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1987. Vol 94, No. 1,1U15Copvnghi i'iST tn the American FVchologKal Association. Inc.


What Do People Think They're Doing?Action Identification and Human Behavior

Robin R. VallacherFlorida Atlantic University

Daniel M. WegnerTrinity University

Issues in the cognitive representation and control of action are broached from the perspective of

action identification theory. This theory holds that any action can be identified in many ways, rangingfrom low-level identities that specify how the action is performed to high-les'el identities that signifywhy or with what effect the action is performed. The level of identification most likely to be adoptedby an actor is said to be dictated by processes reflecting a trade-offbetween concerns for comprehen-

sive action understanding and effective action maintenance. This means that the actor is alwayssensitive tocontextual cues to higher levels of identification but moves to lower levels of identification

if the action proves difficult to maintain with higher level identities in mind. These respective pro-cesses are documented empirically, as is their coordinated interplay in promoting a level of prepotentidentification that matches the upper limits of the actor's capacity to perform the action. The im-plications of this analysis are developed for action stability, the psychology of performance impair-

ment, personal versus situational causation, and the behavioral bases of self-understanding.

People always seem to be doing something. They also seem

to be quite adept at identifying what they are doing. What is less

clear is how these two observations relate to one another. The

theory of action identification (Vallacher & Wegner, 1985; Weg-

ner & Vallacher, 1986) is explicitly concerned with this issue. At

the heart of the theory are three interacting processes that spec-

ify a causal interdependence between what people are doing and

what they think they are doing. Through a delineation of these

processes, we hope to reveal how action constrains one's identi-

fication of action and, in turn, how action identification exerts a

selecting and guiding force in subsequent action. The proposed

causal interdependence between action and action identifica-

tion proves useful in understanding a host of issues in human

psychology that center on the mental control of action. These

issues are thus discussed in detail, with attention given in each

case to the points of contact between our analysis and prior con-

ceptualizations. We begin by reviewing the background and

principles of the theory.

Cognition and Action

That people can think about what they do is hardly a contro-

versial idea in psychology. The suggestion, however, that speci-

fiable causal links exist between cognitive representations of ac-

tion and overt behavior is greeted with skepticism in certain

quarters. This skepticism is fueled in part by people's capacity

The research reported in this article was supported in part by GrantBNS 78-26380 from the National Science Foundation.

We wish to thank Roya Ayman, Susan Frank, Toni Giuliano, Law-

rence Messe, Thomas Monson, James Pennebaker, and four anonymousreviewers for their helpful comments on an earlier draft.

Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Robin

R. Vallacher, Department of Psychology, Florida Atlantic University,Boca Raton, Florida 33431.

for seemingly unbounded constructions of behavior. As philos-

ophers have long noted, any segment of behavior can be con-

sciously identified in many different ways (Anscombe, 1957;

Austin, 1961:Danto, 1963; Goldman, 1970: Ryle, 1949: Witt-

genstein, 1953). Something as simple as "meeting someone,"

for instance, could be recognized by anyone with an even mildly

active mental life as "being social," "exchanging pleasantries,"

"learning about someone new," "revealing one's personality,"

or even "uttering words." But while representations of action

admit to considerable variability and seem subject to notewor-

thy change from moment to moment, behavior seems to follow

a more constrained path, often exhibiting a press toward com-

pletion in the face of situational forces, biological needs, and

reinforcement contingencies. Thus, as interesting as cognitive

representations may be in their own right, they are considered

by many to operate independently of the causal mechanisms

promoting overt action.

Many psychologists, of course, balk at the notion that cogni-

tive representations of action are mere epiphenomena, with no

necessary mapping onto specific overt behavioral events. Those

who have addressed this issue explicitly, however, commonly ad-

vocate only a limited perspective on the link between cognitive

representations and overt behavior. Thus, some commentators

have suggested that behavior dynamics are primary, with repre-

sentations of action arising after the fact, or at best, concur-

rently with the action. This reflective connection finds explicit

expression in such otherwise distinct theories as self-perception

theory (Bern, 1972) and psychoanalysis (Freud. 1914/1960). In

self-perception theory, the true cause of behavior is some stimu-

lus in the action setting; if the actor does not recognize the stim-

ulus as causal, he or she casts about for other likely causal candi-

dates, even inventing inner dispositions if a plausible external

cause cannot be found. In classic Freudian theory, meanwhile,

the true cause of action is some unconscious motive striving

for expression in even the most mundane of everyday settings.

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Cognitive representations are said to arise after the fact in an

attempt to justify or make sense of what was done. Because the

true motive is too painful to acknowledge, moreover, the per-

son's post hoc cognitions are, by definition, considered inaccu-


Other systems stress what might be called the intent connec-

tion. In this perspective, cognitive representations of action

function as templates for subsequent overt behavior. James's

(1890) analysis of ideomotor action, for instance, holds that an

idea of action tends to produce the action unless something in-

tervenes to prevent it. This is readily apparent in the case of

simple physical movements; to move a finger, one simply thinks

about doing so. Not surprisingly, then, the intent connection

provides a reasonable summary statement regarding contem-

porary work on the cognitive control of basic movements (e.g.,

Adams, 1971; Norman & Shallice, 1980; Rosenbaum, Kenny,

& Derr, 1983; Schmidt, 1975). With respect to actions of sig-

nificant duration or importance in people's lives, however, the

role of cognitive representations of action in guiding action is

less established. What little is known about the cognition-ac-

tion link in the context of meaningful behavior has been in-

ferred from work in cognitive behavior therapy (e.g., Meichen-

baum, 1977); decision making (e.g., Kahneman, Slovic, & Tver-

sky, 1982); and traditional social-psychological attitude

research (e.g., Azjen & Fishbein, 1977). A direct analysis of how

people think about their most far-reaching and consequential

actions, and how such thoughts may affect the nature of these

actions, is thus missing in contemporary psychology.

A compelling case can be made for both the reflective and

intent connections. People do seem to develop representations

of their action after the fact, but they also seem capable of plan-

ning and directing their action in accord with their cognitive

representations. What is needed, then, is a system that provides

for integration of these two prototypical cognition-action links,

specifying the conditions under which one or the other is likely

to occur. This is the task of action identification theory. The

theory holds that the relationship between cognitive representa-

tions and overt behavior is not unidirectional, but cyclical.

Through the intent connection, cognitive representations gen-

erate action, and through the reflective connection, new repre-

sentations of what one is doing can emerge to set the stage for a

revised intent connection. In this way, people sometimes are led

to maintain a course of action over an extended period of time

and on other occasions are led to show dramatic changes in be-

havior from one moment to the next.

Action Identification Theory

The essence of the theory is that the identification of one's

action, though highly variable in principle, is ultimately con-

strained by reality. Through the interplay of three processes,

each framed as a principle of the theory, people are said to gravi-

tate toward an identification of action that proves effective in

maintaining the action. In this section, we present these princi-

ples and show their coordinated operation in determining ac-

tion identification. In the sections to follow, we develop specific

determinants of action identification that derive from this anal-

ysis and develop the implications of the theory for recurring

issues in psychology.

Levels of Identification

Fundamental to the theory is the recognition that the various

identifications for an action do not exist as a random assem-

blage of unrelated elements. Instead, act identities bear system-

atic relations to one another in an organized cognitive represen-

tation of the action—the action's identity structure. An identity

structure is essentially a hierarchical arrangement of an action's

various identities. Lower level identities in this hierarchy con-

vey the details or specifics of the action and so indicate how the

action is done. Higher level identities convey a more general

understanding of the action, indicating why the action is done

or what its effects and implications arc. Relative to low-level

identities, higher level identities tend to be less movement de-

fined and more abstract and to provide a more comprehensive

understanding of the action. Identification level is a relative con-

cept, of course, and so whether a given act identity is considered

a means or an end, a detail or an implication, depends on the

act identity with which it is compared.

The distinction between relatively low- and high-level identi-

ties is communicated in everyday language when people indi-

cate that one performs one act identity by performing another

(Goldman, 1970). Thus, one sees if someone is home M'pushing

a doorbell, and one pushes a doorbell by moving a finger. Al-

though these three act identities all pertain to the same act. they

exist at different levels in a cognitive hierarchy by virtue of their

perceived functional asymmetry. "Seeing if someone is home"

occupies the highest level, "pushing a doorbell" the next high-

est, and "moving a finger" the lowest level. Our research has

confirmed that people appreciate the notion of an asymmetric

by relation and can use this relational property to distinguish

among act identities (Vallacher, Wegner, Bordieri, & Wenzlaff,


Theoretical Principles

The differences between low- and high-level identities, when

considered in conjunction with the three principles of the the-

ory, indicate how the "uncertain act" is resolved realistically by

people in everyday life. The first principle holds that action is

maintained with respect to its prepotent identity This principle

acknowledges the mental control of action that is reflected in a

broad spectrum of theoretical traditions (e.g.. Carver & Scheier,

1981; James, 1890; Luria, 1961; Miller, Galanter. & Pribram.

1960; Powers, 1973;Schank& Abelson, 1977; Vygotsky. 1962).

Thus, people have in mind a certain idea of what they are doing

or want to do and use this prepotent identity as a frame of refer-

ence for implementing the action, monitoring its occurrence,

and reflecting on its attainment. Because act identities exist at

different levels, this principle also holds that people maintain

action at different levels. A person may set out simply to "move

a finger," for instance, and monitor subsequent action to see

whether this intention has been fulfilled, or the person may set

out to "dial the phone" (a higher level identity) or "call home"

(a yet higher level identity), and monitor the attainment of

whichever identity is prepotent.

This principle is useful for understanding instances of action

stability, the maintenance of a given action over time and across

circumstances. Thus, as long as a particular act identity is pre-

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potent, it provides direction for action in the service of identity

attainment. Stability is an important and noteworthy feature of

human action, of course, but so is the potential for change and

apparent inconsistency. The second and third principles repre-

sent two basic processes underlying the manifestation of such


The second principle holds that when both a lower and a

higher level act identity are available, there is a tendency for the

higher level identity to become prepotent. The idea here is sim-

ply that people are always sensitive to the larger meanings,

effects, and implications of what they are doing. This tendency

is reflected, implicitly or explicitly, in a variety of psychological

systems. Learning under reinforcement contingencies (e.g.,

Skinner, 1953), the mastery of skilled action (e.g., Bruner, 1970;

Bryan & Harter, 1899; Kimble & Perlmuter, 1970), Gestalt

principles of perception (e.g., Koffka, 1935), even the existen-

tialists' focus on the "search for meaning" (e.g., Frank),

1963)—all of these seemingly distinct dynamics have in com-

mon the notion that act representations expand to encompass

broader effects and meanings. In learning, a relatively basic act

expands to incorporate the reinforcing effects of the act; in the

development of mastery, discrete acts become automated and

integrated into a larger action unit; in Gestalt psychology, parts

become unified to produce a whole; and in existentialism, pat-

terns discerned in distinct actions become the basis for new

awareness of what one is doing and who one is.

Much of the research on action identification to date has fo-

cused on the emergence of higher level identities in accordance

with the second principle (Wegner, Vallacher, Kiersted, & Di-

zadji, 1986; Wegner, Vallacher, Macomber, Wood, & Arps,

1984). This research confirms that any time a person has only

a low-level understanding of what he or she is doing, there is a

readiness to accept any higher level identity made available by

the context surrounding the action and that this emergent iden-

titj can promote wholly new courses of action. In a study by

Wegner et al. (1986, Experiment 1), for instance, subjects who

identified the act of "participating in an experiment" in terms

of its details were found to be more susceptible to a suggestion

that they were either "behaving altruistically" (e.g., helping the

experimenter) or "behaving selfishly" (e.g., earning extra cred-

its). These subjects, moreover, chose to participate in subse-

quent activities that were consistent with their emergent under-

standing. In another study (Wegner et al., 1986, Experiment 2),

subjects were presented with bogus personality feedback indi-

cating that they were either cooperative or competitive. In com-

parison with subjects who had initially described their behavior

for analysis at a comprehensive (high) level, those who de-

scribed their behavior at a detailed (low) level were more accept-

ing of the feedback and more likely to volunteer for future activ-

ities consistent with the feedback.

If this were the only mechanism by which identifications of

action showed change, people's mental life might indeed be one

of fantasy, with little relation to overt behavior. Thus, a person

could come to look upon "maintaining eye contact" as "win-

ning trust," "throwing dice" as "winning money," or even "sit-

ting with my legs crossed while watching TV" as "controlling

the outcome of the Super Bowl." While these identities could

well make sense at the time of their emergence, they may have

a tenuous relation at best to any subsequent behavior, no matter

how much the person thought he or she was enacting them. The

accumulation of high-level identities through coincidence or

chance, or through more standard avenues of emergence such as

environmental cues and social feedback processes, could charge

even the simplest act with unconstrained significance, leaving

the actor "buried in thought" (Tolman, 1932) and allowing only

occasional contact with the world of real behavior.

Action identification is brought back to reality through a pro-

cess specified in the theory's third principle: When an action

cannot be maintained in terms of its prepotent identity, there is

a tendency for a lower level identity to become prepotent. The

idea here is simply that people must sometimes concern them-

selves with the how-to aspects of action in order to perform the

action. A person may set out to "change a light bulb," for in-

stance, but unless that action is automated to an appreciable

extent, he or she may have to consciously plan and monitor such

things as "grasping the bulb at its widest point," "turning the

bulb counterclockwise," and so forth. Even if the action has be-

come automated through repeated experience, its details might

still become prepotent if the action were to be disrupted by

some means. The light bulb, for instance, may prove to be stuck

in its socket, in which case the person might give conscious con-

sideration to "grasping" and "turning" at the temporary ex-

pense of the higher level "changing" identity. In the attempt to

maintain action under one identity, one must often abandon

that identity in favor of more performable identities. So, al-

though a person may be inclined to adopt any of a host of higher

level identities for an action, these identities dissipate in short

order if they prove to be ineffective guides to subsequent action.

The potential for flights of fancy that is inherent in the second

principle is unlikely to represent a serious problem for most

people, then, because of the reality orientation inherent in the

third principle.

Research to date has documented the potential for movement

to lower levels of identification in the face of high-level disrup-

tion. In a study by Wegner et al. (1984. Experiment 2), for in-

stance, experienced coffee drinkers were asked to drink coffee

from one of two rather different cups—a normal cup and an

unwieldly cup weighing approximately 0.5 kg. Upon comple-

tion of this act. subjects were asked to rate how well each of

30 identities for coffee drinking described what they had done.

Subjects in the normal cup condition tended to give relatively

strong endorsement to identities such as "getting energized" or

"promoting my caffeine habit." Subjects in the unwieldly cup

condition, for whom the act of drinking proved difficult to do,

tended to give relatively strong endorsement to identities at a

substantially lower level, such as "drinking a liquid." "swallow-

ing," arid "lifting a cup to my lips." Presumably, these subjects

could not "energize themselves" or "promote their caffeine

habit" with only these identities in mind. Instead, to accom-

plish the act at all, they had to think about the mechanics of

coffee drinking, and this low-level orientation became prepo-

tent, temporarily at least, in lieu of their accustomed way of

thinking about the act.

A similar effect was obtained by Wegner, formally. Shearer,

and Vallacher (1983) in a study involving the act of eating. All

subjects were invited to "eat Cheetos." But whereas some sub-

jects were to eat the Cheetos in the usual manner (with their

hands), other subjects were asked to retrieve the Cheetos with a

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pair of chopsticks. This latter technique proved difficult to do,

and when asked subsequently what they had done, subjects in

the chopsticks condition tended to eschew identities like "eat-

ing," "reducing hunger," and "getting nutrition" in favor of

lower level identities like "chewing," "swallowing," "putting

food in my mouth," and "moving my hands." Subjects in the

nonchopsticks condition, meanwhile, gave weaker endorsement

to these lower level identities and correspondingly stronger en-

dorsement to the various higher level identities ("reducing hun-

ger," "getting nutrition," etc.). As in the coffee drinking study,

then, difficulty in enacting an action normally identified at high

level promoted a movement to a lower level of identification.

The three principles of the theory work together in such a

way that maintainable identifications of one's action ultimately

develop. There is a constant press for higher level understanding

and control of action, but this press is countermanded by move-

ment to lower levels of identification when the higher level iden-

tities cannot be enacted automatically. Over time and repeated

action, the oscillations reflected in this dynamic interplay begin

to flatten out, and the person converges on an identity at a par-

ticular level that enables him or her to perform the action up to

his or her capacity. For any given action performed by a particu-

lar person, then, the range of potential understanding is likely

to be notably restricted in the service of effective action control.

Determinants of Identification Level

The principles of the theory suggest in a general way how peo-

ple come to an unambiguous understanding of what they are

doing. To enable predictions regarding specific instances of ac-

tion identification, however, it is necessary to relate the pro-

cesses outlined in the theory to factors amenable to operational

definition. Three sets of such factors would seem to play espe-

cially pivotal roles in promoting unequivocal act knowledge:

the context in which the action takes place, the action's diffi-

culty, and the person's experience with the action. Each of these

influences on prepotent identification is discussed in turn.

Action Context

Knowing only the physical movements involved in an action,

it is difficult to know what was done. As Danto (1963) has ob-

served, without knowledge of circumstances or events outside

the action itself, one is left with only the most rudimentary of

identities, or what he called a "basic act." It is through sensitiv-

ity to contextual cues that movement becomes represented in

terms of its causal effects, conventional interpretations, and the

like. What appears to be the same action can therefore be identi-

fied in vastly different ways depending on the relative salience of

various cues to identification provided by the action's context.

"Solving a math puzzle," for instance, might be thought of pri-

marily as "keeping track of numbers" or "making mental calcu-

lations" in one setting (e.g., the privacy of one's home) but as

"showing my math skill" or "trying not to embarrass myself"

in another (e.g., a testing situation).

Context often imparts a relatively high level of identification

to action. It is difficult to look upon what one is doing as simply

a set of movements when there are circumstantial and social

cues as to the labels, effects, and implications of these move-

ments. This idea, of course, is inherent in the second principle

of the theory and has been confirmed in the research on action

emergence alluded to earlier (Wegner et al., 1986; Wegner et al.,

1984). Thus, unless one already has a clear sense of the larger

meaning of what one is doing, there is a readiness to embrace

new identifications of action provided by the context in which

one is acting.

At the same time, certain kinds of contextual factors can

move a person to relatively low levels of identification. Foremost

among these factors are those that serve to disrupt action (e.g.,

Wegner etal., 1983; Wegner et al., 1984, Experiment 2). Thus,

an awkward cup can make one think of the details associated

with "drinking," and poor transmission quality during a phone

call can change the prepotent identity of one's action from "ex-

changing gossip" to "making myself heard" or "speaking loudly

and clearly." Beyond their potential for disrupting action, some

situations offer ambiguous or inconsistent cues as to the mean-

ing or effect of what one is doing. In social situations, for in-

stance, it is often hard to discern whether one is creating a good

or bad impression, demonstrating wit or poor taste, and so on.

The only thing one knows for sure is that one is "talking," "ges-

turing," and the like. Uncertainty regarding the effects and im-

plications of one's behavior is especially likely in novel settings

lacking familiar cues to higher level meaning. A person in such

a setting may be prone to accept any higher level identities made

available, but until these identities are provided the person is

left with only a rudimentary sense of what he or she is doing.

Finally, in some contexts a person may be asked to monitor the

details of his or her behavior as it is being enacted and in this

way experience a lower level of identification than would nor-

mally be the case (e.g., Wegner et al., 1986, Experiment 2; Weg-

ner etal., 1984, Experiment 1).

Action Difficulty

Contextual cues to identities at different levels are probably

present in the majority of everyday circumstances. The novelty

of a particular setting could make one sensitive to the lower level

features of what one is doing, for example, while the evaluative

pressures in the setting might render higher level identities (e.g.,

"impress others," "show my skill") prepotent. For this reason,

context alone is rarely an unambiguous guide to a person's pre-

potent level of identification. Our analysis suggests a far less

equivocal guide to identification level—the action's personal

level of difficulty.

Some things are harder to do than others. A person may set

out to "push a doorbell," for example, and find that this identity

is easily enacted. The person may then try to "sell a set of ency-

clopedias" to the person answering the doorbell—a somewhat

more formidable task. As the action begins to unfold, the per-

son finds it necessary to suspend the "selling" identity in favor

of more specific identities such as "sounding sincere," "appear-

ing respectful yet confident," and "raising the issue of responsi-

ble parenthood." Each of these identities, in turn, may prove

somewhat difficult to maintain, in which case the person will

probably begin to think in terms of yet lower level identities.

"Sounding sincere," for example, may require "furrowing one's

eyebrows," "making continuous eye contact," and "talking in a

slow and deliberate tone of voice."

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This example illustrates a very basic point: The more difficult

or disruption-prone an action is under a given identity, the

greater the likelihood that it will be enacted under a lower level

identity. Disruption potential, in turn, is traceable to more spe-

cific aspects of action. Five aspects in particular seem important

and so are likely to establish identification level prepotency. We

refer to these key aspects of action as maintenance indicators,

because they indicate the level at which an action should be

identified for optimal performance. Thus, an action under a

particular identity can be scaled with respect to its relative

difficulty of enactment, familiarity, complexity (variety of

means or subacts), enactment time, and learning time (amount

of time it takes to learn to do the action well). Compared to the

act of "selling encyclopedias," for instance, "pushing a door-

bell" is relatively easy: familiar for most people, can be enacted

in only a few ways, occupies a short interval of time, and takes

little time to learn. An action should be identified at a relatively

high as opposed to low level to the extent that it shares these

indicator values; an action with indicator values at the opposite

ends of these dimensions, meanwhile, is likely to be maintained

with lower level identities in mind.

To see whether such relationships exist, Wegner and Vallacher

(1983) arranged for a variety of everyday actions to be rated

with respect to each of the five maintenance indicators and for

these actions to be reidentified at either a lower or a higher level,

according to the subjects' personal preference. A sample of 274

undergraduates (155 women, 119 men) was asked to choose

low- versus high-level reidentifications for each of 25 actions.'

These actions were chosen to represent a spectrum of the things

people do in daily life and included such actions as "pushing a

doorbell," "voting," "paying the rent," and "reading." Each was

presented along with two alternative identities, one lower and

one higher in level, and subjects were to indicate which alterna-

tive best expressed their personal understanding of the action.

Because our concern centered on the level at which people

would attempt to maintain a given action, we avoided high-level

alternatives that were likely to be seen as unanticipated or un-

pleasant consequences of the action.

By tracking the proportion of high-level choices for a given

action across subjects, an average identification level value was

obtained for the action (possible range = 0-1). These values

were normally distributed, although the mean value was fairly

high level (.66). Actions identified at a relatively low level in-

cluded "having a cavity filled," "taking a test," and "resisting

temptation." Actions identified at a relatively high level in-

cluded "reading," "locking a door," and "pushing a doorbell."

Another sample (35 women, 15 men) was asked to rate the

25 action stems on 5-point scales for difficulty, familiarity, com-

plexity, enactment time, and learning time. We then intercorre-

lated all of the ratings with identification level across the 25

actions. Table 1 presents the results of this analysis. It is clear

that an action's typical level of identification does indeed covary

with each of the indicators. As predicted, an action was reidenti-

fied at a high rather than low level to the extent that it was seen

as easy to do, familiar, performable in a few ways, short in dura-

tion, and requiring little time to learn well. Table 1 also reveals

strong intercorrelations among the five indicators. Hence, they

were summed (after reverse scoring familiarity) to create an

overall index of maintenance difficulty. This index, which

Table 1

Intercorrelations of Maintenance Indicators

and Identification Level


1 . Difficulty2. Familiarity3. Complexity4. Enactment time5. Learning time6. Identification level




2 3

.21 —-.25 .71-.37 .60

.29 -.20





Note. The correlations are computed across 25 actions and are basedon the sample mean for each rating on each action. The mean ratingacross actions for each of the maintenance indicators is based on an nof 50; the mean identification level across actions is based on an n of274.

proved reliable (Cronbach's alpha = .83), was significantly cor-

related with identification level across the action set, r(25) =

—.39, p< .02; overall, diificult-to-maintain actions were identi-

fied at lower levels.

These data should not be taken as evidence that for any action

only one level of identification is likely to assume prepotence.

Indeed, if that were the case, the "uncertain act" would not have

emerged as a philosophical problem in the first place, nor would

people be so adept at volunteering alternative depictions of

what they are doing. There does seem to be something like a

central tendency across actors in an action's identification level,

a tendency that reflects a concomitant central tendency in the

action's maintenance indicators. This much would be predicted

by a categorical judgment model (e.g.. Brown, 1958; Rosch,

1973, 1978). Against this normative backdrop, though, a cer-

tain degree of variability in bolh identification level and indica-

tor values is to be expected. Thus, an action may be difficult in

one setting or for one person but easy in another setting or for

someone else, and these differences in personal act difficulty

should be reflected in the respective identities that assume pre-


Action Experience

To a large extent, variability in an action's difficulty is deter-

mined by the person's degree of experience with the action. Sev-

eral distinct traditions in psychology have converged on the no-

tion that with increasing action experience there is a corre-

sponding increase in action automaticity (e.g., Fitts & Posner,

1967; Kimble & Perlmuter, 1970: Langer. 1978; Weiss. 1939).

Presumably, as one gains familiarity with an action's lower

level components, these components become integrated or

"chunked" into larger action units, and it is these larger units

that become the basis for conscious control of the action. An

accomplished pianist, for instance, does not give conscious con-

sideration to finger movements, key selection, and pedal push-

ing(see, e.g., Sudnow, 1978). In short, with increments in action

1 The action set was assembled initially for the construction of aninstrument to assess individual differences in characteristic level of ac-

tion identification (Vatiacher, Wegner. & Cook, 1982).

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experience, there is an increment in action automaticity and

personal ability, and a consequent reduction in the individual's

personal difficulty in performing the action.

According to the theory, these changes should prompt corre-

sponding changes in level of prepotent identification. Thus,

when low-level identities are unfamiliar and relatively difficult

to maintain, emergence to higher level identities is effectively

blocked; the third principle (movement to lower level prepo-

tence) in a sense holds sway over the second principle (move-

ment to higher level prepotence). As the lower level identities

become mastered with increasing experience, however, there is

a readiness to appreciate higher level identities and attempt

maintenance with respect to them; the second principle be-

comes ascendant over the third principle. As these high-level

identities then become mastered, the person is in a position to

maintain the action with respect to yet higher level identities,

and so on, in a progression that leads to both greater proficiency

and more comprehensive understanding of the action. No mat-

ter how proficient one is at an action, then, there is always a way

to identify what one is doing so as to rekindle the challenge of

effective maintenance.

The progression from low to high level identity prepotence

with increments in action experience is demonstrated in an in-

vestigation by Vallacher, Wegner, and Frederick (1981). We

asked a group of subjects (N = 116) to tell us what they do when

they engage in each of five distinct actions—tennis, karate, pi-

ano playing, writing, and the video game Space Invaders2 Ac-

tion identification questionnaires were provided for this pur-

pose, each consisting of 36-38 one-sentence descriptions of the

action under consideration. Subjects were to rate (on 7-point

scales) how well each identity statement described the action for

them. Factor analyses of these ratings revealed a low-level factor

for each action as well as several higher level factors. A low-level

index was computed for each action that represented a subject's

summed ratings of identities loading on the low-level factor rel-

ative to his or her summed ratings across all factors.

The low-level index was then correlated with a self-report

measure of subjects' experience with the action. The corre-

lations were negative for every action (rs ranged from —.17 to

—.56), reaching statistical significance in three of the five cases.

A similar pattern was observed when the low-level index was

correlated with subjects' self-reported proficiency at the action

(rs ranged from -.19 to -.45). So, for actions as diverse as video

games and piano playing, there is a waning of low-level prepo-

tence as the actor gains familiarity and proficiency with the ac-

tion. In rendering actions progressively more familiar, more au-

tomatic, and otherwise easier to do, experience enables action

to be understood in terms that transcend the action's mechanis-

tic underpinnings and highlight instead its potential meanings,

effects, and implications.

able variation in their level of identification, and this variability

has implications for the form that action control is likely to

take. In this section, we outline the basic differences in action

control associated with relatively low versus high levels of iden-

tification and develop the implications of these differences for

the psychology of performance impairment, persona! versus sit-

uational causation, and the relationship between sell-concept

and behavior.

Levels of Action Control

Variation in identification level holds two key implications

for action control. The first concerns action stability. When an

action is undertaken with only a relatively low-level identity in

mind, there is a tendency to accept a higher level identity made

available by the action's context, and this new understanding of

what one is doing can serve to change dramatically the course

of one's subsequent behavior. A person who is simply "riding a

bike," for example, may come to look upon the action as "seeing

the neighborhood," "unwinding from a hard day." or "getting

exercise," depending on the contextual cues surrounding the

act. Each of these higher level identities is associated with an

array of lower level identities besides bike riding and so could

transform the act entirely. "Seeing the neighborhood," for in-

stance, might result in parking the bike and walking in order to

get a better look; "unwinding" might lead the person home and

to the liquor cabinet.

High-level identification, meanwhile, lends itself to action

stability because it effectively shields the person against the

emergence of alternative identities that could substantially

change the nature of subsequent action. In essence, a person

with a relatively high level understanding already knows what

he or she is doing and thus is less primed to accept other under-

standings at the same level provided by the context surrounding

the action. Such understanding allows people to maintain a

course of action in the face of changing conditions and with the

passage of time. The bike rider who is "getting exercise," for

instance, is likely to persist in this action regardless of new pos-

sibilities for action that might become available.

The second implication of variation in identification level

concerns action flexibility. When an action is maintained at a

relatively high level, its physical manifestation may appear to

change markedly from one occasion to the next. The bike rider

"getting exercise," for instance, may disembark from the bike to

do something that looks quite different (e.g., jogging), although

phenomenologically he or she is still doing the same thing.

Lower level identities, on the other hand, come closer to specify-

ing the physical movements involved in the action and so admit

to far less variability in their mode of enactment. "Riding a

bike" encompasses such lower level acts as speeding up. slowing

Identification Level and Behavior

The principles of the theory suggest that there is always con-

scious mental control of action. Across diverse domains of ac-

tion, and despite wide natural variation in action context, ac-

tion difficulty, and personal expertise, the immediate precursor

to action is a mental representation of what one is doing. The

representations that guide action, however, admit to consider-

2 The action identification tendencies of those who indicated they had

never performed the action and of those who were in the initial stagesof action involvement were also explored in this study. Because the per-

spectives of such outsiders and beginners are independent of the actmaintenance considerations that influence prepotency on the part ofact performers, thedata relevant tothese perspectives are not consideredhere. Fora presentation and theoretical consideration of these data, seeVallacher and Wegner (i985, Chap. 7).

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down, and turning corners, for example, but unlike "getting ex-

ercise," it does not encompass getting off the bike to jog. Thus,

with increments in identification level, there is a corresponding

increase in the range of interchangeable means available for

maintaining the action, and this imparts a noteworthy degree

of flexibility to action.

When an action is controlled with respect to a relatively high-

level identity, then, changes in its lower level manifestations over

time do not necessarily signal inconsistency. Indeed, a certain

amount of flexibility is often necessary to maintain a broadly

conceived action. Consistency and flexibility, however, take on

different meanings when viewed in terms of low-level action

control. If consistency exists at all for an action identified at a

low level, it is because of stable environmental cues that keep

the person mindful of the task at hand. Flexibility, meanwhile,

reflects impulsive emergence to new courses of action when the

environmental cues change. An action controlled at a low level,

then, cannot be consistent and flexible at the same time; which

orientation predominates depends on the constancy of the ac-

tion context.

Performance Impairment

In view of these differences between low- and high-level iden-

tification, it is tempting to view higher level states as preferable.

High-level understanding seems to come closer to capturing the

essence of knowing what one is doing, and the stability and flex-

ibility of action associated with the high-level state sound pref-

erable to the inconsistency versus rigidity characterizing lower

levels of identification. High levels of identification can prove

to be a mixed blessing, however. Particularly in contexts where

behavior is highly scripted (Schank & Abelson, 1977), the inat-

tention to detail and nuance that comes with high-level action

control can appear to be "mindless" rather than thoughtful

(linger, 1978). En terms of our account, of course, mindless

action is a somewhat misleading term. The principles of the

theory suggest that well-learned, automated acts are performed

with a representation of the act in mind, just as difficult, unfa-

miliar acts are. If the person does not seem to know what he or

she is doing—that is, if he or she appears to be acting mind-

lessly—it is because the observer (or psychologist, for that mat-

ter) is identifying the action at a different level.

Nonetheless, it is possible for action control to be attempted

at too high a level. Our data demonstrate, of course, that people

tend to gravitate toward a level of identification that is war-

ranted by the action's difficulty (Wegner & Vallacher, 1983) and

to embrace higher levels of identification only when their expe-

rience readies them for such understanding (Vallacher, Wegner,

& Frederick, 1981). This tendency should not be taken to mean

that people always think about what they are doing in the

"right" way, however. People choke under pressure, suffer from

evaluation apprehension, get distracted, lose concentration, re-

vert to old habits, worry about failure, get overconfident, and

in other ways manage to approach action with a dysfunctional

mental set (e.g., Baumeister, 1984; Berlyne, 1963; Carver &

Scheier, 1981; Norman & Shallice, 1980; Reason & Mycielska,

1982; Rosenberg, 1965;Sarason, 1972; Schwartz, 1982; Wine,

1971). The convergence on a maintainable identification level

is clearly a delicate process, one that is sensitive to various forms


The potential for interference reflects the simple fact that an

action's prepotent identity is shaped by the context in which

the action occurs. Thus, an environmental press toward higher

level identities for one's action could serve to impair perfor-

mance if the action's maintenance indicators warranted rela-

tively low-level identification. The person might move to lower

levels in accord with the third principle, but the cues to higher

level meanings may not be sufficiently ignored to allow appro-

priate attention to detail. Indeed, because the low-level state

sensitizes one to higher level identities, the movement to low

level in the face of high-level failure could ensure that the person

would keep mindful of the disruptive higher level identities. In

support of this reasoning, several lines of research have con-

verged on the notion that social and environmental pressures

to do well, engendered by such things as the promise of reward

or threat of punishment, competition, audience evaluation, and

the like, tend to facilitate performance on simple or well-

learned tasks but to impair performance on difficult or unfamil-

iar tasks (e.g., Berlyne, 1963; Cofer & Appley. 1964; Fitts &

Posner, 1967; Zajonc, 1965). Such factors are similar in that

they emphasize the higher level meanings and effects of one's


At the same time, action control can be attempted at too low

a level. Just as difficult or unfamiliar action can be impaired by

high-level identities made available by the action's context, so

too can easy or familiar action be disrupted when the context

calls attention to the lower level aspects of one's action. Indeed,

the idea that overlearned performance can be debilitated by ex-

plicit attention to mechanistic aspects of action represents an-

other well-established empirical generalization regarding hu-

man performance (e.g., Bryan & Harter, 1899; Kirnble & Perl-

muter, 1970; Langer & Imber. 1979). Thus, for an expert typist,

attention to key selection and finger movements can produce

errors and disrupt rhythm, just as an experienced driver's atten-

tion to pedal pushing and steering wheel rotation can introduce

awkwardness into driving. Not only are low-level identities un-

necessary for casy-to-maintain action, then, but their prepo-

tence can also serve to disintegrate an action normally inte-

grated with respect to a higher level understanding. An action

that flows smoothly when enacted at high level can become

choppy when enacted at low level.

The context of action thus holds potential for impairing ac-

tion performance, pulling the person away from an identifica-

tion level determined by personal action difficulty. The manifes-

tation of this potential, however, is probably tempered by peo-

ple's self-selection of settings in which to act. The random

assignment of people to conditions in psychological research

provides valuable insight into the effects of audience pressure,

competition, and the like on performance quality, of course, but

it almost certainly overestimates the frequency of performance

impairment in daily life. More often than not. people seek out

new and more demanding contexts for action only when their

experience and skill readies them for higher level challenges.

Thus, whereas an inexperienced tennis player is likely to shy

away from a tennis court surrounded by observers, a more pro-

ficient player might actively seek out a context that renders

"demonstrating skill" or "impressing an audience" prepotent

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at the expense of more elementary act identities. More gener-

ally, when a given act identity becomes relatively easy to main-

tain, the person is in a preemergence state and thus is sensitive

to new action contexts that would impart higher level under-

standing to the action. This sort of self-selection could ensure

that most people will undertake action with respect to an opti-

mal level of identification much of the time.

Personal Versus Situational Causation

In discussions of action control, it is common to distinguish

between personal and situational causation. This purported di-

chotomy lies at the heart of a continuing controversy in person-

ality and social psychology concerning the determinants of be-

havior (see, e.g., Bowers, 1973; Epstein, 1979, 1983; Mischel,

1968; Mischel & Peake, 1982), and judging by theories of causal

attribution, it is of burning interest to laypersons as well

(Heider. 1958; Jones & Davis, 1965; Kelley, 1967). The basic

issue seems simple enough: When a person does something, is

it because of his or her personal penchant for behaving that way

or because of some aspect of the action context that would elicit

that behavior from most anyone? Phrased more concretely,

does behavior reflect a manifestation of personality traits, self-

conceived values, and other inner qualities, or a response to re-

wards, punishments, and other inducements to action in the


Strictly speaking, of course, the proximate cause of behavior

is always personal, inasmuch as behavior is initiated and guided

by a mental representation of the behavior. The issue thus be-

comes one of locating the source of people's prepotent act iden-

tities in their idiosyncratic identity structures versus the context

surrounding the action. Conceptually, the resolution of this is-

sue involves a straightforward extension of the argument con-

cerning identification level and action control. When a person

undertakes an action with a relatively low-level identity in

mind, he or she is especially sensitive to contextual information

concerning the larger meaning and significance of the act. As

this information is afforded by the situation, the person's prepo-

tent act identity—and hence, his or her subsequent behavior—

may be seen as a reflection of situational factors. On the other

hand, when a person enters an action context with a relatively

high-level identity for his or her action and is able to maintain

this identity throughout the period of enactment, the person

may be said to be acting in accordance with personal rather than

situational considerations. Thus, high-level action control is

likely to reflect the implementation of one's goals, values, and

interests rather than reactivity to situational cues.

Though straightforward conceptually, the person-versus-situ-

ation issue can prove to be quite tricky empirically. The prob-

lem inheres in the uncertainty of action. Because an action is

open to different identifications, it may be difficult for an ob-

server (or a psychologist) to determine whether a person is act-

ing in accordance with his or her goals, concerns, and so forth,

or whether he or she instead is responding to situational cues.

The criterion of cross-situational consistency is commonly in-

voked to make this determination. Thus, if the person behaves

the same way from one context to the next, it can be assumed

that he or she is acting out of personal "causes," but if his or her

behavior covaries with contextual factors, it can be assumed

that he or she is responding to presses in the immediate situa-


Given the flexibility associated with high-level action control,

this criterion of personal versus situational causation is clearly

inadequate. The person might "act sociably," for instance, by

"joking around" on one occasion and by "discussing the world's

problems" on another. To someone not privy to the high-level

identity operating in both instances, these behaviors might

seem independent or even inconsistent with respect to a trait

dimension like humorous versus serious. By the same token, an

observer might note cross-situational consistency when none

exists from the person's point of view. The person might help

an elderly person cross the street, for example, and sometime

later assist someone of the opposite sex in retrieving a dropped

armload of books. Though both actions seem like "being help-

ful" to the observer, the person may have performed them under

vastly different high-level identities—"show respect for the el-

derly" and "strike up a friendship."

A related criterion for determining personal versus situa-

tional causation concerns the uniqueness of a person's behavior

vis-a-vis others in a given situation. According to this criterion,

which finds expression in influential models of causal attribu-

tion (e.g., Jones & Davis, 1965; Kelley. 1967), the person is said

to be acting in accordance with inner determinants (traits, val-

ues, etc.) to the extent that his or her behavior deviates from the

behavior typical of people in that situation. Conversely, if his or

her behavior matches the observer's expectancy for behavior in

that situation (e.g.. if the behavior has high consensus across

actors [Kelley, 1967] or is high in social desirability [Jones &

Davis, 1965]), the person is said to be responding to forces in

the situation.

The problem noted for the cross-situational consistency cri-

terion is clearly applicable here as well. Assume, for example,

that the person is observed "discussing sports." and that others

in that situation are observed doing the same thing. By the with-

in-situation variability criterion, the person is said to be re-

sponding to the situation. "Discussing sports," however, is only

one of many possible identities for the person's behavior, any

one of which may have been the prepotent identity. Thus, the

person may have entered the situation with only a low-level

identity like "talking" in mind, in which case the social cues to

higher level identities assumed prominence; the person begins

"discussing sports" like everyone else, thereby revealing situa-

tional causation. On the other hand, the person may have ap-

proached the setting with a higher level identity in mind, such

as "make a good impression," "demonstrate my command of

facts," or "put others at ease." The particular high-level identity

guiding the person's behavior may surface regularly in his or her

identity structure, reflecting stable and idiosyncratic orienta-

tions toward behavior—the hallmark of personal causation.

This reasoning helps to illuminate a purported difference be-

tween actors and observers in their respective attribution tend-

encies. Jones and Nisbett (1971) argued that observers are in-

clined toward personal causes in explaining the actor's behavior,

whereas the actor is more inclined toward invoking situational

causes. The fact that this difference has been demonstrated in

laboratory experiments (e.g.. Storms, 1973) and in rather un-

usual natural settings (West, Gunn. & Chernicky. 1975) is not

too surprising. Given the unfamiliarity of such contexts for ac-

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tion, the actor subject could well have only a rudimentary un-

derstanding of what he or she is doing. Situational cues to higher

level meaning are thus attended to, so when queried later the

actor quite reasonably points to features of the setting as being

causal. The observer, meanwhile, is not privy to the actor's un-

certainty and may conclude that the actor is behaving in accor-

dance with an overall plan, goal, or self-conceived personality

trait. By this reasoning, the actor-observer difference should

dissipate in settings that are familiar for the actor. Because fa-

miliar settings are associated with equally familiar plans and

anticipated effects in the actor's identity structure, the actor is

likely to view his or her behavior as a manifestation of these

personal high-level identities rather than as a reaction to situa-

tional forces. In support of this idea, there is evidence that ac-

tors do indeed ascribe their behavior to personal rather than

situational causes in familiar situations (Monson & Snyder,1977).

This analysis of actor-observer differences in attribution is

speculative, of course, but it does underscore our central point

concerning commonly invoked criteria of personal versus situa-

tional causation. Without knowledge of a person's phenomenal

organization of action, it is difficult for an observer (lay or pro-

fessional) to determine whether the person's behavior reflects

personal considerations that surface regularly in different con-

texts or responsiveness to contextual cues that provide meaning

for an action undertaken at a relatively low level. In this light, it

is hardly surprising that the trait approach to personality has

met with only limited success (see, e.g., Mischel, 1968). Al-

though people differ reliably in their scores on tests designed to

measure trait variation, these scores typically do a poor job of

predicting behavior. Thus, a person might have a high-level

identity (e.g., "being helpful") that regularly assumes prepo-

tence, and this identity may provide personal integration for ac-

tions that seem diverse or even inconsistent when identified at

lower levels (e.g., "giving constructive criticism to a friend,"

"providing uniformly positive feedback to an insecure acquain-

tance"). To the person, then, many different actions are seen as

expressions of the same thing. But to a psychologist, employing

act identities derived from personal experience or past empiri-

cal evidence, these actions may be grouped in ways that depart

dramatically from the person's own organization. As a result,

the person is seen as acting inconsistently with his or her self-

reported trait.

More generally, the complex nature of identity structures

suggests that the search for traitlike consistency, even in an idio-

graphic sense (Bern & Allen, 1974), is unlikely to be successful.

Even if we know the person's phenomenal organization of ac-

tion, there is no guarantee that every instance of a particular

low-level identity will be an expression of the same high-level

identity. On one occasion, "giving constructive criticism" may

be reached via the higher level identity of "being helpful"; on

another occasion, "giving constructive criticism" might be

reached via the higher level of "demonstrating intelligence."

Our research reveals that there is a strong potential for overlap-

ping organizations in identity structures (Vallacher, Wegner,

Bordieri, & Wenzlaff, 1981), and this potential should caution

us against thinking of high-level act identities as personality

traits in the usual sense. Each high-level act identity in the per-

son's overall structure serves as a possible mode of action orga-

nization for the person and thus indicates what the person might

be doing across a range of lower level identities.

This does not mean that the person-versus-situation causa-

tion issue is intractable. To the contrary, our analysis of the de-

terminants oflow-level versus high-level identification enables

a priori prediction of whether the person will look to contextual

cues for deciding what to do or instead will act in accordance

with high-level identities that he or she brings to the situation.

To make such predictions, one must know the action's mainte-

nance difficulty (i.e., its complexity, unfamiliarity, and so on);

the person's experience with the action domain; and the salience

of contextual cues to identification.

Self-Concept and Behavior

To an appreciable extent, knowledge of what one is like is

gleaned from knowledge of what one is doing, has done, or is

inclined to do. Were it not for the self-defining potential of ac-

tion, it is unlikely that people would expend so much effort jus-

tifying what they have done, rationalizing their misdeeds and

failures, claiming credit for success, and attempting to discredit

certain kinds of social feedback regarding their behavioral pro-

pensities (Shrauger & Schoeneman, 1979; Snyder, Stephan, &

Rosenfleld, 1978;Swann, 1983). As we have seen, however, this

simple input for self-conception—action—is inherently uncer-

tain, open to a wide variety of prepotent identifications. The

principles by which people reduce this uncertainty and come

to an unambiguous knowledge of their action would thus seem

to have natural relevance to dynamics of self-conception.

The relevance of action identification principles to self-con-

ception begins with the recognition that act identities at high

levels hold greater potential for defining one's self than do lower

level act identities. "Creating a piece of art." for instance, con-

veys more information about the person behind the action than

does a lower level identity like "moving a paintbrush." "Dem-

onstrating one's artistic competence" or "expressing one's

world view," in turn, conveys more information about the actor

than does "creating a piece of art." While identities at lower

levels are devoid of self-defining significance, higher level identi-

ties are practically synonymous with such significance. It is not

surprising, then, that assessment of people's self-conceptions

typically involves self-ratings along dimensions reflective of be-

havioral propensities (Wylie, 1979). In this research tradition,

people are said to think of themselves in terms of such high-

level action dimensions as cooperative versus competitive, dom-

inant versus submissive, and friendly versus unfriendly.

In this light, it is interesting to consider two contrasting per-

spectives on the relationship between sell-concept and behavior,

One perspective holds lhat a person's self-concept admits to re-

markable variability and is open to continual modification and

reshaping as a result of action (e.g.. Gergen, 1977; Shrauger &

Schoeneman, 1979). Processes of self-perception (e.g., Bern,

1972; Freedman & Fraser, 1966) and social feedback (e.g.,

Mead, 1934; Miller, Brickman, & Bolen, 1975) are commonly

invoked to account for this relationship between self-concept

and behavior. The other perspective holds that a person's self-

concept is stable over time and across settings, providing a con-

sistent frame of reference for action (e.g.. Block, 1981; Costa

& McCrae, 1980). Indeed, when a self-view is threatened by

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contradictory social feedback, the person is said to be especially

inclined to act in accordance with his or her self-conceived val-

ues and behavioral propensities (e.g., Swann, 1983).

Action identification theory suggests that both perspectives

are valid, but under different circumstances. Whether the self-

concept appears to be stable or malleable depends on the level

of identification that is prepotent for a person when he or she

encounters a situation conducive to self-perception or social

feedback. If the person's identity is at a high enough level, he or

she should show stability, resisting new information afforded

by the physical and social environment concerning his or her

personal attributes and capacities. Under conditions that pro-

mote a relatively low-level identification, however, contextual

information regarding one's self is likely to be accepted, for it

provides emergent understanding in accordance with the theo-

ry's second principle (i.e., movement to higher level prepo-


Evidence in support of this analysis is provided in a study by

Wegner et al. (1986, Experiment 2), alluded to earlier. Subjects

in that study were provided with bogus personality feedback

indicating that they were either cooperative or competitive. The

ostensible data for the personality feedback consisted of a de-

scription generated by subjects of a recent social interaction be-

tween them and someone else. Subjects were to generate five

one-sentence descriptions of their behavior in this interaction

and enter each into a computer console. Half of the subjects

were instructed to describe their behavior in relatively low-level

terms (e.g.. particular comments, questions, and gestures). The

other subjects were asked to describe their behavior in higher

level terms (e.g., opinions expressed, values communicated, and

personality traits demonstrated). Subsequent coding of their de-

scriptions by trained raters showed this manipulation of identi-

fication level to be effective. The computer then delivered an

ostensible personality analysis telling subjects that they were ei-

ther very cooperative or very competitive.

After examining the feedback, subjects were asked to judge

the validity of the feedback and the usefulness of the program

that generated it. As predicted, subjects led to think about their

behavior at lower levels expressed greater belief in the bogus

feedback and greater confidence in the program than did those

who were led to conceptualize their behavior in high-level

terms. Subjects also completed a questionnaire assessing their

self-image with respect to 20 personality trait dimensions, in-

cluding cooperativeness and competitiveness. Results showed

that subjects in the low-level condition rated themselves consis-

tently with the ostensible feedback; those who received coopera-

tiveness feedback rated themselves as more cooperative,

whereas those who received competitiveness feedback rated

themselves as more competitive. Subjects in the high-level con-

dition, meanwhile, did not rate themselves in line with the feed-

back they had received. This same pattern was observed when

subjects were subsequently given a chance to participate in fu-

ture research projects that involved cooperative or competitive

behavior on their part. Subjects in the low-level condition opted

for a cooperative task if they had received cooperative feedback

but opted for a competitive task if they had received competitive

feedback. Subjects in the high-level condition were not influ-

enced by the feedback in their choice of future activities.

Beyond confirming the emergence phenomenon specified by

the second principle of the theory, these results help to clarify

when a self-concept is likely to be stable, serving to initiate and

maintain action, and when it is likely to be malleable, undergo-

ing transformation as a result of action. It is not surprising, for

example, that self-concepts appear to be highly malleable and

responsive to social feedback under laboratory conditions (Ger-

gen, 1977). Subjects in such research are commonly called upon

to do something unfamiliar (e.g., converse with a stranger over

headphones) or difficult (e.g., solve anagrams) and to do so in

an unusual setting (a lab). Such a state of affairs is conducive to

low-level identification and thus should make subjects sensitive

to contextual cues regarding the larger meaning of their action.

It is inevitable, then, that subjects should appear responsive to

social feedback delivered by the experimenter or an experimen-

tal confederate or that they should come to "discover" what

they are like in accordance with self-perception dynamics.

In the more routine and familiar contexts pervading everyday

life, however, changes in self-concept via social feedback and

self-discovery should be less frequently observed (e.g., Swann &

Hill, 1982), because people are likely to have a relatively high-

level identity for what they are doing. If self-concept change is

observed in daily life, it is because a crucial precondition for

emergence has been established—a movement to low-level

identification. People are occasionally asked to recount the de-

tails of something they have done, for example, and in this way

might experience a lower level of identification than would nor-

mally be the case (as in Wegner et al., 1986, Experiment 2).

Interruption of ongoing action also occurs with a certain degree

of regularity in daily life, and this too can promote relatively

low-level identification (e.g., Wegner et al., 1984, Experiment

2). These events, and no doubt many others that promote low-

level identification, make people vulnerable to the information

afforded by the contexts surrounding their action.

Summary and Conclusions

Action identification theory is not the first perspective to pro-

pose explicit links between thinking and doing. Almost a cen-

tury ago, James (1890) proposed that goal-directed physical

movement is preceded by a mental representation of such

movement. This emphasis on mental representations of action

has provided the touchstone for virtually every perspective on

mind and action advanced since James's time. It is common in

this theoretical tradition to posit a hierarchy—or sometimes a

heterarchy—of representations to account for complex goal-di-

rected action (e.g.. Carver & Scheier, 1981: Gallistel. 1980;

Lashley, 1951; Miller, Galanter, & Pribram, 1960; Newell, 1978;

Norman, 1981; Powers, 1973; Schank & Abelson, 1977). The

action's goal or purpose is said to occupy the highest level in

such hierarchies, whereas subordinate levels serve to subdivide

this goal into progressively more concrete representations, until

a level is reached that specifies the actual movements to be un-


Like other approaches, action identification theory empha-

sizes the mental representation of action and the organization

of such representations in a hierarchical structure. The princi-

ples of the theory, however, tend to spawn identity structures

that lack the symmetry and closure normally associated with

hierarchies. Principle 1 holds that people maintain action in

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accord with their prepotent identity for the action, Principle

2 holds that people embrace higher level identities when these

become available, and Principle 3 holds that failure to maintain

action under one identity will move people to a lower level of

identification. The coordinated interplay of these principles

promotes action understanding that is dynamic, self-correcting,

and always open to change. Every time an action is performed,

there is the potential for new act identities, higher or lower in

level, to be incorporated into one's identity structure. Thus, as

is common in hierarchical models, a given high-level identity

can come to subsume a number of different lower level identi-

ties. But by the same token, the same low-level identity can, in

different contexts, generate widely divergent higher level identi-

ties. These high-level identities, meanwhile, may be related to

each other only by virtue of their mutual linkages to the lower

level identity and thus will operate as independent meanings for

the action. As a result, a person's identity structure for a domain

of action is likely to be highly complex, consisting of multiple,

overlapping hierarchies.

The complexity of identity structures imparts remarkable

flexibility and individuality to the mental control of action. In-

deed, without knowledge of a person's phenomenal organiza-

tion of action, it may be difficult for an observer to determine

whether the person is maintaining a particular course of action

over time or, instead, is doing different things. Among those

commentators who are sensitive to this feature of mental repre-

sentations, the typical response has been to challenge the alleged

lawfulness of human action (e.g., Gauld & Shotter, 1977; Ger-

gen, 1978, 1985; Harre & Secord, 1972). In this view, not only

can people identify their action in many different ways and thus

chart idiosyncratic and flexible courses of action, the phenome-

nological nature of this process renders it opaque to traditional

modes of scientific inquiry. After all, if action is open to differ-

ent identifications, how can a researcher be sure that he or she

has hit upon the "real" identity guiding a subject's behavior in

an experimental setting? A discipline that cannot even come

to agreement on its basic unit of analysis would seem to be a

discipline based on shifting sands at best and, at worst, doomed

to theoretical dead ends and contradictions.

The theory we have advanced attempts to reconcile the seem-

ing conflict between unbounded consciousness on the one hand

and bounded, lawful behavior on the other. Thus, although the

identification of action appears to be open-ended, limited only

by our constructive and labeling capacities, the particular iden-

tity that assumes prepotence is ultimately constrained by real-

ity. Among the factors that restrict the range of viable identities

are various contextual cues surrounding the action, the per-

sonal difficulty of the action, and the person's experience with

the action. Each of these determinants of identification level, in

turn, can be cast in terms of yet more specific factors. Contex-

tual cues, for example, include such things as situational nov-

elty versus familiarity, audience presence versus absence, and

the promise of rewards versus the threat of punishment. The

degree of action difficulty, meanwhile, can be specified through

knowledge of the action's maintenance indicators (e.g., its un-

familiarity, complexity, and enactment time). And personal ac-

tion experience can be gleaned from noting a person's history

of involvement with the action. These factors operate in accor-

dance with the three principles of the theory to dictate how a

person will attempt to control action in a given circumstance.

The variation in prepotent identification level that results

from the operation of these factors has extensive implications

for important realms of personal functioning. Thus, a person

controlling an act with relatively low-level identities in mind is

prone toward inconsistent, perhaps even impulsive, behavior

and is highly sensitive to social feedback and other contextual

cues to higher level meaning. The person controlling action at

a relatively high level, meanwhile, can behave flexibly with re-

spect to lower level identities while maintaining a broader goal

or purpose and is effectively shielded against new high-level

identities afforded by the social and physical environment. Per-

formance impairment also can be understood in terms of varia-

tion in identification level. An action is performed effectively to

the extent that the person's prepotent level of identification is

in line with the action's maintenance indicators.

Finally, we wish to emphasize that the dynamic, open-ended

nature of action identification processes allows for marked

changes in people's identity structures throughout their lives.

Every time an action is undertaken, the identities made avail-

able by the action's context, the antecedent identity that set the

action in motion, and other identities that exist in the person's

accumulated identity structure, compete for prepotence. Only

those identities that prove to be effective guides to action win

this competition—and stand ready to provide direction for ac-

tion in the future. Given the multiplicity of contexts in which

people act and the likelihood that such contexts are encoun-

tered with different frequencies at different points in one's life,

the repeated emergence of new act identities is an ever-present

possibility. When all is said and done, perhaps the only enduring

characteristic of a person's identity structure is its potential for

change. Yet, no matter how idiosyncratic such changes are, they

are ultimately driven by desires common to everyone—to know

what one is doing and to do what one can.


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Received October 31. 1985

Revision received January 13, 1986 *
