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Enlightening Your HeartHow to Come out of “Feeling Depressed”


Page 2: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Mindset Developmentwith Fractal Psychology™

This method introduces how to control your emotion with Fractal Psychology™. Fractal Psychology™ is a brand new theory based on “Monism: the theory describing all phenomena as projection through our brain,” developed in Japan in the 21st century.

Page 3: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Mindset Developmentwith Fractal Psychology™

The ultimate goal of this theory is the fundamental development of our brain, as well as healing our emotions and removing constraints from our mind. This video describes the unique technique of controlling our emotions with “self-contentment,” which is a unique and primary concept in Fractal Psychology.

Page 4: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Mindset Developmentwith Fractal Psychology™

Uncontrolled emotion is one of the causes that thwarts the development of your brain. By learning “Self-Contentment,” your brain will become more independent and self-satiable and regain its own power.

Page 5: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Mindset Developmentwith Fractal Psychology™

This video is made with as simple explanation as possible. You can work on it on your own. I hope you will enjoy.

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IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Let’s start conversation between.. Interviewer & Instructor of Fractal Psychology

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Recently, my friend came to me and told me that she wants to leave her job. She had been working very hard to be promoted to a manager. However, the company hired a new manager from outside. She is very discouraged.


IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Page 8: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

I see, unexpected things like this happen in our lives. We feel betrayed and disappointed. We also feel down when we make mistakes and feel like a failure. We lose our motivation.

Instructor of FP

IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Page 9: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

That’s right. We do, indeed, lose our motivation. I certainly remember those feelings! However, I think that successful people may experience feeling discouraged many times more than us, but they also come back up more quickly than us!


IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Page 10: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

I agree. It’s best to aim for a goal of getting back on your feet quickly. But when we are feeling down, it’s very hard to “boost up our spirit on our own” and usually we fail. However, when we have our friends and partners, they could comfort us and cheer us up. Who do you think would help us more? Our Friends or partners?

Instructor of FP

IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Page 11: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Interviewer/ I feel our partners will. Parents could be of help, too.Instructor/ I think so, too. The closer the relationship, the more comfort we gain because of the depth of love. Actually, there is the closest person to us, even closerthan our partner or parents.That is “your inner self.”

IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Page 12: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Interviewer/ You mean “Higher self,” right?Instructor/ That is right. There are different “selves” in us. To make it simple, there are our adult-selves and our child-selves. “Higher self” is one of our adult-selves.When we feel emotional, our child-selves are being active and dominating our minds.

IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Page 13: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Instructor/By separating our adult-selves and child-selves, we are separating our emotions from our logic and reason. Then, our adult-selves will become able to comfort our-child selves.Interviewer/ That is magical. It’s very difficult to cheer ourselves up when we are feeling down..

IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Page 14: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Interviewer/ ..but it can be possible if we can separate our adult-selves and child-selves. Right?Instructor/ That is right. It’s even more powerful and effective than being comforted by our partners because the child-selves know that there is no one who could love them more than their adult-selves.

IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Page 15: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Interviewer/ Wow, that is interesting. Instructor/ Really. Our child-selves and our adult-selves are usually not connected. The exercise that I will introduce to you is using the method of bringing up the image of our child-selves. We can connect our child-selves to our adult-selves by this method, and we can comfort and encourage them.

IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Page 16: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Instructor/ Then, our mind will truly calm down with the help of certain modification sentences.Now, we will say the modification sentences in this video. At the end of the phrases, let’s add the image of adult-selves hugging the child-selves. This will help us come out of feeling down, quickly.

IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Page 17: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Interviewer/I see now. I will practice this. If we can practice this on our own, it will be easier than to wait for our partners to cheer us up. Instructor/That’s right. We can practice alone. If it’s difficult for you to say the modification sentences while closing your eyes, you can record the sentences with your own voice.

IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Page 18: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Instructor/Listen as if you are telling that to your child-self. Just try it for a week. Listen to the modification sentences for 15 minutes before you go to bed. You will wake up refreshed, the next day.Interviewer/I got it. Then, should we start the lesson now?Instructor/Sure!

IntroductionHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Page 19: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Lesson 1 How to Come out of “Feeling Down”

Now, let’s start the lesson!

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Think about the last time you were feeling down. Was it when you made mistakes? When you were unable to do something?

In What Situations do You Feel Down?

Page 21: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Think about the last time you were feeling down. You felt you were defeated?You felt that the challenges were endless? It could have been when you couldn’t achieve your goals.

In What Situations do You Feel Down?

Page 22: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

It seems like there is a weak part of you in your heart. Of course, everyone feels down, sometimes. The weak parts of our hearts are preventing us from coming out of it. No one will feel down forever and we will eventually come out of it.

The Weak Part of Your Heart

Page 23: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

You may come out of it regardless; however, the sooner we can come out of feeling down, the stronger you become, the shorter the recovery time. Let’s encourage yourself to make that happen.

The Weak Part of Your Heart

Page 24: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

When you are feeling down, the person who is reacting is not actually “you as an adult.”It is “you as a child” from your childhood. In your brain, “childhood you” still exists as a cluster of feelings. That part of you being disappointed causes you to feel down, even now.

Child-Self” within You

Page 25: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Therefore, what needs to be encouraged is “the child-self.” Before we encourage “the child-self,” we need to split “the child part” and “the adult part” of you first. And then, “The adult you” will encourage your “Child-self.”

Let’s Encourage “the Child Part of You”

Page 26: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

This method is called “Self-Containment.”If you follow this method, you will actually be able to regain your energy without help. In this way, we don’t need to rely on other people. We would be able to recover from the root cause. You can do it alone and any time even if similar situations happen in the future.

Let’s Encourage “the Child Part of You”

Page 27: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Are you ready? Let’s give it a try.At first, please close your eyes. Then, you will picture yourself as a child six years old.

How to Control Your Emotions

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Imagine the child feeling so down and crying.

How to Control Your Emotions

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Next, you will stand beside the child. Then, feel the same emotion as the child. What emotion is the child feeling? Now, you will talk to the child.

How to Control Your Emotions

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“You must be so discouraged and feel sad. ‘Why?’ and ‘I am not worth it anyway,’ must have come to your mind. You must be very disappointed. You just wanted to be understood your hardships and bitter feelings.”

How to Control Your Emotions

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Make sure to experience the feeling deeply. After that, you can tell the child the following:“Stop beating yourself up. It’s over. Beating yourself up is meaningless.Stop blaming your inability.”

Switch the Child’s Way of Thinking

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“You are not finished, yet. Everything will turn out ok. You are not yet defeated. Do not give up. Do not hang your head.”

Extend Encouragements

Page 33: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

“You have such a wonderful ability. Develop it. Make the effort. You will win. I believe in you.”

Develop Your Ability

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“You are beloved by me. I love you so much. Everything is fine for you. Let’s move forward with your face up.”

Love Yourself

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“You will become a very great person in the future. I, as the future you, am looking after you until you get there. Feel safe and sound.”

Help the Child Imagine the Future

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Open your eyes. Exercise this modification before you go to bed. Keep practicing for a while. Then, you will spring back to life with a strong mindset.

End of the Modification

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Were you able to understand this modification method?Here are the main characteristics.1. This modification doesn’t have anything to do with your memory of past incidents. You can access the ancient part of your brain by picturing the six year old you in your mind.

Do You Understand the “Self-Contentment” Method?

Page 38: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Were you able to understand this modification method?Here are the main characteristics.2. Never end this modification with being embraced or comforted by your mother or father. You, as an adult, encourages yourself. This is called “self-containment.” This method makes it possible for you to make yourself happy and fulfill your needs on your own.

Do You Understand the “Self-Contentment” Method?

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This method of controlling your emotions is just the beginning step of the modification method by Fractal Psychology ™. When you are able to control your emotions, you will be able to understand true love. Fractal Psychology ™ states, “As our brains develop, all of us will be able to feel the abundance of love in the world.” When our brain is immature, we can’t recognize love, and feel there is not enough love in the world.

Do You Understand the “Self-Contentment” Method?

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Wouldn’t you want to feel the abundance of love in the world?Please keep learning Fractal Psychology ™.Thank you for watching.See you on the next video!

Do You Understand the “Self-Contentment” Method?

Page 41: When you feel depressed, these slides are helpful!

Aesthetics for Your HeartHow to Come out of “Feeling Down”


