Page 1: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

1. Take attendance2. Spontaneous prayer – volunteer?3. Review Class #2• Creed• Amen• Hallowed• 8.01.01 – 8.01.05• Basics of being Catholic

4. Questions?

Welcome to CP2 Class #3!

= statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith)= so be it

= Holy

Page 2: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

• Why did Jesus start the Church?• To continue his mission after he died

• What is the Church (with a capital “C”)• The people of God – we are the Church

• What is the mission of the Church?• Love – celebrate sacraments• Teach – proclaim the Word of God• Heal – serve all mankind with love

• Four Marks of the Church• One, holy, catholic, and apostolic

Creed – What We Believe, Part 2

Page 3: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

• Liturgy – one set of Catholic rites, the seven sacraments• Doctrine – one deposit of faith, the universal catechism• Catholics everywhere believe the same articles of faith• One set of laws – canon law – governs the entire Church

• Authority – one Pope• Communication across the world-wide Church was difficult• Differences began to divide the eastern & western Church• Liturgical language, politics, clergy permitted to marry

• Great Schism - Patriarch of Constantinople excommunicated• Eastern Orthodox Church broke from Roman Catholic Church

• Ecumenism – movement for unity among Christians

The Church is One (Unity)

Page 4: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

• Holy means “set apart”, special, divine• Dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose• Sacred, sanctified, God-like, from God, with God

• God is its founder – its core and structure are perfect• Throughout the Church’s history, Catholics have sinned• We are all human, subject to temptation, and we all sin• Individuals’ imperfections, mistakes, & faults happen• This is not an argument against the Church’s holiness• One bad apple does not mean all apples are bad

The Church is Holy (Sanctity)

Page 5: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

• “catholic” with a lower case “c” means universal• “Catholic” with a capital “C” is the name of our Church• We are members of the Universal Church – cool, huh?• Anyone can join - membership is not limited• All nations, all cultures, all people, all places for all time

• Only requirement: you gotta believe what we believe!

The Church is catholic (universal)

Page 6: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

• Origin of the Church traces back to the Apostles• 12 men personally chosen by Jesus to start the Church• Apostle means “sent”• They were sent to preach the Good News (gospel)

• Every ordained deacon, priest, or bishop can trace his orders back to one of the twelve apostles

• We are also sent – we all have a vocation and a mission• Our mission is to Love, Teach, Heal

The Church is apostolic (continuity)

Page 7: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

• Faith helps us to face the hardships of suffering, disappointment, and tragedy because we take strength & encouragement from the knowledge that God is with us.

• Redemptive suffering – we unite our personal aches & pains, trials & tribulations with Christ’s suffering on the cross. Sharing in Christ’s pain for the sake of the Church gives our unavoidable suffering meaning and purpose.

• Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick• May be received more than once• Offer prayers for recovery• Gives strength to the soul of the sick person

How does faith help us to face hardships?8.01.06

Page 8: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

• The state of grace in which Adam and Eve were created. Made in God’s image “to share in divine life,” there existed between Adam and Eve and all creation a harmony and friendship free from the stain of sin.

• God’s original plan was for people was paradise: life forever and peace between God and humans and their environment, between man and woman.

• God created man in his image and established him in his friendship. A spiritual creature, man can live this friendship only in free submission to God.

What is Original Holiness and Justice?8.01.07

Page 9: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

• Because of Adam’s and Eve’s sin of disobedience, the original grace of holiness and justice was lost for their descendants. It is a sin that is “contracted” by us not “committed”; it is a state of birth and not a personal act.

• Man, tempted by the devil, let his trust in his Creator die in his heart and, abusing his freedom, disobeyed God's command. This is what man's first sin consisted of. All subsequent sin would be disobedience toward God and lack of trust in his goodness.

What is original sin?8.01.08

Page 10: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

• Faith gives us the certainty that God would not permit evil if he did not cause a good to come from that very evil. God helps us to understand the mystery of evil through his Son, Jesus Christ. The greatest evil (the murder of Jesus) brought forth the greatest of all good (glorification of Christ and our redemption).

Why does God permit evil?8.01.09

Page 11: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

Page 12: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

• The mystery that at the time appointed by God, the Son of God, Jesus Christ, without losing his divine nature assumed human nature to bring about our salvation. In the Incarnation, Jesus is both fully God and fully man.

• Arian heresy• Jesus was a being created by God the Father• There was a time when “Jesus was not”• Jesus was not equal to God, but was the highest creature of God

• The Council of Nicea set the record straight• Jesus is 100% human and 100% divine• Wrap your heads around that math equation, Confirmands!

What does the word “Incarnation” mean?8.01.10

Page 13: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy
Page 14: Welcome to CP2 Class #3! = statement of beliefs (12 articles of faith) = so be it = Holy

• Read handout• Discuss questions with parents and/or sponsor• Bring questions to next class

