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What is MozCast and How Does it Work?

Google has its set of algorithms that are a bunch of hard technical progressions and

prototypes that allow the search engine to perform various functions and adjust the settings

as and when required. It is a set of data and codes as well as commands in order to direct

users to be able to perform their searches with this site. Any person who is unfamiliar with

these might find it hard to pursue anything online, especially business for any digital

marketing company and those providing data and IT services. These algorithms are updated

so frequently by Google that it becomes difficult for digital marketers to keep adjusting their

websites and strategies along these terms.

In the array of trends that are used for search engine optimization by every digital

marketing company, it becomes difficult to manually analyze them and their updates. The

latest way to help every person online has been introduced as the MozCast. It is an SEO

trend-based analyzer, which acts on behalf of the search engine to take upon technical

issues and updates. It is a renowned and free tool for Google Algorithms and it also has a

crafty way of doing the same. It is an experiment for tracking the changes in weather

patterns in the algorithms. The changes that take place in these codes are so frequent and

rampant that what we see is not always the only thing that is changing.

Hence, MozCast is a tool to record these updates for you. The day-to-day changes in these

updates will be indicated in the form of weather changes. The Moz uses the same

technology by which it displays the weather tracker on Google. It has helped in various

trends and will continue to facilitate digital marketers through their journey.


MozCast will enable weather reporting on SERP volatility on a daily basis, it helps in

displaying the weather of the present date as well as the past 30, 60 and even 90 dates. This

means that you’ll be able to check on the updates that have happened previously so that

you know you’re updated with all of them. Online marketing is not an easy process and

needs constant guidance where additions and new technologies are rapid.

When the temperature shows the most fluctuations or the bar is higher, then the updates

have been major and visible to the world outside. For example, if there is a low graph on the

first three days of the week and it hits up on the fourth, so you know that is the day Google

posted a major update. These metrics help in analyzing what impacts various websites on

various types of weather days.

HOW TO USE MOZCAST? As technical as it may sound, using this tool is a fairly easy process. The good news about

that is it does not require any technical expertise of the subject. It manages all the

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calculations by itself and portrays the result in a simplified manner so it can be accessed by

all. The company works in the manner that it taps the keywords on the top organic results

on the search engine. The keywords are chosen in a way that it avoids local intent and are

distributed evenly across query volumes around the same time of the day. This keeps the

data in control and systematic.

The metrics used for these data are Delta 100 and Delta 10 which are used to measure the

changes in the results. These searches are crushed across Delta 10 and multiples with a fixed

multiplier to give a temperature on that very day. An average temperature per day remains

about 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

But why is everyone so elated by the existence of such a tool since there have been various

others that could assist the same? Here is where we take you through the advantages of

using MozCast.


1. Google SERP – There is possible no other way you would get a simple report but this

is where MozCast helps you as it has enabled Google SERP feature. The graph tracks

the changes in SERP and you can also access a deeper analysis of the SERPs. The data

is updated over 10,000 Google SERPs and show the history for the past month or


2. Weather Report for Algorithm update – The tool provides a crafty way for the users

to check on the updates in the algorithms through weather reports. Their data is

updated every 24 hours and the set of their keywords is systematically and it is

displayed in a manner that attracts the attention towards the hyped-up activity of

the search engine.

3. Analysis and Insights – Apart from displaying these results, the tool also provides

insight and analysis. These insights are helpful in displaying the technical side of the

algorithms as easily as possible with all the graphs. This gives us the information we

require in order to facilitate marketing or data and IT services.

4. Domain diversity – It helps in recording the domains to track the clogged up SERPs

from the same. There is a percentage which indicates unique sub-domains which are

represented over the universe of URLs. The lower the domains, the more clogged up

are the SERPs across same domains.

The metrics on the meter of the weather can be studied easily. The more the weather

changes to warming up, this means that the Google rankings have changed in the last 24

hours. There are five temperature conditions that can be studied indicated as sunny, hazy,

cloudy, drizzling and raining. The advance changes in the algorithm would mean that it

would depict stormy or sunny weather as extremes.

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Apart from the cons and easy usage of the tool, the experience can be a little overwhelming

for beginners as there is no elaboration of context around the graphics that are displayed.

The feature also tends to be a little confusing as there is not much clarity over updates

through the graphs. The weather may not be a comfortable choice for data readers to

analyze their site’s performance and other insights as well.


This is a really good tool for people who want ‘at a glance’ review of the SEO trends and

what algorithm changes are being brought up by the search engine. Hence, it is not only

favorable for the users but also organizations which set up their data and IT services and

also companies who are keen in practicing digital marketing.