Page 1: Who would be the audience for your media product

Evaluation 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?


Madeleine Stidder

Page 2: Who would be the audience for your media product

Age• Our media product ‘Th3 Numb3r5 5ay 1t a11’ is aimed at the age demographic for horror films, youths aged 15 – 24 years.

• We have chosen the age demographic of 15-24 year olds as they are most likely to watch horror films and will be the age group who will be able to enjoy and relate to the horror the most. This was based on our cinema attendance research for the horror genre.

• This age group is also the most regular cinema goers and so this was another reason why we choose the horror genre.

• To appeal to this target audience we developed a narrative to include a young female in this age range so the target audience could identify with her.

• Generally this genre does not appeal to an audience over 50 years old as this genre would not appeal to them and might not understand the youth culture/language seen in this type of horror film. 

• A horror genre film would not be given a certificate for Under

14 yr olds because it might traumatise and desensitise them with the potential gore which are found in horror media products.

Page 3: Who would be the audience for your media product

Gender• The gender demographic for the horror

genre films such as our product ‘Th3 Numb3r5 5ay 1t a11’ is both males and females.

• Audiences in this age range will tend to go to the cinema in singe sex groups and couples on dates. 

• However there could be a leaning to perhaps a more male audience based on our research. Source National MetroRoy Morgan 2010

• We feel we have made a media product which will appeal to these gender groups as we have made sure there are male and female characters in our film and our target audience will be able to identify with them.

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Interests• The interest of our target audience of the

horror genre followers is to be different from the usual film culture, they are more likely to read graphic novels and play violent video games.

• Also they may be part of the youth sub-culture of ‘Goths’ from the Gothic novel period which focused on the supernatural in particular vampires.

• We have tried to appeal to this sub culture

through the use of a mysterious male figure, a villain, dark setting and use of newspaper cuttings in the titles suggesting a subversive character.

Page 5: Who would be the audience for your media product

Social Grading

• The horror genre audience can be related to generic social classes.

• This genre tends to be aimed a comfortable middle class audiences who come to be scared.

• Also most of the horror films are set in urban areas so it will appeal to a more urban audience.

• So on the social grading system the social demographic could be C1/C2 but also include E casual workers as this would include students.  

• A: Higher managerial and professional • B: Intermediate managerial and professional • C1: Supervisory, clerical, junior managerial • C2: Skilled manual workers • D: Semi skilled manual workers • E: State pensioners, casual workers  

We have tried to appeal to these social groups through the setting being urban and the characters doing jobs the audience are likely to do themselves. For example our villain works in an office and the female is a young lab technician.

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• This demographic is more urban as it seems more inner city people watch the horror film genre. Most horror films are set in urban areas but will include areas where a character might become isolated.

• We have tried to appeal to this target audience by setting our film in an urban area but y demonstrating our female character is isolated on

her way home.• We feel our film would appeal to a mainly UK

audience as it is set in the UK and has a British feel to it.

Page 7: Who would be the audience for your media product

Our Audience

Page 8: Who would be the audience for your media product

Conclusion• We feel we have made a media product which will

appeal to the traditional horror genre cinema audience through the type of narrative, characters and setting we have used.

• Our feedback from our male and female focus group aged 16 – 18 yrs old has also been very positive.

‘I enjoyed watching to film and want to know what happens to the girl’ Source: Female from focus group

So I think we have been successful with our film as it would appeal to the target audience we identified.