfc c .

To which we invite the attention of our friends

and the public generally. Our Goods have


Sclcctrtl tcith miirh care,,A n>l we think we can olTer

GREAT INDUCEMENTS,To Cash or pR' .Mfr customers,

J. L. &, W.II. WAGGENER.aug 28 . '57 tf


Picture Gallery.

THE undersigned has removed his Galler]^lo the rooms over .Messrs. Wageeoers*

Store— where he is fitted up In the best M\\r !••

take every description of Pictures—Amhr- -

types, Melainoiypes, Ferotypes, Dugiierreo*types, ,tc. His rooms ure admirably .irrangeil

for his busiuess, and he wurrauts satiafactioii

in all cases.

The largest variety of new style Cases, to-

gether witli a good stock of Jewelry, Locketo,Breast Pins, Ear- Drops, tr , always on hand.^'Operators furnished with stock on reasuu-

able terms.a. IV. I.BAT11B8M4-H-

Danville, Kv .june 12 tfj

failIand winter

DEAFER & TAJLOR,WOULD respeclfully call the altoK-

SNEED HOUSE( Late "Central House,")

Main sr., Da.nvillk, Kr.

ALEX SNEED, Proprietor.

AW. K Cheese.

Fl.NE lot juit received byJ. C. IIEWEY

^nilE uudersign-'d li u ing t iken charge

X of the above Hotel, and improved, re-

paired, und furnished it in the best style,

desires to inform the travelling public that he

M |>re(inri'ii Xo fu rn ish as gooH a'-""mr»>o'letinns

.18 any lioiiso in this or any olh.r sociiou "I

th>' St ite. He lias m ide co iisidera'ile addlti.ins

iissistniiiB In evefy U' partnieiit of llie house, he

ioe.»ooufioi ii: <!\ giving saiisf'iclion to all his

I'Uesls. There is a very extensive

LIVERY STABLE..lonnccted with the house, well stocked with

Horses and Bugpiie, (U|iplied wn'i abunc'ance

of provender, and atlei Ued by careful sod

Irusty Ootlers,

And others who may have stock for sale wil

be furnished with lots adjoining the Stable

and all other necessary conveiiieuces, Thest

lots are supplied « itii Troughs, water, i'^ Al

so persons from a illstauce who miy prefer i

can have stabling and pasturage for slock I

niv farm ailioiuing the Fair Grounka^ ALEX. SNEED.Danville, july 17, 1857 tf

«a5 n«10 Ofl

i)> n i

30 UU

85 no* Ofl

10 00

SlOO RE\¥ARD.R ANAWAY from the iub5Criher_. living

YS in Girrard county, on M"Dday, the 7th day

^v.d .September, » NEGRO MA.V, named

luilA.M, almul 23 years vld, 5 fret 8 inch's

high; betwreu copprr coler and blick; low

forehead- looki rather down generally when

spoken to. Hs h id on a black coat, faded greon

cassimere pants, while hat »i'd « mce pair of

shoes I will give a reward of |25 for his ap-

orebension in Garrard or any of the adjoining

counties- J5tl. if taken in any other county of

the State; or JUtU. if taken out of tto Ststej

iu either case to Iw delivered to me, or conhned

in some Kentucky jail, so that I can gel hira.

,JU>5 lu.\ Ul>»'.>.

Garrard co eepl 8, '57 tl.



Rev. T. G. REASER. Pres'dent^

Assisted by an able Cjrps of Teachers.

^T^HK next Annual S-ssion of this lusiilo*

J. lion will begin the Tirsl JMoudHy im

Srpl''nibcr next, ami runltn'te Forty wfekt,

with H short recess about Ills middle af tha


Itairs per Term of 20 Weelta,

Board, including washing, lights, loel,

etc., , - • - •

Tuition in Primary Department,'• ill College, b.wer elesses, •

• ' " higher "

Lessons en Piano, including ufs of

In.struinent, ....Vocal Music, . - - .

.Vlodern Languages, French, German,Spanish, or Italian, each,

ITTAll charg.'s pavable half in adenner.

ILyNo deduction for absence, except in flo-

ses of protracted sickuess.

T! Tru, ties h.ive spared ueilh'r pains nori ezpt'use in niaking Ihis Institution in every

r.sji. rt n pleasant retreat for \oung ladies de-

iig to jiiirsue their studies. They are paytir-'t claslC''ttries, and fl.itle^Jheniselra*

iormatioii may b- o •lained by ad-

, rr the I'resii.ent, (al Diiivills •-lil the l-Jth August ' or the SocreUry af Ui»

Board at Harrudeburg.

By order of the Board,W. T. CI'RRY, See'y.

Uarredsburg, aug 7,* '57. tf

WOOL CARDING,"At the Danville Steam Mill.

I AM prepared lo card \^'ool at the Daiivi'Ia

Steam .Mill, having good machinery fur that

pu'pose-rp^^l am also prepareii lo manufacture Wool

into coaise Jeaus or l.iusey. or wilt exehaiiga

those articles for Wool, either washed or uu-

w ashed.

Jj"! am also paying fash for Wi^i.


april 25. '.S6 If

Wanted to Hire.FOR the tenia i.der of the >ear, ANEX^RO

VVOM.^N, who is a good Cook, Washer,

aud Iruner. One without iiicumbranca would

be preferred. Apply at

jttly 17 THIS OFFICK.

Liniments. &c.Chinese 1 inimeni, Pil s Li iment. P%Rbeumatic Liiiiiii lit F v. r .t Ague Ton e

GritHth's Ga'.binnin S'rergthening Plasters.

Diarrhcca, Flux aud ChoUra .Medicine,

Bedbug .'Vledicine, Fit" Medicine. Ac.

For sale 1 y U. UAMILTO.N'Jul) 21 o7 If




Page 2: WEEKLY K TUCKY TRIBUNE. - Internet Archive...WEEKLYKTUCKYTRIBUNE. ^tbolrlrl0llctus,|)olittt$,fitrraturc,|ntwrvdImpvobrmcutanK(bntrralInformation O r-t UA^RY 2-^,1858 (6HltnICVKRYrKIDAY117


C|c|Uuluchi) Cribimc



A Partisan JcDiciART.—The Uem-


^Wkpeal of tiif. Nohmai Schooc.— I

ocratic party of Kentucky has constant-; The bill to discontinue the Normal

_ ly prated jhout what it desires to make School, adopted hy the House of,i;K>lATF..

TiH Ksn*v. .Ian& -.SON,. the jiid iciary—independent, free from Representatives on Tuesday last, and The bill to repeal lUt

fcThe Su,e A.LTi.ukural and Me- i•

""^ ^".^'^ ^.'^'^ T>mes,_iical Association ovLranized t,,^

'"^nt ceding in that city.

i^l8.^8. Cou t House in Frankfort., on ;he I3tli. ! ""^i^i

,, ^0- N«rinal School

:Itruius J. CUt. PresiflenV i,r'VhrM,7i''' ,

'^'*'^"''"^«''e received from some three


partisan influence, and soon. Well, as theie;

.-ars no douut l ut that it wiH act was taken up. ntid-seVerHl aniend- I After trflnsacii'njr ,oine prel tmina, J K,'[!^^'^ nien wiio liad been invited, the

an offset to their empty professions, we pass tK'' -innate also

Icarn that, in the recent contest for the faithfully opposed by the friends of ed-

Democratic nomination for clerk of the ' ucation in;' T-.^uiBlaturo, but to noI

The bill anieiui ng the coninH>n school Pr!

Court of Appeals, it was objected to purpose. The folio., n,- Is the vote bj i Inwt—making ll.e scliool''age-<M*- 20:Judge N'uttall, one of the prominent

,which the repealing att was pasaed in


y*""—was ff'jected. yeasl7, nayslS.

I candidate.', that in his conduct as a the House: IHOUSE,

^.lud'je he bad not bhnwn sufficient re- I Ykas—Messrs. .Speaker. CWhite.)! „ .'^ ^j'l P'' ' ''"."ff

for the

l'«nsaciing some pre) tminarv bus » •

The repeal »v men ts proposed, and made—i

inots, the body adjourned lo re asserHhIe T^'^V'"'"'''''"""''°'' " 'oiler

but without ccming to K direct vnie, the ' at the SialH, in the RenresentA i-'^'"

fiov. \Vi.<(., whose opinions on tlie

Sona'.e prr . '"..|*d to other bu.sine»s "Itives' Chamber, at .Tj o'doik P M — ,

"''''^ flucMion will be read with more

New Advertisements.

on.pily at ihe h„ur the President tookthe Chair, and after som.j discus.-ion onthe incidental poiriis that arose, Mr .1W. Tste, the Treasurer, read 1

hat ordinary attention. His objectionsto the course of the administration aremarked .ind empliaiic.''

The Crovernor di.seoursps Kansas in his

!eard for 7)rm<>crnr,V ,»< rr*', to entitle'

"'''''".V, Barbee, Barton, hate.s, Hei- j

S' ''"''! CVium.j.siouers by I:

. J itusurer, read Ins rnnnrl I i , ,, .-o,-, m 1119

vv .ich was received and adoptedI

• P"" ^"^ r,jectUujthc he-This document marie

she, lioarman, l{rann, Krowder, Brown,eiiient, Crawford, Jlai-

him to further support froii that party.»»arman, m.i

„ . - ,. .Bruce, Burns, Cle «, ,. , •

So strong was the feeling .i-a.nst himI ly. ^^vis, Diokc-y, Pobyns, Doi-n.,

"-"Sfl"'? for the third time

on that account, that his friendsTonndj

Eaves. Ellis. Fiel

it necessary to produce in his defence ''ield, Jr., Gray. W. H. Hamilton, Har-!^^'j'^g'^ 'j

the certificate of the deputy clerk of thei

1^',.""'''.';^'. 'If



The vote upon

a very gratifying


hibilion of the financiale .State S..cieiv. The receipts durin-

mmptim c.nd.lnti.n and submitiin? a

TJIK iin(!rrfiencil liavirg heen sppolnledA eeiit at Nirlinlmville .«talion for Kfii-

lurky Central liailroad. has niadB anange-nivuin to

Forward Merchandise,IsfMrDUTF.I.V AFTER l-'s AP.RrVAI. at THIS St» .

Tin.v, 10 Danvill,! nnd l.aiii-.ifiicr, al ihf low

avis, J^ickcy, i'obvns, Dona 11,

on that account, that his friendsToundjEaves, Ellis. Fieklin, A. H. Field, c. l'"*'"?^' * <" '""

I . . . . . . ' T_ n \v ir ir-...:i..- it_^ Islood yeas 25, nays 72.

rnn,i; - ""f i

^° 'I'O peon],.' "m,: j

P-^ic* of 20 rents per lOO lbs., and to olhVr"""" °' '«*''< 'tin,,. What are we cominfr ,„ !P»'"t« I,k, rate,. Wh..,, thn freisl.i,

.^ e year . 8.7. from al, sources;

I [^-;;^isconain, l^.u,: . 'it^^^i^^ ^^-^S;!

! d lo lliea^'cri-eiraieof 51 476 75 '

Iv V ^1 .

'I'lgher !«w,"Hndj

mitt-d lo remiiia on «Ior«ge for a protracted' »

t. .« . perio.l of lime

Friday, ::::::

1^, ."^now, to the depth of two inch-

es', fell in Mar.shall. 'J', on Cliribt-

mas eve.

Franklin circuit court., Kelscy, Kendall, Leathers, Machen,

'"^IMcAfee, iMcCreary, McDaniel, McMil-

I'<'<-"'i"" of j"ry commissioners, Judtre

,Ian, Morse, Newcuni, Newell, Parker. .,

Jan, 22, 185r. Xutial] had uniformily appointed ''a'l"". K. Pa.V'ie, W P. Payne, Keid,

Democrats to (,«e Whig. If there is any Ii'oach, Bobcrts, Busfcll

doubt of the truth of this statement, it

iShawhan, Skean, Smith, Sterett, Stitt

So the bill was I"''* "pendi'iures durin-r lU'*''" \

''"tber way! The Gov.


same period, for all pTirpo-|

•rnor^says: "It may be very desirable to

SENATE ' fei-bed the total of 6,39105Fkioat. .Ian 15. If!.')8. :

Leaving in the Treasury a bal-

Leavc of absence was granted to Me»»*a „ "} 2,003 CO. KnsI and Burton ,

lo which should be added for

The followinrr hills were reported i

"ilver premiums on hand, the' sum otirom standing committees:

.K. H. Talbott, Thomas, Thompson, ,A'«l'*'«^''-C'Urlof Appeals-Au"l to increase the salaries of certain of-can be resolved by an application to the Trapnall, J. T. White. Whitt, Wicklifre! : t

'"crease the salaries of

deputy clerk who pave the certificate.- Wilson, Winfrcv, Winston, Woods,j .,^^^ .1,

''^'1„, x\r , ^ , ' 1 uav next, at 1 1 o i ln*-lr

The people will find out, some of these " "Oslcy— t>t>.Look out for one dollar counter

ffit bills on

tiicky. They

circulation, and arc calculated to J,.- ^

their laws to the Democracy. ' W. Hamilton, Hansford, Hus-: ted"«nd made sperial „rd"er for' Tuesda'r

bon county

Cfive. ~7> rr iTiI-yiie, Lvon, Marshall, next, at 11 o'clock. "


Vice Presidents— ll Ailcbeson Alex""I'R—The Louisville .Mit, holl, Pennebakcr, Sebree. Shanli,, 1 Mr. Porter-Circuit Court— A bill todi.strict; .1. A

n the Northern Bank of Ken- °f l"""*!" '^ey have fall- , nu'"; r'

'^''''''^cll- the Appellate Court-making th

hcv have recently been put in'••"""•' ^•'^•"'"•y entrusted the admin- Ur \\


^ '^^'"^ .'"""t.nue 90 judicial daysuc) na\ercecniiy uion put in/ _ ,

Drane, Duncan, Fleminsr. boss, (i.-od- lonsjer it necessary- ordL-i*>l to l.«

r lor Tues-day next, at 1 1 o'clock.


K bill to increase the terms of

le two

andnecessary- ordered prin-

w . , 405 00Making the actual bdanco on

band, at the close of the sec-ond year 2,488 80Alter the reading of the Treasurer's

stateu.ent, ti e Society went into the e-lection of . fli. ers for the year 1053.with the following results, viz;

President— Brutus J. Clay, of Bour-

ICriJROVBRR wisl.ine to ship Stork over111- K^nlurky Cenlrnl Railroad, will l>e fur-nished Willi tuilal.le r»r8 on .luy p.einionedday. by giving notice » Rhort lime in advanceto Mr. G. W. STrwAUT, Agent in Uffnville atthe Express OfRrr.

.IAS. H. Mc'^AMrBKLL.Nicholasville, jan L'a. '5el If


have Kansas admitted as a Siato as early'IS praeiioahle. but r.othinor will b.' o^ainedby admitting her into the Unio"'n in amode offensive and oppressive to a largemajority of.'-er voters."

Hurrah! Where's the Musco£ree Her-a1<I? What s the South SUh Dnnocratabout?

This letter of the Governor senms (ohave rrotlen him into hot water in theold Dominion, as the lele^jraph reportsthat, in the very teeth of the Governor'sletter, the Il .use of Delegates adoptedresoluti.Mis in favor of the Lecompton ' T'^' ^ undersigned would inform hi- frlendi,constitution and adds that this is cot:sid ! .u if".'',"'* tV'^''*^

gen.'Tally. ihat hehas tnkrn


Garrard S. Petty/


PUBLIC SALEOf Land, Stock, Crop, &0/„d piove South, I will .ell to iL'hirfhesl bl,!d.r, at Public Sail,,

On "Wednesday, March 3, 1858MY IF'Annvt,'

Known as the '"Walnut Grovel.yiMg in G.rrard rountv. immedLnHv .t k. of the Turnmk. |..„ji„„ frora L«io«„to Lancaster and Danville.


Containing 400 AcresAll as fine ,,„„., „„y Kcntnck'r.

t-S'd harm lie. convenient to be divid.rf if



.<oor. The I.nprove,r.eii,:Tr' 'aU fi ft^* every „ere,»„ry Building, . rf '^'fi,"ravern St.nd. and, loc.fion'fo ".l",


^ Talbot, Worthington—23.

fichts' The bill provide* that the «ch,


nty million bui<hela ol grain, or more

I tisliel!" for e»erv man. w




The public school building

the corner of Navy and Concord str( •

acij Win cnuLilc li.c

lly. ft is feared

cu this ^aury provision

Mft_lt is estimated that IlKnois will -fournal truly remarks, that the

prodxiro, this season, two hundred and bope— the sole reliance of tjie Sae Nichfs

for sncpo"-. T-. . I

jOsail c I"' dis,".»


'' • " .11 of^thc

Si^ciicans In 'liii. we. - sura they'

.u"ll be bitterly Jissppointcd. ! t" 'J'

ot> have (elected a candidate for Clerk of j tha


the Court of Appeals, who !« entirely|

•ef"se<^ ^7 tbc Senate.

Brooklyn, N". Y., was destroyed by fire unknown outside of the county in which

between 2 and 3 e'clock, on Tuesday, he lives, and many of tLcm have sor-

About 500 children were in school, and;rowfully acknowledged that if the Aiiier-

leren of them were suffocated by the leans bring into the field an able and


well qualified candidate for that office

~Ithere will be very little chance for the


election of the Democratic nominee, es-

pecially if the Americans throughout,

.^^^ j

the State should effect and maintain an '''^


effective organization of their party.

repeal an act regulating i'

that the school shall' ^'"8 Circuit Court, ia G;i

,.' ard Ail-i'r r'.iii-".-c

«... Tomilein )p,

hoi. i

tl'slfict; Robert Browiier. third

' tors

lonj I


ered a virtual rebuke of Wise



'ha.. la !

EWSFRjM South Ft iiida.— \ ru-l>as tamrhed ibiii cilv, says the Ana


the Hotel in ihe town of Lancaster, Ky , heretofore known a« tlie "Lo^aii House," wLre he >

will be pleased lo »ee ah « lio mav fiivour him J

"<^tJSE i. newly fnrni.shed.lHiH lAHLE will he supplied with the veryh^M the oountrv affords (li., HAR is eupniiedwith .]"• |..".f .--

. ,,„ : ,. .. . .'


A Tnot;BLKso>iK Prize—Gen. C.\ss

IN A Qt'A.NDAR v.—Everybody runem-

-OJf»soi; M;.

icn T. Diane, sock;

p. J. S. .f'lckscin. (i.

th-rd district

The Board of Directors have adjourn-ed lo meet at Frankiori on the second

appro- Monday (lOih)of February next, alpriale 86,000 per annum to the State "I'ich lime it is expected the Board willAgricultural .""ociety. was withdrawn '"cate the State Fair, make out a Piemi-

.' he l)ili was rei^unn mit •i

The bill rep-a! ilie 'hormaiv,na umcussed al some L'r.glli,

role taken,

IIOU.-E.The hill passed heretofore to

bers the predicament the man was in f'oni the Senate, to give the Mouse an "™ List, &o . &c.

who drew an elephant for a lottery prize. "rP^'"'""'ty reconsider its vote ma-

— It is rumored that the Hon. Charles

Sumner will resign his seat in tlie T^. S.

Senate towards the close of the forth-

t ining session of the Massacliusetts

l.Ch'lslaturo, and that -.Mr. Banks will

tut-eced him.

He did not know what to do with him,

jwhcn he had him. The Administra-

Ition would fcem to be in a like strait.

drawn" Fillibuster Walker,— they have brought him home— they

!h«v« even had bin "dumped" down at

M, ll .-il, (l^yn ,

• '27ih he l.Rfl

• tention iia,j ox^Hpj „,„,.„ ^abnil him and his command, and troops«t stage in-weekly

had been ,^„^ j„ pursuit.

''-''"'n from Dr. Uranch, of Tampa,who IS no„ that the Ur.ite.! S.stes


mailboaj^ on her way from Fort Myers to'

Tampa a few days since, was capsized in

Tampa Buy. but no lives were lost.

Tapt. Kilhurn, of the aimv. was aboard I


' i 111] f.-

^ge. Hri• lie*. The

liouse daily, nnd

nprovemenl»are al! fir.t rale In.' •''•'•''"y Building, and i.a'f

r>,. r ,

"'» '"'«' locition foiDry (,oDd.«, i-,;. in ,he counlv l„ .'.„,i .

I will also sell at the ,„me lime and,All my Stock, Crop, &e. &e.

CoiiMisting ofFine n-ood .tlHres, Geldinss nnd.Horses n,id Killies; 30 -lend of<

i^J'^A of >'",l"fo>head of fine .Mock Hogs. „f the ve/v1

Also, from COO to SOO hnrrels of Corn wKvery early, ano not ,„,„,,j i,,'

Oil's ri'id ol||»- f r-, ,


111 .. ,

j.n.2.-5H.f_« PETTY,


king the appropriation. ^^The Administration suffered a'I be time of the House was mostly oc- humiliation in the House of RKpresenla- ' and floated several hours upon the water

cupied up to (he hour of adjournment. '•'*^*^' °" ^"3' that Cox made his before reaching land, minus only his hatin discu.-sing the bill to repeal the act "R*"'"'': ll thus recorded in the Al- and boots.

establishing thb Normal SchoolSKNATli.

Sailrpav, .Ian. 16. 10S5.

bany Evening .lournal

When he (Cox) «at down, a raw handj

8it?i.Thc Washington correspondent offrom Indiana, by the name of MuKhes, the N. Y. Eveiniag Post, says:

A mes.sage was received from the Gov- ''Pp'icd. and closed a rambling disc lurseNormal School —Col. Jefferson D«. !

'^e White House— but ernor, announcing his approval of theby introducino; an amendment highly

vis, the Secretary of War nnder the |

'» *o done with him? It is set- '"if .an"'>'>g other bills: laitd a oty of the Message

Administration of President Pierce, and ''''^ ihereAn American iiioetinj; held n.

i, u j

I'lilaski, to appoint delegates to the P'-^*^"' « Senator in Congress from ' ^P^^t boxed

State Convention, unanimously rccom- >''«'«"-PPi. i" « recent speech before;'"'" running

mended Hon. Gkorok H. M. Kee f.„>«i''*i'"'ippi I-ri^l.ture. in enume- |

f»'ce of trying him at New Orleans is;>"7fj;>-,

e is no law to keep the el-"

"^f''° ""'^"rp^rale the Virgini»and called the previous quesiion. saying that It..cijintti Kentucky Hridgo Company. ;

' he wi,hed lo brir.g Democrats to the ! Tlnp_in jail—and to have; An a. l" for the benefit of Danville, Dix '^'''o managers. Piielps, ihal large again, after the


R'ver and Lancaster Turnpike Road ''"'' ber and Houston were alarmed.—! ne

• I have excellent authority for sayingthat Vice President Brenkinridge sides

and thereonI

with Mr. Douglas in the Kansas dispute|

W„od or .M.irble Imiiaiinn, ' Fresco Paiuiing,is (juiio natural that he should do .so I*"- "ill also hung I'aper in the m>stap'

1 ''II L undersigned would rei.peeifu|lv in-I form th., citizens „f D-nville and vicinitymat he has opened a shop in Mr. Aki.n's t,„i|.

.ling, on Ih.. corner of Main and Second street,where he i. prepared to receive and e.xecute or-ders for

House, Sign and Ornamental

la all it* Various branches. Any kind of

BOW in use; on,

and superior; O' ,1 n, en-lir. lyii^w; t,„e i ruck Ha„on- twopx-Car.,, and two Yoke of Oxei'i; oo^first rate liuggy, Ac &c.Possession will be ^iven iinmadl,„Iy ,f,„Oie «alo. and the ground lo be p„i i„ o.f. .nJCorn will b- pretty mu.h broke . l.„'

.he p«rd,.,ser will not be thrown back n p„ling 11, his crop. The term, of .ale will b/r«.eon.hle. and in .de known on the day of .,1,In Ihi, county w, are „oi burdened wiih hightaxe, for Railroad, or other improTem.ot, „many coautles are.


II I- . o ^- "OSKINS.

Iloskin ^X Road., jan '58 Id.Lexington (Observer and Slateama.. r„i, Cif-.^en and hon.erset American copy w.ekly t |sale. ,,.d ehjiige Ihi. ollli e. and Loui.vill. /., !

na and Richmond Me.senger copy w.ekly /ll«ale. and charge advert,,-,'-««iy Mil

PUBLIC SALE.hev have been intimate socially and in '"^^J",''

*'-^'*', . i n„ mr j

to all whontey patronise him- i- ___ 1. ' rublio Sal»,

nomination as Clerk of the Court of Ap-rating the duties of the Southern States "'^*'> ^^i" "ctcr do

riic meeting was addressed by " P'""^*^''"" aggressions

i f the North, says: "We should hare i

Normal School for the education of

tftr \ despatch from Washington rc- teai'licrs, to take the place of thssc who


W'm. M< Kke Fox, Ksf|.

with him then? Will nobodv hi,,, '^^t


^^^1 P'"''**''i

1''*-'!'""^ P-"y. -"-iid man.What is to be done

y take him; pikg Company


An act deciarin^

Kumor says, the distinguished states- •''"'s'' ""J Common

,,, 11-erned together in western land specula- :

aiisfacnon lo all whoni** paironise h,

IcIlPis were demanded on seconding the tions; they have built « hou.^e togeth'^r- U-TT r r

All act to amend an act to in,v,rporate '"r "'e previous question. A largei and, what is of more imporHnc'e



between the tellers -but there was an and you may rely upon it he is really

g the onii c of C..«ntyban-rmg l a^k. and a great deal

| with Dou-Ias. and has doubtless toldon School Comniissidn- pul^'"!,' "f heads t getbcrand runnin}; ' that jrenilema

ernis inodera3«;>tiid work done prompt-ly. A lli;il<-rr'< rjL'E-i,

•••When al^KnlIhe oin.^e oHrie Sueed ll

AUuusTis REEo: With 11 Acres of Ground -ttach.d,

ileman so.


From bis

intfrom hi, .hop. ord.-r. left In Bople county, imme.liately on11

>»•"'<'"'>'"»•. ''>•alJ.B..^kin,I leadin-i from Danrjll,. to Lebanontore, w ilj receive Ins attention. ' i> '<- .


58 tf

man of Michigan, General Cass, is ter- i'"'""'!"*''^'^- ... |

f;^ [•"/j;^"^^'' '';'!^ "''^ Sei'atei.\. oesparcii nom u asliin.'ton rc- •

piace oi inssc wno .'•"--nfiaii. vieiierai l ass, is ter- a . , < . i., !l.>f,l „.:,i - • i- , . i

' ^.^..^.^j^,, , /. . ..„,„„ . . . ,11 i

All act to amend the act ineornoratinff "i^'''''' bis amendment, unnecessary that he should exorc^anp.irts that the Government is informed '

^-o'-'e amongst us, with open or conceal-,

nbly cross about the whole business.- ! ,he Hustoaville. Liher.y. sudVS T.'l"»">« fiends of tire Administration opinion upon any debate/' "P-jf

t.iat the fillibuslors are gathering on theI

J>o»tility to slavery, and do us irrc- He thinks the Government, in the end,jbi a Turnpike lload C. mpany. did not Jare to come to * vote on the

Kio Grande, preparatory to enfratriiig in 'inediable evil by corrupting the scnti- !

''''I' bave to take up Sweet William anda .Mexican revolution, of which Uicre "'cnf.ij and piis'eo.Iinn- tl,o rr-^cM, ,^(

;"dnmn" him .Lm-,, ;., —


,„proposition an.l back^^^ Mas. .I„„v C Calik,i-n.- iftle Cbar-

lisleading the reason of the "dump" him down in Nicaragua acain !


'"'I'* '^ere rept^rted ^'^"/^ ''°

"'''J''l''^^''•sl;pcfch made lesion News .savs:


1 1 . • , ,. I

•• . .. L. . , . ^." t"'", from commitlee.-: Hie new Koprc.ser.tativ* s llill was bv : ..(•i,„ ..»„»,. i i„ ,• i r .i

a e always plenty in that distracted rising generation. Such arc the sen-;

on the spot Commodore Paulding took1 Mr. J. I. Caldwell-A bill for the

« l^-'""ciat against the Knnsas policy ot . ,

°^.-''^l* " "'"'T ','>" '""V^^

""try. ;limenfs of every enligMcncd politician, him from. The distinuulsbed states- benefit of the Boyle Circuit Ca^rt — H'* I''«sideiit, aiul that on the lirsi day ,,;„j

iNTEiiKsfiMi iti GA.Miti.Kii.s.— A bill Till SiMNKR—The is said to be in the habit of speak- j




of <be "General" as a ' commonto punish pfofeasional f,'amblcrs by whip-

;family is certainly an unfortunate one

; nuisance," but that is not accordinping has passed the ISwer house of the in the way of receiving personal casti- Chesterfield,South Carolina Legislature. It pro


gallons. Charles Sumner, Ihe Senator. ! .

Ti les that in adiHtiou to the punishiiieiit is well known on account of his caninsi I?KLlGror».—A revival is in progress

• l.. »dy provided by law, that the guilty at the hands of Mr. Brooks, of South Methodist Church in Ilarrods-

pariy shall receive not to exceed thirty- Carolina. His nephew, a few months burp, under the uiii.'istry of its pastor,

property in

nine Ushes.

Mr. ^^lil...•k

bill i«4<» tlie Xeiine:-

' ••••

• •' i.a/ik ol

jf dollars

ill p' 1st notes, payable twelve i'lonlh:

after date, it is a virtual cxtcnatoii of

the eapitiil and businei,* of the bankand its branches, over and above it.s

present business to that amount.

before, was whipped to death in Boston,

'•V in indtf;naiil husband, who had rea-

Dr. Buckner, assisted by Hcv. G. W.Mcrritt, Dr. Hicks, of this pi .iCc, and


<• Rev. .1. C. r -,,,, ..(^^-vA-ville,


' ^ KOjJr A. L . .IH.'^,^,,'"- \ a.

another Sumner, a rciAiAF TlS* fami- '•»*<> preach in i^exingt)n .)n >niid:iv

ly. has been tjiiiert Vr'^.Teditor in Call

fornia. Tliuy seem to have i^ great pro

pensify for getting into personal difii


Mr. W. P. Payne- A bill for the ben-efit of the Trustees of the town ofJamestown. Passed.

^Mr Kuss. li— .A bill to empower a M.

E. Church to sell certainAdai- c 'uniy.

Same— ,\ bill to iucor

ville Lodge^ No 192,t«ii M isonJ

Mrle \',

-r;,. „ 1 , ,. , y her hu^liand on Suntlal*, Dec. 20lh atOf its occupancy the party sku ked from «, ui ;i: • r-i i Ziv


I .• I ,St. I'hilip s Church. lUW the consreo'a- ,a vote on a resolution laudatory of the ,j„n ji,p„sg^_ ' • - " => J

HAVI.Xf; 6ohl niy Tarm, I wish to di-poseMl private sale, of

MY STOCK, CROP, &c.Consifliiig of Ihe followinc:

Horses, Milch Cows, Calves, & Hogs1 lwo-lior«e Wagon: a one liorse Cirl- a Bu-»gy: Ml or mn hirrei.H of C.rn; a qn.-,'„iiiy o, . ., ,

Oat.; inn U,K„.|,,,r; .^0 biiZi: WiLui Ti:e'o i;:rBaron and Lard; 7 stands Iter, '

Message of James Buchanan. A bad i



i»-Ther.divjs;ons, in

are to be tw.-)

I(o settle theii

f.eave was


the Democratic party —1 o'"

accopApanied by one of' 200 Young Peach Treesle elder members of the church and Of the right si?.,, to et out thi, Ppring. 'aI.o


vestry and '.wo liulies. The visit was Ki'^hen Furniture. Fanning L'ten-

laffected— the widow never havim; beenfactions, or

; : .i . ., . • - IV1.-M1in the " U V since the (lemi*e of her 1 us- articles

the turnpik*

from Uanville The houHe-l.".-:e";good order, and wHI finished, wi^h all the n.e.,.ary Oul^Build.iig, on the place, with . go.^iWell oil earh ,„U ,.f the house.


Also, 20 Acres of Knob Land,Weil anu "cflici.ntly near lo fu.-ni.'h

tire wood. AI.o.

All my Ilou.^e and Kitchen Furniture; i"few head of and Cattle; fever-al Wagons; Farming To .Is, Ac.

a nnaiilily of T",T' T'''"' ""-i Land, on.-haifT .nnty "f;

e«M,. llie balance in I J month,, with intere.t.The other property will be .old on a credit of12 monlh. for all sums over .fid. the porrha-•er giving bond with good .ecurity; tlO and

auglH*. an.l Dnvis of Mi-s.. am likolv' "i""' ^ ^^-np.'' "" I

i-il^. &crsoii. wishing lo purchase any of the above

are invited to e.,11 early a, possible1


under, taih iu hand.

Boyle CO . jan 22. '58 Id.

E, A. COX.

and airead '

ex< Iamation of ".^nd is this ll.e !jau. 22, '.">8 tf

^ ti I'"mbj^f my husband? ' brought tears in-


- .ve, th. . who acc„,r,p;.nied|


ihev are i

aecount, fi

|nT the fame with

*- th' wh(> acc.iinpaiiiedI

t'-rown were streaming w ith

lions of the past, and a el eer-


-. r,f „ liMppy nleatiiig in the ' bet-

AfLL ih.ise jvl " 1, 11..W I

JTT in* either, by nul.' or 1

lo fcnnit to my af-ir* ,ind pi

Habi) Hit at rnr .Vilmimstkation


We clip the following from the Lex-ington Observer, of Wednesday.The very interesting protracted mee-t. u„ piohibiiing the inco, , ai ,01.

ing, which has been ,n profrross in the ,h.vcs-a biil' to ch.nne theMethodist Church in this ciiy for the meeting of the Gei,eral



them a bill t.<

furlher dunning, a, I »h.,ll ijel |h» prnjoromcere of Ihe law lo rolleet all unpaid dehia af.l-r tlu- ir.ih of F..hniarv iie.xt. I'lva.^e lake uotico, and govern youreelve, accordingly

W. C. LUCAS.j >n 21, -jS tf

olCatron's Superior Floursaleat W_ f7. Ires',, at the low.-,!

> -Tlic Richmond South alleges, upon ""^ ^'W" continued during i„ tax bacbeiors for the support of wid" ' I the present week. T),. — . ... ct^.„n;„.._, 1 .1 . , 1 ,. .

>iiv pi ..still, nrcn.. X iir services are couyifficient grounds, that "the dt.sperston ducted by the Bev. Dr. Linn, one othe Fillibuster forces in Nicaragua ! the ablest and most eloquent divines ir

\-isembly—a bill>,...i..iiuiu uuiiiig to tax baclieiors lor tl'.»

The services are cou- ows and orphans, iVc,' " " f MoNDAT, Jan. 18, 1850.

The bill which WTis repor ed on Sat-

, relati's to the

elof|ucni aiviiies in

^igh accomplished through the ;„. the Stale. Crowded audiences attend unlay by Mr. Johnsoniientality of the AmcriC^an Navy,

wi"'i>.'>-ation.scvcry nifrht. and a deep. contract with the keeper of the penilenii-

f/>ro„,^^,,/ ly a suve..r!on f,„„^ t e T'^^'V" '"f ''^^'l''-'^"P^-'^'e "lomen-


ary,which provides thai the keeper shall

l ei n!-Gr,at Pr.-' ' / '

^ot to which hc IS SO sedulous-; pay ,hc sum of SCOOO for the use of the^elnjOnat lri,,uu andeji„rt,dm ]y devotinu himself. We under ;tandipeiieienliarv. instead of fCOUO as hcie-

n<st of ihe Exthr Hall Alolilwn- |bat !hcrc have been flbout forty access-;

lofore. was considered in both houses to-

. ... Hii . i,!M iiMoN llAnK.MS.—The Tribune's

. t>f Paulding, il, ..mbs. i^'"'' correspondent, says that Bishop

-.and Blown seem a > le wjih i

'"^pfifg*""''!. has seven wives,•ther in coiidamnaiion af everythini/ i "''""^ sisters, and bis own.nal, conservative an. I ro-peclable ,

This is mixing matters prettywhich has been done to luaintain the f''e'''r. even for a Mornn.n Bishop. '

1 ,, ,

Neutrality LV«s. The President is o-'/l-'ie same writer, speaking of Li. ut. L.l,tZet:.r::;^!il^^^^^^^^^^

Dliged almost to look lo the American ''^"C"' ^; ells, the M-nmon cnmman I \vand Reptiblijan ."^cnHlors for txplana- '-b'ef. and the third in rank of the! jan 32. tf

Ion and defense of his course on this P''*""'''^"^ bis predeces-| STRAY HEIFER

suhjHct. In the end, however, the so-s"' the Presidency was Jedediah M. rpj^,^,;^

, ^^^^^^ ,1,11ber, .second thought of the people will ;

f'""'. " bo died last spring, and be- i 1 Hec-mber la.i. hy Ta\7oV V"Jilr.\'ivi„g'onside with the honor of the country, and ;

'|"'>'>l''ed his harem to his successor.|

S»lt River, in Kn\le'c9., n Mvo year olil

sustain ihe Fx.-.uitive in putliiK' d.jwn 'appears that women are chatties


"eifer, .narked « ith an uu-ier-bit out of each... I

,.„r; color red, nriih i-oine whii.. i„ the fare.

nd ap-




SIII A DElSOW ER 'SIi JVAT received and now open ar t for sale

,' irea f<ir caab, aaxxlra " ;e •!

fAMeif ABTICLIS, fOYSsTogelh.-r will, a Urge anil Fre.h .leok of

CONFECTIONERIES,Brandieti, Fresh, and Preserved

Call in at the well. known stand ofT. J. shindi:li3owi:r,

aug28-57 Third ,t.. Da«lifo,



DisAiM'iii.srED ..V.sniiANr.s.— Anxiwus

If the South, an ultra Democrat.urnal, whose chivalric editor, Mr.

lor, justly spurns abolitionists in ev-

ery sl..ipc r.n-^ form really moans what

ions to l!ic church since the uicctin


all such lawless expeditions.— Waihi„q ' P-^^sonal, and can be transferred by will 1 IIYLT,'';,;" '"'l-i"; i" the I

/.,«,, \- 1' I

,„,„,,,, ,1,. ..k;^-,. ..t

'^'""^ '"^llv end wh.te 111 either n o.k, and</;> yor. 0/ Ihe A. J. L.rjncss.


among the bainis. prais.d by the „ orier.ignrd. a Justice of

i-.nn T., ^""f.,*-'?'?°'^"-'' TUK TKKAst'ay - Do-r:L,8's Okfiction—The

nri r. ,,,^1corrc,p.,ndenl of the


burg. ( Miss ) Southern sav : As s.prep-.

1 hiladelphiH North Amerh an has the ph,„Kiion ofrhe unexpect'ed cha

xpectants of foreign appointments, it says, why constantly eolopise and apirwting at Washington, are mu. h di..- provc an Administration which it inti- Washington City, and when angurt("d with Douglas and Walksr, and male? frattrnii", with British Aboliwith the whole Kansas imbroglio, for 'i*'"^

having taken the attention of the Prcs- "

M. nt from their particular cases. They •';'"n,c of the Democratic papers^i,,^^ ^„ y.^ .^^ the House of r,'

think that the President, in consequence considerably fretted, because of IheHepre.entatives declared th

ol the insurrection in the Dcinociatie

p rfy. will wait a little while longer, to

h id out wh«» are his friends, lie scarce-

ly I.nows at present.

day. A protracted debate ensuedthe merits of the bill, and various—-— ositions were made to amend the mm-i-

1^ The United Slates Treasury is:

ure- A paper was read from Mr. Ward ih» l-V.^oial T,«..<i.,v .....i .k« r 1 / "i" , .


emptier now than it has been since 1841' P-- ^ceeper. proposing to nay the t. C^Zl Jsl^ '

| ^.:n^.Ztl^:r:JZ T"'vhen Treasury notes were below par in

I Jlf; hrri.I-^^Cs ^ T'^''^ f,''' '-'l^^^^^^^^ t^::;^rmem oers pa,it week, as exl.'biied by the ofTicml interest

" '


;'ime ex-

, ,1 • . ,. , ,. r - — xpected cliaiiiie inf..l|.-.wing Ml reference to the condnion ol


the acliop of Mr D..u..las we mac stale

e;«nliary. Several honorableagent (.jj.ibited great inconsistency bv

STRAY STEER.TAnV.y up a, an esiiay. about Ihe l»l of

IVreinb..r U;.!, hv Nalhani.-I Harri.<. livingon IJ.rtoir. l- nrk. of r>ry Hrnnrh, in Boyle ro..n wliite renrling Slrrr, without brand ormark of any kind upon him— good stork, and

inji. shows no improvemonl whatever .',ne to conciliate" the Free S(,i! f.inaiics " ""^ 'b'

in the •peculiar institution."


wro""*,' statement at the depar'.ineni this morn- presume, he thought the occasion a' o-oodwas sent in vain to Europe, to peddle against the proposition to lease the peni

:-niled Stales bonds wherever he could;

;<>"';«ry for the sum of SI2.000, mere]j^, u,,.,„ihe preceed intone, and, if anything of the Nortl, .wl North-west IlHvin..get orders. The Chairman of the Com- !

P'»^^„^' '""^ P? '""^ ^'^ P,'''i

« ^'-.U tailing off in material reipecti' do,« this, thev will no cal 1 im fof a pai.izin.(apt. Jackson cleaily


xi 0 receipts |,t,m all sources, onlv a- : -d.Migh face"'' or taunt hin. as a suplelew this responsilbity up'.n ihe shoal- 1^ a, t , ".. . , ,

.win," a supie

Pe»ce. for i-aiil rnunly, at $13Given unrfir my h ind Ihia,

January. .A P. IP.if*.


the 1 Ilh day of

B C.

H.AS locstrd one door cnst

i^-- ^ * corner, and ia(L.txpifl Prepared lo HEl'AIH WATCHESI I.OCKS and JEWELRY of every de.crip'lion. \ onr patrouage i. re.pectfuily olieitrd.

uov. 13'57tf

ic govern-I ders

« I S lesponsiioity up..n n« sno.i- „j„unt ,0 8463.0.11 21. or below an iv- lool of the Slave power. In fut"

.,".TJr.'r;,''' "'".r.' ^"g". l-en.y.|ive millions a year.- ,'

'ancy that the •little .<iant" and

lire, wehis sa-

noniination of Rcvill and the defeat of . , . .r , . , ,, , , • " " ,vi»nr m meniynve miiiior.a a yeari> ,,• r ni I r , , .

mcnt under protest for deferred oblipa- had evinced a disposition to willrb.dd a I'his is 1 he Usi iu,- ,.f 1, > , 1 '. 11 1 i. 1 -ii 1Bulling, for Cerfc of the Court of Ad- .• j • ... .,..lir,. ; .; . .u . .i"« of iJio second rtuarler bU; namesake h red, wi have no diflcu

peals. Our generally good nalured c - I

"""''""^ "'"T—{ f ^7^4^ ^ :nd V/r'm^ll .^f J''

V-"--- '-c : ly i.; standing on the same platform.' ry notes has been rcfjuircd to save it s;„i 1 v..^. ..'i.. i.i:_: *

,: '"'K"*".'' '"'I*"! *<?rihcation, while


•ai5~ The hill, which had j-reviously

J.. --cd the House, to prohibit the circu

Uiioii ofloreign Bank notes of less than

five dollars in value, has passed the.'<cn-

temporary of the Harrodsburg ^ran- ^ ' .School b„i who were so obl.riou. to th. mad. in Che .North American, two months! p

script, grows quite spiteful over the ," """"""'"'K l'--""* mtere ts of the State as to throw away ago. witln.ul advantage ot the official da- ^

matter, and bang, awiy at the friends, ' ' """"" "P°° ' P-t"-<=«1 /a. bave been sustained with singular.f";^""

. _ 'iii.'nd. .accuracy, lln i-«..i,i ,1.. 11 ..1.

' '"cam...f Elijah Nuttall and Junius Caldwell,

I Nkws ra. m tms Plains - The Leavat a rapid rate. lenwortb ('iiy Ledger, of the 8ih inst ,; without amendment in the form in which

The Bardstown (Jazette is also out of ""J"' y('""g men. Hunry Ba- 'I < fiom the committee. It wa.s so ij,^. and

tIKKJIIKT GoiKC nr CoNTRARin.ernment instructions, like Padily'g

.P, „ J , „ . - Me would do well to consul!"7"!'"^^^^^

{he bill hnally passed the lI"U»ej

Ihat autn.iiity hereafter in preparin.r fi.,.

was instructed lo sec that the h-i-

' lures which have to undergo public sciu-7'"P'"n ^">»;"'«"";" was subraittd to


Lying in Boyle

« I,, ri.« i„„. ,the peop.e. He did bis best to can v oui 'umpike leading

Peace for said county, al $IC(Jiven und-r my hand thia. tli»llth day 0'

January ."

. I). IS.SH



I will Pell 10 the highi-Hl bidder, at Pnblir S.ile.

On Monday, February 15, 1858,(Being County Court dny. . before Ihe Court-

house door in Danville,

11 Acres of Land,

TO FARMERS.IT'ANTKD all the WIIK.^T w. can fet» * for which we will per the bi,.|ie,t in>r>

ket price. Please call upon us before vou di.-po.e of your crop.

O. A. REY.VOLDS &. CO.Lexington. Ky.. jnly :il

BF.RK.^FTRR. in the tran.nclion of allCounty (;ourt busine,,— more partic-

ularly ill K taie niHller. and lioad application*—notice of same must be filed wiih the Conalyr.lerk at foiiie time prior to the holding ofCourt.

3PKRD ,S. FRY. P.I. B.C. C.K. R. BOLLING, Crit, B. C. C.

iiov27 tf


ate. with an amendment fixing the 1st ihumor-thinks BoUine was done badly -''T' ^""''l',?

'"^ Alexander Francis amenil..d in the Sena e, however, as to ' Pg,(i„sl There .lie' nominX"five was compelled

1 c 1 ... , .1 . T- 1 .' arrived there nn 1 hurs(li>y afternoon, llie i '-''"P'''

''''' ''vceperof till. I enilenliarv to Hi,,| a half millions vul «nV,i.^..i , . , ...r.. 1

to resign!day of June next as the time when Ihe


-lha. f rankfort a real slaughter pen;7th inst., fr.m K«rt Bridget Tb.v came

\P«y §1 ?.000 insLd of S8.000, and pass-

."^t, from this sum Iwo nSLns mu" be

' Com'n-.odore Paulding was instructed

deducted for drafts drawn hut not paid, 7 "''^ "'"'"''/"'^'""'"^ '°

, ,. .Lt '.: Ihe violation .f the

J. The aiLcndment of the .SenateI

I'e If'// vote for Kevill, but reserves the i'"!'''"'-^-^':* "^'J '-1

."^ n^"

-. Jitilcaa,' •

the iriKbtIo think that somebo,The. ..p^.i ,hat th« dav they left, ,W whi.-h n l„l| r .

-amc into ihe camp and repi. tef of the Ken1 Miirm..nR w.'ici 11^ a state ' '-'leM'.

SO when he feels like it, v.-.. , B; igham Yout.g .lad about. [ ' . > ''ill appropnates S'^.UJO aunuone-half desiring to march against the "".''<'> ^aid Society.]

troops; the other h.ilf being in favor of! The roll being called, the volo stoodthe troops coni'iig into Salt Lake and es- I y!*' ""y* '•^—so the House refused

bill provide, that billiard tables may be: which the Americans triumrd.ed\-.ys- , v ,n.nv,ll. r ^ f^ i f tl .t , h . f... , .

a iriunipnia, says. ,„,) overthrowing the powers lhat be-! Ppeflclies were tuade on the Normal J'anville, Ky ., and Clumbia, S. C. Kev. "-''al goes by '•conlri.rieb!'

These gentlemen left Leaven worib last |'''*-"bool. Dr. Haird representing the former, add

are now to ri.^e in judKemcnt I""?''''

-,these iiisiructions, aud-

l.ill shall take ettect instead of the 1st1

"nd the convention "another one of I the whole distance, twelve hundred m les' I'J by that bo ly

of January as agreed upon bv the 'boseswindlinggamcs." Tl.c rdiior say.s ;

"nd ac<-o;iipliiih'.'ii tli.;ir journey HOr^^F!



lo have been the noniinic,

BtT.l.lAHl^s — A bill has passed the!


lo.ier branch ot iiic iiCf;iKiaiurc, auinor- 1 ISBuThe Lexington Statesman, spcak-ixMip billiard tables in the Senate. The ^ ing of the city election in that place in

millions and a

of ill? sporeUryI .Slates.

lawless persons,

peditions again^

obeyed tliCM; ruci lon.s



1-iws bv

coucly. iininedinteiy on Ihe

ng from Danville to Perryville.

F-f) DAILY, byThe best brand, j

on hand, by theca>e, can or dr 7.en . rii


a f fob c*«h, at


1adjoining the of W. I. Reed.


Term, made fnowii on the day of .ale.

T J. HUDSON,jan 22, .'.^ td.


licensed upon the payment of an a.nnu- ' The result is to be attributed to two , ^„„.^„„„,,.. ,„,ial .*^late tax of SlOO; that no billiard ta- ;

causes. In the first place by the imposi- July witli the train of iTenry Cl"a'rl'es.—

ble shall be erected in a room in which j

o«» charter of on abomiuible tax On their return thev were caui;ht in aBuCIUN AN vs. B KKCKINHIOGK. The

'ssiiTi ^'r^•OD —The Mississippi IWalker and sending him home as a pris- I

^f^HB .uh.criber havine determined on rao-

.Syn..iiof the Picsbv ian Church has !""er. For this he is to be censured, if


' vinjr. will oflVr at Public S^Ih,

been si I tin in the First Pr^sbv lei ian j

"o". '''''sf.T'e'', while the lawless person^

On Mo- day, February 1st, 1838,Church of New Orleans. An inieicstini' I

«rresled is to receive the apologies of the TTie 710011*4 111 a 17001/4 an/tAand very able disc issii.n has taken place . Oabinei! 1

HeSiraOlC iieSiaenCClelalive to the Tbeoli);;ical Seminaries at Paddy's dream is not tlie only '.liing

' With FORTY ACRES of LAND attached


half a Miile'/roin the f'ourt House, on the northside of Dinvi le. Al.o. at the .aiiie time.

-Kev. Dr, Thornwell the latter.I d i,

-,> -ri « •

~r, • ,

Horses and C-^l lie; one line YoungDi.Tliornwellwislied iho Svnodtoa.', '^" ^ U —These fl.-,ming Capitals Jack ; one extra Jennet, and one extra

have herutofoie labelled a

• Fresh Arrivals at

i SHINDLKBOWER'SConfectionery &. Variety Store/ AM novv eeee 'V-yp a C. J enrj..*^^

SI rtnif at ofFlue Family Oroceries;A.sortt.ii ronf. rtioiierie.;

Toys and Fancy Ariiclea. large atock:

Cove an. I Fpiced Oysters;Sardines. L'.h>tere, Crabs, Pickles:Cigar. and Smoking Tobacca;'Fit;!., Prunes, Date., Citron;Almond., Filberts, Che. nut., &c,

nov M T. J. S.

Fresh Oranges and JjemonsJu-'l rcceiv d at T; J. S.

the bill will pass the .Senate.

ieft„ The Hon. Schuyler Colfax, a

ress frt

writes to his own paper the }?oath BendepiCc of all

' The second cause to which we affri '

bufc our defeat, is thc|cxclu8ion of the A Cf on I OKA.—The Metropolian po-member of Congress from Indiana, j

'''^'^ '^"''-'="8 Poll>=. lice of New York have added one valunIhi.--, as Ibc •May'.ville Eagle poinlcdlj ble nature to their duties. Whenever

ays, is a beautiful admission to cjine 1

1'' 'be knowledge of the superIJecister, as follows: "In „. a,. . .„,.„^».,. . .

this torrent of denunciation, j„,„e i

f-m a Democratic organ, that the De-I h'::.^! ton" of Tis^Je'l^t t'at":

Douglas *<auds firmly 10 his potition.— ^

'""'^'"^y cf the country are dependant new ceunlerieit is to be sprung up,.n the

^e told me the other day, that he Jij.i j

their succeas on foreigpera and pau- 1

P"blic, word is al once sant to eve.y

niy, J. M. JACKSON, in a speo

he m»de a few days since in the lower of Danville,

house, thus refers to J.10. U. Biecken- .ted to report on the m,-ill<<r. and


was submitted t.i the elfect that while theMr. Speaker, what has Buchanan mac

of Kentucky's pride, the "y«ung e ^John C. Breckinridge. I,« in whom we


gaiions have been incurred in regard to |


all had ' onfldonce upon the slavi ry ques- ' Danville which inusi be d'scharged be-tion? The fail •>/ ,1 Kl

; nothing more. '< l*re any change can take place.The Vii.-e President, the »pcaki r of the.Senate; without any political power; af- .\ P»ntherin Ttii Skttlements.-

li.iuor is keiit and th-.f W.Hi.K.i.n.* I

'''"^ "K^l of sufi-rage^ i.snow .storm at Rock"^^^ Bepresentaiive from Christian dopt the Seminary at C.himhia as' its "7" ""^-l''"'' " P'-P"'"'- P"'' Jennet Colt

{l,nuor.skept,and th.tai. indt^geocei,,..,,^ ^"'"^ I>e".ocratic part^,

considerably; but they weathered b^ ^ J ^^^^^^^ own whiU Dr. Baiid advocated the claims

to a1

newspHp,.r1 AlsO, 100 AcrCS IZtlOb Land,

in the g.imc on the Sabbath, shall work were disfra, chised, from their inability ' storm, and came throu-h without moles I» "h" l«w«r of Danville. A committee was appoin- T'*''"'

'^^ '^''^^ " '^"'"'j' ^^' ''^'ji

Po.,essio„ of the pUee given by th. Jet oli

a forfeiture of license. It i« thought to pay the tax.. tatioc. It was cerla^n'v an und<.ri«lii.."o- U. Brecken- . ted to report on the m.ill^r. and a paper "IH« portentous 1111 of Mar.-i,, or sooner, if desired. I

.1.:. , ..*"

rl,l.,. I....:. ...J .. .1 ,r— . .1 , T. "iT ;

the Democratic candidate!

A FRESH snpply of Western R.serre andCream Chcee at r. J. s.

~)r\ DOZF.N London Purler just received aodC\J for sale, by T. J. S.

n.ade Synod feels the liveliest interest in the i

^"'i^I'^"',"""; (""'-k. who hails from th,

.agle welfare and success of Columbia, obli-'•"J brush of -Sweet 0«an. and glories

„„,; I . , i._ J •, . : probabi" in ihe name of -•

Bank n Bahwav ReWl!!"Phoe'.ii". what a ii.m.',

To till ihu B.jiieaking irunip of fame."'

Mnysi iUc liuglo

co,unted the cost, and that hc should re-

main.iiiflexi ble. in spite of President or

Cabinet. He expects, of course, to re-

main in the Democratic party, but his

.eat in it will be full of tboins.'

pera. member of the dep-.»rimeni, and he warns

. I

every shopkeeper within his beat—giv-

Tha time of Con-icss is still be- :

l''™,'!'* "f the bank, and thus

;„ - I • • ,. . ,. .puitinjf hiin on his I' occupied principalJy in discussing

, ,,Tera"'

ler using him as a stool pigeon to seduce I VKentucky fr.jin lier allegiance 10 tiir '

honored and sanctilied opii.ions, he 1-

discarded and condemned. ii.'\er consulted even in the appniiuiuenis from lii'

own Sia'.e, and ' .-nii to d.^i:.MiHle

0:5" A young naval officer, when asftied

what period of ihe battle was the mustappiill'ng. |ej,lii,(|—••The few hushe.l

Term, made known 011 Ihe day of .ale.

JAS. E. UILLE.SPIE.jan 22, .'i? td


KNIFE CLEANERS,tide fur sale at

new and fi»» «r«

T- J. S.

rHAVE now for in Danvlpe. a large

lot of Salt iiikI T.nml»er, « hii h I amoffering cheap fi.r Ca.h ur lu exchaiijfo for


Wheal, ll is rov infuiio'i to keep a supply .

.Vbiind al ail time?, and 1 can proiiiplly fill'

... : _i ' .1 1 1 .1. 1[all order, for any desired qiianlily n( either i

iiiuments when they sprinkle the dec^ip,,, Lumber' of .very de.,cripi,nn . shin-|

In ihis way^,nc s,n,, •

^-e President, ,,. „ exiensive arrangements for pui-



thetwo\\alker8_Kan.=a»and NWa- :ii..gcounte.fei.sin,irculHU.,nhavelLnl"; .1

," ""^^ u 1 . u "i 1 n- r'

;;ua r'ninoed in tl.B hiiii •' .niinisiiauon. feo much has ,\lr Buch- ;U has done, has been the killing of i, low



i P'=« *«uamlo^e for Tour •vo..r: » eagle." (hogs.

al (lays past the citizens of' 1 Trimble couniies, between

.1 d Sligo, have be«n hunting a

i< i>ich recently iiiitde its ap-

thai I hey ha<e _s;i„j, :o drinic ihe human blood as uIm, A^ .ttn. Purcha.. r. are iuviieo to giveI

.>een unsuccessful, in conse:

^ g, •> „,„ a call before buvmg My residence i. ontjU ce ot the difhculiy of gelling iheii

jLrxini/iiin street, in ihe house formerly own-

higs to follow. As yel llie only damage ledby.Mr Wm'

I X^H":iil all our new iidverlisemeiits. .' J. ll- D.V\ IS.


Tliey are of interest lo ever^boJ^'.|

jan 'i^. U

SOMETHIHG KEW.Jutit receivt d iiiiij fur o'lits at cthiiiJiebowar*!*

2» pounds Oream Kiff*;

i25 *' ** ("horolale Drnpe;

Uuni Dropc, Jujubp PaFt<». Ar.iiov2» T. .1 SillNUKLBOWUl.

Liniments, &c.Chine.e Liniment, Pilea LiniinenI, "1Kheuinatic Liniment, Fever A Ague Tonieliridilh'. Oalbanum Sireiigiheuing PUaUra.Diarrli.eH, Flux and Cholera .Medicine.

Bedbug .Medicine, FiU .Me.licine. .icFor .ale by ll. HAMILTON

july 24 57 tf

Page 3: WEEKLY K TUCKY TRIBUNE. - Internet Archive...WEEKLYKTUCKYTRIBUNE. ^tbolrlrl0llctus,|)olittt$,fitrraturc,|ntwrvdImpvobrmcutanK(bntrralInformation O r-t UA^RY 2-^,1858 (6HltnICVKRYrKIDAY117





Grecian Painting.—We have bad'. the ple&suro of examining a number of

paintings recently executed by tiie pu-

Ipils of Mr. VeNABLF. These pictures


nOBT. D. LOGAN. E-<j.,

Dkah Sm :— Believiiij; (hut yon would rc-

ceiTe K innjoritv "f ll'e v<it«T*t nf nnylt* CoiintVt

•»•» laea I 11 j w i IkiivwiiK; that vmi would Ho your ilult/ if

22, 1858 'arc very handsome and attractive, and,

„. would rrrv ro.p«tf..lly .ol.rit you' are finclv executed, nbtwithstandin'' the


to become a candidme for \h<- office of .Sh^riflT

, . . • . 1 .1 I i

M^NY VOTEKS.fact that those who painted tlieni have

MOEBOW&HWOOO'SNew Harness & Saddle


IWPAY THE PRINTERWe are compelled to have money to

meet our liabilities, and purchase our

winter stock. All those knonin); (hem-Helves indebted to us, would frreatly ac

coiumodato us by paying up at once.

WOODrwOOD!Will those nf our country friends who

lire indebted to us, brinj; us in wood?

if not wood, then brin<; us flour, corn,

Qa<n. hos meat, or almost anylliing else

which a family can use.

Col. G. S. Cai.dwei.i, lias our

thanks for valuable State documents.»«^^»»«- — —

To Merchants asw Shippfrs.—See

•dvortisemcut of J. II. McCA.MruEi,!.,


COBKECTION.—We were in error last

y«ek in our announcement of the time

Vic,ie President RREfKlNRllxiE's address

'the Alumni of Centre College, The I

idrcsa of Mr. B. will be delivered on|

c.tning of lb- lOtU 01' >-'vi,lember '

^^j^^^, ^

n«xt Xietnf^ the day before tli« Annual

as yet had but few lessons in the art.

We arc informed that this sty le of pain-

ting if very easily understood, and that

but a short time is required for pupils

to become so far advanced in the art

that they can pet up pictures which will

cdflipare favorably with


Mr. Venable's rooms are at Mrs. Ma-KY's, where he can be found by

those who desire to acquire a knowledge

of his beautiful science.

Second Rnnnd nf (liinrf<-r|y Mpelincs for

thp lli«rrod-bu rg Ui<itricl.

niiiTillc, m Wliitf Cliniii 1, Jan 9—in

Harrodi-liii'ir, " IR — 17

nichniotiil, Bi Ric'iinond, " 23—S4.

Madi'on, Kt Trxa*. " 3"—31.

I.anrax'pr, at Mount Zion. Frl). 6—7PrrrTvillf. ai IVrrvviili-, _

•' 13— 14


Cr«\, Orrliir.l. nl"-i Crri k, " 9'l-2l

the fiucst oil[

Soniprs'l. al BetIi-1. Oascy CO., " 27—a-i.

Maxville, at Mount Zion, March ti— 7.

Salrisa, at Mo'inl H< l>ron,' " 13— 14.

Aiidersori, at LawrcnCfloirL'. " 20—21.


now engajred in

(5. W MKRRITT,0"N«sli*illf" Adv 'oati" plea-o copy.

P. E.

Sheriff's Notice.


Thi^ tioticti it to inform voii tlial vnnr TaxraliBvp liech dtie cvvr "inrp tlio l.^th of ,Iun» la«l,

an,1 I Iinvirij; indnli^cH von lo ttii«» lirn'', T *h«II

-Prof. IIoi.cOMn is

tcnching his several

classes in pcnm.inship, and we are claj ; -»P''<'' P»*' •""""^ "" "-itlioni

. . liirilipr dflav, atui hv «o iloinif von will oiiliee

to learn that lie is meeting with j^ratify- vour Sheriff, .iml piv the drl.i Von owe 10 the

ing encouragement. We would advise i

Cotimumwealt!. and roni.iv of Boyl,..

" " '1 nor-*, tvr..

all those who desire to improve their; 0. w. PONEOHV, S B. C.

penmanship, to avail themselves of thej

^ -^^ ready ioj>a.v me.

opportunity now offered them, as Prof

H. is a fine penman, and thoroughly un-

derstands the business of imparting in-

struction to His rooms are at


o i» El i>a- 1 C3-




1 8 o 8 !

Great Inducements

Are wfTervd duriag the precent seaton

STORE.Having per

maiienlly locale<'

iu Danvilie, 1 In

tend to k erp constanily on hand,u fiua ••orlnieiit of

Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Mar^j

tingales, Whips, Trunks, &c.I

Of my own <M«iiufacl,ire, which I i;.iarnnte» to


be equal l« anv made in this niarUwl, 01 rU»-where, *vo iT fiticts t 1 i-viT Tut iimk*.

Double and Single Bug^r nnd Carriag*ll«rn«>8 made to order, on short notice.

Wagon. Carl and Plow Ilarne-sAlwaya on liiind.

Repairing of «very description in my line

: Done with neuiucs and de^putch.

CIIAROKS MOOEUATE.I hopB, hy cio»e alienllon (o l.u.i«e«,. and

ami-L fRoiirs, to gain a liberdl »h<.r« cf pat-roiiagn. '

rrK*rmer. and pcuh-rs l>, „,y „e rea-Iprnllully „,v,ted to Call and exan.ine for Ihem-

; lielvea.


I DlnWlYeld'c as':"57


Ilnstonville via. Danville


E are nnw ninninif a Till WKF.K LTI. INI-; OK SI AUt;S Irotn Hualonville.

conn' luting at Danville wltti our daily liira tromUativtlh; to Louisville.

Leaving Ilnstonville at 3 oVIock, A. M., oniMotiitJiyii. \V( tlneMlay^. aiol Friday", and ar-riviiig at O.inville in time lor any ol the Siagealeaving for l.ouiaville ( r I.eXinglon.Leaving |l.inviile for II u<iiiMiviile, oa Tnea

dayc. Thurtdays , and Siturdaya, at H I' .M ,

after tho arrival of llle Luuinvilli' and Lexing-ton Btjgea.

From H'latouviil • lo TS^viii,-,*' " *H #rfo^lirt>ur ».

" *' " I.awren(*eli||rg" " " Fraiilifor4," *' • Sh.lbyville,•'

. " " L .iiisvjlle,

Adams Express CoiiipiuiyJ ^^kl^RESPECTFULLY anno.ince to tho Bn.i '

iieas Fublic of Danville and Ticinity. lha'

th»y ha'.- arranged with llia

Keiilucky li'iitral Railroad To.

Kentucky Central Stage Co.,UuBKixaii. Mct'A»ir»Ki.L. VrL/ra.^

For fiicilitic" that enab^ci them to .•xtend Hie :

npt ratluna ol their

Great Nat-iinial Exjiress LineTo Nicholasville and b«nville.To which they are now runnilig daily.

Parlicularntien'ion ia rrqueKled to tile f"< !., Iba'

tlii:* Comf)dny lia<* Ollices and Agencies in

DON'T FOUGE'l',you want your WATCIIF.?, JEW-RY and CLOCK'-! R F. PA 1 U l>P

promptly, hy an eiperiei.ced wuruinan.On f f!AnR.\Kl). aieniid door eaht of

Welsh & Nichols, adjoining Linney &. CablU'aSad^lary aliop. Ha is alwaya there to atleoilto wants,dec 4, '57 tf


AFTER all rtlljBttce

iif three weeka, Hhh',.,relurnrd to reBiime the -' j fl

dnlivs el iii-< profeaaiun Ol- FH^K at his L'ld«lauil, on Main atreet, 3 uoora ea«t (it th»Brancli Bank.

oct :to. -S" tf



New York,Philadelphia,


New Orleaua,St. Louia,









Lou Kvilll,

Wheeling,M ili«on.

C harleaton,M d.ile.


CANDIDATES.T-T fii-p nuilinriK^H to an lonnro Mr. .T. S.

CAl.nU F.KL. n% n rnri(iiii:itf for rp-t-lfcl ion to

ihe offirr nf AHnp'Rornf Boyle county, at llie

(fiisniM:? ^-.^....» -.1..-.:.,.,

Public S..le of Turnpike Stock.

BXTENIIYE STOeKi ^S-r^;,--- S-i::.:.:;:-.:




j. .ic- -Land and Stock-

Monday, February 1, 1858.

By T. J. IIldso.s, Boyle—Land.—

Monday, Fehiuary 15, 1858.

By K. A. Co.x,"Boyle— L,ind, .Stock,

Ac. Monday, March 1, 1858.

By John S. H(>8Ki>s, G.nrrard

I<and, Stock, Crop, &c. Wednesday,

March n, 1858.

See advertisements, for particulars.

— ——KiNTccKY HoTti.—The advertise-

ment of thi« houao, formerly the "Lo-

^an Houae,' in Lancaster, will be found

in another column. Mr. Pkttv, the

»iew proprietor, is .in experienced land-

lord, and will keep a tip top house in

every respect. W'e advise our friend.*

who are fond of good livinj:, (o stop

with Mr. P.. ^4.^^*4

CofSTY CotriiT Dat.—But little bu

aincis, apparently, was transacted on

Monday last, notwithstanding the fact

that there were a larj;e number of peo-

ple in town. The sales of stock were

«mall holders preferring to retain their

atocV iiitil times and prices grow belter.

-iherford, auctioneer, rcporls

ipules, 50 head two year

U 55 per head.

(.'aj.; '' if SoIlier^

I <: ij. ''an, is .'J

; 111. .Siiu 1. . '.;i"'rlia-

lungs, and iiis recovery ia deep

I'lihoritr-d lo announce Mr 1.. c .

i'..',.lid;it.> f .r I:iiliir i.f Hoylecoiinty. at llie enaiiing Ati;^n8t cUclii*n.

IC7' We are anthnrii:>'d In annnnnre Mr W.A II .\!INKSS :i candidate for re election lo theI'ffire of .tailor of Bnyle county, at the ensuing !

.\ngusl election.

A (T^i).In reptv to ihe irqiiiriea of frientl« from dif- !

ferent iiins of the ciiTinlv, I wnnM re'peri-j

Iv anno'ince thai I am a candiditc for the office'

of Oonn'y Cli rk. Tb<«e friends « ho have «oj

nri^entlv solicired me to l»e"i>me a c.indi(!ate,1

atid liave so kin*llv iendere«l me iheir "inppurt,f

have my wsriMi-l lh,lnk-i. If the people of ihe;

County chfKiKc to elect me a-* their Clerk. I canonly proniiie lo ri'pav their confidence hy diachargine the dittii-s of the ftosiiion to Ihe hest

of my al.iliiv. .1 AS. F. ZI \I M Kl( M .\ K.!



f^Oll SALK.. j tu \h It

A Good Blacksmith

RxqijiaE or the Paiir'a.

CATROn^S FimiLY FLQUR|j^OU Hulf a) all liinf*. in nuy lir.-iircd qtian

ft titv, at CoriiflMin" Cig r Sho[i

Mil Ki tf


Furniture Warerooms.

For the Trihnne.Zi.MMEiiMiK — I SCO in your Ihvv

^ ItEPREgKMATtVE.—Wearcgrat-aee tliat our worthy Rcprcsenia-

ol. ('ai.Ii« El.l., is faithfully rcp-

rrsentinj; the vl»ws of his constituency,

in regard to the leading measures before

the present Legislature. On the bill

conliiiiiing the apprr.priafion to the

f-tate .\gricultural Society, Col. C. vc-

>fd in favor nf lhi\ anr.roiirint\OII—^"^

on the bill repealing the act eatahlish-

ini; ti e Normal Sfhool, his votes have

been always on the side of educational

progress, in opposition to the repeal.

. 44 »•

M- T' Chrisman, Esq.

"By referring to the proceedings o

ihe American meeting held at the Court on Monday last, it will be seen

thttt M. T. ClIUis.MAN, Es<|., of thi,|

county, is reconinicnded as the flrst

choice of the Americans of Boyle, fo

Appellate Clerk. The American Con

Yention, to nominate a candidate for]

that office, i§ to meet on the 27lh, and

we are certain that, among all the dis- and competent genfleinc

auggestcd as worthy nf the position,

there is not one more so than Mr. Chris-

man. We say this, without detracting is very an xious that Mr. A. shotild b*

in the Itsist from the merits of any who ' ^"^ Prefident. sn that he can 1 ave a

hare been heretofore mentioned in this ' f"v','''"'.,,

^" '')'

, ., , „ ,


•"'3' ''he will promHfl nitl loconnection, for with several of them w«

;„ j^,^ A'selec-are personally acr|naintcd, and regard lion, we will try and give him a chance,

them as well filled for the position.— *

Mr. Chrimnan, however, being our fel-

low -countynian, we are of course, pre-

pared to apeak positively of his f|iialifi-

ea^iong. lie has been, since the adop-

tion of the new constitution, the Clerk

of our Circuit Court, the duties of which

office he has discharged in the nio.'^t

prompt, faithful, and correct manner.

AVe do not affirm more than wc will be

*ustain«<l in by every one who knows

Mr. C. when we say that he is in every

respect one of the very best Clerks in

(If Plate—and i« so regarded by all

»hom wc lLtr« frrr heard i?ivc any ci-

..:»on 1' .'! -.•

l.C d' _ ... of !h£ Courts in our Com- »' »•< vu w 1,, e ;or„

. ,•dra.ici .i to "<•. P.eic fir.,, L.rdii.k. gh I'V

inonwcallli. Added to his cmitiont ' .'<lio,ilder« and hain^ 5'^c. Other articles

qualifications as a Clerk, Mr. C. pos-""<^''»"K«I-

, 1 •. 1Ct«cis>»Ti, in. P.M.

evises great personal popularity where: pu.r market i» nnrhanjed. H..,,,« .,.adv

ever he is known, and Iiis acfiiiaintance ' '"if "]•"•••"<< m »•» '"(it-i Provi,.

.lonsdnll. Me"<! |i„rk declined to $12 55

is probably (juitc a.s exlens-irc as that o Lard .l,.ll at T\c Bulk moat.* nomii,al

any other genlleuien whose names will

be brought before ihc Convention. Wc•hall of course cheerfully and readily

ac(|uiefece in whatever nomination thej


'^j^hl'. iiiit'iition of purch.Iters is Invited to

i- Ihe stuck of {

Fasliionalilc Fiiriiiliire,I

I II th<? Wftre-rooiiij' ol tlip lll1^)•*r^i|{n»•H. Hi*St.«»ck Kt pr^!<fiit iH lMrgH> Hiid varit*«l. nnd mn-(iKlt* of llii* of Kreiird nnd AiiM'ti'*Mii

•tyles. (tiiTrfiiifr wttli cltfnp<>r wnre fnr t|i<i><*>

«*lii> may ilt-sire it. H*- iiiv jipji esp- .-inl ntt^n

tion til li in stock of French t^ofHd. Div.,


iiiaiiti. H«ir HMtl Chti'' Se:il riiatfii Iv

St.'uiiin, W hiil-Nola . fiif - PtT^^oiM III V'

u( Kurnitu rf ol' t ir very I ...i-ml -Pi.^-r

h« vyry \fvH tnntrrrnU, an^ inmuifnn«r»*miiy, ri«iiri-i.i!t - fur ri'Hu.Jf^ffUKUt*' lit.

re inviioil lo call At my ^^ a^^^iionin \wf^

Miyin^. nii I ami ftiiii.^lWd llint I can pleatie iUf.

loili ill qu:ililv nnrl pricfu.

O' llnir, Shiickf Coltnii, A: ytnnn Mnt*IMi.'teN iilw»y« 'HI llfiU I, or iii:i(Jn toonltToltin' *l(**iir('il Hi/,i* Oil ^•llull iK>tic»*. i

J^nijiviiig |nir' Iiancil a FINE CAR. 1

|um prriiurfil to »lrlivrr t uriiMurr proiii^lly


II lowu or country.|


Dinville.jan 1."), '58. tfj

To the Public.I

TN eon^iii- ration of the fii< l. thai the Inipor-lerM and Johhera. ('f wl-oiA we make piir-







In every variety and ihe very beat

ai Tii


Id un ihf Second AI.mkIuv a>I'cbrimry vxt, (heiog the l.t d*,y ol u.r-uuil Court,) ell. at ih« Court-houao duor inUauville, to Ihe liiKheal bidder,

Thhty-two Shares of Stock in the

a Road,.....




' I'^HK unoer-tiuneJ, living near Perryville,

jJ ctl'.ra lor aale, a nnniber of


Fine and well-broke Horses,Suitable lor harneaa or the s.ddle. AinonKthe .. ar. several very faat Trotters. Pacer,,and Rackers.

Also, A lot of 50 No. 1 Mules,Two years old H- uvitea dealera and other*to call and ex.tniinc h Im atock

JA.S K C.ALDWKLL.Boyle CO. mar M. '56 tf

Tibbs' Barber Shop.IMVE removed my Slio|i to ihi' house on.Main-slrert. one ,ioor aonve K irk«r' . Tai-

lor .Sho|«, where 1 shill alwayn he r.a.'v to atlenil loall ctiN ill my line, Shivinu, Hair CmliiiR. iVc. I am dei-rinlne,l to n:.e my I.eM en-deavora lo gi p entire aniiarariion Iri my pal-ini a. bv kee|iin(j good >.har|i r«i,.r.< anil evrrvthing rin ill the b. Bt and niovi f;i-hi,ihBble sit le.I refpeclfully anlicil a oonliniiance of the hl),T-al|iatronnje which h,i.i l,e-n e.viei.ded to me for12 yeare. 1'rau«ieiit iia'rona pruinptly aliended to, tud •Bli-faciion warr.,11 ed.

HE\J. TIBBSDtnville, dec IH, 'o' tf

Poraoiis Wishing Ij Ifii *" Louisville via theFrankftirt and Loiiisvid" can proenreThrouuh Tieket.s by tlut route, at our ollice.s.

At Tute'a Holol, • • H nsroiiville,Sneeil lI,Mi«e, - - I'anvillo,l^apliol Hotel, • . Kr.iikfort,(•alt HoU«». - . Lonisvillo.

ra!<aeni(i'rii going by thi" roMt.1 n ill b- c.illed

for orue.U'ereJ iu auy part ol the city theymaj deacr,'. We iinvo

Fine Ntiick.

tiooci, ommndiona Coflchcf,ni-d •uhi r. II,oiniiniulHtik^- t)tiv('rR.

'Tied ii.rou^



y -Ml , , , .

.3 Till '^'"^ "" prliici|,al Cities. Towns and VilU-

H Ui) > f^^'""^ ''fsl. West and South. They are.

4 therefore, prepared to '.ransact hi<*iuess In ihrir

line, in all lucaliliea, with grrnl dc^iputeh.

Will leave Danvillle on th« early Mornin;


[alreet, opposite the Tribune rifij

I reapectfully offer Iheir services tu lt»e

Ludiui of Danville and the snr'nliiiU-iiig cuiiiiiry. lluviiig an e»ce(lenf .^pwinjMachine, which doC9 its i4tS.'k well ami rapiu-


ly, the are piepared to do every fciid ofaewing n Ihe best manner and on sfl -rl ne-tice. Ureespa, Atan'tloi, C lonks. cut addmade in the iiiusl fasliioiiublo alylea.

oct9, '57 tf.^


Jec i, HSjT

roinplly And

'I> H I-.

A men



jan 16, l^iS tf


'I^HIS i> to announce, that we. ;1;

I aigne l, have houeht out Mr. Aandne-

3. .Vo:-K.>« '* alock of (iooda, and it ia our intenliini'.(< ' hnliire the bllainefln

From Credit to .'Strictly Caibe^^B .,f til,* vll


Hewey's Oyster Saloon.

IJb/C) I ALWAYS keep lh«^ /—


^ ^^J^^^best lialliniiire ()v»ter s. j^>t!r ..nil will he plea«ed to for- ^Sfife^n »h by the can or di.ili all w ho reliah lliia de-lieioin bivalve.

"•'•''la J C HE*EY. Main.t.


TO LO UIS VIL I.E,FROM D.\X villi:. ILMllloDS-


men 18 to run h L>A1LY LIM-lhorse |io*t noar.h. ij from

Lebanon to Danville,j

anil an every other day line from

IIiUTodsluirg and rcrrvvillc,

In cnniiei;tion with the LEBANON RAIL)(OAl), audio give through Tickets tu theabove places.

Fare through, - - $3,00Passengers by Ibis route will leave Luuisvil.e

daily ai fi o'clock, A .VI , hihI .urive at Dan-ville and Harroi ahnri.' al A o'clock, P. M and

' Perrj ville at 2 o', P. .M.

Iteturning. leave D.inviMe and llarriKU urgat 7 o'ldock, and arrive at Loui>vi|!» air>.'j o'clock, P. M., Ihns making the time bv

IIII 8 r ui«

Several Hon s Shorter than byany other Route.

H'earealni running lines ol Coaehes andgiving through Tick, t^ in conii.clion with Iheabove lUilro.iil, lo Springfield, Oampbellsville,(ireeii-bnrg. C 'lnnibia, .Vc.

Kor riiroiigh Tiekrts, apply to Ceneral>=tage Ullhr. Call ll'i,ls-, L.iui-ville. tiallerlonH iuae, llanville, and to our old i.fllo<.-» at allother points.

RO iERTSON 4. THOMASdee II. '57 If

great" w1:steiijV

Coa:lie« to Nicholasville, DauV; thence, byKailroad, to


Lexington, Cinclnii!^ti & I oaisVilleSirne day, in time to conur<;t with the differ-

jenl Expri'ssea of our Line from those Ciiief.


Returnii,«. they will refi,,ii Daiivilln samenlglit,bringing all mailer enlrueted lo Ihe Company,'

; in ()uickest possible time.

I0"rhia£Biiu<' . ill aiTurd 'inexwDpIrd

faCl'lli. S ,'„y de,, , ;,,tion Pf' Oo'xia fr . lisvdle. Ciiicuiimii,

' ' "' ' ifin Cilies.

iry, tl<-«vclr)- an I

-, t*itrcelN uf nil...ui ,,.! Il<-Hvy f'reiiihii

lo innKo l'oll^CII<lll^, whether cf Xote-.


Uralls «» Opm Accounts, and give return

llAVrNG nn ageti'iy lor'

Ihe sale of W. T Srfn'«_V_.Pce|ebrated B A I .T I .Mri « i- f

OYS l> K.-!, i

warruil ev^rjf


dec .

w,ll«cllal«l )>A p,r,n„ „ii,l

can. Term*, « n«h. cxrlu

'\/rY »rran(teinenta are n-iiv

iVl m inilfarluflnir tn nrd-r. onoinob-fe Inr


of Ihe same proinplly. Will carry orders for ylJjVKIl \\'AllP'. of all <l»-e,.,, to be sent by Ex|ir.-.<|., 11 enclosed inP. O Eiivel.ipe, and deliver the aame prompt-ly, without rliarge.

; .Mer hants nnil otlirr!<.Disposed lo patroiiir.- our Kxpreaa, resMing iuDanville, IlBrori^burg. .«|:infor<l,llouMniiville, Miichellsburg, L.inearter,Crab Orchard, Perrjvilje. Lebanon,'Or any other pniiil, are informed lha' we willforward proniplly from Danville, as ibey mayilirect, and wilhunl charge for comniiasion, alliiiailer arriving by E»[>r,ss, for •hern. A.nicewill be • nt by Mail, lo the C..nsii;noeF, of allmatter so arriv ng.

Oitr Rnfes

lions—such as Tea f>ylv, VVuitoia, « hIc«Bnsl<<'ts, rit<itor«, S|>uu!i<', rmU-, PieKliivrf, Cups, (;obl^tN, A:c. *c.

OZS. OLD .'SILVER w,.n-H.CEil. .SHARP. .'« .

Next denr to Branch Caak, .\laiu-«t,

Danville, dec 4, 'J7 if



PERf^ONS who haVe subscribed and paidtheir snliMcriptioiia. will call ,,n the 8, r r,


tnry ai d gel ceililiciles ol p.iymeiil. Th,j>a. . who have not paid their subacriplioiis. will c. II

fhall benrr.-ing ,d on a fairscab,. and at Ihe low- and ectlle the same, and get their' nl. ~,

is desired to settle this Hiatler wilnoul

OHX » TH<>MFSO?< TH<M P. voi'xn.


I \ In,

- ,.,rle,i .-HOCk. -

It Will riefy till.

Dat, V. lie. J,»u i

r>issoi.iTTi<:)NHK partnership beretofnre exialing be-l-^een the un<lersi|>Qed i* Ihe Clothing

vusineaa, iu Oanvd'e, uiidrr the firm nf 1,.

LrvKNsnv Ran , has this day lieen di^folvadbv inuliial roiisenl. The business of ihe latefiriii is lo he feitled br M. I.kvrNsoN, and thoaeind bled ar» r,,iii-tied to come forwaril imme-diate, y and payment, as ike business

ST. LOUS, cniaiijo,And H.I uliirr l'i>iiil«

West and .Nonh-Wcst.

eal reniuneralive point.For particulars as lo Hates, Time, Koutrs,

die , aj ply to the n ider»igneil *e''nl

Gi;() W. STKWAIIT.2 doora above Sueed House, Dauv.lK'.

nDv la, 'Wt ly


IK not, lake il 1.1 SllAUP'.-;, and h«will malii' it all right, if possible, or excluuge it for on,i of his fine O >ld

Watches, which he will warrani two years, freeof cost. Particular altenlijii (/:ven t , the re-

pairing, re^iuUting ind cleaning fine Winched,-ucli as ( hrononi 'ter. Diipb'.T, Patent Lever,Rock Pinion, (Alindrr, Kn. All work donewiih prnnipl fi'-as, an,! on thk m ist Ri<.\Ro:(.tifi.E

TkRMrt, iiiiii warranted t,i giva saiisf.idion, (orno pay.) Jewelrv repiiredin ;he best man-ner. Engsavin^ d ine that Ctiiiuot bei x .elled.


rructieal Walchmaker. («ucresso' lo

T. J A\resj next door 'o

Ihe Branch Hank, Danvill-.dec 4, 'S; If


AND ENGRAVING.fftkpn ihf control u( tliin t^rancU

inv f rit'tl>ti!«liii.pnt, and pn)|>loy*'il

A NO. 1 WOUKM.VX,[ will during the presanrs h ive work dune atPrices to sllil the Tiroes, and ai.!. noaitWAH»»MTr: '

as it



dac f, 37 tf

JNO. B. AKIN. Sec'y,

Central Ky. Fair.


neiv stock of (^TnVES.




W airbea cleaned f,ir $1 'I''

'i I Hi,

old price, St)

lit Railroau,- nle coiiii^cti o 11

ine Wet a id

liiiv route to St.

Watch GlasseK,3

Watch 1Ibii.!», per f



JL'ST r.

consisting in p trt of Ihe lollow ing;

naiiiel Hooiie, 'Prii« Keiilnpk i;i n, R,poblie,'Illinois, Iowa, and oih^'r Cool, Stoves;

Parlor, Dining- Ito in', Tea-Plata and OlnoeStoves;

Coal Stoves of varioue pallerns;

All of which I will sella; lb- I.nwevl l>tireafor Cash, or to pro mpl cii.-lumers payable authe lei ol January.It^New atjlea received every week.


C. I'. IJAI.L.' oct 30 If Opposite the Crai.cli bank.

TO CLAIMANTS.A LL perfOna who have idaniis agiiiist the/i estate of J. (!rant IlAni.AN, are naiifi<(I

lliAt. I will rit al Ihe oflico ol lioyle &. Ander-son, in Danville, on the Tuesd^ty a''ter the thirtf

Moii'ljy iu Nuvelliber uext. to he^raiid receiveproof of all claims against aaid e^'tate, andwill coulinue frnm day to ilay until the takingof proof is cninpleted. It is important that n\\

who are intereFted be present with aiiv p'rurf

tliev may have lo offer, either as lo cl-iimt, ofas to the estite with which the Kx'cutor is

chargeable.W. C ^Nr>pp«Mr<. ,v-M. C'nr».

eet 16. 1867 i,.

iiliiekv Cemrni W ^rr*

AXV A Til-

> MONEY!ivB the Olhce al

nil', every niorn-I at Lexington al

fti ises, h^ve reduced llle lime upon u bich iliev

have heretofore s< 1-1 goods, en I knottint] that _nn Retail .'\Ie_rcbsiii cnn buy ('-ooda on sir mart be closi d without delay


mnnlht tim^, and sell lllem on Iwrlve monthw.lhonl rhireing a correaixinding profit, to

.qilaliz'* ihe ilifierence in lime, we are ilidnceil

111 make a cl a'ige in the lime herelofore exten-ded to on r enstoiners. All accounts ina.le withUS after the first d iy of January. ll^.'iS, will be.!ue on the fijst day nf ,Iulv. AM 111 nl e after

.1 . ..• • - . 'he first f Julv. will be due on the firs day ofpaper that your Missomi rorrosponilenr January following We pie, ge onrselvea to

make il lo lb" iiite'esi of raoMrr ri- ToMras to

TWO UAliie B.ilterlo'

log at 7 o 'c ,1 , .


III., "'.-.lo.-,.


Coniisrliiig lliere will, all lb' anil.Stage Liiinj for Norliirni Keiilucky. Keturn-inir. leave Lexington at -2 o'. li ck. P. M., andar'ive at Kanville at (>'.;



purchase of us on these ternis. A discount of10 pi r cent, allowed on all bills foro-h.


J. L. A- VV. n. VV.\GGEXER.I

jan 15, '5S Ini !

100,000 FlUTrr TREES^FOR S A LE , !

AT Ihe Boyle Cardens, consisting of

The undersigned will continue the Clolh>inp ItUKiiiCKs, at the old sland, and hopes,by keeping a superior slock, and selling al lowrnirKB, to merit a continuance of patronage

M. LEVENSOX.ian 1. •S-' If

To Cigar Makers.4 GOOD sindy Cigar Mak»r can eet r per-

iiianenl silnaiion. with con>laht employ-niout and good wages, by a-!plying to

li F. CORNELIUS.Danville, Ky.. jan H, >5M ir


'o L '.riiiyto I,

" Fianl.fiii-l.

" LniilnUIr," C/iiea'/i),

yi L .uh,

p. II.









Public Sale of Land, &c.IWILL sell to lie highest bi.ider. at PublicPale, on the premises, nn Wedne.sdny,

the 3rtl of FibriiHry, IRjR,

Also, fine Plants of the be<l Native Grapes— ^ Small TraCt of IjanH,Tegether with Kvergreena.i Lying in Mercer eonntv. on f'aiie Run.kiioa-n

.\pples. Pe-cbcs,Pears. IMierrics

Plums, ii.c. &c.I

L"i is« ii i.a Inn. "Jfl,

FLOUR—Small sales at $3 7i 35 purhhl


WnEAT_S„le. al 7i'@7.V.

:OROl'KltlKS-N. O. Sni-arin hhd«.Si,;(aCc. I r, ., „ ,


M.d^P.e- Q3.«"2:n„c. Itir. C..fT.e;3i,c.I

Ueciduous Trees, Shrubs.|

as "Cane Run Post (iffic-." coiimininc ITritOVlSION'S— Sal- • ol .Mess' r.irk at

' ,|., Vines, Rosea, 4c. Ac


Acrr«. «ll No I Lind. with good and com-A few ca.ks Bscn at 7o fer shoulders, and 9c '

"'"''i »re of fine sixe, healthy an. I nice, fnrlable Frame Dwelling, m'l all neces-arv OnlI for clear sidi 8 and hams. and of K'nl icky growth—therefore, are per li"nses. with a good Store Room, Ice-house

eclly acclimated.

G. II. WITHERS,jan 15, '.58 tl I rnprirlor.

IIAVIC just received direct fr-in Ihe In.p,,rte.-s, a lari;e addition to niv f r >lock

of Watchea. I now h ive ihc IA>Kt * U I'tinn,fi.irst ijiif '^ty, and CUrHpfst V. .lU bes »vi-rolfered 111 this n.iwkel. All who n ant a fineW a'ch THAT CA.v nr. ar.i.iFO it in 1.., . o.-cei ;

lime, gm.lipi.iiiy i,f ^/old and dnrubility, arej

respecHully ii.vilen to

ca4l and examineB fore T.u> iog elsew here llaviiiEliad severalyears' exper:eiice as a Prnciical vVairbninker.I have ailvanliigea in selecting nno buyingGoods Whiell others l!n II 1: pOHS.'w^

Hpen-face Si'v.-r Wat, lies, $: 51) and loweri ine Silver, hunting case, pat-ent lever, warranted 'J yra. .31) 0,1 ••


Hunting !)i<v. r Lever and C) I-'

iniler VValclies, J5 QO <•|

Fins Gold (luiiliiig Patent Le-vers, warranted -2 vears. 75 00 " '

Fine ll<kt Gold an I .MagicCases, warra'nled 4 yrs. ' $150 lo 225 00 !

Hunting Gold PuleulandAn-,

chor Levers, .-JO 00 and lowii I

Fine (fold open-face Wale'ies, '

for Ladies, 2;, 00 "Gobi Hniitiiig Geneva A Swiss

Watcheii for Ladies, 45 00 "All in want of

BARGAINS,A re invited lo call an I examiiie, as I am de- ^^J© CO^^I^eC ting With the Railroadterminert to sell al the lowest nossibla pricfs. at Frankfort,

'profiis'''"°^' "^ "y"''^"< Sales and Small The Other running Direct through

f;i,m SOc to $1,old price, ft lo $3 00

CTAll olhT work in proportion.Spoons. Forks. Tup*, Ii'ings. sold by

me will he r.NO*AVRn vRrit oY ciiarck!Silver W are and other articles not snid hy

me, will be engraved as low aa at nny otherbougie.

Table and Dtfscrt Spoons eng'd for ."ine praelt.Tea ' do. " 4ltc "


J. R. AKl.V,Opposite Sneeil Hon re,

novQ7, '57 tf .Main >l.. Daiiviilo.

Boyle Circuit Court-Gliiah Harlsm's Dwviaees.^



LrviNCT.iN. Sept. 311, 1,157 \

are now prepared lo ship all kindiT y of Slock »l Ni. IioUnville lo Loui8\lll»»<

r>r (Covington and Cincinnati. Persons d'si-rlng lo riiie on Ihe Kailroad from Nicholaaviiut.will find good livery stables near nor Depot, "Tcan li avrt their horses, frrr oj eimrijr. in cnrsloc:( lot* Buderluck and key, while th .y ai«absAiit,

eta Srii


Lex ii. Uat. It. R.

Fluam IIari an's Adm'r.. S


THROUGH TICKETSTo Louisville, Chicago. Si. L'inis, 4: Ac , forsale althe Uatterton House, by

VVM. IMCII.VKDS Ajait.novH. 57


Nonet; is hereby given, that I w ll attendat jiiv office in Ihe I'lwu of D-inville, on

, Saturdiy, till! 2id.iy of January, ICiSc, andI continue Irom i.ay lo day until the I5ili dav of

January, I H.>K. to hear proof of claims ngain,>t

tlieest^iie of EiijMi ILiRi.AN, deceased. Allpersoii-i having cb,iiiis against said estate, wi'l

proeenl 'hem during the lime above specific',

. and al • proof of same, (.r tho s nie will bebarr-i . I will also hear prof in regard lo the

' adva 'A ntnts luadc to the I e r«.

_ SPhKD S. FRV,dec ','57 tf Auuilor.

Main St.

Dnnville. dec 4,

or.o i=;iiAUPE. .In


i-'Xt door to Brju, h Bank.57 If

Nrw YoBR, Jan. I!) MFlour ni.nrket open,-d firm Ibis moriiiiit; wilh

• ales of 8,11110 bbls. Wheal »linws a buoy.-'n -y,

bill only 10,00(1 bii-hels h:<ve aa yet rhant'eilhnnds; rid is 2c b.'i'er an.) q.ioied at $ I I2(ffl'20. Corn biis declin. rl

;5,11(11) bii-hels sold al

7llc for whi e—a decline of 2c. Moss Pork ad-vanced 5c. THIS Card ia lo announce lolhosc who have

beet • Il ei;^l..,,,. r» d-uiiig 'he la.l fi leenI the public »l liirce, ihal 11 is inyliauife my moile of ,1 1; bn«iiieMt,

' I, .11 I .,.r,,,i..i,i,iy (r..u-

.»1 low 11, c, vix ;

~l.iie of my healih will not longer I

pi-riiiit me In do tli-il amniinl of per-oiial labor!ih.ii I find abs d'itely mces.ary to siistsin a


biikipess on the credit systini. Thin reason|

alone wonld be all • nfHc'ii'iit in niy ea«rHill I iiiay add a 2,1. I believe I can irake


II lo the iiitrrest of rnvinj; cn'.toiiiers l, dealj

on the CASH SYSI KM — ihiis avoiding iw..evils, one or ihe oiher or boih of which ncres


sarily atlach to a Miceetsfnl credit business, 10 I

wii ; The making up by i xir.-i .ak,..r on the partof Ibeipirator, or hy ixira chnrtren on goisl

;customers, what is lost on d,-layed payments.

„r, , ., .''^-^''^^

}and on acro.inis not paid al all.

Convention nuy l„ak.^ loclins o.,nfiJ««t ^,^1" j!m[!7;!V'wl^™^ , The ,l,,.ve the of the^a.e, a. I

... . ij/iif II' ,1- ,^ . , .[View it, I shill the date b.doa-, keen on

thai from so many wlio arc fitted to ti.e "^"V'si'l"''.«>- » bv tlx- Rev. hand such a sl.«-k ol G.a«U in Ihe line of... , 1 •

IIAjr. K.P.HuioptiTev, I). D .Rev. w. W. Hut 1 _

|msiti.»n. It cannot but select a well - |). p. ol Loui^vilb.. Ky., to lli.s M. J. Suirn. !GrCIltlemen'S Wear,

lified camliJate. lJut our prefer- ''»"*•''"""'•'"•'»'«"•''• '^""'" T. Smith . 'IAs I conceive the wants .,f this comm iniiy de-

In till- place, on vest, rd ay ••ve.iinc, 21 s|j

mand-io be sold al such prices a. a C .h Bu-in-t.. by Uev. Hecry 1 bompson. Mr. W«. .M.

| sioe-s only will j,Uii(v-an,l will receive wilhLoniwc beiuve ^capab^ ofcarryin,;.-^^^^^^

" Aiir T';-. rr^;.:;: j^:::?^:-!!I„ ihisconnty.ou.he U>h i„,t.. hy Ihe Rev. I „.,l..,l„.,h me on the principle selforih above,lolof I.UIr. Hoc «„d ShP«D

J. C C. I bonipsoo. Mr. riKNBT Ijaovi.its, to|


Vlisa Ei.izAavTU. dsiiuhier of Mr. Jon."« B.|

McGiNNia— all of this cunnlv.


ciuK is dcciitcdlj for Mr. Clirisnian,

vlioni wc believe capable of carrying

the banner gallantly, and leading the

parXy lo a brilliant victory. There is,

Ac. There is no better location for a •Physi-cian or Meri bant. I ileem il uniienesssry lo goiulo further pirti clar.. as all who are de:iirousol purchasing such a place, are invited lo calland ex iiniiie the premises.

At the samoliine, will be sold, some 40 or.SO barrel, cf Corn: 50 of snperiorWhite Wh-at; House and Kll(!hen l-'uiniture.F.«riiiiii|f Utedsils: good Two In rsc Wagon and(iesr. 6iC.

Terms made known #>n the e^v of *sU.P r.' 1'

f.-I, , - T , p -

r' ,

LAND, Sroi CROP, &C.


IMIK subscriber, living in Womlford coun-

f ly. miUs from Ver.s«i|:,, „„ ,|,., Ver-sailles and .N'icholasv.lle Turnpike, wishes todispose of

300 Acres of Land,At Public cr Private Sale. There isa comfortable Dwelling house on the place, and all ne-ces<sry Oiit Huildings, in good repair. Thesubecri.ier w,il certainly sell ihis Land at Pub-lic Sak. lo llie highest qidder.

On H>dn<-sd.«y, Febrimry 10, IS.'iS.

UnlofS |j sold before that lime I willalso sell, at the same lime, a number of

A D r liRlSS mm

not a truer American in the State— nor

one who has been from Ihe first more

consiflont and e"riiest in behalf of the

men and iueasiire.s of the party. We

W. I. JIOOUE.DanviUe, January I. 1^58. if

JH.VV'K deteriiiined i

Ca,future I., sell fir

, - .1 1 .1 /. • -11 ' -- ^ — intend by selling at thehope therefore, that the Convention will ..oallest possible profit-, 10 make it m the i,i-

favorablj consider hi« claims, and that •''fvel of cish buyers to oeal with me. I bopr.... .. • .,, ,

no one will render il aecessarv for me to relUKo"Mike thrisman will bo cho.scn to "do u,. m cr^lii. which I will certainly hav., t<, do,

the honnra" at the Capital, a.s tl.c next |'' """y

lurk of !h? Apf"llat« Court.; jan 8, Ie58

I hav.. on hand a nii.ill lot of the choicest

•oih in ilie pi.xi- and i,i:,de up, « l,ie|, [

fivr ibis <l.-,te nmil ,|i,. 15 1, „f IVi.ruaryCost HiiU 5 per cent, for r«sh.

VV. I. MuOKE.jsn I . "Sfi


A FINE lot just received by


lions nnd Sheep;a lot of C"orn «ii<i Ont«. together wilh all

my House nnd K itcheu ^Furnilnrc;Farininc Implements,

And a Valuable Sulky and Buggy,Trays i r ."^ali! —On. -third of th" pnri Itase

money of the Land to be paid in rash, the Iml-aiice in one an i two years ih reafter. A crs^l-it of 9 mcnthe will he given on all snmsv.vertill, on pu'cbasesof Stock. Furniture, &c :

{sii II, s under that amount to be paiil in cash.

Possession given on the fifsl day of March,j

ar sooner If neceaaarv.



J. Dai rn. Auctioneer.


TTuodferd co , jsn 15, '58 ld»-Le« OiR

I WI.^E !• sell th» TRACT OF which I ha\ 4 lived for a iiui,iber ol

vears past. Iv'og ill Koyle couiil \ ,Kv.,

4 ,,,iie« norlh-we-t ol Djiiville, on H,rreH's:Jiili,nc.tT the tur.ipilte lending from L'aliville

lo llarn„l«burg, colltainini; „l, ,ul

5J't |i'r-r« urr elf ir« i, liin

inibtrrfil. bimI vvrll 6< t iu blue -^r^isH

•,r 11 11 »s tho a<tvant life ov r auy.olhvrr in the cou>i>y in pdiiit uf walrr,

rv*>ry ficUl liciiig fO luid off tliul il liait whIit

at (ill t MJi UM of Ih»^ yt-iir. Ilarrod**4 It dmCrerk pimsi**; Ihrouah llu* entirt- lartii uenr \Uv

c«i»lre. ainJ affiiftrH coii>tMit ninrtiiitr hlrr-diii,,

tog<-ihfr will) oilier spiitifjM that hmtk onl uiij

llir r»rin. nnd 1 have tuit* nf the HifPl builin}; '

8;iriii|;R in K* ntucky. iu the yard, Withio turl)|

8lr[w of Miy d.tor. This fipring h;is n« vfr farl-]

oii; ihr* two dry y-'Mfj did noi iifft-rt m the lousl.j

There IN uiMiti the f.irin, h (ir^l r.itt* '

New Frame and Brick Dwelling,With Irii ri.nti)<i, n Urgf purlieu hnll; to-

fTfthfrr with iie^ro hnusHiP, C'lrriagtf houao^,tiArn, loS' frariK^ nnd Kione Bt;ih>s and cribn.

The F.irni is in ^uml rriKiir^ au<t \in» upon It

u larfrp atnciint nf >Stouf Fence. iin<t ih ulto

pelhrr beitt-r 8itu:itt»d for a STOCK FAHM^

Ihnn nny other 1 kiicw of. '

1 iim now »eodiri)!, and tn 2ny one purcha-riine th>3 farm, 1 will noil the Orup oa roafOD-able trrniM.

To any one wishing to purchasOf the termswill be liberal.

JOHN MjCLANE.Boyle rn., oc1l6, \S7 if

Ii«<xiiigtnn Observfsr copy to ftmouut of $•'»,

and cU Iniii oHice: and Kiuhriiun<i Me^attngtr lo

amount uf ^r> auii cLargo advurlmjr. ^^cuO

uoe papttf tu adr

to Louisville.

FARE, EITHER WAYOIS^I^ Y_B:3,()OIThrough Tickets by Stage and

Raih'oad, for sale at the

'PFIE nndersigued a daily line ni Fourhor'eJL Coaches. ,:ire,;t from Danville lo Kraiik-

forl, f!itiiiif*cMiiif Willi III*; Cnrs for L.<>o*

isvillr, and reiurni.ig tu Uave Kraiikl'urt after

th- ol the in,,ruing train.

O* This arrang'-nirtit is not to interfere wilhour regulai .M.iil Line, which will run as here-,

lolore d;.i y, each wav, between Dauviile andLouisville.

iLr'KarB from Danville to Louisville, byKriiikforl and Kailroiil. or direct by stig-.

XT' Through kailroal Tick-'ts for sale at

Danville, llarruitsburg, Salvisa and Liwrenceburg.O-REMKMBKR. our office at Dnnville has

been leinoveo lo the "SueeU House."wniiKitsruoN Ai. s.akkell.

sept 25, I Si" .liii


31.M.PH (tROROT.

^ ll.l> give instruction on the

iPiano, Or^aii. Oiiilar, :iiid in Singling. Agtntfor aeveral ol iho Deal

Piano Manuf iclories.

Tfsms— $'2.> pi r sc>8 cn of live months,

rinnus tuned and repairer'.

A lurpp sii|'|,!v oft'heit Music always on

hand, al Publi-lnTs' pri< i».

Danville, oci:iO. "S* if

W. & H. BURKHARDT,417, Market-Street, between 4th & 5th,


Fiue Grocrrlcs, Trim, Wian, Ljqnnri,

Iniporlfil Friiils, nrriiirliriilly Sealril

Fruitx. Prei.frvrs, Pirklen. Jlalu,

firoonis, Wuuiirii Wuri,

6u.\k(t<, &r. kt.aepS.'i '.i7 (oclVili.'.i.'l; If

i| f\f\ D(;Z .SJuTCHJ \jyf 'JO cases ,1ar, lines;

iili.llO!) assorted Cignrs;.Sll nun Cuba Sixes:

]u ature anu for sale by


W. Jt II. BITKHARDT,417 .Vlarke si.

.50CnLS No. 3 I.ARfU; MACKF.UIiL,.."ill kits No. .'I niediuin do,20 '• ^o. -2 .lo d»;

;i dritlils Cn..'l1»li ;

Tn store and for sale hyW. A II. ni'RKHAnDI',

scp'J'i 1 1 .Market St. l.nuMville.


A/TA.VIliVl 7.^ ,


BALKS ALICaNT MATS-i.'0 boxes Kresh Pine .^i-ples;

2U do a s'lr'ed Jtrllies and Jams;In store and fur sale hv

VV. A 11 Bt'RKHAR <T.

sep25 4l I .M iiki'i si. Lou -ville.

fA-VILLA ROPK—lOlls. assorled sizes;

100 Uuze.u Manilla Bed Cords;n d,. n-jm Ilnlier.:

511 do Cello. 1 Beil CordstIn sinrs and for sale br

W. At. H. BDRKnaep 2.» a: Market at

i; n"

JL'ST received, a )rtrgr ami general assortment

of SI OVKS ,»f every description, snilahlc

for ibis iiiarket —anionfrst which are ijuite a

iininlsr of NKW I'.tTTK.KNs, which havenever been introduced lu re lirfore— all nf whiehI offer for sale riiK^r roa ri'-ii, or payable Ihe

lat .laiiuary next, 'o p,(,n,|,t pai'i,,,.' enstoiners.

.(iKO. W. CuLLINS.Danville, oct l(t, °57 if


OYSTER DEPOT!I A M Daily in receipt

0"! finest ilHltimorf^Oysters, m rsns <ii,i half

cans, and will aell Ihein al the luwest rates.n»'»3 J. t HK'VEV.

COXXLCT/XG Wjrif TIIK CARSAt %ich«lMsville.

LE.^VF.S Danville for I-' linglon daily.

(Sundays excepl-d) at 1 and 'J o'clock.

.\ . M. I eaves Lexington for Danville al

11:25 A M.. and 7:)ll. V .M.

Ly Railroad lo Nicholasville, ami tlienje in

large rooinv four horse Coaches, withaccoiii.modating Orlvera and g-3ulle horses, tu Dan-ville.

By this arrangement, passengers can leaveDinvilb* by the early line, and g , to C-incin

ii.ili or Lou'Bv llle, have four hours to transact

busineas 'here, and return lo Danville the aaine


b niiibnsses will be in waiting al the Depotin Lexinglon to convey passengers to any part

,T the ei:v.

Til' Kareon' has been pcrmRncotl


Btrd Ht (fl'-'XI

Uflice Iu Danville at ihe "Sii-ed House.


In a few (U •- T!ifo'::;h Tickets will be Sold at

tl,,. rsterii and Kastern citb s,

an ibrnn^h t-, anv point.


Heavy Boots


& Shoes

A\ A COKKl-.K-llhl poek-U pnine Java CotTee:

.in hhds N. O .Sugar;

SO bbls White do;

lo store and for sab< by\\ . ft. II. '^rUKIIARDT.

sep-35 417 Market St. LouisTllla.

GRF.EN AND BLACK TKAS—50 cheats tlreeii and Black Teas, sclerted

qualities, received and for snl- byW A II l I'likHAUDT,

sep"5 4.J M .ikelai. ^oHisville.

lOIi SKIJVAXTS:WARRA.N ri- D double sol

rustoil, mole, for sab- bvCilAS. KAKRAND


A KIIKSII snpplv n| Gent's

'^and Boy's Hats of the latest

styles, just received at



ClOMPRKSlKi.; a line BIO. k of Calf Skins

y and Shoe .-Mock of all kiims, for nianu-

faclu' i ng purposes, lor s. lie by


Relief in Two Minute&!

Dr. Hull's Nr\ rr-Vnilirff

Tooth -Ache Remedy!\,If ILL cure the mofl inveterate Tnolb.

VV I" iniuutea. It IS a purely

vegetable compound, peilei tly bar nbssandsimple, sod inav bo used with sifely and with

gr-at benefit I" the teeth and gums in a,


cases. Price dJ cents per bottle.

I he genuine article foi s»l» i» Danvill- "uly

by * H. llA-MII.-n .N.

'octO tf

To All Concerned.large nninbeT "f

C. K. FARRAND. IT/K hare on our look"\V u'n e'lled acco'iiile for l^5l'>.and as 11

ocl5 '37 If

Store Room for Rent.r|'<HK Store Room two doors from

\V,-lsh .t Nichols' corner, la for

"rent. The location is a very desirable

cue lor business. Apply al

TIH3 OFFICK.march I**, 'j7 tS

neces.iaiy iu view of an inierdul ch: o?' i.>

oor lirm. for us to pellle Op o..r old 1 usinesa

iminedi 'lely, we request those o« ing lest yearis

accounts, t'ocall and close th in withoni liclay.

otherwise I h-y » i 1 be placed in a.i . {&-»r B

1 bani.'s for l ollcciioK.

ou:U', 07 LEVE.N'SiiN a BRW-

Page 4: WEEKLY K TUCKY TRIBUNE. - Internet Archive...WEEKLYKTUCKYTRIBUNE. ^tbolrlrl0llctus,|)olittt$,fitrraturc,|ntwrvdImpvobrmcutanK(bntrralInformation O r-t UA^RY 2-^,1858 (6HltnICVKRYrKIDAY117



DANVir^I.E. KJYj: T^T iaa, 22,1858

An In. ERK!-riNO Ikc;dest.— Franklin,

tlie pliilosoplier, when (niiiea young man,

»fler an abseni:o of some lima from liorae,

ihouglit he woulJ try the cvloDt to ino

whicli inslincl in a paifiil woulcl Hiscov-

«r the cliilJ. Tho lesull was llint hi--

niuthei- wflslolh lo give him shelter ever

uiglit, though A sevire snow stoini was

rtging, and would only allow him the

uaaofaii arui cha'r to sleep in, luiving

tl>« colored bv-y to slay in tho same

room, alter the prccauiiuu of locking up

all lui- '^<l'-^'- Her iubtinc'L was more

tiiSD overcome by her pru'leuce, und

she, with bitter tear.-;, tu the hist of her

E.xPKRiE.NCB i.^J hissiNu.— A coireS|

pondcnt sends Harper's Editorial Drawer,

the following account of one of our,

Maine young fallows, who thus describes|

liis battle, and final victory in a (airj

tight for a kiss of his sweelheari:\

"Ah, now, Sarah dear, give me a kiss

—just on*— and be done with it."

'•I won't! so there now.",

"Then I'll have to lake it, trhether or i

Is uow in receipt of tlie Largest Slork rf



'Wholesale and RetailCOACH FACTOKY

$50,000 "WOI^THCOK

S"Tnko it if you daro?"


So ai it we went, rough and tumliU.j

An awful destructi'>n pf starch nowi

commenced. The bow of ray

»vas sqttat up in lislf of no lime. At

iho nc-.\t bout smasli went sliirt and csl-]

lar, and at the same time so l. e of the

head-fastenin;.'S gave w.iy, and down,

came Sally's hair lik-; a Hood in a mill-j

dam broke loose, carrying awiiy half a !

dozen combs One plunge of Sally's el-i

Cheapest House in tlic Wesi!

life, regretted that her son had thus been ' bow, and my blooming bosom rufllns

ueHted°i« his mothef 's house as a felon. 'willed to the consistency and form of an

Owe of our towi:smen. ou a recent vis- Iafter dinner napkin. Hut she had no

il lo New England, after a thirteen' time lo boast. Soon her neck la(tklin5

y«ars' sHseiioo, thought ho would trv began to g*>iver, parted at the throat, and

Frankliu's experiment, lie rapped at away went a string of white beads, scam-

Ins'ier's door, mentioning that he was ' peiing and running races every way you

wi'urv. and ask. "t if he could have lunch,:

could think of about ihe floor. She





WELSH & NICHOLSAre now iu receipt of the

LARGEST STOCKEver brought to Daorille.

as (t wwaa hi


istance to an inn. It

3 met him at the door,

! i.' mm ii4, after telling him that

he could nat be supplied with food.

The mother was not in ihe room, but as

the father asked her lo bring tho r«tr^<;|i

inents, (he came in.

rli... '•:( 'inj's anH

fought fuir, however. I must admit; andwhen she could light no longer, for the

want of breath, she yielded handsomely, I

lur arms fell down by her 'fde— those

loni{, round, ro»\- nm-i- -lier hair hungher

of a





vcs were half

to hold them.! there lay a

Ml in the ait ! Myever .see • hawkor a bee on a clo-J

settled; and when

wiiai iicT tio.'-p:Uitji_, sol Dofore

Meuiioning thai he come from

i«r, N. Y., our friend was ai once ques-

tioned if he knew one whose name was

R . "Oh yes, I knew him well,"

was the reply, "lie is a hatter in the

city, and luaae my hat"

«it!i the maker's name inside.

'•Well,'' said the mother, "you must

pive me the lining, at any rale, for il's a

long lime sinie wo have seen our son,"

At this timo our frieii 1 could not fur-

ther he.silate to make himself known, and

what followed all can well imagine — Jiu

Till Xew Yorker.

back over the chaij,

shut, as il she wci

open-'a minute 1

little plunp mom .

goodness! Did yuI f iipoii a robin?

ver top? Even so [

she came tn, and threw up those arms,

and siezed me around the neck, and de- >

Glared she would choke mo if I ever did,

so again, and had a great mind lo do it

now. I just ran the risk over again, and

^the more she choked the more I liked it;

showing it, ]:ind now she puis her arms around myneck, and puts her own lips i,i the way

of mineeverv day, and calls me her John|

and don't seem to make any fuss about]

it at all. That a very sensible girl,

and she makes a giod wife, too, a» 1 amnot ashamed to say anywhere.


Rich Cashmere and rii('nl!le

CuARLii TUB Dutchman.— Charlie thej

. I Dulchman arrived at Seaford sometime]Thb Kiuut Talk.—A «tiai(,lit ou' ago, and "stuck dow n his stake." Ma :

writer gives the following advice lu those jor, who was very fond of a joke, and

young men who "depend on father" for seeing that Charlie had his gun and was:

their support, and lake no interest what- quite fond of gunning, proposed to him

• ver in business, but are regular drones to go out one evening and shoat crows

in the hive, subsisting on tlial which is In the thicket of pines belonging to

tarncd l y others: Governor Boss. Charlie the Dutchman"Come, off with your coats, clinch the ! accepted, and was in great glee at the

•*w, the plough handles, the a.xe, tho prospect of shooting half a dozen Yaii-

pickaxe, spade— anything that will ona- kee crows. The moon was shining suf-,

ble you to stir your blood! Fly arotind licienlly to make it a good crowing

and t«hr your jacket, ralhcr than be pasj

night. Now, Maj.)T was aware lhat there

Bive recipients of the old man's bounty! ' was a large hornet's nest, and he look

Sooner than play the dandy at dad's ex snjllier road with the understanding ihal

pense, hire yourself out to some polatoe the one who hist discovered a crow's

patch— let yourself to stop hog holes; or nest should whistle. After a few min-

waich the bars; and when you think utes Charlie whistled, and thj.\lijji-

yourself entitled to a resting spell, do il went to him.|

on your osvn hook. Gjt up in the morn-1

"Major, here's one tam crow's nest i

ing— lurn round at letist twice before as pig as a pushel.'

breakfast— help the old gentleman—give! "It probably has young ones in it|

him now and then a good lift ir. business Chnrlie, go up and clap your hands on i

learn how to take the lead, and not to de- it and catch them."'

pend forever on being led; and you have

no idea how the discipline will benelit

)ou. Do this and our word for il, ynu

will seem to breathe a new atmosphere,

pussass a sew frame, tread anew earth,

wake to a destiny—and you may then

b"gin lo aspire to manhood. Take ott,

then that I'Hg from your little finger,

bieak your cane, shave your upper lip.

wipe your nose, hold up your head, and

by alt means never again eal the bread

Jeeess, nur depend on father."

Charlie dofl'ed his coat and

climbed up the pine, while the

Cool Lmpi'dknce.—Tlfe editor of a;

Western paper owes a bank about 81,000, i

for which they hold his note. The de-

faulting wag aunouiices it thus in his

paper: There is a large and rare collec-

tioa of tlie autographs of distinguished

individuals deposited for safe keeping in

the cabinet of the Farmers' and Mer-

chants' Hank, each aecompanie'l with a

note in the hand writing of the auto-;

graphist. W. Isarn ihu they have cost '

^f^^^J™ icse^am'lVitle ciow3.'''''r'm'ofi-,



look the precaution lo cover up. Char-

lie claps his hand on the nest.|

"Mine Gott, Major, the nest is full of


de litilo crows. M>jor, one liltle crowbite me. Mnjor de tam little crows bile


me all over. Mine Go:t! how dcy bite.

Major I'm coming; I tell you I'm com -;


And SBre euougli C-tjarlie the Dutch-


man dropped to 'iie criur.d and ran a-

bout .1 quart r «f a ir.ile/wi houl his coat

and hat to get clear (i)f ''de lam Utile I

crows." -I

Charlie returned to get his coat and

hat wliile Major contrived lo slip off

quietly without being bilten.

Charlie put on his hat, and a little

crow, which had taken refuge in the hat

look the opporlnnity to bile him on the

head, and when he picked up his coal he

found it covered wiJi little ciows.

Mine Goll .Major, evjrytliing is cov-

Woolen Plaid and Cashmere

SIIA.WLS.Ol Superior quality.

Soid Coor and Ombre Shaded

French Merinos,








Extia Superfine and Fancy SILKS,


Lamb's wool. Cashmere, and Silk wai

HOSIERY.STAPLE GOODSEnglish and American Prints,


OottonS -- Ai-i' WIDTHS.





Tlie Largest Slock of

Wall Piiper ?

Ever br«u^;.t -stDanv

DRESS GOODSOf evrry fasliionable •tyle.



lo immense variely, colors warraited.

Commission and Forwarding!

No. II .>Iain .Strfct,i

.XJ^.HK *fllL<-T8igned. successors lo Wilgus & 1

~I Bruck, at llie ul<l alaiiil. ou Main street.a aiiditiuii to the sloEk or the cid firm, hdv*


received and are now receiviitg, 1


Of every ift^criplion ami nl Uie Lpst quality;

FINE L.IQUORC, &c. &c.,Which tliey will sell ou very lil,pral trrms.They solicit llie patrooaoe of the old ofWilgus fc Bruce, and llie (>ublio g'-iierally.Purchnsrri) may rely Bpon always fiudiug usWilli a good aluck


J B. VV'iLGUS il CO.Lexington, apr II, '5ti i


HIGGINS &. HUNTER,Wliolt'siilc iiiul liciiiil (irocfrs,—AM)

Commission Merchants,



1^ a s 3^ t[> n :^ 9

Embroideries, Laces. &c. &c.. I

ALARfJE and wr.ll assorled slock alwayson hum*, embniniug

GROC'ERIES,Of evury doscri|>tioii

; togt Uicr withCisars, Tobiieco. |-oi r ,-. „ „iid Domestic

Ol every new uuii laali.o.ia[.,e f.) '•<.i To whioh wh


SEASONABLE GOODSor all drscriptionii, suitable for


and Sci'vauts.

t O'l I: iu ' : An Mil r-, ,1., t aiit

|\yu<ie,auu we solicit a call I'luni all who wislito buy.

fCTOiir slock for the SPRING TRADE,

is very full .ind complete, ernbrai-iinr a laige va-riety, and of the most superior qualily.OToinitry Produce, such as Bacon,

Lard. Feathers, Becfwax, Wool. Clover, Grassand Heinp Seed, &e., taken ut the highest mar


ket pi'ices, in exchange for iJroceries.

HIGGINS & HUNTER.Lexington, march H, "56 if

B. MANWARING &, BRO-Ai ../</ s/,m,l. Third Street,

Danville, Ky.,

_KiL im WOPLU respecifully inform^QW^HH tho pubhc lhat llipy liuve on hanil

""^"f their own niaiiuracliire, a|»tockof UIKJCIKS und IIUCK-AWAYS, of the most superior

tyles and wurkiiiansliip. a'ld are prt'pare<l tomake to order every ilescription of work iutlieir liiiu of business, such as

CARRIAGES,fSocl,fiiriif/s ami ISu^nr

C'nr*, .Spring Wiisoiis

Their stock of Timber is Urge and well .sea

toned, and they have ri, as«i.rlmenl of Trim-mings of the riclieK* styles and patlerns. Tlieyeiiiploy none but the best workmen, aud war-raui bolh their wood and iron work to be execu-ted in the neatest and mosl durable mauuer.They are now using a New ralent .Spring,which his de.-iirable advantages over those gi^ii-

erally used.

All persons desiring to purchase Carriages orBuggies, are invited lo examine our work and^leuru our prices, as He feel assured we cauplease them.JJ Carriages, Buggies, Rockaways, .tc, re-

f>:i!red, Iriiniiied or painted on short noliiteanareasonable terms. We have in our employone of the best painters in the Western country. • I

B. MANWARING A: BRO.Danville, june 11), '57 tf

To Whom it may concern!

HA 'INC; sold out our slocn of Goods, I

becomes indispensably necessary that ourbusiness should be closed as soon as possible;we therefor* hope r.ll who knov,- rhnt th.-y hwraccoMiiia Willi .miI.'v.i !'..',,iir to roim-forward and u, i ii - witlnint deiavIjnr hooka ami r,. i,. |,| A oli'

S. i, E S. ME3SICK.

Fire Insurance Company,OK IIARTKORD, CONN.,

IneorporaUil ISID—-tliarUr I'crptlual.

Cavh Assets,- Jnnuarf, Ii3.>7,

IN.^UIIES Merchandisegen-erally, and .Stores, Dwellings,Warehouses, Puildiiigs, Pub-

lic and Private, .Vnis, Manufactories, flLc.,

against Loss or Daiii.igo by Kire. Also, takes

Inland Risks of property »y lakes, rivers, ca

nals, uuii land carriage to all parts of the L'uionRates of Premium as low as security to llie in-

sured permits.

iLi'AII Losses equilab y and adjusted, audrHO.«PTI.V PAID.

ILf Policies of Tusurance issued by

A. S. .McGRUUTY, Ag'tjan I, 185/ y Danville,Ky

Life Insusance Company,or llurirord, Coun.

Capital, $150,000.130I.,ICIES will be granted payable after

dealh, or upon the parly's arriving al a

specified age, at his option ; iu eillier case, free

from claims uf creditors.

ir/"rhe lives of Slaves insured al reason-able rates.

irr Pamphlets containing rates of premiiiiii,

and iuroruialion in legard lo the mode of opera-tions, can be obtained of the undersigned.

A. S. .IcGKiJli rV. Ar.'T

jan 1, IH57 y Danville, Ky.

Farmers and Mechanics'mm . ,.M'hUfufelplitit,

Aiilhorizeil CapitnL

* 1 , a 5 w . o o o


1 RxVED-READ. '57

I AM now receiving, A NEW 4N0 iarcksurrLT or

School, College, La-w, Medical,and Educational

And (iiMtriil. l>:uin nnd IllustratedUoiueslic uiid l''orei|,'ii

MisceUanecus Literature.

I invite the atienlinn of Teachers, Studaui

and all others, to an examiuHliun o.' my larraand well selected slock, which is more ex'.n-sivs and varied than ever ofl'ered before iu Illsplace. Before purcliasiiig, call and examiusAlso, a full slock of

Plain and Fancy Stationery,Consisting in part of

100 reams ass'M Note, Litter and Car gross Steel Pens—all brands;


•10,110(1 Plain and Kaucy E. velcpes;12 dozen Slates, assorted sizes;

Blank Books, all sizes. Together with a mn-eral assortment of

DRUGS, MEDICINES,Clicniicals, I'aints, Oils. t)vc-!ltu\a

>arniNhes, Itrii^hcN, <;iass, Per.riimery. Fancy Articles, fcr.

My stock of Drugs, &c.. is carefully sslectad'by myself, and Physicians, Country Alerchaaisand purchasers geiiorally, Wh'» d'o well I*aud examiiia. Orders wiH receive prom ht at-tention.


WM. M. STOUT."ctlO, Main St.. Danville, Ky


July 3, '57, tf


REPOSITORY,Corner of .tlain and f'oiirlh streets, op

posite llie Outtertou House

Fine sets of Furs,

Scrfi, Ha d Drea !>es, &c.

WATKINS &, OWSLEY,!Commission Merchants. Provision


and Tobacco Brokers,I

NO. 250, MAIN STllEET,1


¥M StfMMEB USEiOeliooley's I'ntent Iti-lVisei atiir^, aO highly improved article, tog-.her withWnter Coolers of vaiiois beautiful stylesand Water Kilti-rs, for sale at

G. W. COLLINS'.N B.- One ef the Refrigerators can be seen

in use at the Sueed House iu Oauvilte.june 1-3, '57

An immense slock, embncing


Ta SHIJDELBOWEBiWholesale and Retail De.ilerin

Fine Urofcrics 5 Coiifci'lioiicrics,

Fruits, Niit'K, Preserves, I»iclile.«, Oys-ters, .Siiidines, Ciuars, 'riibiirco,

i-'aiicv Arlicio, &ir. Jtc.

Third Street, Danville, Ky.

Fine and Heari/

BOOTS AND SHOES,For Geullemen, Youths and Servants,

ill* bsnk a great deal of money. Theypaid over a lliomaad dollars fur ours.

Nv« hope gr«al care is taken t» praserve

these oapilal and inlcrssliiig r«lio!>, as,

•hould tli«y be lost, we doubt wliellier

ihey ceuld b« easily colle:ted again.

Should ihe bank, however, be ao it (or-

tunate as to lose ours, we II lut tlism

bare another at half price in cuiitcquence

of the very hard liwes."'

"The following rich scene r*^;ent-

ly occurred in one of our courls of jus-

tice between the Jadjje ami a Dutch wit-

ness, all tbe way fiotn Rjtterdan.


Juihje—What is your Dalive longut?^YUn ss— I pe no native.

iudge—What is your mother tongue.WitnriLS— Mine nil. tor is dead.

Judji:— (In a savage tone)—What did

you tirst learn? What language did youapeak in ilie cradle?

Witness— I did not speak no langdwige•t all in ter cradle; I thooist cri^d in

Dooloh! Then there was

M.ijor 1 say, I'm off," and away weiil

(jliHil-.e, and he did not slop as Ions; as

ha could tlie buzz of a hornet.

IAfter M jor had rucoveied breath suf-

ficient '.0 .-^peak, he explained lo Charliej

and Charlie saw llie forte of the joke.j

•'Now Major, if you don't lell dis whenyou go liurao, 1 give you live idlar, and

if you lell it jou is one rascal, and 1

fight you."But uotwitlist«nd'ng Charlie's bribes

an I threats. Major was engaged nearly all

nighi ill relating Chailoy's advunlure

with de lam little crows.

A Fine ai irtmentof 0. R

Willi aiid^williout li

GE NTS'*''


A T.:itg<; Siock of

boots' AND iSilOES,In great Variety.


Missouri and Virginia Tobacco.

lD"Wedrlings and Purties promptly attendedo, ill the best style,

april II, '56 tf

~j7 c . II i:w !fv


WhoUsiili and Rrlail Dralir in

Coafectioaeries and Candles,Fhif (r nicrrirs.

Perfumery and Fancy Arliflcs,

Cigars nnd Tnh;<v-co; Wines aud Cot-diiils; Oy-lcrs., &c..\o. "ij, iMain -:ifoct,4. '53 IHftunviJir


S. E. FARRANDWOL'LD re-ipeclfnilv infcfm thecilizeu^

of Central Kentucky that hisSTM.tIRIl STO< K is now very extensive aii.l

coiiiplcle, consisting nf every description o(veliic'e ill II is line,

Coaclics. UockaH iiys, Btissirs, i\;c

All of the latest aud moat iipproveij hlvlesandpatti-rns- nianuraclnred l.y iliebest vyorl-nienof ihe very best inalerials, aud Of Ihir most exqiiisite fiiii-li .

• ^"Let all wi»liine to piircnase any ki nd of a

vehicle or are fonil of exa>iiiniu({ yno// irorkgii e him a call. Great indiictJS^nis a rr rtfi r

ed al this time, as his slock iji larger and sellin/ cheaper than ever before. Eirery articlewarraii Ivd.

He has also oil hand a very large supply ofHariiiss of his ow n nianufacliire. ami is con-stantly inaiuifaciuriiig all kimls of Carriageand Buggy Harness. None but the best stockand the best workmen are employed.

Call aiKl I will sh.'w you tlieliiiest lot ofHarness ever iffered in this market, and alprii;e» to suit the times.

S. K. FARRANDl>'.3v,,le, July 17. '67 If


v3t«S4Q Burial Casket!

/-..I > EIEA GOO

NO RE . 1 .


ill wliich the judge, jury and audienceall j jined. The witness was interr.igaled

no lurllier about his nali>'e language.

CiiAKiTV Skrmom.— Dflac m Swift oncapreached so long on a charily scimoii as

lo disgust his^audience, which cominglo his knowledge, and il falling to his lot

soon after to preach a Ssimon of like

kind in the tame place, he look especial

care to avoid falling in llie former error,

tiis text was, "He that bath pity on the

'eneral lauL'l) P*^""" un'o lha Lord, aud that^ . ' ...i.;..i. 1... I....1. ~; — ;ii 1.. 1 • _

'Mr. Jenknis was dining al a very^oupiiable table, hut a piece of baconnear him wa» so very small that the la- i

dy of the house remsrkoil to kirn:

"Pray, Mr, Jenkins, help yourself to

Ihe bacon. Don t bo afraid of it !


"No indeed, madam, I shall not be;

I've seen a piece twice as large aud it'

didn't scare me a bit."

which he hath given will ha pay him a

gain." Tho Dean, after repealing the

text in a more than commonly empha'.i-

cal tone, added, "Now my beUveJfriends, we hear the terms of ihe loan

if you like the security, down with yourdust,''

Clothing! Clodiiiig


Knibr:iciiie everv novelty of the Season.




GROCERIES,A full slock—together with our usually lorge

and complete assortment of




A nd a complete supply of nearly •verylhiiigelsj, to which large ad jitiona will b« madeevery week during Ihe season. We wanteverybody to call ami see our tlooils.

WHLSIl il,it 11. '57



Ciistuni-Madc Eastern

BOOTS hM mmFor Fall and Winter Wear! LOUISVILLE & FRANKFOKT

HAVINC. now the exclusive AGKNCY•of this cc unty for Ihs sale of Fisk'

Mrlatlic Hiirial Casrt and Cranr't Pultiil .W>;//ir Itunul Ciiskfl ; also all kinds of

Wood and Covered Coffins!Undertakers in this and the adjoining town

und couulies will be supplied ou reasonableterms.

(CTA Inndaome Hearse always in attendanceand Fuueral calls attended to at any hour ol

the day or night.

G. W. IIEWEY.june IS, '57 3d st.. Danville

R. J. MARRS,Ploughmaker and Blacksmith,


I WOULD respecifully in-vile the atleiilioii of purcha-sers to my NEW STOCK,comprising eve-y style niul

variety. I feel preparei) to {^iv.' entire paiis-

lac.ion. as I have the UIOST of UOKIt .-XIEXconslantly employeil in the Manufacturing

' deparliiienl, and the Kuslern work is of ilie

•EST UUAI.ITV, having been mad.- K.XPUKSSLYTO ORDKK, and in poiul of lining, ueatntss

land duraliilily. 1 am confident my wurkcannot be excelled. Uemeinber ilie

place, nearly opposite the Oourl House.

GHAS. E. FARRAND.Danville, aepSS tf


OREATsuccesiT*always. he mostconclu>ive proof ofmerit. Judged byIhis test there ii nola''orsavinit Alaehinobefore the public comparable to Siscaa'aSku ino M..<-hine«.—After ettablishingti.ehigh -sl reputation iuthe UniledSlateslheywe;e exhibited at lh«

U.te"Expoaitioii U'jiverselle,'' in France, whereMi.y i-arried off the higlie.«l preniiuii.; ani agr< 1 1 m inufaciory to make Ihem has been haiUn Paris.

In Every Branch of IndustryIn which sewing is lo be done, thesr Machiae»an be used with immense profit. As the tptrni

ill ihe KaiUay tr. in is to travelling on faol, sos sewing w.t'h Singer's Machines comparrdwith hand-sewing. No tailor, shoe maksr,riss-inaker, carria 'e trimmer, ai.ldler, halter,Vc &c. sliould ba without one. Tbe fair pr»-111 of using one of those niachinea, regularljmployed, is '

OiieThonsnnrf Oollars a year.In all private families where there ia much

I sewing to be done, these machines are aa inval-uable assistance. Planters and hotel keeper!find them narticularly convenient Bird protita-ble. These machines or- simpU ia tlieir on-(ruction, and verv st'ong and durable, bet»g

tlie only kimi of Sewing Machine ever made,iiy which every . ort of work, coar,,- r fins,ould be perfectly executed. Thnii o( in-

ferior and worliilesf Sewing M i i nrf havsiieen nia'le and sold under various iiuin. ^, butSingkr's .Machines alone hive been foau.; »»».ry where In sali.sfy the wauls of th*- -

Plain printed instruction.^ for i.


witii each machine, froin wiiicli

reaody acquire the art of managinr .

machines are packed secuM-lv to ^>l the world. To all persoiiH

Licular inlormation, we wil'

ielter. at eitlitr of our ortic-.-. - ,»

I. M. Singer ^V. Co-'a tlizi'tr, a , i

devoted lu the Sewing Maoli ii,- mt r,-.-..

1. M. SIN(ii;R 6l CO.I'rinei)>at Offie,, A'o. 32.3, ll-oaiJwmi,, Nfu Ytf

W. \. I, nOUE, Astnt.Dauville, Ky

Dranch Ofliecs:

No. 47, Hanover street, Boston.' 97, Chapel street. New Haran, Ct

Gloversville, N. Y.^- 'T* Broad street, Newark, 11. J.

" 105, BatrTmore street. Baltimore." 3i2, WeBtiiii .Bler St., Providence, K." **, Kast 4th street, Ciucinn.ili." C5, Norlii 4ili street. .St. Louis." Wl

.St. Charles St., Now Orlaani.

" 90. Dauphin alreet. Mobile,ang 29, '5G if

J 1 fefSSs i-j-.Z^'l rxTTf^^:prsi


Shortest, Quickest andRoute

To St. I.oni's, Ciiiro, Cbienso, Kniisns,KeoKnli, l>i.biii|iie . St. Piiiil. nnd ull

points South West and .North M est.

'^\ ;ll be made to order, of the best niatciiil»

.m short notice. REP.AIRINf? also promptly

.ttlended to. lie hopes by giving strict atten-

CheaoeSt business, by good workmanship aud" moderate charge.-', to merit and receive a cou

tiiiuance of [lationago.

t^Seroiti/ niiff.'i ahorler and Li fs Fnrc

St. Lduia, Cuiro, Kansas, Kcoknlc, cf-c.

jp^XTady—doting molker of a wag-gish lad—liavinp bottled up a lot of nice

pi-«.-'erT«s. labled tliein. I'ui »y< by MrsW ,

'teller name.) Jolinuie, lier

promising bur, having discove'cd the

m>odi*s, S'jon eat up the eoiitents sf tlie

boUle and llisn wrote on ihe boUoin uft'i« label. "I'm </o(ni by Uio Joliiuiie

U .'

OrAn Ohio paper says that duringthe recent tornado in that State, Mi:sWhite, a young lady of Cr«sllinr, age19 years »vas carried by the force of the

wind several hundred feel, and left in

ihe top of a cherry lre«. Shd gMd..d

through the aerial space, hoops and all

I'.ko a lliirg of air. and descended upon a

tree with all the mijesly and ease of aneaglo lowering lo its nesi. Siie escapeduninjured.

MIBtHAlT IllLORiCloths CasEimeres, and Vestings

Gents' Furnishing Goods,In Cravats, Scarfs, Collars, H iidkerchiefs-Suspenders, fca. Persons finding their own ma-


•erials will have the greate-t cnrr lakfn lo lit and '

al lute rain! All of which I offer low for c isli

or to prompt paying customers on my usualcredit.

W. C. LUCAS.. Danville, s«pt I J. '57, tf


\\/ t'l'Lf* respecllully inform the public

V V lhat he has removed to this place, andrented the shop recently occupied by Mr. j. H-MAHaN, iiearihe Batterton House, where heis prepared lo fill a I orders lor his highly su-perior and popular i


Which^liave taken I'leiniiim., at every Kair at I

wlffh he has shown lliem. and have been Ihor-,

ougllly testeii by a very large luliiiher of the\

farmers of Boyle. iMercer, Liacolu, CJairard.

aud other cou iities.

He will al.-*o give prompt atleiilion lo everydescripliuu of IIL,.\CK.S.MI TIII.VG \(OltK,lHorse Shoeing, <Vc.

A Splendid AssortnrentOK

LADIES' SHOES,OF every de«crip

lion, » lib or witlioui^lieela, for sale at \_

»ep.!3 C. E. FAKRANI" S


FiTsli Fliiiiily Groceries.JU^T B^:^^lv^ i> at

mcKA'S & ricNEILL'S.

SPECIAL NOTICETo any who may think it worth

their attention.

A Dou .'>TohT.— ['he New Rciiroid

Morcury says: W« hava received infor-

raa;ioa from an autlienlic source, of a' owned in Falraoulh, that went lo

ti«^Ni) 4lre«l in Constantinople hat a church regular for years, and has also at-

nanie, nor is there a lamp in it, yet there tended punctually all the funerals in that

aie 500,000 inhabitants! There ia not apost office nor mail route in all Turkey,nor a cliuich bell— but there are at least

two doo'K to every inhabitant.

jrF'"Uli, I'm so glad you like birds,"

town. At the death of his master this

dog went to the funeral, and continued10 visit the grave for some time, butsince that event he has never attendedanother luncral. This dog still contin-uf s to go lo church with his accustomed

HAVING tested the practical working of

I. .M SI NG ER'S SKU I SU >l A Cll I NK,I im prepared to recomiiiend it to the sewingcummuiiily, as an invaluable help to those whohave any coiisioerable amount ol si-wiiig to

ilo—and believing this, I have taken au Agencyloi the sale of snid Aliichines in this andthe adjoining counties. I will take pleasure iu

supplying any who may de.«ire il, with this

wonderful labor-saving invention. All infor-

' mation as to price and the different styles of

the Machines, can be had by applying to me,in Danville

W. I. MOORE.Danville, july 17, '57 If


We, the umlersiglied, do c -rt,* .

nseil. and seen others usi

PLOI'GH," manuf-actared . K. J

M ARKS, of Danville, Ky.. ^ .i regard '

sail! Pl.uiglis Its miieli the best article of I

he kind now in use, both fur durability auu '

the performance of good work. Witness outhands


»»id a young wife to her husband, "what fgularity.

kind do yen most admire"?" —Voung husband—"Well, 1 think a Utah Coat of Ar>i8.— It was recent-

good lui k-y, with plenty of dressing, is ly stated at an ami-Morman meetir.g,about as nice as any olher." . that the arms, of Utah consists of a bee

' hive, protected by a lion rampant, at

jty" Where was I," said a little ur- whose .'eel is the American E.igle couch-chin, one day to his mother, as- he stood ant, badly plucked,gazing on his drunken and prostrate pa; ' -

"where was I when you married pa!"Why Jidn't you take me aleng? 1 couldhave picked out a better man than he is.'

t^K child's

^one to sleep.''

id'ja of ice—"Water

"S@rAn Irishman referring to the sud-

den death of a relative, was asked if he

had lived high. '-Well I can't say hedid," said 'ronenco, '-but he died liigh.

Jist like the United iSuus Bank, he wassuspended.''


Positively, 'No Cerdit!'

^MWWW cousequeuce of ^i igi

^^raR^B|liigb prices we have lo pay flSmfn n for Heef and Mutton, be' " P-

ing invariably required lo pay the Cash for

our stock, we a-e necessarily compelled 10 re-

()uire the Cash from a!l our customers, 0*11)fntnre, nil meat must be paid Tor beforeit is taken Trom Ihe .Market House, andibis rule will bnslrictly adhered to. Ther«laredon't ask for credit.


Dauville, april 3, '5T, tf

J . A - D u rford


VV. I Moberly,T. N. Bnrford,G. N. Davis,

A . S. Robinso!),

A- E- Davia,

R. A. tJ rimes,

Chs. Thompson,W . H. Daviess,K. Oabbart,.1 . H. Grimes,A. M. V'anarsdall,

Robt. Forsytfie,

Jas. il. Moore,B. ^^ . Coleman,Simon Vanarsdall,John C. Waggeuer,Isaac W . Vaudivir.Jas. .M. Forsytlie, Jr.

Hiram Hradsliaw,

J. V. Iliitton,

W. A. Cook,Deiij. Vills,

W. A. Eastland,

A. J. McMordie,Geo. T. Allin.

Joseph Nooe,Jas. F. Tlionipsen,P. p. Maton,C. L. Jones,W m . Daviess,

J. M. Joues,

Edw. Iluehes,

J II. Malian.Jackson Davis,

n. t . Fishback,A H Sneed,S. M. .Miller,

John W.Shelby,Jacob Funk,Michael Robinson,Thos. O. ilouchins,M. Kemper,Jos. S. Kenney,C. O. Moore.J. S. Caldwell,R. II. fiohbins,W. L. Caldwell,Nim. Harris,Fred. Harris,George Brown,Nelson Wiiigate,Henry Bruce,J. P Reed,C. Fnglemiu,C. Clarke,W. I,. Tarkington,J. M. McKsrran,C. T. Worthiiigton,1. P. Kisher,F. T. Warren,A. D Meyer,A, D. Irvine,W ni. Paviie.

Java, i.iigJ)ra and Rio Coffee;Superior Green and Black Teas; ^Salt, Soda. Starch and Spice;

Mackerel, Pepper. Brooms aud Rice;Nails, all kinds and sizes;

Star and Tallow Candles;Filtjlisli Dairy and W, K'. Cheese;Molasses and Golden Syrup;Assarted Preserves and Pickles;

Kresli Peaches aiin Pine .\pplcsi

Bolter Crackers. Oyatero and Sardines;Wooden and VVillow Ware, Baskets, Buck-

ets. Tubs and Churus;Stone Ware, Jug;*, Jars anil Crocks;Cigarsand Tobacco—all kinds;

Cotton Yarns, Cord and Candle Wick;Hemp, Manilla and Cjtton Rop>-;

We have also a good B.<8orlnient of Ginss andQue<'ii-»'H'iire including Table V\'are, and a

large assortment of Wash Bowls and Pitcher^,

of various styles and si-ies. Also, a slock of

heavy,,well-made Boots and Shoes.

We have in short, a v%ry full aud excellent

stock, and respectfully i.ivite purchasers lo

call and see n» before buying We iniend to

sell atsjii.ill profits- Oirr terms are Cash or

prompt setfreiiieuis everv lour iiiontlis.

McKAY &• NEII.f..

4Ve keep constantly on hand a good supply

of Flour and .Ileal, for sale at the maikel

price for Cash only. McK. &. McN.sept 1 1. '57 tf



Ft^t r itin— E(;»ve8 LeXfiigton nt 5 o'clock

\. M . stnppiti^ 20 n)iiui)*'B for tirrakfast at

Kraiikforl, cotiiiectinp hI Eminciire with stage

fur New Castle, arid at Louisville by Kail lioid

and Sicaiii Boat, for Si. Louis, CliicHgo. Ciiro

KaiK^a:*. Keokuk. Hurliii^luii, Dultuque, St.

Paul *' «'I \Vf^le^ll aiii: Souilierri jioirils.

Stcontl Train— Leaves L»»xiiiplon at in clock

p. M., counectir.g at Eminence with Slielbyvilu-

and New Crtslltf **t.i((V'*, atitl al Loiii.svilU* will)

JillVrsoiiville, New ntbauy un«l Saii ni. and * Hun

and MisKissippi Rail Koa^^s for i^'*. Louis, »"airo

ChicnjTH.and all poinls North. Westdi.'^ S>uth.

ir_T KorTllltOl'(;il TICK KTSand fnrtl.^-

inliirniatuM) please cull at lht< Ot-po*, corner ol

Mill und VVjitt*" 8trp« t«. L<;xiiti:toii, Ry.

Will in v.* irtiiig al llie D ';»ot in Lnni^ville.

I0(*«nvev Pnsii»»net*r?* !n the Ofpntf* of tferson-

FUNERAL CALLS.Having a supply of Fisk's Mclnllic BW

HI.\I., CA!>KS,'and liavini; secured ihe u«:

of a good Iwo-horse II K.-^ USE, I am alill

[irepareu to attend lunerai calls al any hour ir

town or country. Wooden Coliins made to

order as herelofoie.JON.K. NICHOLS.

jan S, 1855 tf

NEW STYLES!Hats and Caps. Boots & Shoes

NEW^OCKI\/%/'A'rKI{ Coclera and Filterors for Purl-» V fylng Water, Toilet Sels, Fancy anj

Cash Boxes. Spice Boxes, Lauterns, Caud'sticks, ,tc.

( ookme Kiiiigc and Cookia Storeol Uie most appf ved jtalterns.

Hardware.)Rakes, Hoes, 2, ;i and 4 Prong Cast Ple»

Porks, Spades and Sliovela, Trace Chtins andIts UB, Bl Hss Kettles, Anil Irons, Odd LddSi

-Scrapers, Fire .'Standards, Fire ShnTcIa^Toasters, Frying Pass, &c.

Burning Fluid, Tinware, &c.1 amps , now -style Parloi and Common ;Safe*

ly Fluid Lamps, together with a gfneral assort-iiienl of Tinware, ichotrtale and riail.

ij"Ti:\ Kotling and Guttering done with;iroiiipt iiess aiiit dispatch. Orders from a die*

ance promptly attended lo.

Just rec> ;v.-.i,a general aasorlnieut of Anti-Freezing Pumps, 5lc. •

All of the above Goods I offer far sale cheapfor cash, or on short time, to prompt payiugcustomers,

G W COLLINS.apr 18. 'SG tf








george~t¥relkeliRRTIUiN.S his acknowledgments U

public, for the I iberal palionuge heretoforeexlunded to liiin, and would respectfully informhi* (.inner patrons and the public generally,lhat liecoiittiiues tn carry'oii the

Carriage Making Businessj

In all its branches, aiiu has now, ami intendskeeping on hand, or will make lo order,

Couclifs, farriages, Koekaways, I!ng;ifs,

In all their varieties. Ilo respectfully solicits

; a call from all who may wish to purchase anykind of a vehicle, and will merely say, iluit Ins

work shall be well done, and warrant) d as rep-resenteil. while liispriceasliall be a; lowusl.'iose

I of any other establishiiieul'iu this sectiou ol




ICT'IIe still occupies his old i-taud, on Second1street, op[iosile iVI is. A kin's,


ILTParlicular atleiilion will as heretofore be! given to the RKI'AIKI.VG and Ilc.llllilig

i of vehicles of every kind-

GEO. TIIRELKBr.DiDanvil!r,june8, '55 tf

; -ImOii-,

,1~ for!

^uiiiiiier wear. He is

still maiiufarturing all

descriptions of Hals to

order. He invites a

call from his old custo-mers aud the publicgenerally.

Shop on Main St .;

iiexidoorlo .Mr.Mgores otherMerciiant Tailoringeslablishineiit.

april 1 3, '55 tf

iiio:«i superior.iiiiiiiiiei-

He has now oif hand 8

fine stock of the best

French Coif .'-"k ins ami

ortier findings, whichlicVft-lis heretofore pre-

pared to make up in

the most fnsliiouable

style. Lasting audCloth Gaiters, nnd al

Summ-'r 8lloe^

prompllv made to or

deroQ sfiort uotice.

TIIK undersigned weuld ret-pectfully inform the publie thathe has left tlie J. iw ir . Kstab-lisliment ol Mr. Jihn li Akin,and located at the stand next

door lo V\ aggener's corner, wh'rre he luleada

to carry on ihe

WATCH-MAKING BUSINESS,And hopes by good workmau.'liip snd slrii t

attention to business, to merit a purliuu of iba; .:rrii.age.

liar Htlenlion will he

f of all Fine Watr, lljplex, JlatA an

rt 1 1 "w'wTfT'Tfom'^^

3 salisfaclieii or tlit

uiniicj. L'- ^'il' i'"" have all kiuda ol j tiv xi «'i

UttrAiaiio. IU llie best style.

Having had fifteen \ears' rxperieacr. hria-lali.-^lied that he can (ilease all who may give

him a tiial.

GEO. NICHOLS.dec 12<


(And many ethers, whose names are omittedfor ivant of room.)DaiTilUny 19, '57 tft

ANY number ef NFOitOKSmale and female, from 12 to--_'n year

;,old, will lie purchased, nnd the liigli

est prices given in cash by applying lo llio -

1 dersigned i , UanviUo.I jttly 17, tf W. A. HARNESS.

4PERSONS having accounts with me are

hereby notifieil that the siiiie are now iliii-

—my terms being strictly Six Months, and

as I stand diieclly in nee.l of the money. I : Awould he obligeit to my customers lo call and



iiiake payment,i CHAS. E. FARRAND.

IAM now prepared to GRIND WHEATal the Danville Steam Mill, ami hope lo be

able to give satisfaction to those sending Whtalto be ground. As I cannot do ju.tice to very

sin.ill lots, 1 would prefer exchanging Flour fei

all parcels umler ten bushels.

I expect lo keep on hand a coustanl suppiv

of .Superfine and ('oiiiinou

w a. # w BAlso, Unboiled Flour, Corn Meal,

Rye, Hraii. Arc


days and Fridavs

Crcnsh paid for Whfin<.

I). CKOZIKR.sept '>'<, I'-'i-'i t


, on Tues


Family Rcsidcncp for Sale

THK unde signed offers for sale, ihe Houseftiid i'lemikCs at present occupied by

him in Danville. r)n the Lot are two of tha


est Cisterns in town, and all necessary Out-buildings, Stable. Carriage- house. Sec, Ac , aud

jan Indian .Mound, one of the few reiiiaiuing


relics of that interesting race, which has besuriilifiiously preserved.

I As the Lot is large, consiileriiiff ils very coa-


vcnient locality to the ernirr of huiinrtt, it will


de divided, so as to suit two or three purcha-

jscrs. A bargain will be given ia either pari.

lie will sell also, ti Four .-\crc Taslure


I.ol, situoled near the Railroad Depot ; well ea-

Iclosed, and having on it an evrrlastiiit; supply

i:f first rale water. Fersoi a pesirons of purcha-

sing such property will do well to call early.

.-^ Int of Building .M.iterials, Brick, Stone,

Flooring and Dressed Weatlierhoariliiif forsale.

TIIOS, R. J. AYKKSdec 9n, 'Si; If


IU.-^T received a loi of Scjthea, Grain Cra-dles, ami Sickles for sale hv



;'nmincr W ear, which will he gold very

low. TJje attention of purchasers is :alled lo


julv 17, '57 tfI (tk C If S. MORROW.


Jutt received, an assort-

mont ot Caffrey's Patent fJame nnd Rat

i Traps, calculated to ileceiv and entrap tho

most sagacious of the Ilat liilie, for sale by

Ilebti GEO. Vy. COLLINS.