Page 1: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

Welcome to the Year 5Information Evening

Page 2: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

Our Year - Our Team

Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs

Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

Page 3: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

Weekly Timetable

What are the themes in Year 5?

• Term 1 - Tudor Explorers• Term 2 – France• Term 3 – Caribbean • Term 4 – Iron Age• Term 5 – Industrial Revolution• Term 6 – What is Art?/Production

Page 4: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

Maths: Term 1 Block 1 Large numbers

Block 2 Multiplication and division Block 3 Fractions Block 4 Addition and subtraction Block 5 Geometry

Block 6 Multiplication and division

Page 5: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

English: Term 1

Active English

Block 1 Classic Fiction

• The Jungle Book• Just So Stories

Block 2 Recounts• UFOs and Aliens

Block 3 Slam Poetry

Page 6: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy


Earth and Space

Changing State and Gases

Evolution and Inheritance



Page 7: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

The children will be working on the Year 5 standards in the new National Curriculum.

How do we judge how well your children are progressing?

•Sharing learning objectives and success criteria together. •Questioning•Partners/Small group work•Self evaluation•TASC/ Using and Applying•Guided groups•Recorded work•Summative assessment

Page 8: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

Homework Mr Fell will give homework out on a Friday

which will consist of Spellings, Maths and English (Mrs Beeden will provide her group with English on Thursday). This will be returned on the following Wednesday.

Mrs Beeden will give homework out on a Wednesday which will consist of a research activity based on the termly theme. This needs to be returned on Wednesday.

Page 9: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

What’s happening? 1/10/15 – Harvest Festival 7/10/15&15/10/15 Parents’ Evenings 8/10/15 Individual Photos 4/12/15 Christmas Fair 5/12/15 Grimethorpe Concert 15/12/15 Carol Service 16/12/15 Whole School Christmas Service 18/12/15 Carols on the Playground Week of the13/6/16 Ilam Residential

Page 10: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

What can you do to help your child?

Listening to your child read and questioning them about what they have read.

Times tables need to be learned. Use numbers (large ones) where possible. Use Maths in everyday situations, ask your child

to tell you the time, what will it be in …? Encourage your child to be involved with money

when shopping, using the right amount of coins etc.

Page 11: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

Useful Information•PE – This is on Friday with Mr Fell and Games on a Thursday with Mrs Oakley. Children will need trainers and track suit bottoms on this day. •Please ensure that hair is tied back and all earrings removed on these days.•Forest schools will continue. This is a valuable learning experience for children. Further information will be sent out in due course.•Children need to bring their water bottles containing water every day. •Please keep big bags to a minimum as we do not have room to store things that do not fit in their lockers.

Page 12: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

Remember the school website for additional information.

Page 13: Welcome to the Year 5 Information Evening. Our Year - Our Team Mr Fell, Mrs Beeden, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Green, Mrs Oakley, Mrs Robinson & Mrs Ruddy

We look forward to an exciting term ahead!Thank you foryour time.
