Page 1: WHOLE FOOD DIET - Hurry The Food Up · The Whole Food Diet. As mentioned, counting calories is not necessary and here is why: 500 calories of pringles is not the same as 500 calories




Page 2: WHOLE FOOD DIET - Hurry The Food Up · The Whole Food Diet. As mentioned, counting calories is not necessary and here is why: 500 calories of pringles is not the same as 500 calories

Are you overweight or do you feel lethargic and unpowered? Your diet choice might be the problem. With supermarket aisles full of processed instant food and fast food chains forcing their products onto you, it’s difficult to make the right decisions for your body.

Learn how processed foods are putting your life at risk (literally!) and how the Whole Food Diet offers an easy solution to losing weight and getting your health back on track without any fancy supplements or annoying calorie counting.

Table Of ContentsFood Crisis 2.0 3What foods cause bad health? 4The Whole Food Diet 6What foods can you eat? 7How much should I eat of each nutrient? 13Different camps within the whole food diet 14Try it for one month 15Tips for a successful start into a Whole Food Diet 16Next steps 18About Howie and Dave 19


Page 3: WHOLE FOOD DIET - Hurry The Food Up · The Whole Food Diet. As mentioned, counting calories is not necessary and here is why: 500 calories of pringles is not the same as 500 calories

Instead of having too little food, we now live in abundance. All of us can eat like kings did centuries ago. Unfortunately this has caused a new Food Crisis. We now eat such incredibly bad food that we literally put our lives at risk. Would you like some numbers? Here you go:

4 of the top 10 causes of death in the US are related to a bad diet (1):

➢ Heart disease: 611,105Top cause of heart disease: bad diet (2)

➢ Cancer: 584,881Top cause of cancer: bad diet (3)

➢ Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 128,978Top cause of stroke: bad diet (4)

➢ Diabetes: 75,578Top cause of diabetes: bad diet (5)

Added together these four diseases are responsible for more than 1.4 Million deaths per year, making up 54% of all deaths in the US.

Unfortunately many people are heading in the same direction with 69.0% percent of adults age 20 years and over being overweight, including obesity (6). More than ever.

Let’s be honest: terrorists are nothing compared to major processed food manufacturers and fast food chains. 3

Food Crisis 2.0 % of deaths where diet played a role

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If diet is the problem, what foods cause bad health?

2. Processed WheatEspecially white wheat, found in many baked goods, cheap breads and alike, should be avoided because it’s not only lacking almost all nutrients, but also is connected to adverse effects on cholesterol, blood mineral content and inflammatory markers, potentially contributing to disease (12,13,14).

Here is a list of the top 5 foods to avoid, whenever possible:

1. Added Sugar and High Fructose Corn SyrupMany studies link processed sugar to the diseases mentioned above: obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer (7, 8, 9, 10, 11).

Page 5: WHOLE FOOD DIET - Hurry The Food Up · The Whole Food Diet. As mentioned, counting calories is not necessary and here is why: 500 calories of pringles is not the same as 500 calories

3. Trans FatsTrans fats are found in margarine, snack food, packaged baked goods and fried fast food, just to name a few. It increases levels of small, dense LDL cholesterol, lowers HDL (the good) cholesterol, increases abdominal fat and may lead to various serious health problems (15, 16, 17).

4. Processed Vegetable OilsThese oils have been linked to systemic inflammation, cardiovascular disease and even cancer (18, 19, 20, 21, 22).

5. Foods That Are Highly Processed. Most of the time they contain one or more of the ingredients mentioned above plus a whole host of other chemicals.

The is the ingredient list of an Atkins Advantage bar. It’s supposed to be a low-carb friendly health food.


Processed foods often contain:➢ Colorants: Chemicals that give the food a specific

color.➢ Flavor: Chemicals that give the food a particular

flavor.➢ Texturants: Chemicals that give a particular texture.➢ Preservatives: Chemicals that prevent the food from

rotting.Sure, these chemicals have been tested for safety by the regulatory authorities. But honestly, we are not 100% convinced.

Page 6: WHOLE FOOD DIET - Hurry The Food Up · The Whole Food Diet. As mentioned, counting calories is not necessary and here is why: 500 calories of pringles is not the same as 500 calories

To feel healthier, lose weight or build muscle you don’t need to count calories nor take any funny supplements.

One of the easiest ways to combat being overweight or many other problems is to focus on whole foods, and here's why: Products that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined as little as possible, typically do not contain added salt, carbohydrates, trans fats or any other processed ingredient.

This simple logic is the basis of the whole food diet: cut out the extra ingredients and you cut out the industrialized processing.

And that’s it! The only thing you need to do to be healthier is follow a whole food based diet.


How to avoid these unhealthy foods? The Whole Food Diet.As mentioned, counting calories is not necessary and here is why: 500 calories of pringles is not the same as 500 calories of high quality vegetables. We strongly believe in intuitive eating (i.e. listening to your body) and this is exactly the goal of a whole food diet. Locking you into a rigid structure just doesn’t make sense.

Page 7: WHOLE FOOD DIET - Hurry The Food Up · The Whole Food Diet. As mentioned, counting calories is not necessary and here is why: 500 calories of pringles is not the same as 500 calories

Fruits: Banana, apple, orange, kiwi and alikes. Fruits are great, they contain a lot of fiber, antioxidants, vitamin c and many other nutrients.

Still, they contain a bit of natural sugar (fructose), which is why you might want to limit them if you’re trying to lose weight.

Whole Grains: Brown rice, oats, ezekiel, whole wheat, whole rye and so on. Eaten in reasonable amounts, whole grains had significant health benefits like reduced risks for type 2 diabetes, reduced risk of heart disease, reduced risk of cancer, better digestion and a healthy long term weight management (28, 29).

If you buy bread make sure that it just contains a few ingredients and you understand all of them. As mentioned before don’t eat white bread. The same goes for white pasta, white rice, and other refined foods. These processed, partial-ingredient foods should be avoided as much as possible


Page 8: WHOLE FOOD DIET - Hurry The Food Up · The Whole Food Diet. As mentioned, counting calories is not necessary and here is why: 500 calories of pringles is not the same as 500 calories

Nuts and seeds: This includes walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and many others. They’re an excellent snack food high in various nutrients, since they are rich in good fats and have a high energy density. Nuts have been connected with lower body weight and improved health in various studies (30, 31, 32).

Tuber: Root vegetables like potatoes and sweet potatoes are nutritious, healthy and make you full. Since they’re higher in carbs, have them after a workout to replenish your glycogen levels. Though, if you’re looking to lose weight, don’t overindulge on them because of the high calorie load.

Legumes: Beans, peas, peanuts, soybeans, chickpeas: Include beans in your meals. They are very dense in macro and micronutrients relative to their calories.

In other words you get lots of proteins and fibre, some vitamins (like vitamin B1) and a whole host of important minerals, like potassium, iron and manganese just to name a few (33). They have been linked to reduce the risk of heart disease, various types of cancer and type 2 diabetes. On top of all that they help you to maintain a healthy weight (34).


Page 9: WHOLE FOOD DIET - Hurry The Food Up · The Whole Food Diet. As mentioned, counting calories is not necessary and here is why: 500 calories of pringles is not the same as 500 calories

These are the most basic rules of the Whole Food Diet:

➢ One ingredient foods➢ No processed foods➢ Elimination of refined grains➢ Elimination of industrial vegetable oil➢ Elimination of artificial trans fats➢ Reduction of sugar➢ Increase in vegetables and fiber

Just to emphasize, the whole food diet is not made up by us while having a couple of beers, it’s an evidence based diet also strongly supported by the independent Harvard School of Public Health (23).

Now what foods can you eat?Vegetables: Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots and so on. Veggies are high in fiber, antioxidants and a whole host of other nutrients. There are many studies connecting eating many vegetables with a lower risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes (24, 25, 26, 27). Eat as many as you want, as long as they’re not deep fried.


Page 10: WHOLE FOOD DIET - Hurry The Food Up · The Whole Food Diet. As mentioned, counting calories is not necessary and here is why: 500 calories of pringles is not the same as 500 calories

Dairy: Milk, Cheese, cream, butter, full-fat yogurt. Eat as fresh as possible and make sure to check the label. Some producers sneak funky stuff into their dairy products. Full fat dairy is not bad, even though you might have heard otherwise. Of course don’t overeat on them.

Dairy is rich in healthy fats, proteins, calcium and other nutrients. On top of that, if cows are grass-fed, the dairy products will be high in Vitamin K2, important for bone and heart health (35, 36). Also there is some evidence that dairy products help you with weight control (37).

Eggs: Eggs are just great. They definitely belong to the most healthiest foods in the world. Luckily the myth that eggs are bad for your cholesterol is finally “officially debunked.” Even the experts on the committee that develops the US dietary guidelines now say there was “no appreciable relationship” between dietary cholesterol and blood cholesterol (38).

On top of all the other macro and micronutrients eggs provides the unique antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin which are incredibly important for eye health (39). Also nice for people looking to lose weight: eggs make you feel full for longer and therefore you are likely to eat less calories overall per day (40, 41).


Page 11: WHOLE FOOD DIET - Hurry The Food Up · The Whole Food Diet. As mentioned, counting calories is not necessary and here is why: 500 calories of pringles is not the same as 500 calories

Oils: Think natural - go for the cheaper extra virgin olive oil or aim for coconut oil, walnut oil or avocado oil. Go for oils that are rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, like olive oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for brain, heart and other parts of your body. They have been linked to mental health, for example fighting depression, and prevention of heart disease (42) (43).

Fish: Salmon, trout, haddock, cod, sardines and so on and forth. Fish is rich in various essential nutrients, proteins and Omega-3 fatty acids. As mentioned in the “oil section,” Omage-3s are super important for health. When buying fish, make sure to get the eco friendly stuff. Factory farmed fish is not necessarily beneficial for your health (43).

Meat: Beef, pork, lamb, chicken and alike. Unfortunately today meat isn’t like it used to be. It’s mostly produced in factory farms, fed with grains and pumped full of hormones and antibiotics to make them grow faster. If you choose to eat meat, make sure it’s organic. It has been proven that organic meat is more nutritious than grain-fed meat, containing lot’s of Omega-3 fatty acids, important vitamins and minerals (44, 45, 46).

Create your dishes with any of the foods just mentioned and you’ll feel better and be healthier.


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What about canned foods?

It should be clear by now that canned meals like Campbell’s Savory Pot Roast or similar stuff is definitely a no go. What can be eaten in lower amounts are canned ingredient foods, or a can of beans that just contain black beans and a low amount of salt, or a pack of soy milk that just contains soy beans mixed with water.

Anyway, make sure to look for cans that don’t contain BPA, a chemical that is used to coat the inside of a can. A few studies suggested that BPA may lead to reproductive problems, heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions (47).

What about beverages?

Your main beverage should be water. Also teas and coffee are ok. That being said it’s best to stay away from soft drinks, like cola. Also juices should be avoided. fruit juice contains no fiber and is very high in sugar, in many cases as high as the sugar content in soft drinks (48). On top of that, if not chosen carefully they don’t even contain any beneficial nutrients due to high heating pasteurization and storage times.

What about cheating?

Every now and then it’s ok to treat yourself with something that is not on the list. But be sure it’s just the exception. Eating whole food based is not just a diet, it’s a lifestyle and you should therefore never go back to an unhealthy eating habit as soon as you feel good or reached your desired weight. Please make sure that processed multi-ingredient foods don’t make up more than 5-10% of your total food consumption.


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Around 50% of your daily intake should be veggies and fruits. Make sure it’s more veggies than fruits though. Another 25% should be a healthy protein laden food like beans, nuts, fish or poultry.

Lastly fill another 25% of your diet with carbohydrate rich foods like whole grain rice, pasta or potatoes.

If you are looking to add a few more calories, add some healthy fats as a snack to the equation: almonds, walnuts, peanuts are all great, when not sugarcoated.

It sounds more complicated than it really is. Just keep it simple and apply the rule of thumb, if you are not in a hurry to lose weight.

Fruits, nuts and whole grains have quite a few calories. So, if you are following the whole food diet but not losing weight, you might want to lean a little more towards veggies while reducing fruits, nuts and grains.


What amount of each nutrient should I eat?

Harvard Medical School

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There are some whole food diets not supporting some of the food groups listed above. Vegans stay away from animal products, gluten-free dieters shun grains and hardcore paleo followers skip legumes, grains and dairy. But it has to be said that the inclusion or exclusion of these food groups is highly discussed.

That being said, there is strong evidence that all the foods listed above fit to a perfectly healthy whole food diet and help to lose weight without bouncing back. This is also one of the reasons why this less restrictive whole food diet is supported by the Harvard School of Public Health (49).

We promote a meat free whole food diet, because we don't want to support any kind of factory farming/animal death. But surely, if you can afford it, good, lean organic meat is a beneficial addition to your diet.

What about dairy, eggs and honey you might say. We include these ingredients in our diet and here is why: Take eggs and chicken: The price jump from factory farmed eggs to organic eggs (2-3 times more expensive) is quite low in comparison to the jump from factory farmed poultry to organic poultry (6-9 times more expensive). The same goes for dairy and honey. This makes an organic vegetarian diet much more affordable than an organic omnivore diet.

That being said, a vegetarian diet is known to be perfectly healthy (50, 51). A vegan diet can be as well, but it takes much more effort to make sure you get all the important nutrients, which can also mean including supplements in your diet (52).


Different camps in the Whole Food Diet

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We hope by now we've shown you what’s wrong with our modern diet and how to fix it. We suggest going on the whole food diet for one month and see if you feel better, healthier and more alive.

If you already feel good, have high energy levels and you don’t see any room for improvement, then by all means go ahead with what you are doing. Nobody is forcing you.But if you’ve been struggling with weight loss, have no energy throughout the day, need lots of coffee, hate counting calories and want to start living a healthy lifestyle, then give it a shot for one month.

JUST GIVE IT A GO: If you haven’t noticed any improvement after one month, then go back to your bagels. You’ll need to give yourself the full one month before you judge.

Slow transitions are often much easier to handle over the long-term; but the more you can shift your diet closer to whole food diet principles, the faster you’ll start to see results.


Try it for a month

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Now you might be worried that a switch to the Whole Food Diet might be too big of a commitment for you.

I don’t know any recipes - No worries, we have plenty of recipes on our website and also you’ll probably be able to use some of your own recipes, if they fit in the Whole Food Diet rules.

And if the recipes taste bad? - We’ve also taken care of that. Our recipes go through various tests before we publish them. On top of that, once you know basic cooking techniques you’ll be able to adjust most recipes to your taste.

I don’t have much money - If you just make a switch from processed food to whole foods you’ll probably be off cheaper. If you go all organic, you'll probably have to pay a little more.

I don’t have much time - We made sure that all our recipes are quick. And with quick we mean quick: a dish, from start to finish can take from only 5 minutes to a maximum of 30 minutes. Also, the ingredients for our recipes are easy to find in any supermarket.


Tips for a successful start into the Whole Food Diet

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First steps:

Maybe you’re ready to try out the Whole Food Diet but feel uncomfortable committing to it fully.

Of course it takes some effort to make changes. Maybe you’ll have to walk along some new aisles in the supermarket and learn a few new recipes. But there’s nobody rushing you, except yourself perhaps. It’s already a good start if you can make a few changes here and there. 30% healthier is better than 0% healthier.

Here are some simple ideas to get going instantly without much effort:

1. Exchange white rice, white bread and normal pasta for brown rice, whole grain bread and whole grain pasta. Whole grain products contain more fiber which makes you feel more full for a longer time. It's also important for many other things in your digestion area. Most Americans just get half of the recommended daily amount of fiber anyway.

2. Exchange your snacks: It's pretty obvious that crisps and cereal bars are super high in calories. Of course they're super tasty too, so that's why it's a little tougher to make a switch there.

Try fruits. They contain natural sugar and satisfy your sugar addiction a little. Apples, bananas (my favourite), grapes. Also, if you just need sth to fill you up, go for raw nuts. Peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds. Lots of good fats and fiber.


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3. Exchange processed meat with lean meat: This one should be easy: Instead of buying sausages buy chicken breast, fish or lean meat. Takes the same time to prepare, tastes good and much less calories plus much healthier!

These four tips should help you without creating much discomfort or cravings. From there you can keep implementing step by step.

4. Exchange juices and soft drinks for water (add lemon if you want), tea or coffee (coffee without sugar, or using stevia).

Next steps:Check out our 7 day meal plan, including a shopping list to get you going. If you don’t have time to make a full fletched switch, just pick a few meals and gradually adapt.

For more inspiration, we have tons of quick and healthy recipes on our website with easy step by step directions. Every week we add another one or two recipes.

Start your transformation now!


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We are dedicated to showing you that healthy cooking can be easy. Our bodies, our choice. Become healthier than ever before. Join us.

If you have more questions about this content or anything else related to food always feel free to drop Howie an email: [email protected]

Or just hit him up on Facebook

We’re also on YouTube posting regular videos about nutrition, health and weightloss.

For any media inquiries please get in contact with Dave: [email protected]


About Howie and Dave

Hi, I’m Howie. I’m passionate about showing you how to whip up tasty and healthy dishes as well as digging deeper into nutrition and healthy living with you.

And I'm Dave. I think that as eating is such a big part of our lives, it's important we do it properly. The body is an awesome thing - keep it that way!

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COPYRIGHT © 2015 by All rights reserved. If you want to reproduce or copy this document, ask Howie Fox or Dave Bell first.

DISCLAIMER: Check back with a doctor or registered dietitian before making any dietary changes as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your healthcare professional while following the advice in this eBook, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. We created this document for educational purposes only. This means this is no medical advice and we don’t assume liability or responsibility for any use of this information provided in the document.

Photo Sources:

Wheat And Flour, Lump Sugar, Pepper Tomato And Cucumber, Two Fresh Eggs, Fruits, Various Colorful Dried Legumes Beans As Background, Sliced Salmon, Fresh Slices Of Raw Beef, Fill Water, Hand Holding Brown Rice, Potatoes, Yogurt, Food Can Isolated On White Background, No Sweet Snack, Challenge Yourself Indicates Encourage Positivity And Inspire

