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Page 1: Welcome To Seeds Of Hope!

Welcome to Seeds of Hope!

The Afternoon Kids with some of the volunteers

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Where is Seeds of Hope?In Huaraz, Peru … a sleepy town of 100,000 people, nestled

3000 metres above sea level in the Peruvian Andes.

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A Quick Trip Around Huaraz…

The outdoor market which is an integral part of life in Huaraz.

A section of the main street where some of our kids work til 11pm every night in order to help their families.

The main square with the gorgeous Andes Mountains in the background.

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What is the role of Seeds of Hope?

Seeds of Hope is a non-profit charity organisation that works to help children living in extreme poverty. It provides its children with education and support that they wouldn´t otherwise recieve.

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A Day in the Life of …This is Edhil. He is 11 years old. He lives with his family of seven in a one room house made from mud brick. They haveno electricity or running water. He loves playing soccer and having a laugh!

In the evenings, Edhil works on the streets selling candy and guarding cars with his older brothers.

In the mornings, Edhil comes to Seeds of Hope where we help him with his homework and provide him with other educational and emotional support.

In the afternoons, Edhil goes to one of the local schools. He is in the 4th Grade although he should be in the 6th Grade.

This is the life of many of the kids at Seeds of Hope

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Where´s Home?

The poorer neighbourhoods are situated by the river, which is heavilypolluted with rubbish and sewerage. there is limited electricity and no running water. Houses are made from mud brick or metal sheeting, offering little protection from the elements – it often drops to below 10 degrees at night!

This is the home of one of our poorestfamilies. Can you believe that eight people live here? It´s hard to imagine…but unfortunately, for many of the children living in Peru, this is their reality.

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How Seeds of Hope is HelpingProviding Educational Support!

• Helping with theirhomework

• Teaching reading and writing to the younger children, many of whom, atthe age of 8, still cannot recognise the alphabet.

• Providing materials

• Teaching English to the older kids

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How Seeds of Hope is HelpingProviding Cultural Identity!

• Visiting

buildings of our


• Paseos

• Giving them the oportunity to enjoy Peruvian atractives.

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How Seeds of Hope is HelpingProviding Nutrition and Hygiene

Everyday, the children receivea nutritious snack from Seedsof Hope.Usually, a hot Quaker milk drink and a piece of fruit or a sandwich.

The kids brush theirteeth after every session. Before coming to Seeds of Hope, many the kids had never seen a tooth-brush, let alone brushed their teeth!!!

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How Seeds of Hope is HelpingProviding lots of TLC … and FUN!

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AND LASTLY … There are no fancy lawn mowers used

here at Seeds of Hope …

Instead … the children bring their sheep in tocut the grass!!!!
