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Welcome 500AGO DIC 2013


Things to bear in mind


Oral presentationsGUIDE FOR PRESENTATIONS. 1.- CHOOSE A TOPIC OF YOUR INTEREST AND THAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO TALK ABOUT. This topic should be easy to explain and understand for you and your classmates. The topics that can be chosen come from a wide variety. It is important to emphasize that these topics should involve one of the following: AN ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRY: TRADITIONS, CUSTOMS, AS WELL AS GENERAL INFORMATION. A FAMOUS CITY FROM AN ENGLISH SPEAKING COUNTRY. FAMOUS PEOPLE FROM THESE COUNTRIES. (WRITERS, MUSICIANS, STATESMEN ETC) RELEVANT EVENTS. (IMPORTANT DATES, HOLIDAYS, ETC)

Oral presentations

2.- INVESTIGATE. This means that you will probably need to do a little research on the topic you choose. The importance of investigation is to speak about your topic based on solid ground. Inventing or just saying what you think is not enough. You can use sources such as internet, books, libraries or any other one. You should mention the credits you used for your investigation

Oral presentations

3.-WRITE A SUMMARY. Once you have your topic and some information about it, you will have to write a summary. This summary should be brief (1 page) and it will include condensed information of what your topic is and what you will talk about. This summary shall be sent to my email an will count towards your composition grade.60´s and each one started their solo careers. Lennon was shot in December 1980 and Harrison died on 2002. The legacy of the Beatles will endure forever.

Oral presentations

4.- PRESENT. You have 3 options for this…

A) do it in class.

B) make a video.

C) record an audio.

For the last two you would be required to submit them in the week of October 14-19.

Oral presentations




WE ARE NOT EVALUATING YOUR MEMORIZATION SKILLS but the ability you have to talk about what on you are interested.


WE DON’T WANT YOU TO READ but to speak.


WE DON’T CARE IF THE INFORMATION IS CORRECT but the ability you have to say it.


If you are to prepare a poster BE SURE NOT TO HAVE MISTAKES; spelling counts on your grade.


Internet is a good place to find information DO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING ON IT, as well as DO NOT COPY PASTE INFORMATION.






