
Days of the Week

When, when, when?-Days of the Week With the Angry Family

I am too fat. Arent I?

Yeah, Definitely.

Hmm, when should I exercise?

What about Saturday and Sunday?

I think Monday is best!

Tuesday and Wednesday! They are brilliant!

But not as good as Thursday and Friday.

Tuesday and Wednesday!

No! Thursday and Friday!

Ahh whatever. Im off.


Whats up?

I dont know which days to exercise on.

Saturday and Sunday!

To lose weight?! Are you out of your mind?

You are a potato. You should be fat. Who wants a thin potato?

Yeah, you are right!

I have wasted so much time, I am going to eat.

Tuesday and Wednesday!

Vocabulary MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday

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