
Welcome to the System for Universal Media Searching (SUMS)

Guided Introduction

Today’s search engines typically reduce Internet access to a single query box.

For complex searches more is needed. SUMS offers a new approach.

Welcome to the System for Universal Media Searching (SUMS)

Guided Introduction

Today’s search engines typically reduce Internet access to a single query box.

For complex searches more is needed. SUMS offers a new approach.

Strategy 1. Guided Strategy 2. Direct

WHO? Example 1

WHO? Example 2

Strategy 3. Personal Terms

WHAT? Example 3

Strategy 4. Database Field TermsStrategy 5. Subject HeadingsStrategy 6. Standard Classification

Strategy 7. Multiple Classification

Larger Vision

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons

See path Up - back

Topic Choices Levels Refresh

SUMS System for Universal Media Searching

Click Choices

Welcome to the System for Universal Media Searching (SUMS)

Guided Introduction

Today’s search engines typically reduce Internet access to a single query box.

For complex searches more is needed. SUMS offers a new approach.

Welcome to the System for Universal Media Searching (SUMS)

Guided Introduction

Today’s search engines typically reduce Internet access to a single query box.

For complex searches more is needed. SUMS offers a new approach.

start introduction >>

1. Goals

Knowing why one is searching helps determine what one needs to find. `

The question Why gives limits to How, When, Where and especially Who and What.

Click Access

When entering SUMS step one is to choose one of ten Goals.

When entering SUMS step one is to choose one of ten Goals.

Click Goal

Suppose we choose Goal=Everyday

In the larger SUMS vision there are 10 goals:

Everyday, Emergency, Business, Education, Environment, Government, Health, Legal, Leisure, Religion

Click Everyday

Click Guided Choice

Step two is to choose the Strategy level.

Suppose we choose Goal=Everyday.In this case SUMS reverses the typical order of the six questions.Goal=Everyday corresponds to a first part of Why? To make this more precise SUMS asks Everyday with respect to what?

What? Suppose we choose News

Click NewsSUMS

1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

CHOICE1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

ACCESS1. Goal2. Strategy3. Visualisation

GOAL1. Everyday2. Emergency3. Business4. Education5. Enviroment6. Goverment7. Health8. Legal9. Leisure10. Religion

SEARCH STRATEGY1. Guided Choice2. Direct3. Personal Terms4. Database Field Terms5. Subject Headings6. Standard Classification7. Multiple Classification8. Comparative Ontologies

EVERYDAY1. Classifiels, Shopping2. News3. Sports4. Traffic5. Weather

NEWS1. Internet2. Newspapers3. Radio4. Television

NEWSPAPERS1. Daily2. WeeklyClick


How? Suppose we choose Newspapers

DAILY1. Local2. Regional3. National4. International

When? Suppose we say Daily.

Click Daily

Where? Suppose we say local.

Click Local LOCAL1. Globe2. Star3. Sun

Click Globe

click to continue

SUMS presently has 7 strategies. Suppose we choose Guided strategy. This has the same functions as the Direct Strategy except that it has guided text. Strategies 1 and 2 focus on a single term using the local database.


In the full-blown system the computer will “know” where it is and adjust accordingly.

SUMS is like a Dewey decimal system using questions.

Note that by limiting these choices to 10 at a time it can be used on mobile devices.

In future a mobile device can also serve as a remote control for larger displays.

The main part of this demo focuses on Goal 4: Education (and Learning).

To continue Strategy 2. Direct click

See path Up - back

Topic Choices Levels Refresh

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons

Strategy 2. Direct

SUMS uses a series of choices as users enter more deeply into knowledge.

Simple lists of up to 10 choices appear in the little box at the bottom right hand.

Larger lists appear in a left hand column, which the smaller choices then help to limit.

This guided demo uses the Topic: Perspective.

SEARCH STRATEGY1. Guided Choice2. Direct3. Personal Terms4. Database Field Terms5. Subject Headings6. Standard Classification7. Multiple Classification8. Comparative Ontologies

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature

5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

click to start

When you choose goal there is the folowing choices. Placing the mouse over each of these will bring up a brief explanation of these.

6. Earlier Bibliographies This leads to a chronological list of all the earlier bibliographies. Clicking on each of these reveals their titles

5. Both On the introductory page this lends to a Full list of secondary literature. Elsewhere this allows to search for both primary and secondary sources together. This is the default mode.

4. Bibliography of Secondary Literature

On the introductory page this lends to a Full list of secondary literature. Elsewhere this limits the bibliography to secondary sources: i.e. literature about perspective.

2. Literature on Perspective is a monograph that surveys all secondary literature.

  This follows the same principles as Sources.

3. Bibliography of Primary Literature

On the introductory page this lends to a Full list of primary literature. Elsewhere this limits the bibliography to primary sources: i.e. books on theory and practice.

1. Sources of Perspective is a monograph that surveys all primary literature. You can download by chapter if your connection is slow. You can download the whole book if you have a fast connection. This text will eventually be hyperlinked with the bibliography. Who Clicking on How gives a list of authors and practitioners of perspective. Clicking on letters of the alphabet below the list takes one to names with that letter. Typing a name or variant name takes you directly to that person.

What Clicking on What gives an alphabetical list of publications Clicking on letters of the alphabet below the list takes one to titles with that letter Typing a name or variant name takes you directly to that title.

Where Clicking on Where gives a list of cities and publications Clicking on letters of the alphabet below takes one to cities with that letter Typing a city takes you directly to that city.

When Clicking on When give a list of dates Clicking on partial dates below takes one to the century in question Typing a date takes you directly to all titles under that date.

How Clicking on How brings up a choice between: At beginning and Anywhere in Title.

Why Clicking on Why brings up titles with the Word Why The little box offers further choices re: why related terms: origins, causes, etc..

click to continue

In the upper portion of the screen are six basic questions.Placing the mouse over each of these will bring up a brief explanation of these.

To continue Strategy 2. Direct (example of Alberti ) click

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons

See path Up - back

Topic Choices Levels Refresh

Strategy 2. Direct (example of Alberti)

This initial screen leads to many more choices, which arise as one proceeds.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leo Noster

Let’s typeLeo Noster

click to start

Then click Enter

Leon Battista Alberti

Leon Battista Alberti (1404 - 1472)



•Alberti, Leon

•Alberti, Leon Battisti

•Albertus noster


•Leo Noster

Alberti is best known for the first extant treatise on perspective, On Painting (De pictura, 1434), translated into Italian as Della pittura (1435). Seven Latin and two Italian manuscripts are known. Alberti also wrote Elementa picturae of which there are six extant manuscripts. Some authors (e.g. Bonucci) have attributed to Alberti the manuscript Della prospettiva (Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana, n. 2110). Vagnetti (1979) mentioned a lost Trattato di prospettiva.

Some of the literature has been biographical and has only touched on Alberti's technical writings. The first to do so was Vasari (1568) who mentioned that Alberti developed a perspective instrument in 1557.

Loria (1895), Michel (1930, 162-163, 176-179), Galantic (1969). Gilbert (1943-1945) considered Alberti's theoretical stance and explored its models in Antiquity. Borsi (1975) provided a useful bibliography. Many recent articles have been general and will not be mentioned here.

Much of the literature on Alberti's perspective relates to whether he used the legitimate construction or the distance point construction. Muratori's (1751) edition of an anonymous Life of L. B. Alberti, which was also one of the first serious attempts at a biography, mentioned Alberti's experiments with perspective boxes. Janitschek (1877, 231-232) in his edition of On Painting claimed that Alberti had known the distane point. Wiener (1884, I, 12) in his Textbook of descriptive geometry accepted this.

The introductory screen for Alberti gives his dates and a survey of the literature on him.

The introductory screen for Alberti gives his dates and a survey of the literature on him.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leon Battista Alberti (1404 - 1472)

Title Year


Architettura 1565 -

Della prospettiva 1849 -

Kleinere kunstheoretische Schriften 1877 -

Opera completa 1980 -

Opera inedita et pauca separatim impressa 1890 -

Opere volgari per la piu parte inedite 1843 - 1849

Opuscoli morali 1568 –


De pictura 14__ -

Elementa picturae 14__ -

Trattato di prospettiva 14__? -

Click De pictura

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leon Battista Alberti (1404 - 1472)

Author: Leon Battista Alberti Title: De pictura Location: Rome, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana Codex Ottoboniani latini 1424, fol. 1r-25v PubYear: 14__ Notes: Alberti probably wrote De pictura in 1434 followed by a translation into Italian as Della pittura in 1435. Cf. Spencer, 1956, 33. Some claim that the work was written between 1435-1436.E.g. Some associate this also with a Della prospettiva which is attributed to Alberti.

Year EditionLocation

1511 Nürnberg Latin

1540 Basel Latin 1

1547 Venice Italian

1565 Monte Regale Italian

1568 Venice Italian

1649 Amsterdam Latin

1651 Paris Italian

1733 Naples Italian


Click 1540

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leon Battista Alberti (1404 - 1472)

Author: Leon Battista Alberti Title: De pictura praestantissima, et nunquam satis laudata arte libri tres absolutissimi PubPlace: Basel Publisher: Bartholomaeus Westheimer [] PubYear: 1540 Edition: 1 Location: NUC 7 232, Rome Bibl. naz. Notes: The 1540 is generally recognized as the editio princeps although there may have been an earlier edition in 1511.

Year Person

1778 J.E. Scheibel Zehntes Stück. Erster Abschnitt. Vierte chronologische mathe...

1805 Friedrich Wilhelm August Murhard Biblioteca mathematica. Tomus V Continens scripta de scienti...

1973 Hermann Schüling Theorien der malerischen Linear-Perspektive vor 1601

1979 Luigi Vagnetti De naturali et artificiali perspettiva: bibliografia ragiona...

2003 Kim Veltman Bibliography of the sources and literature of perspective


Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leon Battista Alberti (1404 - 1472)


1568 - Le vite de 'piu eccellenti pittori, scultori, e architettori, scritte da G. Vasari, con …

1751 - Rerum italicarum scriptores

1884 - 1887 Lehrbuch der darstellenden Geometrie

1887 - Leon Battista Alberti, Kleinere kunsttheoretische Schriften

1895 - Per Leon Battista Alberti

1914 - 1915 Das perspektivische Verfahren Leone Battista Albertis

1930 - Un idéal humain au XVe siècle: La pensée de Leon Battista Alberti

1938 - The rationalization of sight

1953 - Studi su Leon Battista Alberti

1964 - L.B. Alberti's costruzione legittina

1964 - Studi su la dolce prospettiva

1965 - Alberti's optics

1966 - Alberti's perspective: a new discovery and a new evaluation

1967 - Sul significato degli Elementi di pittura di L. B. Alberti

(1968) - The text of Alberti's De pictura

1968 - La descriptio urbis Romae di L. B. Alberti

1969 - The sources of Leon Battista Alberti's theory of painting

1969 - Alberti's color theory: a mediaeval bottle without renaissance wine

1971 - On Alberti's treatises on art and their chronological relationship

1972 - Il modo optimo dell'Alberti per la costruzione prospettica

1972 - Lo studio di Roma negli scritti albertiani

1972 - Nuovi ricerche sugli Elementa picturae

Click 1568

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.


Click Life of Alberti

The little box gives two choices: Books and Literature.

The little box gives two choices: Books and Literature.

Clicking on Books gives us the following choices.

Clicking on Books gives us the following choices.

Clicking on Standard Titles gives all perspective books by Alberti as Standard Titles

Clicking on Standard Titles gives all perspective books by Alberti as Standard Titles

If we choose De pictura we get details re: this standard title

If we choose De pictura we get details re: this standard title

The little box then offers a number of other alternatives.

The little box then offers a number of other alternatives.

Clicking on Editions lists known editions etc.

Clicking on Editions lists known editions etc.

If we choose editions and then 1540 we get details about the official first edition

If we choose editions and then 1540 we get details about the official first edition

Clicking on Bibliographies we see which bibliographies cite this edition

Clicking on Bibliographies we see which bibliographies cite this edition

Clicking on Literature from this page or initial page leads to secondary literature

Clicking on Literature from this page or initial page leads to secondary literature

Clicking on 1568 Vite by Vasari leads again to a new choice web Site.

Clicking on 1568 Vite by Vasari leads again to a new choice web Site.

Clicking on this leads to full contents of Vasari’s Life of Alberti.

Clicking on this leads to full contents of Vasari’s Life of Alberti.

When we wish to make a new set of queries we press the Refresh button and/or Home.

When we wish to make a new set of queries we press the Refresh button and/or Home.

The path button allows us to recall where we are.Pressing any point on this path takes us back to that level. Click See path…

The path button allows us to recall where we are.Pressing any point on this path takes us back to that level. Click See path…

PATH HISTORYTopic: Perspective Goal: Education Strategy: Direct Level: Titles

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?

SUMS System for Universal Media Searching

Clicking on Topic, Goal, Strategy or Level we can change them.

Now you are able to change strategy.

To continue Strategy 2. Direct (example of multilingual) click

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

SEARCH STRATEGY1. Guided Choice2. Direct3. Personal Terms4. Database Field Terms5. Subject Headings6. Standard Classification7. Multiple Classification8. Comparative Ontologies


Leon Battista Alberti1. Books2. Literature


Leon Battista Alberti1. All Books2. Standard Titles3. Variant Titles4. Languages5. Manuscripts6. Locations7. Literature

BOOK:1. All books2. Standard Title3. Manuscripts4. Editions5. Translations6. Variant Titles7. Partial Contents8. Full Contents9. Bibliographies


Leon Battista Alberti1. All Books2. Standard Titles3. Variant Titles4. Languages5. Manuscripts6. Locations7. Literature

BOOK:1. All books2. Standard Title3. Manuscripts4. Editions5. Translations6. Variant Titles7. Partial Contents8. Full Contents9. Bibliographies10. Web-site

Clicking on one of this gives us all titles of that bibliographyclick to continue

SEARCH STRATEGY1. Guided Choice2. Direct3. Personal Terms4. Database Field Terms5. Subject Headings6. Standard Classification7. Multiple Classification8. Comparative Ontologies

Click BooksClick Standard


Click Editions

Click Bibliographie


Click Direct

Click Literature

Click Web-site

Click Back

Click Refresh

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons

See path Up - back

Topic Choices Levels Refresh

A fest

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?

Strategy 2. Direct (Example of multilingual)

SUMS allows us access via many paths.

For instance, suppose we know there is a title beginning: A fest

Typing this in under What leads to an Hungarian edition of Alberti.

Let’s typeA fest

Then click Enter

click to start

BOOK:1. All books2. Standard Title3. Manuscripts4. Editions5. Translations6. Variant Titles7. Partial Contents8. Full Contents9. Bibliographies

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leon Battista Alberti  (1404 - 1472)

Author:Title: A festészetrõl PubPlace: Budapest Publisher: Balassi PubYear: 1997 Format: 8

Edition: 1Location: Budapest Notes: ISBN 963-506-175

Leon Battista Alberti

Click Standard


Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leon Battista Alberti (1404 - 1472)


1997 A festészetrõl

1868 De la statue et de la peinture

1970 De pictura

1972 De pictura praestantissima

1540 De pictura praestantissima, et nunquam satis laudata arte libri tres absolutissi...

1649 De pictura:...Vitruvius Pollionis de architectura libri decem.

1849 Della pittura

1804 Della pittura e della statua

1803 Della pittura []

1651 Della pittura. Della statua

1964 Della prospettiva

2000 Die Malkunst

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Author: Leon Battista Alberti Title: De pictura Location: Rome, Bibliotheca Apostolica Vaticana Codex Ottoboniani latini 1424, fol. 1r-25v PubYear: 14__ Notes: Alberti probably wrote De pictura in 1434 followed by a translation into Italian as Della pittura in 1435. Cf. Spencer, 1956, 33. Some claim that the work was written between 1435-1436.E.g. Some associate this also with a Della prospettiva which is attributed to Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Title Author Year

A background to chinese painting Roger Soame Jenyns 1935

A basic course in perspective drawing Norman Greenaway 1965

A basic course in technical drawing Allan Frederick Sierp 1948

A bibliography of aesthetics and of the philosophy of the fine arts from 1900 to... William A. Hammond 1934

A book of perspective and geometry Sebastiano Serlio 1657

A book of pictorial perspective Gwen White 1954

A book of pictorial perspective Gwen White [1955]?

A booke of sundry draughtes, principaly serving for glasiers: and not impertinen... Walter Gedde 1898

A cartographical certificate by the Cologne painter, Franz Kessler R. Oehme 1954

A catalogue of medieval and renaissance optical manuscripts David C. Lindberg 1975

A catalogue of the drawings of Leonardo da Vinci... Leonardo da Vinci 1968

A catechism of perspective William Pinnock 1823

A catechism of perspective; intended as a companion to... William Pinnock [1820]

A cenografia italiana do secolo XVII Sao Paolo Museo de arte moderna 1963

A cenografia Tchecoslovaquia 1914-1959 La scénogra... Sao Paolo Bienal do teatro 1959

A characterization of ten hidden-surface algorithms Robert A. Schumacker 1974

A classical topos in the introduction to Alberti's 'Della pittura' Ernst Hans Gombrich Sir 1957

A communicational perspective of stuttering: analysis of a... Paula Kurman-Cahn 1976

A comparative and analytical study of visual depth perception Eleanor J. Gibson 1961

A comparative perspective on the phonology and noun... Kenneth Lydell Stallcup 1978

A comparative study of the concepts of space and time in … Kishore Mandal 1968

A comparison of the temporal perspectives and... Howard R. Weinreb 1970

A compendious and practical treatise on the ... Bewick Bridge 1811


Click on What

WHAT1. All Titles2. Standard Titles3. Other Libraries

Clicking on any title takes us to the book or article in question.

Clicking on any title takes us to the book or article in question.

Clicking on any author in the list takes us to the books by that author.

Clicking on any author in the list takes us to the books by that author.

Click Other Libraries

WHAT: Libraries1. Universal2. National 3. Special

Click Universal

Universal Libraries 1. Biblithothèque Nationale2. British Library 3. Library of Congress4. Canada CVUC5. France CCFR6. Germany GBV7. Italy ICCU8. Russia RUSLAnet9. US RLG UC10. US OCLC Worldcat

Clicking on Standard title reveals that this is De pictura in an Hungarian translation.

Clicking on Standard title reveals that this is De pictura in an Hungarian translation.

This implies that a person can type a title in their own language and arrive at the original.

click to continue

This implies that a person can type a title in their own language and arrive at the original.

click to continue

Clicking on What gives an alphabetical list of all books on perspective.

Clicking on What gives an alphabetical list of all books on perspective.

The small box offers three alternatives.

The small box offers three alternatives.

Clicking on All Titles gives us a list of all titles in variant languages.

Clicking on All Titles gives us a list of all titles in variant languages.

Clicking on Standard Titles gives us only standard titles by Author

Clicking on Standard Titles gives us only standard titles by Author

Clicking on Other Libraries introduces three further choices.

Clicking on Other Libraries introduces three further choices.

Clicking on Universal Libraries gives a list of 10 libraries including BL, BNF and LC.

Clicking on Universal Libraries gives a list of 10 libraries including BL, BNF and LC.

Clicking on National Libraries gives a list of these.

Clicking on National Libraries gives a list of these.

Clicking on Special Libraries gives a list including the Vatican, and HAB.

Clicking on Special Libraries gives a list including the Vatican, and HAB.

If one chooses one of the above libraries then the questions serve as access points.

If one chooses one of the above libraries then the questions serve as access points.

In traditional catalogues there are two separate points of access via Author or Title.

SUMS provides access via Author, Title, Place and Date simultaneously. To continue Strategy 2. Direct (example of Leonardo) click

In traditional catalogues there are two separate points of access via Author or Title.

SUMS provides access via Author, Title, Place and Date simultaneously. To continue Strategy 2. Direct (example of Leonardo) click

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons

See path Up - back

Topic Choices Levels Refresh

Strategy 2. Direct (example of Leonardo)

As a second example of Who we choose Leonardo da Vinci in order to explore different levels of access to manuscripts and full texts.

Leonardo da Vinci

Let’s typeLeonardo da


Then click Enter

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)

Artist, Author


•Da Vinci, Leonardo

•Léonard de Vinci

•Lionardo da Vinci

•Vinci, Leonardo da

Leonardo da Vinci was the author of various manuscripts with notes on perspective. Chief among those extant were the Manuscripts A, E, G (now Paris, c.1492), the Codice Atlantico (Milan) and the Trattato della pittura. Cellini in his Trattati dell'Orifieria referred to a manuscript which among other things contained "a discourse on perspective, the most beautiful which was ever found by anyone in the world". Comolli (1791,189-190) referred to a Libro delle ombre e dei lumi which is no longer extant. In terms of practice he is most famous for his Last Supper (Milan, Santa Maria delle Grazie, 1495-1497).

Cited by Pélerin (1521, 1r) and Caporali (1536), mentioned by Vasari (II,156-158, 160, 163, 165, IV, 28), Danti (1583, preface), Lomazzo (1585,336, 100101; 1590, 17,52,149), Comolli (1791, 189-201) and Poudra (1864,I,126), modern study began with Jordan (1873), Ravaisson Mollien's edition of the manuscripts at the Institut de France (1891), Ludwig's edition of the Treatise on Painting (1882) and Richter's anthology (1883). Nielsen (1897) devoted a first monograph to Leonardo's perspective in the context of Raphael, Bramante and Giulio Romano. Mesnil (1922) emphasized scientific aspects of his perspective. Ivins (1938) drew attention to Leonardo's diagram for the legitimate construction. Bassoli (1938) drew attention to CA 35va and claimed that Leonardo had invented anamorphosis. The following year Bassoli (1939) drew attention to CA i bis va with its perspectival window.


Leonardo da Vinci1. Art2. Books

Click Books


Leonardo da Vinci1. All Books2. Standard Titles3. Variant Titles4. Languages5. Manuscripts6. Locations7. Literature

Click Manuscripts

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)

Title Year


Ashmolean, Sheet -

Collection, Henry, Prince of Netherlands, Sheet -

Uffizi, Sheets 1473 - 1478

Windsor Castle, Sheets [1478] - [1518]

Bonnat Bequest, Sheets [1479] - [1494]

Un libro scritto in penna....In fra le altre mirabili cose, ch'erano in... [1480]? - [1519]?

Codice atlantico 1480? - 1518?

Codex Ashburnham 361 (1480) -

Codex Urbinas 1270 (Trattato della pittura) [1480] - [1516]

Louvre, Sheets 1480 - 1500

Codex Atlanticus [1483] - [1518]

Codex Vallardi [1483] -

Ecole des Beaux Arts, Sheet 1483 - 1485

Christ Church, Sheets [1485] - [1504]

Codex Forster I [1487] - [1505]

Codex Trivulzianus [1487] - [1490]

Collection, Stefan Zweig, Sheet [1487] - [1490]

Manuscript B 1488 - 1489

Manuscript C 1490 -

Pinakothek, Sheet [1490] - [1492]

Codex Leicester (Hammer, Gates) [1504] - [1506]

Click Codex Leicester

BOOK:1. All books2. Standard Title3. Manuscripts4. Editions5. Translations6. Variant Titles7. Partial Contents8. Full Contents9. Bibliographies

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)

Author: Leonardo da Vinci Title: Codex Leicester (Hammer, Gates)Location: William H. Gates III Collection, Redwood PubYear: [1504] - [1506] Notes: 36 folios (28.5x 21.8 cm)

Click Partial Contents

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Folio Keywords

1 r Water, Astronomy

1 v Water, Astronomy

2 r Water, Astronomy

2 v Water

3 r Water

3 v Water

4 r Air (Perspective)

4 v Water

5 r Water, Astronomy

5 v Water

6 r Water

6 v Water

7 r Water, Astronomy

7 v Water

8 r Water

Click Full Contents

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)

Author: Leonardo da Vinci Title: Codex Leicester (Hammer, Gates)Location: William H. Gates III Collection, Redwood PubYear: [1504] - [1506] Folios: 1r - Water, Astronomy

1 r

1 V

2 r

2 v

3 r

3 v

4 r

4 v

5 r

5 v

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)

Title Year


Ashmolean, Sheet -

Collection, Henry, Prince of Netherlands, Sheet -

Uffizi, Sheets 1473 - 1478

Windsor Castle, Sheets [1478] - [1518]

Bonnat Bequest, Sheets [1479] - [1494]

Un libro scritto in penna....In fra le altre mirabili cose, ch'erano in... [1480]? - [1519]?

Codice atlantico 1480? - 1518?

Codex Ashburnham 361 (1480) -

Codex Urbinas 1270 (Trattato della pittura) [1480] - [1516]

Louvre, Sheets 1480 - 1500

Codex Atlanticus [1483] - [1518]

Codex Vallardi [1483] -

Ecole des Beaux Arts, Sheet 1483 - 1485

Christ Church, Sheets [1485] - [1504]

Codex Arundel 263 [1504] - [1516]

Codex Trivulzianus [1487] - [1490]

Collection, Stefan Zweig, Sheet [1487] - [1490]

Manuscript B 1488 - 1489

Manuscript C 1490 -

Pinakothek, Sheet [1490] - [1492]

Manuscript A 1492 -

Click Codex Arundel 263

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)

Author: Leonardo da Vinci Title: Codex Arundel 263Location: British Library, LondonPubYear: [1504] - [1516] Notes: 283 folios (22 x 15 cm.)

Click Full Contents

BOOK:1. Terms2. Definitions3. Explanations4. Titles5. Partial Contents6. Full Contents7. Internal Analyses8. External Analyses9. Restorations10. Reconstructions11. Direct Link

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Leonardo da Vinci (1452 - 1519)

Author: Leonardo da Vinci Title: Codex Arundel 263Location: British Library, LondonPubYear: [1504] - [1516] Folios: 1r - Notes (Perspective), Mechanics (Weights)

1 r

1 V

2 r

2 v

3 r

3 v

4 r

4 v

5 r

5 v

No Image available

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why?

Clicking on his name we now have choices between Art and Books

Clicking on his name we now have choices between Art and Books

Clicking on books gives a new set of choices.

Clicking on books gives a new set of choices.

Clicking on manuscripts gives a list of his manuscripts.

Clicking on manuscripts gives a list of his manuscripts.

Clicking on the Codex Leicester (Hammer, Gates) gives us a set choices concerning this.

Clicking on the Codex Leicester (Hammer, Gates) gives us a set choices concerning this.

Clicking on partial contents gives an outline of each page.

Clicking on partial contents gives an outline of each page.

Clicking on full contents gives a facsimile of each page.

Clicking on full contents gives a facsimile of each page.

Going back a level we again see the list of his manuscripts.

Going back a level we again see the list of his manuscripts.

Clicking on the Codex Arundel 263 offers the same functions for that text.

Clicking on the Codex Arundel 263 offers the same functions for that text.

Clicking on full contents brings a new choice: Direct link..

Clicking on full contents brings a new choice: Direct link..

Clicking on direct link takes us to the British Library’s turning the pages project.

Clicking on direct link takes us to the British Library’s turning the pages project.

An analogous functionality is available for the Codex Atlanticus at the Ambrosiana.

An analogous functionality is available for the Codex Atlanticus at the Ambrosiana.

Click Direct link

Turning the Pages.

To continue

Strategy 3. Personal Terms click

To continue

Strategy 3. Personal Terms click

click to start

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons

See path Up - back

Topic Choices Levels Refresh

SUMS System for Universal Media Searching

Strategy 3. Personal Terms

The guided and direct strategies are particularly relevant if we are searching for 1 word. Often we are searching also for a series of terms connected with a word.

For this purpose a strategy involving Personal terms is more suitable.

All the features available in the Direct Strategy remain available.

Let’s choose Personal Terms Strategy.

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

CHOICE1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

The main difference lies in the entrance point to What.

Instead of a list of titles on perspective, we begin with a list of Personal Terms concerning branches of perspective and related fields.

click to start

Click Choice

Click AccessACCESS

1. Goal2. Strategy3. Visualisation

Click Strategy

SEARCH STRATEGY1. Guided Choice2. Direct3. Personal Terms4. Database Field Terms5. Subject Headings6. Standard Classification7. Multiple Classification8. Comparative Ontologies

Click Personal Terms

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.


La Hire Astrolabe

La Hire Projection

Lamina Universal

Landscape Drawing





Leaning Pyramid

Left Side View

Legitimate Construction



Light and shade


Linear Astrolabe

Linear Drawing

Linear Perspective



Lithographic Drawing


Logarithmic Spiral


Personal Terms

WHAT1. Terms2. Titles3. Other Libraries

Clicking on any term brings new choices: Terms, Definitions, Explanations and Titles. Click Linear


KEYWORDS:Linear Perspective

1. Terms2. Definitions3. Further Definitions4. Explanations5. Titles6. Partial Contents7. Full Contents

Clicking on Definitions provides a personal definition of the term.

Click Definitions

Linear Perspective Related keywords:

Bird's Eye View

Central Projection

Colour Perspective

Diminution Of Form Perspective

One Point Perspective


Linear perspective records effects of distance (inverse size/distance law) on objects as they appear on a transparent window (picture plane, plane of delineation), placed between these objects and the eye (point of sight). It is also called central, Renaissance, frontal, Brunelleschian or Albertian perspective. The viewer's position determines whether frog's eye or bird's eye perspective is involved. The position of the picture plane with respect to objects determines whether one point perspective, two point perspective or three point perspective is involved. Perspective is special because it invovles unified (homogeneous) spaces and one can work backwards (reversibility) in recreating the original space of objects.

Clicking on Further Definitions uses OneFind to search 120 other dictionaries.

Click Further Definitions

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Linear Perspective

Clicking on Explanations offers a choice of encyclopaedias such as Britannica 1911 etc.

KEYWORDS:Linear Perspective

1. Terms2. Definitions3. Further Definitions4. Explanations5. Titles6. Partial Contents7. Full Contents

TITLES1. Primary Literature2. Secondary Literature3. Both

Clicking on Titles gives a list that is a subset of the perspective bibliography.

Click Titles

Click Primary

Literature for instance


1. Chronological2. By Title3. By Author4. Bibliographies5. Standard lists

Click By Title for instance

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Title Author Year

16 Tafeln zu Elementar-Linearzeichnungs Unterrichte Heinrich Weishaupt 18__

2 Thl.: Theorie der Linear-Perspektive Carl Friedrich Christian Steiner 1861

A course in linear perspective Chace Newman 1931

A graduated course of instruction in linear perspective David Forsyth 1883

A graduated course of instruction in linear perspective David Forsyth 1885

A manual of elementary problems in linear perspective Samuel Edward Warren 1873

A manual of elementary problems in the linear perspective of form … Samuel Edward Warren 1868

A manual of elementary problems in the linear perspective of form … Samuel Edward Warren 1869

A manual of elementary problems in the linear perspective of form … Samuel Edward Warren 1874

A manual of elementary problems in the linear perspective of form … Samuel Edward Warren 1882

A manual of elementary problems in the linear perspective of form … Samuel Edward Warren 1886

A manual of elementary problems in the linear perspective of form … Samuel Edward Warren 1888

A manual of elementary problems in the linear perspective of form … Samuel Edward Warren 1863

A manual of elementary problems in the linear perspective of form and shadow... Samuel Edward Warren 1869

A manual of linear perspective Richard Somers Smith 1858

A manual of linear perspective. Perspective of form, shade and … Richard Somers Smith 1857

A manual of linear perspective. Perspective of form, shade and... Richard Somers Smith 1864

A popular outline of perspective or graphic projection...parallel, diagonal, pan... Thomas Morris 1869

A text book of geometrical drawing William Minifie 1850

A text book of geometrical drawing William Minifie 1855

A text book of geometrical drawing William Minifie 1865


To continue

Strategy 4. Database Field Terms click

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons

See path Up - back

Topic Choices Levels Refresh

SUMS System for Universal Media Searching

Strategy 4. Database Fields Terms

Knowing the fields of the database gives us a better hope of finding what we seek.

The fourth strategy level lists available database fields under each of the six questions.

click to start

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

CHOICE1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

ACCESS1. Goal2. Strategy3. Visualisation

SEARCH STRATEGY1. Guided Choice2. Direct3. Personal Terms4. Database Field Terms5. Subject Headings6. Standard Classification7. Multiple Classification8. Comparative Ontologies

Let’s choose Database Field Terms strategy.

Let’s choose Database Field Terms strategy.

Click Database

Field Terms

Data Base Terms: MDA (Museum Documentation Association)

Click Who? Click What? Click


•WHO •Author •Authority •Honorific •Name

•Full_Name •Other_Name

•Ownership •Person

•Person_Name •Recorder

•WHAT •Activity •Administration

oAdmin_Category oAdmin Status

•Audit •Brief Summary •Caption •Catalogue_ Number •Category

oFull_Category oSimple_Category

•Class oClassified_Category oClassified_ Name

•Concept •Conditions •Conservation •Content

oContent_Analysis oContent_Outline

•Context •Copyright •Corporate Body •Deposit •Description

•WHERE •Address •Coordinates •Habitat •Location

oLocality_Number oLocality_Type oPermanent_Location oTemporary_Location

•Place oPlace_Name

•Position oRelative_Position

•Site_Name •Vice_County

Clicking on any of these fields gives access to the contents under that heading

Clicking on any of these fields gives access to the contents under that heading

The fourth strategy level lists available database fields under each of the six questions.

The fourth strategy level lists available database fields under each of the six questions.

To continue

Strategy 5. Subject Headings click

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons

See path Up - back

Topic Choices Levels Refresh

Strategy 5. Subject Headings

As we extend our search to major collections, we need their subject headings.

In Strategy 5 we begin with subject headings of the Library of Congress.

Eventually this will be expanded to include other subject headings, and keywords.

click to start

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

CHOICE1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

ACCESS1. Goal2. Strategy3. Visualisation

SEARCH STRATEGY1. Guided Choice2. Direct3. Personal Terms4. Database Field Terms5. Subject Headings6. Standard Classification7. Multiple Classification8. Comparative Ontologies

Click Subject


WHAT1. Titles2. Terms3. Keywords4. Other Libraries

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Library of Congress: Subject Headings



Perspective 1790-1850

Perspective 1810-1840

Perspective 1830-1860

Perspective 1860-1900

Perspective Bibliography

Perspective Bibliography Catalogs

Perspective Bibliography. [from old catalog]

Perspective Catalogs

Perspective Congresses

Perspective correlation in geology. [from old catalog]

Perspective Data processing

Perspective Early works to 1800

Perspective Early works to 1800 Addresses, essays, lectures

Perspective Early works to 1800 Exhibitions

Perspective Early works to 1800. [from old catalog]

Perspective Exhibitions

Perspective. [from old catalog]

Perspective History

Perspective History 17th century Congresses

Perspective History Catalogs

Perspective History Congresses

Perspective History Exhibitions


Clicking on any term gives access to Library of Congress holdings for that subject

Clicking on any term gives access to Library of Congress holdings for that subject

To continue

Strategy 6. Standard Classification click

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons

See path Up - back

Topic Choices Levels Refresh

Strategy 6. Standard Classification

Subject headings are effectively alphabetical lists of relevant terms.

Classifications are effectively tree versions of the same terms, which show their relations.

Level 6 uses the LC Classification as an example of this access.

click to start

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

CHOICE1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

ACCESS1. Goal2. Strategy3. Visualisation

SEARCH STRATEGY1. Guided Choice2. Direct3. Personal Terms4. Database Field Terms5. Subject Headings6. Standard Classification7. Multiple Classification8. Comparative Ontologies

Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.

Library of Congress Classification



General works - Continued

Architecture and the handicapped

NA 254 General works

By special group

.A3 Aged

.P5 Physically handicapped

NA 255 Works for general readers

e.g. Poetry of architecture, Seven lamps of architecture,e

NA 255 Juvenile works

Addresses, essays, lectures

NA 256 Collective

NA 256 Single

NA (2570) Business management for architects, see NA1996

NA 259 Tables, pocketbooks, etc.

Cf. TH151, Building construction

NA 259 Miscellaneous maxims, etc.

NA 259 Anecdotes and curiosities of architecture and architects

NA 259 Facetiae, satire, etc.

Atlases, collections of plans, architectural

Atlases, collections of plans, architectural sketchbooks, etc., see


Click Standard


Clicking on any term in classification gives access to Library of Congress holdings for that subject

Clicking on any term in classification gives access to Library of Congress holdings for that subject

To continue

Strategy 7. Multiple Classification click

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons

See path Up - back

Topic Choices Levels Refresh

Strategy 7. Multiple Classification

A classification system orders the world in accordance with one mind set or world-view.

As we go further still we need access to multiple classifications, multiple world-views.

We have made a combined list of terms based on art and math sections of 8 systems.

click to start

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

CHOICE1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

ACCESS1. Goal2. Strategy3. Visualisation

SEARCH STRATEGY1. Guided Choice2. Direct3. Personal Terms4. Database Field Terms5. Subject Headings6. Standard Classification7. Multiple Classification8. Comparative Ontologies

Click Multiple


Let us begin with Who.

For instance, if we type the variant name Leo Noster we arrive at Leon Battista Alberti.




Pendulum (theory)




Performing a work of art to the public

Periodical illustrations

Periodicals. folios

Periodicals. general and miscellaneous

Permanent exhibition

Person stimulating the arts


Perspective see also avp

Perspective cf. nc749-750, graphic arts technique t369, mechanical drawing

Perspective geometrical works only. cf. nc749-750, drawing; na2710, architecture; t369, mechanical drawing

Perspective (alleg.), 'prospettiva' (ripa)

Perspective and shading techinques

Perspective drawings

Perspective drawings by point of view

Perspective projection

Perspective projection cf. nc749-750, drawing, design, illustration (fine arts)


Combined Subject List

Clicking on any term from multiple classification now highlights which of the 8 systems deal with that term

Clicking on any term from multiple classification now highlights which of the 8 systems deal with that term

Click Perspective


1. AAT2. Bliss3. Dewey4. Goettingen5. Iconclass6. LC7. Rang8. Riders9. Direct link

Clicking on any of these highlighted systems takes one to the term within their system

Clicking on any of these highlighted systems takes one to the term within their system

Click AAT

This allows one to study other related terms in their system

This allows one to study other related terms in their system

Clicking on this term/related terms within their system gives their entries

Clicking on this term/related terms within their system gives their entries

Top of the AAT hierarchies

Activities Facet

Processes and Techniques

<processes and techniques>

<processes and techniques by specific type>

<image-making processes and techniques>

<perspective and shading techniques>


anamorphic perspective

atmospheric perspective

axial perspective

bifocal perspective

curvilinear perspective

inverted perspective

linear perspective

oblique perspective (perspective system)

one-point perspective (perspective system)

two-point perspective (perspective system)

three-point perspective (perspective system)

negative perspective

Classification System: Art & Architecture Thesaurus

Click axial perspective

TERMS:axial perspective

1. Terms2. No Definition3. Explanations4. Further Definitions5. Titles6. Partial Contents7. Full Contents8. Direct link

Now we have the following choices in terms of levels to work with term axial perspective

Now we have the following choices in terms of levels to work with term axial perspective

To continue Larger Vision click

To continue Larger Vision click

Who? What? Where? When? How? Why? Authors Titles Places Dates Introductions Reasons

See path Up - back

Topic Choices Levels Refresh

SUMS1. Sources2. Literature3. Primary Literature4. Secondary Literature5. Both6. Earlier Bibliographies

Larger VisionThis above demo was concerned with a single Goal 4: Education (and Learning).

Another of the basic ideas of SUMS is Levels (of Knowledge)

In this demo we have focussed on the potentials of Levels 1-6 (of Knowledge).

Let’s choose level of Knowledge

Let’s choose level of Knowledge

Click Levels


1. Terms2. Definition3. Explanations4. Titles5. Partial Contents6. Full Contents7. Internal Analyses8. External Analyses9. Restorations10. Reconstructions

start introduction >>

These first five levels correspond to a Virtual Reference Room

These first five levels correspond to a Virtual Reference Room


1. Terms2. Definition3. Explanations4. Titles5. Partial Contents6. Full Contents7. Internal Analyses8. External Analyses9. Restorations10. Reconstructions

Level 1 includes Terms (classifications, thesauri, ontologies).

Level 2 includes Definitions (dictionaries).

Level 3 includes Explanations (encyclopaedias).

Level 4 includes Titles (library catalogues, bibliographies).

Level 5 includes Partial Contents (abstracts, reviews, tables of contents)

In physical libraries these levels are in the reference room or catalogue rooms.

Level 1 includes Terms (classifications, thesauri, ontologies).

Level 2 includes Definitions (dictionaries).

Level 3 includes Explanations (encyclopaedias).

Level 4 includes Titles (library catalogues, bibliographies).

Level 5 includes Partial Contents (abstracts, reviews, tables of contents)

In physical libraries these levels are in the reference room or catalogue rooms.

click to continue

Level 6 includes Full Contents, which are found in the stacks of physical libraries.

As McLuhan showed, Full Contents vary with the medium used.In mediaeval manuscripts, primary texts had secondary comments as scholia. The advent of printing led to a separation of primary texts and comments about them. Hence, traditional libraries distinguish between primary and secondary literature.This distinction has different names: e.g. between books and articles or between monographs and periodicals/serials.

As McLuhan showed, Full Contents vary with the medium used.In mediaeval manuscripts, primary texts had secondary comments as scholia. The advent of printing led to a separation of primary texts and comments about them. Hence, traditional libraries distinguish between primary and secondary literature.This distinction has different names: e.g. between books and articles or between monographs and periodicals/serials.

click to continue


1. Terms2. Definition3. Explanations4. Titles5. Partial Contents6. Full Contents7. Internal Analyses8. External Analyses9. Restorations10. Reconstructions

Level 6 includes Full Contents, which are found in the stacks of physical libraries.

A next level includes Full Contents

A next level includes Full Contents

SUMS also offers 4 other Levels of Knowledge

SUMS also offers 4 other Levels of Knowledge


1. Terms2. Definition3. Explanations4. Titles5. Partial Contents6. Full Contents7. Internal Analyses8. External Analyses9. Restorations10. Reconstructions

Printing also introduced 4 other distinctions in literature not yet fully reflected in stacks.

Level 7 if some literature analyses one text, painting, painter (monograph,catalogue raisonnée)

Level 8 if some literature compares a text, painter with their context.

Level 9 if some literature focuses on restorations to an object (book, apinting etc).

Level 10 some literature focuses on reconstructions.

In physical libraries levels 7 and 8 were typically roughly separated in the stacks.Level 9 was specialist literature acquired only by conservation institutes.Level 10 was not large enough to constitute a separate category.

In physical libraries levels 7 and 8 were typically roughly separated in the stacks.Level 9 was specialist literature acquired only by conservation institutes.Level 10 was not large enough to constitute a separate category.

click to continue

The new media have brought three fundamental changes to the traditional situation.

First they have increased immensely the scale of access to collections of 40-120 million.This means that levels 7 and 8 need more careful separation.

Second, they have made us aware that restorations are more than fixes. They affect fundamentally our understanding of an object. Hence interventions of a small group of conservators are now of general interest.

Third, the advent of VR and AR has brought an explosion in the scope of reconstructions.Hence reconstructions need to become a separate category of secondary literature.

The new media have brought three fundamental changes to the traditional situation.

First they have increased immensely the scale of access to collections of 40-120 million.This means that levels 7 and 8 need more careful separation.

Second, they have made us aware that restorations are more than fixes. They affect fundamentally our understanding of an object. Hence interventions of a small group of conservators are now of general interest.

Third, the advent of VR and AR has brought an explosion in the scope of reconstructions.Hence reconstructions need to become a separate category of secondary literature.

click to continue

Larger Vision

In the larger vision of SUMS these Levels in turn become one of 10 classes of Choices:

New media are changing our approaches to reference rooms and secondary literature. SUMS reflects these changes in 10 levels of knowledge:

New media are changing our approaches to reference rooms and secondary literature. SUMS reflects these changes in 10 levels of knowledge:

click to continue

Let’s open 10 classes of Choices

Let’s open 10 classes of Choices

click to continue

Click Choices


1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

1. Access includes goals and strategies, visualisation methods, and personal preferences.


1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

2. Learning identifies the level of the user and their methods of learning.


1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools


1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

For instance, a six year old child would be overwhelmed by the catalogue of the BL.A six year old child needs catalogues of children’s libraries.A general reader needs catalogues in translation. An expert needs catalogues in their original language.

A full version of SUMS will use Access and Learning choices to personalize access. Users can at any stage adjust their access (goals, strategies) and learning levels.

click to continue

For instance, a six year old child would be overwhelmed by the catalogue of the BL.A six year old child needs catalogues of children’s libraries.A general reader needs catalogues in translation. An expert needs catalogues in their original language.

A full version of SUMS will use Access and Learning choices to personalize access. Users can at any stage adjust their access (goals, strategies) and learning levels.

click to continue

3. Levels, as we have seen, provides a layered approach to knowledge.


1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

4. Media will give access to the whole range of new media: film, video, VR etc.

The SUMS demo focuses on traditional media: books, dissertations, articles

Classes 1 and 2 assure that this access is appropriately filtered qua competence and need. Classes 3 and 4 are the key to full access to knowledge and information. Classes 5 to 9 provide further methods for studying the above knowledge.Class 10 provides tools for editing and creating new knowledge.

click to continue

The SUMS demo focuses on traditional media: books, dissertations, articles

Classes 1 and 2 assure that this access is appropriately filtered qua competence and need. Classes 3 and 4 are the key to full access to knowledge and information. Classes 5 to 9 provide further methods for studying the above knowledge.Class 10 provides tools for editing and creating new knowledge.

click to continueCHOICE

1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

5. Quality helps us to examine knowledge in terms of qualitative distinctions.


1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

6. Quantity helps us to examine knowledge in terms of quantitative methods.


1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools

7. Questions allows us to further refine our basic questions.

The large questions Who, What, Where etc. identify a focus on persons, subjects, places. The class 7 questions help to identify when a person lived, where a subject was etc. In a sense SUMS is a semi-automation of the 20 questions game.

The large questions Who, What, Where etc. identify a focus on persons, subjects, places. The class 7 questions help to identify when a person lived, where a subject was etc. In a sense SUMS is a semi-automation of the 20 questions game.

click to continue


1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Leisure10. Time11. Tools


8. Space helps us to explore knowledge in geographical terms.

In a full-blown version this will be linked with UMTS, GPS and GIS.In the demo version this class is reflected in the map in the lower left hand corner.Clicking on this gives a map. Clicking on regions of the map will in future taken one down to different scales. The small boxes of choices will give access to different types and scales of maps.

In a full-blown version this will be linked with UMTS, GPS and GIS.In the demo version this class is reflected in the map in the lower left hand corner.Clicking on this gives a map. Clicking on regions of the map will in future taken one down to different scales. The small boxes of choices will give access to different types and scales of maps.

click to continue


1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Time10. Tools


9. Time helps us to explore knowledge in temporal terms.

This includes adjusting the scale of our study: from millions of years to nanoseconds.It also entails using different calendars: e.g. Hindu, Hebrew, Gregorian, Islamic.

This includes adjusting the scale of our study: from millions of years to nanoseconds.It also entails using different calendars: e.g. Hindu, Hebrew, Gregorian, Islamic.

click to continue


1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Time10. Tools


10. Tools help us to edit existing knowledge and create new knowledge.

A full blown version of SUMS will include integration of existing packages for:writing (e.g. Word) editing images (e.g. Adobe)creating images (e.g. Catia, Maya, 3D-Studio Max)editing film etc. (e.g. ) Tools also contain the help functions

A full blown version of SUMS will include integration of existing packages for:writing (e.g. Word) editing images (e.g. Adobe)creating images (e.g. Catia, Maya, 3D-Studio Max)editing film etc. (e.g. ) Tools also contain the help functions

click to continue

Larger Vision

The power of SUMS lies in a fully modular approach. In its early stages the range of choices in any given list are provided by the system.In future, advanced users will be able to customise these choices as they proceed.E.g. experts on Islamic philosophy or physics will want access to different core libraries. Access will allow them to choose a few key ones they use constantly from a long list. They will thus have their own customised search engine.

click to continue

In the Internet today there are two main trends.One assumes that a single search field can be enough.This began with the browser wars and continues with Google.The problem is that a single field cannot deal with subsets.We can search for Alberti and/or for his On Painting but cannot find a given edition.

click to continue

Another, attempts to collect everything on a given subject in one place:E.g.s range from the WWW virtual library, to networked catalogues (GBV)Ten years ago the problem was in finding enough. Today the problem lies in finding too much.No sane individual has time to sort through 1 million hits.The challenge now lies in creating intelligent limits to our searching.

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Larger Vision

SUMS meets these challenges through a new approach. SUMS assumes that users should have up to 6 questions to define their initial search.Defining the goal ahead of time makes Why implicit and means we can focus on 5 questions. Class 7 questions allows one to further refine these basic questions. SUMS recognizes that finding everything on a subject is in a sense only the beginning.The challenge is to help the user navigate these findings with becoming overwhelmed.SUMS does this through a whole series of carefully structured choices.These choices are in fact questions posing as 1 word choices.

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SUMS thus guides users electronically through a series of implicit questions.These are much like the actual questions a research reference librarian might ask:Why? What is the purpose of your research?How? How are you proceeding? With books, Internet, Dissertation and other Abstracts?When? What period are you studying? Today? Renaissance?Where? What locations interest you? Your own country? Europe? Global?What? What is the precise topic?Who? Who are you studying? One individual, a group, a movement?

There are many debates today whether material is reliable, of sufficient quality.These are important discussions.We should not forget that all important fields have mechanisms in place to assure quality. Including the source of the material and the bodies that have accepted it is thus vital.  

SUMS is a first step towards a System for Universal Multi-Media Searching (SUMMA).

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1. Access2. Learning3. Levels4. Media5. Quality6. Quantity7. Questions8. Space9. Time10. Tools


The end.

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The end.

For additional information, visit our web-sait

Maastricht 12-13 March 2004.
