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What is Predictive Maintenance?

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Production depends on machines, and they need to work well.

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When a machine breaks, this costs time, money,

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That is why we preventively maintain them.Better to fix one hundred parts that could break than to have one of them broken at a critical time.

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In a perfect world, we could predict which part will break and exactly when.

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But in most cases prediction is only stochastic.

Out of 1000 items, we know about 10 will break.However, we don’t know which ones.

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Predictive (PM): replace the 10 lightbulbs that will actually break.

But how to find those 10?

Preventive: replace all 1000 lightbulbs.


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Traditional predictive maintenance using the most versatilesensor in the world: human eye

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…and human ear: vibration analysis

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Today: Sensors + Big Data + Analytics

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One hope from Big Data:

Massive amounts of information will substitute for poor quality.

Not necessarily!

Data science will find the 10 lightbulbs.

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Can’t get something out of nothing

This is what data science is not.

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Prediction is about having correct information. Place relevant sensors at right places.

find the crack when it is small

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Each PM problem is unique.

There is no one-approach-fits-all in PM.

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But PM is not only about predicting.

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PM is a combination of:

Understanding the economics of the industrial process

Discovering the proper sources of information

Creating a predictive model

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costs increase with PM effort; number of sensors, quality of prediction, etc.

as a resultsavings and profits rise, but not linearly

sweet spotPM costs are low, savings are large

PM can be more expansive than savings

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The person to askSo


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Reserve time for experimenting.You will encounter failures before success.

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Finally, a data scientist can create a model. Remember: machine learning is a tool, not a solution.

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Putting all aspects of PM together is a collaborative work.

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in conclusion

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Predictive Maintenance is as much research as it is data handling.

It is rather a process and a mindset.

It has no single best practice.

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Data Science Team

Prepared by: Danko Nikolic & Davor Andric

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