Page 1: Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church · 11/12/2013  · Cover Art: The Dream of St. Joseph by Anton Raphael Mengs. c. 1773. Liturgy adapted from Candles

Welcome to

Northbrook Presbyterian Church December 4, 2016

LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY OF FAITH Please sign and pass the Welcome Register along your row and back. Please note joys and concerns on the Prayer Request Cards and place them in the offering.


In this season of Advent, we are here to watch and wait and pray for the coming of light into the world. We long for the day when the things of darkness—selfishness and greed, suffering and oppression—shall be no more.

Page 2: Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church · 11/12/2013  · Cover Art: The Dream of St. Joseph by Anton Raphael Mengs. c. 1773. Liturgy adapted from Candles

ADVENT CANDLE LIGHTING Barb and Bill Stetson One: A candle burns, the sign of our hope. A candle burns, the sign of our love. God of Mary and Joseph, come to us again this Advent. All: May the light of your love be born anew in us.

* OPENING SONG 88—O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, v. 1-4 Hymnal

PRAYER OF CONFESSION One: We live in a world oppressed by sin, a world of hunger, pain and injustice. All: We acknowledge that we are part of this world and have not always played our part in confronting the darkness and bringing the light of Christ to troubled places. Lord, forgive us. One: We are part of the Body of Christ, a Body broken by the brokenness of its members. All: We recognize that we belong to the broken Body of Christ and that often we let difference and ego divide rather than unite and work through us. Lord, forgive us. One: We come as unique individuals, each of us created in the image and likeness of God. All: We confess that we do not live up to God’s dream for us: that where God says, ‘Let there be light!’ we fear to come out of the shadows; where God says, ‘You are salt for the earth,’ we rest content with blandness; where God says, ‘Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,’ we live estranged from God, afraid of the power of God’s love for us. Lord, forgive us.

—Silent Reflection—


* THE PEACE As we are reconciled to God and to one another, share a sign of Christ’s peace with your neighbor.

—Children are invited to go to KIDS’ Connection at this time—

* SONG 97—Watchman, Tell Us of the Night Hymnal

SCRIPTURE READING—Matthew 1:18-25 NT. p. 1

SERMON—Scandalous! Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi

ORDINATION AND INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS For Ordination and Installation:Deacons: Allison Broadwell, Linda Hermes, Brian Long For Installation: Elders: Amy Annett, Bill Jordan, Sue Koss

Page 3: Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church · 11/12/2013  · Cover Art: The Dream of St. Joseph by Anton Raphael Mengs. c. 1773. Liturgy adapted from Candles

THE APOSTLE’S CREED (ecumenical version) I believe in God, the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven; he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.


OFFERING ANTHEM—To Believe Evancho/Sorenson

Chancel Choir


PREPARATION FOR COMMUNION 92—While We Are Waiting, Come Hymnal

THE LORD’S SUPPER We welcome everyone who believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to share in this meal. We serve by Intinction. Please come forward by the center aisle, take a piece of bread, dip it in the cup and eat. Return to your place via the side aisles. If you are more comfortable to remain where you are, we will gladly bring the bread and cup to you. For those who desire it, you will find gluten-free bread and individual cups of juice on the table.


SONGS DURING COMMUNION 89—For You, O Lord, My Soul in Stillness Waits Hymnal 98—To a Maid Whose Name Was Mary 88—O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, vs. 5-7 (if required)


* SENDING SONG 86—The People Who Walked in Darkness Hymnal



* Please stand if you are able.

Page 4: Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church · 11/12/2013  · Cover Art: The Dream of St. Joseph by Anton Raphael Mengs. c. 1773. Liturgy adapted from Candles

CCLI license: 1018801 Cover Art: The Dream of St. Joseph by Anton Raphael Mengs. c. 1773. Liturgy adapted from Candles and Conifers, Wild Goose Worship, Glasgow, Scotland. 2005.


LITURGIST: Paulette Lein DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: Angel Gippert

PRAISE BAND: Dan Gross as leader, percussion, guitar & Pete Zajicek on piano

SOUND: Dave Vander Weide VISUALS: Bryan Adair


COFFEE HOUR HOSTS: Alternative Gift Market

CHANCEL FLOWERS: Placed by Meredith Riggan in memory of Warren Riggan.

PRAYER REQUESTS: Edna Gadsby and family, Bill & Connie Jordan and family, Dorothy Warren, Marilyn Nesbitt, Doug Joppie, Dorene Adams, Vera McBride, Dick & Alma Ross, Al & Mary Alice Shrosbree, Nancy Schaefer, Ruth Krebs, Georgenia Keoleian, Seglinda Kelle-Pritchard, Margaret Babb, Karen Keier, Tom Sandercock, Jim Grady, Dick Forbush, Keith & Celia Metcalf

Please continue to pray for those with health or personal issues. If a member’s name has been inadvertently left off this list, please notify the church office. Also, let the church know when a member is entering the hospital or might like a supportive phone call.

The Board of Deacons also requests prayers for: Church members whose last names begin with the letter K and for awareness of the challenges faced by people with disabilities and their families and caregivers.

10TH ANNUAL ALTERNATIVE GIFT MARKET—TODAY, DECEMBER 4 Northbrook's 10th Annual Alternative Gift Market will be held following worship today from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Peruse the many unique and beautiful gifts available. Your purchases will not only be sure to please, they will also bring joy and relief to others who share our world. See the flyer on the following pages for more information.

ANGEL TREE CHRISTMAS PRESENT DRIVE—PRESENTS DUE BY NOON ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9 Through our annual Angel Tree Christmas Present Drive, we are providing gifts, clothing, household items and food to the families and individuals of Oakland Family Services, A Place of Refuge and Open Door Ministries. All gifts, clothes and boxed food items should be brought to the church by noon on Friday, December 9.

We are glad you’re here and thankful for the opportunity to worship with you and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

We seek to be an open, rational and compassionate people, learning each week what it means to live the love of Jesus Christ in worship and work, in word and deed.

“Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” ~ John 13:35

Page 5: Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church · 11/12/2013  · Cover Art: The Dream of St. Joseph by Anton Raphael Mengs. c. 1773. Liturgy adapted from Candles

PASTOR’S STUDY FOR ADVENT: A SEASON OF HOPE AND ANTICIPATION Advent is the period in the Christian year when we think about God coming into the world as a human being in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. This study examines the four Gospel portrayals of Jesus’ origins: Who is Jesus? Where did he come from? What does each Gospel have to say about the Son of God, and his meaning for the early church and for us today. This study is being held in the Library on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Come at the time that suits your schedule. A free will offering will be taken to cover the cost of materials. The Study began on Wednesday, November 30 and ends on December 21. Please RSVP to the church office or email [email protected].

SENIOR SOUPER SUPPER HOLIDAY DINNER ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8 Senior Souper Supper will be a special candlelight event on Thursday, December 8. Please join us at 5:30 p.m. in the Library. Plan to stay for a Christmas Story or two. RSVP to Becky in the church office at (248)642-0200.

ADVENTURE PROGRAM—SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 From 9 a.m. to Noon on Saturday, December 10th, leave your kids with us so you can get a jump on your holiday shopping. There will be breakfast, Advent crafts, and we will be showing the movie Polar Express with popcorn and cocoa. A $10 donation per family is suggested.

FAVORITE THINGS PARTY Northbrook’s Favorite Things Party will take place this year on Friday, December 16 from 6:30-9:00 p.m. at the clubhouse of Bingham Woods Condominiums located at 30730 River Crossing Rd in Bingham Farms (just east of Telegraph, south off of 13 Mile Rd). Please bring an appetizer, dessert or drink, a $3-5 donation per person for rental costs, and a wrapped gift valued at $25 or less plus. The gift should be something that you love so much that you want someone else to have one just like it! You are not actually giving away your own favorite thing. You are giving away one that you have purchased. We really hope you can be there this year. RSVP in Fellowship Hall during coffee hour or contact Nancy Best at (248)514-2624 or email her at [email protected].

COOKIES & CAROLS—SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 This popular annual worship service will be held on Sunday, December 18. Join us in Fellowship Hall as we share worship, sing carols and enjoy cookies. Dust off your favorite cookie recipes and fill a plate to share with the congregation after the service.

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE The Christmas Eve service will be at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, December 24th. Come and experience the wonder of that very first Christmas Eve in a special family-friendly celebration of faith.

HAT AND MITTEN TREE Please bring in new winter hats and mittens for our Hat & Mitten Tree. Place the items on the tree in the main hallway. Thank you!

Page 6: Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church · 11/12/2013  · Cover Art: The Dream of St. Joseph by Anton Raphael Mengs. c. 1773. Liturgy adapted from Candles
Page 7: Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church · 11/12/2013  · Cover Art: The Dream of St. Joseph by Anton Raphael Mengs. c. 1773. Liturgy adapted from Candles
Page 8: Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church · 11/12/2013  · Cover Art: The Dream of St. Joseph by Anton Raphael Mengs. c. 1773. Liturgy adapted from Candles

Office Hours Monday—Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Friday: 9:00 a.m.—Noon Worship: Sundays at 10:15 a.m.

More news and calendar information can be found online at

Northbrook Presbyterian Church 22055 W. Fourteen Mile Road Beverly Hills, Michigan 48025

Telephone (248) 642-0200 Fax (248) 642-7495 [email protected] Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi, Pastor

SUNDAY, December 4 10:15 a.m. Worship & Communion 10:15 a.m. KIDS’ Connection 11:30 a.m. Alternative Gift Market 11:45 a.m. Chancel Choir Rehearsal 4:00 p.m. Mid Highs 6:00 p.m. Senior Highs

MONDAY, December 5 8:00 p.m. AA Meeting—Men’s Group

TUESDAY, December 6 6:30 p.m. Zumba 7:00 p.m. Mission Connection Committee Meeting

WEDNESDAY, December 7 10:00 a.m. Advent Bible Study 5:00 p.m. LOGOS 7:00 p.m. Advent Bible Study FRIDAY, December 9 Angel Tree Presents are Due by Noon today

THURSDAY, December 8 8:00 a.m. Men’s Connection 5:30 p.m. Senior Souper Supper Holiday Dinner

SATURDAY, December 10 9:00 a.m. ADVENTure Program

SUNDAY, December 11 10:15 a.m. Worship 10:15 a.m. KIDS’ Connection 11:15 a.m. Blood Pressure Screening 11:30 a.m. Deacons’ Meeting

This Week at Northbrook
