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Page 1: What was it?

What was it?

Page 2: What was it?

Why have these animals died?What will happen to these dead animals?

Page 3: What was it?

How did the mud crabs get to the fish market?What will happen to these mud crabs?

Page 4: What was it?

What might this be? How did it get to the fish market? What happened to the rest of the animals?

Page 5: What was it?

Guess how the crabs ended up in a food container? How is the crab meat kept fresh?

Page 6: What was it?

How many kinds of fish can you see? What must happen before people will eat them?

Page 7: What was it?

Guess the size of the cuttlefish? How many would be needed to make a meal?

Page 8: What was it?

Guess what part of the animal is being eaten? What kind of animals have these features?

Page 9: What was it?

How is this fish market different? Guess when you think the fish were caught?

Page 10: What was it?

This is a cuttlefish bone. Why is it on the beach? What has happened to the cuttlefish?

Page 11: What was it?

This is a shark. Why is it on the beach? What has happened to the shark?

Page 12: What was it?

This is a sea jelly. Why is it on the beach? What happened to the sea jelly?

Page 13: What was it?

This is a turtle’s shell. Why is it on the mud? What will happen to the shell?

Page 14: What was it?

This was a seabird. Why is it on the beach? What will happen to the rest of the bird?

Page 15: What was it?

This is a sea shell. Why is it on the beach? What will happen to the rest of the sea shell?

Page 16: What was it?

The silver gull has found something to feed on. Is there much left of the animal? What other animals might feed on the remains?

Page 17: What was it?

Can you work out what animal this belonged to? What happened to the inside? What animals would like to eat it?