Page 2: When do I feel German? National Day expectations reality celebrations fireworks parades parties We have a day off everybody celebrates We just celebrate

When do I feel German?

Page 3: When do I feel German? National Day expectations reality celebrations fireworks parades parties We have a day off everybody celebrates We just celebrate

National Day







We have a day off

everybody celebrates We just celebrate in

one of the federal states’ capital

Fireworks and music at the Brandenburg Gate

3rd October

Page 4: When do I feel German? National Day expectations reality celebrations fireworks parades parties We have a day off everybody celebrates We just celebrate

Why is the 3rd October the National Day

instead of the 9th November, the Day of the Fall of the Wall?

A look into the past -

Page 5: When do I feel German? National Day expectations reality celebrations fireworks parades parties We have a day off everybody celebrates We just celebrate

German Empire (« Holy Roman Empire »)Succession of Charlemagne


The first construction of a German Empire


No Nation=

No National


Page 6: When do I feel German? National Day expectations reality celebrations fireworks parades parties We have a day off everybody celebrates We just celebrate

And then the German Empire declined and was

Early 19th century 1871

National identity arises in the different German states

The Proclamation of the German Empire in Versailles after the German-French War

leads to The German Nation.

No NationNo National Day

2nd September Sedan-Day (and Emperor’s Birthday)

Until …

destroyed by Napoleon I. (1803-06)

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After World War I (1914 -1918):

1919 1933

11th August (1919) Birthday of democracy

Important date:9th November 1923

Hitler’s Coup in Munich (5-year-prison: « Mein Kampf »)

The Weimar Republic

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The Third Reich

1933 1945

reinforcement of the National Identity: language, music, culture(revival of legends, regional customs

and creation of the Arian Race and Identity)

« Faith, morality and homeland »« Fidelity to the homeland »

1933: 1st May - Workers’ Day1939: 9th November – Day of the « Movement »

Important date: 9th November 1938 – synagogues on fire


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1945-1990 1990-2010

After World War II: Germany divided and then….

2 Nations =

2 National days

GDR / DDR : 7th October (1949)

Day of the Republic

FRG / BRD:17th June (1953)

Day of the rebellion against the government

in Eastern Germany(Day of the


… the Berlin Wall falls : 9th November 1989 !!!

1 Nation = 1 National Day

3rd October (GDR-citizens become FRG-



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9th November 2009 at the MGB

• In this year Germany has been united for 20 years.• Project with the French ECA including 40 schools in 22 European countries.• We let balloons with postcards fly into the air. One balloon even covered 400km and landed near Paris.• We made a song.

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09. November 2009 at the MGB

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