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What is MyAccountingLab?

•Online quizzing + study tool

•Comes at no additional cost with every new textbook

•Study material, tools, videos and blogs related to your course and textbook.

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668% increas


The average North

American 20-year old

sends 3,339 texts per


Is this going to help you get a better grade?

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Average use:

4 Hours/day

How about this?

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MyAccountingLab will.

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To register: go to

What you’ll need:

•Your university email address

•A valid MyAccountingLab access code

•Your instructors’ Course ID

(eg: Pearson32517)

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To register: go to

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A look inside MyAccountingLab

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Personalized Study Plan

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Fully interactive eText

Highlight & Notes Feature

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MyAccountingLab also includes…