


Government of West Bengal Cooperation Department

Writers’ Buildings, Kolkata – 700001


No. 179-Coop/H/2R-1/2006 (Pt.) Dated, Kolkata, the 18th January, 20011 - WHEREAS the State Government, may after previous publication in the Official Gazette, make rules as required under sub-section (1) of section 157 of the West Bengal Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 (West Ben. Act XL of 2006) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act);

AND WHEREAS the State Government is of the opinion that in the public interest, such rules may be made without previous publication and should be brought into force at once;

NOW, THEREFORE, the Governor in exercise of the power conferred to the proviso to sub-section (1) of section 157 of the said Act, is pleased hereby to make the following rules, namely:-




1. Short title and commencement

(1) These rules may be called the West Bengal Cooperative Societies Rules,2011;

(2) These shall come into force on such date as the State Government may, by

notification in the Official Gazette appoint and different dates may be appointed for different

provisions of these rules.

2. Definitions

(1) In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context – (a) the ‘Act’ means, the West Bengal Cooperative Societies Act, 2006(West Ben. Act XL of 2006); (b) ‘Additional Registrar of Cooperative Societies’, ‘Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies’,

‘Deputy Registrar of Cooperative Societies’, ‘Assistant Registrar of Cooperative Societies’ and ‘Cooperative Development Officer’ mean, respectively, persons appointed by those designations by the State Government to assist the Registrar of Cooperative Societies;

(c) ‘Additional Director of Cooperative Audit’, ‘Deputy Director of Cooperative Audit’, Assistant

Director of Cooperative Audit’ and ‘Senior Auditor of Cooperative Audit’ mean, respectively, persons appointed by those designations by the State Government to assist the Director of Cooperative Audit;

(d) ‘Applicant’ or ‘Chief Promoter’ shall mean the first signatory in the application for

registration; (e) ‘Collector’ means in case of Kolkata, the Collector of Kolkata and in a district, the Collector

of the district in charge of revenue administration; (f) ‘Distrainer’ means a person who is empowered by the Registrar to distrain and sell the

produce of mortgaged land including the standing crops thereon, in accordance with the provision of section 120;

(g) ‘Form’ means a form appended to these rules; (h) ‘Member’ includes delegates of members’ referred to section 28 of the Act and Joint Liability

Group (JLG);


(i) 'Manager’ includes an officer as defined in clause ( 47) of section 4;

(j) ‘Section’ means a section of the Act;

(k) ‘Family’ referred to in clause (a) of sub section (2) of section 93 shall include adult

son and adult daughter irrespective of marital status in addition to the members of

the family as defined under ‘Explanation’ of sub section (3) of section 16;

(l) ‘Forum of Arbitrators’ shall be constituted as per section 104;

(m) ‘Area of operation’ as mentioned under sub-section (5) of section 134 C means any

area where a society covered under Cooperative Credit Structure Entity may raise

deposit, make investment, issue loans and advances to members and nominal

members and also carry on different types of business as permitted by its bye-laws.

(2) Words and expressions used in these rules but not defined in the Act shall have the

same meaning as are respectively assigned to them in the Act.

3. Determination of one-half, one third, etc.

When any rule requires the determination of one-half, one-third or any other fraction

of a number and that number is not evenly divisible by 2, 3 or such other figure as may be

required, the number next above which is evenly divisible by 2, 3 or such other figure shall

be taken for the original number.

4. Forms

The forms appended to these rules or forms as near thereto as circumstances admit

shall be used in all matters to which these forms relate :

5. Net Profit

The ‘net profit’ of a cooperative society shall be the net profit specified in clause (44)

of section 4 .

6. Definition of Cooperative

Cooperatives are autonomous associations of persons united voluntarily to meet

their common needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically –

controlled enterprise and adhering to the cooperative principles and values.

7. Exemption of Cooperative Societies from provisions of this Act

Before issuing any order under section 11 of the Act, the State Government may

obtain a report from the Registrar and before preparing such report the Registrar shall cause

an inquiry under section 100 or inspection under section 99 to satisfy himself for offering his

views in connection to such exemption.


C H A P T E R - II


8. Restriction to formation of certain cooperative societies

(1) No Primary Cooperative Credit Society shall be registered unless applicants –

(i) reside or hold landed property in the same town or village or in the same group of

villages; or

(ii) are members of the same class or occupation.

(2) No apex or central society shall be registered unless it has, among its applicants, at

least ten cooperative societies. No federal cooperative shall be registered unless it

has among its applicant at least ten cooperative societies.

(3) Not more than three number of Block Level Mahila Self-Help Group Cooperative

Societies shall be registered.

9. Application for registration

(1) An application for registration of a cooperative society shall be submitted to the

Registrar in Form I and shall be signed by the applicants.

(2) Where a cooperative society is the applicant, the application shall be signed by an

officer of the society duly empowered to sign documents on its behalf.

(3) With every application there shall be submitted, duly signed by the applicants, four

copies of the bye-laws which the society proposes to adopt.

10. Registration of Society

(1) On receipt of the application, the Registrar shall satisfy himself that the application

and the bye-laws are in conformity with the provision of the Act, the Rules and the bye-laws

are suitable for –

(a) carrying out the objects of the society, and

(b) ensuring the safe conduct of the business of the society.

(2) When a society is registered, the Registrar shall grant Certificate of Registration in

Form II.

(3) On the registration of a society, four copies of its approved bye-laws as specified

under section 20 shall be stamped with the official seal of the Registrar, one of the said

copies shall be retained in the office of the Registrar, one copy together with Certificate of

Registration in Form II shall be communicated by hand or by registered post with

acknowledgement due to the society or the Chief Promoter of the society. A copy of the


Certificate of Registration in Form II shall be sent to the District Cooperative Union or the

State Cooperative Union as the case may be.

(4) If the society intends to be a member of a Central Society, a Federal Society or an

Apex Society, another copy of the approved bye-laws shall be sent to such Central or Federal

or Apex society.

11. Affiliation of Societies

After registration, all the societies shall affiliate with Central, Federation, Apex and

National Societies, as the case may be;

Provided that in case of societies covered under sub section (4) of section 134C shall

have the freedom of Choice of affiliation.

12. Amendment of bye-laws

A cooperative society may amend its bye-laws under section 19 and each such

amendment shall be submitted to the Registrar for registration in Form VIII

13. Making of Bye-laws

(1) Every Cooperative society shall make bye-laws in conformity with section 20.

(2) Bye Laws of Cooperative Society shall also include -

Where it is a consumers’ society, declaration of periodical rebates in appropriate cases on

the purchase made from the society by the member, making provision for the issue of shares

against the rebates so declared

3) Where there is conflict between the rules and the bye-laws, the provision of the rules

shall prevail.



Transfer of Assets and Change of Liabilities and Division and

Amalgamation of Cooperative Societies

14. Consultation with Apex Society

For the purpose of consultation envisaged in sub-section (1) of section 22, the

Registrar shall inform the Apex Society concerned about the necessity to order division,

amalgamation or reorganization requesting such Apex Society to give its views within thirty

days from the date of such communication.

15. Issue of order for division, amalgamation or re-organisation

(1) The draft of an order shall be sent to each of the concerned cooperative societies a by

registered post with acknowledgement due.

(2) After considering the suggestions or objections as per clause (b) of sub-section (2) of

section 22, the Registrar after giving an opportunity of being heard shall pass a final order

under sub-section (1) of section 22 and shall publish such order in the Official Gazette and

send copies thereof to the concerned Cooperative Societies and the concerned Apex Societies

and where the Cooperative societies are concerned with dispensing of agricultural credit, to

the Reserve Bank of India and the National Bank for Agricultural and Rural Development.

(3) Every Cooperative Society receiving a copy of the order as per sub-rule (2) shall

within thirty days of the receipt thereof, communicate, in writing, the substance thereof of

its members and creditors either by delivery by hand on taking proper receipt or by

registered post with acknowledgement due.

16. Promotion of subsidiary organization

Before promoting any subsidiary organization under section 25, each Cooperative

Society will be required to fix terms and conditions on the basis of which such subsidiary

organization is promoted and terms and conditions such fixed shall be placed before the

general body for its approval.

17. Audit of subsidiary organization and the partnership contract so entered by the cooperative societies Account of every subsidiary organization promoted by the cooperative societies as

provided under sub-section (1) of section 25 and account of each partnership contract

entered into by two or more societies as per provision of section 26 shall at least once in

each cooperative year, be audited at the expense of the cooperative society by the Director of

Cooperative Audit or by a person appointed or authorized by Director of Cooperative Audit

to act as Audit Officer provided under sub-section (1)(b) of section 97.




18. Prohibition of admission of members and transfer

of shares on the eve of General Meeting

No Cooperative Society shall admit a member or transfer shares of members within

thirty days prior to the date of the annual general meeting in which election of the Directors

of the Board is to be held and till assumption of charge by the new board.

19. Notice of General Meetings

(1) A Half-yearly General Meeting shall be convened by the Secretary or any other

officer authorized by the Board in accordance with the direction of the Board.

(2) When the Apex Cooperative Society or the Federal Cooperative Society or the

Central Cooperative Society or where there is no such society the Registrar or the

officer authorized by him, calls the annual general meeting under sub-section

(6) of section 29 or a half-yearly general meeting under sub-section (2) of section

30 or special general meeting under sub-section (2) of Section 31, the Secretary or

any other officer authorized under these rules to call annual general meeting,

half-yearly general meeting and special general meeting shall arrange to issue

and dispatch the notices of the meetings as may be required by the Apex

Cooperative Society or the federal society or the central society or the Registrar

where there is no such society or officers authorized by them as the case may

20. Annual General Meeting

(1) The first Annual General Meeting of every cooperative society shall be held within

fifteen months from the date of its registration and thereafter Annual General Meetings shall

be held as provided in section 29.

(2) If the Board fails to take steps or does not give direction to convene any Annual

General Meeting at least two months before the expiry of the period referred to in

sub-rule (1), the Chairman or in his absence the Vice-Chairman or in the absence of

both, the highest designated employee shall convene the meeting.

(3) Where an Annual General Meeting is required to be held by convoking

representatives, the election of delegates shall be completed before the period of two

months referred to in sub rule (1);


Provided that in case of failure of the Board to take steps or to give directions well in

advance towards the holding of such election within the prescribed period, the

Chairman or in his absence Vice Chairman or in the absence of both, the highest

designated employee shall perform such duties on behalf of the Board;

Provided further that where an Annual General Meeting is called by the Apex or the

Federal or the Central Cooperative Society or the Registrar, any officer of the

concerned cooperative society shall be authorized to hold election of delegates

within the time specified by the Apex or the Federal or the Central Cooperative

Society or by the Registrar or by the officer or person authorized by him as the case

may be.

(4) No person shall be qualified to be chosen as a representative or elected as a delegate

to join the general meeting of an Apex or Federal or Central society, if he is not a

member of any Cooperative Society affiliated to such society.

21. Special General Meeting

(1) The rules pertaining to Annual General Meeting shall apply, mutatis mutandis to a

Special General Meeting called under section 31.

(2) At a Special General Meeting, no business other than that specified in the relevant

notice shall be considered.

22. Requisition of Special General Meeting

A requisition for a Special General meeting to be convened under clause (b) of sub-

section (1) of section 31 shall state the object of the meeting, shall be signed by the members

requisitioning it and shall be sent to the registered office of the society.

23. Half-yearly General Meeting

On the failure of the Board to call the Half-yearly General Meeting within the period

as mentioned in section 30, the Apex Cooperative Society or the Federal Cooperative Society

or the Central Cooperative Society, as the case may be or where there is no such society,

Registrar shall call or authorize any of his officer to call the Half-yearly General Meeting

within a period of two months from the date of expiry of the period so mentioned.

24. Power of General Meeting

(1) The General Meeting of a Cooperative Society shall examine, in addition to those

mentioned in section 29, the annual report regarding working of the society and, in

particular, the work of the Board and shall be competent to take all steps that may be

necessary in the interest of the society.


(2) Every resolution at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes and if the votes

be equal, the matter shall be decided by the casting vote of the Chairman of the meeting.

25. Chairman of General Meeting

(1) (a) The Chairman, or in his absence the Vice-Chairman shall preside over Annual

or Special General Meeting or Half-yearly General Meeting and in the absence of the

both, one of the Directors in the panel mentioned in sub-rule (1) of rule 36 in the

order of their names in the panel, shall preside over the meeting. And in absence of

all in the panel, the members present shall elect one from amongst themselves to be

the Chairman of the meeting.

(b) Where there is no Board or the Board cannot function for any reason the

members present shall elect one from amongst themselves to be the Chairman of the


(c) If the Chairman of the meeting is a candidate for election, that item of agenda

of the meeting shall be presided over in terms of clause (a) as if the Chairman is


(d) After completion of discussion on every agendum, the Chairman shall

declare the resolution adopted or decision taken in the meeting before taking up the

next agendum.

(e) At the conclusion of the meeting the proceedings shall be signed by the

Chairman or Chairmen within three working days from the time the meeting

concluded and entered in the book kept for the purpose;

Provided that if an election officer is appointed by the Election Commission or by the

Registrar, the meeting dealing with the election agendum shall be presided over by

the election officer who shall sign the portion of the proceedings of the election.

(2) The Chairman shall maintain order in the meeting. He shall conduct the proceedings

in such manner as may be conducive to expeditious and effective disposal of business and

shall decide all points of order and his decision thereon shall be final. The Chairman may

direct any member to withdraw for improper conduct and the member so directed shall

immediately withdraw and shall not participate in the deliberations of the meeting and shall

not be entitled to vote without the permission of the Chairman. In the event of disorder the

Chairman may adjourn the meeting to a date not later than one month from the date of

adjournment. He shall declare simultaneously in the meeting the place, date and hour of

adjourned meeting and the remaining agenda to be discussed in such meeting. Notice for

such meeting shall be issued only to the absentee members and shall also be fixed in the


Notice Board of such cooperative society. The meeting shall not be adjourned for the second


(3) Where the business of the general meeting cannot be completed in course of one

sitting, the meeting shall be adjourned by the Chairman to the same day in the next week at

the same place and time. No notice for the adjourned meeting is required to be issued. The

meeting shall not be adjourned for the second time.

(4) The Board may by resolution invite any person whose expert opinion may be

beneficial to the society to remain present at any meeting for expressing his opinion if called

for by the Chairman.

26. Quorum of Annual or Half-yearly and/or Special General Meeting

(1) Unless a larger proportion is provided in the bye-law, the quorum of an Annual or

Half- yearly or Special General Meeting shall be one-fifth of total number of members or

delegates or representatives subsisting on the date of notice of the meeting. No business

shall be transacted at any meeting unless there is a quorum and the meeting shall be


(2) If within half-an-hour from the time appointed for the meeting a quorum is not

present, the meeting shall be adjourned ordinarily to the same day in the next week at the

same place and time. The meeting shall not be adjourned for the second time.

(3) The business to be transacted in the adjourned meeting shall be the same as in the

agenda of the original meeting and no fresh notice is necessary for such adjourned meeting :

Provided that no quorum shall be necessary at an Annual or Half-yearly or Special

General Meeting which had been adjourned under sub-rule(2):

Provided further that a Special General meeting which had been called on requisition

under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 31 shall not be adjourned but be dissolved.

27. Minutes of Annual General Meeting/ and other General Meetings

(1) Every Cooperative society shall cause minutes of proceedings of general meeting to

be entered in a book kept for that purpose.

(2) The minutes shall be drawn up and signed by the Chairman or Chairmen of the

meeting within three working days from the time when the meeting terminates.

(3) A general meeting of a society of which the proceedings have been so recorded, shall

be deemed to have been duly called and held.

28. Voting in Annual or Half-yearly or Special General Meeting

(1) Every member present at the meeting shall have only one vote. All voting excepting

in the case of an election shall be by show of hands. For the purpose of election a ‘poll’ or a


vote by ballots shall be held if demanded by at least 20 per centum of the members or

delegates, as on the date of notice of such election. A decision by the Chairman that a

resolution has been carried or lost and the entry to that effect in the minutes of the

proceedings shall be conclusive proof of whether the resolution has been carried or lost.

(2) A vote by ballot shall be taken in such manner as the election officer or the board in

absence of election officer may decide and the election shall be the first item in the list of

agenda of the meeting in which the election is held.

(3) When vote is taken, the number of members voting for or against the resolution shall

be recorded in the minutes of the proceedings. A member or delegate or representative shall

have no right to vote from outside the premises of the general or half-yearly or special

general meeting as the case may be, by post or any of his authorized person or by proxy or

in any other manner such as by way of circulation.

29. Chairman, Quorum, Minutes and voting in Half-yearly General Meeting

The rules pertaining to notice of Annual General Meeting, quorum of Annual

General Meeting, Minutes of Annual General Meeting and voting in Annual General

Meeting shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to a Half-yearly General Meeting.

30. Adjourned Annual, Half yearly and Special General Meeting

No quorum is required for any adjourned Annual, Half-yearly and Special General


31. General Meeting by delegates

(1) A Primary Cooperative Society with a membership of 1000 or more shall hold its

general meetings by convoking representatives (hereinafter referred to as delegates) of areas,

sections, constituencies as the case may be, instead of summoning all the members in

person on the basis that One delegate for every 25 members or major fraction thereof for a

society having a membership of 1000 and above.

(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1) the West Bengal State

Cooperative Bank Limited, the West Bengal State Cooperative Agriculture And Rural

Development Bank Limited, the Central Cooperative Banks and other apex and central

cooperative societies shall hold their respective general meetings by convoking

representatives (hereinafter referred to as the delegates) of section or categories, as the case

may be, instead of summoning all members in person on the following basis, namely: -


(a) in the case of West Bengal State Cooperative Bank Limited

(i) one delegate for every member Central Cooperative Bank and one delegate

from the area of operation of each Central Cooperative Bank (if any)

amalgamated with the State Cooperative Bank in terms of the scheme drawn

by the State Government;

(ii) one delegate for every member apex Cooperative society;

(iii) one delegate for every category of other member Cooperative societies

provided that there shall be one delegate for every twenty or a major fraction

thereof; and

(iv) one representative from the State Government where the State Government

is a shareholder;

(b) in the case of West Bengal State Cooperative Agriculture And Rural Development Bank Limited (i) one delegate for every member Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural

Development Bank ltd;

(ii) one delegate to be elected from the area of operation of each branch of the

West Bengal State Cooperative Agriculture And Rural Development Bank

Limited by the members in that area;

(iii) one delegate for every class of the other members; and

(iv) one representative of the State Government where the State Government is a


(c) in the case of Central Cooperative Banks or Central Cooperative Societies (i) one delegate for every Cooperative Society affiliated to the central

cooperative Bank or the central cooperative society concerned;

(ii) one representative of the State Government where the State Government is a


(d) in the case of other apex cooperative societies

(i) one delegate from every member cooperative society;

(ii) one representative from the State Government where the State

Government is a shareholder.

(3) No person shall be qualified to be elected as a delegate who is not a member of the

society or the concerned affiliated society and who has not the qualification of being a

Director of a Cooperative Society.

(4) The delegate shall hold office and attend all general meetings till fresh delegates are

elected in their place:


Provided that fresh delegates shall be elected before each Annual General Meeting in

which election of Directors is to be held under sub-section (1) of section 29.

(5) Each delegate shall have one vote in the general meeting.

(6) A member shall cease to be a delegate, if he –

(a)ceases to be a member of the society or of the affiliated society, or

(b) resigns his office as a delegate or expires; or

(c) where the member society withdraws from the membership of the

cooperative society to which the delegate has been sent.

(7) A casual vacancy in the office of a delegate in any area, section, constituency or

category shall be filled by election within six months from the date of such vacancy by

members in the area, section, constituency or category concerned:

Provided that a casual vacancy caused in the office of a delegate from any affiliated

society shall be filled up in the manner in which the delegate had been elected;

Provided further that failure to fill a casual vacancy shall not invalidate the

proceedings in a general meeting.

32. Division of area of a society for election of delegates

(1) The Board shall divide the area of membership of the society into convenient areas,

sections, constituencies or categories for the purpose of election of delegates.

(2) The division of area of membership of a society under sub-rule (1) shall be duly

notified to all the members and a member of a particular area, section, constituency or

category shall be entitled to vote in the election of delegate only for that particular area,

section, constituency or category.

33. Framing of regulation by the Board for election of delegates

The Board shall make regulation to provide for all matters relating to :

(i) the manner of nomination and election of delegates;

(ii) the total number of delegates to be elected and area, section, constituency or category

in accordance with rule 31.

34. Constitution of Board

(1) Selection among the employees of a Cooperative Society for being elected as the

member of the Board shall be held by ballot.

(2) A member nominated by the State Government to the Board of a Cooperative Society

under section 32 shall hold office until a fresh nomination is made in his place and the State

Government may nominate a new member to fill up any casual vacancy of a nominated



(3) Selection amongst the members of the Self Help Groups formed under a Cooperative

Society under clause (h) of sub-section (1) of section 32 of the Act for being elected as the

member of the Board, shall be held by show of hand or by ballot as the Board may decide.

35. Election of Directors at an Annual General Meeting

(1) Where the number of candidates exceeds the number of Directors to be elected, the

election of Directors shall be on the basis of number of votes secured by each candidates.

(2) In case of equality of votes secured by two or more candidates, lots shall be drawn in

such manner as the Chairman may decide.

36. Election of office bearers

(1) The Board of Directors constituted under rule 34 shall, within a period not exceeding

thirty days after the general meeting elect a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary, where

applicable and a panel of Chairman not exceeding three for presiding over its meeting in

absence of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman and other necessary office bearers from

amongst themselves.

(2) In the case of equality of votes in the matter of such elections, the result shall be

determined by lot.

(3) When the meeting of the Board is not held within the period of thirty days as

required by sub rule (1), the Registrar or any person authorized by him shall as early as

possible arrange a meeting in exercise of the powers conferred under section 37.

(4) The outgoing Board shall stand dissolved when the new office bearers are elected

under sub-rule (1) or the apex cooperative society or the federal cooperative society or the

central cooperative society, as the case may be or where there is no such society, the

Registrar shall take steps under sub-section (7) of section 29.

(5) A meeting under sub rule (1) shall be called within the thirty days after the general

meeting by the Secretary of the outgoing Board or by the Election Officer or the Presiding

Officer, as the case may be.

37. Filling up of casual vacancy

Any casual vacancy in the office of Director elected under clause (a) of sub-section

(5) of section 29 shall be filled up by cooption by the remaining Directors within two

months from the date of such vacancy and if they fail to do so, the vacancy shall be filled up

by appointment by the Registrar from amongst eligible members or delegates or

representatives of the cooperative society excepting those who ceased to be the directors

under sub section (7) of section 32 and sub rule (6) of rule 31. and the Director so co-opted

or appointed shall retire at the Annual General Meeting where election is to be held next.


Provided that if such casual vacancy is not filled up, anything done or suffered or

any action taken by the Board during the continuance of such vacancy shall not be

invalidated by reason only of such vacancy having not been filled up.

38. Filling up of vacancy in the Board where requisite number of Directors cannot be elected due to disqualification or otherwise

If at the Annual General Meeting of a Cooperative Society requisite number of

Directors cannot be elected as required under the bye-laws due to disqualification, non-

receipt of requisite number of nomination papers or any other reason, the vacancy shall be

filled up by appointment by the Registrar from amongst eligible members or delegates or

representatives of the cooperative society excepting those who cease to be the directors

under sub-section (7) of section 32 and sub- rule (6) of rule 31. to complete the Board. The

Directors so appointed, shall continue till fresh election which shall ordinarily be held

within one year from the date of appointment by the Registrar.

39. Reservation of seats on the Board

As provided under section 38 the seats mentioned here below shall be reserved in the

Board of Directors:

(a) one seat for scheduled caste members, if any;

(b) one seat for scheduled tribe members, if any;

(c) one seat for other backward class members, if any;

(d) one seat for women members, if any, other than members from self-help groups

as provided under sub section (i)(h) of section 32.

(e) Number of directors reserved under sub-rule (a) , (b), (c) and (d) shall be in

addition to the number of elected directors provided under clause (a) of sub

section (1) of section 32.

(f) The seats reserved under sub section (a), (b) (c) and (d) shall be filled up by

election amongst the members of respective communities by ballot. If the seats

cannot be filled up thus, the same shall be filled by co-option from amongst the

members of respective communities.

(g) The members elected or nominated under sub rule (f) shall have the full rights to

vote in any meeting of the Board including election of office bearers.

(h) A director elected or nominated under sub-rule (a) , (b) (c) and (d) shall hold

office for a term of five years of the Board or till the Board is dissolved under

section 34 or 35 or 36 whichever is earlier.


40. Procedure for holding election in a General Meeting in some cases

(1) Unless the State Government constitutes the Cooperative Election Commission

under the provision of Section 96, the election of Directors and office bearers of

all Cooperative Societies under the Fifth schedule of the Act shall be held in the

manner specified in this rule.

(2) Every Society may for the purpose of election of directors, divide its membership

into different convenient groups, specify in its bye-laws the number of

proportion of the members of the board who may be elected to represent each

such group in the board and specify further that such representative may be

elected (a) by all the members of the society, or (b) by only particular group of

members if the society to which the representative vacating the office


(3) The election of the members of the board shall be held at an annual general

meeting of the members or of the delegates of such members for which not less

than twenty-one days’ notice shall be sent to each member.

(4) The Chairman of the said meeting (hereinafter in this rule referred to as the

“Presiding Officer”) shall conduct the election. No member seeking election shall

act “Presiding Officer” to conduct the election.

(5) (i) Notice of the general meeting shall be affixed on the Notice Board of the

Society and published at such conspicuous place as the board may decide. The

notice of the general meeting shall be sent to the members or to the delegates in

one or more of the following modes, namely –

(a) by local delivery under proper receipt or

(b) by post under certificate of posting, or

(c) by publication through press.

(ii) The notice shall contain information regarding –

(a) the number of vacancies to be filled up by election;

(b) the area or constituency specified in the bye-law from which the member is to be


(c) the qualification, if any, prescribed in the rules and by-law for eligibility for

membership of the board;

(d) the date on which, the place at which and the hours between which the nomination

papers shall be filed by a member, such date being not less that ten clear working

days before the date fixed for election;


(e)the date on which, the place at which, and the hour when the nomination papers

will be scrutinized; and

(f) the date on which, the place at which and hours between which the

polling will take place.

(6) The Board shall prepare a list of the members or of the delegates who are on the date

of the notice referred to in sub-rule (5) qualified in accordance with the provisions of the Act

and the rules and the bye laws of the society to vote at election and publish copies of such

list by affixing the same to the Notice Board at the Head Office of the society and all its

branches not less than fifteen days prior to the date fixed for election. The list shall specify

the name of each eligible member or delegate, the name of father (or husband in case of

married woman), the address of such member or delegate including the name of the society,

if any, he or she represents and his/her number in the register of members.

(7) (i) The nomination of a candidate for election shall be made in Form x as far as


(ii) Every nomination paper shall be signed by any two members whose names

are included in the list referred to in sub-rule (6). One of the members shall sign the

form as proposer and the other as seconder for the nomination. The nomination

paper shall also contain a declaration signed by the candidate to the effect that he is

agreeable to the nomination.

(iii) Every nomination paper shall be presented in person or through authorized

agent or by registered post to the Chairman of the society or any other officer duly

authorized in this behalf by the Board of such society. If the Chairman himself is a

candidate, the Board of the society shall authorize some other officer, who is not a

candidate, to receive the nomination paper.

(iv)(a) The person who receives the nomination paper shall enter in the nomination

paper its serial number certify the date and hour at which the nomination paper is

received by him and also immediately acknowledge the receipt of the nomination


(b) The nomination papers received after the date and hour fixed under Sub-

clause (d) of sub-rule (5) shall be rejected.

(8) (i) (a) On the day following next the date fixed as the last date for the receipt of

nomination papers, the Board shall take up the scrutiny of the nomination paper at a

special meeting convened only for the purpose. No quorum shall be necessary in


such a meeting. The proposer and the seconder, besides the candidate, may be

present at the time of scrutiny.

(b) The Board shall examine the nomination papers and decide all objection

which may be made at the time of scrutiny and may, either on such objection or on

its own motion, after such summary enquiry, if any, as the Board thinks necessary,

reject any nomination paper on sufficient grounds;

Provided that the nomination of a candidate shall not be rejected merely on the

ground of an incorrect description of his name or of the name of his proposer or

seconder or of any other particulars in regard to the candidate or his proposer or the

seconder as entered in the list of members or delegates referred to in sub-rule (6) if

the identity of the candidate, proposer or seconder, as the case may be, is established.

(ii) The Board shall give all reasonable facilities to the contesting candidates or

their representatives to examine all the nomination papers for satisfying themselves

about the correctness of their scrutiny.

(iii) The Board shall endorse on each nomination paper its decision and if the

nomination paper is rejected, shall record in writing the reasons for such rejection.

(9) The list of valid nominations, as decided by the Board, shall be published on the

notice board of the society on the same day on which the scrutiny of the nomination paper

is completed but not later than one hundred and sixty eight hours before the time of


(10) Any candidate may withdraw his candidature by notice in writing signed by him

and delivered in person or through authorized agent at any time after the presentation of his

nomination paper but before 3 P.M. on the day following the day on which the list of valid

nominations is published under sub-rule (9) to the Chairman of the society or any other

officer authorized for the purpose under clause (iii) of sub-rule (7) . A notice of withdrawal

of a candidate once given shall be final.

Provided that after the close of date and hour of withdrawal of candidates, the list of

valid candidates shall be published on the Notice Board of the Society on the same day.

(11) If for any area or constituency for which election is to be held the number of

candidates in respect of whom valid nomination papers have been filed does not exceed the

number of members to be elected for that area or constituency, the candidates in respect of

whom valid nominations have been received shall be deemed to have been duly elected for

the area or constituency, as the case may be, and the Presiding Officer shall make an

announcement to this effect at the commencement of the meeting convened for election. The


names of such candidates shall immediately thereafter be published in the Notice Board of

the Society.

(12) If the number of candidates for any area or constituency exceeds the number of

members to be elected, the election shall be held by ballot. The Presiding Officer shall

arrange a poll, if necessary, on the date fixed for the general meeting or in an adjourned

meeting and may appoint one or more polling officers or may himself function as Polling

Officer. The provisions of sub-rule (13) to sub-rule (21) of this rule shall apply when the

election is required to be held by ballot.

(13) The Presiding Officer shall provide the Polling Officer with ballot papers, copy of list

of members or of delegates referred to in Sub-rule (6) and such other papers and articles as

may be necessary for conducting the election.

(14) The ballot paper shall contain the names of candidates and where so decided by the

Board the symbol of the candidate and shall bear the seal of the society.

NOTE: Symbols specified in the Third Schedule shall ordinarily be used. In case the

number of candidates exceeds the number of symbols, so specified, the Board may add to

the symbols other than accredited symbols of the Election Commission of India.

(15) No ballot paper shall be issued to a voter unless the polling officer is satisfied about

identity of such voter.

(16) If owing to blindness or other physical infirmity, a voter is unable to mark the ballot

paper the polling officer shall allow a companion as chosen by the voter who will mark the

ballot paper on his behalf.

Provided that no person shall be allowed as companion twice.

(17) The counting of votes shall commence immediately after the polling is declared over

by the Presiding Officer.

Votes shall be counted by or under the direct supervision of the Presiding Officer.

Each candidate and his authorized agent shall have right to be present at the time of


(18) (i) A Ballot paper shall be rejected –

(a) if it bears any mark by which the member, who voted can be identified; or

(b) if it does not bear the seal of the society; or

( c) if the mark indicating the vote is made in such manner that it is doubtful to

ascertain in whose favour the vote has been cast.

(ii) The Presiding Officer shall be the final authority to decide in the matter of

rejection of ballot papers.


(19) (i) Soon after the counting of votes is over, the Presiding Officer shall prepare

and certify a return setting forth –

(a) total number of ballot papers issued;

(b) the number of valid votes given to each candidates; and

(c ) the number of ballot papers declared to be invalid or rejected.

(ii) On the basis of the return, the candidates who have secured the largest

number of valid votes shall be declared elected at the general meeting and their

names shall be immediately published on the Notice Board of the Society under the

signature of the Presiding Officer, and in case of equality of votes polled by two or

more candidates, lots shall be drawn in such manner as the Presiding Officer may fix,

to determine the names of the successful candidate or candidates.

(20) The Chairman, or any other officer of the society duly authorized by the board in the

event of the Chairman failing to attend shall immediately take custody of the ballot papers

and shall preserve them for six months from the date of the poll. The ballot papers and

other records relating to the election shall immediately, in presence of the candidates or their

authorized agents as may be available, be secured in a container which shall be affixed with

the seal of the society and of candidates who desire to affix their seals, if any. They shall,

unless otherwise directed by the Registrar, be destroyed after the said period of six months,

if no dispute relating to, in connection with that election is pending.

(21) The results of the election shall be immediately recorded in the minute book of the

society and attested by the Presiding Officer.

(22) The Registrar may, in respect of any primary cooperative society coming within the

purview of these rules, either on an application from the board of such society or from one-

third of the total number of its members or of fifty members, whichever is less, or on his own

motion after an enquiry into the affairs of the society under section 100 or an inspection

under section 99 by an order in writing recording reasons thereof, appoint any person as an

Election Officer to conduct the election if, in the opinion of the Registrar, such an action is

necessary for the proper conduct of the election.

(23) In the societies coming under the Fifth Schedule of the Act, the Registrar may, by an

order in writing, appoint any person as an Election Officer to conduct the election.

(24) Where an Election Officer is so appointed under sub-rule (22) or sub-rule (23) all

reference to Chairman, Presiding Officer or the board, as the case may be, occurring in this

chapter shall be construed as reference to such Election Officer.


(25) (i) The election of Chairman, Vice-Chairman and other office bearers of the

board shall be conducted by the Presiding Officer or by the Election Officer, as the

case may be, at a meeting to be, called by him within thirty days and in the manner

as may be laid down in the by-laws of the society or if there is no bye laws in the

manner as may be decided by the Presiding Officer or the Election Officer:

Provided that the Presiding Officer or the Election Officer, as the case may be shall,

before calling the meeting, ascertain from the appropriate authority whether such

authority proposes to nominate any member of the board of the society, and if the

Presiding Officer or the Election Officer does not receive any reply to his aforesaid

enquiry, within fifteen days from the date of such enquiry, he shall proceed with the

election as provided in the rules:

Provided further that not less than seven clear working days’ notice in writing shall

be sent by the Presiding Officer or the Election Officer, as the case may be, by

registered post with acknowledgement due or by hand delivery under proper receipt

to the members of the newly constituted board for such a meeting.

(ii) As soon as the election is over, the result shall be immediately declared in the

meeting, published in the Notice Board of the Society and recorded in the minute

book of the board under the attestation of the Presiding Officer or the Election

Officer, as the case may be.

(iii) The outgoing Board shall stand dissolved when the new office bearers are

elected under sub-rule (25) of this rule and the new board shall be deemed to have

assumed charge of the office of the society.

41. First Board of Directors

(1) Except where the first Directors are named in the bye-laws or in the application for

registration of the society, the first Directors including the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman

shall be appointed by the Registrar.

(2) The Directors appointed under sub-rule (1) may not be members of the Society.

(3) The first Board shall hold office till a new Board is constituted under sub-rule (1) of

rule 34 and sub section (9) of section 16:

Provided that any Director appointed by the Registrar may be removed by him

before expiry of the terms of his office, if the Registrar is, for reasons to be recorded by him

in writing of the opinion that continuance in office of such Director is not desirable in the

interest of the Society.


(4) If a vacancy occurs in the office of an appointed Director, the vacancy may be filled

up by the Registrar by a member.

(5) Where the first Directors are named in the bye-laws or in the application for

registration of a society, a casual vacancy occurring in the office of such ‘Director’ may be

filled up by co-option by the remaining Directors.

42. Qualification for membership of Board

(1) No member of a Cooperative Society, other than that of a Students’ Cooperative

Society, shall be qualified to be elected or appointed as Director unless he has attained the

age of eighteen years on the first date of filing nomination.

(2) No member of a Cooperative Society shall be eligible to stand for election as a

Director unless he is a member of the society for a continuous period of twelve months

before the first date of filing nomination.

43. Nomination by a Cooperative Society to another Cooperative Society

(1) The Board of a Cooperative Society may, in a meeting with specific agenda nominate

a member of such society as its representative to another Cooperative Society to which the

first named society is affiliated and may also recall such representative by a similar

resolution of the Board with specific agenda.

(2) The board at the same meeting where resolution for recall is passed may also make a

fresh nomination of another representative and no one shall be nominated as representative

of the cooperative if he is individually a member of the other cooperative.

(3) In case of such recall and fresh nomination by an affiliated cooperative in a single

member constituency, the freshly nominated representative shall automatically be a director

of the other cooperative.

44. Cessation of membership of a Board

(1) (a) dies, or

(b) resigns his office, or

(c) is removed by the general meeting from Directorship, or

(d) loses membership of the society which he represents in the Board or the

Society whose representative he is, loses membership of the other society, or

(e) becomes subject to any disqualification which debars him from seeking

election as a Director, or

(f) if he fails to attend six consecutive meetings of the Board:


Provided that these provisions shall also be applicable in case of a nominated

and co-opted director.

(2) The cessation of Directorship shall be deemed to occur at, and be effective from the

time when the disability concerned, refer to in sub-rule (1), occurs.

45. Removal and recall of a member of a Board and an office-bearer

(1) (a) A member of a Board elected or nominated or coopted under sub section (1)

of section 32 of the Act may be removed from the office by a general meeting with

due agendum, if the Board recommends by a majority of the directors to do so.

(b) A nominated member in the Board may be recalled by the

authority nominating him and another person may be nominated in his place at the

same time.

Explanation : The word ‘nominated` shall include Directors coming within the ambit

of clauses (b) (e) and (f) of sub-section (1) of section 32.

Provided that a co-opted director may also be recalled by the authority co-opted him

as provided under sub-rule (2) of rule 43.

(2) An office-bearer may be removed from office by a resolution of the Board at a

meeting specially convened for the purpose.

Provided that any Director against whom petition for removal under this rule has

been moved shall not preside over such meeting when such agenda will be carried.

46. Notice of Board Meeting

Notice of a meeting of the Board in respect of any society or class of societies shall be

given in writing, subject to the provisions of section 37, by the Secretary or any officer

performing the duties of Secretary including Managing Director or the General Manager or

the Chief Executive by whatever name it is called to every Director specifying the place,

date and hour of the meeting together with a statement of the business to be transacted

thereat, not less than seven clear working days before the date of the meeting. In case of

urgency, the Chairman may convene a meeting of the Board with three clear working days’

notice. Where there is an officer deputed under section 33 or deputed to function as General

Manager or Chief Executive by whatever name it is called, such officer shall call Board

meetings in consultation with the Chairman.

Provided that any urgent business, not included in the statement accompanying the

notice, may be brought up and considered with the consent of the Chairman.


47. Meeting of Board

The Board meetings for the transaction of the business of the society shall be held at

least once in every two months and the minutes shall be drawn up and signed by the

Chairman within three clear working days from the time when the meeting terminated.

48. Voting at the meeting of Board

A proposal at a meeting of the Board passed by majority of votes shall be adopted

and if the votes be equally divided, the matter shall be decided by the casting vote of the

Chairman of the meeting if he thinks proper to exercise it, otherwise the proposal will fail.

49. Chairman of meeting

The Chairman shall preside over all the meetings of the Board at which he is present.

In the absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall take the chair and in absence of the

Vice-Chairman one of the Directors in the panel in order of their names in the panel, shall

preside over the meeting.

50. Quorum of meeting

(1) Unless a larger proportion is provided in the bye-laws, the quorum at the meeting of

the Board shall be one-third of the total number of Directors subsisting on the date of issue

of the notice for the meeting.

(2) No business shall be transacted at any meeting including an adjourned meeting of

the Board unless there is quorum at the time when the business of the meeting is scheduled

to commence within half-an-hour from the time appointed for the meeting.

51. Requisition meeting

(1) One third of the Directors may requisition a special meeting of the Board by giving

seven clear working day’s notice.

(2) The requisition shall specify the object of the meeting and shall be signed by the

Directors requisitioning and shall be delivered at the office of the society.

(3) If the Secretary or any other person performing the duties of the Secretary does not

convene the meeting within seven clear working days from the date of receipt of the

requisition, a notice of seven clear working days signed by the Directors requisitioning

specifying the object and the date, time and place of the meeting shall be sent to all the

Directors and accordingly the meeting shall be held. The Secretary or the person performing

the duties of the Secretary or the Chief Executive in whatever name is called or any person

under whose custody the books, documents, papers etc. in respect of the meetings or the

Board are kept, shall place those books documents etc. in the requisition meeting.


(4) At such requisition meeting no business other than that specified in the requisition

shall be transacted and if there is no quorum within half-an-hour from the time appointed,

the meeting shall stand dissolved.

52. Powers of the Board

The Board of a Cooperative Society shall have full control over the administration

and the business of the society and shall exercise all such powers as may be necessary or

expedient for the purpose of carrying out its functions under this Act, Rules and the

provisions contained in the bye laws.

53. Duties of the Board

The Board shall observe, in all their transactions the provisions of the Act, rules and

bye-laws and shall cause to perform the following duties, namely –

(a) to receive and disburse money;

(b) to maintain true accounts of money received and expended and accounts of

the assets and liabilities;

(c) to prepare for submission to the Annual General Meeting

(i) an annual report on the working of the society;

(ii) an annual statement of accounts including a Balance Sheet;

(iii) a statement of loans and defaults and appointments as required under

clauses (g) and (h) of sub-section (5) of section 29.

(d) to prepare the statements of accounts required for audit and to place those

along with relevant vouchers and other connected papers before the auditors;

(e) to prepare and submit all statements and returns in prescribed forms and in

such other forms as may be required by the Registrar or the federal societies

and other appropriate authorities;

(f) to enter accounts of the society regularly in proper books;

(g) to maintain register of members up-to-date;

h) to facilitate the inspection of books by those entitled to inspect them;

(i) to watch that the loans and advances are utilized for the purposes for which

those are meant and that those are duly repaid;

(j) to take prompt action for realization of loans and advances;

(k) to create awareness amongst the members in the affairs of the society;

(l) to conduct business with utmost transparency;

(m) to prepare data base of the society;

(n) to prepare Business Development or Development Action Plan;


(o) to prepare code of conduct of the members of the Board;

(p) to prepare Loan Policy on all types of loans, Asset Liability Management

Policy, Investment Policy and other policies required to formulate in the

interest of the society; and

(q) to perform such other duties as may be entrusted by the general meeting

subject to the provisions of the Act, Rules and bye -laws made thereunder.

54. Powers and duties of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Society

The Chairman, or in his absence, the Vice-Chairman, shall, for the transaction of the

business of a society in cases of urgency, exercise all powers and perform all duties required

to be exercised and performed under the Act, the Rules or the Bye-Laws by the Board except

the power of sanctioning loans, bonus or ex-gratia payments. The Chairman or in his

absence the Vice-Chairman shall have the full control over the administration and business

of the society and shall supervise the functions of the society on behalf of the Board and

shall have power to call for any record of the society or any report from Chief Executive

Officer or the Secretary to satisfy himself that the affairs of the society are being managed in

accordance with the resolutions of the Board;

Provided that the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman, as the case may be, shall not act in

contravention of any order given or decision taken by the Board at its meeting.

55. Orders of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman to be placed before the meeting

All orders passed and all acts done by the Chairman, or by the Vice-Chairman in the

absence of the Chairman, in exercise of his powers and in the performance of his duties

under rule 54 shall be placed for confirmation before the Board in its next meeting.

56. Designation and power of the Government Officer on deputation

(1) Government Officer, when deputed to the service of a Cooperative Society under

section 33, shall be called the Chief Executive Officer or whatever designation it is called.

(2) Subject to such conditions as the State Government may impose, the Chief Executive

Officer under control of the Board and the Chairman shall in the conduct of the business of

the society, exercise the following powers, namely –

(i) have control over the employees of the society, to sanction leave, to impose

any punishment upon or to suspend them;

Provided that no punishment or suspension shall be imposed without the

approval of the Board.


(ii) institute, defend and conduct legal proceedings and enter into compromise or

arbitration with creditors and debtors of the society.

57. Duties of the Chief Executive Officer

(i) The Chief Executive Officer shall discharge the following duties:-

(a) to receive all moneys on behalf of the society and issue

receipts, other than receipts likely to create fresh obligations on the

part of the society in effectual discharge if the money stated to have

been received therein;

(b) to operate Bank Accounts subject to such conditions as may be

laid down in bye-laws or in absence thereof as the Board may direct;

(c) to draw, accept, make endorse or negotiate all bills of

exchange, promissory notes, debentures, securities and other

documents standing in the name of, or held by the society;

(ii) to pay all costs of management and working expenses out of the fund of the society;

(iii) to deposit all receipts including securities and other effects received on behalf of the


(iv) to maintain proper and accurate records and accounts of the society;

(v) to take measures for proper custody of stocks and maintenance of stock accounts;

(vi) to call general meetings of the society and meetings of the Board where there is no


(vii) to remain present in all meetings of the Board including meetings of the committees

and shall produce all relevant papers required at such meeting and sign, alongwith the

Chairman, the minutes of such meetings; and

(viii) to place, from time to time, before the Chairman or such other authority as the Board

may direct, statement of receipts and disbursements for inspection, examination or approval

as the case may be.

Provided that the current routine duties of the Chief Executive Officer shall, in his

absence, be performed by the Officer next below him.

Provided further that where there is no Chief Executive Officer, the Secretary shall

perform the above duties.

58. Administrator

The Administrator appointed under section 35 of the Act shall discharge the

functions as provided in the said section.


59. Procedure in case of difference of opinion

In case of any difference of opinion between the Board and the Chief Executive

Officer on any matter concerning the affairs of the society, the Chief Executive Officer may

record his views in the minute book and may refer the matter to the Registrar, but the

decision of the Board shall be final and binding upon him.

60. Indemnification of the Chief Executive Officer

(1) The Chief Executive Officer shall be indemnified out of the funds of the society for all

costs, charges, travelling and other expenses incurred by him in the conduct of the society’

business or in the discharge of his duties.

(2) The society shall make such contribution towards the costs of deputation of the

officer as the State Government may direct.

61. Conditions of deputation under Section 33

The following shall be the conditions of deputation of a Government Officer to the

service of a Co-operative Society .

(i) a Government Officer shall ordinarily be deputed to the service of a Co-

operative Society for a period not exceeding two years, such period may be

so extended by the State Government or by the Registrar, as may be

considered expedient. Provided that the total period of deputation shall

not exceed four years.

(ii) they shall be governed by the rules of deputation as the State Government

may make from time to time;

(iii) a Government Officer deputed by the State Government or the Registrar to

the service of the society may be withdrawn from such service by the State

Government or the Registrar, as the case may be, on three months’ notice

to the society by the State Government or the Registrar, as the case may be,

or on a request, made by the society to the State Government or the

Registrar, as the case may be, to withdraw such officers;

(iv) unless the State Government otherwise directs, the salary of a deputationist

shall be reimbursed to the State Government by the society concerned.


62. Emoluments, allowances or honorarium

No Director shall be entitled to receive any kind of hotel charge.

63. Duties of the State nominee

The following shall be duties of the nominees of the State Government nominated

under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 32:

(a) to attend meeting of the Board;

(b) to watch that the Government policies are properly implemented;

(c) to register their notes of dissent in all matters in which, according to

their best judgement, the resolution sought to be carried in the Board

meetings are not in the interests of the society or the Co-operative

movement or are likely to be prejudicial to the interests of the society

or of the Co-operative movement;

(d) to keep the Registrar and the Government apprised of such resolution;

if adopted by majority votes; and

(e) to register their note of dissent when the meeting of the Board seeks to

pass a resolution contravening any express order of the State

Government or of the Registrar of any provisions of the Act or the

Rules or the Bye-laws of the society.

64. Meaning of “relative”

For the purpose of clauses (g) and (h) of sub-section (5) of section 29 the word

“relative” shall mean the following: -

Father, mother, brother, sister, wife, son, daughter, father-in-law, mother-in-law,

brother-in-law, sister-in-law, nephew, niece, maternal uncle, paternal uncle, son’s

wife, grandson and grand daughter.



Duties and obligations of Cooperative Societies

65. Address of cooperative society

(1) The address of the cooperative society shall be as specified in section 39 of the


(2) A change of the registered office shall be reported by the cooperative society

in Form XI alongwith a resolution of the board by registered post with acknowledgement

due or by hand delivery with acknowledgement to the authorities as specified in section 39

of the Act.

66. Change of name and its effect

The provisions of section 24 shall be taken into consideration regarding change of

name of the cooperative society and its effect.

67. Books, Registers and Documents

(1) Every Cooperative society shall maintain such books and registers as may be

necessary for proper conduct of its business and shall, in particular, maintain corrected upto

date the following books, registers and documents : -

(i) minute books for recording the proceedings of the general meetings and the

meetings of the board;

(ii) register of members and their nominees if any, in Form XII;

(iii) register of affiliated societies, in Form XIII;

(iv) register of directors in Form XIV;

(v) share ledger;

(vi) ledger of deposits and other borrowings, if any;

(vii) cash book showing the balance at the end of each day;

(viii) receipt book containing forms for issue of receipts in carbon process;

(ix) voucher file containing all vouchers for contingent and other expenditure

incurred by the society;

(x) loan ledger, showing disbursement of each loan issued to members, the

amount of loan, the purpose for which it is granted and the date or dates of

repayment, distinguishing principal and interest;

(xi) in the case of a society with unlimited liability register containing property

and debt statements of members showing the assets and liabilities of each

individual member on the date of his admission with full particulars of

property to identify (to be revised in every three years);


(xii) in case of a society with working capital exceeding one lakh of rupees,

general ledger showing receipts disbursements and the outstandings under

various heads from day to day;

(xiii) stock books and registers showing sales and purchases of goods by the

society, where applicable;

(xiv) such other books, registers, documents and in such form, as the Board may

decide subject to the provisions of the Act.

67A. Books and documents to be open to inspection by members

(1) Every cooperative society shall keep open to inspection by its members, free of charge,

during a specific period in office hours at its registered office the following books and

documents, namely :-

(i) a copy of the Act;

(ii) a copy of the by laws;

(iii) register of members and their nominees;

(iv) register of affiliated cooperatives, if any;

(v) register of directors

(vi) share ledger;

(vii) cash book;

(viii) register containing property and debt statements of member, if any;

(ix) general ledger, if any;

(x) registers showing sales and purchases of goods, if any;

(xi) minute books in respect of general meeting and board meetings;

(xii) latest audited balance sheet.

(2) A member seeking inspection shall submit an application to the cooperative society

specifying the documents concerning himself to be inspected and the purpose thereof.

(3) The cooperative society shall arrange inspection of the documents by the member

within one week from the date of application.

(4) Certified copies of the books and documents mentioned in sub-rule (1) shall be

supplied to a member on foolscap page typed in double space or photo copied.


68. Functions of the State Cooperative Union

(1) The State Cooperative Union may discharge the following functions, in addition to

those specified in clause (63) of section 4 namely :-

(i) to promote and develop the cooperative movement in the State, to educate, guide

and assist the people in their efforts to build up and expand the cooperative sector and to

serve as an exponent of cooperative principles and ideas;

(ii) to organize and promote new cooperatives;

(iii) to organize cooperative training programmes and run training centers;

(iv) to develop inter cooperative relationship and help the cooperative movement in

various sectors;

(v) to organize, conduct, collaborate and assist in carrying out research and

investigation on important cooperative problems;

(vi) to maintain an information bureau and library and to publish journal;

(vii) to express and organize opinion on matters of cooperative policy and act as the

accredited representative movement in the State and in the national spheres;

(viii) to convene, organize and hold cooperative seminars, meetings, conferences and

exhibitions, to spread the message and ideals of cooperative movement in the

state and to mould public opinion in respect thereof;

(ix) to facilitate the promotion of cooperative society and assist the affiliated societies

in resolving their problems and difficulties;

(x) to select delegates, representative or observers on behalf of the State Cooperative

Union for participation in conferences;

(xi) to organize, promote or undertake such other activities or functions as are

considered beneficial or conducive towards the attainment of the objects of the

Union in accordance with the bye-laws thereof;

(xii) to nominate three representatives in the Board of the District Cooperative Union;


(xiii) to organize, promote and undertake such other activities or functions as are

considered beneficial or conducive towards the attainment of the objects of the

Union in accordance with the Bye Laws thereof.

69. Functions of the District Cooperative Unions

The functions of the District Cooperative Union shall be as specified in clause (26) of

section 4 of the Act.


70. Affiliation of Cooperative with the West Bengal State Cooperative Union and District Cooperative Unions

(1) The Cooperatives shown in column (1) of Table A below on payment of the

affiliation fee specified in column (2) of the Table shall be the members of the

state cooperative union and such membership shall be renewed annually on

payment of a renewal fee at the rate specified in column (3) of that Table before

the expiry of every cooperative year.

(2) The cooperatives shown in column (1) of Table B below on payment of the

affiliation fees specified in column (2) of the Table shall be the members of the

concerned district cooperative union and such membership shall be renewed

annually on payment of renewal fees at the rate specified in column (3) of that

Table before the expiry of every cooperative year.

(3) Non-compliance of the provisions of sub-rule (1) by any cooperative mentioned

in the Table (A) shall make it liable to penalty of rupees five hundred for the


(4) Non-compliance of the provisions of sub- rule (2) by any cooperative mentioned

in the table (B) shall make it liable to a penalty of rupees two hundred.

Provided that notwithstanding anything contained in these rules there shall be no

compulsion on contribution to any fund otherwise those required for improving the net

worth/own funds of societies under Cooperative Credit structure Entity as per sub-

section (9) of section 134 C .


Fees to be paid for membership of the State Cooperative Union

Sl. No.

Name of cooperative (1)

Affiliation Fee(Rs.) (2)

Renewal Fee (Rs.) (3)

(a) An apex cooperative engaged in business

5000 5000

(b) Any other apex cooperative 1000 1000

( c) A central cooperative bank 1000 1000

(d) An urban cooperative bank 1000 1000

(e) An agriculture and rural development bank

500 500

(f) A district cooperative union 500 500

(g) An employees’ credit cooperative having working capital of Rs.25 lakhs & above

500 500


(h) A non-agriculture credit cooperative having working capital of Rs.25 lakhs and above

500 500

(i) Any other service cooperative having working capital of Rs.25 lakhs and above

500 500

(j) A cooperative in the State coming under the purview of the Multi State Cooperative Societies Act, 2002(39 of 2002)

1000 1000

(k) A cooperative society having area of membership extending over more than one cooperative range

700 700

Table – B

Fees to be paid for membership of the District Cooperative Union Sl. No.

Name of cooperative (1)

Affiliation Fee Rs. (2)

Renewal Fee Rs. (3)

(a) A Central Cooperative Bank 2000 2000

(b) Any other Central Cooperative 500 500

(c) An agriculture and rural development bank

700 700

(d) A primary marketing cooperative 200 200

(e) A service, employees’ credit, handloom, weavers’, industrial transport, cold storage and fishermen’s cooperative’

100 100

(f) An urban cooperative bank 700 700

(g) A cooperative other than those mentioned at (c) to (f)

50 50

71. Annual Return

Every co-operative society shall send to the Registrar and the federal cooperative

society such statements and returns and in such form as he may from time to time direct,

and shall send, within four months from the expiry of a co-operative year or within such

time as the Registrar may direct, an annual return in Form XV.

72. Additional Returns

(1) In addition to the annual returns prescribed in rule 71, the apex societies, the

central co-operative banks and such other societies shall, if the Registrar so

directs, furnish a quarterly return in Form XVI showing their working and

transactions and such other returns as the Registrar may from time to time



(2) The returns and statements required by sub-rule (1) shall be furnished within

three months from the expiry of the period to which they relate or within such

further time as may be allowed by the Registrar.

73. Persons who will maintain accounts, books etc

The Board subject to the provision of rule 74 shall specify which of the officers and

employees of a society shall :

(a) keep books of accounts.

(b) Keep other books and registers; and

(c) Prepare returns and statements;

Provided that a person in charge of accounts shall not be in charge of cash.

74. Custody of accounts, books and records

(1) The books and records of a society shall be kept in the custody of the Secretary or

any other person exercising the powers and performing the duties of the


(2) No member or employee of a society shall prevent the Secretary or any other

person exercising the powers or performing the duties of the Secretary from

having custody of the books and records of the society.

(3) Any member or employee of a society who commits a breach of sub-rule (2) shall,

on conviction by a court, be punishable with fine which may extend to five

hundred rupees and, where the breach is a continuing one, with further fine

which may extend to ten rupees for every day during which the breach


(4) Any person who fails or refuses to produce the books and registers when

required by the Registrar or any person authorized by him in this behalf shall be

punishable with a fine of five hundred rupees and thereafter with a further fine

of fifty rupees for every day during which the failure or refusal continues.

75. Preservation and destruction of Books, Records etc.

The books and records of a society shall be preserved for such period as is set forth in

the Second Schedule unless otherwise directed by the Registrar.

76. Preparation of Statements, etc., at the cost of Society and recovery of such cost

(1) If a co-operative society fails to send to the Registrar within the time allowed

any statement or return required by the Act or the rules the Registrar may


cause such statement or return to be prepared by employing such persons as

he may deem necessary and may assess upon the society the cost thereof.

(2) The cost assessed under sub-rule (1) shall be recoverable from the society by

the collector as a public demand up to requisition by the Registrar, and the

society may recover such cost from the person or persons responsible for the


77. Publication of Balance sheet

Every co-operative society shall publish its audited balance sheet within one

month from the date on which it is adopted by the Board by displaying it in any

conspicuous place in the registered office of the society and in every branch office where the

business of the society is carried on and in a daily newspaper as per instruction of National

Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development or the Reserve Bank of India in case of

societies regulated under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949.

78. Borrowings

(1) The maximum amount which a society may borrow shall be determined

annually at a general meeting of the society and no society shall borrow

exceeding maximum amount so determined.

Provided that the Registrar, in case of any exigency, may at any time revise

the limit fixed by the general meeting.

(2) Save as is provided in rule 80, a society shall not incur liabilities from persons

who are not members in excess of a maximum limit fixed from time to time in general


79. Borrowings and Deposits of Primary Agricultural Credit Cooperative Society

A primary agricultural credit cooperative society, which is a member of a central

bank, shall be guided by the provisions of sub-sections (6) and (7) of section 134C in

respect of its borrowings and deposits;

Provided that a society which is indebted to any other society shall repay all the

outstanding dues before availing loan from any other organization provided under sub

section (7) of section 134 C .

80. Restriction on borrowings of limited liability society

No society with limited liability shall, by accepting deposits or loans or in any other

way, incur liabilities exceeding 25 times of the sum of the paid up share capital and the

reserve fund for the time being separately invested outside the business of the society :


Provided that –

(a) the West Bengal State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development

Bank or the State Co-operative Bank or a Central Co-operative Bank for

the purpose of financing a Cooperative Agriculture and Rural

Development Bank for the purpose of financing its members, may incur

liabilities to the extent of thirty times of the value of paid up share capital

and the reserve fund for the time being separately invested;

(b) with the permission of the Registrar and under such conditions as he may

impose, the West Bengal State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural

Development Bank or the state co-operative bank or a central co-

operative bank, or a central or a primary society may incur liabilities

irrespective of the amount of its paid-up share capital and reserve fund

separately invested outside the business, for the purpose of providing

loans to its members for production, marketing and processing of any

agricultural or industrial commodity and also for hypothecation or

pledging of produce of the members;

(c) with the permission of the Registrar and under such conditions as he may

impose, a co-operative society may incur liabilities by way of loan or

deposits from another co-operative society, repayable within a period of

fifteen months irrespective of the amount of its paid-up share capital and

reserve fund separately invested, if such liabilities are incurred on pledge

or hypothecation of marketable security or goods or both and the amount

of such liabilities does not exceed eighty per cent of the market value of

such security or goods or both, offered for pledge or hypothecation.

81. Fluid resources or liquid cover

(1) A credit society other than the Agricultural Credit Cooperatives and the co-

operative banks coming within the purview of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949)

shall keep a minimum liquid cover against deposits held by it according to the following

scale :-

(i) forty per cent of deposits at call or on current account and cash credit and

overdrafts sanctioned but not drawn;

(ii) twenty-five per cent of the savings deposits;

(iii) twenty-five per cent of the fixed deposits maturing within the next three



(iv) twelve and a half per cent of fixed deposits maturing after next three

months but within the next six months;

Provided that subject to the provisions of the Banking Regulation Act,

1949 (10 of 1949) when the reserve fund of a society is invested in a co-

operative bank and cannot be drawn except with the permission of the

General Body, no fluid resources need be maintained by the bank

concerned against such investment.

Explanation - “Liquid cover” means any asset which can be converted

into ready cash at once and which are maintained in one or more of the

following forms :-

(i) cash in hand or with Central and State Cooperative Bank or with

such banks as the General Body may approve.

(ii) Post office savings bank account,

(iii) Government securities including National Savings Certificate or

National Plan Certificate or Kisan Vikas Patra or in other approved

investment by the Reserve Bank of India in case of societies controlled

under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 as the case may be, and

(iv) Other investments as may be approved by the Board.

(2) The extent to which the assets in the above forms shall be utilized for the purpose of

calculation of fluid resources shall be as follows :-

(i) ninety per cent of the market value of government securities

including National Savings Certificate or National Plan

Certificate or Kisan Bikash Patra;

(ii) Cent per cent of cash in hand, balance with banks and Post office

Savings Bank;

(iii) Eighty per cent of the market value of the debentures of

agricultural and rural development banks and also of other

trustee securities and

(iv) Eighty per cent of the fixed deposits with other banks.

(3) Under special circumstances the board may, decrease the proportion of the liquid

cover as mentioned in sub-rule (1).


82. Issue of Debentures

A co-operative society may receive loans by issue or re-issue of debentures of one or

more denominations repayable within twenty-five years in terms of the provisions

contained in section 45 of the Act.

82.A. Vesting of assets of cooperative in the trustees upon issue of debentures

Vesting of assets of cooperative society in the Trustees upon issue of debentures

shall be such as specified in section 46 of the Act.

82.B. Issue of bonds

The provisions relating to issue of bonds of a cooperative society shall be such as

specified in section 47 of the Act.

83. Financial assistance by the State Government

The State Government may grant loans, to take share in, or give any other financial

assistance including grants to, any co-operative society which makes an application in this

behalf, for any of the following purposes, namely :-

(a) facilitating the production of commodities or disposal thereof by the


(b) conducting and developing agriculture or industry undertaken by a society;

(c) redemption of prior debts of members, purchases and improvement of funds

by members, or construction of any project for providing irrigation facilities

for the benefit of the members;

(d) construction of office building/godown by the society or dwelling house by

its members;

(e) repayment of money previously borrowed by a society in accordance with its


(f) maintenance of staff for efficient management of the society;

(g) recouping any loss in part or in whole sustained due to circumstances over

which the society had no control;

(h) providing infrastructure facilities to societies and its members; and

(i) providing fund for starting of new business or augmentation of old business;

84. Application for Loan

(1) An application for loan shall be in such form as may be required by the board

and shall state the purpose for which the loan is required.

(2) A member of a primary society applying for loan shall furnish a full statement of

his –


(i) property and debts;

(ii) a scheme in case of medium term or long term loan;

(iii) annual expenditure including instalment of principal incurred and

proposed to be incurred; and

(iv) surplus available for repayment of the loan applied for.

84A. Loans and advances to members and non members

A cooperative may grant loan to a member thereof belonging to economically weaker

sections, this is to say, persons (including scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, marginal

farmers, share croppers known as adhiars, bargadars or bhagchasis or by any other local

terminology, agricultural labourers and physically or mentally handicapped persons)

belonging to families having total annual income not exceeding eight thousand rupees, at a

concessional rate of interest and against a lower scale of securities irrespective of the value of

shares held by them.

85. Security for Loan

For every loan a member shall furnish such security as may be required under the

bye-laws or by the board.

86. Security for financial assistance to be granted by Primary Co-operative Credit


No financial assistance shall be granted by a primary co-operative Credit Society to a

member thereof unless such member furnishes the following security :-

(a) such surety as may be provided in the byelaws;

(b) where the financial assistance has been applied for the purpose or

procurement of tangible assets, hypothecation of assets; or

(c) security of other valuable assets as may be approved by the Board.

87. Period of Repayment -

(1) The period of repayment of loan shall be such as may be provided in the bye-laws.

88. Maximum Credit -

The board shall determine the maximum credit of its members in such manner as it

think fit.

89. Restriction on issue of Loan

(1) In any co-operative society in which the liability of the members is limited by shares,

no loan shall be granted to a member exceeding twenty times the amount of share capital

paid up by him :

Provided that -


(a) the West Bengal State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural

Development Bank, the state co-operative bank or a central co-

operative bank may grant loans to a co-operative agriculture and

rural development bank or a central co-operative bank upto 30

(thirty) times the amount of share capital paid up by the said banks;

(b) a primary agriculture and rural development bank or a primary co-

operative bank may grant loans to a member upto thirty times the

amount of share capital paid up by him;

(c) the state co-operative bank may advance loan to a society engaged

in purchase, production and disposal of goods of its members in

excess of twenty times the share capital paid up by such society;

(d) the state co-operative bank or any other financing bank may grant

loan to its member-societies upto thirty times the amount of share

capital paid up by the member societies;

(e) With the permission of the Registrar and under such conditions as

he may impose, an agricultural society may grant loan to a member,

repayable within a period of eighteen months, for facilitating

production or disposal of crop, irrespective of the amount of the

share capital paid up by such member;

(f) an agricultural society may grant loan to a member, repayable

within a period exceeding eighteen months but not exceeding sixty

months for promotion of irrigation facilities and such other

purposes as may from time to tine be determined by it irrespective

of the amount of share capital paid up by such member;

(g) a Primary Agriculture and Rural Development Bank may grant loan

to a member for promotion of irrigation facilities and for such other

purposes as may from time to time be determined by it irrespective

of the amount of share capital paid up by such member;

(h) the state co-operative bank or any other co-operative bank may

grant loan to a member against pledge or hypothecation of

marketable security or goods or both upto a maximum ,limit of

eighty per cent of the market value of such security or goods or both

or against the guarantee of the employer of the member of the


society concerned, irrespective of the amount of share capital paid

up by such member;

(i) with the permission of the Registrar and under such conditions as

he may impose, a co-operative society composed solely of displaced

persons and recommended by the department dealing with the

displaced persons may grant loan to a member irrespective of the

amount of share capital paid up by such member;

(j) the state co-operative bank or any other co-operative bank may

grant loan to a member against mortgage of immovable property

upto a maximum limit of eighty per cent of the market value of such

property, irrespective of the amount of share capital paid up by such


(2) A cooperative society may, in terms of section 50, grant loan to a member thereof

belonging to economically weaker sections, that is to say, persons (including scheduled

castes, scheduled tribes, marginal farmers, share-croppers known as Adhiars, Bargadars or

by any other local terminology, agricultural labourers, and physically or mentally

handicapped persons) belonging to families having total annual income not exceeding eight

thousand rupees, at a concessional rate of interest and against a lower scale of security

irrespective of the value of shares held by them.

Explanations :-

(1) A marginal farmer means a person who owns land not more than one hectare.

(2) For the purpose of this sub-rule “family” shall have the same meaning as

appearing under Explanation of sub-section (3) of section 16.

(3) Any cooperative society may give by way of loan to any depositor a sum not

exceeding eighty-five per centum of his deposits.

90. Form of declaration creating charge on Immovable Property of Members (1) A declaration to be made under section 54 shall be in Form XVII;

(2) A register of such declaration shall be kept by the society in Form XVIII.

91. Form of declaration for creating Gehan on land or other Immovable property or interest therein

(1) A declaration to be made under sub-section (1) of section 55 shall be in Form


(2) A register of such declaration shall be kept by the society in Form XX.


92. Levy of water rate and embankment protection rate of non-members (1) A cooperative society, object of which is to provide irrigation facilities to the

cultivable land of its members, may in Form XXI apply to the Collector for the

demarcation of the area irrigable from any source of irrigation other than a

tank which has been declared to be derelict tank under section 4 of the Bengal

Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 (Ben. Act XV of 1939).

(2) Such area shall be termed as “irrigable area”.

(3) On receipt of such application, the Collector shall, after publishing notice in

Form XXII, by way of hanging on the land adjoining the source of irrigation

and affixing on the notice board of the Collectorate or the Anchal Panchayat

and the registered office of the cooperative society, prepare and publish in the

same way a map of the irrigable area and a statement in Form XXIII of the

cultivable land included therein.

(4) If the land possessed by persons who are not members of the society

comprising of not less than forty per cent of the cultivable land included in

the irrigable area, such society may levy water rate as is fixed by it upon any

person who is not a member of the society possessing within such area

cultivable land which is benefited by such irrigation facilities.

(5) A cooperative society, an object of which is to provide embankment

protection facilities to the land of its members, may apply in Form XXIV to

the Collector for demarcation of the area protection by any embankment.

(6) Such area shall be termed “protected area”.

(7) On receipt of such application, the Collector shall, after publishing in the

same form and in the same manner a notice as laid down in sub-rule (3),

prepare and publish in the same form and in the same manner as laid down

in the said sub-rule a map and a statement of the land included in the

protected area.

(8) If the land possessed by persons who are not members of the society

comprising of not less than forty per cent of the land included in protected

area, such society may levy embankment protection rate fixed by it upon any

person who is not a member of the society possessing within such protected

area land which is benefited by the project or scheme.


(9) The water-rate and the embankment protection rate shall be recoverable as a

public demand under the Bengal Public Demands Recovery Act, 1913 (Ben.

Act III of 1913).

(10) (a) A cooperative society, an object of which is agricultural farming on

cooperative basis through consolidation of land holdings, may, in Form XXV,

apply to the Collector for demarcation of the area proposed to be brought

under the land consolidation scheme.

(b) Such area shall be termed “Cooperative Farming Area” or “Samabay

Krishi Kshetra”.

(c) On receipt of such application, the Collector shall, after publishing the

same form and in the same manner, a notice as laid down in sub-rule (3),

shall prepare and publish a map and a statement of land included in the

“Samabaya Krishi Kshetra”.

(d) If the land possessed by the persons who are not members of the society

comprising of not less than forty per cent of the cultivable lands included in

the Samabaya Krishi Kshetra, such society may, direct in Form XXVI the

persons who are not members to join the society and the value of one or more

shares in terms of the bye-laws of the society and such member shall

thereupon within forty-five days from the receipt of the direction join the


(e) If a person who is not a member, referred to in clause (d), after being

called upon, by the concerned society so to do, refuses to join the said society,

the said society may apply to the Collector for requisition of the lands owned

or possessed by such person within the “Samabaya Krishi Kshetra” and if the

Collector, after hearing such person and the board and after making such

enquiry as he thinks necessary is of the opinion-

(i) that the aforesaid land or a part thereof owned or possessed by the said

person is essentially necessary in the interest of the concerned cooperative

farming scheme and the cooperative movement in general;

(ii) that but for such land or part thereof the said cooperative farming scheme

is likely to fail; and

(iii) that the said society is in a position to pay compensation that may be

awarded for acquisition of such land or part thereof, under the Land

Acquisition Act, 1894(1 of 1894), shall acquire such land or part thereof


for the society and hand over possession of the same to the society if the

society deposits the required compensation as fixed by the collector;

(f) In case of a cooperative society, referred to in foregoing clause, all lands,

excluding homesteads, belonging to members thereof and situated within

the Samabaya Krishi Kshetra, whether owned by them at the time when

they became such members or acquired by them subsequently, shall

become property of the society, and no member shall be entitled to hold

in his personal capacity in the Samabaya Krishi Kshetra any cultivable

land or any land which can be made cultivable.

93. Map of the irrigable area

The map of the irrigable area, the protected area or the Samabaya Krishi Kshetra

shall be drawn upon a scale showing the boundaries of the concerned area and the

settlement plot numbers of the lands included in such area.

94. Levy of water-rate and embankment protection rate

The Board of a cooperative society may decide and fix the water rate per acre per

year for supplying water to the lands for irrigation purpose.

95. The period within which and the manner in which mortgage deed is to be sent to the registering office A copy of the mortgage deed referred to in sub-section (2)of section 60 duly certified

by the Manager or the Branch Manager shall be sent to the registering officer through a

messenger or by registered post with acknowledgement due within thirty days from the

date of its execution.

96. Grant of preference and exemption by the state Government under sub-section (3) of section 60

In respect of any cooperative society or class of cooperative societies in the interest of

promotion of cooperative movement in the state, the state government may, by general or

special order, grant –

(i) preference in the matter of settlement of lands and fisheries owned by

the State Government;

(ii) preference in the matter of making purchases and fixing prices


(iii) preference in the matter of placing contractors for Government work

without inviting open tenders;

(iv) exemption from deposit of earnest money required to be made

alongwith the permission of tenders for Government contract work.


(v) exemption from deposit of security money required to be made before

being allowed to take up government contract work for execution; and

(vi) exemption from payment of licence fees, if any, required to be paid for

dealing in any commodity.

97. Compromise or arrangement between Cooperative Society and its creditor Where a compromise or arrangement is proposed by a cooperative society or its

creditor or any class of creditors as referred to in section 62, the Board will decide the matter

in a meeting or meetings convened for the purpose and the settlement made between the

parties shall be placed before the General Body for ratification.

98. Conduct of sale by the Sale Officer

The sale officer shall conduct the sale as prescribed under the Act and rules. 99. Power of State Government to Guarantee

(1) In case of any debenture or of any class or series or issue of debentures issued under

the Act, the State Government shall guarantee repayment of the principal and the payment

of the interest thereon, subject to such maximum amount of principal or such rate of interest

and such other conditions, as the State Government may decide.

(2) Such debentures shall not be issued by a cooperative society save with the express

authority of the State Government.

100. Liability to furnish information

Every officer and every member of a cooperative society shall furnish such

information in regard to the transactions or working of the society, as may be required of

him by the Registrar, an audit officer, arbitrator, liquidator or any person conducting an

inspection or enquiry under Chapter – X of the Act.

101. Change of Liability

(1) A cooperative society may, by amendment of the bye-laws, change the form or extent

of its liability.

(2) When a cooperative society passed a resolution to change the form or extent of its

liability, the society shall give notice thereof in writing to all its members and creditors and

notwithstanding any bye law or contract to the contrary, any member or creditor shall,

within one month of the service of the notice upon him, have the option of withdrawing his

shares, deposits or loans. Any member or creditor, who does not exercise his option within

the period aforesaid, shall be deemed to have assented to the change.

(3) The change shall not take effect until –


(a) the assent thereto of all members and creditors has been secured, or

(b) all claims of members and creditors who exercise the option referred to in

sub-rule (2) have been met in full.

102. Cooperative Society’s power to call for Statement of claims

(1) When a member of a cooperative society, which includes among its objects the

advance of loans to its members, applies for a loan or when a person applies for

membership of such a society, the society may serve a notice on any creditor named

in the application or ascertained after enquiry, and may also publish a general notice

on all creditors, requiring him in Form XXVII and within the time specified in the

notice, to furnish a written statement of his claim in Form XXVII A.

(2) When a member of a cooperative society, which includes among its objects the

advance of loans to its member, intends to apply for a loan from any person other

than the society, such member shall send to the society a notice in writing, stating –

(a) his intention to apply for such loan,

(b) the amount of the loan for which he intends to apply, and

(c) the object of taking the loan.

103. Cooperative Society’s power to call for notice of suits or proceedings against members

A cooperative society the objects of which includes advance of loan to its members

and the financing bank, if any, of which such society is a member, may where revenue or

loan or advance realizable as public demand is payable by any member of such society to

the State Government, by a notice served upon the collector, require the collector to furnish

to such society or the financing bank or both, notice of any suit or proceedings for recovery

of arrear of revenue or loan or advance instituted or commenced, by him against such


104. Restrictions on transactions with non-members

On the application of a member of any society or of his own motion, when it appears

to the Registrar that it is necessary in the interest of the working of any particular society, to

regulate or restrict transactions of such society, with any non-member, the Registrar shall,

after giving the society an opportunity of being heard, issue such directions as he may

consider necessary regulating or restricting such transactions.

104A. Creation of Posts

(1) The Board of a cooperative society may from time to time create posts of different

categories of employees and officers subject to the provisions of section 43, to assist the


cooperative in the performance of its duties and discharge of its function and such creation

of posts shall only be made with the approval of the General Body.

(2) The Board of a cooperative society shall appoint subject to sub-section (5) of

section 94, such officers and other employees created under sub-rule (1).

105. Procedure for direct recruitment of staff by cooperative societies

(1) Subject to the provisions of rule 104A, all cooperative societies shall notify their

vacancies, other than those required to be reported to the Cooperative Service

Commission, through publication of advertisement at least in one national daily

newspaper, and to the Local Employment Exchange or to the Director, National

Employment Exchange, as the case may be, and ask for names of suitable candidates

in terms of the qualifications required of such candidates.

(2) For selecting the candidates, the selection committee for selection of staff other than

Group D staff may hold such test and interview or Viva Voce tests as it may consider


(3) In cases where the local Employment Exchange or the Director, National

Employment Exchange, will not be in a position to furnish suitable names within two

months from the date of notification of the vacancies, the concerned cooperative

society may start recruitment process of applications received on the basis of

advertisement in the newspaper.

(4) All cooperative societies shall maintain the same percentage of vacancies reserved for

candidates of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes as may

be specified by the State Government by general or special order from time to time.

(5) While calculating the vacancies to be filled up, all cooperative societies shall give due

consideration to the principles regarding absorption of casual and seasonal workers

as enunciated by the Labour Department of the State Government.

105A. Constitution of Selection Committee

Societies other than mentioned in the Fifth Schedule of the Act and in regard to

selection of Managing Director or the Chief Executive Officer of the West Bengal

State Cooperative Bank Ltd. and all Central Cooperative Banks, the Selection

Committee for assisting the cooperative societies in the matter of selection of

candidates under rule 105 shall be constituted as follows :-

(a) Apex societies

(i) The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman or in their absence any two Directors

of the concerned society as decided by the board;


(ii) The Managing Director or the Chief Executive Officer of the society;

(iii) Registrar or his nominee;

(iv) One expert selected by the Society;

(v) The Chairman of the State Cooperative Union or his nominee

The Managing Director or the Chief Executive Officer or the Manager of the

Cooperative Society shall be the convener of the meeting and its Chairman or in

absence of the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman or in absence of both any of the two

nominees of the concerned society as decided by the board shall be the Chairman of

the Selection Committee.

(b) Central Societies

(i) The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, or in their absence, two Directors of

the concerned society as decided by its board;

(ii) A nominee of the Registrar;

(iii) The Chief Executive Officer of the concerned cooperative society or the

Manager as the board of the society may decide;

(iv) A representative of the concerned apex society;

(v) One expert selected by the Society.

The Chief Executive Officer or the Manager of the Cooperative Society shall

be the convener of the meeting and its Chairman or in absence of the

Chairman, the Vice-Chairman or in absence of both any of the two nominees

of the concerned society as decided by the board shall be the Chairman of the

Selection Committee.

(c) Primary Society

(i) The Chairman and the Secretary, or in their absence, two Directors of the

concerned society as the board may decide;

(ii) The Chief Executive Officer or the Manager, as the board may decide;

(iii) A nominee of the Registrar;

(iv) A representative of the concerned central society or the concerned Apex

Society where there is no central society;

(v) The Secretary, or in his absence, the Chief Executive Officer or the Manager,

as the case may be shall be the convener of the meeting and the Chairman, or

in his absence, the Chairman elected amongst the members of the Selection

Committee shall be the Chairman of the meeting.


106. Method of recruitment and Conditions of service of the officers and employees of cooperative societies

The method of recruitment and conditions of service of the officers and employees

of cooperative societies shall, subject to the terms of specific contract enforceable by law and

the provisions of any law for the time being in force, be as enunciated in the Appendix to

this Chapter.

Provided that if any particular matter is not covered in the specific contract, the

matter shall be guided by the method of recruitment and conditions of service as indicated

in the Appendix to this chapter



Method of recruitment and Conditions of Service

1. Groupings

The employees of cooperative societies shall be grouped as follows: -

Group A – Top Level Management.

Group B – Medium Level Management.

Group C - Clerical and Operative.

Group D - Subordinate Staff

2. Status of employees

The employees shall be temporary, on probation and permanent.

3. The minimum qualifications for appointment

(1) The minimum qualifications for appointment to different posts of co-operative

societies shall be as follows: -

GROUP A: Bachelor’s degree of a recognized university with knowledge in

computer science

GROUP B: Bachelor’s degree of a recognized university with knowledge in

computer science

GROUP C: Madhyamik pass certificate with knowledge in computer science

GROUP D: Must have passed the annual examination of Class VIII of a

Madhyamik School, recognized by the West Bengal Board of

Secondary Education.

Provided that for appointment to the post of Accountant a degree in

commerce or a diploma in Chartered or Cost Accountancy along with

knowledge in computer science shall be essential;

Provided that the board may prescribe higher qualifications and may also prescribe

marks or division in the qualification.

(2) (a) An Officer in Group A shall have to undertake when deputed by the society,

training of the Vaikunth Mehta National Institute of Co-operative Management,

Pune, Maharashtra and pass such examination, if any as end of course examination.


(b) An office in Group B shall have to obtain, when deputed by the society, the

Higher diploma in Co-operation from Netaji Subhas Co-operative Training College

Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal or from any such college or institute as may be ordered

by the State Government.

(c) An employee in Group C when deputed by the society, shall have to

undertake training at any of the Co-operative training institutes run by the

West Bengal State Co-operative Union.

(3) Employees mentioned in Sub-rule (2) shall have to obtain diploma in cooperation or

undertake training as the case may be , pass the examination within three years

from the date of joining the service failing which he shall not be confirmed and shall

cease to earn increment of pay.

Provided that when the employee is not deputed by the employer society and he

fails to be so qualified for no fault of him, his increments of pay shall not be stopped but

he shall not be confirmed.

(4) Employees of the society already in service shall not be liable to be discharged or

removed from service or be reduced in rank for want of qualification prescribed in

these rules or for want of training, but if such employees undertake the training or

pass the examination, they shall be entitled to one advance increment from the first

day of the month following the date acquiring the qualification but the date of

increment of pay shall remain the same.

4. The age for recruitment

(1) The minimum age for direct recruitment to a post in the society shall be 18 years on the

first day of January of the year in which the vacancies are advertised.

(2) The maximum age for recruitment to the posts in Groups A and B shall be 40 years and

in Groups C and D 35 years on the first day of January of the year in which the

vacancies are advertised.

Provided that the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes

candidates the maximum age limit shall be relaxed by five years.


(3) The maximum age limit for a person already in service of another cooperative society

or physically handicapped or ex-service man shall be decided by the Board.

(4) Not more than 30 per cent of the sanctioned posts in the establishment of an apex or

central society shall be filled up by promotion of fit and suitable employees of the

societies affiliated to it.

(5) All appointments shall be temporary for a period of two years. Thereafter if there is

any permanent post the appointment shall be on probation for one year. On

satisfactory completion of probation and on completion of training or passing the

examination, if any, an employee may be confirmed against any permanent post.


No person other than person appointed on deputation from another cooperative

society shall be appointed to any post under any cooperative society without medical

certificate of fitness being granted by a Registered Medical Practitioner of such standing as

the board may approve.


The board shall be the appointing authority of its employees and may, from time to

time, delegate its powers in this regard to such authority as it may decide by a resolution in



(1) All appointments by direct recruitment excepting the deputation shall be made on

the basis of the result of a written examination and interview.

(2) Appointment in Group D shall be made by selection in such manner as the board

may decide.

(3) Appointment by promotion shall be made on the basis of seniority-cum-fitness or in

such manner as the board may decide.

(4) All appointments shall be temporary for a period of two years. Thereafter if there is

any permanent post the appointment shall be on probation for one year. On satisfactory


completion of probation and on completion of training or passing the examination, if any, an

employee may be confirmed against any permanent post.


The service shall commence from the date of joining the service provided that, if a

person joins in the afternoon of a day, his service shall be deemed to have commenced from

the forenoon of the next day.


Seniority in a particular cadre of employees shall be determined according to the

date of their joining the cadre. If in case of any two or more employees the date of joining is

the same their inter se seniority shall be determined according to the seniority in age and in

the case of such employees the date of birth of any two or more employees is also the same,

the inter se seniority shall be decided by the board on a lot. In case of employees appointed

or promoted to a post in one batch, the seniority shall be determined in accordance with the

order of seniority to be specified by the appointing authority on the basis of results of the

test taken. If one or more promotees and one or more direct recruit join on the same date,

the promotees shall be placed above the direct recruit.


(a) The board shall be the competent authority to determine and create the post of

different levels of management as provided in paragraph 1 of the Appendix to

Chapter V, to frame scale of pay, dearness allowance and other allowances in respect

of each category of employees of the society. The board shall also be the competent

authority to revise the same from time to time if circumstances so demand.

Provided that where any co-operative society has incurred loss in the previous year, or

has accumulated losses in its account the board shall not increase the scale of pay or

any allowances in respect of any category of its employees without the approval of the


(b) If any employee is promoted from a post to higher post his initial pay in the higher

post shall be fixed at the stage in the new pay scale next above the stage in the pay

scale of the lower post from which he is promoted.


(c) The annual increment in the pay scale shall accrue normally to an employee after he

has completed one year’s continuous service in the Pay scale, unless it is withheld for

reasons of unsatisfactory performance of duties.

(d) Travelling allowance admissible to all categories of employees of the societies for

journeys and halts on duty as also on transfer shall be guided by the rules of the

society concerned.

(e) All wholetime employees of the societies shall be entitled to the benefits of employee’s

contributory provident fund in rule 122.

(f) The employees of the Co-operative societies shall be entitled to bonus if admissible

under the provisions of the Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 (21 of 1965).


(1) Every employee shall be liable to be transferred from one post to another and/or

from one station to another in the interest of the business of a co-operative society.

Every employee shall be liable to join any training course as may be decided by the

board and will be entitled to full pay and allowances during the training period

including period of journey to and from the training centre. A society shall be under

obligation to send an employee for training when that benefit the employee.

(2) On transfer from one station to another or for joining a training centre or return

therefrom, every employee shall be entitled to six days’ joining time, in addition to

the time required for the journey, provided that when there is no change of

residence, joining time shall not be more than twenty four hours.

12.. LEAVE

(a) The following categories of leave shall be admissible to an employee of a co-operative

society to the extent noted against each: -

(i) Casual leave on full pay – 14 days in a calendar year.

(ii) Compensatory leave on full pay – An employee required to perform duties

on any holiday shall be eligible for compensatory leave.

(iii) Earned leave on full pay – 30 days in a calendar year.

(iv) Medical leave on half pay – 15 days in a calendar year.

(v) Maternity leave - 135 days at a time with full pay and not more than two

times during the entire period of service for a married female employee.


(vi) Extraordinary leave - This may be granted to any employee in special

circumstances when no other leave is, by rule, admissible. This kind of leave

shall be sanctioned as leave without pay. It shall be at the discretion of the

sanctioning authority to fix the amount of extraordinary leave to be granted

in each case.

Provided that the period of extra ordinary leave shall not be counted for

increment in the scale of pay and shall not be included in the total period of


(b) No leave of any kind can be claimed as of right and the grant of leave shall be subject to

the exigencies of service and work and the circumstances of each case.

(c) An employee shall be liable to be recalled from leave other than medical/maternity

leave if the exigencies of service so require, provided the society bears the actual travel

fare of the employee recalled from leave it at the time of recall he is spending his leave

at a place other than his head quarters.

(d) An employee shall before proceeding on leave state in writing any change in his

address while on leave and shall keep the society informed of subsequent change in

such address.

(e) The society shall maintain leave account in respect of every employee and on request he

may be intimated of the amount of leave due to him.

(f) Casual leave and compensatory leave shall not be granted for more than seven days at a

time nor shall be accumulated or carried forward from one year to the next year and

shall lapse if not availed of during the year. Earned leave and medical leave due shall

be carried forward up to 180 days and 450 days respectively.


(a) Every employee of a co-operative society shall at all times:

(i) maintain absolute integrity;

(ii) maintain devotion to duty;

(iii) abide by and comply with the rules of the society and/or order-s and

directions of the superior authorities;

(iv) discharge his duty to the best of his ability in the interest of the society.


(b) All employee shall so manage the private affairs as to avoid habitual indebtedness of

insolvency; and an employee against whom legal proceedings are instituted for

recovery of any debt due from him or for adjudging him as an insolvent, shall

forthwith report (to the society) the full facts of the legal proceedings.

(c) No employee shall, except in accordance with any general or special order of the

board or of his superior or in the performance in good faith of the duties assigned to

him, communicate directly or indirectly the contents of any official documents or

any part thereof or other information to any other employee or any person to whom

he is not authorized to communicate such contents or information:

Provided that nothing in this rule shall apply to any statements made or views

expressed by an employee in his official capacity or in the due performance of the

duties assigned to him.

(d) No employee shall accept or permit any member of his family or any person acting

on his behalf to accept any illegal gratification or pecuniary advantage or gifts etc.,

from any person or agent who have or may have dealing with the society.

(e) No employee shall, except for unavoidable reasons absent himself from without

taking prior sanction of leave nor shall overstay the period of sanctioned leave.

14. Misconduct and disciplinary action

(a) The following acts, among others, shall constitute misconduct of an employee,

namely –

(i) willful insubordination or disobedience, whether in alliance with a co-employee or

not, of any lawful and reasonable order of superior;

(ii) willful avoidance of work abetment or instigation thereof;

(iii) theft, fraud, misappropriation or dishonesty in connection with employer’s

business or property or otherwise;

(iv) habitual absence without leave, overstaying the sanctioned leave without

sufficient ground or proper and satisfactory explanation of habitual late


(v) commission of any act subversive of discipline or good behaviour in any public

place such as drunkenness, riotous disorderly or indecent behaviour, gambling or

taking or giving bribes or any illegal gratification of any kind whatsoever;

(vi) gross or habitual negligence of duty.


Explanation – For the purpose of this clause ‘gross or habitual negligence of duty’

shall include, in the case of an employee of a co-operative society whose function

or duty” includes recovery of dues, inadequate recovery of such dues unless he

can prove that there was no negligence whatsoever in this respect on his part;

(vii) disclosing to a person any information with regard to the society which be

detrimental to the interest of the society;

(viii) willful damage to any property of the society;

(ix) indulging in scurrilous attacks against the management and other superiors

(b) any of the following penalties may be imposed on an employee for such

misconduct by the Disciplinary Authority, namely -

(i) censure;

(ii) recovery from a pay of the whole or part of ay pecuniary loss caused to the society

by negligence or breach of order;

(iii) withholding of increments with or without cumulative effect;

(iv) withholding of promotion;

(v) reduction to lower stage in the time scale of pay or reduction to a lower time scale

of pay, grade, post or service;

(vi) removal from service which shall not be a disqualification for future employment

under the society;

(vii) dismissal from service which shall ordinarily be a disqualification for future

employment under the society.

Explanation: - The following shall not amount to penalty within the meaning of

this rule, namely:-

(i) reversion to lower grade or post of an employee officiating in a higher

grade or post for want of vacancy or on administrative grounds

unconnected with his conduct;

(ii) reversion to permanent service, grade or post of an employee appointed

on deputation to another service, grade or post during or at the end of the

period of deputation.

(iii) termination of service: -

(a) of an employee appointed on probation during or at the end of the

period of probation; or


(b) of any employee employed temporarily or under an agreement in

accordance with the terms of such agreement on one month’s notice,

for abolition of the post or otherwise.

15. Disciplinary and Appellate Authorities

(1) For the purpose of imposing any penalty under paragraph 14, the Board which is the

appointing authority, shall be the ‘disciplinary authority’, and the general body of

members in the general meeting shall be the appellate authority.

(2) An employee aggrieved by an order of the disciplinary authority shall have a right to

appeal against such order. An appeal shall lie (1) against any order passed by the Chief

Executive Officer to the Chairman of the board, (2) against the order passed by the

Chairman or the Vice-Chairman of the Board, to the Board, (3) against the order of the

Board, to the general body of the society, every appeal shall comply with the following

conditions. It shall contain all material statements and arguments relied on and shall

be complete in itself. It shall specify the relief desired. It shall be submitted through

proper channel. The appellate authority shall decide the appeal within three months

from the date of submission of the application except where the general body is the


16. Suspension

(a) An employee of a co-operative society whose conduct requires investigation on a

charge of misconduct enumerated in clause (a) of paragraph 14 may be placed under

suspension pending enquiry, if in the opinion of the disciplinary authority the

attendance of such employee on duty during the period of investigation into such

charge is likely to vitiate the proceedings.

(b) An employee of a co-operative society may be placed under suspension where a case

against him in respect of any criminal offence is under investigation or trial.

(c) An employee who has been suspended shall not be entitled to absent himself from

his ordinary place of residence during the period of his suspension, except without

permission of the authority by whom he has been suspended.

(d) During the period of suspension, an employee shall be entitled to subsistence grant

equal to 50 per cent of his pay on the date of suspension and dearness allowance at

the rate at which it was drawn by him on the date of suspension:

Provided that if the period of suspension exceeds one year, the board may enhance

the subsistence grant by 50 per cent if in the opinion of the suspending authority the


period of suspension has been prolonged for reasons not directly attributable to the


Provided further that such order shall continue to remain in force until it is modified

or revoked by the appropriate authority.

(e) When the charge against the suspended employee is not established or is held to

have been unjustifiable or not wholly justifiable and he is reinstated, he shall be

entitled to the full pay and allowances to which he could have been entitled if he had

not been suspended; and, the period of suspension shall be treated as period on


17. Removal from service on criminal conviction

Am employee of a co-operative society shall be removed from service on criminal

conviction by a competent court.

18. Resignation

(a) (i) A permanent employee may resign from the service of a society on giving three

months’ notice to the society in writing, failing which he shall be liable to pay an

amount equal to three month’s salary;

(ii) A probationary or a temporary employee may resign from the service of

the society on giving one month’s notice to the society in writing, failing

which he shall be liable to pay an amount equal to one month’s salary:

Provided that the board may, in exceptional circumstances, dispense with

the requirement of notice or reduce the requisite period of notice.

(b) (i) Except with the sanction of the board resignation will not be permitted while the

conduct of an employee is under investigation or until all claims against him are settled.

While placing before the board an application for resignation, it should be stated whether

there is any adverse report against the applicant or whether anything is due from him to the


(ii) The authority receiving an application for resignation from an employee

shall at once adjust all claims of the society outstanding against the

applicant, and his resignation shall not be accepted until his accounts are

fully adjusted and charge of his office is formally made over.

(iii) If without formally tendering resignation or having sent his resignation,

and employee quits his post before receiving intimation of acceptance or

before expiry of the requisite period of notice, there or one month’s salary

as my be decided by the board, will be recovered from dues payable to him.


19. Retirement and Retirement benefits

(1) Every employee of a Co-operative society shall retire on

superannuation attaining the age of 60 years.

(2) Employees of a co-operative society shall be eligible to payment of

gratuity as per the provisions of the payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 (39

of 1972).

(3) An employee of a cooperative society who retires on

superannuation or otherwise shall be eligible to receive cash

equivalent of pay in respect of earned leave standing to his credit

provided that the quantum of leave encashable under this sub-section

shall not exceed three hundred days.

(4) If the employee dies before superannuation, the benefits under sub

rule (2) and (3) and all other dues shall be payable to his heirs or

nominees, as the case may be.

20. Appointment on Compassionate grounds

Rules as applicable to the employees of the State Government shall apply to the

employees of cooperative societies in respect of appointment on compassionate grounds.

21. Formulation of other conditions, if any

Besides the conditions of service as mentioned under these rules, the board may

formulate other conditions of service as may be required from time to time.



Members of Co-operative societies and their duties, rights, accountability, privileges and liabilities

107. Eligibility for Membership

No person, qualified to be a member of a co-operative society under the Act, or the Rules

or the Bye-laws shall be excluded from membership:

Provided that without the permission of the Registrar : -

(i) no person shall be entitled to membership of any society with unlimited liability

who is or has been at any time during the two preceding years, a member of any

other society with unlimited liabilities.

(ii) no person shall be entitled to membership of any credit society even with limited

liability if he is a member of or is indebted to, any other such society until he has

obtained in writing the consent of the society of which he is already a member.

108. Form and Manner of Admission to Membership

A person intending to be a member of a Co-operative society shall apply to such co-

operative society in Form XXVIII and such application shall be addressed to the Chief

Executive Officer of the society by whatever designation he may be called.

109. Disposal of Objection

Where an objection is received against any such application for membership, the

objection shall be placed in the next meeting of the Board for decision:

Provided that the Board shall before coming to a decision afford the applicant and the

objector an opportunity of being heard.

110. Appeal against refusal to admit any Applicant as Member of a Society

(1) On receipt of an appeal under sub-section (3) of section 64 the Registrar shall issue

clear seven days’ notice to the appellant, to the society concerned and to the

objector, if any, fixing the date, time and place of hearing and after affording the

parties an opportunity of being heard, the Registrar shall make appropriate order

and the order shall be binding on the society with effect from the date of receipt of

the same. No resolution of the Board admitting the appellant as member shall be

necessary if the Registrar decides in favour of the admission.

(2) The appeal shall be preferred within 30 days from the date of communication of the

decision .


111. Exercise of Rights of Membership and Liability of Members

(1) Before a member may exercise rights of membership, he shall: -

(i) sign a declaration in such form, as may be required by the Board, undertaking that

he shall be bound by the bye-laws of the society.

(ii) sign the register of members; and

(iii) make payment of share money wherever necessary;

Provided that the requirement of the provisions of this clause shall be

communicated to a member within fifteen days from the date of enrolment of such


(2) Liability of members -

The members of a cooperative society shall, upon the dissolution of the cooperative

society, be jointly and severally liable to contribute towards any deficiency in the assets of

the cooperative society :-

(a) if the cooperative society is a society with unlimited liability, without

limit; and

(b) if the cooperative society is a society with limited liability, subject to

such limitation as may be provided in the by –laws.

112. Appeal against order of Expulsion or Suspension

Where the Board of a Co-operative Society expels or suspends a member, such

decision shall be communicated to the member within fifteen days from the date of such

decision. The member such expelled or suspended shall have a right of appeal to the

immediate next general meeting and the decision of the general meeting on such appeal

shall be final.

Provided that no such expulsion or suspension shall be made after publication of notice of

the general meeting.

113. Cessation of Membership of a Co-operative Society

A member of a co-operative society shall cease to be such member, if he: -

(i) dies, or

(ii) resigns in accordance with the Act, the Rules and Bye-laws; or

(iii) transfers his share in favour of some other person in full with the permission of

the Board; or

(iv) is adjudged an insolvent; or

(v) is adjudged bankrupt; or


(vi) turns a lunatic.

Provided that the cessation of membership shall be deemed to be effective from the date

when cause of cessation arises.

114. An association or body of persons as a member of a co-operative society

When any association or body of persons or a cooperative society is admitted as a

member of a cooperative society, it shall appoint any one of its directors or officers, by an

instrument in writing, to exercise its rights and perform its duties in relation to such society.

115. Manner of recalling a loan not utilized for proper purpose

(1) Where the Board of a society has reasonable cause to believe that a member has not

utilized a loan for the purpose for which it was advanced, the society may, by a notice,

direct the member to show cause, within such time as may be specified in the notice,

why the loan shall not be recalled, and where no cause is shown to the satisfaction of

the society within the time specified, the society:-

(a) may recall the loan; and

(b) if the loan is not refunded immediately on recall shall apply to the Registrar for

an award under section 139 in order to recover the loan.

(2) where cause is shown, the society may after holding an enquiry and giving such

member an opportunity of being heard, take such decision as it may consider



116. Restriction on interest of a Member of a Society with Limited liability and shares

Where the liability of a member of a co-operative society is limited by shares, no

member other than the State Government or another co-operative society shall hold more

than such portion of the share capital, of the cooperative society as may, subject to the

maximum of one fifth of the share capital of the society be prescribed in the bye-laws of the

cooperative society.

116A. Disposal of deceased Member’s share or interest and procedure for calculation of value of shares

(1) Where a co-operative society has to make a refund of the value of a share, the value

of the share shall be deemed to be equal to the amount paid upon the share;

Provided that where a portion of the asses is estimated to be bad or doubtful in the

latest audited balance sheet, and is not covered by funds created out of profits, the

Board may, for the purpose of such payment, reduce the value of the share, in the

same proportions as the aggregate amount of assets which are not bad or doubtful,

less the amount of outside liabilities, bears to the paid-up share capital.

(2) Where a transfer of share or interest is made, the value of the share or interest shall

be deemed to be the sum actually paid by the member for the acquisition of such share or


117. Nomination of transferee

(1) A member of a co-operative society may in accordance with the provision of section

76 nominate in writing any person belonging to his family to whom the share or

interest or the value of such share or interest shall, on his death, be paid or

transferred under the provision of the Act; nomination shall be made in Form


Provided that if a member has no family he may nominate any person to whom such

share or interest or the value of such share or interest shall be paid or transferred;

Provided further that such member may, from time to time, revoke such nomination

and make a fresh nomination.

(2) Every co-operative society shall keep a register of all persons so nominated.

(3) In case the nominee of a member dies, the member shall report the death of such

nominee to the society and make a fresh nomination if he so desires.


Explanation – For the purpose of this rule a family shall have the same meaning as

given in the Explanation to sub-section (3) of section 16 and shall include major sons

and daughters irrespective of marital status.

118. Refund of share value

Where a member of a co-operative society ceases to be a member due to any reason, the

shares held by him in the society may be refunded in accordance with the provisions of sub-

rule (1) of rule 116A.



Properties and funds of co-operative societies

119. Investment of Funds

In addition to the manner specified in section 79 a Co-operative society may invest or

deposit its funds in any other manner permitted by the Registrar and in the manner in case

of societies under cooperative credit structure entity as provided under sub section (6) of

section 134 C.

120. Utilization of Bad Debt Fund

A Co-operative society may, subject to the provisions of section 81 invest or deposit the

bad debt fund

(a) with the West Bengal State Co-operative Bank Limited;

(b) with any Central Co-operative Bank operating in the area of the society within which

its registered office lies/situated;

(c) in any Government Savings Bank;

(d) in any other manner permitted by the Registrar.

121. Use of Reserve fund and other funds in the business of a society

A co-operative society may, with prior approval of the general body and on such

conditions as it may impose, use in its business –

(i) Upto one-fourth of its reserve fund, when the owned capital is less than the

borrowed capital;

(ii) Upto one-half of its reserve fund, when the owned capital is equal to or exceeds

the borrowed capital; and

(iii) the entire reserve fund, when there is no borrowed capital.

122. Employees’ Provident Fund

(1) A cooperative society establishing Employees’ Contributory Provident Fund under

section 83 shall make regulations for its management, particularly with regard to

(i) authority to administer the fund;

(ii) amount of employees contribution to be deducted from the employee’s salary;

(iii) mode of nomination for payment of the amount of the fund in case of the employee’s



(iv) The purpose for which, extent to which, and the period after which advance may

be made from such fund, and the number of monthly instalments in which the

advance is to be repaid;

(v) Final payment of the amount standing in the fund on the employee’s retirement,

resignation or otherwise;

(vi) Maintenance of accounts of such fund.

(2) An employee’s contribution to the fund in a month shall be eight and one-third per

cent of his basic salary.

(3) The co-operative society may make such contribution every year to the Employees’

Contributory Provident Fund, as may be approved by the Board, but such contribution

shall not be less than the annual contribution made by the employee concerned.

(4) Such Provident Fund shall not be used in the business of the society, but shall be

invested or deposited in one or more of the following ways –

(a) In Government Savings Bank;

(b) In any of the securities mentioned in section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882, other

than those specified in clause (e) of that section; or

(c) In any co-operative bank or any other bank approved by the General Body.

123. Declaration of Dividend, Bonus, Rebate, etc

(1) In every co-operative society with shares, dividend may be declared upto a

maximum of 12 per cent per annum, on the amount paid up on shares as laid down

in clause (a) of sub-section (1) of section 86.

Provided that a Primary Agricultural Credit Cooperative Society or a Cooperative

Agriculture and Rural Development Bank may pay dividend in accordance with the

guidelines framed by the Registrar in consultation with the National Bank as provided

under sub -section (8) of section 134C.

(2) In any co-operative society dealing in goods, rebate may be allowed on the total

amount of payments made by a member during a co-operative year towards his purchase

of goods from the society during that year.

(b) In case of credit societies, rebate on interest may be allowed to members making

timely repayment.


3) No dividend shall be paid in any co-operative society unless recommended by

the Board and approved by the general meeting and no bonus or rebate shall

be allowed without approval of the Board in a meeting.

4) A co-operative society incurring loss or having accumulated loss on its account

shall not without prior approval of the Registrar, make any ex-gratia payment

or payment of bonus at a rate more than the minimum prescribed under the

Payment of Bonus Act, 1965 (21 of 1965).

124. Co-operative Education Fund

(1) Every co-operative society shall, after the close of each co-operative year contribute

five per cent of its net profit subject to a maximum of rupees fifteen thousand to the

co-operative Education Fund. Such contribution shall be remitted to the West

Bengal State Co-operative Bank Limited or to the Central co-operative Bank of the

area concerned within three months from the date of receipt of the audited accounts.

The Central Co-operative Bank on receipt of the amount shall transfer the same to

the West Bengal State Co-operative Bank Limited within a period of thirty days

from the date of the receipt:

Provided that the societies under Cooperative Credit Structure Entity may

contribute as per this sub- rule to the Cooperative Education Fund but they shall have no

compulsion in the matter as provided under sub-section (9) of section 134C .

(2) (i) The fund shall be administered by the Co-operative Education Fund Committee

to be set up by the State Government, with the following persons, namely : -

( a) Chairman of the State Co-operative Union – Chairman;

(b) Four representatives of Agricultural Societies, namely, two from societies

dispensing short-term credit, one from societies dispensing Long-term credit, and one

from Marketing Societies to be nominated by the State Government – Members;

(c) Three representatives of non-agricultural societies, namely, one from non-

agricultural credit societies and two from non-agricultural non-credit societies, to be

nominated by the State Government - Members;

(d) One nominee of the Registrar – Member;

(e) One nominee of the Federal Co-operatives – Member.


(ii) The Executive Officer of the West Bengal State Cooperative Union, and in the

absence of such Executive Officer, the Senior Cooperative Education Officer of the said

Union shall be the Secretary of the committee.

(iii) The members of the committee shall hold office for a period of three years from the

date of their appointment.

(iv) A casual vacancy in the membership of the committee shall be filled up by the

nominating authority, as early as possible for the remaining period of the term.

(3) Subject to such direction, if any, as the State Government may give from time to time,

the fund may be utilized for any of the following purposes, namely :

(a) education of members, office bearers, employees and general public in

cooperative principles and practice;

(b) development of new types of cooperative societies;

(c) Improvement of cooperative societies;

(d) Development of cooperative movement in general;

(e) Cooperative publicity;

(f) Publication of the books and journals relating to cooperative movement;

(g) Conduct of research, case studies and evaluation in the field of cooperative


(h) Award of prize or honorarium for rendering meritorious service to the cause

of the cooperative movement of the state.

(4) The fund shall be audited by the Director of Audit or by an Audit Officer

authorized by him in this behalf by an order in writing, annually within a period of six

months from the close of each co-operative year, and the copies of the audit report shall

be submitted to the committee and to the State Government.

123. Contribution for Charitable purposes

A co-operative society may make contributions under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of

Section 86 for any charitable purpose as defined in section 2 of the Charitable Endowment

Act, 1890.



Special provisions for Housing Co-operative Societies

124. Functions of promoters

For the purpose of registration of a housing co-operative society all the promoters

intending to join the application for registration shall hold meeting for –

(a) adoption of name of the proposed society and of its bye-laws,

(b) election of the Chief Promoter and the first board including the Chairman, the Vice-

Chairman and the Treasurer from amongst the promoters,

(c) vesting the Chief Promoter, the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the Treasurer with

powers and function as laid down in these rules,

(d) consideration and adoption of the scheme of the project to be undertaken by the

proposed society.

(e) Consideration and approval of the agreement to be entered into with the vendor or

lessor of the land, building or tenement, as the case may be.

125. Functions of the Chief Promoter, the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the Treasurer

The Chief Promoter of a housing co-operative society shall take steps, as may be

necessary, under the provisions of the Act and Chapter II of these rules to get the society

registered and shall –

(a) open a bank account to be operated by him jointly with the Chairman or, in absence of

any of them, the Vice-Chairman and the Treasurer together with the other available

and submit such document alongwith updated statement of accounts (receipts and

payments) to the Registrar alongwith the application for registration.

(b) negotiate with the approval of the Chairman to purchase or get land, building or


128. Holding of the first meeting of the board of a Housing Cooperative Society

After registration of a housing cooperative society the Chairman or, in his absence,

the Vice-Chairman shall, within three months from the date of such registration, convene

the first meeting of the board for the purpose of election of office bearers other than the


Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and the Treasurer and for such other purposes as the Chief

Promoter, may, with the approval of the Chairman determined.

129. Report to the first general meeting and commencement of work

(1) The report under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 89 shall, besides

report about progress of the work, contain particulars of (a) funds raised

from members (b) expenses incurred under various heads prior to and after

registration, (c) how many members resigned and how many enrolled after

registration of the society and (d) the latest estimate regarding the project


(2) Where the society decides to have the work executed by architects and

contractors, in first meeting a panel of architects and contractors not

exceeding three in each case, shall be prepared after giving due publication

of notice, in at least one daily newspaper having wide circulation:

Provided that when the total cost of the project of a cooperative housing

society exceeds rupees fifty lakhs, the society shall, in a meeting, decide to

have the project executed by architects and contractors.

(3) In the first meeting a panel of five valuers shall be prepared according to

procedure prescribed in sub-rule (2)

(4) No person acting as an architect shall also act as a contractor and vice-versa.

130. Allotment of plots or houses or apartments

(1) Allotment of plots, houses or apartments by the board shall be made strictly on the

basis of the principles and policies adopted in its first meeting and shall be

communicated to each member within seven days from such decision about allotment

or otherwise. Any person dissatisfied by the decision of the board may appeal to the

general body of members whose decision shall be final.

(2) The member intending to prefer such appeal shall within fifteen days from date of

receipt of the communication of the decision of the board express his intension in

writing to the board to prefer an appeal, and the board shall within forty-five days of

receipt of such intimation arrange to hold a meeting of the general body.

131. Membership

(1) Every applicant for membership of a co-operative housing society shall submit at

the time of registration of the society or admission as member after registration shall

submit the following documents to the Registrar or to the society, as the case may be:-

(i) Declaration in the form of an Affidavit in prescribed form (ii) Two recent passport


size photographs duly attested by the Chief Promoter and in case of Chief Promoter

by an M.P./M.L.A./ local Municipal Commissioner/Pradhan of GP/any Gazetted

Officer of the State or the Central Government/Headmaster/ Principal of any

Government recognized educational Institution. (iii) Copy of salary certificate or

copy of Form – 16 showing deduction of P. Tax (in case of salaried persons), (iv)

Copy of Professional Tax Registration Certificate or Professional Tax Enrolment

Certificate or Professional Tax Clearance Certificate, as the case may be, (in case of

professionals), (v) Copy of PAN Card or PPO or P.Tax Clearance Certificate in case

of other category (vi) Application for nomination in prescribed form.

(2) In a co-operative housing society the number of members shall not exceed the total

number of plots, houses or apartments proposed by a society to be allotted to

members under any scheme or project of such society:

Provided that member shall be eligible for allotment of only one plot, house or

apartment in a housing co-operative society.

(3) (a) For the transfer of land or house or apartment a member shall obtain a written

consent of the society and before giving such consent the society shall satisfy itself

that –

(i) the transferee is eligible for being a member of the society;

(ii) the transferee has genuine need for residential accommodation;

(iii) the transferor has paid off his outstanding liabilities to the society or, the

transferee undertaken to take over such liabilities of the transferor;

(iv) the transferee formally applies for membership of the society with

requisite documents like copy of bipartite agreement of the proposed deal

of transfer and a declaration to the effect that he will submit a certified

copy of the registered sale deed to the society.

(b) where a society refuses or fails to give consent to the transfer referred to in clause

(a) and the member intends to appeal to the Registrar against such refusal by or failure of

the society, an appeal may be preferred within thirty days from the date of

communication of the refusal or within sixty days from the date of receipt of the proposal

by the society.

(4) A person who does not own a house or apartment in his own name or in the name of

a member of his family but possesses a plot of land in his own name, shall be eligible

to be a member of a co-operative housing society comprising plot holders, if he


intends to build a house thereon with the assistance of such society and if his plot

stands adjacent to a plot within the jurisdiction of the society.

(5) No person shall be admitted as a member of a co-operative housing society who is

not considered by a board thereof as one having genuine need for housing or

additional accommodation from such society.

(6) A person who has entered or intends to enter into any contract with a co-operative

housing society in the matter of any work, constructional or otherwise, relating to a

project of the society shall not be eligible to be a member:

Provided that where a person conveying a plot of land in favour of a co-operative

housing society intends to become a member of such society without any additional

consideration and is otherwise eligible for such membership, he may be admitted as

a member of such society.

132. Cessation of Membership

(1) A person shall cease to be a member, if –

(i) he incurs any of the disqualifications to be a member;

(ii) he fails to accept any allotment of land or house or apartment within a

period of ninety days from the date of allotment; or

(iii) he or any member of his family establishes any business relationship with

the society or acts as an advocate or solicitor against the society, unless

otherwise directed y the Registrar.

(2) The cessation of membership shall be deemed to be effective from the date when

the cause of cessation referred to above first arises.

(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (i) of sub-rule (1), membership of a

person shall not cease if he or any member of his family becomes owner of any land

or house or apartment by inheritance and still continues to have a genuine need for

accommodation in the project of the society.

133. Expulsion of Members

(1) Any member who continues to default in payment of his dues towards cost of land

or house or apartment allotted to him by the society for more than six months

without a break continues to default in payment of his maintenance charges for more

than three months without break may be expelled from the society by the vote of

two-thirds of the members of the board present and voting at a meeting after he has


been given an opportunity of being heard and no resolution of the board shall be

effective unless it is submitted to the Registrar for approval and approved by him:

Provided that the order of expulsion shall take effect only from the date of

communication of the decision of the board to the concerned members after the

approval of the Registrar, as aforesaid, has been duly obtained:

Provided further that the approval or disapproval of the Registrar shall be

communicated to the society within a period of six weeks and in the absence of such

communication the resolution of the board shall be effective.

Explanation - The power of approval conferred under this rule shall vest in the

Registrar exclusively and shall not be capable of being delegated to any other officer.

(2) A member may be expelled in the same manner as laid down in Sub-rule (1) if, in the

opinion of the board, he has done any act prejudicial to the interest of the society or

has violated a lawful decision of the board despite warning.

(3) The member so expelled shall have a right to appeal to the State Government for

which purpose he shall submit a written representation to the State Government

within a fortnight from the date of communication of the order of expulsion.

134. Recovery of dues from member, after his entitlement to title or interest in land or house or apartment

Where a member, after his entitlement to title or interest in any land, house or

apartment continues to default in payment to the society for a period of more than

six months, the board may take steps for recovery of the dues laid down against

serial 4 of the Second Schedule to the Act.

135. Powers and duties of the Board of Housing Co-operative Society

Subject to the powers and duties conferred and imposed by these rules, the board of a

housing co-operative society shall exercise the following powers and perform the following

duties, namely –

(a) to appoint, suspend, remove or discharge all persons engaged on payment of fees or

on the basis of contract, such as contractors, solicitors, supervisors, engineers,

valuers, architects and surveyors;

(b) to invite tenders and to enter into contracts for and on behalf of the society and to

settle the terms thereof:


Provided that the terms and conditions of contracts once settled shall not be altered

without a resolution passed by two-thirds of the members present and voting at a

meeting of the board;

( c) to authorise by name one of the members of the board other than the person in-

charge of cash or account to verify the cash balance as shown in the books of the

society at least once a month and other assets of the society once in a quarter and to

report to the board the result of such verification in the next following meeting. If

any shortage of cash balance or any other asset is reported, the board shall take

prompt steps for the recovery of the shortage failing which the members of the

board shall be jointly and severally responsible for making good the shortage;

(d) to take such steps as may be necessary for obtaining loan from the West Bengal

State Co-operative Housing Federation Limited on behalf of the members or to assist the

members in all possible manners including supply of papers and documents in the

matter of their obtaining loans from any source;

(e) to inform the members the full particulars of loan sanctioned and issued by the

West Bengal State Cooperative Housing Federation Limited along with the terms and

conditions thereof as and when such loans are sanctioned and issued by such


(f) to issue periodical demand notice to the members for paying instalments towards

cost of land, house or apartment:

Provided that the number of such instalments shall be fixed in consideration of the

actual progress of the work of the project;

(g) to ensure that the name of a nominee of a member is entered in the appropriate

register and also to inform the member of the same in an appropriate manner;

(h) to arrange timely repayment of loans to the West Bengal State Co-operative

Housing Federation Limited on collection of instalments of loans from members; and

(i) to place report for consideration of the members in the annual general meeting.


136. Escalation of Project Cost

The Board shall endeavour to avoid any escalation of project cost. However, if there is

any escalation, the board shall bring the fact to the notice of the general body in the annual

general meeting or special general meeting forthwith.

137. Financial transactions and maintenance of accounts in a housing co-operative society

(1) All financial transactions in a co-operative housing society involving an amount

exceeding one thousand rupees shall be made by Account Payee cheques only.

(2) All payments to a co-operative housing society shall be made against serially

machine-numbered receipts duly signed by the secretary and bearing the common

seal of the society.

(3) All payments by a co-operative housing society shall be made against proper receipt

duly signed and dated by the payee concerned.

(4) All receipts and payments by a co-operative housing society shall be immediately

entered in the cash book of the society making corresponding entries in the relevant


138. Transfer and letting out by members of a housing co-operative society

(1) In all cases of transfer and letting out of land, house or apartment written consent of

the society shall be required.

(2) A member of a housing co-operative society in whose favour a plot of land or a house

or an apartment in a multistoried building has been allotted may transfer by way of

sale or usufructuary Mortgage as defined in the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (4 of

1882) such plot or house apartment, as the case may be, on one or more of the

following grounds –

(i) that the member has been involved in debts and the transfer by way of sale

or usufructuary mortgage is necessary to pay off his creditors;

(ii) that the member is compelled to shift from the locality due to unavoidable

circumstances beyond the control of the member;

(iii) that the members is in urgent need of money to meet the expenses of

marriage or of education of his son or daughter or that the member is in

urgent need of money to meet urgent medical expenses of any of the

members of his family or any person fully dependent on him;


(iv) such other grounds analogous to those mentioned above as the ‘Board’

might consider reasonable and justifiable;

(v) for obtaining written consent of the Housing Co-operative Society in terms

of sub-section (3) of section 92, the member shall apply in duplicate to the

Co-operative Society with credential of the transferee and with evidence of

circumstances under which he/she is compelled to transfer the flat;

(vi) the decision of the Housing Co-operative Society, on any application under

clause (v) shall be communicated to the member within 30 (thirty) days

from the date of receipt of the application. If the Housing Co-operative

Society refuses to give its written consent to such application, it shall

record the reasons for such refusal and communicate the same to the

member within 15 (fifteen) days from taking such decision;

(vii) where a housing cooperative society refuses or fails to give the written

consent under clause (vi) and if the member intends to prefer an appeal to

the Registrar against such refusal by or failure of the Housing Co-operative

society, he may prefer such appeal within 30(thirty) days from the date of

communication of the refusal or within 60 (sixty) days from the date of

receipt of the application of the member by the Housing Co-operative

society, but after expiry of 30 (thirty) days from the said date in the case of

failure of the Housing Co-operative society to give such consent; and

(viii) the Registrar shall, after hearing the applicant and hearing the co-operative

society, dispose of the appeal within 30 (thirty) days from the date of

preferring the appeal.

139. Refund of deposits to a member or his nominee in the event of his resignation or expulsion or death

Deposits made by a member of a housing co-operative society towards cost of project

shall, in the event of termination of his membership by resignation, expulsion, death or

otherwise be refunded to him or his nominee or his legal heir, as the case may be, within six

months from the date of such termination.


140. Annual General Meeting of a Housing Co-operative Society

In the annual general meeting of a co-operative housing society held in terms of

section 29, the board shall submit a comprehensive report in terms of section 90 of the Act.

141. Jurisdiction of the West Bengal State Co-operative Housing Federation Limited. (1) The West Bengal State Co-operative Housing Federation Limited may, upon a scheme

being drawn up by it duly approved by the Registrar at any time, undertake

construction of houses anywhere within the State of West Bengal under its supervision

and control, and simultaneously sponsor co-operative housing societies and transfer

the houses to those societies on terms and conditions agreed upon by the sponsoring

and the sponsored society.

(2) In the case of a co-operative housing society sponsored by the West Bengal State Co-

operative Housing Federation Limited the expression ‘Chief Promoter’ , wherever it occurs

in these rules, shall mean the Chief Executive Officer of the said housing federation.

142. Restriction on borrowing

Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in these rules, the West Bengal State

co-operative Housing Federation Limited or any co-operative housing society may incur

liabilities by way of loan from any other co-operative society, the Government or any other

financing institution against adequate security irrespective of the amount of paid-up share

capital and reserve fund separately invested outside the business of the society.

143. Restriction on issue of loan

Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in these rules, the West

Bengal State Co-operative Housing Federation Limited or any other co-operative housing

society may grant loan to a member upto fifty times the amount of Share Capital paid-up by

such member so, however, that the amount of loan to be granted to the member shall not

exceed ninety per cent of value of the land acquired or taken possession of by such member

or where possession of by such member or where building has been constructed or

proposed to be constructed on such land, or both land and building.

144. Valuation of land

(1) The value of land for the purpose of clause ( c) of section 72 shall be

determined by the society - (a) by arriving at an average sale value with reference to

recorded sales of similar land in the locality within the last three years, or (b) if no such

record of sale is available, by having the value of the land assessed by the Land Acquisition

Collector within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the land is located.


(2) The valuation of house or apartment shall be made by an empanelled valuer.

145. Restriction on change in the scheme of the project and number of projects in a Housing Co-operative Society

(1) No primary housing co-operative society shall undertake any housing project

other than one decided upon in the promoters’ meeting for the purpose of

registration of the society without the approval of the general body and

concurrence of the Registrar;

Provided that in the Calcutta Metropolitan Area; as defined in Calcutta

Metropolitan Development Authority Act, 1972, no Primary co-operative

housing society shall sponsor more than one housing project.

Explanation - “Housing Project” means multistoried buildings or a cluster of houses

in a compact area,

(2) No primary co-operative housing society shall make any change in the project

or the project site without the approval of the general body with 3/4th

majority and prior approval of the Registrar.

146. Creation of second mortgage on a co-operative land, house or apartment in favour of the employer by a member employed in the public sector

Any member of a housing co-operative society, who is an employee of the central or

the state government or any public undertaking or government sponsored institution,

may on being formally allotted land, house or apartment by the society of which he is a

member, obtain loan from his employer on such terms and conditions as may be

imposed by the employer and such loan, either in lump or in suitable instalments, as the

case may be, shall be paid to him or on his authority to the housing co-operative society

of which he is a member or the West Bengal State Co-operative Housing Federation

Limited as may be decided by the employer upon an agreement by the Loanee member

to assign the right with the co-operative housing society upon a further agreement to

pledge his gratuity or deposits or interest. He shall also be required to execute a second

mortgage in favour of his employer after completion of the house or the apartment.

147. Mode of communication by members to a Housing Co-operative Society in certain matters

(1) When a member intends to vacate the possession of the plot, house or

apartment he shall communicate such intention to the board in writing


explaining the reasons thereof and intimating the period by which he intends

to vacate.

(2) Whenever a member intends to make any addition or alternation or repair of

any house or apartment in his possession, he shall communicate such

intention to the board in writing explaining the purpose of such addition or

alternation or repair proposed and furnishing such information as may be


148. Apportionment of cost of land, house or apartment in Housing Co-operative Society

(1) The cost of any land (including its development cost) or the cost of any house

or apartment on such land built by a housing co-operative society shall be

apportioned in such manner as may be decided by the board.

(2) The cost of maintenance, repair or replacement of common areas and facilities

shall be apportioned according to carpet area :

Provided that where apportionment of cost according to carpet area is not

considered, equitable the society may with the approval of the Registrar,

realise the cost in such manner as it may consider fit.

Explanation : Common areas

Common areas shall mean staircase, stair cover, stair room, lift or any other

easement and its connected areas, lobby, open terrace, roof, external wall,

lawn, garden, play ground, water tank, boundary wall, parapet, driveway,

residual area of car parking, security room, generator room, fire fighting tank

and similar other service areas as would be decided by the general body.

Explanation : Facilities

Facility shall mean water supply arrangement, lighting arrangement in

common areas, security arrangement, intercom arrangement, generator

arrangement, fire fighting arrangement, lift service, roof treatment, safety

tank treatment and similar other facilities as would be decided by the general



149. Entitlement by a member of a Housing Co-operative Society to title or interest in any land, house or apartment

A member of a housing cooperative society shall not be entitled to any title or

interest in any land, house or apartment unless he has made full payment towards the cost

of such land, house or apartment as may be finally apportioned by the society.

150. Circumstances under which a member of a Housing Co-operative Society may reside outside the house or apartment allotted to him

A member of a housing co-operative society may under the following circumstances

be allowed to reside outside the house or apartment allotted in his favour by a housing co-

operative society:-

(a) if the member is transferred by his employer to any other place:

(b) if the member is under the conditions of his service compelled to stay

outside such as in a government quarter;

(c) if the member is compelled to reside elsewhere due to reasons of his

business or avocations;

(d) if the member is compelled to reside elsewhere under such other

circumstances as the board may approve.

151. Quarterly statement to be furnished

The statement to be furnished under sub-section (2) of section 91 shall be in Form




Co-operative Service Commission, Co-operative Registration Council and Co-operative Election Commission

152. West Bengal Co-operative Service commission

(1) The Chairman of the Co-operative Service commission appointed under

section 94 shall be paid in respect of time spent on actual service, salary and

allowances, last drawn by him where he is a retired officer and his usual

salary and allowance where he is a serving officer :

Provided that if the person appointed as Chairman of the commission is in

receipt of pension (Other than disability or wound pension), his salary shall

be reduced by the amount of that pension and if he has, before such

appointment received any such sum in lieu of a portion of the pension, his

salary shall be reduced by the amount of that portion of the pension and the

pension equivalent to gratuity.

(2) A member of the Commission shall be paid salary of Rs.5000/- (Rupees five

thousand ) per month provided under sub-section (3) of section 94.

(3) The Commission shall have the following staff –

(a) One Secretary

(b) One Deputy Secretary in the rank of Deputy Registrar of Cooperative


(c) One Assistant Secretary in the rank of Assistant Registrar of Cooperative


(d) One Stenographer with knowledge in computer science.

(e) One Typist with knowledge in computer science.

(f) Two Upper Division Assistants

(g) Two Lower Division Assistants

(h) Four Peons

Provided that the State Government shall have the power to increase or decrease

the number of the officers and other employees of the Commission at any time in

consultation with the Chairman of the Commission.

(4) The salaries, allowances, retirement benefits and the terms and conditions of

service (including conduct, discipline and control) of officers and other

employees of the Commission shall be such as the officers and employees of


the Public Service Commission, West Bengal, are entitled to. The expenses of

the Commission including the expenses under sub rule (2) and (3) shall be

defrayed out of the consolidated fund of the State.

(5) The Commission shall hold meetings for the purpose of fixing general; or

particular guidelines and Rules of business including Recruitment Rules for

selection of persons for appointment in co-operative Societies for its smooth

functioning. The Chairman shall preside over all such meetings to be

convened by the Secretary.

(6) (a) The Chairman or any member of the Commission, may by writing under his

hand addressed to the Secretary, Department of Co-operation, Government of

West Bengal resign his office.

(b) The Chairman of the Commission may be removed by the State

Government in the manner provided for removal of the Chairman of the

Public Service Commission, West Bengal.

(c) A Member of the Commission may be removed by the State

Government if he fails to attend six consecutive meetings of the Commission

including the Selection Committees.

(7) No employee who has been appointed in a Co-operative Society on the

recommendation of the Commission shall be dismissed from service without

prior approval of the Commission. The Commission shall give its decision in

this regard within two months from the date of receipt of any request in

writing from the co-operative society for such approval.

(8) Any appointment made by a Co-operative Society covered under the fifth

schedule of this Act in violation of sub-section (5) of section 94 shall be void.

153. Co-operative Registration Council

(1) The Cooperative Registration Council referred to sub-section (1) of section 95

shall have a Secretary to be appointed by the State Government by

Notification in the Official Gazette. Such Co-operative Registration Council

(hereinafter referred to as the Council) shall discharge its functions in the

following manner –

(a) On receipt of the memorandum sent by the Registrar under sub-section

(8) of section 16 transferring therewith the papers pertaining to the

registration proposal, the Secretary of the Council shall convene by a

written notice meeting of the Council within ten days from the date of


such receipt. Seven clear days’ notice shall be given for such meeting.

Alongwith such notice shall be sent a statement containing the following

particulars –

(i) name of the proposed society and the proposed address thereof;

(ii) area of membership of the society and its class;

(iii) grounds on which or reasons due to which the Registrar refused

registration of the society under sub section (6) of section 16 or did

not or could not dispose of the application within the period

mentioned in sub-section ( 7 ) of section 16

(b) Copies of such notices shall be sent to the applicant or the Chief Promoter

affording him an opportunity of being heard before the Council.

( c) Two members of the Council will form a quorum for holding its meeting. If

the Chairman be absent the members present shall select one from amongst

themselves to be the Chairman of the meeting.

(d) The meeting of the Council shall examine the case and decide. The

proceedings of such meeting including the decision shall be recorded in the

minute book to be maintained by the Council for such purpose.

Provided that the Council shall have the right to call for any additional

documents for ends of justice.

(e) Where the Council decides that the proposed society shall not be registered,

the Secretary of the Council shall communicate the decision to all concerned by

registered post and return the relevant papers to the applicant or the Chief


(f) Where the Council decides that the proposed society should be

registered, the Secretary of the Council shall send back the papers to the Registrar

for registration of the society. The Secretary shall also communicate the fact to

the applicant or the Chief Promoter.

Provided that the Registrar shall register the cooperative society within one

month from the date of receipt of such papers.

(g) Where the applicant or the Chief Promoter for registration of a Co-operative

Society and its bye-laws wishes to appeal to the Council under Sub-section ( 7 )

of section 16 it shall prepare a memorandum of appeal which shall –

(i) be either typewritten or written legibly by hand;

(ii) state the name and address of the appellant clearly;


(iii) state the date and mode in which the application for registration

was sent or submitted to the Registrar or the date of receipt of the

order of refusal, as the case may be;

(iv) state the name of the society and all particulars about it including

address, area of membership and the object.

(2) The Secretary shall maintain the following registers -

(i) Register of references received from the Registrar under sub-section (

8 ) of Section 16 in Form III.

(ii) Register appeals received from applicants or Chief Promoters, as the

case may be, under Sub-section (7) of Section 16 in form IV.

(iii) Register of appeals presented under sub-section (7) of Section 16 in

Form V.

(v) Register of miscellaneous letters received, in Form VI.

(vi) Minute book for the meetings of the Council.

154. Co-operative Election Commission

(1) The Co-operative Election commission shall hold meetings for the purpose of

fixing general or particular guidelines and rules of business for holding of

elections of all registered co-operative societies in West Bengal;

Provided that the Board of all registered cooperative societies shall furnish the

commission such papers, information which the Commission may require from

time to time.

(2) The Co-operative Election commissioner appointed under section 96 shall be paid

in respect of time spent on actual service, salary and allowances, last drawn by

him where he is a retired officer and his usual salary and allowances where he is

a serving officer, provided that if the person appointed as the Co-operative

Election Commissioner is in receipt of pension (other than disability or wound

pension), his salary shall be reduced by the amount of that pension and if he has,

before such appointment received any sum in lieu of a portion of the pension, his

salary shall be reduced by the amount of that portion of the pension, and the

pension equivalent to gratuity.

(3) The salaries, allowances, retirement benefits and the terms and conditions of

service (including conduct, discipline and control) of officers and other

employees of the Commission shall be such as that of the employees of the State


Government. Such salaries, allowances etc. and expenses of the Commission

shall be defrayed out of the consolidated fund of the State.

(4) As provided under sub-section (7) of section 96, the Cooperative Election Commission shall have the following staff

(a) One Secretary in the rank of Joint Registrar of Cooperative Societies;

(b) One Deputy Secretary in the rank of Deputy Registrar of Cooperative


(c) One Assistant Secretary in the rank of Assistant Registrar of Cooperative


(d) One officer in the rank of Cooperative Development Officer;

(e) One officer in the rank of Cooperative Inspector;

(f) One Upper Division Assistant;

(g) Two Lower Division Assistants with knowledge in computer science;

(h) One Stenographer with knowledge in computer science;

(i) One Typist with knowledge in computer science; and

(j) Two peons:

Provided that the State Government shall have the power toincrease or decrease

the number of the officers and other employees of the commission in consultation with

the Chairman of the Commission and expenses of the commission shall be defrayed

out of the Consolidated Fund of the State.

(5) (a) The Zonal Joint Registrar or the Deputy Registrar and all officers of

his office shall respectively be ex-officio Returning Officer and Assistant

Returning Officer in the case of election of all Apex and Central Cooperative


(b) The range officer of the Directorate of Cooperation and all officers of

his range shall respectively be ex-officio Returning Officer and Assistant

Returning Officer in the case of election of all Primary Cooperative Societies.

( c) The Commission shall issue order appointing Returning Officer,

Assistant Returning Officer and such other Polling Personnel as may be

required to conduct election of cooperatives from the officers and employees

of the Directorate of Cooperation.



Audit Inspection and Inquiry

155. Preparation of Panel of Auditors

For preparation of panel of Auditors under section 97. the State Government or the

Director of Co-operative Audit with the approval of the State Government shall invite

application from amongst the eligible persons which shall include the members of the

Institute of Cost and Works Accountant of India constituted under the Cost and Works

Accountant Act 1959, and members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India both

having Certificate of Practice issued by the respective Institutions. Such panel of auditors

shall be prepared from the members of above named two Institutions by obtaining

applications from them as provided under sub-section (1)(b) of section 97 through

advertisement in at least one State level daily newspaper on such terms and conditions as

may be decided by the State Government and upon receiving such applications, such panel

shall be finalized by a Committee constituted by the State Government from time to time.

155A. Audit under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 97 of the Act Audit under clause (b ) of sub-section (1) of section 97 of the Act shall include the following:-

(a) examination of over due debts, if any;

(b) verification of cash balance, securities and fund investment;

(c) valuation of assets and liabilities of the cooperative and calculation of

depreciation of assets;

(d) verification of the balance at the credit of the depositors and creditors and the

amount due from the debtors of the cooperative;

(e) examination of the statements of accounts to be prepared by the cooperative

society in Form XXX or in such other form as may be provided by any law;;

(f) examination of the stocks and purchases and checking of the entries in the

stock register, purchase register and godown register with challans, invoices

and delivery orders etc.;

(g) checking of the entry of the cash book with all vouchers and checking of the

propriety of the vouchers;

(h) verification of closing balance together with reconciliation between stock

balance as per stock registers and figures found on physical verification;

(i) ascertainment of overdue loans and overdue interest together with year wise

classification of overdue loan at the end of the cooperative year;


(j) examination of the provisions of overdue interest in suspense;

(k) examination of the non-performing assets and year wise classification of the


(l) examination of the provisions made in account in regard to the non-

performing assets as per directive of the Reserve Bank of India;

(m) examination of proper appropriation and investment of different statutory


(n) An examination of the monitory transactions including the propriety of the

transactions; and

(o) any other matter as the Director of Cooperative Audit may by order specify.

155B. Annual Audit, Monthly Running Audit, Concurrent Audit, Re-Audit etc

An audit under clause (b) of sub-section (1) of section 97 of the Act, shall include

annual audit, monthly running audit, concurrent audit, re-audit and other matters as

decided by the State Government.

156. Audit Fees

(1) A Co-operative Society shall pay audit fee calculated on the working capital on the

last day of the co-operative year for which the audit fee will be due.

(2) The fees for annual audit shall be calculated at the following rates, namely: -

(i) Where the working capital does not exceed one lakh rupees

At the rate of five rupees for every one thousand rupees or part thereof subject to a minimum of one hundred rupees.


Where the working capital exceeds one lakh but does not exceed fifty lakh rupees

five hundred rupees plus at the rate of eighty rupees for every one lakh rupees or part thereof on the amount exceeding one lakh rupees.

(iii) Where the working capital exceeds fifty lakhs rupees but does not exceed one crore rupees

Four thousand five hundred rupees plus at the rate of eighty rupees for every one lakh rupees or part thereof on the amount exceeding fifty lakh rupees.


Where the working capital exceeds one crore rupees but does not exceed one hundred crore rupees

Nine thousand four hundred rupees plus at the rate of one hundred rupees for every one crore rupees or part thereof on the amount exceeding one crore rupees.


Where the working capital exceeds one hundred crore rupees

Nineteen thousand three hundred rupees plus at the rate of seventy five rupees for every one crore rupees or part thereof on the amount exceeding one hundred crore rupees.


(3) In the case of a Housing Co-operative, the audit fee shall be assessed at the rate of

rupees thirty per member subject to a minimum of five hundred rupees.

(4) In the case of a Co-operative which is under process of being dissolved, the audit

fee shall be assessed at the rate of one percent of the realised assets of the co-operative

during the co-operative year for which the accounts are audited.

(5) In the case of West Bengal State Co-operative Union and all of district co-operative

Unions and other non-trading promotional bodies, audit fee shall be five paise for every one

hundred rupees of annual subscription received during the co-operative year from the

members subject to minimum of the hundred rupees.

(6) In addition to audit fees mentioned under this rule, an additional amount of twenty five

percent of audit fees shall be payable for monthly running audit in the case of the co-

operative society mentioned in clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 97 and an additional

amount of ten percent for each branch of the co-operative.

Provided that the audit fee payable for concurrent audit, cost and performance audit

and internal audit shall be determined by settlement between the audit Officer and the

Director of Co-operative Audit or the co-operative society, as the case may be.

157. Payment of audit Fees

(1) Where the audit of the accounts of a co-operative society is conducted by a

Departmental Officer, the audit fees shall be deposited, within a period of three

months from the date of submission of the audit report, in the nearest Treasury or

the sub-treasury, as the case may be, under the appropriate receipt head of the State

Government and one copy of receipted challan shall be submitted to the Director of

Cooperative Audit by the cooperative society.

(2) Where the accounts of a society are audited by an Audit Officer, not being a

Departmental Officer, the audit fee shall be paid, within a period of three months

from the date of submission of the audit report, direct to such audit officer upon

proper receipt, if no objection is filed before the Registrar about audit report in the


(3) Audit fees payable by a society shall be recoverable as Government dues and, if not

paid within the time fixed, may be recovered as an arrear of land revenue .

Provided that immediately after the audit report has been received by the society, the

Audit Officer shall get a sum not exceeding fifty percent of the audit fee payable

under sub-rule ( 2 ) of rule 156.


158. Audit Report

(1) The audit report referred to in sub-section (1) of section 98 shall state –

(a) Whether any of the transactions appears to him to be contrary to law or any

direction of the Registrar;

(b) Whether every sum which ought to have been but has not been brought into


(c) Whether the amount of any deficiency or loss which appears to have resulted

from any negligence or misconduct, requires further investigation;

(d) Whether any money or property (including stock) belonging to the society

appears to have been misappropriated or fraudulently retained by any


(e) Whether any asset appears to him to be a non-performing asset or bad or


(f) Whether or not the Audit Officer has obtained all the information and

explanations required by him;

(g) Whether or not, in his opinion, the balance sheet and the profit and loss

account referred to in the report are drawn up in conformity with the law;

(h) Whether or not such balance sheet exhibits a fair account of the state of the

society’s affairs according to the best of his information and the explanation

given to him and as shown by the books of the society;

(i) Whether, in his opinion, books and accounts have been kept by the society as

required under the Act, the rules, the bye-laws and the directions of the Registrar

(if any);

(j) Whether there has been any material impropriety or irregularity in the

expenditure or in the realization of moneys due to the society.

(2) Where any of the matters referred to in sub-rule (1) is answered in the negative or in

the affirmative with any remarks, the report shall state the reason for such answer with facts

and figures in support of such reason.

(3) The audit report shall also include (a) certification of realized profits, (b) merit rating

of Co-operative Societies in such form as the Director may approve and ( c) his suggestions

for improvement of the working of the society.

159. Assessment of Audit Fee on Co-operative Society

Audit fee shall be assessed by the Director of Co-operative Audit –


(i) In the case of a working Primary Agricultural Co-operative which is a

member of a Central Co-operative Bank or is financed by a nationalized Commercial Bank

or Gramin Bank upon such Bank;

(ii) In the case of any other Co-operative, upon the Co-operative Society.

160. Exemption and Remission of Audit Fees

(1) All Students’ Consumers Co-operative and Students’ Health Co-operative shall be

exempted from payment of audit fees.

(2) All types of Women Co-operative shall be exempted for five years after registration

of the Co-operative from payment of audit fees.

(3) The Director of Co-operative Audit may, at his discretion, remit by order either

wholly or in part audit fee payable by non-working co-operative and the co-

operative having no income at all during the co-operative year.

(4) Audit of Co-operative Education Fund shall be conducted by Departmental Audit

Officer and audit fees shall be two thousand five hundred rupees.

161. Procedure of Audit

(1) Unless the Director of Cooperative Audit directs otherwise, the audit of a Co-

operative society shall be conducted in the registered office of the society and at the

branches and pay offices, if any.

(2) Previous intimation shall be given to the cooperative society before the audit is


Provided that verification of cash balance, and securities may be carried out without

any previous intimation to the society.

(3) The officers and other employees of the society shall give the Audit Officers all

assistance necessary for the completion of the audit, and for this purpose in particular,

prepare such statements and take such action with regard to the verification or

examination of its accounts, as he may require.

162. Audit objections

While conducting the statutory audit of a co-operative society under sub- section (12) of

section 97 of the Act, the Audit officer may issue, from time to time during audit, interim

objections to the Secretary of the society or to the officer performing the duties of the

Secretary for compliance or explaining the defects and irregularities pointed out in such

objections within a period not exceeding seven days. The secretary or the officer performing

the duties of the Secretary, as the case may be, shall return the interim objection sheets with

the compliance report to the Audit Officer within the time specified by the Audit Officer.


The Audit Officer shall review the compliance report and waive such objections which, in

his opinion, have been complied with satisfactorily and shall incorporate the remaining

objections in the audit report.

163. Writing off Assets and Bad Debts

(1) Subject to approval of the Registrar, any debt or dues or any asset considered bad

shall be written off by the general meeting in the order below against -

(a) the bad debt fund, or any fund created out of profits as provision for non-

performing assets or bad debts, as certified by the audit officer;

(b) any other fund created out of profits but not earmarked for any specific purpose;


(c) the reserve fund constituted under the Act.

(2) Where the society is a member of a financing Bank and is indebted to it, the Registrar

shall consult the financing bank before sanctioning the writing off of any debt or

amount due.

164. Submission of special report by Audit Officer

When an Audit Officer notices in course of his audit that there exist a case of serious

irregularity such as misappropriation, embezzlement of funds or pilferage of stocks,

violation of provisions of law, he shall intimate such irregularities to the concerned society

and to the Registrar through Proper Channel in a sealed cover marked to the concerned

society and “confidential” as expeditiously as possible for such action as the Registrar may

consider expedient.

165. Form of Audit Statements

The statements of accounts shall be prepared by the Board in Form XXX or in such other

form as the Registrar may approve.

165A. Seizure of books and documents by the Inspecting Officer or Inquiring Officer

As provided under sections 99 and 100 of the Act, an Inspecting Officer or Inquiry

Officer, as the case may be, during inspection or inquiry, may seize any book or document

of the cooperative society from its office as may be required by him in the interest of the

inspection or inquiry by preparing two copies of seizure list taking at least one witness and

hand over one copy to an officer or employee of the cooperative society obtaining a receipt.



Settlement of Disputes

166. Reference of a dispute

A dispute to be filed before the Registrar shall be made in writing to be called the plaint

and shall, inter alia, contain –

(a) the names, description and addresses of the parties,

(b) a statement of the subject of disputes alongwith copies of documents to be relied upon,

(c) the facts constituting the cause of action and when it arose,

(d) the relief prayed for, and

(e) in a dispute relating to recovery of money, a statement of the subject matter of the

dispute for the purpose of determination of fees for filing a dispute:

Provided that the plaint shall be accompanied by as many its copies as the number of


167. Filing of dispute

For filing a dispute under section 102 the petitioner shall in addition to the provision

contained under rule 166 have to follow the procedure under that section.

168. Persons qualified to be appointed as Arbitrators

(1) An arbitrator or Arbitrators may be nominated or appointed from –

(a) officers and retired officers of Department of Cooperation, Government of

West Bengal,

(b) officers of apex and Central Co-operatives,

(c) members of local body,

(d) chartered engineers,

(e) chartered accounts or cost accounts,

(f) advocates,

(g) any Co-operator having experience of holding office of the Director of any

Apex or Central Co-operative Society.


169. Disposal of Disputes

The disputes required to be disposed of under chapter XI of the Act shall be decided

as per the provisions contained in these rules subject to the provisions contained in the Act.

170. Procedure for disposal of disputes

(1) For settlement of a dispute, under sub-sections (1), (2) and (3) of section 103, the Board

of Arbitrators or the forum of Arbitrators or the arbitrator, as the case may be, shall –

(a) fix the date, hour and place of hearing of the dispute and

(b) have power to allow representation by agent, guardian or next friends.

(2) The Board of Arbitrators, forum of Arbitrators or the Arbitrator, as the case may be,

shall issue summons or notice, at least, 15 (fifteen) days before the date fixed for

hearing of the dispute to the plaintiff and the defendant requiring them to attend with

all relevant books, documents, witnesses and evidence relating to the dispute.

Provided that the summons or notice which shall be served upon the defendant shall

contain a copy of the plaint.

(3) First and subsequent summonses or notices may be served on a party to the dispute or

his agent or any, adult member of the family -

(a) by registered post with acknowledgement due or

(b) by affixing a copy of the summons or notice on the outer door or some other

conspicuous part of the last known place of residence or business of the party,

when he refuses to sign the acknowledgement or he cannot be traced out even

after adequate search.

(4) Service of summon or notice on the Chairman, the Secretary or the Chief Executive of

the Co-operative Society by whatever designation known, shall be regarded as service

on the Co-operative.

(5) Where the serving officer delivers or tenders a copy of the summons or notice

personally to the addressee or to an agent or other person on his behalf, he shall require

the signature of the person to whom the copy is so delivered or tendered, endorsed on

the original summons or notice as an acknowledgement of service.

(6) The serving officer shall, in all cases in which the summons or notice has been served

under clause (b) of sub-rule (3), cause to be endorsed on, or annexed to, the original

summons or notice, return stating the time when and the manner in which the

summons or notice, was served, and the name, signature and address of the person, if


any, identifying the person concerned and witnessing the delivery or tender of the

summons or notice.

(7) The sufficiency of proof of service of the summons or notice shall be decided by the

person who issued the same.

(8) (a) After summons or notice has been duly served, if on the date of hearing the plaintiff

is absent, the case shall be dismissed for default and if the defendant is absent, the case

may be decided ex parte.

(b) Where both the parties are present, the case shall proceed and the defendant shall

submit on the first date of hearing a written statement alongwith copies of documents

to be relied upon. A copy of the written statement shall be served upon the plaintiff on

or before the date of appearance and hearing.

(9) Each party may inspect the documents of the other party for verification with the


(10) The Board of Arbitrators or forum of Arbitrators or the Arbitrator as the case may be,

may, at any time, during pendency of the dispute, order the production by any party of

such of the documents in his possession or power relating to any matter in question in

such dispute.

(11) The Board of Arbitrators or forum of Arbitrators or the Arbitrator, as the case may be,

may permit to call, either by summoning or otherwise, any witness to give evidence or

produce documents. A party may cross-examine witnesses of the other party.

Provided that the Board of Arbitrators or forum of Arbitrators or Arbitrators shall also

have power to recall any witness to give further evidence or to produce any specific


(12) The Board of Arbitrators or Forum of Arbitrators or the Arbitrator, as the case may be,

may invite any technical expert or any Audit officer to give opinion on any technical


(13) Where an Arbitrator, due to transfer, retirement or other cause is prevented to conclude

the settlement of a dispute, the Successor-Arbitrator may deal with the case from the

stage at which his predecessor left it.

(14) The Board of Arbitrators or Forum of Arbitrators or the Arbitrator, as the case may be,

shall give the parties to the dispute due opportunity of hearing and shall make a


memorandum of the statements of parties who attend and such witnesses as are

examined and cross examined and such opinion of the technical experts and record the

proceeding in writing.

171. Award or decision

(1) After conclusion of hearing of the case, the Board of Arbitrators or Forum of

Arbitrators or the Arbitrator, as the case may be, on examination of evidence on record

and on consideration of arguments – oral or written, if any, as advanced by the parties,

shall make a reasoned award in writing under his signature with date in accordance

with justice, equity and good conscience.

(2) The award shall contain the number of the reference, the names and description of the

parties and particulars of the dispute, and shall specify –

(a) the relief granted;

(b) the amount decreed;

(c) the interest including future interest, if any, allowed; and

(d) the cost awarded, if any, indicating the party or parties liable to pay

the decretal amount or the cost or both and the manner of payment of


(3) An award may be made at once or on a date to be fixed within 15 (fifteen) days from

the date of conclusion of hearing with due notice to the parties,. It shall be

communicated to the parties –

(b) by pronouncement of the award before them and taking their signatures on the

order sheet as acknowledgement or making endorsement himself about the

communication when a party refuses to sign;

(c) by registered post with acknowledgement due to a party who may be absent on

such date.

Provided that it shall be sufficient if the particulars at clauses (a), (b), (c ) and (d) of

sub- rule (2) are read out and it shall not be necessary to read out the whole award.

172. Amendment of award, order, etc.

(1) If there are any clerical or typographical or arithmetical mistakes in the award or any

interim order or errors arising therein from any accidental slip or omission, the same


may be corrected by the Board of Arbitrators or forum of Arbitrators or the Arbitrator,

as the case may be, either of its or his own motion or on the application of any of the

parties. Such application shall be made within 15 days from the date of award or


(2) Any amendment made under sub- rule (1) shall be communicated to all parties.

(3) An award once made and signed cannot afterwards be altered or added to save as

provided under sub-rule (1) even with the consent of the parties.

173. Withdrawal of reference by the Registrar

The Registrar may withdraw the reference from the Arbitrators and may decide the

dispute himself or may make fresh appointment of an arbitrator or arbitrators on one or

more of the following grounds :

(a) on an application stating reasons by any party to a pending arbitration


(b) on the application of an Arbitrator not being a Government Officer;

(c) in case of transfer of suspension or dismissal or resignation of the arbitrator

or any of the arbitrators where he is a Government officer.

174. Execution of decision or award

(1) For sums payable under an award in any dispute, recovery shall be made in the

manner specified under section 143 and the Second Schedule as a Public demand

upon requisition of the awardees.

(2) Decision of award in a dispute not involving any sum, shall, upon application by

the awardee, be enforceable by any civil court having local jurisdiction in the

same manner as a decree of such court as if it were a decree of such court.

175. Disposal of record

(1) The original records of a dispute proceedings, after the decision or award has been

delivered, shall be kept in such place and manner as the Registrar may direct.

(1) Any document or record filed by a party may, on application, be returned to the party

after the disposal of the appeal, if any, or after the expiry of the period of limitation for

preferring appeal if no appeal has been preferred.


176. Certified copy

(1) A certified copy of an order, decision or award or evidence of the parties shall, on

application, be given to a party by the Registrar duly certified by him typed in

double spaces.

(2) On receipt of an application for certified copy of order, decision or award, the

applicant shall forthwith, or on a date to be given to him instantly, be intimated

about the requisites required to be supplied by him.

(3) If the requisites are not supplied within seven days from the date of intimation,

the application for certified copy shall be rejected and thereafter the party may

obtain certified copy of filing fresh application.

(4) The certified copy shall be supplied, as far as practicable, within two weeks from

the date on which the requisites are supplied.

(5) It will be for the party applying for certified copy to collect the same and if he

wants it to be sent by post, then it shall be deemed to have been delivered to him

on the date on which the certified copy is sent by post.



Dissolution of Co-operative Societies

177. Order for dissolution of a Co-operative Society

(1) When the Registrar passes an order under section 106 directing the

dissolution of a Co-operative Society, he shall –

(a) publish the order in such manner in the locality as he may think


(b) communicate the order to the society by registered post with

acknowledgement due or through a messenger; and

(c) send a copy of the order to the concerned cooperative society to

which it is affiliated and the financing bank, if any, by registered

post with acknowledgement due or through a messenger.

(2) The notice under sub-section (1) of section 106 shall be in Form XXXI.

178. Appointment or removal of Liquidator

(1) Where no liquidator is appointed under section 110, the Registrar shall take

appropriate steps for dissolution of the affairs of the society as per the provisions

contained in the Act.

(2) The financial statement under sub-section ( 10) of section 111 shall be in


179. Publication of notice

Immediately after the date on which the order directing the dissolution of the

society takes effect, the liquidator shall publish, in such manner as the Registrar

may direct, a notice in Form XXXIII requiring all claims against the society to be

forwarded to him within one month of the publication of the notice.

180. Remuneration of Liquidator

The liquidator may be allowed such remuneration not exceeding two and a half

percent of the assets of the society as the Registrar may decide. Such

remuneration may be fixed to cover all costs incidental to the liquidation and

shall be met out of the assets of the society.


181. Issue of summons by a Liquidator

The Liquidator may issue summons to any person to interrogate them as provided

under sub-section (13) of section 111.

182. Liquidator to keep notes of deposition

The Liquidator shall keep short notes of the deposition of persons whose evidence he


183. Recovery by Certificates

For recovery of dues, the Liquidator may take steps under the Bengal Public

Demands Recovery Act, 1913 (Ben. Act 111 of 1913).

184. Distribution of Assets

(1) Subject to provision of any other law, after calculation of the total realized assets,

payment out of these assets shall be made in order of priority as mentioned below :-

(a) costs, charges and expenses of liquidation proceedings and remuneration of the

liquidator, if any;

(b) any sum borrowed on the security of the assets of the cooperative society for the

purpose of liquidation proceedings;

(c) audit fee due and payable;

(d) debts due to the government, local authority and financing bank;

(e) claims of other creditors including personal debts and deposits of members and non-

members. If adequate assets are not available, pro-rata payments shall be made;

(2) After the liabilities under sub- rule (1) are paid off, the assets, if any, left with the

liquidator may be applied with the approval of the Registrar for pro-rata refund of share

capital to members and pro rata payment of dividend on the shares, if any, at a rate not

exceeding six percent per annum for the period of liquidation.

(3) The liquidator, after taking steps under sub- rules (1) and (2), shall deal with the

surplus assets, if any, in the following manner :

(a) fifty percent of the surplus assets shall be credited to the Cooperative Education

Fund maintained by the Cooperative Education Fund Committee and


(b) fifty percent of the surplus assets shall be paid to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund of

this State.

185. Final report of Liquidator and termination of proceedings

(1) After the liquidation proceedings including distribution of assets of society

have been closed, the Liquidator shall submit a final account and report to the


(2) On receipt of the final report from the Liquidator, the Registrar

shall terminate the liquidation proceedings, issue a certificate of dissolution, cancel

the registration of the society and discharge the liquidator.

186. Disposal of books, etc. by the Liquidator

Upon the termination of liquidation proceedings, all books, registers and accounts

belonging to the society and all books, accounts and papers relating to the liquidation

proceedings, which are in possession of the Liquidator shall be, along with a list thereof

in duplicate, deposited with the Registrar or such person as the Registrar may direct and

shall be reserved for six years therefrom.



Special provisions for State Cooperative Bank, Co-

operative Agriculture And Rural Development Bank,

Central Co-operative Bank, Primary Co-operative Credit

Society, Apex Housing Society and Urban Cooperative


187. Productive purposes for which a Cooperative Agriculture And Rural Development Bank may grant loan

The purposes for which a Co-operative Agriculture And Rural Development Bank

may grant loans to its members shall include :-

(i) digging of well and tank, sinking of tube well and to do other work

incidental thereto including repairs and additions or alternations for

storage, supply or distributions of water for the purpose of agriculture or

for the use of man and cattle;

(ii) creation of irrigation facilities;

(iii) construction or repair of drainage or irrigation channels, reclamation of

land and measures for protection of agricultural land from flood, soil

erosion etc;

(iv) promotion of horticulture, floriculture, arboriculture and orchard


(v) purchase of oil engine, pump-set, electric motor, tractor or any kind of

machinery required for agriculture;

(vi) construction of farm-house, cattle shed or threshing yard, fish curing or

drying yard, shed for storing or processing agricultural produce and pump


(vii) purchase of machinery for crushing sugarcane or for manufacturing gur,

khandsari or sugar or rice;

(viii) purchase of agricultural land for the purpose of consolidation of holdings;

(ix) piggery, poultry, bee-keeping and goat-keeping;

(x) fishery;


(xi) dairy;

(xii) installation of high and low tension lines for energizing electric motors for

agricultural purpose; and

(xiii) fencing around agricultural land.

188. Notice under section 114

The notice referred to in sub-section (1) of section 114 shall be in Form XXXIV and be

issued by registered post with acknowledgement due.

189. Procedure for appointment of distrainer

On receipt of an application from a Co-operative Agriculture and Rural

Development Bank, the State Cooperative Bank, a Central Co-operative Bank or a

Primary Co-operative Credit Society, as the case may be, signed and verified by the

Secretary or the Manager or any other person duly authorized by the board in this

behalf setting forth full particulars of the property required to be distrained, the

Registrar shall, if satisfied that the particulars set forth in the application are correct,

appoint a distrainer.

190. Powers and functions of the distrainer

(1) The distrainer, on appointment, shall serve upon the defaulter a written demand

specifying the amount for which the distraint is made. The demand shall be dated and

signed by the distrainer and shall be served on the defaulter by delivering a copy to

him or to some adult member of this family at his ordinary place of residence or when

such service cannot be effected accordingly, a copy of the demand shall be affixed on

some conspicuous part of the residence.

(2) Simultaneously with the service of notice, the distrainer shall cause attachment of the

produce specified in the application by affixing the order of attachment in Form XXXV-

(a) where such produce is standing crop, on the land on which such crop

stands, or

(b) where such produce has been cut or gathered on the threshing floor or

place for treading out grain or the like or fodder stack or where the same

is stored and also in a conspicuous manner on the outer door of the

premises where he resides or works for gain or is known to have last



(c) where the property to be attached is movable property, other than

agricultural produce, in the possession of the mortgagor, the attachment

shall be made by actual seizure at the identification by the applicant or its


(d) another copy of the order of attachment in Form – XXXV shall also be

affixed in a conspicuous manner on the outer door of the premises where

the mortgagor resides or works for gain or is known to have last resided;

(e) where any produce or property is attached, the distrainer, shall make

arrangement for custody thereof;

(f) subject to such condition as may be imposed by the distrainer, the

defaulter may tend, cut, gather and store the produce and do any other

act necessary for maturing or preserving it. If the defaulter fails to do all

or any of such acts, the distrainer may do all or any of such acts, either by

himself or by any person appointed by him in this behalf and the costs

incurred by the distrainer shall be recoverable from the defaulter, as if

they were included in or formed part of the order of attachment;

(g) no distrain shall be made before sunrise and after sunset;

(h) in case the custodian appointed by the distrainer fails to produce the crop

or the property on the dates specified by the distrainer, the distrainer

shall refer the matter to the police station of the area and custodian shall

be dealt with in the same manner as that of misappropriation of public


191. Sale of distrained property and appropriation of sale proceeds

(1) As conferred upon under section 120 of the Act, if within seven days from the date of

service of the demand notice, the defaulter does not pay the amount for which a distrain has

been effected, the distrainer may sell, in auction, the distrained property or such part thereof

in one or more lots, as may, in his opinion, be necessary to satisfy the demand together with

the expenses of the distrain and the cost of the sale provided that the property which is

perishable may be sold at any time depending on the circumstances.

(2) Before sale, the distrainer shall cause proclamation of the time and the place of the

intended sale together with the property for sale and the approximate price and quantity

thereof by beat of drum in the village where the defaulter resides or the property is kept and


at such other place or places as the distrainer may consider necessary to give due publicity

to sale.

Provided that such sale may be held in the nearest bazar or other place of public

resort, if the distrainer is of opinion that a better price is likely to be obtained thereby.

(3) The property shall be sold to the highest bidder, who shall be required to pay at least

fifty percent of the purchase money in cash immediately and the balance within a period of

five days and the purchaser shall not be permitted to carry away any part of the property

unless the full amount of the purchase money is paid.

(4) If the purchaser fails to pay the balance of the purchase money within the time

specified in sub-rule (3), the amount already paid by him shall be forfeited and the property

shall be sold again and the proceeds of such sale together with the forefeited amount shall

be taken as proceeds of distrain and sale and shall be appropriated in the manner as

provided hereunder. Any deficiency of price which may ensue from such sale and the

expenses connected therewith shall be certified by the distrainer and shall be recoverable

from the defaulter.

(5) No distrainer or his relative or any person employed by or subordinate to him shall

purchase, either directly or indirectly, any property distrained and put to sale under this


(6) From the proceeds of such sale, a deduction at the rate not exceeding ten paise in a

rupee may be made on account of costs of sale.

(7) If at any time before such sale takes place, the defaulter or any person on his behalf

deposits with the distrainer or with the cooperative agriculture and rural development bank

or the central cooperative bank or the primary credit cooperative society concerned the

amount for which the attachment was made together with such costs as may have been

incurred up to the date of deposit for causing the distraints, the property attached shall be


(8) Where any written claim is referred by any person other than the defaulter claiming

an interest in the distrained property, the distrainer shall after being prima facie satisfied

about the claim, refer the claim to the Registrar and shall stay the sale pending decision of

the Registrar and shall also inform the concerned bank or society, as the case may be, of the



Provided that if the property distrained is perishable in nature, he may forthwith sell

the property with notice to the claimant and keep in his custody the sale proceeds.

(9) The Registrar shall after service of notice on the concerned persons investigate the

claim and shall pass such order as he thinks proper and communicate his order to the

distrainer who shall act accordingly.

191A. Appointment of Sale Officer

(5) The Registrar may appoint a person as sale officer to conduct sale of

property under the provisions of Chapter XIII of the Act.

(6) The appointment of the sale officer shall be notified in the area of operation

of the bank or the societies for which he is appointed, in such manner as the

Registrar may deem proper

191 B. Notice requiring payment from persons interested

(1) A bank or the society referred to section 122 of the Act in exercise of the power

conferred under the said section shall in the form of a written demand for the payment of

the amount due to the bank or the society, as the case may be, issue a notice upon -

(a) the mortgagor;

(b) any person who has any interest in or charge upon the property mortgaged

or upon the right to redeem the said property and who has previously notified the bank or

the society in writing of such interest or charge;

( c ) any surety for the payment of the mortgaged debt or any part thereof; and

(c) any creditor of the mortgagor who has, in a suit for the administration of his estate,

obtained a decree for sale of the mortgaged property.

(2) The notice shall be in Form XXXVI and shall be sent by registered post with

acknowledgement due or be delivered by hand taking proper receipt therefor. If notice

cannot be served in any of two modes, the same may be served by affixing at the entrance

door of the place of residence of all concerned or the last known place of residence.

191C. Application for sale

(1) On the expiry of three months from the date of service of a notice under the rule 191B

if the sum under the mortgage has not been paid, the board of the bank or the society, as the

case may be, may, after considering any objection made within that period by a person


entitled to such notice, apply in accordance with rule 191D to the sale officer and such

officer shall proceed to sell such property by public auction and report the result thereof to

the bank or the society, as the case may be.

191 D. Procedure for sale

(1) An application to a sale officer for sale of any mortgaged property shall be signed by

the Secretary or the Manager of the concerned bank or the society or any person duly

authorized by the board to do so and shall -

(a) contain sufficient particulars for identification of the property;

(b) show the names of persons having interest in the property;

( c ) contain a report regarding the manner of service of notice;

(d) specify the amount due for recovery and the expenses incurred in the service of the


(e) contain any other particulars which the concerned bank or the society, as the case

may be, may consider material for the purchasers in order to know the nature and value of

the property; and

(f) accompany a copy of the mortgaged deed.

(2) On receipt of the application for sale of the mortgaged property the sale officer shall

give notice by registered post or by personal service under proper receipt to all persons

named in the application that he intends to sell the property after the expiry of thirty days

from the date of service of such notice unless the amount due (including cost) is paid within

that period:

Provided that if the service of the notice cannot be effected in the manner prescribed

by this sub-rule for any reason, the same may be affixed at a conspicuous place of his


(3) On the expiry of thirty days from the date of service of the notice the sale officer shall

issue a proclamation specifying therein -

(a) date, time and place of sale;

(b) particulars of the property to be sold and approximate value thereof;

( c ) the annual rent payable for such property;

(d) the amount of recovery of which the sale is ordered; and


(e) any other particulars which the sale officer considers material for a purchaser in

order to know the nature and value of the property.

(4) There shall be a time gap of at least fifteen days between the date of publication of

proclamation and date of public auction.

(5) Every proclamation for the sale shall be made at some place on or near such property

by beat of drum and a copy of the proclamation shall be affixed on a conspicuous part of the

office of the concerned bank or the society, as the case may be.

(6) The sale shall be made by public auction to the highest bidder.

(7) The sale officer shall divide a property into lots, if he thinks it necessary in the

interest of the debtor or the bank or the society.

(8) Where the property is divided into lots it shall not be necessary to make separate

proclamation for each lot.

(9) The sale shall be held at the village or the ward, where the mortgaged property is

situated or at the nearest place of public resort, if the sale officer is of opinion that a better

price is likely to be obtained thereby.

(10) All costs for the issue of the sale notice and for the proclamation of such sale shall be

initially paid by the concerned bank or the society, as the case may be.

191 E. Abandonment of sale

(1) Where prior to the actual sale the mortgagor or any person acting on his behalf or

any person having interest in the mortgaged property tenders payment of the full amount

due including interest and cost incurred in connection with the sale of the property, the sale

officer shall not proceed with the sale.

(2) If the sale officer considers that the price offered for the property is not fair, he may,

upon an application or otherwise postpone the sale to some other date not later than fifteen

days from the date originally fixed and on such date the sale be completed unless the price

offered is in the opinion of the sale officer grossly inadequate in which case he may adjourn

the sale for a period of fifteen days more:

Provided that the sale officer shall not postpone the sale more than two times on the

ground of inadequacy of price.


191 F. Method of calculating expenses incidental to sale of property

The sale officer shall determine in each case the method of calculating the expenses

incidental to the sale of property.

191 G. Procedure for the receipt, deposit, etc.

(1) On every sale of property, the person declared to be the purchaser shall, immediately

after such declaration, deposit twenty-five per cent of the amount of his bid money to the

sale officer who shall issue a temporary receipt for such deposit, and in default of such

deposit, the property shall forthwith be re-auctioned.

(2) The balance of the bid money shall be paid by the purchaser to the sale officer within

fifteen days from the date of auction.

(3) On payment of the balance of the bid money, the sale officer shall grant a final

receipt for the entire sale price.

(4) All moneys received by the sale officer on the sale of mortgaged property shall, as

soon as possible but not later than three days after such receipt, be deposited in the

concerned bank or society as the case may be.

191 H. Procedure in default of payment of full amount of the bid money.

(1) If the balance of the bid money is not paid within the period specified in sub-rule (2)

of rule 191G the deposit shall be forfeited and the property shall be re-auctioned.

(2) Every re-auction, in default of payment of the purchase money within the period

allowed for such payment, shall be made after issue of a fresh proclamation and in the

manner prescribed for the sale.

(3) When the amount forfeited together with the amount received on resale exceeds the

total claim including interest and cost, the surplus amount shall be paid to the person

whose property is sold. The deficiency, if any, will be recoverable from the debtor by

further proceedings.

191 I. Application to set aside a sale

When a property has been sold under the provisions of this chapter, the mortgagor

or any person interested may within a period of thirty days from the date of the sale apply

to the board of the bank or the society, as the case may be, to have the sale set aside, upon

his depositing with the bank or the society, as the case may be –


(a) the amount specified in the proclamation of sale together with the subsequent

interest and costs, if any, incurred in bringing the property to sale; and

(b) a sum equal to ten per cent of the purchase money for payment to the purchaser as


191 J. Setting aside or confirmation of sale

(1) After the expiry of the period mentioned in rule 191I for making an application to

have the sale set aside, the bank or the society, as the case may be, shall submit to the

Registrar a report under sub-rule (4) setting forth the proceedings of the Sale Officer, the

result of the sale and details of any application made under rule 191I.

(2) Upon receipt of such report the Registrar shall,

(a) if an application has been made under rule 191I and if the amounts specified in that

rule have been deposited by the applicant, make an order setting aside the sale and

requiring the bank or the society, as the case may be, to pay to the purchaser the sum

deposited under clause (b) of rule 191I and

(b) if no application has been made under rule 191I or an application has been made but

the amount specified in that rule has not been deposited by the applicant, make an order

confirming the sale.

(3) Where an order confirming a sale is made under sub rule (2) the sale shall become


(4) The report to the Registrar under sub-rule (1) shall contain the following particulars:-

(1) Name of Sale Officer ;

(2) Date of sale;

(3) Place of sale;

(4) Description of property sold;

(5) Name and address of purchaser;

(6) Value realized;

(7) Amount of claim of the bank or the society including interest;

(8) Cost of sale;

(9) Application, if any, under rule 191I; and


(10) Amount of the sale proceeds deposited to the concerned bank or the society

as the case may be.

191 K. Appointment of receiver and his duties, powers, functions and remuneration

(1) On an application by a bank or a society, as the case may be, the Registrar may, by an

order in writing, appoint a receiver and fix his remuneration. The receiver shall be entitled

to take possession of the property and collect its produce and income, as the case may be, to

retain, out of the money realized by him for his expenses of management and his

remuneration, and to apply the balance in accordance with the provisions of sub- section (8)

of section 69A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882 (4 of 1882).

(2) The receiver shall open an account with the nearest cooperative bank or nationalized

bank or post office.

(3) All moneys received shall be deposited immediately into such account.

(4) The receiver shall duly –

(a) account for all sums of money which he may receive in respect of the property, and

(b) submit his accounts at the end of every month to the concerned bank or the society,

as the case may be and at the same time forward a copy thereof to the Registrar.

(5) A receiver may, for just and sufficient cause or on application made by the concerned

bank or the society, as the case may be, be removed by the Registrar.

(6) A vacancy in the office of the receiver may be filled up by the Registrar.

191 L. Expenses of a receiver

(1) A receiver shall be entitled to receive such expenses of management as the Registrar

may decide.

(2) The provisions of sub-section (8) of section 69A of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882

(4 of 1882), shall apply to a receiver.

191 M. Distribution of sale-proceeds and bar to certain claims

(1) The Registrar shall, in making a sale absolute by an order under rule 191J, direct that

the sale proceed shall be apportioned as follows :-

(a) firstly, all costs, charges and expenses properly incurred by the bank or the society,

as the case may be, or the Sale Officer incidental to the sale or any attempted sale shall be



(b) secondly, all interest due on account of the mortgage in consequence whereof the

mortgaged property was sold shall be paid to the concerned bank or the society, as the case

may be;

(c) thirdly, all sums due as principal on account of the mortgage shall be paid to the

concerned bank or the society, as the case may be; and

(d) fourthly, the residue, if any, shall be paid to the mortgagor.

(2) All payments of such residue made in accordance with sub-rule (1) shall be valid and

effectual against any demand thereto made upon the bank or the society, as the case may be,

by the mortgagor or by any other person.

191 N. Return of purchase money and payment of compensation

(1) Where a sale is set aside under rule 191J, the Registrar shall intimate the same to the

concerned bank or the society and thereafter the board of the concerned bank or the society

shall issue a notice to the purchaser for payment of the purchase money and the


(2) In the event of dispute regarding the claim to the purchase money and the

compensation, the bank or the society concerned shall withhold payment till the dispute is


191 O. Certificate to be issued to purchaser and to be entered by the Registering Officer

(1) Where a sale has become absolute under this chapter the Registrar

shall grant to the purchaser a certificate in Form XXXVII specifying the property sold and

the name of the person who, at the time of the sale, is declared to be the purchaser and such

certificate shall indicate the date on which the sale was made absolute.

(2) The Registrar shall send a copy of every certificate granted under sub-rule (1) to the

registering officer appointed under the Registration Act, 1908 within the local limits of

whose jurisdiction the whole or any part of the immovable property is situated, and such

registering officer shall enter the contents of such copy in his register of non-testamentory

documents relating to immovable property.

(3) A purchaser of any mortgaged property shall furnish a notice to the Registrar in

Form XXXVIII for service on the collector of the district concerned and the Registrar shall

cause the notice serviced by Registered Post with Acknowledgement due at the cost of the



191 P. Delivery of possession

(1) Where the mortgaged property sold is in the possession of the mortgagor or of some

person on his behalf or of some person claiming under a title created by the mortgagor

subsequent to the mortgage and a certificate in respect thereof has been granted under rule

191O, the Registrar shall on the application of the purchaser, for delivery of possession to be

made to such purchaser, or any person whom he may appoint to receive delivery on his


(2) Where the property sold is in the possession of a tenant and a certificate in respect

thereof has been granted under rule 191O, the Registrar shall, on the application of the

purchaser, and after notice to the tenant, order delivery to be made by affixing a copy of the

certificate of sale at some conspicuous place on the property and proclaiming to the

possessor by beat of drum at some convenient place that the interest of the mortgagor has

been transferred to the purchaser.

(3) The provisions of rules 97 to 103 of order XXI of the First Schedule to the Code of

Civil Procedure, 1908 shall apply in the matter.

191 Q. Procedure for the disposal of property purchased

Procedure for the disposal of property purchased by a bank or a society -

(1) Unless otherwise directed by the trustee, a purchasing bank or society concerned

shall dispose of the property, purchased by it, by public auction, on a specified date not later

than six months from the date of purchase.

(2) The sale shall be advertised at least a month before the date of sale by :-

(a) describing the property with full details in the local newspaper;

(b) proclamation by beat of drum in the village and ward where it is situated; and

( c) publication of the sale notice in the office of –

(i) Junior Land Reforms Officer concerned,

(ii) the Collector of the district,

(iii) the Block Development Officer of the area concerned; and

(iv) Municipal Corporation or Municipality or Panchayat or other local

authorities of the area in which the property is situated.


191 R. Notice under section 126

If the mortgaged property is destroyed wholly or in part or if the security for any

loan is found to be insufficient, the cooperative society or the bank, as the case may be, shall

serve by registered post a notice on the mortgagor asking him to furnish further security

within a period to be specified in the notice.



Enforcement of obligations and recovery of sums due

192. Procedure for conditional attachment of property

(1) An application to the Registrar for a conditional order of attachments shall

contain –

(a) full details of the property to be attached, its approximate value and the

amount of claim of the society, and

(b) evidence or affidavit in support of the contention that the person or the co-

operative society concerned is about to remove or dispose of the property.

(2) (a) Where such person or the cooperative society fails to show cause why he or it

should not furnish security or fails to furnish, the security required, within the time fixed by

the Registrar, the Registrar may order that the property specified, or such portion thereof as

appears sufficient to satisfy the claim, be attached and where an order of conditional

attachment has been made under the clause (b) of sub-rule (1) of this rule, the Registrar

may pass an order making the conditional attachment absolute.

(b) Where such person or the cooperative society shows sufficient cause or furnishes the

required security and the property specified or any portion of it has been attached, the

Registrar shall order the attachment to be withdrawn. Where the proceeding in which the

order of attachment of property has been passed is dismissed, the Registrar shall also order

the attachment to be withdrawn.

(3) Where any claim is preferred to the property attached such claim shall be considered

and disposed of by the Registrar in the manner provided for adjudication of claim to

property attached in execution of a decree for payment of money.

(4) An order of attachment including conditional attachment as passed by the Registrar

shall have the same force and effect, as if, it has been made by civil court and shall continue

in force until it is withdrawn or cancelled by the Registrar.

(5) Order of attachment, including conditional attachment, if any, passed by the

Registrar shall be served by such person as the Registrar may empower. The person so

empowered shall follow, as far as possible, the procedure laid down in order XXI of the First

Schedule to the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908.


193. Power to direct payment of dues

Cooperative Development Officers may exercise the power under section 139,

when the claim does not exceed one lakh rupees and Inspectors of Co-operative

Societies may exercise the said power, when the claim does not exceed fifty thousand

rupees. For any amount over and above one lakh rupees, such power shall be

exercised by the Registrar.

194. Negligence

The following matters shall be negligence within the meaning of clause (b) of sub-

section (1) of section 140 –

(i) investment, custody and employment of funds and use or disposal of store

or other assets or properties contrary to the provisions of the Act, these rules

or byelaws or written direction of the Registrar given in accordance with law;

(ii) failure to remedy audit defects and irregularities, when directed by the

Director of Cooperative Audit under sub-section (3) of section 98.

(iii) failure to file disputes against defaulters and to execute any decree or award

within the period of limitation; and

(iv) any other incidence causing loss or damage to any property of a co-operative


195. Penalty for certain misdemeanor under section 141

If no cause is shown within a specified time or the cause shown is not considered

satisfactory, the Registrar may order a penalty for every contravention referred to in –

(i) clauses (a), (b), (e), (f) and (g) of section 141, a sum not exceeding one

thousand rupees;

(ii) clauses (c) and (d) of section 141, a sum not exceeding one-half of the amount

of the outstanding loan (in addition to enforcing immediate repayment of

the entire outstanding loan to the society or the financing bank concerned).

196. Officer responsible for carrying out the direction of Registrar

(1) In deciding under section 142 which officer is to be held responsible for the

carrying out of his directions, the Registrar shall always consider the Secretary or

the Chief Executive Officer of the society, by whatever designation he may be


called, to be responsible unless there is anything in the bye-laws or in any

resolution of the general meeting or the board by which a particular duty is

entrusted to any officer other than the Secretary or the Chief Executive Officer.

(2) The Registrar may call upon the person held responsible under sub-rule (1) to

carry out any of his directions within such time as he may specify and on his

failure, may take action against him under section 142.


C H A P T E R - XV

Jurisdiction, Appeal And Review

197. Co-operative Tribunal

(1) A co-operative tribunal constituted under section 146, hereafter referred to as

tribunal shall have a Secretary to be appointed in the rank of a Joint Registrar of

Cooperative Societies by the State Government by notification. The Secretary shall

perform such functions as shall be assigned to him by the tribunal or by regulations

made by the Tribunal.

(2) The method of disposal of its business by the co-operative tribunal shall till it

make regulations with the approval of the State Government, for regulating its

procedure and disposal of its business, be as follows -

(a) every memorandum of appeal of application for review shall be presented in person

by the appellant or the applicant, as the case may be, by the applicant or Pleader or

duly appointed agent to the Secretary within office hours of the tribunal or by registered


(b) whether a memorandum of appeal or application for review is presented by the

applicant Or Pleader or an agent, it shall be accompanied by a VAKALATNAMA

bearing a Court Fee Stamp of Rs. 10/- or a letter of authority as the case may be,

appointing him as such and duly signed by the appellant or the applicant, as the case

may be;

(c) every memorandum of appeal or application for review shall -

(i) be either typewritten or written in ink in legible handwriting ;

(ii) state the name and address of the applicant or applicant, as the case may be, and also

those of respondents or the opposite parties, as the case may be;

(iii) state the date of the order complained of and the authority by which the

order was passed;

(iv) state clearly the grounds on which the memorandum of appeal or the

application for review is made ;


(v) state precisely the relief that the appellant or the applicant claims;

(vi) bear a court fee stamp of rupees ten in case of memorandum of appeal and or

rupees five in case of application for review.

(d ) every memorandum of appeal or application for review shall be accompanied

by a certified copy of the award or order complained of. The memorandum of

appeal or the application for review , as the case may be, shall be further

accompanied by as many copies of the memorandum or the application as there are

respondents or opposite parties.

(e) on receipt of every memorandum of appeal or application for review, the

Secretary shall endorse on it the date of its receipt. The Secretary shall, as soon as

practicable, examine -

(i) whether the person presenting it has authority to do so ;

(ii) whether it is made within the period of limitation (if any) laid down in the

Act; and

(iii) whether it conforms to the provisions of the Act and these rules.

If the Secretary is satisfied on these points, he shall cause the memorandum of

appeal or application to be registered in an appropriate register maintained under

clause (f).

If the secretary finds that the memorandum of appeal or application presented to

him does not conform to any of the aforesaid provisions he shall make a note to that

effect and call upon the party concerned or his advocate or pleader or agent, to

remedy the defects within a period of fifteen day from the date of receipt of notice

requiring him to do so. If the defects are not removed within the aforesaid period

the Secretary shall place the matter before the tribunal. If the defect in the

memorandum of appeal or application is remedied, the Secretary shall cause it to be

registered in the appropriate register.

(f) The Secretary shall maintain separate registers for –

(i) memorandum of appeal in Form XXXVIII-A;

(ii) applications for review in Form XXXVIII-B;

(iii) miscellaneous applications in Form XXXVIII-C;


(iv) unregistered memorandum of appeals and applications

in Form XXXVIII-D; and

(v) court fee received in Form XXXVIII -E.

(g) When a memorandum of appeal or an application has been registered, the Secretary

shall, as soon as may be, send an intimation thereof to the Registrar or other officers

concerned calling for the records and proceedings relating to such memorandum of

appeal or application unless those records and proceedings are already in the office of

the tribunal.

(h) After the registration of the memorandum of appeal or application subject to Order

XLI, rule 11, of the Code of Civil Procedure the tribunal shall fix a date of hearing of

the same. After the date of hearing is fixed a notice in Form XXXVIII-F shall be served

by the Secretary on the parties concerned calling upon them to appeal before the

tribunal either in person or through their Advocates or Pleaders or agents on the date

specified in the notice or on any subsequent date to which the bearing may be

adjourned by the tribunal. On the date fixed for hearing or any other date to which the

hearing may be adjourned, the appellant or applicant or his Advocate or Pleader or

agent shall ordinarily be heard first in support of his appeal or application.

The respondent or the opposite party or his Advocate or Pleader or agent shall, in case

where the respondent or the opposite party or his Advocate or Pleader or agent is

heard, be entitled to a right to apply on point of law only.

A certified copy of every judgment or final order of the tribunal shall, as soon as

practicable, be forwarded to the Registrar with the appeal or application, as the case

may be certified copies of the judgment or final order may also be applied to the

parties on application being made in that behalf.

198. Revision

An application under sub-section (1) of section 148 shall be made within two months

from the date of the order accompanied by an attested or certified copy of the order

complained of duly attested.


199. Review

An application for review under sub-section (2) of section 148 shall be made within a

period of thirty days from the date of the order accompanied by a certified or attested

copy of the order review of which has been prayed for and stating paragraph-wise the

reasons and circumstances for which the review has been prayed for.

200. Memorandum of Appeal and Review

The memorandum of appeal and review shall be in such manner as is prescribed

under these rules.




201. Manner of Certification

A copy of any document or entries in the books of a co-operative society shall be

certified to be a true copy under the signature of the Chairman, the Secretary, the Chief

Executive Officer or any person duly authorized by the board or authorized by any

authority exercising the Powers of the board.




202. Co-operative Societies to get Insured

Every co-operative bank accepting deposits from non-members shall get itself

insured under the Deposit Insurance And Credit Guarantee Corporation Act, 1961.

203. Payment of fees

(1) Unless the state government otherwise directs, all fees payable to it

under these Act or the rules except audit fees, shall be paid in court-fee

stamps or in Treasury Challan under suitable head of account to be notified

by the State Government from time to time.

(1) Audit fees payable to government or to an audit officer, not being a

government officer and, dues and fees payable to a co-operative

society shall be paid in cash, cheque or by bank draft under proper

receipt and audit fees payable to the Government shall be deposited

in the concerned Treasury by means of challan in TR Form.

204. Inspection of documents in the office of the Registrar

(1) Any person may inspect the following documents in the office of the

Registrar or of any person subordinate to him:-

(i) application for registration of societies;

(ii) certificate of registration;

(iii) bye-laws of societies;

(iv) amendment of bye-laws;

(v) order directing dissolution of the society;

(vi) order cancelling the registration of a society;

(vii) annual returns;

(viii) audit certificate;

(ix) annual balance sheet;

(x) order of supersession of board;


(xi) order of approval of membership and removal of a member;

(xii) register of societies;

(xiii) order refusing registration of societies or amendment of bye-laws; and

(xiv) dispute case records;

(2) Certified copies of any document which any person has a right under sub-

rule (1) to inspect shall be supplied on foolscap page typed in double spaces.

205. Presumption of service by registered post

The service of a communication shall be deemed to be effected by properly

addressing, prepaying and posting by registered post and unless the contrary is

proved, to have been effected at the time at which the communication would be

delivered in the ordinary course of post.



Form of application for the registration of a Co-operative Society with limited liability

[ Rule 9 (1) ] PART I

To The Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Dated …………. 20…. Sir, We, the undersigned, agree to the enclosed by-laws and under section 16 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006 (West Ben. Act XL of 2006) apply to be registered as a co-operative society with limited liability under the title of ……………… ……………. ……………. the registered office being at ………. ……… …………… Post Office ………………. ……… ……………... Thana …………. Town/Panchayat …….. ……….. …………….. Sub-division ……… …………….. District…………….. ________________________________________________________________________ Serial Name of applicant Father’s Occupation Age No. for registration Name 1 2 3 4 5


________________________________________________________________________ Permanent Present Whether member Signature or Address Address of any other society, L.T.I. of applicant If so, name and address of the societies) 6 7 8 9




PART II 1. Name of the proposed society ……………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Nature of liability of members …………………………………………………………….. 3. On share basis or without shares …………………………………………………………. 4. Number of applicants …………………………………………………………………….. (a) Individual : (b) Co-operative Societies : 5. Names of the members of the first board (constituted under section 16(2) (c) of the Act.

(1) …………………………………………………………….. Chairman (2) …………………………………………………………….. Vice-Chairman

(3) …………………………………………………………….. (4) …………………………………………………………….. (5) …………………………………………………………….. (6) …………………………………………………………….. 6. Names and address of the person (Chief Promoter in the case of a housing co-operative

society) to whom communications, if any, are to be addressed till registration of the society ………………..

7. Certified that each of the applicants belongs to a different family as required under section

16(3) of the Act. Signatures of three applicants authorized by the promoters to sign and certify on their behalf

(1) ……………………………….. (2) ……………………………….. (3) ……………………………….. Date : …………………………


FORM II Form of certificate of registration [Rule 10(3)]

Certified of Registration No………. of 20…… In the office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies (under West Ben. Act XL of 2006). In the matter of the application for the Registration of a Co-operative Society at ………………………………… in the district of ……………………………………….. I do hereby certify that pursuant to the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006 (West Ben. Act XL of 2006), the said society has been registered in my office as a co- operative society with limited liability under the title of the …………………… ……………… and the by-laws filed by the said society have also been duly registered. The following is the area of membership of the society : Registrar of Co-operative Societies Date the ……………… day of ………….. Two thousand, and ……………………………


WEST BENGAL Register of references received from the Registrar under

Sub-section (8) of section 16 Year …………..20……….. ___________________________________________________________________________ Consecutive Number Date of receipt References in office _____________________________________ From whom received No. Date Short Subject Reminders Where the letter is placed Remarks No. Date Collection No. File No. ____________________________________________________________________________


WEST BENGAL Register of appeals received from the Registrar under

Sub-section (7) of section 16 Year …………..20……….. ___________________________________________________________________________ Consecutive Number Date of receipt Appeals in office _____________________________________ From whom received No. Date Short Subject Reminders Where the letter is placed Remarks No. Date Collection No. File No. ____________________________________________________________________________



WEST BENGAL Register of references received from the Registrar under

Sub-section (7) of section 16 Year …………..20……….. ___________________________________________________________________________ Consecutive Number Date of receipt Appeals in office _____________________________________ From whom received No. Date Short Subject Reminders Where the letter is placed Remarks No. Date Collection No. File No. ____________________________________________________________________________


WEST BENGAL Register of miscellaneous letters received

Year …………..20……….. ___________________________________________________________________________ Consecutive Number Date of receipt Letters in office _____________________________________ From whom received No. Date Short Subject Reminders Where the letter is placed Remarks No. Date Collection No. File No. ____________________________________________________________________________


WEST BENGAL Register of letter issued

Year …………..20……….. ___________________________________________________________________________ Consecutive Number Date To whom addressed Short Subject Where the draft No. and date Reminder Value of is placed of reply Stamp Remarks ________________________ received ___________________________ Collection No. File No. No. Date Rs. Paise ____________________________________________________________________________


FORM VIII Form of application for the registration of amendment

of by-laws of a co-operative society [ Rule 12 ] Section 19

To The Registrar of Co-operative Societies, West Bengal Dated the ……….20……… Sir, We, the undersigned, enclose herewith in duplicate/triplicate the marginally noted amendment of the by laws of the …………………………. Co-operative Society in the district of ……….. and to apply for the registration of the amendment under section 19 of the West Bengal Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 (West Ben Act. XL of 2006) in supersession of earlier bye-laws, if any. The necessary particulars about the general meeting at which the amendment was passed are noted below :-

(1) Date of the meeting (2) Number of members present in person (3) Number of members who voted in support of the amendment. (4) The total number of members of the society on the date of notice of the general

meeting. * 2. Reasons for the number of members adopting resolution being less than one-third of the

total number of members. We certify that the adoption of the proposed amendment would be in the interest of the

society and that such amendment is likely to be approved by the general body of members.

( Seal ) Secretary/Chief Executive Officer/ Member of the Board 1. 2. ………………………………………… Co-operative Society Limited _______________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2 may be struck out when unnecessary.


FORM IX Certificate of Registration of amendment of by-laws

[Sec. 19 ]

Certificate of Registration No……………………… of…………………. In the Office of the Registrar of Co-operative Societies (under West Ben. Act XL of 2006)

I do hereby certify that pursuant to section 19/20 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006 (West Ben. Act XL of 2006), the amendments shown in the enclosed document of the by-laws of the ………………………………………., a co-operative society registered under the aforesaid Act on the ………….day of …… 20……. under No……….. in the district of ……………. have been duly registered. The following is the area of membership of the society. The by-laws amended and registered this day are as follows :- Complete amendment of the previous by-laws. Partial amendment of by-law Nos. ………………………………………………… Registrar of Co-

operative Societies dated this …………………… of …………….Two thousand and


Registrar of Cooperative Societies

FORM IX A Oath taking Form Section 32(5)(b)

I, …………………………….. S/O, D/O, W/O ……………………….. residing at

…………………….. having been elected/nominated/co-opted as a member of the Board

of Directors of ………………………. Society do hereby solemnly promise that during my

tenure I will take all endeavour for the better functioning of the society/bank in particular

and cooperative movement in general in accordance with the West Bengal Cooperative

Societies Act – 2006 and Rules framed thereunder, the bye-laws of the society and law of

the land.

Member of the Board…………….. .. Society/Bank




Nomination Paper

[ Rule 40(7)(i) ]

(1) Full Name of the Candidate :

(in block letters)

(2) (a) Present Address :

(b) Permanent Address :

(3) Father’s /Husband’s name :

(4) Serial Number of the candidate in the register of members :

(5) Nominated by :


Name and address of the members Serial number in the register of members


1. 1.

2. 2.

_____________________________________________________________________________ (6) Declaration by members nominating the candidate …………………………………….. We hereby declare that we nominate the candidate named above against serial (1) for election as a member of the Board of the …………… Co-operative Society Ltd. for the election due to be held on …………………… (I) (Signature with date and address ) : Proposer (II) (Signature with date and address ) : Seconder (7) Declaration by the candidate : I hereby declare that I agree to this nomination ……………………………………………… [ Signature with date and address ]



Notice of change of registered office [Rule 65(2)]

Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 39 of the West Ben. Co-operative Societies Act 2006 (West Bengal Act XL of 2006), by ………………………… (name of society) registered on ……………………………….. of the alteration in the address of the registered office. _______________________________________________________________________________ Previous address Present address Date of change (1) (2) (3) _______________________________________________________________________________

Signature of Secretary/Chief Executive Officer

Date ………. Signature of three Directors 1. 2. 3.

To (1) The Assistant Registrar of Co-operative Societies (2) The Secretary, ………………………………. Bank (3) The Secretary, ……………………………Society Ltd. (Affiliating society) Date ………………….

FORM XII Register of Members [Rule 67 (1)(ii)]

1. Serial No. ……………………………………………………………………….. 2. Name of member ……………………………………………………………… 3. Father’s/Husband’s Name …………………………………………………….. 4. Age on the date of being member……………………………………………. 5. Present address ……………………………………………………………….. 6. Permanent address …………………………………………………………… 7. Occupation …………………………………………………………………….. 8. Date of membership ………………………………………………………….. 9. Name of nominee …………………………………………………………….. 10. Nominee’s relationship with the member and address …………………..

………………………………………………………………………………….. 11. Date and reason of cessation of membership …………………………….

…………………………………………………………………………………. 12. Share Register Folio …………………………………………………………


13. Remarks ……………………………………………………………………… 14. Signature or thumb impression of the member ………………………….

FORM XIII Register of affiliated societies

[Rule 67(1)(iii)]

1. Serial No. ……………………………………………………………………… 2. Share Register Folio …………………………………………………………… 3. Name of the Member-Society ………………………………………………… 4. No. and date of registration of the Member-Society ……………………….

……………………………………………………………………………………. 5. Registered address of Member-Society ……………………………………… 6. Area of operation of the Member-Society …………………………………… 7. Date of affiliation ……………………………………………………………… 8. Particulars regarding cessation of membership …………………………….

(a) Date ………………… (b) Reason ………………

9. Remarks …………………………………………………………………………

FORM XIV Register of Directors [Rule 67(1)(iv)]

1. Serial No………………………………………………………………………….. 2. Name ……………………………………………………………………………… 3. Occupation ……………………………………………………………………….. 4. Name of the society which he represents, if any …………………………….. 5. Office, if any, held ………………………………………………………………. 6. Address in full …………………………………………………………………….. 7. Date of election or appointment …………………………………………………. 8. Appointed by (where necessary) ………………………………………………… 9. Date from which continuing in office ……………………………………………. 10. Date of cessation and reasons for the same ……………………………………… 11. Remarks ………………………………………………………………………………



[ Rule 71 ]

Detail indexing of Annual Statistical Statement Format [ Both Part A (Sl. 1 to 42) and Part B (Sl. No. 1 to 79 ) ] ** Part A (Sl. No. 1 to 42) of the format applicable to all types of Co-operative Societies excepting State and District Co-operative Unions. ** Part B of the format applicable to individual type of Society only to the extent indicated below : _______________________________________________________________________ Type of Society Serial Numbers in Part B _______________________________________________________________________ 1. State Co-operative Bank Ltd. Sl. No.1 to 6B(ii), 7 to 9, 29A (I – IV) of Part B (Annexure I ) 2. Central Co-operative Bank Ltd. same as above. 3. PCARDB Sl. Nos. 4 to 5, 6C, 10 to 16, WBSCARD Ltd. 29A(V) of Part B (Annexure I ) 4. Primary PCARDB Ltd Sl. No.4 to 5, 6C, 10 to 12, 14 to 16 and 29A(VI) of Part B (Annexure I ) 5. Primary Agricultural Credit

Societies (PACS & FSS & LAMPS) Sl. No. 2 to 9, 17 to 28 of Part B (Annexure I )

______________________________________________________________________ Type of Society Serial Numbers in Part B _______________________________________________________________________

6. Grain Bank Sl. Nos. 29 of Part B

(Annexure I ) 7. Primary Co-operative Bank (Urban Bank & Employees’ Sl. Nos. 30 to 39 of Part B Credit under B. R. Act ) (Annexure I )

8. Primary Non-Agricultural Credit Societies same as above. (Urban Bank & Employees’ Credit) 9. General Purpose Marketing ( BENFED & Primary Marketing) Sl. Nos. 40 to 56 of Part B & Specialised Marketing (TDCC) (Annexure II)


10. Processing Society (State & Primary viz. Oil crushing, paddy processing, Rice Mills, Fruits & Vegetables & others which are registered as Sl. Nos. 57 to 62 of Part B independent processing society) (Annexure II) 10A. Sugar Factory Sl. Nos. 87A (i to xv) of Part B (Annexure II) 11. Spinning Mills Sl. Nos. 63 to 70 of Part B (Annexure II) 12. Cold Storage (organized as Sl. Nos. 71 to 76 of Part B independent society) (Annexure II ) 13. Consumers Co-operative Societies (State, Wholesale, Primary & Pure Primary ) Sl. Nos. 77 to 87 of Part B (Annexure II) 14. Farming Society [(a) Joint farming (i) of ex-servicemen, (ii) of others (b) Collective farming (i) of Sl. Nos. 88 to 97 of Part B ex-servicemen (ii) of others ] (Annexure III) 15. Irrigation Society[ (a) Irrigation for exclusive purposes, (b) Irrigation activities undertaken by other non- Sl. Nos. 98 to 104 of Part B credit Society ] (Annexure III) 16. Housing (State & Primary) Sl. Nos. 105, 106 of Part B (Annexure III)

17. Labour Contract & Construction Society (Tribal & Non – Tribal) Sl. Nos. 107 to 116 and 121 of Part B (Annexure III)

18. Engineers’ Co-operative Society Sl. Nos. 107 to 115 of Part B (Annexure III) 19. Forest Labourers’ Society (Tribal and Non-Tribal) Sl. No. 107,109, 114, 116, 117 to 121 of Part B (Annexure III)

20. Transport Society (Ex servicemen and others) Sl. Nos. 122 to 126 of Part B (Annexure III)

21. Multi Unit Society Sl. Nos. 127 to 138 of Part B (Annexure IV) 22. Other Non-credit Society [ (a) Agricultural Society viz. Land Colonization, Compost Making, Soil conservation, Better living & others (b) Non- Sl. Nos. 139 to 140 of Part B agricultural Society viz. Women (Annexure IV) Rickshaw Puller, Washermen, Hospital, Barbers & others ]

23. Students Co-operative (School, Sl. No. 141 to 147 of Part B College and University ) (Annexure IV)

24. Electricity Sl. Nos. 148 to 155 of Part B


(Annexure IV) 25. Union (State & District) Sl. Nos. 156 to 161 of Part B (Annexure IV) 26. Milk Society (Union & Primary) Sl. Nos. 162 to 164 of Part B (Annexure IV) 27. Fishery (State & Central & Primary) Sl. Nos. 165 to 171 of Part B (Annexure IV)

28. Other Livestock/Livestock products Society (Ghee, Poultry & other Sl. No. 172 of Part B Livestock) (Annexure IV)

29. Weavers Society (State, Central & Primary viz. Handloom, Khadi & Sl. No.173 to 178 of Part B Powerloom) (Annexure IV) 30. Other Industrial Society (State, Central & Primary viz. Flaying & Tannery, Pottery, Hand Pounding of Paddy and cereals, palm gur, cane Gur & Khandsari, other village Sl. Nos. 173 to 178 of Part B Industries, handicrafft industries (Annexure IV) General and Chemical Engineering, Leather goods, Construction materials, Sericulture, Coir, Spinners & Misc.)

31. Women Co-operative Society (i) Weavers Sl. Nos. 173 to 179 of Part B (Annexure IV) (ii) Industrial other than weavers same as above. (iii) Consumers Sl. Nos. 77 to 87 of Part B (Annexure II) (iv) Thrift and Credit Sl. Nos. 30 to 39 of Part B (Annexure I)



[Rule 72 (1)] PART A-1 (GENERAL)

Abbreviation used -

S.C. = Scheduled Castes S.T. = Scheduled Tribes

Applicable to all type of societies (Apex, Central & Primary Level) excepting Co-operative Union. GENERAL INFORMATION

1. Name of the society with address : (Mentioning Limited/Unlimited) 2. Registration No. and date 3. type/class of society 4. whether the society is active or dormant 5. No. of Offices –

(i) Head Office (ii) Regional Office (iii) Branches (iv) Pay Office/Sub-office.

6. Name of Central financing agency. 7. No. of villages in the area of operation of which

(i) Served by the society (ii) from which Produces /Milk etc. received.

8. Population within the area of operation of which covered by society. 9. Godown No. of Capacity Peak level

Godown in tones utilization (i) Owned (ii) Hired

10. Dues against societies under liquidation, if any :- Rs.

11. Employment Total number of persons employed (i) Managerial Staff No. (a) Trained No. of which S.C. No. S.T. No. (a) Untrained No. of which


S.C. No. S.T. No.

(c) Out of the above(i) Number of managerial staff on Deputation - No of which S.T. No. S. C. No.

Full time Part time (ii) Other administrative staffs -

(a) No. of trained staff No. of which S.C. S.T.

(b) No. of untrained staff – No. of which S.C. No. S.T. No.

(c) Out of the above (ii) No. of other administrative Staff on deputation – No. Of which S. C. No. S. T. No.

(iii) Number of technical staff and other Full time Part time staff employed for production/processing – No. of which S.C. No. S. T. No. (iv) Number of Menial Staffs - No. of which S. C. No. S. T. No. Full time Part time

(v) Number of other staffs - No. of which S. C. No. S. T. NO.

(vi) Number of Casual labours employed – No. of which S. C. No. S. T. No. (Total No. of persons employed in Sl. No.11 should be tallied with the total no. of

(i+ii+iii+iv+v+vi) 12. Membership as on (i) Co-operative Societies (ii) Individuals – of which S. C. S. T. (iii) Others including Government (iv) Nominal of which S. C. S. T. 13. Year up to which audit has been completed - 14. Audit classification – A/B/C/D/E/Audited but not classified/Not audited ` (Put a tick mark which is applicable) 15. Date of election of M.C. and if superseded/suspended date of supersession/ suspension - 16. Amount of loans overdue Against


(Societies & individuals) S.C. S.T. Others Rs. Rs. Rs. (a) Short-term (i) Loans (ii) Unrenewed cash credit & overdrafts

(b) M. T. Loans 17. Estimated Bad and Doubtful Debts and Assets (i) Loans & Advances Rs. (ii) Other assets Rs. 18. Embezzlement cases during the year :- No. of cases Amount Rs. 19. No. of arbitration Arbitration cases Decrees under and execution cases pending before the execution for for recovery of Arbitrator recovery ______ loans & advances No. Amount No. Amount Rs. Rs. (a) Pending at the beginning of the year (b) Referred to arbitration/filed during the year (c) Settled during the year (d) Pending at the end of the year (a+b)-c 20. Cost of management during the year - Salaries Rs. Rent paid Rs. Depreciation on Fixed Assets Rs. Others (please specify) Rs. 21. Govt. aid received during the year Loan Subsidy

(a) for construction of godown (b) for construction of Housing Colonies (c) for Managerial subsidies (d) for Rebate to Consumers (e) for Block capital (f) for Fertilizer (g) for Price fluctuation fund (h) for Marketing and Procurement (i) for Purchase of Machinery (j) for Administrative purpose (k) for other Purpose

(Strike off which is not applicable) 22. Total Purchase during the year Rs. 23. Total sales during the year Rs. 24. Dividend declared Rate (%) Amt (in Rs.)


(for Previous year) 25. Data relating to taxes on income or Profit for the year -

(a) Tax deducted at source (viz. on Interest on Security, Debenture etc. dividend on share, earned during the year)

(b) Taxes on Profit earned during the year including income by way of interest, rent, commission etc.

(i) Actually paid for the year under report (ii) Payable for the year under report

(specify Provision made, if any) (c) Amount of gross profit before tax (a + b)

26. Income & Expenditure (During the year) A. Expenditure (i) Interest on deposits, borrowings etc. Rs. (ii) Salaries and allowances, bonus, Provident Fund and gratuity Rs.

(iii) Directors’ and local committee members fees and allowances

(iv) Rent Rs. (v) Taxes, Insurance, Lighting etc. Rs. (vi) Law charges Rs. (vii) Postage, Stamps, Telegrams and Telephone charges Rs. (viii) Auditor’s fees Rs. (ix) Depreciation (a) Properties Rs. (b) Other assets such as Plant & Machineries Rs. (x) Minor repairs to properties etc. Rs. (xi) Stationery, Printing, Advertisement etc. Rs. (xii) Loss from sale of or dealing with non assets Rs. (xiii) Other expenditure Rs. (xiv) Provision made during the year Rs. (a) Bad and Doubtful debts Rs. (b) Overdue Interest Rs. (c) Income Tax Rs. (d) Other outstanding expenses Rs. (xv) Net Profit of the year if any Rs._____ (xvi) Total (Cols. I to xv) Rs.

(B) Income during the year - (i) Interest and discount on loans and advances and bills discounted Rs. (ii) Interest on loan investments in Government and other trustees securities, debentures etc. and dividend on shares Rs. (iii) Commission, exchange and brokerage Rs. (iv) Income from rent Rs. (v) Subsidies and donations Rs. (vi) Income from non-banking assets and profit from sale of or dealing with non-banking assets Rs.


(vii) Other receipts Rs. (viii) Loss (if any) Rs. (ix) Total Rs.

PART A (Financial) Applicable to all types of Societies (Apex, Central & Primary level excepting Co-operative Union). Rs. Rs. Rs. 27. Total paid up Share Capital and Liabilities as at 30th June, June, 20 Of which - (i) Government (ii) Societies - District Central Coop. Bank Primary Agriculture And Rural Development Bank. Marketing Socs. Credit Socs. Wholesale Cons. Stores Consumers’ Stores Other Socs. & Industries (Please specify) (iii) Individual, Growers & Others of which - S. C. S. T. (iv) Others of which - S. C. S. T. 28. Reserve and Other Funds (i) Statutory Reserve (ii) Spl. Bad Debt Reserve/Risk Fund (iii) Agril. Credit Stabilisation Fund (iv) Bad and Doubtful Debt Reserve (v) O. D. Interest Reserve (vi) Depreciation Reserve (vii) Price Fluctuation Fund (viii) Development Rebate Reserve (ix) Other Reserves ______________ (Strike off which is not applicable ) 29. Deposits Current Fixed Savings R.F. Other Total Deposit Deposit Deposit Deposits Deposits Amount Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. (i) Co-operative societies (ii) Local Bodies & Others (iii) Individuals -


Members Non-members 30. Other Borrowing During the year Total outstanding Last Yrs’. Drawn/ Repaid/ as at the end of Outstanding sold Redeemed year Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. A. Central Financing Agencies (NABARD/SCB/CB etc.) (a) Cash – Credit and overdrafts (b) Loans B. State bank and other Commercial Banks C. Government (a) Block Capital (b) Share capital (c) Working Capital (d) Block Assets (e) Construction of Godown (f) Construction of Housing Colonies (g) Govt. and other Trustee Securities (h) Others D. Life Insurance Corporation E. Housing and Urban Dev. Corporation F. State Housing Financing Societies G. Industrial Finance Corporation H. Regional Rural Banks I. O.D.B.I.` J. A.R.D.C. K. Debenture ( For PARDBS only ) (i) Ordinary (ii) Rural (iii) Special L. Other Sources (Please specify) (Strike off item not applicable) 31. All other Liabilities (Excluding contra item and u/d profit) Total Liabilities ___________________ ___________________ Property and Assets as at 32.A. Cash in hand Rs. P. Rs. 32.B. Cash at Bank (i) Current


(ii) Savings (iii) Fixed (iv) Call Deposit 34. C Investment Sinking Fund general & Reserve (For WBSCARDBonly ) Fund Rs. Rs. (i) Govt. Securities (ii) Other Trustee Securities (iii) Debenture of PARDB (iv) Fixed Deposit with institution other than Bank (v) Others 35. D. Loan Outstanding Last Yrs. Advanced/ Recovery outstanding Discounted Retired During the During the Yrs year I II III Rs. Rs. Rs. (i) Banks & Societies (a) Short Term (b) Medium Term (c) Long Term (d) Cash Credit/Overdrafts (e) Bills (f) Outstanding Credit Sales (for Consumer Societies only) (ii) Individuals (a) Short Term of which S.C. S. T. (b) Medium Term of which

S.C. S. T. (c) Long Term of which S.C.

S. T.

(d) Cash Credit of which S.C. S. T.

36. E. Interest on Loans Receivable Rs. Rs. 37. F. Fixed Assets (i) Land & Buildings (ii) Plant & Machineries/Equipments/


implements/Appliances (iii) Mechanical Boats (iv) Other installation and Machineries (v) Land improvements/Reclamation (vi) Processing Machineries (vii) Others 38. G. Closing Stock 39. H. Stores (for other Industries/Society/Spinning Mills and Sugar Factories only) 40. I. All other assets (Excluding Contra items and accumulated loss) ________________________ Total Assets ________________________ 41. J. Difference between (+) or (-) Rs. Assets & Liabilities 42. Working result Profit Amount Loss Amount No. of Branches

PART B : Annexure I : Credit Co-operatives Agricultural Credit 1. Borrowing limits during the year (For S.C.B. & C.B. only) (i) Cash Credit & Overdraft limit obtained against - (a) Govt. and Trustee securities and Fixed Rs. Deposits with banks (b) Co-operative paper Rs. 2. Loans & Advances (For S.C.B. C.B., PACS, F.S.S. & LAMPS only) Cash Credit and Overdrafts (i) Limit sanctioned Rs. (ii) Highest outstanding during the year Rs. 3. Conversion/rephasement/rescheduled out of Medium Term Loan – Of which S. C. S. T. 4. Overdue Interest Receivable 5. Demand, Collection, Balance during the year Demand Collection Balance Means means (Recovery) (Overdue) Rs. Rs. Rs. (i) Principal (Loan) of which S.C.


S.T. (ii) Demand covered by legal action (iii) Interest 6. Classification of Loan advanced during the year and outstanding as at the end of the year

(Applicable to S.C.B./C.B./PACS/F.S.S./LAMPS) 6A. Short term Agriculture Amount Advanced Amount outstanding during the year as at the end of the Yr. S.C./S.T/Others (Applicable to PACS/ (Applicable to SCB & /FSS/LAMPS only) C.B. only) 6A. I. Agricultural purposes (a) Seasonal Agricultural (b) operation (including seeds and fertilizer) (i) Cash (ii) Kind (b) Purchase of agricultural implements

(c) Marketing of Crops (including procurement) (d) Processing of agricultural produce

(including supply and distribution of inputs) (e) Pisciculture –

(i) Production (ii) Marketing

6A. II. Non-Agricultural purposes (a) Industrial purposes (b) Other purposes (including supply of consumer goods) (c) Consumption Loans 6B. Medium term 6B.I. Agricultural purposes (a) Sinking of Repair to wells (b) Purchase of machinery (Pumpsets for irrigation) (c) Purchase of cattle (i) Bullocks and carts (ii) Camels and carts (d) Animal Husbandry Activities (i) Poultry Farming (ii) Milch Cattle (iii) Sheep rearing (iv) Goat rearing (v) Pig breeding (vi) Pisciculture (vii) Other Agricultural purpose (viii) Conversion/rephasement/rescheduled loan 6B. II Non-Agricultural purposes (i) Purchase of storage bins (ii) Setting up of Gobar gas plant (iii) Purchase of shares in processing and industrial societies (iv) Industrial purposes


(v) Consumption loans (vi) Others 6C. Long Term Agril. Credit (only applicable to Amount Advanced (only for PACS/FSS/LAMPS WBSCARD/PARDB (Applicable to all)

WBSCARD/PARDB Total S.C.,S.T. Total S.C.,S.T. (a) For sinking of new wells and construction of Tanks (No.) (b) For boring, deepening & repairs to old wells/Tanks (No.) (c) For purchase and installation of persian wheels and pump sets and electrification (No.) (i) Diesel (ii) Electric pump sets (iii) Others (d) For purchase of machinery and implements (No.) (i) Tractor (ii) Others (e) For construction of godowns, Silos, Farm Houses and sheds and Development of market yards (No.) (f) For leveling, bunding, reclamation and Fencing of land (Area in hectares) (g) For soil conservation (Area in hectares) (h) For preparation of land for orchards and plantation(Area in hectares) (i) For debt redemption (No. of borrowers) (j) For purchase of land and acquiring ownership rights (No. of borrowers) (k) Other purposes (No. of borrowers) (l) For development of horticulture plantation crops (Units) (m) For purchase of cattle (No.) (i) Bullocks & Camels (ii) bullock/Camel Carts (n) For Animal Husbandry Activities (No.) (i) Poultry farming (ii) Milch cattle (iii) Goat rearing (iv) Sheep rearing (v) Pig breeding (o) For installation of Gobar gas plant (No.) * If no L.T. loan is issued by the PACS/FSS/LAMPS, Col 6C and sub-col. thereunder should be scored through.

7. Classification of overdues - By period (For SCB, CB, PACS, FSS AND LAMPS) Total No.of Upto 1 yr Between 1 Between 2 Over 3 Yrs Defaulters Amt. ________ & 2 Yrs & 3 Yrs _____________


(II+III+IV+V) No. of defaulters No. of defaulters No. of defaulters No. of defaulters Amt. Amt. Amt. Amt.

____________________________________________________________________________________ I II III IV V (i) Co-op Societies (ii) Individuals of which S.C. S.T. 8. Classification of Loans & Advances Outstanding by Security (For SCB, CB, PACS, FSS and LAMPS)

Against Coop. Against Individuals Societies _______________ __________________ (For SCB & CB only) S.C./S.T./Others (Applicable to all) Fixed Deposit Govt. & Other Trustee Securities Anticipated crops Co-op. paper Agricultural produce Merchandise Gold and Silver Immovable properties Surety Unsecured Others 9. Classification of Consumption Loans issued during the year (applicable for SCB/ CB/ /PACS/FSS/LAMPS)

No. of borrower Short Term Medium Term Total of II & III SC ST Others SC ST Others I II III (i) Loan issued Landless Labourers & artisans (ii) Farmers holding land not more than 0.5 acre (iii) Others (iv) D.C.T. (a) Demand for consumption loan (b) Collection (c) Balance (overdue) (d) Consumption Loans outstanding as at the end of the year 10. Membership (WBSCARDB & PARDB only) (i) P.L.D.B. (ii) Other Coop. Societies


(iii) Individuals (a) Regular of which (i) S. C. (ii) S. T. (b) Nominal of which (i) S. C. (ii) S. T. 11. No. of Members indebted at the end of the year - of which (i) S. C. (ii) S. T. 12. No. of Members defaulting at the end of the year - of which (i) S. C. (ii) S. T. Total 13. Borrowing and Lending Operations - (WBSCARD. only) Ordinary Rural Special A. Debenture floated (i) Series No. (ii) Set (iii) Date of issue (iv) Date of maturity (v) Amount offered for sale (vi) Rate of Interest % p.a. (vii) Sale price per Rs.100 B. Debenture Sold Total (a) L.I.C. (b) State Bank of India (c) R.B.I. (d) NABARD (e) Government of India (f) State Government (g) Commercial Bank (h) Co-operative Institution (i) Public (ii) Sinking Fund Investment 14. Deposit Amount (only for WBSCARD/PARDB) (i) Last year’s Deposit (ii) Received during the year


of which in lieu of Rural Debenture (iii) Repaid during the year of which in lieu of Rural Debenture 15. Loan Operation (only for WBSCARD/PARDB) Advances Recovery Outstanding Overdue Total – of which S.C. S.T. (i) Primary Banks and Societies :- (a) No. of Banks and Societies (b) Ordinary lending (c) Spl. Lending under the NABARD : (I) IDA schemes (ii) Other schemes (ii) Individual :- (a) No. of members of which (i) S. C. (ii) S. T. (b) Ordinary lending of which lending to/recovered from /O.S. against/O.D. against S.C. S.T. (c) Spl. Lending under the NABARD (i) IDA schemes - of which lending to/ recovered from/O.S. against/O.D. against S.C. S.T. (ii) Other Schemes - of which lending to/ recovered from/O.S. against/ O.D. against S.C. S.T. 16. (For WBSCARD/PARDB only) - Classification of loan advanced, recovered outstanding and overdue against individuals – according to size of ownership holdings

Total Upto 1 Hec tare

1-2 Hec- tares

2-4 Hec- tares

4-8 Hec- tares

Above 8 Hectares


No. of Borrwers Of which S.C. S.T.

Amt. advanced Of which S.C. S.T.

Recovered Of which S.C. S.T.

Outstanding Of which S.C. S.T.

Overdue Of which S.C. S.T.

( Information regarding PACS/FSS/LAMPS) only (Sl. No. 17-28) 17. Name of Society in full 18. Whether the Society is viable/Potentially viable/Defunct/Dormant N.B. (i) Dormant – which is non-working during the year (ii) Defunct – marked for Liquidation 19. Membership (a) Farmers with Land holding (i) Upto 1 Hectare (ii) 1-2 Hectares (iii) 2-4 Hectares (iv) 4-8 Hectares (v) Above 8 Hectares (b) Agricultural Labourer (c) Rural Artisans (d) Others 20. Total No. of Borrowing members during the year of which (i) S. C. (ii) S. T. 21. No. of members indebted at the end of the year - of which (i) S. C. No. (ii) S. T. No. 22. Whether the society have full-time/part-time/paid Manager. 23. Further information of recoveries in respect of PACS/FSS/LAMPS only


(i) Out of long term loan recovered as reported under head “Loans outstanding col. 35D (ii) (c) “ of financial information of Part A against Long Term Loans converted from – (a) Short term Rs. (b) Medium term Rs. (ii) Out of total Loan recovered (Short Term, Medium Term & Long Term ) as reported under head “Loans Outstanding, col.35L” of financial information of part A, Amount recovered through Sale proceeds of members

No. of members Amount recovered (i) By Society itself (ii) Through Marketing & Processing societies

24. Marketing, Processing & Distribution Activities during the year - (i) Total value of agricultural produce received (ii) Total value of produce marketed (Sales) by Societies - of which Foodgrains Others (iii) Out of total produce marketed as above through Marketing Societies (iv) Whether society is advancing pledge loans/assisted in marketing of produce (Yes/No) Quantity produced Amount In tones Rs. (v) Whether society is undertaking processing activity, if so –

(a) Total (b) Of which

Foodgrains (vi) Value of goods (Fertilizer/Seed etc.) received for distribution

Quantity Value In tones Rs. (a) Total Sales

of which Seeds Fertilizer Pesticides Machinery & Implements Others

(vii) Value of Consumer Goods purchased for distribution Rs. (viii) Total sale (Consumer goods) (a) Foodgrains Rs. (b) Others Rs.


(ix) Value of closing Stock Rs. (x) Amount due on account of credit sales of consumer goods Rs. (xi) Industrial Raw Materials supplied (xii) Out of consumer goods sold during the year in col.(viii) ______________________________________________________________________________ (a) Sales of consumer goods Controlled Non-controlled in rural areas Rs. Rs. ______________________________________________________________________________

(1) Foodgrains (2) Sugar (3) Cloth (4) Others

Total (xiii) No. of Retail Branches/Shops in Rural areas Total No. Branches No. Fair Price shops No. 25. Crop wise classification of short-term loan advances made for seasonal agricultural

operation during the year (For PACS/FSS/LAMPS) A. Total Short term loan advanced Rs. (i) Foodgrains (a) Wheat Rs. (b) Paddy Rs. (c) Millets Rs. (Jowar, Bajra, Maize etc.) (d) Pulses Rs. (e) Others Rs. (ii) Non-Foodgrains (a) Cotton Rs. (b) Oilseeds Rs. (c) Sugarcane Rs. (d) Jute & Mesta Rs. (e) Others Rs. 26. Primary Agril. Credit Societies (PACS/FSS/LAMPS only) – Classification of loans issued, Recovered, Outstanding and Overdue – by Amount -


(During 20___ 20___) ______________________________________________________________________________________ Grand Total Total Short Medium Long Term Term Term ______________________________________________________________________________________ (i) No. of Borrowing members of which S.C. S.T. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Rs.501 to Rs.1000 Total Short Medium Long Term Term Term ______________________________________________________________________________________ (i) No. of Borrowing members of which S.C. S.T. (ii) Amount of loan issued of which S. C. S. T. (iii) Amount of loan recovered of which S. C. S. T. (iv) Amount of loan outstanding of which S. C. S. T. (v) Overdue - of which S.C. S.T. ____________________ Rs.1,001 to Rs.3,000___ (i) No. of Borrowing members of which S.C. S.T. (ii) Amount of loan issued of which S. C. S. T. (iii) Amount of loan recovered of which S. C. S. T. (iv) Amount of loan outstanding of which S. C. S. T.


(v) Overdue - of which S.C. S.T. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Rs.3,001 to Rs.5000 Total Short Medium Long Term Term Term ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (i) No. of Borrowing members of which S.C. S.T. (ii) Amount of loan issued of which S. C. S. T. (iii) Amount of loan recovered of which S. C. S. T. (iv) Amount of loan outstanding of which S. C. S. T. (v) Overdue - of which S.C. S.T. ____________________ Rs.5,001 to Rs.10,000___ (i) No. of Borrowing members of which S.C. S.T. (ii) Amount of loan issued of which S. C. S. T. (iii) Amount of loan recovered of which S. C. S. T.


(iv) Amount of loan outstanding of which S. C. S. T. (v) Overdue - of which S.C. S.T. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Over Rs.10,000 Total Short Medium Long Term Term Term ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (i) No. of Borrowing members of which S.C. S.T. (ii) Amount of loan issued of which S. C. S. T. (iii) Amount of loan recovered of which S. C. S. T. (iv) Amount of loan outstanding of which S. C. S. T. (v) Overdue - of which S.C. S.T. 27. Primary Agricultural Credit Societies (PACS/FSS/LAMPS) only – classification of Loans issued, Recovered, Outstanding and Overdue - According to size of Ownership Holdings :

No. of borrowers

Advance Amount in Rs.

Recovered Amt. in Rs.

Outstanding Amt. in Rs.

Overdue Amt. in Rs.

Short term (ST)

Medium term (MT)

Long term (LT)




Short term

Medium term


Short term



Short term

Medium term

Long term


(1) Upto 1 Hectre (2) 1 –2 Hectares (3) 2 – 4 Hectares (4) 4 – 8 Hectares (5) Above 8 Hectares (6) Tenant cultivators (7) Agricultural Labourers (8) Others ______________________________________________________________________________________ Total ______________________________________________________________________________________ Highest Lowest Usual 28. Rate of Interest charged on loans to ultimate borrower - Short Term Medium Term Long Term 29. Information to be supplied by Grain Bank only : (1) Membership No. of which Borrowing during the year No. __________________ Cash Kind Total (i) Loan advanced during the year (ii) Loan recovered during the year (iii) Loan outstanding at the end of the year (iv) Overdues as at the end of the year 29A. Interest Rates on Deposits, Borrowings and Advances during …………………….. State Co-op. Bank Central Co-op. Bank Highest Lowest Usual Highest Lowest Usual (I) Deposits

(a) Current A/c and deposits upto 14 days (b) Savings A/c (c) Periodwise deposits (like 15 days to 45 days to above 5 yrs – Please specify)

(II) Borrowings of Reserve Bank of India (Applicable only for S.C.B.) State Co-operative Bank (Applicable only for Central Co-op. Banks)


Government Commercial Banks (III) Loans and Advances

(a) Short Term (Purposewise like Seasonal agricultural operation, purchase Of agricultural implements, Pisciculture, Consumption Loan, etc.) (Please specify)

(b) Medium Term (i) For agricultural purposes (ii) For non-agricultural purposes (IV) Advances to Individuals

(a) Short term (b) Medium Term

WBSCARDB Highest Lowest Usual

(V) (a) Loans to Primary Agriculture Rural Dev. Bank) Banks (b) Loans to individuals (Made directly) (VI) Rate of Interest charged on loan by PARDB to the ultimate borrowers – Urban Co-op. Bank/Employees Co-operative Credit Society Ltd. 30. Name of the Society 31. If enlisted under Banking Regulation Act. If so, date of enlistment 32. No. of borrowing members during the year -

(a) Of which SC (b) Of which ST

33. No. of members indebted at the end of the year - (c) Of which SC (d) Of which ST

34. Interest Rate (a) Interest rates on Deposits Highest Lowest Usual (i) Current A/c (ii) S.B. A/c (iii) Deposits for 15 to 45 days (iv) Deposits for 46 to 90 days (v) 91 days and above but less than 6 months (vi) Deposits beyond 6 months but less than 9 months (vii) Deposits beyond 9 months but less than 1 yr. (viii) Deposits beyond 1 year to 3 years (ix) Deposits beyond 3 year to 5 years (x) Deposits above 5 years


(b) Interest rates on borrowings from Short term Medium term (i) State Co-op. Bank (ii) Central Co-op. Bank (iii) Government (iv) Commercial Bank (c) Rate of interest charged on loans Short term Medium term to ultimate borrowers 35. Purposewise details of loans issued during the year Short term Medium term Long Term Amount Amount Amount (i) Agricultural purpose (ii) Small Scale Industries (iii) Trade and Commerce (iv) Construction or major repairs to properties or minor repairs (v) Repayment of prior debts (vi) Consumption loan (vii) Others 36. Amount wise details of loans issued during the year. No of borrower Amount (i) 500 and less (ii) 501 to 1000 (iii) 1001 to 3000 (iv) 3,001 to 5,000 (v) 5,001 to 10,000 (vi) over Rs.10,000 37. Details of loans outstanding by Security : (a) Against Fixed Deposit (b) Govt. and the Trustee Securities (c) Agricultural produce (d) Merchandise (e) Gold and Silver (f) Immovable Property (g) Surety (h) Unsecured (i) Others 38. Cash credit limit/overdraft limit sanctioned during the year. 39. Highest outstanding under Cash Credit/Overdraft during the year.

PART B – Annexure II II. Marketing Societies/processing/Spinning Mills/Consumer/Cold Storage/Sugar Factories)


A. Marketing Society (Marketing Federation/TDCS/Primary Marketing only) 40. No. of markets in the area of operation

(a) Regulated (b) Others

41. Membership (i) Cooperative Societies -

(a) Agril Credit (b) Marketing (c) Others

(ii) Regular members -

(a) Growers Of which S.C. S.T.

(b) Others (including State Govt.) Of which S.C. S.T.

(iii) Nominal Members 42. Other Borrowings Limit of Borrowing Highest outstanding sanctioned (Rs) of borrower during the year (Rs.)

(a) Central Financing Agencies (b) Commercial Banks

43. Cold Storages -

(a) No. of Storages unit installed (b) Storage capacity (in tones) (c) Quantity of produce stored during

the year (in tones) As owners As agents

(d) Name of the Commodity Stored (e) No. of packing boxes stored (f) Weight in tones

44. Rates of interest on - (i) Deposit (ii) Other borrowings (iii) Loans advances to ultimate borrower. 45. Loans of Credit Societies recovered by marketing of produce

(a) Amount of loan recovered Of which S.C. Rs.


S.T. Rs. (b) No. of Credit Societies concerned No. (c) No. of members concerned

Of which S.C. No. S.T. No.

46. Distribution of consumer goods distributed by Marketing Societies in rural areas

(a) No. of Retail Branches/Shop in rural areas (b) Out of total sales Total Controlled Non-controlled

as noted below : _____________________________ Foodgrain Sugar Cloth Others

Sales of Cons. Goods in rural areas 47. Sales of Name of the Wholesale Retail Agril produce commodity Quantity/Value Quantity/Value

in tones in Rs. in tones in Rs. (a) As owners (i) Paddy (ii) Rice (iii) Wheat (iv) Other foodgrains (v) Cotton (vi) Jute (vii) Oil seeds (viii) Pulses (ix) Others _________________________________________________________________________ Total _________________________________________________________________________ (b) As agents As above such as (i) Paddy (ii) Rice etc.

_________________________________________________________________________ Total _________________________________________________________________________ (c) Out of the total Sales of Agricultural Produce as Owners and Agents as reported above the value of sales to be shown separately as mentioned below :- (i) Through higher level society Rs. (ii) To Consumers Society Rs. (iii) To others Rs. Total Sales as Owners and as Agents Rs. 48. Sales of Name of the Wholesale Retail


Agril requisities requisities Quantity/ Value Quantity/ Value (in tonnes) in Rs. (in tonnes)

(a) As owners (i) Fertiliser (ii) Seeds (iii) Agril. implements (iv) Pesticides/Insecticides (v) Others _________________________________________________________________________ Total _________________________________________________________________________ (b) As agents (As above such as ) Fertiliser, etc.

_________________________________________________________________________ Total _________________________________________________________________________ (c) Out of the total Sales of Agril. requisites as Owners and Agents as reported above the value of sales to be shown separately as mentioned below :- (i) To Pry. Credit Societies Rs. (ii) To Individual Growers Rs. (iii) To others Rs. _______________________________________________________________________________ Total Sales as Owners and as Agents _______________________________________________________________________________ 49. Consumer Name of the Consumers’ Wholesale Retail goods goods value value (a) As owners (i) Foodgrains (ii) Others

(b) As agents Name of the Consumers’ Wholesale Retail goods value value (i) Consumers’ goods (ii) Others (c) Out of the total sales of

Consumers’ goods as owners and as agents as reported above the value of sales to consumers’ societies Rs.____________________

50. Out of total sales value of export outside the country Rs.


51. Number of retail outlets No. 52. Commission earned on agency business Rs. 53. P U R C H A S E S _____________________________________________________________________________ Purchases On behalf of Value of as Agents/as ___________________________________________________ Owners Govt. & Apex or Others Agril. Agril. Others Total Govt. higher pro requi consu- Agencies level duce sites mers’ Societies Foodgrains ______________________________________________________________________________ (i) Produced/Procured (Foodgrains) (ii) Purchases as owners (iii) Purchases as agents _______________________________________________________________________________ GRAND TOTAL _______________________________________________________________________________ 54. Closing Stock As Owners As Agents (a) Agril. produce Rs. Rs. (b) Agril requisites Rs. Rs. (c) Consumer goods Rs. Rs. (d) Others Rs. Rs. __________ __________ __________ __________ N.B. Total stock held as owners to be reported in the assets of the society. Stock held as agents do

not form part of the assets of the society and should not be included in the assets. The value of goods/produce held as agents, purchases and sales thereof should be reported here for information only.

55. Amount of loan advanced by the Marketing Society - (a) To other Societies Rs. (b) To Individuals & Others Rs. ______________ (i) Purpose wise classification of the loan advanced to Individuals & others at 55(b) above. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Total amount Current Agril Of col. 2 loans Other purposes Of col.3 loans advanced as purposes advanced to advanced to per item 55 SC ST SC ST (b) above ___________________________________________________________________________________


1 2 2A 2B 3 3A 3B ___________________________________________________________________________________ (ii) Security wise classification of the loan advanced to Individuals & others at 55(b) above. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Total amount Pledge of Of col. 2 loans Hypothe of col.3 Other of col.4 loans advanced as produce advanced to cation advanced to advanced to per item 55 SC ST of produce SC ST SC ST (b) above ___________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 2A 2B 3 3A 3B 4 4A 4B ___________________________________________________________________________________ (iii) Loans recovered ___________________________________________________________________________________ Total Form From Individuals Of col. 3 loans Societies & others recovered from S.C. S.T. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 3A 3B ___________________________________________________________________________________ 56. No. of Marketing societies undertaking processing of ___________________________________________________________________________________ I. No. Installed Quantity of Quantity Sales capacity goods purchased processed of processed (per shift of from (in tones) goods (in 8 hrs. in tones) Member Non-member tonnes) ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3A 3B 4 5 ______________________________________________________________________________________ (a) Jute (b) Paddy (c) Fruits & Vegetables (d) Oilseeds (e) Others

(please specify) II. Govt. shares for processing activity at the end of the year Rs. B. Processing Societies : (Talgur/Oil crushing/Paddy Processing/Rice Mills/Fruits & Vegetables/Others) : Please

specify. 57. Installed capacity of processing units (in tonnes per shift of 8 hours) (a) Quantity processed (in tonnes)

By processing society (b) Sales of Processing Society Rs.

(i) Processed goods Rs. (ii) Agril. requisites Rs. (iii) Consumers goods in rural areas controlled/Non-controlled


(a) Foodgrains (b) Sugar (c) Cloth (d) Others

58. Value of export outside the country Rs. 59. Gross Income for processing Rs. 60. Loans of credit societies recovered from the produce processed –

a) Amount of loan recovered b) No. of credit societies concerned c) No. of members concerned of which S.C. Rs. S.T. Rs.

61. Rate of Interest charged on loans to ultimate borrowers Short Term Rs. Medium Term Rs. 62. The following additional information of borrowing outstanding may be furnished : Total outstanding as on Rs. (i) Short term (for Working Capital) Rs. (ii) Medium Term (for Block capital) Rs. (iii) Others Rs. C. Spinning Mills : (Separate figure for each type such as (1) Growers of cotton, (2) Consumers of yarn (3) Mixed type to be submitted) 63. Number of Spindles : Licensed of which working 63A. Cash Credit & Overdraft limit obtained Rs. 64. Out of Total Share Capital : Capital owned by Individuals : (i) Out of Govt. loans Rs. For purchase of Shares

Of which S.C. Rs. S.T. Rs.

(ii) Out of their resources Rs.

Of which S.C. Rs. S.T. Rs.

65. Closing Stock Rs. (i) Raw Materials Rs. (ii) Finished Goods Rs. 66. Raw Materials purchased


during the year Rs. (i) From Co-operative Societies Rs. (ii) From others Rs. 67. Value of Goods produced Rs. 68. Value of Finished goods sold Rs. (a) To members Rs. (b) To Others Rs. 69. Wages Rs. 70. Other Manufacturing Exp. Rs. D. Cold Storages (Organised as Independent Societies) 71. Date of Commencing Functioning 72. Membership No. (a) Individuals & Others (i) Growers

Of which S.C.(No.) No. S.T. (No.) No.

(ii) Others of which S.C.(No.) No. S.T. (No.) (b) Societies No. (i) Agricultural Credit (No) (ii) Marketing (No.) (iii) Others (No.) 73. Total No. of Units

(a) Installed (b) Under Installation

74. Storage Capacity or units Installed (in tonnes) 75. Quantity of produce stored during the year (in tonnes)

(a) As Owners (b) As Agents

76. Name of the Commodity Stored No. of No. of Weight in and weight items Packing tonnes Boxes E. Consumers’ Co-operative (If enrolment is available for departmental Stores that shall have to be furnished separately) 77. Type of Society (Whether Federation, Wholesale, Primary Stores/Pure Primary Stores) 78. Whether doing Processing activities


79. No. of branches as at the Total Number of which rural areas end of June (i) Branches (ii) Departmental Stores (iii) Fair Price shops (iv) Others 80. Membership During the year As at the end of June (i) Individuals

Of which S.C. S.T.

(ii) Other Co-op. Societies/Institution (iii) Consumers’ Stores 81. Outstanding under Credit Sales (i) Upto 6 months (ii) Over 6 months but upto 12 months (iii) Over 12 months 82. Value of goods on consignment & commission basis 83. Purchase during the year 84. Value of Sales during the Controlled Wholesale/Non-controlled year Retail Wholesale/Retail (i) Foodgrains (ii) Sugar (iii) Other groceries (iv) Textiles (v) Cosmetics and Toilet (vi) Drugs and medicines (vii) Household goods (viii) Others 85. Gross Income (For Departmental Stores only) 86. Whether the Society undertaking distribution (Yes/No) 87. Value of distribution of Consumer Goods in Rural Areas during the year Controlled Non-Controlled (i) Foodgrains (ii) Sugar (iii) Cloth (iv) Others ‘Pure Primary Consumers’ Stores relates to School and College Consumers Stores, Stores organized among industrial and mining works, Railways, other Public and Private Enterprises etc.


Sugar Factories 87A. (i) Name of the Society (ii) Whether it is under construction (Yes/No) (iii) Membership

(a) Societies (b) Growers Of which S.C. No. S.T. No.

(iv) Others ……….. No.

Of which S.C. No. S.T. No.

(v) Deposit Rs. Of which Refundable Rs. (vi) Borrowings Rs. (a) Short Term Rs. (Working capital) (b) Medium Term Rs. (Block capital) (c) Others Rs. (vii) Closing Stock (a) Sugar Rs. (b) By-products Rs. (c) Others Rs. (viii) Whether the Govt. of India issued licence or not (ix) (a) Installed capacity ( in tonnes per shift of 8 hrs) (b) Licensed capacity (in tonnes per shift of 8 hrs.) (x) Whether the factory having ancillary unit (Distilleries/confectionery and others) (xi) Production (Sugar Produced) (a) Sugarcane crushed Quantity Value (in tonnes) Rs. (i) Of members (ii) Of others (b) Production of Sugar exported (weight in tonnes) (c) Other production (Weight in tonnes) (d) Cost of production exported (value)

(e) Cost of other production (value) (f) Sugarcane received from members Quantity Value

not crushed by factories but sold to (in tonnes) Rs. outside


(g) Production of Ancillary units Quantity Value (in proof litres/ Rs. or bottles or in tonnes)

(i) Distilleries (ii) Confectionery (iii) Others (Please specify) (xii) Value of Sales - (a) Sugar Rs. (b) By-products Rs. (c) Products of ancillary units Rs. (xiii) Distribution of Agricultural Requisites (Value) Total Fertilisers Seeds Agricultural Others Sales implements including Cement Iron and Steel

(a) As Owners (b) As Agents

(xiv) Loans of Credit Societies recovered from the price of cane (a) amount of loan recovered Rs. Of which S.C. S.T.

(b) No. of credit societies concerned No. (c) No. of members concerned No.

Of which S.C. S.T.

(xv) Compulsory Deposits collected towards share capital Rs.

PART B – Annexure III

Farming Societies/Irrigation/Housing/Labour Contract/Engineers/Forest Labour/Transport

A. Farming 88. Class of Society (Joint Farming/Collective Farming) 89. Whether formed by Ex-Servicemen or others 90. Whether the Society undertaking ancillary activities 91. In which areas the society is located

(Gramdan/Bhudan areas/Wastelands/other areas) 92. Membership No. (i) Land holders No.


Of which S.C. No.

S.T. No.

(ii) Agril. Labourers No. Of which S.C. No.

S.T. No. (iii) Others No.

Of which S.C. No.

S.T. No. (iv) Government No.

93. No. of Working members No. (i) Full time in Field operation No.

Of which S.C. No.

S.T. No. (ii) Part-time in Field operations

Of which S.C. No.

S.T. No. (iii) Others No.

Of which S.C. No.

S.T. No. 94. Coverage in Hectares (i) Area commanded of which Cultivable land

(a) Irrigated (b) Unirrigated

95. Land utilization in Hectares (i) Net area sown (ii) Gross area cropped (a+b+c)

(a) Food Grains (b) Commercial crops (c) Other crops

96. Expenses for cultivation during the year Rs. (i) Seeds Rs. (ii) Green manure Rs. (iii) Chemical Fertilizers Rs. (iv) Labour Rs. (v) Irrigation Rs. 97. Particulars of Production and Sales Name of Commodity Production during Sales during the the year year (i) Foodgrains Rs. Rs.


(ii) Cotton Rs. Rs. (iii) Oilseeds Rs. Rs. (iv) Jaggery Rs. Rs. (v) Miscellaneous Rs. Rs. ________________________________________________________ Total Rs. Rs. ________________________________________________________

B. Irrigation [ (a) Irrigation Socy. (exclusive purpose), (b) Irrigation activities undertaking by other Non-Credit Socy. ] 98. Area commanded (in hectares) 99. Area irrigated (in hectares) 100. No. of beneficiaries at the end of the year (For ‘b’ type only) 101. Value of irrigation works executed

(a) at the beginning of the year (b) during the year (c) at the end of the year

102. Income from services rendered 103. Borrowings for irrigation projects (for above ‘b’ type only)

(a) During the year (b) At the end of the year

104. Fixed assets relating to irrigation projects (for above ‘B’ type only)

C. Housing Societies 105. Construction by Society During the At the end members year of the year No. Value No. Value (i) Houses (ii) Tenements 106. Construction made by During the At the end year of the year No. Value No. Value (i) Independent Houses

Of which S.C.

S.T. (ii) Tenements

Of which S.C.

S.T. D. Labour Contract/Engineers and Forest Labourers 107. Name of the Society


108. Whether organized by Unemployed Degree or Diploma Engineers 109. Whether working in

(a) Urban areas (b) Rural areas (c) Both Urban and Rural areas

110. Total Membership Of which (i) Degree-holders (ii) Diploma-holders (iii) Labourers

Of which S.C.

S.T. (iv) Other Graduate (v) Others

Of which S.C.

S.T. 111. Value of Contract executed during the year (Not applicable to forest labour socs) Rs. Of which (i) Work awarding agencies

(a) Govt. Rs. (b) Local bodies Rs. (c) Others Rs.

______________ 112. Bills Receivable as at the end of the year Rs.

(a) Govt. Rs. (b) Local bodies Rs. (c) Others Rs.

______________ 113. No. of persons/Labourers Employed (a) Members (i) Degree-holders Of which S.C. S.T. (ii) Diploma-holders Of which S.C. S.T. (iii) Other Graduates Of which S.C. S.T. (iv) Labourers


Of which S.C. S.T. (v) Others Of which S.C. S.T. (b) Non-members & Others No. Of which S.C. S.T. 114 Wages paid (i) Members Of which S.C. S.T. (ii) Others Of which S.C. S.T. 115. Income earned during the year 116. Value of Consumers goods distributed (Further information to be furnished for Forest Labourers Societies) 117. Total Membership No. 118. Out of Total membership workers engaged in collection of forest produce

Of which S.C. S.T. 119. Value of Forest Contract taken (i) Of which work awarding Agencies (a) Govt. Value (b) Local bodies (c) Others (d) Total 120. Value of forest produce collected 121. Value of Sales

E. Transport Society 122. Whether the society organized by Ex-Servicemen (exclusively) 123. Vehicles owned by Society No. Value 124. Business during the year No. of Passengers Volume of


carried goods handed in (tonnes) 125. Expenses during the year Wages Cost of fuel Depreciation allowed Minor replacement 126. Income from Transport charges during the year

PART B – Annexure IV Multi –Unit Society/Other Non-Credit/Students Co-op./Electricity/Co-op. Unions/Milk Supply

/Fishery/Other Livestock/Weavers/Other Industry/Womens Co-operatives

A. Multi-Unit Co-operatives 127. Name of the Society 128. Place and date of Registration 129. No. of offices 130. Area of operation -

(a) Names of States/Union Territories (b) No. of Districts

131. Type of operation undertaken (specify) (Credit, Consumers, Housing etc.) 132. (a) Nature of Business (specify) (b) Value of production/purchases

(c) Value of contracts executed (d) Value of Sales

133. Value of distribution of Production/ Sold Purchases Rs. Rs.

(a) Consumer Goods (b) Fertilizer

134. Capacity of godown owned (in tonnes)

(a) No. (b) Main Commodity (Specify) (c) Other Commodity(Specify)

135. Particulars of Cold Storages

(a) No. of Cold Storage units installed (b) Storage capacity (in M.T.) (c) Quality of produce stored during the

the year (in M.T.) (i) As owners (ii) As Agents

(d) Principal commodities Name of No. of No. of Weight commodity items Packing Boxes (i) Stored & Weight 136. Particulars of Supply Service Nature of Value No. of Value of


services persons Tech offered trained services Rendered 137. Other services Nature of Total value services Technical Training Advisory Miscellaneous 138. Borrowings outstanding at the end of June (as reported in Part A) Rs. (i) Short term (working capital) Rs. (ii) Medium term and long term Rs. (Block capital) (iii) Others Rs.

(B) Other Non-Credit 139. Membership total - out of which non-working 140. Income from services rendered (C) Students Co-operatives 141. Type of Society (School Co-op./College Co-op./University Coop.) 142. Membership

(a) Students (b) Teachers (c) Others

143. Paid – up capital Rs. (a) Govt. Rs. (b) Individual of which Rs. (i) Students Rs. (ii) Teachers Rs. (iii) Others Rs. 144. Purchases Rs. 145. Sales (Total) of which (a) Textbooks Rs. (b) Stationery Rs. (c) Others Rs. 146. Gross Income 147. Subsidy from

(a) Govt. (b) N.C.D.C. (c) Others

(D) Electricity Co-operatives 148. Name of the society 149. No. of villages electrified during the year 150. No. of Services connections at the end of June -

(a) Agriculturists


(b) Industrial (c) Domestic & Commercial (d) Others

151. Total connected load (K.W.) during the year (a) Sales during the year (Units)

152. Operating revenue during the year Amount (a) Sale of energy (b) Miscellaneous (c) Others

153. Operation expenditure (a) Cost of power (b) Operational & Maintenance (c) Others

154. Wages paid during the year - of which S.C. S.T. 155. No. of units of power purchased

(E) Co-operative Unions and Institutions 156. Membership No. (a) Societies No. (i) Primary No. (ii) Central No.

(b) Individuals and others No. 157. No. of education and propaganda staff maintained No. 158. No. of Units functioning No. 159. Training of Non-officials No.

(a) 4 weeks (Secretaries course) (i) Secretaries Managers No. (ii)Prospective Young Leaders No.

(b) Managing Committee Members No. Course (i) Managing Committee No. Members (ii) Prospective Managing Committee Members No. (c) Ordinary Members No. (d) Non-Members No. 160. Income Rs. (i) Government Grant Rs. (ii) Education Fund Rs. (iii) Others Rs. 161. Total Expenditure Rs.

(F) Milk Supply Co-operatives 162. Milk Purchase from - Rs.

(a) Members Of which S.C. Rs.


S.T. Rs. (b) Non-Members Rs. Of which S.C. Rs. S.T. Rs.

163. Processing Activities (Production during the year) In Tonnes (i) Butter (ii) Ghee (iii) Condensed Milk (iv) Cheese (v) Powered Milk (vi) Baby Food (vii) Casein (viii) Lactose (ix) Cattle Feed (x) Other products 164. Sales Rs. (a) Milk Rs. (b) Milk Products Rs. (c) Others Rs

(G) Fishery 165. Type of Societies (Marine Fisheries/Inland Fisheries) 166. Membership Total S.C. S.T. Marine Membership Inland Membership 167. Stock

(a) Fish (b) Fishing materials

168. Payments for acquiring fishing rights 169. Catch

(a) Quantity (in tonnes)

(b) Value 170. Sales Quantity Value Total in Tonnes Of which Exports (a) Fish (i) Total (ii) As Agents

(b) Fish Products (c) Fishing Materials (d) Others


(Please specify) 171. Cold Storage

(a) No. of Units installed (b) Storage Capacity

(in tonnes) (c) Quantity of fish & fish products stored during the year

(in tonnes) (i) As Owners (ii) As Agents

(H) Other Livestock/Live Products

(Ghee/Other Livestock products/Poultry/other livestock) 172. Number of villages from which agricultural produce/Ghee/Poultry/Other livestock

products is received. (I) Particulars to be furnished by women’s co-operative, Weavers and Misc. Industrial Co-

operatives viz. palm gur, other village industries, handicraft industries, engineering industries, leather, coir, sericulture, tanning & flaying/misc. industries.

173. Type of Societies (as per above groupings) 174. Paid – up capital Total S.C. S.T. Individual & Others

(a) Out of Govt. loan for for purchase of shares

(b) Out of their resources 175. Closing Stock

(a) Raw materials (b) Finished goods (c) Yarn

176. Socy. Under taking Socy. providing Socy. under production & sale supply, sale & taking both other services production & sale & supply sale & other services (i) (ii) (iii)

(a) Value of raw materials/ yarn purchased

(b) Value of products/cloth products purchased for processing

(c) Supply of raw materials : (i) Members (ii) Non-members

(d) Supply of Equipments : (i) Members (ii) Non-members


(e) Value of cloth/products pur

chased for sale (i) From members (ii) From others

(f) Sale of products

(i) From members (ii) From others

(g) Wages paid (h) Other manufacturing expenses

Total S.C. S.T. 177. No. of looms of which working 178. (a) No. of Sale depots (b) Pattern making factories (c) Dye houses (d) Common facility workshop (i) No. of workshop (ii) Income from services rendered 179. Sales (only for Women’s Society) of which (i) Raw materials (ii) Finished Goods

FORM XVI [ Rule 72(1) ]

Form of Quarterly Return showing the working of ………………………….. Co-operative Society for the quarter ending …………………20………….. I. Membership Individual Societies (a) Number at the end of the last quarter : (b) Number admitted during the quarter : (c) Number ceased during the quarter : (d) Total

II. Owned Capital Subscribed Paid up _______________________________________________ Preference Ordinary Preference (1) Share Capital -

(a) Total amount at the end of the last quarter: (b) Amount subscribed and paid up during the quarter: (c) Total : (d) Amount refunded during the quarter: (e) Balance at the end of the quarter:

(2) Reserve and funds -


1. (a) Reserve Fund (b) Amount separately invested; 2. (a) Other Funds (to be specified); (b) Amount separately invested: III. Borrowings - (1) Deposits (A) Fixed. 1. (a) Total amount outstanding at the end of the last quarter: (b) Amount received during the quarter; (c) Amount repaid during the quarter; (d) Balance at the end of the quarter; (i) Members - (ii) Non-Members - Average rate of interest payable : 2. Deposits maturing during each of the next three following quarters – (i) for quarter ending on …………….Rs. (ii) for quarter ending on …………….Rs. (iii) for quarter ending on …………….Rs. (B) Current : (a) Total amount outstanding at the end of the last quarter (b) Amount received during the quarter (c) Amount repaid during the quarter (d) Balance at the end of the quarter (i) Members (ii) Non-members Average rate of interest payable : (C) Savings : (a) Total amount outstanding at the end of the last quarter (b) Amount received during the quarter (c) Amount repaid during the quarter (d) Balance at the end of the quarter (i) Members (ii) Non-members Average rate of interest payable : (2) Account with State Co-operative Bank - (A) Loan Account :

(a) Amount due at the end of the last quarter (b) Loans taken during the quarter


(c) Amount repaid during the quarter (d) Balance at the end of the quarter (e) Amount overdue

(B) Cash Credit and Overdraft Account :

(a) Maximum limit of credit sanctioned (b) Amount drawn up to the end of the last quarter (c) Amount drawn during the quarter (d) Amount repaid during the quarter. (e) Amount of overdraft at the end of the last quarter. (f) Balance of undrawn cash credit.

(C) Current Account :

(a) Balance at the end of the last quarter (b) Amount received during the quarter (c) Amount repaid during the quarter (d) Balance at the end of the quarter

(D) Amount with other banks - (A) Cash Credit and Overdraft Account :

(a) Maximum limit of credit sanctioned (b) Amount drawn up to the end of the last quarter (c) Amount drawn during the quarter (d) Amount repaid during the quarter. (e) Amount of overdraft at the end of the quarter. (f) Balance of undrawn cash credit.

(B) Current Account :

(e) Balance at the end of the quarter (f) Amount received during the quarter (g) Amount repaid during the quarter (h) Balance at the end of the quarter

(IV) Investments Individual Societies (I) Loans and interest (members) (A) (a) Balance of loans outstanding at the end of the last quarter

(b) Loans issued during the quarter (c) Amount recovered during the quarter (d) Balance at the end of the quarter

Average rate of interest receivable : (B) Recovery of overdue loans :

(a) (i) Overdue principal at the end of the last quarter (ii) Amount in respect of which extension has been granted (iii) Amount collected (iv) Balance (overdue at the end of the quarter)

(b) (i) Instalment which fell due during the quarter (ii) Amount in respect of which extension has been granted (iii) Amount collected


(iv) Balance overdue at the end of the quarter (c) (i) Total amount of overdue loans remaining unpaid (a) (iv) plus (b) (iv) (ii) Amount of overdue loans in respect of which extension of time has been granted (a) (ii) plus (b) (ii) (iii) Amount of loans not yet due (iv) Total (C) Realisation of interest from members :

(a) (i) Overdue interest at the end of the last quarter (ii) Amount collected (iii) Balance

(b) (i) Interest which fell due for payment during the last quarter (ii) Amount collected (iii) Balance

(c) Total overdue interest remaining unrealized at the end of the quarter (a) (iii) plus (b) (iii)

(D) Loans and interest due from societies under order of winding up - Principal interest

(a) Balance outstanding at the end of the last quarter (b) Amount due from societies placed under liquidation during the quarter (c) Total (d) Amount collected (e) Balance at the end of the quarter

(2) Investment in Co-operative Societies (fixed savings and current deposits) -

(a) Amount outstanding at the end of the last quarter; (b) Amount deposited during the quarter (c) Amount withdrawn during the quarter (d) Balance at the end of the quarter

Average rate of interest receivable :

(3) Investment in other Banks and societies (fixed savings and current deposits) -

(a) Amount outstanding at the end of the last quarter; (b) Amount deposited during the quarter (c) Amount withdrawn during the quarter (d) Balance at the end of the quarter

(4) Trustee Securities : (a) Amount outstanding at the end of the last quarter; (b) Amount deposited during the quarter (c) Amount withdrawn during the quarter (d) Balance at the end of the quarter Average rate of interest receivable :

(5) Cash in hand at the close of the quarter : For the quarter ending ……………. 20……………

(a) Revenue

Receipts Disbursements


Interest received Interest paid (a) Cash (a) Cash (b) By paper Transactions (b) By paper Transactions Other receipts Working Expenses (a) Entrance fees ……………………… (a) Establishment (b) Commission ……………………… (b) Contingency (c) Discount …………………………… (c) Audit fee (d) Rent ……………………………….. (d) Provident Fund Contribution (e) …………………….. (e) …………………….. Total Total

(b) Miscellaneous Receipts Disbursements Advance recovered Advance made (a) Societies’ audit fees realized (a) Societies’ audit fees paid (b) ……………………………… (b) …………………………… Suspense and similar accounts Suspense and similar accounts (a) Receipts from saleable items (a) Purchase of saleable items (Stock, forms etc.) (stock, forms etc.) (b) ……………………………… (b) …………………………… Opening Balance Closing Balance Total Total Grand Total Grand Total Signature of Secretary/ Chief Executive Officer Date …………………


FORM XVII Form of Declaration under section 54

[Rule 90(1) ]

` I, ………………………………………., (age ……………………………) residing at ………………… having been admitted to the membership of ……………………….Society Ltd./with unlimited liability and being desirous of borrowing from the society make this declaration as required by section 54 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006 that I own/have interest as a tenant in land specified in the Schedule, and I hereby create a charge on the said land/interest in favour of the society for the payment of the amount of the loan which the society may make and for all future advances, if any which the society may make to me subject to the maximum amount of Rs…………… together with interest on such amount of the loan and advances.


_____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of village Name of Name of Khatian No. Thana District i.e. J.L. No. C.S. Plot No. 1 2 3 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Mauza Boundaries Area Acres or In decimal of an acre 5 6 7 ______________________________________________________________________________________ South East North West ______________________________________________________________________________________ Assessment Approximate Encumbrances, if any Remarks, if any value ____________ __________________ Rupees Paisa 9 Nature Amount 8(a) 8(b) 10(a) 10(b) 11 ______________________________________________________________________________________ In witness whereof, I, Shri ……………………………………………. Hereunder set my hands this ……….. day ………..of ……………… in the year Two thousand and ………………………….. Signed and delivered by the abovenamed in the presence of – (1) Applicant’s/Borrower’s Signature (2) Attested by -


FORM XVIII Form of Register of declarations made under section 54

[Rule 90(2) ] _____________________________________________________________________________________ Serial No. Date of Entry in the Name of Date of declaration register the members 1 2 3 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of the Mauza Amount of Remarks, if any Initials of the In which land is situated maximum loan Chairman/ Secretary 5 6 7 ______________________________________________________________________________________


FORM XIX Form of declaration under sub section ( 1) of section 55

[Rule 91(1) ] I, ………………………………………., (age ……………………………) residing at ………………… having been admitted to the membership of ………………………. Ltd. and being desirous of borrowing loan from the society make this declaration as required by section 55 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006 that –

(a) I own as tenant the land specified in the Schedule I below, (b) I have interest as …………… in the land specified in Schedule I below. (c) I am in lawful occupation of the land specified in Schedule I below being a share-cropper. (d) I own as proprietor the immovable property/I have interest in the immovable property

specified in Schedule II below, and I hereby create GEHAN, that is to say, a special charge on the said land/immovable property or interest in favour of the said society for the payment of the loan to be granted by the society and for all future loans, if any, which the society may grant to me, subject to the maximum limit of Rs…………… together with interest on such amount of the loan and I hereby further declare that in default of repayment by me of the loans hereinabove mentioned together with interest thereon, the said society shall have the right of sale of the land/immovable property/interest without intervention of Court.

Schedule I (1) Name of village (2) Name of the police station (3) Name of district (4) Khatian No., Mauza (J.L. No.) C.S. Plot No. (5) Boundaries :

(a) South (b) North (c) East (d) West

(6) Area in acres (7) Assessment : Rs. (8) Approximate value (9) Encumbrance, if any

(a) Nature (b) Amount

(10) Remarks

Schedule II (1) Name of village (2) Name of the police station (3) Name of district (4) Particulars of the immovable property -

(a) Description (b) Location (c) Approximate value


(d) Encumbrance, if any (5) Remarks :

In witness whereof, I, Sri ………………………. Hereunder set my hand this ……….. day of …………… in the year Two thousand and …………………………………

FORM XX Form of Register of declarations made under sub-section (1) of section 55

[ Rule 91(2) ] _____________________________________________________________________________________ Serial No. Date of Entry in the Name of Applicant’s/Borrower’s Date of declaration Register the applicants Serial No. in the Register of members 1 2 3 4 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Name of the Mauza Amount of Remarks, if any Signature of the Chief In which the property loan Executive of the society is situated by whatever designa-

tion called, with designation 6 7 8 9 ______________________________________________________________________________________

FORM XXI Form of application for demarcation of the irrigable area [Rule 92(1) ]

To The Collector of ………………………. The application of ……………… co-operative society for demarcation of the irrigable area under Rule 92(1) of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Rules, 2006. 1.Particulars of the Society (a) Registered name of the society; (b) Date of establishment (indicating registration No. and date): (c) Address :

2. Particulars of source of irrigation - (a) Description with boundaries: (b) Local name, if any:

3. Particulars of the persons having right of irrigation (Separate lists to be drawn up for members and non-members)

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Name and address Plot No. Class of Boundaries Area Remarks of the person (member Acre Dec. or non-member) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Secretary/Chief


Executive Officer

FORM XXII Form of Notice [ Rule 92 (3) ]

Notice is hereby given that an application (copy enclosed) under Rule ……. of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006 has been received from ……………….Society …………… (address) for demarcation of the area, irrigable from the source of irrigation/protected by the embankment /consolidation of land holdings as specified therein …………… (designation of officer) has been deputed to prepare a map of the irrigable/protected area/co-operative farming area and also a statement of the cultivable/protected lands/land for consolidation as mentioned therein by ……… (date). Persons interested and public are required to appear before him when he visits the locality and help him in respect of preparation of the map and the statement. Collector

FORM XXIII Form of Statement [ Rule 92 (3) ]

(1) Name and address of the person in possession (member or non-member ………..) (2) Name of Panchayat ……………………………………………..

(3) Khatian No. …………………………………………….. (4) Plot No. …………………………………………….. (5) Class of land …………………………………………….. (6) Area in acres …………………………………………….. (7) Boundaries …………………………………………….. Signature …………………………………………..

Date …………………………………



Form of application for demarcation of the protected area [ Rule 92 (5) ]

To The Collector of ………………….. The application of ……………… co-operative society for demarcation of the area protected by embankment under rule 92(5) of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Rules, 2011. 1.Particulars of the Society (d) Registered name of the society; (e) Date of establishment (indicating registration No. and date): (f) Address :

2. Particulars of the embankment - (c) Description with boundaries: (d) Local name, if any:

3. Particulars of the land and persons benefited by the embankment - _____________________________________________________________________________________ Name and address Plot No. Class of Boundaries Area Remarks of the person (mem Land Acre Dec. ber or non-member) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 _____________________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Secretary/Chief Executive Officer

FORM XXV Form of application for consolidation of land holding

[ Rule 92 (10) ] To The Collector of ………………….. The application of ……………… co-operative society for demarcation of the area protected by embankment under rule 92(10) of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Rules, 2011. 1.Particulars of the Society (a) Registered name of the society; (b)Date of establishment (indicating registration No. and date): ( c) Address :

2. Particulars of the Co-operative farming area - (a) Description with boundaries; (b) Names of members holding plots within the area

Indicating plot No. etc. against each (c) Names of non-members holding plot within the area

Including plot No. etc. against each; Signature of Secretary/Chief

Executive Officer



Form of direction to be given to non-members [ Rule 92 (10)(d) ]

In terms of the provisions of clause (d) of sub-rule (10) of rule 92 of the West Bengal Co-

operative Societies, Rules 2011, Shri ………………………… owner-possessor of the land particulars of which are furnished below, falling within the “Co-operative farming area” of ……………………………………………………… society, is hereby directed to join the society within a period 45 days as a member thereof undergoing necessary formalities in this connection.

Particulars of land ……………………………………………….. In case of his refusal to do so action will have to be taken under the law.

Signature of Secretary/Chief Executive Officer, …………………………………… Society

To Shri …………………………….. Address ………………………. (all non-members owning/possessing land of the co-operative farming area)

FORM XXVII Form of Notice calling for statement of claims

[ Rule 102 (1) ] NOTICE

In the matter of application of …………………………………… son/wife of …………………. resident in ……………….. mauza …………………Thana ……………. district ……………….. hereinafter mentioned as a debtor. To Son/wife of …………………………………………………………….. resident in mauza ………Thana ……………. district ……………….. Whereas you are reported to be creditor of the said debtor; Notice is hereby given to you that an application for loan/membership has been received from the said debtor, and that the board of the ………………..Co-operative Society will consider the said application at the office of the society on the ……………………………. day of ………………. 20…….. at ……………..o’clock. You are hereby required to submit to the Secretary of the Society a written statement (in the form annexed) giving full particulars of all debts owned to you by the said debtor within one month of the service of the notice upon you. Seal of the Society Signed ……………………

Secretary/Chief Executive Officer, Co-operative Society


FORM XXVII-A Form for written statement of claims from creditors

[ Rule 102(1) ] Name of debtor ………………………………………………………………………………………. Address ……….………………………………………………………………………………………. __________________________________________________________________________ Serial No. Nature of the debt Khatian and Date when Rate of with description plot Nos. debt was interest of any bond or/ of any land first incurred shown in other document mortgaged each bond _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Amount paid since Amount of Total Remarks (Note here the amount of the current bond principal now claim as any loan given subsequently and was executed due due amalgamated with the principal) ____________________ Date Principal Interest _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6a 6b 6c 7 8 9 _____________________________________________________________________________________ I agree to subscribe …………… shares of your society. In this connection the necessary particulars are given below :_ 1. Name in full : 2. Actual date of birth and age on : 3. Father’s name : 4. (a) Permanent address : (b) Present address : (c) Contact address : 5. Occupation with monthly income : 6. Whether member of any other co-operative society and if so, the particulars thereof : 7. Nationality : 8. Religion : 9. Name and address of nominee and his relationship with the applicant : I hereby declare that if any information hereinabove recorded be at any time found to be incorrect my membership of your society shall be liable to be terminated. Yours faithfully, Signature/Thumb Impression of the Applicant Full postal address ……………………………….


FORM XXVIII Form of application for membership of a co-operative society

[ Rule 108 ] To The Secretary/Manager/Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director ……………………………….Co-operative Society Dear Sir, I hereby apply for membership of your society. I have studied the registered by-laws of your society and the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006 and the Rules made thereunder and I hereby declare and undertake to abide by the provisions of the by-laws, the Act and the Rules. Signature




Before the Judicial Magistrate/Executive Magistrate ________________________________ I


____________________________________ s.o/w.o./d.o. ________________ by faith

_______________________________________ by occupation service/business aged about

____________________________ years at present residing at _________________________

P.O.____________________________ Dist. __________________ State __________________

Pin Code ___________________________ do hereby solemnly declare affirm as follows :-

1. That I do not own house or flat or a building or building site or land either in my own name or

in the name of my family as defined under section 13(2) of the West Bengal Cooperative Societies

Act 2006 in the

___________________________ (KMAH area/New Town area/_________________ City/Town/

Village ) where the proposed cooperative society is located.

2. That I intend to be a member of the proposed ______________________ Housing Cooperative/

Cooperative Housing Society having its registered office at _______________ P.O._______

Dist. _________________ Pin ______________ for the purpose of owing a flat in the land of the

housing project of the said Cooperative Society which is going to be constructed for residential

accommodation of myself and members of the family.

3. That I am a permanent resident in the State of ________________ and I am a citizen of India and

I intend to reside in West Bengal permanently.

4. That I am not a member of any other housing cooperative societies in West Bengal.

That the above statements are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I swear this

affidavit of this ___________ day of _____________ two thousand _________________

Identified by me ADVOCATE DEPONENT


FORM NO. XXVIIIB [Section 76 ]


To The Chief Promoter/Secretary ___________________________ Housing Cooperative Society P.O. _______________________ Dist. ______________________, Pin ________________ Dear Sir/Madam, In terms of Section 76 of the West Bengal Cooperative Societies Act, 2006 read with the relevant

provision of the bye-laws of

the society I do hereby nominate my wife/son/daughter Smt./Sri/Kumari _________________ as

my nominee and to request you to dispose of my share with all interest in favour of my nominee

in the event of my death.

The biodata of my nominee are detailed below for your perusal and taking necessary action at

your end in terms of the relevant provision of the society.

Name of the Nominee (Block Capital) : ___________________________________________

Date of Birth of the Nominee : ___________________________________________

Identification Mark if any of the Nominee : ____________________________________________

Yours faithfully,

Date : Member Place : ………………….Cooperative Society


FORM XXIX Form of quarterly statement to be submitted by a housing co-operative

society under section 91(2) [ Rule 151]

Name of the society ……………… Registration No. …………………. ……………………

1. Project - (a) site (b) date of purchase or acquisition of land,

house or building for the project : (c) date of sanction of the building plan : (d) total number of plots, houses or apartments under the project : (e) total number of plots, houses, or apartments allotted : (f) cost of each plot, house or apartment : 2. Membership - (a) total members : (b) number of resignation and/or expulsion during the quarter : (c) admitted during the quarter : 3. Payment by members - (a) share money (b) cost of land, house or apartment : (c) number of defaulters (a list as per

Annexure ‘A’ furnished) : 4. Borrowings from the West Bengal State Co-operative Housing Federation Ltd. : (a) total amount sanctioned : (b) number of members involved : (c) total amount released (member-wise sanction and release shown in Annexure ‘A’ : 5. Repayment against borrowings in (4) -

(a) total amount repayable at the end of the quarter as per quarterly instalment :

(b) total amount repaid to apex society at the end of the quarter :

(c) amount of default, if any (member-wise repayment position shown in annexure ’B’ : 6. Borrowings from any other institutions (including


overdraft from Bank ) – (a) name of the lending institution : (b) amount sanctioned : (c) amount released : 7. Amount of loan or deposit from non-member individuals - 8. General Meeting - (a) date of last annual general meeting : (b) date of special general meeting held during the quarter : 9. Audit - (a) year upto which audit report received : (b) year of which audit is in progress : 10. Deposits in bank - (a) name of the bank : (b) amount of deposit - (i) current : (ii) savings : (iii) fixed : 11. Any other deposit or investment : 12. A cash A/c for the quarter :

ANNEXURE ‘A’ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sl. Name No. of plot/ Cost of plot/house/ Payment Release Share No. house apart apartment to be paid against against monthly ment allotted ___________________ paid Own con- Loan prayed tribution for or 4(a) 4(b) sanctioned (a) (b) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 _____________________________________________________________________________________


ANNEXURE ‘B’ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sl. Name Total amount paid at the Total amount paid for and during the No. close of last quarter the quarter _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 _____________________________________________________________________________________ (a) (b) (c) (d) (a) (b) (c) (d) Share Group Repay- Interest Share Group Repayment Interest in Insur- ment including in Insura- of install- including apex ance instal Penal apex nce ment penal

society ment Interest society interest ______________________________________________________________________________________


FORM XXX Audit Statement of Accounts [Rule 155A(e) and Rule 165

Period of audit from ………………………………………………………….. 1. Name and address of the society 2. Class of society 3. Registered No. and date 4. Number of members -

(a) Individuals (b) Societies

5. Working Capital 6. Rate of Interest

(a) On lending (b) On borrowings (c) On deposits

7. Rate of dividend declared at the close of the previous working year ……………………………

Form of Trial Balance _________________________________________________________________________ Serial Name of accounts Ledger Debit Credit Total No._________________________________________________________ ____________ 1. Office Furniture A/c 2. Cash A/c 3. Bank A/c 4. Stock A/c 5. Goods A/c 6. Wages A/c 7. Freight A/c 8. Postage A/c 9. Discount A/c 10. Interest A/c 11. House rent A/c 12. Salary A/c 13. Advertisement A/c 14. Stationery A/c 15. Lighting charges A/c 16. Printing charges A/c 17. Trade expenses A/c 18. Bad debt A/c 19. Depreciation A/c 20……………… Central Co-operative Bank Ltd. A/c ______________________________________________________________________________________ Cash Account for the period from …………………… to ………………….. Receipts Disbursement Rs. P.


1. Opening Balance - 1. Share capital refunded, if any 2. Share receipts 2. Debenture repaid (1) Ordinary 3. Loans from Government repaid (2) Preference 4. Loans repaid to apex bank or 3. Other capital receipts central societies (i) Block assets, sale proceeds - 5. Overdraft from other banks repaid (1) Land and building 6. Deposits repaid to :

(1) Current - Rs. (2) Furniture (a) Individuals (3) Others (b) Primary societies (ii) Sale proceeds of property (c) Central Bank and unions taken over in satisfaction of claims (d) Others 4. Investments withdrawn - _________________ (i) Government Securities Total __________________ (ii) Other gilt-edged securities (2) Savings - Rs. (iii) Shares in co-operative societies (a) Individuals (iv) Fixed Deposits (b) Primary societies (v) Others (c) Central banks and unions 5. Deposit received - (d) Others (i) Current - _________________ (a) Individuals Total _________________ (b) Societies (3) Fixed – (ii) Savings - (a) Individuals (a) Individuals (b) Primary societies (b) Societies (c) Central banks and unions (iii) Fixed - (d) Others (a) Individuals _________________ (b) Societies Total _________________ (iv) Deposit from non-members Total current, savings and fixed (v) Deposits from central banks deposits repaid to (vi) Employees Security Deposits (a) Members – (vii) Employees’ Provident Fund (b) Non-members – Deposits (viii) Others (to be specified) 7. Loans to – 6. Loans, cash credits and overdrafts (a) Individuals received - (b)Agricultural credit societies (i) Apex society (c) Non-agricultural credit societies (ii) Central bank/societies (d) Other co-operative societies (iii) Individuals (of which by paper (iv) Government transactions Rs……………….) 7. Loans, cash credits and overdrafts 8. Investments and deposits recovered - made in – (i) Members of the Executive Committee (a) Government Securities (ii) General Members (b) Share in co-operative societies (iii) Societies (c) Post Office Savings bank (iv) Liquidated societies (d) Postal Cash certificates


(v) Others (to be specified) (e) Apex Bank – (f) Central Banks (g) Others (to be specified) 8. Bank withdrawals 9. Interest paid (of which by paper (i) State Co-operative Bank transaction Rs………….) (ii) Central Bank 10. Other expenses (iii) Others (a) Establishment (b) Contingencies (c) Audit fee (d) (e) (f) (g) 9. Revenue Receipts - (a) Sale of goods (b) Interest

(i) Loans, cash credit and overdraft 11. Dividend (c) Dividends 12. Bonus (d) Commission and discounts 13. Purchase of – (e) Admission fee (a) Members’ products (f) Sale of forms (b) Non-members products (g) Penalty 14. Dead stock purchased (furni- (h) Others (to be specified) ture, equiptment, etc.) 15. Other items - (a) (b) (c) (d) ____________________ Total – ____________________ 10. Miscellaneous Closing Balance Cash in hand Cash at Bank Grand total including the Closing Balance Date ………………… Date ……………………… Signature of Audit Officer Signature of the Secretary/ Chief Executive Officer _________________________________________________________________________________ N.B. – “Other items” whether in the cash account, balance sheet or revenue account should

always be stated in detail in the overleaf by the Audit Officer if not covered by the items in the prescribed form.



Balance Sheet as on ……………………………………

Liabilities Assets

Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs.P Rs. P

I. Capital II. (a) Cash in hand at Head

Authorized capital - Office and branches

(a) …..Shares of Rs….. each (b) Cash at Banks on current

(b) ……. Shares of Rs….. each accounts

Subscribed capital - II. (a) Investments

(a) …….. Shares of Rs….. each (1) Government securities - Rs.

(b) ……… Shares of Rs……. each Face value –

Amount called and paid Market value –

up at Rs……. per share - (2) Shares in other co-operative

(a) Shares ……………….. Societies

(b) Shares ……………….. (3) Debentures and other trustee

(of which shares subscribed securities

by the debtors of the Bank may (4) Post Office Savings Bank

be shown in a footnote) Account

(Uncalled capital ) (5) Postal Cash Certificate ……

(6) Land and buildings

(Less : depreciation … per cent)

(7) Other investments -

II. Reserve …………………………… of which Rs… (in items 1,2,3,4)

(a) Reserve Fund under and Rs…. (in items 6 and 7) are

section 82 of theWest on account of reserves)

Bengal Coop. Societies Act 2006(West Ben. Act, XL of 2006)

(b) Reserve for bad and doubt- (b) Deposits in –

ful debts (1) Apex Bank

( c) Reserve for overdue interest (2) Central Bank

(d) Other reserves and funds - (3) Other Co-operative societies (of which Rs…. on account of


(1) General reserve

(2) Building Fund

(3) Education Fund

(4) Dividend Equalization Fund (4) Other approved Banks (of

(5) Charity Fund which Rs…. on account of

(6) Reserve).



Total _____________



Liabilities Assets

III. Deposits III. Sinking Fund investments –

(i) Current –

(a) Individuals Cash credits and overdrafts to

(b) Primary societies co-operative societies, Central

(c) Central Banks and Unions Banks and ARDB’s

Excluding liquidated societies –


Total __________

(ii) Savings -

(a) Individuals (a) Loans to primary societies of

(b) Primary societies which – ( c ) Central Banks and Unions (i) Overdue

__________ (ii) Bad and doubtful

Total __________ (b) Long-term loans to ARDB’s

Of which –

(i) Overdue

(ii) Bad and doubtful

(iii) Mixed - (a) Individuals ( c) Loans to non-agricultural

(b) Primary societies societies of which –

(c ) Central Banks and Union (i) Overdue

__________ (ii) Bad and doubtful

Total __________

Total current savings and fund

Deposit from Rs… IV. Dues from societies in liquidation

(a) Members

(b) Non-members V. Loans to individuals of

which –

(iv) Employees’ Provident

Fund deposits

(v) Employees’ Security (a) Overdue Fund deposits (b) Bad and doubtful –

(vi) Reserve Fund deposits (1) Against fixed deposits

of societies (2) Against Government

(vii) Others Securities

(3) Against produce

IV. Loans, cash credits and overdrafts - (4) Others

(1) Loans from Government VI. Interest due – (2) Loans from State Co-operative (a) Interest receivable on

Bank Government securities and

deposits with Banks –

(3) Loan from other Banks





Liabilities Rs. P Assets Rs. P.

V. Capital raised by debentures (b) Interest recoverable on loans

……. Nature of security against and advances …. of which --

Debenture (1) Overdue

(2) Bad and doubtful

VI. Bills for collection VII. Land and other fixed assets

(per contract……. ) taken over in satisfaction of

VII. (a) Dividend unpaid claims (at Government or

(of which unclaimed Rs.) other authenticated valuation)

(b) Bonus unpaid ( c)Cost of management

unpaid - VIII. Dead stock -

VIII. Interest payable (of (a) Furniture

Which overdue Rs….) (Less depreciation)

(b) * Others

IX. Branch adjustments Sundries or other liabilities IX. Value of stock in hand

X. Bills receivable (per contra)

X. Profit and Loss account -

(a) Balance brought forward …. XI. Branch adjustments

(b) Net profit (+) or Loss (-) XII. Sundry assets (to be specified)

of the year

____________ ___________

Total ____________ Total ___________

Contingent Liability


Details of investments should be furnished separately overleaf.

Date ………….. Signature of Secretary/Chief Executive Officer I report that I have audited the above Balance Sheet as at ……………… and the annual Profit and

Loss Account for the year ended ………………………… …... and obtained all the informations

and explanation I have required. In may opinion the Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account

have been drawn up in conformity with the law and subject to my separate report of even date. The

Balance Sheet exhibits a true and correct view of the state of the Society’s affairs according to the

best of information and the explanation given to me and as show by the books of the society. In my

opinion the books of accounts have been kept as required under the Act, the Rules and the by-laws.

Date ……………… Signature of Audit Officer


Profit and Loss Account for the year ending 20………….


Loss Profit


Rs. P. Rs. P.

I. Gross loss transferred I. Gross profit transferred

from trading account trading account

II. Interest paid and due II. Interest received and due

III. Establishment and contin- III. Commission and exchange

gent charges –

IV. Other income …….

(i) Salaries (1)

(ii) Rent, rates and taxes (2) (iii) Printing and stationery (3)

(iv) Postage and telegram (4)

(v) Audit fees

(vi) Directors’ fees and traveling ]


(vii) Travelling expenses

(viii) Insurance

IV. Miscellaneous




V. Depreciation

VI. Bad debts written off

VII. Reserve for bad and doubtful debts

_____________ ___________

Total ______________ Total ___________

Net Profit _______________ Net Loss ___________

Grand Total _______________ Grand Total ___________

Signature of Audit Officer …………………… Signature of Secretary/Executive Officer

Date ……………………. Date ………………………………



Profit and Loss Appropriation Account for the year from …………. 20…………. _______________________________________________________________________

Loss Profit


Rs. P. Rs. P.

1. Reserve Fund - 1. Balance brought forward

*(a) Statutory one-fourth from last year

(b) Entrance fees

© Forfeited shares 2. Net profit as per Profit

(d) Lapsed dividends and Loss Account

(e) Additional Interest (f) Additional allotment, if any

2. Dividend at more per cent

3. Specification of other allotments –

(a) Contribution to the

Co-operative Development


(b) Contribution to charitable Purpose

4. Carried to next year

Total __________ Total __________


Signature of Audit Officer Signature of Secretary/Chief Executive


Date ……………. Date …………..


* In calculating the statutory one-fourth to be placed to the Reserve Fund entrance fees, forfeited

shares, lapsed dividends, additional interest and profits brought forward from last year should be



Actual Distribution of Profits of the year 20 ……………. 20 ……………..

(Passed in the general meeting held on …………………. )


The year’s profit


Profit brought forward from last year Total ___________

1. Reserve Fund - (a) Statutory

(b) Entrance Fees

( c) Forfeited shares

(d) Lapsed dividends

(e) Additional Interest (f) Additional allotment (if any) ____________

Total ___________

2. To Dividend at ………… per cent

3. Specification of other allotments –

(1) Contribution to the Co-operative Development Fund

(2) Contribution to charitable purpose (3) Contribution to Provident Fund of employees





Carried to next year _____________

Total _____________



From of notice under sub-section (1) of section 106 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies

Act, 2006

[Rule 177(2)]


The ……………………………………………..


(Address in full)

You are hereby required to report within forty-five days from the date of issue of this notice,

whether the …………….. Co-operative Society Limited, registered in this office on

…………………………… under Registration No……………….. has commenced business or whether it is carrying on business or whether the number of members has been reduced to less than

the minimum provided in section 16 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006 for the

purpose of registration.

Deputy Registrar

Assistant Registrar



Form of Return including account of receipts and payments to be

Presented to the Registrar under sub-section (10) of Section 111

[Rule 178(2) ]


Preliminary Account

Date of order of winding up of the society ………………………………….

Number of members ………………………………

Statement of assets and liabilities


Assets On date of Liabilities On date of

order of order of

winding up winding up


Rs. P Rs. P

1. Cash balance - 1. Loans and deposits from

(i) In hand non-members

(ii) In bank

2. Value of investment in - 2. Loans and deposits from

(a) Shares co-operative societies

(b) Government securities

( c) Others*

3. Loan due by individual 3. Loans from Government


4. Loan due by co-operative 4. Loans and deposit from

societies members

5. Interest due from - 5. Share capital paid-up –

(a) Members (a) Interest due

(b) Societies (b) Dividend due

( c) Investments

6. Value of stock in hand 6. Cost of management due

7. Other items* 7. Audit fee due

8. Loss 8. Reserve Fund

9. Other items*

10. Profit

__________ _________ Total __________ Total _________


*Please give details.



Cash Account

___________________________________________________________________________ Receipts Amount Progressive Expenditure Amount Progressive

Received total of paid total of

During receipts during expenditure

the the

half-year half-year __________________________________________________________________________________


Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P.

1. Cash balance -- 1. Loans & deposits from non-members

i) In hand repaid

ii) In Bank 2. Loans & deposits from Co-operative


2. Investment called in--- 3. Loans from Government repaid

a) Shares

b) Government Securities 4. Loans & deposits from member repaid

c) Others *

3. Loans collected from members 5. Share refunded

4. Loans collected from 6. a) Interest paid

Co-operative Societies b) Dividend paid

7. Cost of management paid

5. Interest collected from ---- 8. Assets written off with the permission

i) Members of the Registrar

ii) Societies [vide letter no. ___________ dt. ______]

iii) Investment

6. Stock sold 9. Audit fee paid

7. Other items * 10. Other items *

8. Contribution order enforced ----- 11. Cost of liquidation

i) for the assets 12. Cash balance ----

ii) for the cost of liquidation i) In hand

ii) in Bank

______________ ______________

Total ______________ Total ______________

* Please give details



[ Assets & Liabilities as on _________________, 20_____]


Assets Liabilities

Rs. P. Rs. P.

1. Cash balance -- 1. Loans & deposits from non-members

i) In hand

ii) In Bank 2. Loans & deposits from Co-operative


2. Value of Investment 3. Loans from Government a) Shares

b) Government Securities 4. Loans & deposits from members

c) Others *

5. Share Capital paid up

3. Loans due by individual members 6. a) Interest due

b) Dividend due

4. Loans due by Co-operative Societies 7. Cost of management due *

5. Interest due from ------ 8. Audit fee due

a) Members

b) Societies 9. Reserve fund

c) Investments

6. Value of stock in hand 10. Other items*




7. Other items* 11. Cost of liquidation

estimated to be incurred


b) 12. Surplus


8. Contribution order to be enforced for ----

a) Assets

b) Costs


9. Deficit

______________ ______________

Total ______________ Total ______________

* Please give details



[Note: ---- Revised figures to be given]

Rs. P.

I. Contribution assessed by the liquidator ----

1. Towards assets of the society

2. Towards cost of liquidation


Total _____________________

II. (1) No. of individuals against whom certificate cases

have been filed

(2) Amount for which certificates have been filed ----

i) For assets to the society

ii) For cost of liquidation

(3) Amount realised through Certificate Procedure

i) For assets to the society

ii) For cost of liquidation


1. Date of last audit ________________________________________________________________

2. Period of last audit _______________________________________________________________

3. Name of the Audit Officer _________________________________________________________

4. Date of receipt of audit note _______________________________________________________

5. Date of submission of audit rectification report _______________________________________

6. Dates of visit to the society by the liquidator

during the half-year _______________________________________________________________

Signature of Liquidator



Liquidator’s Notice

[ Rule 179 ]

in the matter of _________________________________ Co-operative Society _________________ in the district of _________________________________ under orders of winding up.

Notice is hereby given that the above-mentioned Society has been placed under liquidation in

notification no. __________________________ dt. ______________ and the undersigned has been

appointed a liquidator of the above society under section 110 of the West Bengal Co-operative

Societies Act, 2006 [West Ben. Act XL of 2006]. All creditors of the above society are hereby required, within one month from the date of this notice, to send their names and addresses and the

particulars of their claims to the undersigned as the liquidator of the said society.

Date: ________________ Signature of Liquidator


Form of Notice in respect of prior debt

[ Rule 188 ]

in the matter of ___________________________________ WBSCARD/PCARD Bank Ltd. in the district of ________________________.

Notice is hereby given that Shri _______________________________________________, son of

Shri ____________________________________________ residing at ________________________

has applied for a loan from the abovenamed Bank. It is found from his statement that he has prior

debts to Shri _______________________________________________ amounting to for

_____________________________________ on account of principal and Rs. ___________________

on account of interest Shri _________________________________________________ is hereby

required to receive payment to the aforesaid debt from the abovenamed Bank in the manner specified


In case of his failure to take such payment he shall have no claim whatsoever against the property of Shri _________________________________________ [the borrower] for which the loan applied for

will be sanctioned by the abovenamed Bank after expiry of the period specified above.


Manager / Chief Executive Officer

_________________________________ Bank Ltd.


Form of the order of attachment of property

[Rule 190(2) & Rule 190(2)(d)] WHEREAS on the _____________________________________ day of ___________________ you borrowed Rs. ____________________________ from the ___________________________________ Bank as you have failed to pay the Bank the sum of Rs. ______________________ [principal] and Rs. _____________________________ as interest, totalling Rs. _____________________________, it is ordered that you, the said ____________________________ be and you are hereby prohibited and restrained until further orders from transferring or charging the property specified in the schedule hereunto annexed, by sale, gift or otherwise and that all persons be and that they are hereby prohibited from receiving the same by purchase, gift or otherwise.

Given under my hand and the seal, this _____________________ day of ___________ 20 ______.

Schedule of property______________________

No. of plot Khatian No. Description of property distrained

1 2 3



Form of Notice

[sub rule( 2) of Rule 191B]

Notice is hereby given upon Shri _______________________________________________________ [all concerned] Shri _________________________________________________________________ mortgagor to the ____________________________________________________________________ Bank/Central Co-operative Bank/Apex Housing Society has not paid any installment due on ___________________________ or part thereof ______________________________ Agriculture and Rural Development Bank /Central Co-operative Bank/Apex Housing Society therefor propose to bring the mortgaged property, particulars of which are furnished below, to sale under section 122 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006 [West Ben. Act XL of 2006] unless the payment of the amount of Rs. ________________________________ on account of principal and Rs. ______________________________________ on account of interest due to the Bank is made on or before _________________________________________

Particulars of the land to be brought to sale : ----

Manager / Chief Executive Officer

___________________________________________ Bank Ltd.



Form of Certificate

[ Rule 191 O ]

I certify that _________________________________________________ has purchased at a sale under section 122 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006 [West Ben. Act XL of 2006], the property specified below, in the district of _______________________ and that the purchase took effect on the _________________________ day of ___________20 ___

Registrar of Co-operative Societies/

JRCS/DRCS/ARCS/CDO/CI Specification of property

1. District 2. Thana 3. Sub-Registry Office 4. Mauza 5. Tauzi 6. Jurisdiction List No. 7. Khatian No. and nature of interest in the property 8. Settlement Plot No. [Cadastral survey] 9. Area _______________________________________________________ 10. Boundaries of land [if portion of a cadastral survey plot is purchased ]



11. Name of purchaser, father’s name and his address ……………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12. Name of seller (mortgagor with father’s name ) and his address ………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13. Name of landlord and his address …………………………………………………... 14 Amount of rent or revenue payable including cess ………………………………. 15. Right of others, in the land, if any (name, nature, and extent of right) ………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………….


FORM XXXVIII Form of notice to be served on the collector by the

purchaser of property [sub rule (3) of Rule 191 O] To The Collector, …………………………………………………… Take notice that the property specified in the sale certificate hereto annexed has been purchased by me at a sale held under Section 122 of the West Bengal Co-operative Societies Act, 2006 (West Ben. Act XL 2006). Purchaser of the property …………………………….. Address ………………………………………………….

FORM XXXVIII-A West Bengal Co-operative Tribunal (Register of Memoranda of Appeals)

[Rule 197(2)(f)(i)] ___________________________________________________________________________ Serial Name of par- Date of Date of Date of Date of Final Remarks No. ties and their the deci- filing the appearance decision orders pleaders or sion under appeal of the res- of the passed or agents, appeal pondent tribunal by the if any pleader or tribunal his agent ___________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ___________________________________________________________________________

FORM XXXVIII-B West Bengal Co-operative Tribunal (Register of Application of Review)

[Rule 197(2)(f)(ii)] ___________________________________________________________________________ Serial Name of par- Date of Date of Date of Date of The Remarks No. ties, and order filing the appearance order order their pleaders sought applica- of the opp- of the passed or agents, to be tion nent, his Tribunal by the if any reviewed pleader Tribunal or agent ___________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ____________________________________________________________________


FORM XXXVIII-C West Bengal Co-operative Tribunal (Register of

Miscellaneous Application ) [Rule 197 (2)(f)(iii)

___________________________________________________________________________ Serial Name of Date of Date of Substance Date of The Remarks No. parties, order, filing the of the order order pleaders if any, applica- applica- of the passed or agents, in respect tion tion Tribunal by the if any of which Tribunal the appli- cation is made ___________________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ___________________________________________________________________________

FORM XXXVIII-D West Bengal Co-operative Tribunal (Register of unregistered cases)

[Rule 197(2)(f)(iv) ] ___________________________________________________________________________ Serial Date of receipt Names of parties Date and No. of the Remarks No. order complained of ____________________________________________________________________ 1 2 3 4 5 ____________________________________________________________________

FORM XXXVIII-E West Bengal Co-operative Tribunal (Register of Court-fee Received)

[Rule 197(2)(f)(v)] ____________________________________________________________________ Date Serial Number of case, if Nature of document, Filling Number any, in relation to if any, in relation fees Which the court-fees to a petition are received 1 2 3 4 5 ____________________________________________________________________ Rs. P. ___________________________________________________________________________ Fees for vakalat- Fees for certi- All other fees Total ( for Remarks nama fied copies each day) 6 7 8 9 10 ___________________________________________________________________________ Rs. P Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. ___________________________________________________________________________



Before the West Bengal Co-operative Tribunal Appeal/Application for Review No…………….. 20 ……….. Appellant/Application versus

Respondent/Opponent [Rule 197(2)(h)] To The …………………………………. Take notice that the abovenamed appellant/applicant has filed an appeal/ application for review, before this Tribunal against the decision dated …………… at …………..……………… in …………….. Case No…………………………………..... of 20 …………….. and that the Tribunal has fixed …………… a.m. /p.m. on ……. ….... …………….. as the time and date for hearing. The Tribunal will hear it on that date or on ……………. ……... as subsequent date to which the hearing may be adjourned. If you do not appear on the above date or dates, personally or through your duly authorized agent, the Tribunal will dispose of the appeal/application ex parte. Given under my hand and seal of the Tribunal.


SECOND SCHEDULE Preservation and destruction of accounts, books and registers

[Rule 75 ] To be retained permanently

1. Cash Book 2. General Ledger. 3. Loan Ledger-

(a) Short-term loan (b) Long-term loan

4. Ledger of shares or share register 5. Ledger for fixed deposits 6. Ledger for savings deposit 7. Ledger for Provident Fund deposits 8. Ledger for investment 9. Ledger for Provident Fund 10. Ledger for Societies’ Reserve Fund 11. Ledger for Societies Charity Fund 12. Ledger for Audit Fee 13. Register of Dividend 14. Share Transfer Register 15. Call register of Shares 16. Stock Book of forms and furniture 17. Acquaintance Roll 18. Register of Issuing Cheque Books 19. Register of Issuing Pass Books 20. Register of specimen signature of depositors and their nominees 21. Register of members -

(a) Register of Preference shareholders (b) Register of Ordinary shareholders

22. Register of Directors 23. Minute Book 24. Register of Officers and their services 25. Register of organizations 26. Register of liquidated societies 27. Register of office-bearers of affiliated societies and their specimen

Signature 28. Audit Notes and Audit Statements 29. Register of Pronotes 30. Catalogue (Library) 31. Register of letters received 32. Register of letters issued

To be retained for 12 years

1. Register of dispute cases 2. Register of Court-Fees 3. Ledger for suspense deposits 4. Ledger for temporary deposits


5. Ledger for temporary advances 6. Register of bills and contingent register 7. Collection register 8. Register of assessment of normal credit of members 9. Notice Book of Directors’ Meeting 10. Visitors’ Book 11. Office Order Book 12. Receipt Books (Containing counterfoils) 13. Vouchers

To be retained for 6 years 1. Budget estimates 2. Returns and Statements 3. Service Books of Officers (six years after one quite service) 4. Register of inspection of affiliated societies 5. Register of Rectification Reports 6. Register of Property and Debt Statements

To be retained for 3 years 1. Casual Leave Register 2. Attendance Register 3. Register of payment of traveling allowance 4. Register of noting dates of withdrawal of deposits


THIRD SCHEDULE Symbol which may be used by candidates

[Rule 40(14)] (a) a banyan tree beneath which sits a teacher and a few learners; (b) two pine trees standing together on a hill-side; (c) two hands joined together (shaking of hands); (d) a few children playing together in a meadow; (e) two country-boats moving on the ripples of the water of a river or

stream; (f) a lotus; (g) two roses; (h) conch; (i) sanchay kumbha that is to say, a small decorated earthenware pot

with a small orifice on its top; (j) two deers standing together; (k) a mango tree containing fruits; (l) a fruit bearing plantain tree; (m) two fish or fishes; (n) two eucalyptus trees amending side by side (o) a wheel-hope; (p) a man, seated on a mat, reading a book; (q) two little girls dancing merrily; (r) indradhanu (the seven visible colours of the sunrays); (s) mangal kalas; (t) two boys playing flutes; (u) children playing fireworks happily; (v) a large bunch of green coconuts; (w) women labourers transplanting paddy plants in a field; (x) a farmer irrigating his agricultural land with dome; (y) women labourers collecting tea-leaves in a tea garden; (z) a sunflower; (z.1) a farmer and his spouse standing together holding in their hands the crops grown by them; (z.2) two peacocks.

By Order of the Governor, Sd/- Pawan Agarwal

Principal Secretary to the Government of West Bengal Cooperation Department
