Page 1: WHAT HAPPENED LAST MONTH! NEWSLETTER · 3/7/2020  · Bible Studies are constant. The children hear stories from the Bible in all their subject areas. Soon, I will instruct them further


“Be Kind To One Another.” EPHESIANS 4:23



MARCH 20 This month’s field trip will be to the Miccosukee Village where kids can learn more about the Miccosukee Tribe and enjoy

an airboat tour.

Our Spring Break will be from Monday, March 23 to Friday,

March 27. There will be no school, except for daycare only for Full Time students.

PTF Meeting - March 5th Parents are invited to join

the PTF Meeting on Thursday, March 5th to

discuss our school’s special events and development.

Page 2: WHAT HAPPENED LAST MONTH! NEWSLETTER · 3/7/2020  · Bible Studies are constant. The children hear stories from the Bible in all their subject areas. Soon, I will instruct them further

Dear Families,

It has now been an entire month since I took over Mrs. Tiffany's 1st grade class. It was an easy transition as I knew the children from last year. Mrs. Tiffany was also very helpful in leaving me her plans which helped me get started. Parents, you have all been very helpful and supportive. My goal is to continue to guide and teach your children so that they will be ready for second grade.

As for the academics, the class has been learning about our country's heritage and ideology. We are aware that our country was founded on godly principles. "In God We Trust" is our country's motto and is even displayed on all of our currency. We have talked about the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and the two men who were so important during these wards: George Washington and Ab raham L inco ln . We a l so celebrated Black History Month. We learned that slavery has existed worldwide, and even here in the United States! The students learned that African Americans had difficult times even after they gained their freedom. Black History Month made us more aware of the wonderful contributions of these fellow Americans.

Math is another story! The children have been reviewing greater than and less than, money and skip counting. However when it came

to renaming, or regrouping, we ran into some problems. Even parents had to be taught how to do it! Hopefully, with more review, we'll all get it straight in our own heads! (LOL.)

Bible Studies are constant. The children hear stories from the Bible in all their subject areas. Soon, I will instruct them further in how to locate any given book, chapter, and verse in the Bible.

We are starting a fourth chapter book in reading class. As the books are finished and taken home, please use them as sources of review.

A special word of recognition goes to Serena Collado as our Star Student, and Valentina Rodriguez as our Student of the Month. Congratulations to both girls and keep up the good work!

A reminder: Our next field trip will be to the Miccosukee Indian Village on March 20. On March 17, St. Patrick’s Day, our school will be used for Primary Elections. The children

will see Democracy in Action.

May God bless you all,Ms. Rosalie De Armas

Dear Parents,

Thank you all for coming out to our recent Open House. It was great to see so many of our families spending time with their children and meeting new friends. We are very fortunate to live in a free country where we can openly share our faith within our school without fear of governmental retaliation. America is truly “the land of the free and the home of the brave,” and I for one am very grateful to live in such a wonderful country that provides such amazing opportunities for all of its citizens.

Spring is in the air. I love this time of year with its cool breezes, fresh rains, new budding plants, and flowers blooming everywhere. It reminds me that winter is only for a short time, and then before you know it, change occurs. Patience and perseverance come through the understanding that everything has a season, and eventually things will and do change. If there is one thing that is constant in this life, it is change. Sounds like an oxymoron, but it is true. And with that truth springs hope that in all circumstances, change can and will eventually occur, if we will simply be patient with the process. To some that is unsettling, but to most, the prospect of change is positive. It typifies growth and development, very similar to the metamorphosis of a caterpillar to a beautiful butterfly.

Springtime may bring a sense of hope and change to many, but in trying times, we may forget that our God is the God of hope and that He truly is in control of our circumstances. For example, many people have trouble with the existence of problems and evil in this world, and may ask the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” There are those who will say, “If God is all knowing and all powerful, why did He allow evil to exist in the world, and why doesn’t He do something about it?” Without getting too far into a deep philosophical discussion, suffice it to say, that God does knows your concerns and He did do something about both the evil that surrounds us in this world and the evil that we all find in our own hearts- He sent His Son, Jesus Christ to deliver us from all evil:

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever

believes in Him, will not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16

The Sunday before His crucifixion, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, like a king, and the crowds flocked to Him singing, “Hosanna-Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” These people were looking for a savior; for the word Hosanna literally means, “Lord save us.” And while the Jewish people of that day wanted to be saved from Roman occupation, they also knew the condition of their own heart

Serena Collado Star Student

Valentina Rodriguez Student of the Month

1st GradeDirector’s Chair

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

Proverbs 9”:10

Page 3: WHAT HAPPENED LAST MONTH! NEWSLETTER · 3/7/2020  · Bible Studies are constant. The children hear stories from the Bible in all their subject areas. Soon, I will instruct them further

and that they need to be saved form themselves. Most people in this life know that there are none of us that are truly good. We have all “sinned,” or “missed the mark” (literal translation of sin) of what is true and right in this life and have in fact committed some type of evil ourselves. This, in turn, separates us all from a holy and just God. The hope we all find in the coming of Jesus Christ, along with His eventual death on a cross, is that there is someone who loves us enough, to pay the price for our personal sins. So, where we should have died, Jesus Christ comes with the sole purpose to pay the death penalty for us. The Bible states, “The wages of sin is death, but the gift of

God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)

Consequently, we no longer have to fear evil, death or eternal separation from our heavenly Father, because we now have an advocate who has place upon us His benevolent Grace, where before we had none.

“For God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were still sinners,

Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 Is there evil in the world? Absolutely. Did God create evil? Absolutely not! God simply created us with the will to choose. He desired us to choose good, but knowing that in the end we would not (for He is omniscient), He also established a plan for our redemption since the beginning of time itself. He made a way for us to be reconciled back to himself forever. The way? Jesus Christ!

“I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father, but by me.”

John 14: 6

Our real hope in this life is that not only did God provide a means to pay the price for our sins that we commit on this earth, but He also provides us with a new life both now and for all of eternity. Now that is real hope. Thank God that this life is not, “as good as it gets” to quote Jack Nicolson in his movie by the same name. No, our Heavenly Father who created us,

sustains us, and loves us dearly. He gives us the greatest gift of all time- new life in Christ and freedom from evil in all of its forms. You see, Jesus did not remain in the grave, He overcame death and evil all at the same time when he resurrected bodily and ascended to the right hand of His Father in Heaven. There has yet to be a religious leader who has claimed deity, or who was resurrected from the dead and lives today. This single fact alone separates Christianity from every other world religion. Only Jesus made this claim, and only He has been resurrected!

“I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me… will never die!”

John 11:25-26

Is there evil in the world today? Unfortunately, yes but, thank God for the victory we have in Jesus Christ. We do not have to worry, for as Jesus reminded his disciples, we too are to be reminded today that we can live in peace, regardless of our circumstances in this lifetime:

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart, I have

overcome the world!” John 16:25-33.

Praying that you and your families know and experience true victory in Christ this Spring in every area of your lives.

In His Love,

Dr. Estelle C. Myers School Administrator

“Be kind to one another.” This Bible verse from Ephesians 4:32 is a command from God and it is our first rule of behavior in Kindergarten. We are still learning all the ways to help each other during recess, classroom learning time, and especially during free centers time. In fact, the moments in between the teacher-directed instruction time are when we learn the most social-emotional skills of kindness. It is expressed through turn-taking, asking permission, attentive listening, thoughtful responses, and caring gestures. That is why kindness is our top- class rule; it is challenging to us all! Fortunately, our “Cool Cats”, as our Kindergarten students fondly cal l themselves, are well-experienced in this area and have learned to control themselves so much better than when they first entered the class in August. We are so proud to see growth in each other and regularly applaud each other’s strengths.

We were so excited to see our Kinder Cool Cats counting and excelling in their athletics during last month’s 100 Days of School Celebration. Who knew that so many could twirl a hula hoop upwards of 20-30 times? In addition to celebrating the hard work we have done so far this year we would also like to celebrate two excellent students for the month of March. Madison Chung-Shirley is our Star Student and Bella Delgado is our Student of the Month.

Congratulations to both winners! Your efforts are a great example to us all.

February was a short but busy month; there was the 100th Day of School, Valentine’s Day, a visit to Metro Zoo, and our Spring Open House. Our classroom readily jumped with the majority of our Kinder families visiting our Open House, and then going to see their First-Grade classroom for next year. I thank God for

the opportunity to work in a school where families get involved in these and other events; your involvement really shows in the children’s progress.

For that reason, I encourage each and every parent to enroll their child in Miami Bapt i s t School for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. The program is awesome, and God provides the increase on the efforts we all make in our children’s’ team. When former students come to visit us and we see how well they are doing in all areas, it is further proof that this program really has something special! In

the ten years that I have taught at Miami Baptist School, many of those students have passed through my classes; it makes my heart glad to see them prosper. Thank you for trusting us to care for your treasured children.

Saved to serve, Mrs. Cara Vera Kindergarten Lead Teacher

Madison Chung-Shirley Star Student

Bella Delgado Student of the Month

Kool Kats of Kinder

Page 4: WHAT HAPPENED LAST MONTH! NEWSLETTER · 3/7/2020  · Bible Studies are constant. The children hear stories from the Bible in all their subject areas. Soon, I will instruct them further


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Sunday Services &

10:15 AM

8 AM

Sunday Services &

10:15 AM

Sunday Services &

10:15 AM

Hello parents, 

This has been a very fun month. First, the children celebrated God’s love and shared it with their families and friends on Valentine’s Day. They enjoyed the class party and exchanging goodies with their friends. The theme for this month was “Let’s Move” so the children had fun learning all about movement and they enjoyed reading the book “We are going on a lion hunt”. Academically, we focused on the letters J, H, and I. We reviewed the numbers 14-16 and the children learned about different position words that correlate with movement, such as behind, besides, and in front. During Bible time, we focused on the verse “Love one another.” 1 John 3:23. The children also learned all about the character trait of love. We also learned about King David, the three men God loved and cared for (Jonah, Samson, and Daniel), The Good Samaritan, and Zacchaeus.

As we come into a new month I have some students that I would like to recognize and congratulate for their academic success and attitude in the month of February. I would like to congratulate Julian Miranda as Student of the Month. Julian works hard to complete his classwork and likes to participate during circle time. I also would like to congratulate Rafael Maestre-Quiroz as our Star Student of the Month. Rafael is a sweet boy and shows kindness amongst his classmates and school friends. Congratulations to both of you on a job well done!

As we enter the month of March our theme is “Growing and Changing” so the children will be learning all about how things grow and change, fitting in perfectly with the upcoming transition into Spring. They will also learn about how their

bodies have grown and changed since they were babies. The children will be focusing on the letters G, E, and D. For math, we will be focusing on the numbers 17-20 so that the children can recognize and write these numbers. They will also learn about how things have different sizes and they will learn how to make groups of ten. During our Bible

time this month, we will be focusing on the character traits of forgiveness, kindness, and perseverance. The bible verse we will be focusing on is “Be kind to

one another”, Ephesians 4:32- feel free to bring it up at home. We will be teaching the significance of Easter in class, which is the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. There are a lot of exciting things to look forward to apart from all the academic fun this month. They will enjoy celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday

with a class party. We will also be enjoying a special field trip to the Miccosukee Village.

Keep in mind important events and dates that are coming up this month: - Fri., Mar. 6: Scholastic Book Fair ends - Thursday, Mar. 5: PTF Meeting @ 8-9 AM - Tuesday, Mar. 10: Meet & Greet @ 7:30-9 AM - Friday, Mar. 20: Miccosukee Field Trip -Mon.-Fri., Mar. 23-27: Spring Break (daycare only)

God bless you,  Mrs. Claudia and Mrs. Susana

Rafael Maestre-Quiroz Star Student

Julian Miranda Student of the Month

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Miami Baptist SchoolMiami Baptist Church

7:30 - 9 AM7PM



Sunday Services &

10:15 AM

Birthday Party


MARCH 20 This month’s field trip will be to the Miccosukee Village where kids can learn more about the Miccosukee Tribe and enjoy

an airboat tour.

Our Spring Break will be from Monday, March 23 to Friday,

March 27. There will be no school, except for daycare only for Full Time students.

PTF Meeting - March 5th Parents are invited to join

the PTF Meeting on Thursday, March 5th to

discuss our school’s special events and development.

Men & Women’s


9:30 AM


Page 5: WHAT HAPPENED LAST MONTH! NEWSLETTER · 3/7/2020  · Bible Studies are constant. The children hear stories from the Bible in all their subject areas. Soon, I will instruct them further

Dear Parents,


February was a month full of exciting activities. VPK-A surprised the parents with the beautiful cards that they made for Valentine’s Day. The children were very careful writing the card’s message for their families and presenting them to their parents, it was a fun experience for everyone.

We had a great time at our field trip to the Zoo. We learned about the zoo animals, and the environment they live in. It was awesome! We want to thank the parents that went with us, and helped us chaperone the children. May God bless you enormously!

This month, our student of the month is Ethan Figueroa. Ethan is prompt to answer questions the teacher asks, and he is so eager to learn. Also, Ethan knows most of his sight words already! Good job Ethan. May God bless him always! Our star student is Camila Llanes. She is always nice and sweet to her friends and teachers. She loves her friends, and shares easily with them. May God continue to bless her! Congratulations to both of these wonderful students on their achievements! Also, congratulations to their parents for being great teachers and supporters at home!

LOOKING AHEAD… This month we will start with the theme “Let’s Move”. In Expression of the Arts, the children will continue to work on expressions of the arts with dramatic play, role playing, and

dance. They will also spend time crafting with colors and different materials.

In Reading, the children will work on new phonemes. They will review the sight words, and continue to learn new ones. Also, the children will enjoy reading exciting stories. As teachers, we will focus on helping them retell important facts and story elements. We will also emphasize the difference between real and make believe stories. In Writing, the children will be focusing on the following letter names and shapes: Jj, Hh, Ii. In Math, the children will: understand and describe

positions; use terms for time; categorize time intervals; and compare size, amount, and weight. The children will also learn to follow a step-by-step plan to solve problems. In Science, the children will identify the sun, moon and stars. They will understand the way that objects, animals, and people move and make sounds. In Bible Time, we will be learning the stories of: “Jesus Raised Lazarus from the Dead”, “Jesus is King”, “Jesus’ Arrest, Trial, and Crucifixion”, and “Jesus’ Resurrection and Ascension”. The Bible verse is Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind to one another”,

and the Character Development traits we will be focusing on are: “Praise, Forgiveness, and Honor.”

This Month’s Highlights: - Thrsday, March 5 - PTF Meeting 8-9 AM - Tuesday, March 17 - Meet & Greet 7:30-9 AM - Friday, March 20 - Miccosukee Field Trip - Mon-Fri., March 23-27- Spring Break (Day Care Only for Full Time Students)

God Bless You, Mrs. Catalina del Real

Hello everyone!

What a blessing the month of February was. Now we are moving into March. So many exciting activities lay ahead of us. The tiny, but might Two’s class is growing and fast! They are learning so much and are shining so brightly. We will be learning about our shapes, and specifically squares.

The theme for March is all about animals, which fits in nicely with our recent field trip to the zoo, and our upcoming trip to the Miccosukee Indian Village. In terms of our Bible lessons they will learn how Jesus gave his life for us all. The Bible verse for this month is “Be kind to one another” Ephesians 4:23.

I would like to congratulate our Student of the Month, Annabelle Valentin. She has come out of her shell, and is blossom like a March flower. She loves to help her friends in class. She is eager to learn and loves to sing. Our Star Student is Leah

Joseph. She is so sweet, and loves to share with her friends. She also loves to give out hugs and her laugh warms up the room. Both of them are doing great! I am so proud of them. Keep up the great work girls!

We are so thrilled to continue to work with our tiny two’s. We are thankful to all of our parents in allowing us to be a part of your child’s life.

Doing All in His Honor,

Mrs. Krystel Field & Ms. Angelina Ortiz

Ethan Figueroa Student of the Month

Camila Llanes Star Student

Leah Joseph Star Student

Annabelle Valentin Student of the Month


Too Many Two’s

Page 6: WHAT HAPPENED LAST MONTH! NEWSLETTER · 3/7/2020  · Bible Studies are constant. The children hear stories from the Bible in all their subject areas. Soon, I will instruct them further

Dear Parents,

Spring is here!  However, when you go outside it sometimes feels more like Summer. Soon the rain will begin and the flowers will start blooming and the grass will turn green again. It's a nice time to step out and smell the roses. I love Springtime because there is so  much I can do with your children in terms of hands-on project with arts and crafts and science. We will be making pictures of butterflies, flowers, and bees. We will be learning about caterpillars turning into butterflies and we may even have raise our own. We are going to learn how flowers and plants grow and have our very own garden in class. We will go outside and have a picnic and even fly a kite! I will also go over with them the letters W and H. Please continue practicing with your child their name and number recognition. The Bible verse for the month is "Be Kind to one Another.“ (Eph. 4:32) And our character trait is forgiveness.

This month I would like to congratulate Samuel Rodriguez who is my Star Student.  He has improved so much in my class since he started three weeks ago.  I would also like to congratulate our new student Jordan Hernandez, who is my Student of the Month. He is adjusting

wonderfully to our class.  I am so proud of you both! Welcome to our class!

I would like to thank you all who have participated in the many activities we had in February. Our Valentine's party and our field trip to the Zoo was a great success. We had a wonderful turn out at our Open House/Ice cream social. It was great seeing the children show you their artwork and being able to spend quality time with you here at school. 

We have a few events happening in March, so please mark these dates on your calendars. On Friday, March 20th, we will be going on a field trip to the Miccosukee Indian Village. Parents are more than welcome to come and spend a wonderful day with your child. One last date to remember is Spring Break.  It is from the 23rd of March to the 27th. Daycare will be provided for our full time students only. 

I would like to thank you so much for your continuous support to MBS.  Hope you have a great month!

In Christ, Mrs. Tania Torres

Hello Parents!

Welcome to the month of March! I look f o r w a r d t o Spring and all the beautiful weather that comes with it. February was a busy month, full of activities and fun. I want to thank all of my parents for helping out with the Valentine’s party, the kids enjoyed passing out cards and goodies to their friends. We also had a lot of fun on our 100 Days of School celebration and our field trip to the Miami Zoo. Thank you again for all of your support at every event!

This month we will focus on the theme: “God Gives Me New Life”. The kids will learn about Spring through different hands on activities like planting seeds, watching the transformation of a butterfly, and through various visuals and stories. The character traits that we will focus on are forgiveness, mercy, kindness and perseverance. The memory verse which you can focus on with your child is “Be kind to one another” -Ephesians 4:32.

Academically we will focus on the letters R, S, T, U, and the numbers 18, 19, 20. The kids have come a long way and can recognize their names in print and the beginning letter of their

name, which is wonderful at this point of the year. Parents, you are doing a fantastic job working with your children in completing all of the

homework and now you are seeing the results.

I would like to take a moment to recognize two students that have been outstanding. Our Student of the Month is Kaylana Munoz. Kaylana has been working hard in all of our class activities and circle time; she also loves learning, and is very kind to others. Our Star Student is Justin Fernandez. Justin started in our class recently and he is doing well

adjusting to our routine and learning English. Congrats to both of you! Keep up the great work.

This month we are celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday and having green eggs and ham for breakfast. This will be a new experience for

the kids. We will also have a special field trip to Miccossukkee on March 20th. Spring Break will be March 23rd-27th, and

school will only be open to full time students for daycare. Parents, keep a calendar handy to keep track of all of our activities as the year is moving very quickly now. Hope you all have a great month!

Many blessings, Mrs. Alessandra Myers

Justin Fernandez Star Student

Kaylana Munoz Student of the Month

Samuel Rodriguez Star Student

Jordan Hernandez Student of the Month

Young Three’s Awesome Three’s