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What is postmodernism?

Postmodernism (In terms of media) is defined as the following: “A style and concept in the arts characterized by a distrust of theories, ideologies and the drawing of attention to conventions”

If postmodernism’s definition seems a little alien or daunting to you, then the following synopsis of the study should be a little more helpful and easier to digest. Postmodernists (Those who follow the beliefs of postmodernism) believe that our world is “Media Saturated”, meaning that our day to day lives are immersed with the use of media devices. They believe that the difference in reality and media representation is almost non-existent, meaning that media reality is seen as the new reality in the modern world.

Post modernism is also seen as a historical development. The actual phrase itself can be divided to gain create a more detailed analogy of the study.

Post – Meaning “After”

Modern – Something that keeps up to date with the needs of everyday people and can still be topics of conversations.

It is said that the “Modern” period has already been. During this period, artists experimented with the representation of reality. This was done through the use of films, television shows and other forms of media. This contrasts perfectly with the idea of postmodernism, as one suggests that there is no distinction between what’s real and what isn’t, and the other was trying to experiment. However, it can be said that the modern period is the reason that postmodernism exists, as proven in this next point.

Another idea from postmodernists is that “There is no longer anything new to produce or distribute”. This is a very deep and thought provoking opinion, but is one that can actually be supported through the study of film. This idea, as already said, suggests that as an industry, media has reached a standstill. Of course, this idea can be matched with lots of different topics, but media is the area of study. Whilst seeming outlandish and negative, this statement is supported. Take the film industry for example. When was the last time you saw a completely original idea? It is a well-known fact that ideas for original films have basically ran out. Prequels, sequels and remakes are what are leading the film industry now. For example, there has recently been a Godzilla remake, which is one out of over half a dozen. Prometheus, a spin off prequel to the Alien franchise was released in 2012. There have not been many recent films that have been released. Disney’s Frozen can be classed as an original film because of its storyline, but the genre has already been made. The rise in the

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film industry and directors/producers alike has meant that ideas are slowly but surely dying out. This means ideas that already exist will have to be used, such as films based on past events. Postmodernist film makers can then twist the use of past events and become spiteful and derogatory with them. Meaning that serious events such as war can be mocked and made to suit a genre that wouldn’t include war.

This links to the idea that anything can be art.

The previous idea introduces us to negative and positive postmodernists.

Negative postmodernists share the belief that all ideas have been used, meaning we can’t go any further.

Positive postmodernists embrace that idea and use it to try and create new or better types of entertainment.
