
What Is Organic Garden Therapy?

Beautiful blooming buds have always been thought to have healing powers to the soul, but more and more it is being thought that these healing properties go far beyond mental joy and may actually help a person to recover from a physical shortcoming as well.

Organic garden therapy has recently been incorporated in the health industry and it has been proven very beneficial to a person's well-being, both physical and emotional. Gardening gives a person a sense of pride and belonging, while allowing them to exercise and interact with others. Gardening also encourages relaxation and creativity. Gardening activities improve psychological, physical and social status by allowing the gardener to get in touch with their spirit, body, and mind simultaneously.

Organic therapies are now being used in many different walks of life around the country. Counselors use organic garden therapy in prisons to help prisoners relieve stress in a positive way. Prisoners learn to handle their stress in a positive way instead of using negative actions to relieve their frustrations. Garden therapy is also used to promote healing in drug treatment facilities and hospitals. Schools are beginning to use garden therapy to help instill creativity in students. Students learn to grow plants and flowers and arrange them using their artistic ability. Often times these students didn't even know they had this ability!

Gardening therapy can be quite beneficial to a variety of people such as the physically disabled, the elderly, cancer patients, the mentally ill, and those under severe stress. Just being outside is proven to have healing powers as the sun is needed to produce vitamin D in the body. Being outside and getting physical exercise both produce "feel good" hormones. Nurturing living things also helps take a person's mind off the issues that are causing them stress or the physical ailments that plague them.

Organic garden therapy offers many benefits to these people

such as influencing social interaction and communication between participants. People are put in settings where they are encouraged to plant and interact together in order to meet a common goal. The therapy improves coordination, muscle flexibility and releases physical stress. It is also calm and relaxing while the sun offers its health benefits to the body.

It is natural for people to want to seek out their full potential. Gardening gives therapy recipients a sense of accomplishment and teaches them to strive for personal growth and break their limitations. From tilling the soil to nurturing a seed into a beautiful living thing, gardeners are creating something new and filled with life.

As you can see, there are many reasons for one to try organic garden therapy. Many types of therapists are beginning to offer this type of therapy as a service. Organic gardening therapy groups are popping up all over the nation. People can join to learn all about the wonders of organic garden therapy. What could be a better combination than to release stress, heal physically or unleash your inner-artist, all while creating something beautiful and helping the Earth?