Page 1: Welcome [] News...So crude, forlorn, The Hope of all the world was born (Poet Unknown) 10 Bird watching
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A warm welcome to everyone in this December - January edition of

Village News. We hope you all enjoy reading the magazine and find it useful to

know what’s going on - there seem to be more events every month. We have

extended our circulation from 500 homes to 600 from this month, to share it

with more people - and it is still delivered free by our fantastic team of

distributors. We are now looking for someone who might be able to distribute

the magazine to homes in Poulders Gardens - please see the notice below.

A list of all the Christmas services at the church is on page 7 of the magazine.

We hope you can join us at one or more of these services. The Christmas

Carol Singalong in the Village Hall is always a popular occasion when

everyone gets together to sing carols accompanied by the Deal Academy

Brass Band and gets into the festive spirit with mulled wine and mince pies.

This FREE community event is at 6pm on Friday 6th December. (See poster

on page 4)

In this Christmas - New Year edition we have a fun page of festive jokes, a

wordsearch and quiz hosted by our friendly Woodnesborough Wilf as well as

the usual challenge to find Woodnesborough’s smallest resident hiding

somewhere in the pages of the magazine. Get your magnifying glass out!

On the back cover of the magazine is a survey by Woodnesborough Parish

Council, who are keen to find out people’s views on the future of

Woodnesborough and the priorities for the coming year- please take the

opportunity to respond!

We hope 2020 will bring forth lots more contributions to the magazine: articles,

poems, shared memories, recipes, photos, upcoming events etc. Please send

any material to [email protected]

We hope you are looking forward to Christmas and the New Year 2020

(though many people be wondering where 2019 went to). The next edition of

the magazine will appear in February 2020 after our brief hibernation for a

couple of months.

On behalf of the Magazine Team we wish you all

a Merry Christmas and Very Happy New Year!

Distributor wanted – Woodnesborough Village News

As we have extended our magazine’s circulation, we need someone to

distribute the magazine to properties in Poulders Gardens, approximately 100

copies. This could possibly be split between two rounds. Can you help?

Please contact Ken by email: [email protected]

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Woodnesborough Village Hall Events


09.15 - 10.00 am Little Kickers (Ages 1.5 to 2.5 years)

10.10 - 10.55 am Little Kickers (Ages 2.5 to 3.5 years)

2:00 - 4:00 pm Painting for Pleasure

3:30 - 7:00 pm KAT Study Club

4:30 - 5:30 pm Song & Dance Theatre

6:30 - 7:30 pm Zumba


09:30 - 10:30 am Weightwatchers

10:00 - 11:30 am Coffee Pot

6:00 - 7:00 pm Weightwatchers

7:30 - 9:00 pm Parish Council Meeting (4th Tuesday of month ONLY)


09:30 - 11:00 am Yoga

09:30 - 12:30 Sandwich Art Group

6:30 - 7:30 pm Tai Chi (Adults)

7:30 - 8:30 pm Karate (Adults)

7:00 - 9:00 pm Women’s Institute (2nd Wednesday of month ONLY)


09:30 - 11:30 am Baby and Toddler Group

4:30 - 6:30 pm Jan Anton Dance and Acrobatic Gym School

7:00 - 8:00 pm Solve Mental Health Charity Meetings

7:30 - 9:30 pm Gardeners Club (3rd Thursday of month ONLY)


09:30 - 11:00 am Yoga

3:30 - 6:00 pm KAT Study Club

6:30 - 7:30 pm Tai Chi (Adults)


08:00 - 9:00 am 10 - 4 - 10 Fitness Sessions

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Christmas Sing-along

Friday 6 December 2019 at 6:00 for 6.30pm

in Woodnesborough Village Hall

Accompanied by The Deal Brass Academy

If you enjoy singing carols

join us for this informal evening. Refreshments served

including mulled wine.

Free entry – just come along!

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What’s On?

Village Hall Events

On Saturday, 19th October we held our first Fashion Show at the Village Hall.

We exceeded the numbers we expected, and nearly 80 people attended for an

evening of enjoyment and shopping. It was a great success and we are

planning to hold another fashion show next year.

All the money we have made this summer has gone towards purchasing a

projector. Once it has been installed, we will be able to hold film afternoons for

both children and adults.

Our Bingo evenings are going well. It is a friendly group who attend and

everyone is made welcome. Due to its popularity, we are going to hold regular

Bingo evenings on the first Wednesday of each month.

Our Quiz evenings always have a good attendance and these will continue in

the New Year.

We are going to be holding a Village Hall Open Day on Saturday 25th January

where you will be able to visit our lovely hall.

We would like to thank you all for supporting our events this year and hope

that you can continue to do so in 2020. Happy holiday to you.

Upcoming Community Events in the Village Hall

Wednesday 8th January - Bingo evening - Doors open

7:15pm and Bingo will start at 7:30pm - tea, coffee, biscuits are


Friday 17th January - Quiz night - doors open 7:15pm and

Quiz will start at 7:30 pm - All welcome to come along and join

a team. Please bring your own drinks and snacks. £3.00 per


Saturday 25th January - Village Hall Open Event - We are going to be

holding a Village Hall Open Day on Saturday 25th

January where you will be

able to visit our lovely hall and see the different groups who use it and

showcase their talents. You will have an opportunity to speak to our hirers

and see what groups you and your family could join. Members from the

Woodnesborough Parish Council will also be in attendance, so you will be

able to speak to them about anything happening in the village. We will have a

raffle and refreshments available. We will be advertising the programme on our


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Christmas Services at

St. Mary’s Woodnesborough

There are a variety of services leading

up to Christmas and you are warmly welcome to join us.

Sunday 1 December

8.00am Holy Communion

10.30am Advent Sunday – Come and Praise Service

Friday 6 December

6.00pm Christmas Carol Singalong in Woodnesborough Village Hall.

Singing well known carols accompanied by Deal Academy Brass Band.

Mulled wine and snacks provided.

Sunday 15 December

10.30am Christmas Tree Memorial Service - dedicated to our loved

ones who have died. Light a candle and write a message on a star in their

memory which can be hung on the Christmas tree. The church will be open

on Saturday 14th if you wish to decorate a star, or just sit for quiet reflection.

Sunday 22 December

10.30am Holy Communion

7.00pm Carols by Candlelight Community Event, all the clubs and

groups in the village are invited to take part. There will be a mixture of

traditional readings, poems, and well-known carols.

Tuesday 24 December

4.00pm Crib and Christingle Service An informal interactive service

when the children are all given a Christingle and help tell the nativity story.

11.00pm Midnight Mass

Wednesday 25 December

10.30am Christmas morning family service

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Notes from St Mary’s

I was privileged to join members of Eastry Twinning

Association on a day visit to our partner village, Longpre-les-Corps-Saints, for

their Remembrance Day commemorations. The day included visits to three

war memorials - including the British WW1 Cemetery - and a Church service.

At the Mass, during his address, the local Priest made reference to the fact

that 2020 will mark 800 years since the very first stone was laid in the

construction of the cathedral of Notre-Dame d’Amiens. He went on to make the

point that those who were involved in laying those first stones and starting the

building of the cathedral would never see its completion. They were

embarking on a piece of work from which they would not directly benefit; but

rather they were building the solid foundations upon which future generations

would be enriched and deepened.

He was then further drawing the parallel with those who have given their lives

in time of war: offering of themselves in the present in the hope that their

sacrifice might help build a better, more just, more secure future.

All of this perhaps offers a somewhat telling comparison with many today who

seek instant gratification with little concern, it would seem, for the longer term


The reflections of this Priest, who incidentally told me that he has responsibility

for 24 village churches (putting my five into some sort of perspective),

reminded me of a series of articles I had recently read about debt.

Financing and the opportunity to borrow money offers immense opportunities,

but the burden of debt can in turn be hugely damaging. This ranges from

individual debt, potentially devastating to the life of families, to government

debt which is a liability for future generations – not least the ‘off-balance sheet’

debts required to pay for pensions and other government liabilities all of which

are currently unfunded. So debt can be both a poison and a remedy.

But the article which particularly drew my attention was one which spoke of

indebtedness – in other words the moral, as opposed to economic, debts we


Indebtedness recognises that we are utterly dependent on other people and,

arguably, even more dependent upon nature for our human flourishing and

thriving. In that sense we are all born with a debt to pay and this indebtedness,

to one another and to creation as a whole, infers a responsibility as well. We

are gifted by the natural resources of the earth and the labours of others; but

that does not give a right to exploit. Indebtedness recognises that we have a

duty to offer something in return: to respect, nurture and protect.

From a faith perspective, we have an indebtedness to God for life itself, which

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should help us to acknowledge that nothing is ours by right but rather what we have is a gift to be cherished and shared.

As we look forward to our Christmas celebrations, the Christian faith takes this sense of indebtedness a step further in recognising the birth of Jesus Christ as God entering our world in vulnerability, in order to show us the extent of his love. God owes us nothing and we deserve nothing; but in the birth of his Son he demonstrates costly love in order to offer us fullness of life with him.

That unconditional love of God invites us, in return, to turn away from pure self-interest to a recognition of our responsibility to our world and to each other.

So may I take this opportunity to wish you a blessed and joyous Christmas; and may it be characterised by the desire to give as we acknowledge and rejoice in all that we receive.

David Ridley

Poems of the Month

The Day Before Christmas

We have been helping with the cake,

And licking out the pan,

And wrapping up our packages,

As neatly as we can.

We have hung our stockings up,

Beside the open grate.

And now there’s nothing more to do,





Bethlehem of Judea

A little child,

A shining star,

A stable rude,

The door ajar.

Yet in that place,

So crude, forlorn,

The Hope of all the world was born

(Poet Unknown)

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Bird watching with Big Nick

Welcome to our latest new feature. Nick is a keen birdwatcher and writes

a regular column for the Eastry Village News, which he has kindly agreed

to share with us.

I’ll start this month with what, to most of my birding friends, is quite an exciting

visitor, a Great grey shrike. It is a juvenile bird and has taken up residence

near St Margaret’s Bay, on a piece of land behind the Dover Patrol monument

called Free Down. It has been there for a couple of weeks and providing it

finds enough to eat, may stay for most of the winter. The shrike family contains

33 species, two of which show up in Britain most years, this one and the Red-

backed shrike. They feed on anything from insects to small vertebrates and

their habit of impaling prey onto a thorn or barbed wire to act as a ‘larder’ has

given them the nickname of Butcher birds.

A trip to Ramsgate Harbour recently gave me some other ideas for birds

for you to look out for over the winter. Harbours can offer relatively sheltered

waters to passing birds in rough weather and it is not uncommon to find

something a little different within them. On my recent visit I found a Red-

throated diver; there was one last year as well. In fact since my re-discovered

interest in bird photography, Ramsgate harbour has yielded a Great northern

diver, Black-throated diver, Eider duck and several other birds not normally

seen close to shore on our coast.

Red-throated diver Great northern diver

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Cormorants are common around Kent, but their close relative, the Shag is

much less often seen here. However, during the winter months a few

individuals can usually be found swimming and diving for food amongst the

moored boats in both Ramsgate and Dover harbours and yacht basins. The

two species are very similar and lone birds can easily cause confusion, but the

Cormorant swims very low in the water and has a larger heavy looking bill

while Shags are smaller, with a slender bill and they tend to swim more on the


Shag Cormorant

There are several other small differences, but space prevents me from

elaborating further; if you’re still not sure, there are some good guides to bird

identification on the internet.

Happy and successful birding.


Woodnesborough Village Hall is celebrating

Village Halls Week 2020

Please come and join us on

Saturday, 25th January 2020

10:00am-2:00 pm

Visit our lovely hall and meet the different groups who

use it and showcase their talents

Programme will be advertised on the Village Hall

website once confirmed

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Woodnesborough Wilf - Festive Fun

Did you spot me in the last edition? I was patiently

queuing up to see Santa Claus on page 5 - He was a very

jolly fellow indeed. I now have a present ready to open on

Christmas Day.

Have you found me yet this month?

Where’s Wilf? - My new friend has remained with me so

hopefully we should be able to find him before the

festivities finish.

Crack - a - Joke (groan ……)

Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas? Santa Jaws!

What do Santa’s little helpers learn at school? The elf-abet!

What kind of motorbike does Santa ride? A Holly Davidson!

What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck? A Christmas Quacker!

What goes “Oh Oh Oh”? Santa walking backwards!

What do snowmen wear on their heads? Ice caps!

Why don’t you ever see Santa in hospital? Because he has private elf care!

Christmas Quiz

1. In which language is Father Christmas known as Père Noël?

2. Complete the lyrics: “On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent to


3. Which author wrote How the Grinch Stole Christmas in 1957?

4. How many of Santa’s reindeer begin with the letter D?

5. What is Scrooge’s first name in the Charles Dickens novel A Christmas


6. The song ‘Walking In The Air’ features in which classic Christmas film?

7. In which decade did Slade have a Christmas number 1 with ‘Merry Xmas


8. What is the name of the singing snowman in Frozen?

9. London’s annual Winter Wonderland celebration is found in which park?

10. What time is the Queen’s speech traditionally broadcast on Christmas


Answers on page 35

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Festive Wordsearch

Is Wilf somewhere within the wordsearch?

Wilf and all his friends wish you all a

“Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year”

Solution on page 35

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Red Tiles, Northbourne Road, East Studdal, Dover, Kent CT15 5DE

Grow Fruit and Vegetables

Feeling you would like to be a little more creative……get out a little more…… Why not join a small group who are busy growing all sorts of fruit and

vegetables. Walled vegetable garden with greenhouse, hot house, potting shed and more. It’s great fun and no experience is necessary only a willingness to help. At the end of the day take away any fruit and veg you like which are

ready to pick.

If interested please ring Anthony on 07973 163791

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Free Coffee and Cake Every Saturday - 10am-11.30am

in St Mary’s Church, Woodnesborough

a chance to meet new friends and have a friendly chat

and enjoy some exceedingly good home-made cakes

(Unfortunately not available on Saturday 28th December)

Woodnesborough Football Club

Saturday 14th December - Bingo - Starts at 7.30pm - Admission £2.50 and includes supper.

Sunday 15th December - Christmas Get Together - From 6.30pm onwards - Christmas Grand Draw at 8.00pm - All welcome.

Saturday 18th January - Bingo - Starts at 7.30pm - Admission £2.50 and includes supper.

Church Breakfast

Saturday January 18th

9.00 - 10.00 a.m.

Woodnesborough Village Hall

with a speaker from Mission Aviation Fellowship.

After World War II, some Christian aircraft pilots had a vision of how aviation

could be used to spread the Christian faith. This resulted in Mission Aviation

Fellowship in the UK with parallel organisations in the US and Australia - to

show Christ’s love, by using light aircraft to more quickly and easily reach

areas, otherwise accessible only by foot, e.g. through jungle tracks etc. They

carry missionaries, Bible translators, relief staff, schoolbooks, and medicines,

and assist in disaster and relief work, and medical evacuation.

Donald R Baldwin

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Housekeeping, Cleaning and

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Are you looking for a friendly club atmosphere where you

can get a warm welcome either on your own or as a family?

Ages welcome from 10 to 100+.

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We are a local club with excellent facilities for both lawn bowls in the summer and short mat bowls indoors in the winter

Our fees are exceptionally low at an annual inclusive fee of £35 a year for adults

and £22.50 for children in full time education. Games cost £2, roll ups are free

Where else can you get good company, gentle exercise and a

cup of tea and a biscuit afterwards for that sort of cost?

We offer both friendly gentle roll ups, and competitions, either

internal or county, for those with a more competitive nature

For more information call Judy Martin on - 01304 611328.

or visit - or find us on facebook

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Love in a Box

Over the last few months members of St Mary’s

congregation and friends have been busy filling shoe

boxes to send to disadvantaged children in Romania.

Each box contains toiletries, a hat, scarf and gloves, pencils, colouring books,

toys and a small cuddly toy.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed, particularly Eileen who

covered most of the boxes for us, Eastry Pharmacy who gave us a bag of little

girls’ hair accessories and those who gave money towards the cost of

transport. Each shoe box is picked up, checked, sealed and sent to the

children by lorry. The lorries are met by the distribution team where the gifts

are given out to the children.

The children are excited as they open their box and really appreciate their

gifts, as they would not otherwise receive any Christmas presents.

Val Smith

A Prayer for the New Year

Grant me the strength from day to day

To bear what burdens come my way

Grant me throughout this bright New Year

More to endure and less to fear.

Help me to live that I may be

From spite and petty malice free. (…)

Lord, as the New Year dawns today

Help me to put my faults away.

Let me be big in little things;

Grant me the joy that friendship brings.

Keep me from selfishness and spite;

Let me be wise in what is right.

A happy New Year! Grant that I

May bring no tear to any eye.

When this New Year in time shall end

Let it be said I’ve played the friend,

Have lived and loved and laboured here,

And made of it a happy year.

(Edgar A Guest)

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God is love ?

In December, we are in Advent, the church season of preparation for Christmas - looking forward to both Jesus’ first coming as a baby in Bethlehem and also his coming again at

the end of time, the day of judgment. In Advent we traditionally think of the four last things, death, judgment, heaven and hell.

Some thoughtful people have asked, “If God is a God of love, how can we talk about judgement and hell?”

First, we need to recognise that man did not make God in his image and know all about him, but that God is greater than us and our understanding. (Jesus) “the light” (of the world) “shines on the darkness, and the darkness has not understood it.” (Gospel of John 1 vs. 5)

It was John, the apostle of love who wrote “God is love” (1st letter of John 4 vs.

16) - he referred to himself in his gospel as “the one whom Jesus loved.” The best-known Bible verse comes from his gospel (Gospel of John 3 vs. 16) “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him will not perish but have everlasting life.” God’s love gave his Son, Jesus, who suffered death by crucifixion, and conquered death by rising again.

The chapter continues in verse 18, “Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son.” - being condemned is the result of judgement.

Christians are reminded, - I Corinthians 6 vs. 20. “You were bought at a price. Therefore, honour God with your body.” or in 7 vs. 23, “You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men.” The price paid was the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. We are at best unprofitable servants.

Also, as heaven only contains what is desirable and perfect, it excludes all that is undesirable (selfishness, stealing, murder, adultery etc.) and imperfect. Heaven therefore excludes all people who bring that which is undesirable. To enter heaven, we need to be made perfect, and have our imperfect thoughts, words and actions (our sin) forgiven. 1

st letter of John 1 verses 8 to 10, “If we

claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us, but if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins, and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a lair, and his word has no place in us.”

For those who ignore God, and denounce God, it would be hell for them (so they say) to have to spend eternity in the presence of God, so as God is a God of love, he allows then to avoid him and his kingdom of heaven. God’s judgment of us is effectively, the judgement we have made about God.

Donald R. Baldwin

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Woodnesborough WI

This month was our Annual Meeting as it had not been possible

to hold it as normal in October. After a warm welcome from our

President, Liz, the meeting agreed that committee of Liz, Rae,

Lucy and Brenda should be re-elected en bloc, proposed by Mary and

seconded by Caroline. We then held a sealed vote for President and Liz was

unanimously voted in as President. The Vice Presidents are Rae and Lucy.

The accounts have been audited and were adopted. After general

correspondence and notices we discussed our Christmas meal and decided to

make it a Bring and Share meal.

Our speaker this month was Sari who spoke to us about Christmas traditions

in Finland. She wore a traditional costume which her mother had made and

spoke enthusiastically about Himmili which are hanging straw mobiles made

by her father each Christmas. She showed us a very pretty triple one she had

made and then encouraged us to make a simple one ourselves from rye

straws. Our thanks for an interesting and informative talk.

After tea and biscuits, the raffle was drawn and Lesley won the letter 'R'

competition with her Rolling Stones record.

The meeting closed at 21.05

Brenda Baker

Sari in traditional costume

and making Himmilis

Woodnesborough Parish Council

The Parish Council did not meet in November. The next meeting is on Tuesday 10th December and you are welcome to come along as the meeting is always open to members of the

public. If you have any issues you wish to raise with the Council please email our clerk on [email protected] before the meeting.

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Local Businesses

MARK BALDOCK 01304 360477

Internal & External painting & decorating m: 07866 252080

Established 1983 email: [email protected]

J DILNOT-SMITH & SON 01304 812300

Society of Allied & Independent Funeral Directors

CLOCKMAKER – T PETTMAN 07860 498963 / 01843 825050

FREE SUB SOIL 07973 163791

Ideal for making up ground, landscaping or raising levels - 4000 Tons minimum delivery-20 ton loads. From Marshborough delivery charge only.


Thornton House, Thornton Lane, Eastry CT13 0EU m: 07956 994601

email: [email protected]

A full range of arboricultural operations undertaken

Lady Decorators

Internal & External Decorating

Professional & Fully Insured

Canterbury & Surrounding Areas

Nichola Rogers

01304 841851

07816 344951

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Why I became a Blood Donor

Back in the late 1960’s my mother was in hospital

following a routine operation, but things didn’t quite go as

planned and she urgently needed a blood transfusion. I remember visiting her

in Canterbury Hospital and looking at the glass bottle of blood with “Haywards

Heath” written on it. It made me wonder who had donated that blood and

saved my mum’s life and I felt so grateful to them.

I made the decision there and then that I would become a blood donor and

some 50 years later I have just given my 75th donation. I know many people

give blood and a lot have given more times than me, but I am pleased to reach

this milestone as there have been quite a few times when I was unable to

donate due to low iron levels.

Back in the 1960’s there was no appointment system, you just turned up which

very often meant you would have a long wait, sometimes well over an hour

before you even reached the very uncomfortable flat camp style bed. You were

served a cup of tea and biscuit afterwards for your trouble.

Nowadays, you book an appointment on line or by telephone which cuts down the waiting time, the beds have been replaced by more comfortable reclining chairs, but you still get a cup of tea and biscuit or savoury snack afterwards, although you now serve yourself. You also receive a text message about a week afterwards informing you where your donation has been sent.

There is no upper age limit to giving blood once you are a donor, although new

donors must be under 70 and with increasing reasons why people are unable

to donate, ie illnesses, medication etc, the Blood Transfusion service are

always looking for new donors, so if you are interested go to to find out more. As for me, I’ll keep donating as long as I

can and you never know I might even get to 100 donations.

Linda Butcher


Archcliffe Fort, Dover

Needs your donations of good quality furniture & household goods

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[email protected]

01304 614373

We accept credit and debit cards

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Woodnesborough Gardeners Club

Our meeting in December will be the Christmas party on Thursday

19th December at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. There will be a bring and share

buffet, so please bring along a plate of either savoury or sweet food, plus your

own drinks, although there will be some mulled wine available. New

programme cards are now ready, so you will be able to renew your

membership, if you haven’t already done so.

Our first meeting in the new year will be on Thursday 16th January at 7.30pm in

the Village Hall, when Jacqueline Aviolet will be speaking on Herbs. New

members and guests always welcome.

Looking ahead to February, our annual quiz takes place on Thursday 20th

February. Please phone me on 01304 812373 to book a table, or if you wish to

join a table.

Ken Butcher

Village Hall 100 Club Draw

November Draw

1st No - 97 Mrs G Charlesworth


No - 37 Mrs B George


No - 15 Mrs J Jones

The Club’s year finishes in January and to renew your membership or join this

fundraising scheme, please forward me your subscriptions of £12 per number

to Waianiwa, Marshborough, Sandwich, CT13 0PG.

Cheques should be payable to Woodnesborough Community Hall. Please

telephone me on 01304 812373 if you wish me to collect your membership fee.

Monthly prizes are £30, £15 and £5 and last year we raised £638 for Village

Hall funds.

Linda Butcher

We would like to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

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Email: lorraine.m.irwin

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Recipe of the Month

Hot Chocolate Milkshakes

An indulgent and warming treat for children or adults, ideal for winter evenings

or a festive drink


200g plain chocolate or cocoa

600ml full-fat milk

Vanilla ice cream

Mini marshmallows


Break 200g plain chocolate (I used 70% cocoa) into cubes and put into a pan

with 600ml full-fat milk. Gently heat until the chocolate melts, then bring almost

to the boil, whisking regularly until even and smooth. Can be made ahead,

then chilled for up to 2 days.

Reheat if needed, whisk then ladle or pour into heatproof glasses or mugs. Top

with scoops of vanilla ice cream and mini marshmallows. Add a nip of rum or

brandy for the adults if you like.

Deal Foodbank

Caring and Sharing in the Community

During this season of Goodwill please remember those who are not as

fortunate as others. Foodbanks are a very important source of items for a

great many people who without them would not have anything.

We have a collection point here in Woodnesborough which is situated in

the porch of St Mary’s church. All donations are very much appreciated

and can be deposited at any time on any day.

So next time you are shopping please pick up a couple of extra items for this worthy cause. Thank you for your continued generosity.

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Woodnesborough PCC would like to thank the advertising businesses whose donations help to finance the Woodnesborough Village News.

Please support our local businesses.

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Our Green Heritage - An Invitation

Sunday December 1st at 3pm

The Five Bells, Eastry

Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden

Sprung in completeness where his feet pass

Over the past few months a small group has been meeting to discuss ways in

which our local churches and churchyards might be made more ‘green’. The

question is a crucial one as we are now facing in our own country and across

the world a climate crisis. As I write wildfires are out of control in Australia, the

lovely Basilica of St Mark’s in Venice is flooded for the sixth time in 1200 years

(four of which have occurred in the last two decades); in the centre of England

acres of farmland and whole villages are under water. Even in our own corner

of Kent we may have noticed change: hotter summers, warmer and wetter

winters, fewer insects and birds. We are worried and want to respond but how

to go about that?

As a Christian I believe that we must be hopeful and I know that God loves us

and the world that he has created but I also believe that He asks us to act with

all of the ability and commitment we have to protect that world. We need to do

this together, in a creative and communal way, whatever our beliefs. So, this

December, we would like to invite you to the first of a series of meetings that

will bring people together to discuss and to think about these issues. We will

be looking close to home at what might be done for our own ‘Green Heritage’

and alongside this we will be also considering the wider issues around the

climate and ecological crisis that we see unfolding before us. The group will

include activities, films and reading and we will be organising speakers and

events in 2020. Please join us!

To find out more contact

[email protected]

or call 07725 944553

Rev Lesley Hardy

Copyright Explore Kent

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About Us

Woodnesborough Village News strives to provide accurate and timely information about local events, contacts for local companies or simply where to buy some firewood! We are a non-profit making organisation whose underlying purpose is to help maintain a vibrant cohesive community spirit. As such it is vital that it truly reflects the voice of Woodnesborough and we welcome items from all village organisations and individuals.

Woodnesborough Village News is produced and distributed by volunteers with financial support provided by a partnership of St Mary’s Church, the Village Hall Committee and the Parish Council. This combined with the additional funding provided by advertising, enables us to offer the magazine free to the community.

Editorial Team - - Alison Hilton, Martin Bedford

Design - Tony Hilton, Alison Hilton

Distribution Coordinator - Ken Flower

Notes to Contributors

Please email material to:- [email protected] Normally this should be no more than 500 words. The deadline for submissions is the 15

th of the month. Please note that we reserve the right

to select and edit articles submitted.

Notes to Advertisers

Now the magazine is being delivered to the whole village it is now a great opportunity to promote your business to 500 properties at a very competitive rate.

Cost of adverts

Whole page £120 per annum i.e. 10 copies ½ Page £80 per annum ¼ page £40 per annum

Please email the advert to:- [email protected] either as a jpeg or simply the wording plus any clip art then it can be included.

Fliers - The magazine offers a flier delivery service, the flier would simply be delivered with the magazine. For commercial organisations there is a charge of £30, but it is free to village organisations.

Payment Cheques should be made payable to Woodnesborough PCC and sent to the Treasurer:

Mr. Roger Bailey Woodside, Foxborough Hill, Woodnesborough, Sandwich, CT13 0NZ

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Church Directory

Vicar Revd. David Ridley 619619 The Vicarage, Brook Street, Eastry, Sandwich CT13 0HR

Curate Revd. Sandra Marsh 612686 The Vicarage, The Street, Woodnesborough CT13 0NQ

Assistant Priest Revd. Rob Stevenson 366003

Benefice Office: Trisha Wells 611323 Weds 10.45am - 12.45pm [email protected] Fri 9.30-11.30am

Reader Hilary Baldwin 613346

Reader Emeritus Donald Baldwin 613346

Church Wardens Martin Bedford 617636

Roger Bailey 613036

PCC Secretary Caroline Pearce 619190

PCC Treasurer Roger Bailey 613036

Church Flowers Linda Flower 614142

Cafe Church Martin Bedford 617636

Baby & Toddler Group (term time)

Thursday 9.30-11:30am Linda Flower 614142

Children’s Society Martin & Gina Bedford 617636

Eastry & District Open Group Alistair Carnegie 813120

Church Breakfast Ken Flower 614142

Coffee Pot (Tues 10-11.30am) Jean Prior 611442

Church Services

1st Sunday 8.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Come and Praise 2nd Sunday 10.30am Holy Communion 3rd Sunday 10.30am 3rd Sunday Worship 4th Sunday 10.30am Holy Communion 5th Sunday Benefice Service (please see website for time and venue)

Benefice Website:

We are a very friendly church and everyone of

all ages is welcome to our services

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Parish Directory

Woodnesborough Village Hall Committee:

Booking Secretary and Secretary Christine Tonks 07425 400111 Book via our website: or email [email protected] Chair Ian Dilnot-Smith

Treasurer Ken Flower 614142

Clerk to the Parish Council Sarah Wells 614320 3 Gore Terrace, Gore Road, Eastry

Chess Club Harry Sharples 812985

Woodnesborough Gardeners Club Barbara Cook 613347

Woodnesborough Football Club Nicola Hunt 07734 695275

Women’s Institute President Elizabeth Spanton 825225

Women’s Institute Secretary Rachel Martin 813412

Village Hall 100 Club Linda Butcher 812373

Staple Short Mat Bowls Club Les Allwright 812093

Kent Highways Fault Report 03000 418181


The Editor reserves the right to cut, edit or refuse to publish any contributions

and does not necessarily agree with opinions expressed in published articles.

All advertisements in the magazine are inserted in good faith, but the

magazine committee accepts no responsibility for any statement made by the

advertisers; nor endorses the products or services offered.

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Wordsearch Solution

Christmas Quiz Answers

1. French 6. The Snowman

2. Ten Lords-a-leaping 7. 1970’s

3. Dr Seuss 8. Olaf

4. Three - Dasher, Dance and Donner 9. Hyde Park

5. Ebenezer 10. 3.00pm

Previously Owned - Free to a Good Home

Having a New Year clear out? If you have an item that is no longer required please let us know at

[email protected]

and we will do our best to advertise it here in the Village News

subject to available space.

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The Parish Council needs you!

By email

[email protected]

By post

3 Gore Terrace,

Gore Road,

Eastry, Sandwich

CT13 0LS

In Person

Speak to one of

your Parish


For the past five years Woodnesborough Parish Council has been concentrating on

the provision of the New Village Hall. As the Village Hall project is nearing its end

the Council would like to know your views on the future of Woodnesborough and

what you see as the priorities for the Parish Council for the coming year.

How can we help?

- Work to foster a greater community spirit

- Improve communication in the village

- Improve the village environment

- Focus on planning issues

etc…all views welcome…

Let us know your thoughts through one of the options below

