Page 1: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food
Page 2: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

• Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following:

• The food choices you make.• The amount of physical activity you get.• How you manage your feeling and

emotions.• How you handle certain social situations.

Page 3: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

Each year, advertisers spend millions of dollars to sell food products.

Page 4: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

• Growth, development, and function.

• Fitness

• Job Performance

• Appearance

• Reduces risk of Illness

• Reduces long-term health

Page 5: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

• Getting too little or too much of a nutrient can cause malnutrition.

• A nutrient shortage, called a nutrient deficiency, can cause skin rashes, depression, hair loss, bleeding gums, and night blindness.

Page 6: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

• The US Department of Agriculture recommends the following calorie intakes:

• 2800 calories for teen males, many active men, and very active women.

• 2200 calories for most children, teen females, active women, and many inactive men.

• 1600 calories for many inactive women and most older adults.

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Vitamins Males 14-18 Females 14-18 Minerals Males 14-18 Females 14-18

Folate 400 400 Calcium 1300 1300

Niacin 16 14 Iodine 150 150

Riboflavin 1.3 1.0 Iron 11 15

Thiamin 1.2 1.0 Magnesium 410 360

Vatamin A 900 700 Manganese 2.2 1.6

Vitamin C 75 65 Molybedenum 43 43

Vitamin D 5 5 Phosphorus 1250 1250

Vitamin E 15 15 Zinc 11 9

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Recommended Sources of Calories

• Carbohydrates and proteins provide 4 calories per gram, where fats provide 9 calories per gram.

• 30 percent of calories you in are from fat; 60 percent from carbs, and 10 percent from protein.

Page 9: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

• Carbohydrates

• Fats

• Proteins

• Vitamins

• Minerals

• Water

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• The body’s main source of energy is carbohydrates, also known as starches and sugars.

• Found in fruits, vegetables, grain products, and dry beans and peas.

• Generally the least expensive form of energy you can buy.

• Not eating enough carbohydrates can cause your body to use other energy-producing nutrients for energy; however, this keeps those nutrients from doing their specialized jobs.

• Carbohydrates fall into two categories: complex and simple.

Page 11: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

Complex Carbohydrates

• Can be broken down into two subcategories: starches and dietary fiber.

• Found in dry beans, peas, and lentils; potatoes, corn, rice, pasta, breads.

Page 12: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

Dietary Fibers

• Dietary fiber is the only form of carbohydrate that does not provide energy.

• Consists of nondigestible plant materials.

• Found in fruits, vegetables, grain products, and dry beans and peas.

Page 13: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

Insoluble Fiber

• Will not dissolve in water, instead it absorbs it [like a sponge]

• Helps food move thorough the large intestine at a normal rate.

• Lowers the risk of colon cancer.

• Found mainly in fruit and vegetable skins and whole wheat or wheat bran products.

• Dissolves in water.• Increases the thickness

of the stomach contents.• Reduces blood

cholesterol levels.• Found in fruits,

vegetables, dry beans, peas, lentils, and oat products.

Soluble Fiber

Page 14: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

How Much Fiber?• The American Dietetic Association

recommends 20 to 35 grams of dietary fiber a day for adults.

• To find your daily fiber needs, add 5 to your age. [ex. 13 year olds need 18 grams of fiber daily]

Page 15: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

• Simple carbohydrates, or sugars, are a natural part of many foods.

• Provide other nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals.

• Fructose are found in fruit products.

• Maltose found in grain products.

• Lactose found in dairy products.

Page 16: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

• Sugars extracted from plants and used as a sweetener.

• Most widely used refined sugar is sucrose [table sugar].

• Others include corn syrup, honey, maple syrup, molasses, and brown sugar.

• Refined sugars do not supply nutrients other than carbohydrates.

• Eating large amounts sweetened foods can lead to excess weight and health problems.

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• Proteins are mainly used to help the body grow and repair worn-out or damaged parts.

• One-fifth of your body’s total weight is protein, such as your hair, eyes, skin, muscles, and bones.

• Also regulate important body processes; they play a major role in fighting disease.

• Found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, dry beans, peas, and peanuts.

• Too much protein can be harmful. It can stress the kidneys as the body works to break down the extra protein and remove the byproducts.

• Proteins are made of chains of chemical building blocks called amino acids.

• Your body can make all but 9 of the 22 known amino acids, called essential amino acids.

• Complete proteins are proteins that supply all nine essential amino acids.

• Except for soybeans, all foods from plant sources supply incomplete proteins, or proteins that lack one or more essential amino acid.

• Health experts recommend people get more protein from plants than animals because plants have less fat.

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• Fats promote healthy skin and normal cell growth, and carry vitamins A, D, E, and K.

• Fats stored in the body provide a reserve supply of energy and act as a cushion to protect your heart, liver, and other vital organs.

• Eating too much fat and the wrong kinds can increase the risk of illness such as heart disease and cancer, and obesity.

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• Cholesterol is not fat, but a fatlike substance found in all body cells.

• Contributes to digesting of fat and the skin’s production of vitamin D.

• Cholesterol does not float through bloodstreams, but in chemical “packages” called lipoproteins [LDL & HDL]

LDL [low-density lipoprotein] – takes cholesterol from the liver to where it is needed. Too much LDL cholesterol can build up in artery walls, increasing risk of heart disease or stroke. LDL cholesterol is known as “bad” cholesterol.

HDL [high-density lipoprotein] – picks up excess cholesterol and takes it back to the liver, keeping it from causing harm. This is known as the “good” cholesterol.

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Saturated and Unsaturated Fats

• For most people, the amounts and types of fats eaten have a greater effect on blood cholesterol levels than does the amount of cholesterol eaten.

• There are three basic kinds of fatty acids, fats found in butter, corn oil, etc.:

• Saturated fats raise the level of LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream. Found in meat, poultry skin, whole-milk dairy products, and tropical oils.

• Polyunsaturated fats lower cholesterol levels. Found in corn oil, soybean oil, and safflower oil.

• Monounsaturated fats lower LDL levels and raise HDL levels. Found in olives, avocados, peanuts, and canola oil.

• A simply rule of thumb is that fats that are solid at room temp , such as utter are made of mainly saturated fatty acids. Fats that are liquid at room temp are primarily unsaturated fatty acids.

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Page 22: Wellness is a philosophy that encourages people to take responsibility for their own health. Wellness influences your health in the following: The food

Trans Fats

• Most trans fats are produced when food processors turn liquid fats into solids to lengthen a product’s shelf life.

• Hydrogenation is a process that adds missing hydrogen atoms to unsaturated fat. The products gains a firmer texture, but becomes more unhealthy.

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• Vitamins help keep your body’s tissues healthy and its many systems working properly. They also help carbohydrates, fats, and proteins do their work.

• Antioxidants are substances that protect body cells and the immune system from harmful chemicals in the air, certain foods, and tobacco smoke. Other studies say some vitamins can protect against illnesses such as heart disease and cancer.

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Thiamin (Vitamin B)•Helps turn carbohydrates into energy•Needed for muscle coordination and a healthy nervous system

•Enriched and whole-grain breads and cereals•Dry beans and peas•Lean Pork•Liver

Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) •Helps your body release energy from carbohydrates, fats, and proteins

•Enriched breads and cereals•Milk and other dairy products•Green leafy vegetables•Eggs•Meat, poultry, and fish

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)•Helps maintain healthy capillaries, bones, skin, and teeth•Helps your body heal wounds and resist infections•Aids in absorption of iron•Helps form collagen, which gives structure to bones, cartilage, muscle, and blood vessels•Works as an antioxidant

•Fruits-citrus fruits [oranges, grapefruit, tangerine], cantaloupe, guava, kiwi, mango, papaya, strawberries•Vegetables-bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage, kale, plantains, potatoes, tomatoes

Folate (folacin, Folic acid)•Teams with vitamin B12 to help build red blood cells and form genetic material•Helps prevent birth defects•Helps your body use proteins•May help protect against heart disease

•Green leafy vegetables•Dry beans and peas•Fruits•Enriched and whole-grain breads

Vitamin B12•Helps your body use carbohydrates, fats, and proteins•Teams with B12 to help build red blood cells and form genetic material•Needed for a healthy nervous system

•Found naturally in animal foods, such as meat, poultry, fish shellfish, eggs, and dairy products,•Some fortified food•Some nutritional yeasts

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Vitamin/Function Food SourcesVitamin A•Helps protect from infections•Helps form & maintain healthy skin, hair, mucous membranes, bones, and teeth•Helps you see normally at night•Works as an antioxidant•Helps in reproduction

•Dairy products•Liver•Egg yolks•Foods high in beta carotene

Vitamin D•Helps your body use calcium and phosphorus•Helps your body build strong and healthy bones and teeth

•Fortified dairy products•Egg yolks•Higher-fat fish –salmon and mackerel•Fortified breakfast cereals and margarine

Vitamin E•Works as an antioxidant

•Nuts and seeds•Green leafy vegetables•Wheat germ•Vegetable oils

Vitamin K•Necessary for blood to clot normally

•Green leafy vegetables•Fruits and other vegetables•Dairy products•Egg yolks•Wheat bran and wheat germ

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• Most minerals become a part of your body, such as your teeth and bones. Others are used to make substances that your body needs.

• Major minerals-needed in relatively large amounts [calcium, phosphorus, magnesium].

• Electrolytes-maintain body fluid balance [potassium, sodium, and chloride].

• Trace minerals-needed in small amounts, but also important [zinc, iron, copper, iodine, selenium].

• Too little iodine can cause thyroid problems, which is needed for growth and development

• Too much sodium, or too little potassium can link to high blood pressure.

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Mineral/Functions Food Sources

Calcium• Helps build bone and maintain bone strength• Helps prevent osteoporosis• Helps regulate blood clotting, nerve activity, and other

body processes• Needed for muscle contraction, including the heart

• Dairy products• Canned fish with edible bones• Dry beans, peas, and lentils• Dark green, leafy vegetables—broccoli, spinach, and turnip

greens• Tofu made with calcium sulfate• Calcium-fortified orange juice and soy milk

Mineral/Functions Food SourcesSodium• Helps maintain the fluid balance in your body• Helps with muscle and nerve action• Helps regulate blood pressure

• Tables salt• Processed foods

Chloride• Helps maintain the fluid balance in your body• Helps transmit nerve signals

• Table salt

Potassium• Helps maintain the fluid balance in your body• Helps maintain the heartbeat• Helps with muscle and nerve action• Helps maintain normal blood pressure

• Fruits—bananas, and oranges• Vegetables• Meat, poultry, fish• Dry beans and peas• Dairy products

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Mineral/Functions Food Sources

Iodine• Responsible for your body’s use of energy

• Meat, fish, shellfish• Egg yolks• Dark green, leafy vegetables• Dry beans and peas• Enriched or whole-grain products• Dried fruits

Copper• Helps iron make red blood cells• Helps your heart work properly

• Saltwater fish• Iodized salt

Zinc• Helps your body make proteins, heal wounds,

and form blood• Affects the senses of taste and smell• Helps your body use Vitamin A

• Meat, liver, poultry, fish, shellfish• Dairy products• Dry beans and peas, peanuts• Whole-grain breads and cereals• Eggs• Miso

Fluoride• Helps strengthen teeth and prevent cavities

• Small amounts are added to the water supply to help improve dental health in many communities

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• Phytochemicals-disease-fighting nutrients in plant foods• Current estimates suggest that every plant has at least 50 to 100

different phytochemicals

Phytochemical Food Source Potential Health Benefits

Beta carotene • Yellow and orange fruits and vegetables

Dark green vegetables

• May play role in slowing the progression of cancer

Lutein • Kale, spinach, collards, mustard greens, romaine lettuce; only in green leafy vegetables

• May protect against blindness

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• Often called the “forgotten nutrient,” water is actually the one most critical to survival.

• About 50-60% of your body is water.• Helps bread foods down to nutrients, and carries the

nutrients to the cells that need them.• Helps your joints stay lubricated, skin stays soft, and

mind is alert.• Filters out impurities and gets rid of waste products.• About 2-3 quarts of water is used by your body daily.• Dehydration, or lack of water, can occur if you don’t

replenish yourself; drink about 8 cups daily.• Milk, fruit juice, soup, and fresh fruits and vegetables

also can supply water.

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• The process of breaking down food into usable nutrients is known as digestion.

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• The stomach is the widest part of the digestive system.

• The walls of the stomach manufacture gastric juices—combo of acid and enzymes that helps in the chemical breakdown of food.

• Food is churned until it turns into a thick liquid called chyme (KIME).

• Carbohydrates are the shortest to digest; about 1-2 hours.

• Proteins are longer; about 3-5 hours.• Fats take the longest; up to 7 hours

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• The chyme from the stomach enters the small intestine and is acted on by 3 types of digestive juices:

• Bile, a substance that helps your body digest and absorb fats. Produced in the liver and stored in the gall bladder until needed.

• Pancreatic juice, contains enzymes that help break down carbs, proteins, and fats.

• Intestinal juice, made in the small intestine. Works with others to break down food.

• When fully broken, carbs are turned in a simply sugar, the body’s basic fuel supply, called glucose.

• Fats are changed into fatty acids.• Proteins are broken down into amino acids.• Vitamins, minerals, and water do not need to be broken down.

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• Once food has been broken down, digestion is complete; however, your body still has work to do. It must absorb the nutrients.

• Most absorption takes place in your small intestine.

•After the nutrients are absorbed by the villi of the small intestine, they are carried through a blood vessel called the portal vein to the liver,

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How Nutrients Are Used

• Oxidation is a process when fuel is combined with oxygen to produce energy.

• Your body uses energy for 2 basic purposes:• Automatic processes-such as breathing, digesting food,

and creating new cells. Even when sleeping your body is using minimal amounts of energy. The minimal amount of energy required to maintain the life process is called basal metabolism.

• Physical activities-such as work and exercise.• About 2/3 of the calories used are for basal metabolism.

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