
#WRA Juan Florez: How A Daily Mindfulness Practice Of Trevor Blakes Effortless, Yet Not Easy, Three Simple Steps Impacted My Life Forever

Three StepsHow this daily mindfulness practice of Trevor Blakes effortless, yet not easy, Three Simple steps impacted my life forever. Really Juan? But what do you mean by control of mentality? How come the Three Simple steps be effortless, yet not easy? In my search for the truth I always wondered what made us tick and what powered us, right? We know that robots are powered by electricity via batteries or an external energy supply. But what makes us stay alive and move all around? And what made plants grow and bloom into beautiful flowers and always be in an ever growing state. I must have been like three or five years old when I started pondering these questions of life. Yet, I never bothered telling anybody because I never realized how these simple questions be of relevance to anybody else. I did not know there would be thousands of people like you and me pondering the same questions. The following message on how this daily mindfulness practice of Trevor Blakes effortless, yet not easy, Three Simple Steps impacted my life may also change your life forever, like it did mine.What Is The First Of The Three Simple Steps Daily Practice Of Taking Control Of Your Mentality?The first step involves taking control of your mentality.It is a way to gain back our individuality of the powerful beings we were created to be.Yet when we were kidsWe learned fast but our minds were right open.As a result, our subconscious minds were unguarded and it is these hidden ideas that we dont know we have, that control us.These ideas dictate how we feel, act, and behave in different times, places and situations.Have you ever being under pressure and reacted in a certain way without even thinking about it?You probably just reacted?Did you know what it was subconscious mind taking over?What do you think what happened to you in these trivial moments?In his book, Three Simple Steps, Trevor Blake describes an example of Seve Ballesteros, a young professional golfer in the 70s and 80s.Trevor describes one of Seves techniques called a mentality shield, that Seve used to keep calm even under the hostility of the crowds.Sometimes we would like to create accomplish something better in our life and we feel it in our gut that it is our duty to do so.Yet we let outside negativity, sometimes from those closest to us, to interfere with our dreams.These are some of the reasons our mentors highly recommend us to listen to a daily audio, read daily, and commit to the 8 core commitments that have helped hundreds create and build an income stream online via blogging.In our blogging community, we have a product that is now my bread and butter called the Inner Circle, that we are supposed to listen every single day.It not only teaches us marketing ideas about attracting more leads, sales, how to position ourselves to be of more influence and inspiration to others but, most importantly, it is a daily reinforcement into our minds that we can succeed like thousands others have.Would not you agree that we live in a negative world?That is the reason for daily audios and reading.By reading and listening to the right audio recording we can dilute the negative that we experience every day in our work place, our homes, and our everyday life by others.That is why I highly recommend the reading of Three Simple Steps for daily mindfulness practice and mediation, and above all, mentality control.

How To Practice Mindfulness To Create Winning And Successful Ideas The author Trevor Blake, sets the stage really easy.And like everything else, doing it for the first time is not easy.For exampleWhen I first started marketing online via social media and driving traffic I was all over the place.I did not know what I was doing at first and sometimes I felt frustrated.For those of you who may have a business online, promote a product, or have a brick and mortar business and want to expand, going online to do so may not be easy.It could be a jungle out there and you may get lost easy in the maze.But I have found out that by listening to the right mentors and following easy to do guidelines, it has become easier for me.Frankly, I did not what a URL was or how to insert a Youtube video in my post.I was clueless. But once I got the training from Empower Network and got to know how an amazing community it is, I was thrilled.I have learned how to rank articles and videos on Google and Youtube with and without SEO (Search Engine Optimization).But I did not start like that and I am still learning.So, not only are these three simple steps effortless, yet not easy to follow, and they have impacted my life forever.Mindfulness or taking quit time takes us to that moment when we were just born.Out to experience a new world.To liveTo experienceAnd to succeedWe were eager to come into this world because we knew that we were magic in itself with the ability to transform our lives and just about accomplish anything we set ourselves to do.When we were kids, we were to explore, to find out about things, to be playful and acknowledge the wonder of a flower, or the sunrise and waking of our planet.Yet, through our society, we somehow lost these instincts of wizardry and entrepreneurship that we were naturally born with.But that is why Three Simple Steps daily mindfulness practice is essential for recreating our naturally winning ideas.Transform Winning Ideas Into Reality To Change Your Life ForeverThe last step is transforming those winning ideas into reality. Some of us have great ideas but only talk about why it is not the right time to pursue these great wonderful ideas that we have.Others have a difficult time grabbing and generating these wonderful ideas from the ether.The steps are effortless, yet not easy to follow.They require discipline and commitment.But if you stick by them, I believe, like the author Trevor Blake, which your life will start shifting for the better.The synchronicity of people, events and circumstances happening in your life will astound you.So keep plugged in. One of my mentors once said to me, if you want to compress time then, read, listen and do what your mentor teaches you.With that note, please comment on my take of how this daily mindfulness practice of Trevor Blakes effortless, yet not easy, Three Simple steps impacted my life forever. And once you get results, come back and tell your story as well as acknowledge Trevor for his tremendous and amazing work.
