
Instant Analysis of the Human Energy Field Mapping Organs & Systems

Wellness Breakthrough

Introduction and Training to GDV & Bio-Well  Two Day Specialized Certification Course

Presented by Inventor Dr. Konstantin Korotkov

Researcher & Educator Krishna Madappa

First Time in North America

Marriott Courtyard, Louisville (Boulder, Colorado)

September 13 -14



Daily Session: 10am - 5pm each day

Cost: $375. lunch included

Date: September 13-14

The Workshop, to be taught by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov and Krishna Madappa, who will provide the foundational knowledge necessary to properly measure and quantify readings of the human energy f ield using the Bio-Well device. Completion of the 2-Day seminar will allow participants to achieve Level 1&2 Certification.

All Bio-Well customers, who have not yet been certified, are encouraged to attend. Additionally, anyone interested in learning the processes of the Bio-Well device and Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) technique, who may not yet own a Bio-

Well, are welcome to join us and experience this revolutionary technology.

Sessions will take place 10AM – 5PM both days. The cost of the 2-Day Workshop is $375.00 which includes lunch.

Guests are welcome to stay at the Workshop venue, the Marriott Courtyard, and take advantage of a reduced rate offered to our attendees - $119.00 per night. This rate will be available September 12-14.

AnnouncingBio-Well Training & Certification Workshop

September 13-14, 2014, Marriott Courtyard Boulder/Lousiville

in Boulder, Colorado.

Register for WorkshopContact: Krishna Madappa [email protected]/conferences.html

For Room contact at MarriottContact: Steve Grantowitz 303-222-3822

[email protected]: 948 W. Dillion Rd, Louisville,Colorado

Airport: Denver

HOW DOES BIO-WELL WORK?Using the powerful technology of Gas Discharge Visualization, Bio-Well illustrates the state of a person’s energy field. When a scan is taken, a high intensity electrical field stimulates emission of photons and electrons from human skin; powerful imaging technology captures photon emissions given off by each finger. The images are then mapped to various organs and systems of the body, tapping into Chinese energy meridians. The images created using the Bio-Well system are based on the notions of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This concept was first proposed by Dr. Reinhold Voll in Germany, later further developed by Dr. Peter Mandel, and then clinically verified and corrected through 18 years of clinical research by a team led by Dr. Konstantin Korotkov in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Bio-Well utilizes a weak, completely painless electrical current applied to the fingertips for less than a millisecond. The body’s response to this stimulus is the formation of a variation of an “electron cloud” composed of light energy photons. The electronic “glow” of this discharge (invisible to the human eye) is captured by an optical CCD camera system and then translated into a digital computer file. The data from each test is converted to a unique “Photonic Profile”, which is compared to the database of hundreds of thousands of data records using 55 distinct parametric discriminates, and charted so that it is available for discussion and analysis. A graph of the findings is presented as a two-dimensional image. To study these images, fractal, matrix, and various algorithmic techniques are linked and analyzed.

Cost: $1,199. USDThere will have a few Bio-well’s available on site for purchase.


The incredible implications for energy analysis of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual conditions with applications in wellness, psychology, sound therapy, biophysics, genetics, forensic science, agriculture, ecology etc. have only just begun.

Dr. Korotkov is a Professor of Physics at St. Petersburg Federal Research University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics in Saint Petersburg, Russia. He is a leading scientist internationally renowned for his pioneering research on the human energy field. Professor Korotkov developed the Gas Discharge Visualization technique, based on the Kirlian effect in 1995.

Krishna Madappa is the senior world trainer for all GDV Technologies at the highest level. - Level 3 Certification

Krishna has been personally trained by the inventor, Dr. Konstantin Korotkov. with direct association for over 15 years. They have conducted joint seminars, workshops, and experimental transformational workshops together globally.

Krishna Madappa is the President and Co-founder of the Institute for Science, Spirituality and Sustainability in Taos, New Mexico.

Presented By

Dr. Korotkov

Krishna Madappa

1. Physical basis of luminescence formation.The physiological factors that may influence the process of visualization. GDV-GRAMM and its characteristics.2. Studying of a specific model of the GDV equipment and its complete set.3. General safety principles for operating the device, Preparation, connection and adjustment o f t h e G D V / B i o - W e l l e q u i p m e n t , Recommendations for optimum use of the device for your research and wellness application.4. Software Download & Installation on thecomputer. The basic functions and options of GDV Image Capture program. Rules of capture of a test object and calibration procedures. Potential problems and ways of their elimination.

5. Rules of GDV-GRAMM registration of fingers. Purpose and use of reference electrode. The analysis of GDV-GRAMM technical defects.6. The protocol of work with a subject. Conditions of individuals’ preparation for GDV/Bio-Well testing.7. Complex of programs: Working with the Bio-Well Software Programs online and offline: Energy field, Chakra, Balance, Health Status, Energy Status, Report generation, Stress tests and more.8. Practical work Processing, Analysis andinterpretation of the received data, ways of preservation of the information or saving data.9. The bases of calibration and preparation for environmental assessment using Sputnik. This could continue on to day two.

Technique and the Working Principle of the GDV Equipment plus Bio-Well

Day 1

Theoretical basis of the GDV analysis• Concepts of traditional Chinese medicine • Su Jok therapy elements • Ayurvedic medicine (human chakra system) • Complementary medicine• Modern representations about regulating function of vegetative nervous system etc.Practical bases of the GDV analysis• Types of the GDV images. Dependence of GDV-GRAMM types on age and body condition of the analyzed subjects• Comparative analysis of the results before and after different treatments• Evaluation of human energy supply• L-R symmetry • Definition of perturbed zones and or vulnerable fields

• Concept of entropy - degree of disorder/chaos to coherent models • Evaluation of psycho-emotional intensity and stress level • Sector analysis. Characteristics of sector defects. Concepts of energy surplus and energy deficiency • Transformational Case StudiesAnalysis of GDV-GRAMM of subjects with various situations or event horizons.Features of GDV monitoring of the subject's condition during any intervention plan. Practical work.We will also be introducing practical work on studies on water and materials.

Day 2Analysis principles of GDV bio-electrography technique  

Materials Provided

All participants will be provided with specialized reference materials as in Power Points or hand outs.

H a v i n g f i n i s h e d t h i s c o u r s e y o u w i l l g e t a certificate confirming your right to work with GDV equipment.

NOTE: Recommended books and DVD's will be suggested to every professional seeker who intends to learn and apply the advanced science of bio-electrography towards collective and individual integral wellness.


A final review of the 2 days will be the assessment of the understanding before certification. Having successfully completed the course you will receive a certificate confirming your aptitude to work with GDV equipment plus the Bio-Well.

Self Analysis

Video - View Here

Materials Provided

All participants will be provided with specialized reference materials as in Power Points or hand outs.

H a v i n g f i n i s h e d t h i s c o u r s e y o u w i l l g e t a certificate confirming your right to work with GDV equipment.

NOTE: Recommended books and DVD's will be suggested to every professional seeker who intends to learn and apply the advanced science of bio-electrography towards collective and individual integral wellness.


A final review of the 2 days will be the assessment of the understanding before certification. Having successfully completed the course you will receive a certificate confirming your aptitude to work with GDV equipment plus the Bio-Well.

Self Analysis

Video - View Here

Instant Analysis

Easy to UseCompact & Portable

Assessments Before and After Treatments

FEATURES• The scanning process is quick, easy, non-

intrusive, and can be performed daily for consistent tracking of results.

• A powerful tool that provides you with a wealth of rich data to help identify areas to tend to as you work towards personal coherence.

• Get real time feedback on what factors – positive and negative –affect your energy state.

• System provides instant graphic representations of the data to allow for reference and interpretation.

• Displays data in an easily understood format using graphic representations; placing indicators within the outline of the human form for ease of discussion.

• View each scan in a variety of interesting ways with up to seven result display options.

• One-click save or print a report containing all data points of each scan.

• With the Sputnik add-on, measure environment and the affect of objects on your energy too!


• State-of-the-art, sleek camera that doesn’t require a power source. It simply connects to your computer with a USB-cable (included).

• Conduct scans, view results and access previous scans through the accompanying, sophisticated Bio-Well software.

• Monitor your energy state throughout time in order to track your responses to physical and mental exercises, response to weather changes, and different loading.

• Monitor the energy history of your family and friends.

• Customize your experience by only paying for the scan types and data views you need with three subscription level options.

• Store historical scans for as long as you’re a subscriber.

Add-on a Sputnik Environmental Sensor

• The primary outputs of the Bio-Well device connected to the Sputnik sensor are the energy parameters of the space, which allows to evaluate geo-active zones, both positive and negative.


Instant Analysis of the Human Energy Field Mapping Organs & Systems

The EPC/GDV technique is accepted by Russian Ministry of Health as a Medical technology and certified in Europe. More than 2000 doctors, practitioners and researchers benefit from using this technology worldwide. More than 250 papers are published on GDV across the world.

Register for WorkshopContact: Krishna Madappa

[email protected]/conferences.html 575-770-3304

Wellness Breakthrough