Page 1: Welcome Guests! Congregational Cared5e9c61012e10c041d0e-8110f85443f25cb0a250353799797743.r79.cf2.rackcd… · A Clare Benediction John Rutter Pastoral Prayer Celebration Singers *Call

Welcome Guests! We are delighted you have joined us for worship. We invite you to complete the Welcome Card in the pew pocket and stop by the Welcome Desk on the main level outside the west Sanctuary entrance to receive a gift and more information about our ministries. Hearing aid devices are available (including the neck loop for telecoil programs). Large print song sheets are also available. Please see an usher for assistance.

Next Week’s Lectionary Readings

We invite you to include the lectionary readings in your devotion times. Readings for next week are Acts 16:16–34, Psalm 97, Revelation 22:12–14, 16–17, 20–21, and John 17:20–26.

Today at Gary Church

Adult Ministries at 10 a.m. Navigating Our Digital World Today in the Anderson Room, led by Alexa Isaac Feel like your kids are drowning in a sea of apps and devices? Want to talk about digital media more with your kids, but aren’t sure how? Come explore Every Parent's Guide to Navigating our Digital World, published by Fuller Youth Institute. This week’s topic: “How (and when) can I gracefully take off the media training wheels?”

Gospel in the City Today and June 9 in the Chapel, led by Dr. Christa Tooley This course explores what Christian interactions with cities have been like in the US: How have Christians thought about cities and the people in them? How has this shaped Christian action in the cities and the suburbs? We will consider historic and contempo-rary patterns, and think together about their significance for the church.

Gary Kids & Gary Youth Kids’ Church

Preschool 3’s–4’s meet in the Preschool Room on the lower level

Kindergarten–Grade 5 meet in the Lower Level Lobby 10 a.m. Sunday School

Preschool 3’s–Kindergarten meet in the Preschool Room

Grades 1–5 meet in Gamon Hall

Grades 6–7 meet in the Heritage Room

Grades 8–12 meet in the Sr. High Room

Upcoming Sunday Table Talk Sun., June 9, 8:30 a.m. in the Commons Members of the Gary Task Force on United Methodism and Human Sexuality will be available for informal, grace-filled conversation about the 2019 Special Session of the UM General Conference and subsequent Judicial Council ruling. Additional information is available at

Congregational Care Please remember these individuals and families in your prayers this week.

Jan Adair, Jessica Bianco, Heidi Brewer, Zack Clarke, Jim & Carol Eaton, Dixie Hawthorne, Pat Hill, Betty Jeppsen, Norvis Land, Chris Loken, Dan Meeks, Jim Trieschmann, Jack & Shirley Williamson, Phil Zeller Congratulations to

Jeff & JoAnna Fowler on the birth of their son, Ethan Charles, on May 18. Grandparents are Gary & Jeanene Fowler. Paul & Amanda Andrzejewski on the birth of their son, Theo Rhett, on May 22. Grandparents are Bob & Cindy Andrzejewski. Today’s altar flowers are given by

Ed & Alice Williams in memory of their daughter Emily Kristine Williams.

Serving Today 9 a.m. Service Greeters Gene & Deb Green, Dan & June Hurd, Nancy Turner Welcome Desk Marjorie Merriman, Mary Landreth, Michelle Younkin Acolytes Lauren Updegrove, Sam Jones Ushers Chuck Miller, Paul Calderwood, Sam Calderwood, Joe Davisson, David Plate, Dick Raber, Lisa Rozwat 11 a.m. Service Greeters Brooks & Sharon Harder, Rusty Haney Welcome Desk Dick & Julie Raab Acolyte Lukas Schaafsma Ushers Bob Hawkins, Bill Austin, Michael Graves, Doug & Tammy Halenza, George King Musicians: Kevin Lange (organ, piano), Jennifer Whiting (Celebration Singers) Sound Technicians: John Brunner, Kevin Carlson, Phil Johnson, Alyn Mann, Dave Mann, Ellie Phillips, Ethan Phillips, David Rush, Tony Venezia Staff Ministry Team: Rev. Dr. Chris Pierson, Rev. Brian Felker Jones, Rev. Bruce Anderson, Jennifer Whiting, Kevin Lange, Carey Bebar, Kim Austin, Alexa Isaac, Becky Lemna, Pam Keller, Raven Larkin, Deb Evans, Deb Hafner, Mike & Donna Capra

Mission Statement Grow in faith, knowledge, and understanding of Christ as Lord and Savior Serve our community and the world by sharing time, gifts, talents Nurture one another through worship, fellowship, love Demonstrate our discipleship to Christ Proclaim God’s grace and Good News

Page 2: Welcome Guests! Congregational Cared5e9c61012e10c041d0e-8110f85443f25cb0a250353799797743.r79.cf2.rackcd… · A Clare Benediction John Rutter Pastoral Prayer Celebration Singers *Call

Gary United Methodist Church

Sixth Sunday of Easter May 26, 2019 9 & 11 a.m.

*Please stand as you are able.

Congregation reads bold print.

Congregational song book is the hard cover Hymnal found in the pew racks. Prelude Prelude in C Major, BWV 547 Johann Sebastian Bach Mission and Ministry at Gary Church Introit (11 a.m.) A Clare Benediction John Rutter Celebration Singers *Call to Worship

Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you judge the peoples with equity and guide the nations upon earth. Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you. The earth has yielded its increase; God, our God, has blessed us. May God continue to bless us; let all the ends of the earth revere God. *Hymn We, Thy People, Praise Thee 67 Opening Prayer Jesus, our Savior, you promised your disciples that God would send the Holy Spirit in your name, reminding them of your teachings and leading them forward into new truths yet to be revealed. We have heard of the mighty acts of those who received the gift of your promised Holy Spirit, and we are amazed. We dare to invite this same Holy Spirit into our lives, to teach us and to guide us, that we too may learn of God’s love and justice. By the grace and power of the Holy Spirit, may your word make a home in us today. Amen.

Scripture Lesson Acts 16:6-15 Pew Bible p. 925 *John 14:23-29 Pew Bible p. 901 This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God!

Readers: Harry Chase (9 a.m.), Nan Krull (11 a.m.)

*Hymn of Faith Where He Leads Me 338 (Stanzas 1 and 4)

(9 a.m.) Children Preschool 3’s–Grade 3 are invited to come forward during the hymn. After the Children’s Time, those in Grades 4–5 will worship with their families, while children Preschool 3’s–Grade 3 may follow their leaders downstairs to Kids’ Church.

(11 a.m.) Children are invited to worship with their families during this service. Children’s bulletins and activity bags are available from the ushers.

Childcare is available for newborn–2 yrs. from 8:45 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the lower level. Children’s Time (9 a.m.) Carey Bebar Sermon “Call and Response” Rev. Dr. Chris Pierson Pastoral Prayer Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen. Dedication of Our Tithes and Offerings Please refrain from applause in a spirit of prayer. (9 a.m.) A Clare Benediction John Rutter Celebration Singers

May the Lord show his mercy upon you; may the light of his presence be your guide: may he guard you and uphold you; may his Spirit be ever by your side.

When you sleep may his angels watch over you; when you wake may he fill you with his grace: may you love him and serve him all your days, then in heaven may you see his face.

May the Lord's loving kindness surround you, keep you safe as you journey on your way: may he lead you and inspire you as he grants you the gift of each new day.

May he bless all your loved ones and cherish them; ev'ry friend, ev'ry stranger at your door: in the name of his Son our Saviour Christ, may God bless you now and evermore. (11 a.m.) Prelude on ST. COLUMBA Charles Villiers Stanford

The King of love my shepherd is, whose goodness faileth never.


Through north and south and east and west, May God’s immortal name be blest. Alleluia! Alleluia! Till everywhere beneath the sun, God’s Kingdom come, God’s will is done. O Praise Him, O Praise Him, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia!

*Hymn God of Grace and God of Glory 577 (Stanzas 1, 3, and 4)

*Benediction Postlude Fugue in C Major, BWV 547 Johann Sebastian Bach
