Page 1: WELCOME TO · 2015-09-14 · The hotel offers 293 stylish guest rooms and suites in a tranquil lakeside setting, with


Page 2: WELCOME TO · 2015-09-14 · The hotel offers 293 stylish guest rooms and suites in a tranquil lakeside setting, with


The InterContinental Hanoi Westlake is superbly situated on the serene waters of West Lake, the largest lake in the city and adjacent to the famous 800-year-old Golden Lotus (Kim Lien) Pagoda. Conveniently located just minutes from the Old Quarter, the hotel offers a welcome retreat from the bustling city centre.

The combination of the tranquil lake, spacious luxurious accommodations, facilities and attentive Vietnamese hospitality blend together to make this the perfect place to stay for both the corporate and leisure traveler. Combining Vietnamese grace with “In The Know” service, InterContinental Hanoi Westlake turns a visit to the City of Peace into an unforgettable experience.

Toång theå khaùch saïn laø moät coâng trình kieán truùc ñoäc nhaát voâ nhò ñöôïc xaây döïng treân maët nöôùc Hoà Taây vaø naèm caïnh di tích chuøa Kim Lieân hôn 800 tuoåi. Chæ caùch trung taâm thaønh phoá 10 phuùt laùi xe, khaùch saïn InterContinental Hanoi Westlake mang ñeán cho du khaùch moät khoâng gian yeân bình vaø laõng maïn giöõa loøng Haø Noäi nhoän nhòp vaø hoái haû.

InterContinental Hanoi Westlake laø söï keát hôïp hoaøn haûo giöõa khung caûnh thanh bình cuûa Hoà Taây vôùi thieát keá kieán truùc tinh teá vaø neùt vaên hoùa dòch vuï truyeàn thoáng cuûa ngöôøi Vieät. Khaùch saïn seõ laø caàu noái giuùp du khaùch tìm ñeán nhöõng giaù trò, neùt vaên hoùa tinh teá cuûa thuû ñoâ Haø Noäi cuøng nhöõng traûi nghieäm ñòa phöông ñoäc ñaùo.

Page 3: WELCOME TO · 2015-09-14 · The hotel offers 293 stylish guest rooms and suites in a tranquil lakeside setting, with

32-inch LCD televisionWireless Internet AccessSatellite television channelsDeep soaking bathtub with separate walk-in rain showerMarble topped double vanitiesDaily complimentary newspapersTea & coffee facilitiesWooden floorDeluxe balcony furniture


The hotel offers 293 stylish guest rooms and suites in a tranquil lakeside setting, with many rooms uniquely located in our overwater pavilions. All rooms and suites are finished in contemporary Vietnamese furnishings, feature wooden floors, large private balconies and superb views over the lake, the hotel pool or the Hanoi skyline.

Toång soá 293 phoøng nghæ vaø phoøng haïng sang ñöôïc phaân boá taïi toøa nhaø chính cuøng hai khu bieät thöï rieâng bieät treân maët Hoà Taây. Taát caû caùc phoøng khaùch ñeàu mang loái kieán truùc ñöông ñaïi Vieät Nam. Moãi phoøng ñeàu coù ban coâng rieâng nhìn ra toaøn caûnh Hoà Taây, hoà bôi hoaëc khu daân cö.

At a 43-square-metre minimum, the InterContinental Hanoi Westlake guest rooms rank as one of the most spacious in the city.

Vôùi dieän tích toái thieåu 43m2, InterContinental Hanoi Westlake ñöôïc xeáp vaøo moät trong caùc khaùch saïn coù phoøng ôû vôùi dieän tích lôùn nhaát taïi Haø Noäi.

Tivi LCD 32 inchKeát noái Internet toác ñoä caoTruyeàn hình veä tinhBoàn taém ñöùng vaø boàn taém ngoài rieâng bieät. Tuû chaäu röûa maët oáp ñaù caåm thaïchBaùo ngaøy mieãn phíTraø vaø caø pheâSaøn goãBan coâng rieâng vôùi noäi thaát

Page 4: WELCOME TO · 2015-09-14 · The hotel offers 293 stylish guest rooms and suites in a tranquil lakeside setting, with


Exclusively available to registered guests, Club InterContinental provides all the comforts with personalized service and superb amenities in an elegant setting. Our professional team is at your disposal to ensure your stay is to your utmost satisfaction. Serving a delicious breakfast, a delightful afternoon tea, evening cocktails & canapes with tea and coffee throughout the day. Experience how the well-traveled travel.

Club InterContinental laø khu saûnh VIP vôùi khoâng gian thö giaõn sang troïng cuøng ñoäi nguõ chuyeân vieân kinh nghieäm vaø dòch vuï chaêm soùc cao caáp. Phuïc vuï böõa saùng, traø chieàu, tieäc cocktail vaø ñoà aên nheï buoåi toái cuøng traø vaø caø pheâ trong ngaøy.


Health ClubThe hotel has a fully-equipped fitness centre located in a dedicated building for an exclusive work out. It features the latest generation of cardio equipment as well as classes for all hotel guests. After your work out relax in our luxurious steam room and sauna.

Khu chaêm soùc söùc khoûe cuûa khaùch saïn ñöôïc xaây döïng trong moät toøa nhaø rieâng bieät vôùi cô sôû vaät chaát hieän ñaïi cuøng nhieàu trang thieát bò toái taân, phoøng xoâng hôi cao caáp vaø caùc lôùp hoïc theå thao theo chuyeân ñeà.

Swimming PoolA leisurely stroll along our bridges and open air walkways will bring you to our tropical swimming pool and relaxation area. Savor our delicious home made ice creams and special cocktails by the pool.

Hoà bôi cuûa khaùch saïn ñöôïc xaây ngoaøi trôøi trong khoâng gian môû thoaùng ñaït vôùi taàm nhìn tuyeät ñeïp ra Hoà Taây. Cuøng thö giaõn beân hoà bôi vôùi nhieàu loaïi kem ñaëc bieät vaø nhöõng ly cocktail haáp daãn.

Page 5: WELCOME TO · 2015-09-14 · The hotel offers 293 stylish guest rooms and suites in a tranquil lakeside setting, with


CAFÉ DU LACOur all day dining venue set over idyllic West Lake. Serves delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner buffets and an a la carte menu featuring an array of signature dishes.

Nhaø haøng Cafe du lac laø söï keát hôïp hoaøn hoûa giöõa neùt vaên hoùa Phaùp vôùi khoâng gian Hoà Taây thanh bình. Phuïc vuï ba böõa trong ngaøy vôùi tieäc töï choïn hoaëc goïi moùn.

DIPLOMAT LOUNGEThis is the place to enjoy indulgent afternoon teas while catching up with friends or colleagues. In winter, spend relaxing evenings at Diplomat Lounge’s fireside soirees over a glass of red wine or cognac.

Diplomat Lounge laø nôi ñeå thöôûng thöùc taùch traø chieàu, chuùt ñoà aên nheï hoaëc nhaâm nhi ly röôïu vang vôùi ñoàng nghieäp vaø baïn beø.

SUNSET BARThe Sunset bar is the place to be for cocktails with an experience that is unmatched anywhere in Hanoi. Situated between the three pavilions in a stunning lakeside setting and is reached by a stroll along a torch-lit bridge in the evening. Discover the city’s best kept secret with our renowned team as they make youthe perfect cocktail for any occasion.

Sunset Bar laø ñieåm ñeán lyù töôûng cho nhöõng ai thích khaùm phaù nhöõng traûi nghieäm ñoäc ñaùo. Toïa laïc treân maët nöôùc Hoà Taây yeân bình, ñaây thöïc söï laø moät ñòa ñieåm ñeå khaùch haøng vôùi cuøng ngöôøi thaân nhaâm nhi ly röôïu.

SAIGON RESTAURANTFeatures contemporary Asian design, dramatic glass - fronted kitchens and inspiring views of the city’s ever-changing skyline. Offering authentic Vietnamese and local specialties.

Nhaø haøng Vieät Nam vôùi thieát keá sang troïng cuøng khoâng gian beáp môû vaø taàm nhìn tuyeät ñeïp ra maët Hoà Taây . Phuïc vuï nhieàu moùn aên truyeàn thoáng haáp daãn.

MILAN RESTAURANTOur relaxed Italian restaurant delights your senses with the finest traditional dishes, ranging from thin crust pizzas to home-style pasta.

Ñieåm ñeán lyù töôûng cho nhöõng thöïc khaùch yeâu thích aåm thöïc YÙ vôùi nhieàu moùn aên truyeàn thoáng nhö pizza vaø myø oáng.

Page 6: WELCOME TO · 2015-09-14 · The hotel offers 293 stylish guest rooms and suites in a tranquil lakeside setting, with






InterContinental Meeting Center - Level 1

InterContinental Meeting Center - Level 2







Whether it's a business conference or corporate presentation, InterContinental Hanoi Westlake is the ideal venue for all your meeting needs. Located in a dedicated building, our meetings and event venue offers a spacious Grand Ballroom and four well-equipped meeting rooms with superior technical support, including internet coverage and video conferencing.

Khaùch saïn InterContinental Hanoi Westlake laø ñòa ñieåm lyù töôûng cho caùc buoåi hoïp, hoäi nghò vaø söï kieän vôùi heä thoáng phoøng hoïp hieän ñaïi. Phoøng tieäc lôùn vaø boán phoøng hoïp nhoû ñeàu ñöôïc hoã trôï kó thuaät theo tieâu chuaån quoác teá, bao goàm keát noái Internet toác ñoä cao, heä thoáng maùy chieáu cuøng caùc trang thieát bò cao caáp cho caùc buoåi hoïp tröïc tuyeán.

Theatre ClassroomReception

Banquet U-shape Sq-Metre Height(m)ConferenceHollow Sq

Grand Ballroom 420 220 450 66 288 57 364 5

Ballroom Pre-Function 172250 4

Ballroom 1,2,3 with stage 380 220 420 240 57 364 5

Ballroom 1 108 60 150 48 96 39 121 5

Ballroom 2 108 60 150 48 96 39 121 5

Ballroom 3 108 60 150 48 96 39 121 5

Ballroom 1 (2,3) with stage 96 60 130 72 39 121 5

Ballroom 1 (2,3) 216 120 280 54 192 45 242 5

Ballroom 1&2 (2,3) with stage 200 120 250 144 45 242 5

Westlake Meeting Room 1 45 24 40 30 30 21 66 2.65

Westlake Meeting Room 2 45 24 40 30 30 21 66 2.65

Westlake Meeting Room 1,2 70 45 90 48 72 39 132 2.65

Westlake Meeting Room 3 45 24 40 24 20 21 54 2.65

Westlake Meeting Room 4 28 12 20 12 10 11 33 2.65

Westlake Meeting Room 3&4 70 45 70 36 40 30 87 2.65

Westlake Meeting Pre-Function 200 77 2.65

InterContinental MeetingCenter - Level 1

InterContinental MeetingCenter - Level 2

Page 7: WELCOME TO · 2015-09-14 · The hotel offers 293 stylish guest rooms and suites in a tranquil lakeside setting, with

With a contemporary Vietnamese design scheme, InterContinental Hanoi Westlake is the perfect venue for dazzling social events, intimate gatherings and stylish weddings. Renowned for our award-winning service and an exciting range of designs and catering concepts, including local and international. Our dedicated team will make sure that everything will be meticulously tailored to meet your requests.

Cuøng khaùm phaù vaø traûi nghieäm dòch vuï tieäc vaø hoäi nghò taïi khaùch saïn InterContinental Hanoi Westlake. Vôùi ñoäi nguõ toå chöùc tieäc chuyeân nghieäp cuøng cô sôû haï taàng cao caáp vaø caùc thieát bò hieän ñaïi, khaùch saïn chuùng toâi laø löïa choïn haøng ñaàu cho nhöõng hoaït ñoäng toå chöùc söï kieän, tieäc vaø ñaùm cöôùi vôùi nhieàu quy moâ khaùc nhau.

ON PREMISESGrand BallroomMilan - Saigon TerraceSunset Bar

ENTERTAINMENTAo Dai fashion showTraditional dragon danceInternational music bandsLiving statue & acrobatics

EXTERNAL CATERINGTemple of LiteratureHanoi Opera HouseNational Museum of Vietnamese History

TRONG KHUOÂN VIEÂN KHAÙCH SAÏNPhoøng hoïp lôùnKhu saân hieân Milan SaigonSunset Bar

DÒCH VUÏ GIAÛI TRÍTrình dieãn thôøi trang aùo daøiMuùa roàng truyeàn thoángCaùc nhoùm nhaïc quoác teáBieåu dieãn nhaân töôïng vaø nhaøo loän

ÑÒA ÑIEÅM TRONG THAØNH PHOÁVaên Mieáu - Quoác Töû Giaùm Nhaø Haùt Lôùn Haø NoäiBaûo Taøng Lòch Söû Vieät Nam

Page 8: WELCOME TO · 2015-09-14 · The hotel offers 293 stylish guest rooms and suites in a tranquil lakeside setting, with

GRAND BALLROOMSpacious with sophisticated design and fully-equipped with the latest facilities and advanced technologies.Phoøng hoïp coù söùc chöùa lôùn vôùi thieát keá tinh teá, khoâng gian aám cuùng cuøng caùc trang thieát bò toái taân nhaát.

Banquet: 250 people Reception: 400 people

SUNSET BARAn ideal venue with stunning lakeside surroundings that perfectly matches prestigious social events. Ñòa ñieåm lyù töôûng cuûa nhöõng buoåi tieäc ñöùng sang troïng trong khoâng gian Hoà Taây laõng maïn.

Reception: 100 people Tieäc ñöùng: 100 khaùch

MILAN - SAIGON TERRACEAn exclusive terrace in the main building that embraces a sense of privacy. Khu saân hieân rieâng bieät thuoäc toøa nhaø chính, thích hôïp cho nhöõng buoåi tieäc nhoû aám cuùng.

Banquet: 100 peopleReception: 120 people

TEMPLE OF LITERATUREBuilt in the ninth century, Temple of Literature is known to be the oldest university in Vietnam.Moät quaàn theå di tích vaên hoùa lòch söû ñöùng ñaàu Haø Noäi vaø cuõng laø tröôøng ñaïi hoïc ñaàu tieân cuûa Vieät Nam.

Banquet: 50-300 people Tieäc ngoài: 50-300 khaùch

HANOI OPERA HOUSELocated in the heart of the capital, Hanoi Opera House is a historical building which was built in the 1900s in a French-colonial style. It marks a significant period in the history of architecture and building design in Vietnam.Toïa laïc giöõa trung taâm Haø Noäi, Nhaø Haùt Lôùn ñöôïc xaây döïng vaøo nhöõng naêm 1900 vaø ñöôïc coâng nhaän laø di tích lòch söû vaø kieán truùc quoác gia.

Banquet: 50-150 people Tieäc ngoài: 50-150 khaùch

MUSEUM OF VIETNAMESE HISTORYOne of Hanoi’s finest buildings that elaborates French-inspired design and Vietnamese elements. It was early founded on the basis of the Louis Finot and was then renovated to become Museum of Vietnamese History. Moät trong nhöõng toøa nhaø coå cuûa Haø Noäi vôùi loái kieán truùc mang aâm höôûng vaên hoùa Vieät vaø Phaùp. Tröôùc ñaây laø Baûo taøng Louis Finot vaø hieän laø Baûo taøng Lòch söû Vieät Nam.

Banquet: 50-200 people (Seating areas vary depending on the number of guests.) Tieäc ngoài: 50-200 khaùch (Vò trí saép xeáp choã ngoài phuï thuoäc vaøo soá löôïng khaùch.)

Tieäc ngoài: 250 khaùch Tieäc ñöùng: 400 khaùch

Tieäc ngoài: 100 khaùch Tieäc ñöùng: 120 khaùch

* Please note that the use of these venues is subject to pre-approval of local authority. Khaùch haøng löu yù chính saùch thueâ möôïn ñòa ñieåm phuï thuoäc vaøo quyeát ñònh cuûa ban quaûn lyù toøa nhaø.

Page 9: WELCOME TO · 2015-09-14 · The hotel offers 293 stylish guest rooms and suites in a tranquil lakeside setting, with


SIGHT SEEINGOne Pillar PagodaThe Old QuarterHanoi Opera HouseThang Long Water Puppet Theatre

Dong Xuan night marketBat Trang ceramic villageVan Phuc silk villageQuang Ba flower market

NEARBY PLACESNghi Tam flower villageTay Ho pagodaTran Quoc pagodaHo Chi Minh mausoleum

Chuøa Moät CoätPhoá coå Haø NoäiNhaø haùt lôùn Haø NoäiNhaø haùt muùa roái nöôùc Thaêng Long

Chôï ñeâm Ñoàng XuaânLaøng goám Baùt TraøngLaøng luïa Vaïn PhuùcChôï hoa Quaûng Baù

Laøng hoa Nghi TaømPhuû Taây HoàChuøa Traán QuoácLaêng Baùc

Page 10: WELCOME TO · 2015-09-14 · The hotel offers 293 stylish guest rooms and suites in a tranquil lakeside setting, with
Page 11: WELCOME TO · 2015-09-14 · The hotel offers 293 stylish guest rooms and suites in a tranquil lakeside setting, with

InterContinental Hanoi Westlake1A Nghi Tam, Tay Ho, Hanoi, Vietnam

Tel: 84-4-6270 8888 Fax: 84-4-6270