Page 1: What Companies Love About Custom Tally Books

What Companies Love About Custom Tally Books

Feedback is an essential part of any business, especially for growing companies. That’s why it is always eye-opening to learn what customers think about the customized products we deliver.

Here’s what we have found they love about custom tally books.

Inserts Are Very Useful

Clients have reported employees find it useful to refer instantly to conversion tables and other inserts inside log books. When you customize your oilfield books, you decide which units of measurement go inside.

Employees have also found quick reference to company policies and contact numbers convenient when they are inside custom books. You call the shots when you order books for employees, so you can decide what would work best to improve business operations.

Custom Tally Books Showcase the Company

There is a lot of work but also a lot of competition in the oil and gas business these days. For this reason, branding efforts are important for a company that wants to differentiate itself from the rest of the pack.

When companies can put their logo on the cover of customized books, it allows people to match the name on the company vehicles to a product in employees’ hands. Getting your brand out in the public eye is a big benefit of this marketing effort.

Refills and Reorders Are Convenient

Once you take the time to order your custom books, has your specs on the record. From that point, reorders with your custom refills are a cinch. You just send word and the refills are sent your way.

Companies enjoy the convenience that comes with ordering customized tally books. With the industry bustling and drilling activity rising to new heights, the time saved with reorders adds another popular element to the process.

Holden Tally Books pays careful attention to our customers when improving our products. Find out today how your company can improve operations with an order of custom books. For more information or inquiries, please visit or contact us at (800) 219-5331.
