Page 1: What is difference Between  SEO and PPC?

Comparing SEO vs PPC: Which Is Better?

SEO and PPC are two of the most important marketing channels for any business with a website.

They are constantly confused and sometimes not completely understood. Many businesses must

decide which one to choose, and a lack of resources can mean that a wrong choice impacts a

business significantly, especially for small businesses.

If you are new to digital marketing, SEO stands for search engine optimization.In SEO search

engines choose results on a search engine results page that are not being paid for directly by the

advertiser.SEO experts help to optimize a site so that search engines can more easily access their

information and better rank their pages.

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click, also known as paid search marketing. These ads are sold by search

engines on a per click system, meaning if a user clicks an ad, the advertiser pays for that traffic


SEO In Terms Of Result:Think about SEO as long-term. SEO will not produce results overnight

and most likely not for months. Getting ranked in search engines means proving to the search

engines that your site has authority across the internet. This comes from hard work and it takes a lot

of time to rank weel in search engine.

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Page 2: What is difference Between  SEO and PPC?

Comparing SEO vs PPC: Which Is Better?

PPC In Terms Of Result:

PPC works well with sites that do a good job of converting traffic into sales. Unlike SEO where it

will likely take months or years to see considerable ROI, a good PPC campaign can earn a business

profit immediately. If your site isn’t converting traffic well, it may take a little time to optimize

landing pages. Overall, PPC takes much less time to see results than SEO.

Seo In Terms of cost:A successful search engine optimization campaign will get your company

onto the first page of search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. Although your company is not

guaranteed to stay there, you are not paying for that position. Your ranking is completely

independent of payment if you decide to stop spending a penny on marketing you wouldn’t

automatically lose visibility. In addition search engine optimization can be self-perpetuating. People

search for keywords, find your site and then you get backlinks from other websites that are looking

to you as a leader on your search terms.

Pay-Per-Click In terms of Cost:In contrast to organic search engine optimization, pay per click

advertising has companies pay every time someone clicks through to their site. You choose

keywords, select how much money you’re willing to actually pay per-click through, and put

dailylimit on how much you’re willing to spend. When an individual searches for that keyword,

your website will come up in a very clearly defined paid advertising space.

Drawbacks Of SEO:

1.SEO does drive organic traffic to the website, but it takes time to get noticeable results.

2.There is a possibility of negative effect if SEO is not done properly.

3.Even once you rank high, if you do not continue SEO work your rankings may begin to slip.

4.It’s a false truth that SEO is free as it is definitely not. Fundamental part of SEO is content and

someone has to spend time to write it and promote it

Drawbacks Of Pay per click:

1.PPc don't have a long term value.

2.Once you stop paying your website has little lead generating power.

3.PPC costs continue to increase as more advertisers become involved.

4.PPC is pretty much constrained by the campaign dates and budgets.

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Page 3: What is difference Between  SEO and PPC?

Comparing SEO vs PPC: Which Is Better?

5.While SEO is always essential, PPC can range from utterly useless to essential. It totally depends

on which market you are in.

Which Should You Choose?

Overall, PPC and SEO have different effects and return for small businesses. If you are looking for

quick profit and don’t have the resources for a long-term campaign, consider PPC as your option. If

you are a business that hopes to be around for a long time and continue to grow over time, SEO

may be a better choice. Whatever you decide, make sure to evaluate your needs against

thisframework, and consider the benefits with an expert.

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