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Title: Whole genome sequences of Malawi cichlids reveal multiple radiations interconnected by gene flow

Authors: Milan Malinsky1,2†*, Hannes Svardal1†, Alexandra M. Tyers4, Eric A. Miska1,3, Martin J. Genner5, George F. Turner4, and Richard Durbin1*

Affiliations: 1Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK.

2Zoological Institute, University of Basel, 4051 Basel, Switzerland.

3School of Biological Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2UW, UK.

4Gurdon Institute and Department of Genetics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, CB2 1QN, UK.

5School of Biological Sciences, Life Sciences Building, 24 Tyndall Avenue, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TQ, UK.

*Correspondence to: [email protected], [email protected].

†These authors contributed equally to this work.

Abstract: The hundreds of cichlid fish species in Lake Malawi constitute the most extensive

recent vertebrate adaptive radiation. Here we characterize its genomic diversity by sequencing

134 individuals covering 73 species across all major lineages. Average sequence divergence

between species pairs is only 0.1-0.25%. These divergence values overlap diversity within

species, with 82% of heterozygosity shared between species. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that

diversification initially proceeded by serial branching from a generalist Astatotilapia-like

ancestor. However, no single species tree adequately represents all species relationships, with

evidence for substantial gene flow at multiple times. Common signatures of selection on visual

and oxygen transport genes shared by distantly related deep water species point to both adaptive

introgression and independent selection. These findings enhance our understanding of genomic

processes underlying rapid species diversification, and provide a platform for future genetic

analysis of the Malawi radiation.

One Sentence Summary: The genomes of 73 cichlid fish species from Lake Malawi uncover

evolutionary processes underlying a large adaptive evolutionary radiation.

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Main Text: The formation of every lake or island represents a fresh opportunity for

colonization, proliferation and diversification of living forms. In some cases, the ecological

opportunities presented by underutilized habitats facilitate adaptive radiation - rapid and

extensive diversification of the descendants of the colonizing lineages1-3. Adaptive radiations are

thus exquisite examples of the power of natural selection, as seen for example in Darwin’s

Galapagos finches4,5, Anolis lizards of the Caribbean6 and in East African cichlid fishes7,8.

Cichlids are one of the most species-rich and diverse families of vertebrates, and nowhere are

their radiations more spectacular than in the Great Lakes of East Africa: Malawi, Tanganyika,

and Victoria2, each of which contains several hundred endemic species, with the largest number

in Lake Malawi9. Molecular genetic studies have made major contributions to reconstructing the

evolutionary histories of these adaptive radiations, especially in terms of the relationships

between the lakes10,11, between some major lineages in Lake Tanganyika12, and in describing the

role of hybridization in the origins of the Lake Victoria radiation13. However, the task of

reconstructing within-lake relationships and of identifying sister species remains challenging due

both to retention of large amounts of ancestral genetic polymorphism (i.e. incomplete lineage

sorting) and to evidence suggesting gene flow between taxa12,14-19.

Initial genome assemblies of cichlids from East Africa suggest that an increased rate of gene

duplications together with accelerated evolution of some regulatory elements and protein coding

genes may have contributed to the radiations11. However, understanding of the genomic

mechanisms contributing to adaptive radiations is still in its infancy3. Here we provide an

overview of and insights into the genomic signatures of the haplochromine cichlid radiation of

Lake Malawi.

Previous work on the phylogeny of Lake Malawi haplochromine cichlid radiation, mainly based

on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), has divided the species into six groups with differing ecology

and morphology20: 1) the rock-dwelling ‘mbuna’; 2) Rhamphochromis - typically midwater

pelagic piscivores; 3) Diplotaxodon - typically deep-water pelagic zooplanktivores and

piscivores; 4) deep-water and twilight feeding benthic species; 5) ‘utaka’ feeding on zooplankton

in the water column but breeding on or near the benthic substrate; 6) a diverse group of benthic

species, mainly found in shallow non-rocky habitats. In addition, Astatotilapia calliptera is a

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closely related generalist that inhabits shallow weedy margins of Lake Malawi, and other lakes

and rivers in the catchment and more widely. To characterize the genetic diversity, species

relationships, and signatures of selection across the whole radiation, we obtained paired-end

Illumina whole-genome sequence data from 134 individuals of 73 species distributed broadly

across the seven groups (Fig. 1a)21. This includes 102 individuals at ~15× coverage and 32

additional individuals at ~6× (Table S1).

Low genetic diversity and species divergence

Sequence data were aligned to the Metriaclima zebra reference assembly version 1.111, followed

by variant calling restricted to the ‘accessible genome’ (the portion of the genome where variants

can be determined confidently with short read alignment), which comprised 653Mb or 91.5% of

the assembly excluding gaps21. Average divergence from the reference per sample was 0.19% to

0.27% (Fig. S1). Across all samples, after filtering and variant refinement, we obtained 30.6

million variants of which 27.1 million were single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and the rest

were short insertions and deletions (indels)21. Unless otherwise indicated, the following analyses

are based on SNPs.

To estimate nucleotide diversity (π) within the sampled species we measured the frequency of

heterozygous sites in each individual. The estimates are distributed within a relatively narrow

range between 0.7 and 1.8×10-3 per bp (Fig. 1b). The mean π estimate of 1.2×10-3 per bp is at the

low end of values found in other animals22, and there appears to be little relationship between π

and the rate of speciation: individuals in the species-rich mbuna and shallow benthic groups

show levels of π comparable to the relatively species-poor utaka, Diplotaxodon, and

Rhamphochromis (Fig. S1).

Despite their extensive phenotypic differentiation, all species within the Lake Malawi

haplochromine cichlid radiation are genetically closely related23,24. However, genome-wide

genetic divergence has never been quantified. To examine the extent of genetic differentiation

between species across the radiation we calculated the average pairwise differences between all

pairs of sequences from different species (dXY). A comparison of dXY against heterozygosity

reveals that the two distributions partially overlap (Fig. 1b). Thus, the sequence divergence

within a single diploid individual is sometimes higher than the divergence between sequences

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found in two distinct species. The average dXY is 2.0×10-3 with a range between 1.0 and 2.4×10-3

per bp. The maximum dXY is approximately one fifth of the divergence between human and

chimpanzee25. The low ratio of divergence to diversity means that most genetic variation is

shared between species. On average both alleles are observed in other species for 82% of

heterozygous sites within individuals, consistent with the expected and previously observed high

levels of incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) between Lake Malawi species24.

Fig. 1: The Lake Malawi haplochromine cichlid radiation. a, The sampling coverage of this study: overall and

for each of the seven main eco-morphological groups within the radiation. A representative specimen is shown for

each group (Diplotaxodon: D. limnothrissa; shallow benthic: Lethrinops albus; deep benthic: Lethrinops gossei;

mbuna: Metriaclima zebra; utaka: Copadichromis virginalis; Rhamphochromis: R. woodi). Numbers of species and

genera are based on ref. 26. b, The distributions of genomic sequence diversity within individuals (heterozygosity;

��) and of divergence between species (dXY). c, A set of 2543 Maximum Likelihood (ML) phylogenetic trees for

non-overlapping regions along the genome. Branch lengths were scaled for visualization so that the total height of

each tree is the same. The local trees were built with 71 species sequenced to 15x coverage and then subsampled to

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12 individuals representing the eco-morphological groups. The maximum clade credibility tree was built from the

region phylogenies with 12 individuals. A maximum likelihood mitochondrial phylogeny is shown for comparison.

Low per-generation mutation rate

It has been suggested that the species richness and morphological diversity of teleosts in general

and of cichlids in particular might be explained by elevated mutation rates compared to other

vertebrates27,28. To obtain a direct estimate of the per-generation mutation rate, we reared

offspring of three species from three different Lake Malawi groups (Astatotilapia calliptera,

Aulonocara stuartgranti, and Lethrinops lethrinus). We sequenced both parents and one

offspring of each to high coverage (40x), applied stringent quality filtering, and counted variants

present in each offspring but absent in both its parents (Fig. S2)21. There was no evidence for

significant difference in mutation rates between species. The overall mutation rate (μ) was

estimated at 3.5×10-9 (95%CI: 1.6×10-9 to 4.6×10-9) per bp per generation, approximately three

to four times lower than the rate obtained in similar studies using human trios29, although given

much shorter mean generation times the per-year rate is still expected to be higher in cichlids

than in humans. We note that Recknagel et al. (ref. 28) obtained a much higher mutation rate

estimate (6.6×10-8 per bp per generation) in Midas cichlids, but from relatively low depth

RADseq data that may have made accurate verification more difficult. By combining our

mutation rate with nucleotide diversity (π) values, we estimate the long term effective population

sizes (Ne) to be in the range of approximately 50,000 to 130,000 breeding individuals (with Ne =

π/4μ). Given previous estimates of the age of the radiation of the order of a million years12,30,31

(max estimate 4.63 million years32), and the hundreds of species present, this result suggests that

alleles at a locus will only rarely coalesce within the time between successive speciation events,

consistent with high sharing of heterozygosity and ILS. This is because both the mean and

standard deviation in the time to the common ancestor of a pair of alleles are expected to be in

the order of 2Ne generations, or hundreds of thousands of years.

Between-species relationships

To obtain a first estimate of between-species relationships we divided the genome into 2543 non-

overlapping windows, each comprising 8000 SNPs (average size: 274kb), and constructed a

Maximum Likelihood (ML) phylogeny separately for the full sequences within each window,

obtaining trees with 2542 different topologies. We also calculated the maximum clade credibility

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(MCC) summary tree33 and an ML phylogeny based on the full mtDNA genome (Figs. 1C, S4)21.

Despite extensive variation among the individual trees, it is apparent that there is some general

consensus. Individuals from the previously identified eco-morphological groups tend to cluster

together, with Rhamphochromis, Diplotaxodon, mbuna and A. calliptera forming well supported

(in >80% of trees) apparently reciprocally monophyletic groups (Fig. S4B), while individuals

from the utaka, and deep and shallow benthic were clustered within their respective groups, but

with lower support. In the subset of 12 individuals shown in Fig. 1c, the pelagic clades

Diplotaxodon and Rhamphochromis tend to cluster together and form a sister group to the rest of

the radiation. Perhaps surprisingly, the majority of the trees place the widely-distributed

lake/river-dwelling A. calliptera as the sister taxon to the specialized rocky-shore mbuna group

in a position that is nested within the radiation (Figs. 1c, S4B). The overall sub-structuring is also

apparent from patterns of linkage disequilibrium (LD). Mean LD decays within a few hundred

base-pairs across the set of all species, in a few kilobases (kb) for subsets of species from within

eco-morphological subgroups (mbuna, Diplotaxodon etc.), and extends beyond 10kb within

species (Fig. S3)21. Because the extent of LD is substantially shorter than the window size of the

ML phylogenies, we expect extensive ILS also within the windows, and it is established that ML

may be inappropriate for building trees from large regions with extensive ILS34-36. Therefore we

note that even in the absence of introgression the ML tree results above would be merely

illustrative of overall genetic similarities rather than providing definitive reconstructions of the

branching order of taxa.

It is also clear that the mtDNA phylogeny is an outlier, being substantially different both from

the MCC summary and from the majority of the individual trees (Figs. 1c, S5). Discordances

between mtDNA and nuclear phylogenies in Lake Malawi has been reported previously in refs. 15,19, and interpreted as a signature of past hybridization events. However, large discrepancies

between mitochondrial and nuclear phylogenies have been shown previously in a large number

of other systems, reflecting both that mtDNA as a single locus is not expected to reflect the

consensus under ILS, and that it often does not evolve neutrally (e.g. refs. 37-39). In particular,

the high incidence of mitochondrial selection underlines the importance of evaluating the Lake

Malawi radiation from a genome-wide perspective rather than drawing conclusions regarding

species relationships based on mtDNA signals alone.

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If the observed high levels of phylogenetic incongruence were due to ILS alone, it should still be

possible to resolve a cleanly bifurcating species tree by applying either the multispecies

coalescent model40,41, or the distance based Neighbor-Joining method which has been shown to

be a statistically consistent and accurate species tree estimator under ILS42,43. We constructed a

whole genome NJ tree using the Dasarathy et al. algorithm (Fig. 2A). A similar overall topology

was produced from applying the Bayesian multispecies coalescent method SNAPP44 to the

subset of 48,922 unlinked SNPs in 12 individuals representing the eco-morphological groups

(Fig. S6; analysis of the full dataset was not computationally feasible using this method).

Overall, the resulting phylogenies share many similarities that reflect features of previous

taxonomic assignment, but some currently-recognized genera are clearly polyphyletic, including

Placidochromis, Lethrinops, and Mylochromis.

Violations of the species tree concept

Previous studies have suggested that hybridization and introgression subsequent to initial

separation of species may have played a significant role in cichlid radiations, including in Lakes

Tanganyika12,14,16,17 and Malawi15,19. Consistent with this, we found some variation in species

tree topologies depending on which inference method was used and also within the Bayesian

MCMC samples (Figs. 2A, S4B, S6). Furthermore, we contrasted the pairwise genetic distances

used to produce the raw NJ tree (Fig. 2B; above the diagonal) against the distances between

samples along the tree branches (Fig. 2A), calculating the residuals (Fig. 2B; below the

diagonal). If the tree were able to perfectly capture all the genetic relationships in our sample, we

would expect the residuals to be zero. However, we found a large number of differences, with

some standout cases. The fact that we are using over 25 million variable sites, and the high

bootstrap values on all branches of the NJ tree (mean support is 90%, median is 100%; Fig. 2C),

suggest these differences are not due to sampling noise, but may reflect violations of the

bifurcating species tree model.

The patterns of differences between the true genetic distance and the NJ tree distance affect both

groups of species and individual species. Among the strongest signals on individual species, we

see that: 1) Copadichromis trimaculatus, which in the NJ tree clusters within the shallow benthic

clade, is genetically much closer to other utaka, and in particular to C. quadrimaculatus, than its

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placement in the tree would suggest; 2) Placidochromis cf. longimanus is genetically closer to

the deep benthic clade and to a subset of the shallow benthic (mainly Lethrinops species) than

the tree suggests; and 3) our sample of Otopharynx tetrastigma is much closer to Astatotilapia

calliptera from Lake Kingiri (and to a lesser degree to other A. calliptera) than would be

expected from the tree. The O. tetrastigma specimen comes from Lake Ilamba, a satellite crater

lake of Lake Malawi that also harbours a population of A. calliptera and is geographically close

(3.2 km) to Lake Kingiri.

Fig. 2: Species relatedness. a, Neighbor-joining tree of pairwise differences. Long terminal long terminal branches

reflect the high ratio of within-species to between-species variation. b, Pairwise genetic differences (above diagonal)

and residuals of pairwise difference and tree distance (below diagonal). The residuals for each pair of individuals are

calculated as: (sequence distance - tree distance)/sequence distance. Blue cells beneath the diagonal indicate pairs of

samples that share more alleles than expected according to the tree. c, The distribution of block-bootstrap support

values for the NJ tree.












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Sharing of long haplotypes between otherwise distantly related species is an indication of recent

admixture or introgression. To investigate this type of gene flow signature, we used the

chromopainter software package45 and calculated a ‘co-ancestry matrix’ of all species21 - a

summary of nearest neighbour (therefore recent) haplotype relationships in the dataset. We found

that the Lake Ilamba O. tetrastigma and Lake Kingiri A. calliptera stand out in this analysis by

showing a strong signature of recent gene flow between distantly related species (Fig. S7). The

other tree-violation signatures described above are also visible on the haplotype sharing level but

are less pronounced, consistent with being older events perhaps involving the common ancestors

of multiple present-day species. However, the chromopainter analysis reveals numerous other

examples of excess co-ancestry between species that do not cluster immediately together (e.g.

the utaka C. virginalis with Diplotaxodon; more highlighted in Fig. S7). Furthermore, the

clustering based on recent co-ancestry is different from any tree generated using phylogenetic

methods; in particular a number of shallow benthics including P. cf. longimanus cluster next to

the deep benthics. Related to this, principal component analysis (PCA), while generally

separating the major groups, shows an extension of utaka and benthic samples towards

Diplotaxodon (Fig. 3a), a pattern that is typical for admixed populations (e.g. ref. 46). In

particular among the benthics, deeper water species are closer to the deep water Diplotaxodon,

an observation we will return to below in the context of shared mechanisms of depth adaptation.

To gather further evidence regarding potential gene flow between the ‘tree-violating’ taxa

identified above, we computed the f4 admixture ratio47-49 (f statistic in the following). The f

statistic is closely related to Patterson's D (ABBA-BABA test)47, and when elevated due to

introgression is expected to be linear in relation to the proportion of introgressed material. For

each of the three cases discussed in the analysis of Figure 2, we found strong signals of non-tree-

like relatedness (Fig. 3B). Specifically, there are two very high f statistics involving C.

trimaculatus and shallow benthic and utaka species; it is also notable that the position of C.

trimaculatus within the shallow benthic group is an unusual feature of the NJ tree in Fig. 2a; it

clusters with the other utaka in all other phylogenies. We interpret the evidence as suggesting

that the gene-pool of C. trimaculatus is a product of hybridization between an utaka lineage and

a shallow benthic lineage.

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Fig. 3: Evidence for gene flow and non-tree like ancestral structure. Colors correspond to eco/morphological

groups as in Fig. 1. a, PCA analysis. b, Selected strong f4 admixture ratios (block jack-knifing p-values < 10-300).

More comparisons can be found in Table S8. c, Branch-specific statistic fb amongst 31 subgroups. The ++ signs in

labels signify that the subgroup includes multiple or additional taxa. For a full list of samples corresponding to each

subgroup see Fig. S10. The * sign denotes block jack-knifing significance at |Z|>3.17 (Holm-Bonferroni

FWER<0.001). Grey data points in the matrix correspond to tests that are not consistent with the NJ phylogeny.

To investigate cross-species gene flow and violation of a tree-like model of species relationships

even more exhaustively across the radiation, we extended the f analysis to all trios of species that

fit the relationships ((A, B), C). Out of 85311 computed f statistics 56062 were significant at

FWER < 0.001 (Fig. S8). However, a single gene flow event can lead to multiple significant f

statistics: the values calculated for different combinations of ((A, B), C) groups are not

independent as soon as they share internal or external branches. Therefore, we sought to obtain

branch-specific estimates of excess allele sharing that would be less correlated. Building on the

logic employed to understand correlated gene flow signals in ref. 50, we developed fb(C): a

summary of f scores that captures excess allele sharing between a clade C and a branch b

compared to the sister branch of b21. The fb(C) score can be interpreted as a measure of how well

a tree-like branching pattern captures the genetic relationships of samples descending from

against the rest of the phylogeny. This method reduces the number of calculated f statistics to

11452. Of these, 1725 scores are still significantly elevated (at FWER<0.001), while 105 of the


















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160 branches in the phylogeny show significant excess allele sharing with at least one other

group C (Fig. S9). To summarise these results for discussion below, we partitioned the species

into 31 subgroups chosen to represent the majority of the signal in the dataset, excluding the

strongly admixed taxa for whom f was already calculated in Fig. 3B (C. trimaculatus, A.

calliptera Kingiri, O. tetrastigma, P. cf. longimanus), and present fb(C) scores for these in Fig.


The f statistic tests are robust to the occurrence of incomplete lineage sorting, in the sense that

ILS alone can not generate a significant test result48. We note, however, that pronounced

population structure within ancestral species, coupled with rapid succession of speciation events,

can also substantially violate the assumptions of a strictly bifurcating species tree and lead to

significantly elevated f scores48,51. Nevertheless, to be able to explain many of the patterns

reported here, ancestral population structure would have needed to segregate through multiple

speciation events without affecting sister lineages, a scenario that is not credible in general.

Therefore, we suggest that there is strong evidence for multiple cross-species gene flow events.

Not only are there many significant f scores, they also are unusually large: 519 out of the 1725

significant scores (4.5% of the total 11452; Fig. S10) are larger than 3%, corresponding to

inferred human-neanderthal introgression47. Across the subgroups in Fig. 3C, the strongest signal

of fb(C) = 37% points to excess allele sharing of the branch leading to C. likomae with C.

quadrimaculatus relative to C. virginalis and suggests that the non-treelike relationships of utaka

extend beyond the clearly admixed status of C. trimaculatus reported above. Underlining their

complicated relationships, while C. virginalis and C. quadrimaculatus are sister species in Fig.

2A, removing C. trimaculatus leads to C. likomae becoming the sister species to C. virginalis

with C. quadrimaculatus basal, as seen in Fig. 3C.

Several highly significant fb(C) scores point to multiple genetic exchanges between the deep and

shallow benthic groups. Aulonacara stuartgranti and A. steveni, which overall cluster with deep

benthics and have enlarged lateral line sensory apparatus like many of those, share excess

derived alleles with all shallow benthic subgroups [max fb(C) = 28% relative to other deep

benthics], reflecting that they are typically found in shallower water26. Conversely, shallow

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benthic species of the genera Lethrinops and Taeniolethrinops show excess allele sharing with

the remaining deep benthic taxa [fb(C) = 30% relative to other shallow benthics].

On a broader scale, there are strong signals of genetic exchange between major ecological

groups. Most prominently, we infer excess allele sharing of all the utaka and benthics with

Diplotaxodon, one of the two pelagic clades [fb(C) = 10% relative to mbuna and A. calliptera], as

previously suggested by the PCA plot (Fig 3A). Furthermore, there is evidence for additional

Diplotaxodon ancestry in utaka [fb(C) = 7%] and sub-clades of the benthics [most strongly for

deep benthics at fb(C) = 3%] relative to their sister clades, which could be explained either by

additional more recent gene flow events or by differential fixation of introgressed material,

possibly due to selection. Reciprocally, Diplotaxodon shows excess allele sharing with all utaka

and benthics relative to Rhamphochromis. On the other hand, while ref. 19 suggested gene flow

between the deep benthic and mbuna groups on the basis of mtDNA phylogeny, our genome-

wide analysis did not find any signal of substantial genetic exchange between these groups.

Inference using the software treemix52 also suggests strong evidence for gene flow within and

between the major clades, mainly involving Diplotaxodon, deep and shallow benthics and utaka

(Fig. S11). However, the overall topology and specific gene flow events in treemix results

depend heavily on the value of a parameter specifying the number of allowed migration events.

Using simulations, we have shown that the accuracy of treemix results can be extremely

sensitive to erroneous inferences of the initial phylogeny, whereas the interpretation of fb(C)

scores as a measure of violation of a tree-like branching model is more robust in this respect21.

Overall, the NJ tree residuals, haplotype sharing patterns, and the many elevated fb(C) scores in

Fig. 3C reveal extensive violations of the bifurcating species tree model both across and within

major groups. We therefore confirm that the evolutionary history of the Lake Malawi radiation is

characterized by multiple gene flow events at different times during its evolutionary history, and

that no single phylogenetic tree can adequately capture the evolutionary relationships within the

species flock.

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Origins of the radiation

Astatotilapia calliptera, although showing strong preference for shallow weedy habitats, is

abundant and widespread in both flowing and still waters, and is thus considered a generalist. It

has often been referred to as the 'prototype' for the closely-related endemic genera of Lake

Malawi cichlids26. Therefore, discussions concerning the origin of the Malawi radiation often

rely on ascertaining the relationship of this species to the rest of the Malawi radiation15,53.

Previous phylogenetic analyses, using mtDNA and small numbers of nuclear markers, showed

inconsistencies with respect to A. calliptera (compare refs. 15 and 19). On the other hand, our

whole genome data indicate a clear and consistent position of all the A. calliptera individuals

from the Lake Malawi catchment as members of a sister group to the mbuna, consistent with the

nuclear DNA phylogeny in ref. 19, although that study included only a single A. calliptera


To explore the origins of the Lake Malawi radiation in greater detail, we obtained whole genome

sequences from 19 individuals from seven Astatotilapia species not found in Lake Malawi

(Table S2) and generated new variant calls21. In addition, we sequenced five more A. calliptera

specimens from Indian Ocean catchments, thus covering most of the geographical distribution of

the species. We constructed NJ trees based on genetic distances and found that even with these

additional data all the A. calliptera (including samples from outside the Lake Malawi catchment)

continue to cluster as a single group at the same place nested within the radiation, whereas the

other Astatotilapia species clearly branched off well before the lake radiation (Fig. 4a,b,c).

Joyce et al. (ref. 15) reported that the mtDNA haplogroup of A. calliptera from the Indian Ocean

catchment clustered with mbuna (as we see for mtDNA tree in Fig. S12) and concluded that the

phylogenetic discordances between mtDNA and nuclear markers can be explained by gene-flow.

They suggested there had been repeated colonization of Lake Malawi by independent

Astatotilapia lineages with different mitochondrial haplogroups, the first founding the entire

species flock, and the second, with the mtDNA haplogroup common in the Indian Ocean

catchment, introgressing into the Malawi radiation and contributing strongly to the mbuna

group15. This hypothesis predicts that among the A. calliptera, the Indian Ocean catchment

individuals should be closer to mbuna than the individuals sampled within the Malawi

catchment. However, using the f statistics, we found a strong signal in the opposite direction

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across the nuclear genome (f= 30%; Fig. 4d). Therefore, the Joyce et al. hypothesis based on the

mtDNA phylogeny in not supported by genome-wide data.

Fig. 4: Origins of the radiation and the role of A. calliptera. a, An NJ phylogeny showing the Lake Malawi

radiation in the context of other East African Astatotilapia taxa. b, A Lake Malawi NJ phylogeny with expanded

view of A. calliptera, with all other groups collapsed. c, Approximate A. calliptera sampling locations shown on a

map of the broader Lake Malawi region. Black lines correspond to present day level 3 catchment boundaries from

the US Geological Survey’s HYDRO1k dataset. d, Strong f4 admixture ratio signal showing that Malawi catchment

A. calliptera are closer to mbuna than their Indian Ocean catchment counterparts. e, PCA of body shape variation of

Lake Malawi endemics, A. calliptera and other Astatotilapia taxa, obtained from geometric morphometric analysis.

f, A phylogeny with the same topology as in panel (b) but displayed with a straight line between the ancestor and A.

calliptera. For each branch off this lineage, we show mean sequence divergence (dXY) minus mean heterozygosity,

translation of this value into a mean time estimate, and 95% CI for the time estimate reflecting the statistical

uncertainty in mutation rate. Dashed lines with arrows indicate likely instances of gene flow between major groups;

their absolute timing (position along the x axis) is arbitrary.

It has been repeatedly suggested that A. calliptera may be the direct descendant of the riverine-

generalist lineage that seeded the Lake Malawi radiation [e.g. refs. 7,15,53-55]. This hypothesis

is lent further support by our geometric morphometric analysis. Using 17 homologous body

shape landmarks21 we established that, despite the relatively large genetic divergence, A.

















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calliptera is nested within the morphospace of the other more distantly related but ecologically

similar Astatotilapia species (Figs. 4a,e), and these together have a central position within the

morphological space of the Lake Malawi radiation (Figs. 4e, S13).

Therefore, we propose here a model which reconciles the nested phylogenetic position of A.

calliptera in Fig. 4b with its ancestral riverine phenotype. We suggest a model in which the Lake

Malawi species flock consists of three separate radiations splitting off the ancestral lineage

leading to A. calliptera; the pelagic radiation was seeded first, then the benthic + utaka, and

finally the rock-dwelling mbuna, all in a relatively quick succession, followed by subsequent

gene flow as described above (Fig. 4f). Using our per-generation mutation rate we obtained mean

separation time estimates for these lineages between 460 thousand years ago (ka) [95%CI:

(350ka to 990ka)] and 390ky [95%CI: (300ka to 860ka)] (Fig. 4f), assuming three years per

generation as in ref. 56. The point estimates all fall within the second most recent prolonged deep

lake phase as inferred from the Lake Malawi paleoecological record30 while the upper ends of

the confidence intervals cover the third deep lake phase. We also note that split times estimated

from sequence divergence are likely to be reduced by subsequent gene-flow, leading to

underestimates. Therefore we conclude that the data are consistent with the previous reports

based on fossil time calibration which put the origin of the Lake Malawi radiation at 700-


Focusing on the A. calliptera individuals, we found they cluster by geography (Fig. 4b,c), except

for the specimen from crater Lake Kingiri, whose position in the clade is likely a result of the

admixture signals shown in Fig. 3b. Indeed, the Kingiri individual clusters according to

geography with the specimens from the nearby crater Lake Massoko and Mbaka River if a NJ

tree is built with A. calliptera samples only (Fig. S14). Applying the same logic, we tested

whether the position of the A. calliptera group in the NJ tree changes when the tree is built

without mbuna (as would be expected if the A. calliptera position were affected by hybridization

with mbuna). However, we found that the position of A. calliptera is not affected by the removal

of mbuna (Fig. S15), suggesting that the nested position is not due to later hybridization. The f

statistic analysis in Fig. 3c further supports this claim, because the signals involving the whole

mbuna or A. calliptera groups are modest and do not suggest erroneous placement of these whole

groups in all phylogenetic analyses.

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Furthermore, the nested position of A. calliptera is also supported by the vast majority of the

genome. We specifically searched for the basal branch in a set of 2638 local ML phylogenies for

non-overlapping genomic windows and found results that are consistent with the whole genome

NJ tree: the most common basal branches are the pelagic groups Rhamphochromis and

Diplotaxodon (in 42.12% of the genomic windows). In comparison, A. calliptera (including all

of the Indian Ocean catchment samples) were found to be basal only in 5.99% of the windows

(Fig. S16).

Finally, we note that all the A. calliptera have a relatively recent common ancestor, with

divergence at ~75% of the most distinct species in the Malawi radiation and corresponding to

340ka [95%CI: (260ka, 740ka)], suggesting that the Lake Malawi population has been a

reservoir that has repopulated the river systems and more transient lakes following dry-wet

transitions in East African hydroclimate30,57. Our results do not fully resolve whether the lineage

leading from the common ancestor to A. calliptera retained its riverine generalist phenotype

throughout or whether a lacustrine species evolved at some point (e.g. the common ancestor of A.

calliptera and mbuna) and later de-specialized again to recolonize the rivers. However, while it

is a possibility, we suggest that is it not likely that the many strong phenotypic affinities of A.

calliptera to the basal Astatotilapia [see refs. 58,59; Fig. 4e], would be reinvented from a

lacustrine species. After all, A. calliptera is widespread and abundant in its preferred shallow

weedy habitat throughout present-day Lake Malawi, despite the presence of hundreds of closely-

related endemic lacustrine specialist species.

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Signatures and consequences of selection

To gain insight into the functional basis of diversification and adaptation in Lake Malawi

cichlids, we next turned our attention to protein coding genes. We compared the between-species

levels of non-synonymous variation ��� to synonymous variation ��� in over 20,000 genes and

calculated the difference between these two values (���� � ��� � ���)21. Overall, coding

sequence exhibits signatures of purifying selection: the average between-species ��� was 54%

lower than in a random matching set of non-coding regions. Interestingly, the average between-

species synonymous variation ��� in genes was slightly but significantly higher than in non-

coding controls (13% lower mean; � � 2.2 10���, one tailed Mann-Whitney test). One

possible explanation of this observation would be if intergenic regions were homogenized by

gene-flow, whereas protein coding genes were more resistant to this.

Average per-gene non-synonymous excess variation (����� calculated between Lake Malawi

species correlates only relatively weakly with ���� for genes in the five cichlid genome

assemblies presented by Brawand et al.11 which represent one from each of the major lineages

and radiations of East African cichlids, and are approximately an order of magnitude more

divergent than Malawi cichlids (Spearman � � 0.32; Fig. S17A). Thus the majority of genic

selection within the Malawi radiation appears distinct from selection acting on these longer

timescales between radiations. On the other hand, Malawi between-species ���� correlates

substantially more with ���� calculated between A. calliptera populations ( � � 0.49; Fig.

S17B). Assuming that present day A. calliptera populations segregate more ancestral alleles than

phenotypically more derived species, this result would suggest that within-Malawi selection was

influenced by the diversity of alleles present in the generalist ancestor of the radiation. An

alternative hypothesis is that the different A. calliptera populations may be acquiring these

alleles through gene flow from the derived Lake Malawi species.

To control for statistical effects stemming from variation in gene length and sequence

composition we normalized the ���� values per gene by taking into account the variance in

�� � �� across all pairwise sequence comparisons for each gene, deriving the non-synonymous

excess score (����21. The genes with highly positive ��� are likely to be under positive

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selection. We focus below on the top 5% of the ��� distribution (��� � 40.2, 1034 candidate

genes; Fig. 5a).

Figure 5: Gene selection scores, copy numbers, and ontology enrichment. a, The distribution of the non-

synonymous variation excess scores (����) highlighting the 5%FDR cutoff, and the distributions of genes in

selected Gene Ontology (GO) categories. b, The relationship between the probability of ���� being positive and in

the top 5% and the relative copy numbers of genes in the Lake Malawi reference (M. zebra) and zebrafish. The p-

values are based on �� tests of independence. Genes existing in two or more copies in both zebrafish and Malawi

cichlids are disproportionately represented among candidate selected genes. c, An enrichment map for significantly

enriched GO terms (cutoff at p ≤ 0.01). The level of overlap between GO enriched terms is indicated by the

thickness of the edge between them. The color of each node indicates the p-value for the term and the size of the

node is proportional to the number of genes annotated with that GO category.

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This candidate gene set is highly enriched for genes for which no homologs were found in any of

Medaka, Stickleback, Tetraodon or Zebrafish (other teleosts) when examined in ref. 11 (606 out

of 4,190 without vs. 428 out of 16,472 with homology assignment; χ2 test p < 2.2×10-16). Genes

without homologs tend to be short (median coding length is 432bp) and some of the signal may

be explained by a component of gene prediction errors. However a comparison of short genes

(≤450bp) without homologs to a set of random noncoding sequences (Fig. S18) showed

significant differences (p < 2.2×10-16, Mann-Whitney test), with both a substantial component of

genes with low ���, reflecting genes under purifying selection, and also an excess of genes with

high ��� (Fig. S19).

Cichlids have an unexpectedly large number of gene duplicates and it has been suggested that

this phenomenon has contributed to their extensive adaptive radiations3,11. To investigate the

extent of divergent selection on gene duplicates, we examined how the non-synonymous excess

scores are related to gene copy numbers in the reference genomes. Focusing on homologous

genes annotated both in the Malawi reference (M. zebra) and in the zebrafish genome, we found

that the highest proportion of candidate genes was among genes with two or more copies in both

genomes (N - N). The relative enrichment in this category is both substantial and highly

significant (Fig. 5b). On the other hand, the increase in proportion of candidate genes in the N - 1

category (multiple copies in the M. zebra genome but only one copy in zebrafish) relative to 1 - 1

genes, is of a much lesser magnitude and is not significant (�� test � � 0.18), suggesting that

selection is occurring more often within ancient multi-copy gene families, rather than on genes

with cichlid-specific duplications.

Next we used Gene Ontology (GO) annotation of zebrafish homologs to test whether candidate

genes are enriched for particular functional categories. We found significant enrichment for 30

GO terms [range: 1.6×10-8 < p < 0.01, weigh algorithm21,60; Table S3], 10 in the Molecular

Function (MF), 4 in the Cellular Component (CC), and 16 in Biological Process (BP) category.

Combining the results from all three GO categories in a network connecting terms with high

overlap (i.e. sharing many genes) revealed clear clusters of enriched terms related to (i)

haemoglobin function and oxygen transport; (ii) phototransduction and visual perception; and

(iii) the immune system, especially inflammatory response and cytokine activity (Fig. 5c). It has

been previously suggested that evolution of genes in these functional categories has contributed

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to cichlid radiations (as discussed below); it is nevertheless interesting to see that these

categories stand out in an unbiased analysis of all 20,000+ genes in the genome.

Shared mechanisms of depth adaptation

To gain insight into the distribution of adaptive alleles across the radiation, we examined the

haplotype genealogies for amino acid sequences of candidate genes, focusing on the genes in

significantly enriched GO categories. It became apparent that many of the genealogies in the

‘visual perception’ category have common features that are unusual in the broader dataset: the

haplotypes from the deep benthic group and the deep-water pelagic Diplotaxodon tend to be

disproportionally diverse when compared with the rest of the radiation, and tend to group

together despite these two groups being relatively distant in the whole-genome phylogenetic


Sharply decreasing levels of dissolved oxygen and low light intensities with narrow short

wavelength spectra are the hallmarks of the habitats at below ~50 meters to which the deep

benthic and pelagic Diplotaxodon groups have both adapted, either convergently or in parallel61.

Signatures of selection on similar haplotypes in the same genes involved in vision and in oxygen

transport would therefore point to shared molecular mechanisms underlying this ecological


To obtain a quantitative measure of shared molecular mechanisms, we calculated for each gene a

similarity score for deep benthic and Diplotaxodon amino acid sequences and also compared the

amounts of non-coding variation in these depth-adapted groups against the rest of the radiation21.

Both measures are elevated for candidate genes in the ‘visual perception’ category (Fig. 6a;

p=0.007 for similarity, p=0.08 for shared diversity, and p=0.003 when similarity and diversity

scores are added; all p-values based on Mann-Whitney test). The measures are also elevated for

the ‘haemoglobin complex’ category, although due to the small number of genes the differences

are not statistically significant in this case. Furthermore, the level of excess allele sharing

between Diplotaxodon and deep benthic [measured by the local f statistic fdM49,56] is strongly

correlated with the ΔN-S selection score for genes annotated with photoreceptor activity and

haemoglobin complex GO terms ( � � 0.63 and 0.81, � � 0.001 and � � 0.051, respectively,

Fig. 6b).

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Fig. 6: Shared selection between the deep water adapted groups Diplotaxodon and deep benthic. a, The

scatterplot shows the distribution of genes with high ��� scores (candidates for positive selection) along axes

reflecting shared selection signatures. Only genes with zebrafish homologs are shown. Amino acid haplotype

genealogies, shown for genes as indicated by the red symbols and numbers, indicate that Diplotaxodon and deep

benthic species are often divergent from other taxa, but similar to each other. Outgroups include Oreochromis

niloticus, Neolamprologus brichardi, Astatotilapia burtoni, and Pundamilia nyererei. b, Selection scores plotted

against fdM (mbuna, deep benthic, Diplotaxodon, N. brichardi), a measure of excess allele sharing between deep

benthic and Diplotaxodon. Overall there is no correlation between ��� and fdM. However, the strong correlation

between ��� and fdM in the highlighted GO categories suggests that positively selected alleles in those categories

tend to be subject to introgression between Diplotaxodon and the deep benthic group. c, A schematic drawing of a

double cone photoreceptor expressing the green sensitive opsins and illustrating the functions of other genes with

signatures of shared selection. d, fdM calculated in sliding windows of 100 SNPs around the green opsin cluster,

revealing that excess allele sharing between deep benthic and Diplotaxodon extends far beyond the coding


Vision genes with high similarity and diversity scores for the deep benthic and Diplotaxodon

groups include three opsin genes: the green sensitive opsins RH2Aβ, RH2B, and rhodopsin

(Figs. 6a, S20A). The specific residues that distinguish the deep adapted groups from the rest of

nucleus (opsin transcription via six7 homolog)?



six7 six7


phosphorylatedby GRK7

membrane disks holding opsins





transcducin(with GNAT2 component)











peripherin-2(disk regeneration)

Detail of opsin interactions:

b d

scaffold_18 coordinates4.30Mb 4.35Mb 4.40Mb

f dM





-0.2 Assembly gaps:








5: arrestin-C XP_004550345.1; 355aa



4: guanine nucleotide-binding protein G(t) subunit alpha-2 - GNAT2XP_004554304.1; 350aa




2: green-sensitive opsin RH2BXP_004548806.1; 352aa1




1: green-sensitive opsin RH2AβXP_004548809.1; 352aa

6: G-protein-coupled receptor kinase 7 - GRK7XP_004570581.1; 557aa




a: arrestin-CXP_004545716.1; 365aa




3: peripherin-2XP_004556729.1; 343aa




A: hemoglobin subunit HBβXP_004562337.1; 147aa

�10 �5 0 5 10



1020 2

visual perception GO annotation


other vision related genes


excess of non-synonymous diversity inthe deep water groups compared to the rest of the radiation





n an

d de

ep b


c gr




y sc






b: homeobox protein SIX6(closest zebrafish homolog is six7)XP_004570733.1; 260aa

Number of haplotypes:

depth adapted groups:

10 20 40 1001



predominantly shallow groups: mbuna Rhamphochomis


A. calliptera

utaka outgroups

7: rhodopsin RH1XP_004546142.1; 354aa











photoreceptor activity GO


hemoglobin complex GO




hemoglobin complex GO annotation





-0.8 -0.4 0.0 0.4 0.8


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the radiation differ between the two RH2 copies, with only one shared mutation out of a possible

fourteen (Fig. S20B). RH2Aβ and RH2B are located within 40kb from each other on the same

chromosome (Fig. 6c); a third paralog, RH2Aα, is located between them, but it has very little

coding diversity specific to deep benthic and Diplotaxodon (Fig. S21). This finding is consistent

with previous reports suggesting functional divergence between RH2Aα and RH2Aβ following

the duplication of RH2A early in the cichlid lineage62,63. A similar, albeit weaker signature of

shared depth-related selection is apparent in rhodopsin, which is known to play a role in deep-

water adaptation in cichlids64. Previously, we discussed the role of coding variants in rhodopsin

in the early stages of speciation of A. calliptera in the crater Lake Massoko56. The haplotype

genealogy presented here for the broader radiation strongly suggests that the Massoko alleles did

not originate by mutation in that lake but were selected out of ancestral variation (Fig. 6a).

The long wavelength, red-sensitive opsin (LWS) has been shown to play a role in speciation

along a depth gradient in Lake Victoria65. While it is not particularly diverse in Diplotaxodon

and deep benthics, it is interesting to note that Diplotaxodon have haplotypes that are clearly

distinct from those in the rest of the radiation, while the majority of deep benthic haplotypes are

their nearest neighbours (Fig. S21). The short-wavelength opsin SWS1 is among the genes with

high ΔN-S scores but it does not exhibit shared selection between Diplotaxodon and deep benthics

- it is most variable within the shallow benthic group. Finally, the short-wavelength opsins

SWS2A and SWS2B have negative ΔN-S scores in our Lake Malawi dataset and thus are not

among the candidate genes.

There have been many previous studies of selection on opsin genes in fish [e.g. reviewed in 66-

68], including selection associated with depth preference, but having whole genome coverage

allows us to investigate other components of primary visual perception in an unbiased fashion.

We found shared patterns of selection between deep benthics and Diplotaxodon in the

genealogies of six other vision associated candidate genes: a homolog of the homeobox protein

six7, the G-protein-coupled receptor kinase GRK7, two copies of the retinal cone arrestin-C, the

α-subunit of cone transducin GNAT2, and peripherin-2 (Fig. 6a). The functions of these genes

suggest a prominent role of cone cell vision in depth adaptation. The homeobox protein six7

governs the expression of RH2 opsins and is essential for the development of green cones in

zebrafish69. One of the variants in this gene that distinguishes deep benthic and Diplotaxodon is

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just a residue away from the DNA binding site of the HOX domain, while another is located in

the SIX1_SD domain responsible for binding with the transcriptional activation co-factor of

six770 (Fig. S22C). The kinase GRK7 and the retinal cone arrestin-C genes have complementary

roles in photoresponse recovery, where arrestin produces the final shutoff of the cone pigment

following phosphorylation by GRK7, thus determining the temporal resolution of motion

vision71. Note that bases near to the C-terminus in RH2Aβ mutated away from serine (S290Y

and S292G), thus reducing the number of residues that can be modified by GRK7 (Fig. S22B).

The transducin subunit GNAT2 is located exclusively in the cone receptors and is a key

component of the pathway which converts light stimulus into electrical response in these cells72.

The final gene, peripherin-2, is essential to the development and renewal of the membrane

system in the outer cell segments that hold the opsin pigments in both rod and cone cells73.

Cichlid green-sensitive opsins are expressed exclusively in double-cone photoreceptors and the

wavelength of maximum absorbance in cells expressing a mixture of RH2Aβ with RH2B (λmax =

498nm) corresponds to the part of light spectrum that transmits the best into deep water in Lake

Malawi68. Figure 6C illustrates the possible interactions of all the above genes in a double-cone

photoreceptor of the cichlid retina.

Haemoglobin genes in teleost fish are located in two separate chromosomal locations: the minor

‘LA’ cluster and the major ‘MN’ cluster74. The region around the LA cluster has been

highlighted by selection scans among four Diplotaxodon species by Hahn et al.75, who also noted

the similarity of the haemoglobin subunit beta (HBβ) haplotypes between Diplotaxodon and deep

benthic species. We confirmed signatures of selection in the two annotated LA cluster

haemoglobins. In addition, we found that four haemoglobin subunits (HBβ1, HBβ2, HBα2,

HBα3) from the MN cluster are also among the genes with high selection scores (Fig. S22). It

appears that shared patterns of depth selection may be particular to the β-globin genes (Fig.

S22B), although this hypothesis must remain tentative due to the highly repetitive nature of the

MN cluster limiting our ability to confidently examine variation in all the haemoglobin genes in

the region.

A key question concerns the mechanism leading to the similarity of haplotypes in Diplotaxodon

and deep benthics. Possibilities include parallel selection on variation segregating in both groups

due to common ancestry, selection on the gene flow that we described in a previous section, or

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independent selection on new mutations. From considering the haplotype genealogies and fdM

statistics summarizing local patterns of excess allele sharing, there is evidence for each of these

processes acting on different genes. The haplotype genealogies for rhodopsin and HBβ have

outgroup taxa appearing at multiple locations on their haplotype networks, while A. calliptera

specimens also appear at divergent positions (Fig. 6a). This suggests that the haplotype diversity

of these genes may reflect ancient differences in the founders. In contrast, networks for the green

cone genes show patterns more consistent with the Malawi radiation all being derived with

respect to outgroups (or with us not having sampled a source of ancestral variation) and we

found substantially elevated fdM scores extending for around 40kb around the RH2 cluster (Fig.

6d), consistent with adaptive introgression in a pattern reminiscent of mimicry loci in Heliconius

butterflies76. In contrast, the peaks in fdM scores around peripherin-2 and one of the arrestin-C

genes are relatively narrow, with boundaries that correspond almost exactly to the gene

boundaries. Furthermore, these two genes have elevated fdM scores only for non-synonymous

variants Fig. S23, while synonymous variants do not show any excess allele sharing between

Diplotaxodon and deep benthics. Due to the close proximity of non-synonymous and

synonymous sites within the same gene, this suggests that for these two genes there may have

been independent selection on the same de novo mutations.


Genome sequences form the substrate for evolution. Here we have described genome variation at

the full sequence level across the Lake Malawi haplochromine cichlid radiation. We focused on

ecomorphological diversity, representing more than half the genera from each major group rather

than obtaining deep coverage of any particular group. Therefore, we have more samples from the

morphologically highly diverse benthic lineages than, for example, the mbuna where many

species are largely recognised by colour differences.

The observation that cichlids within an African Great Lake radiation are genetically very similar

is not new77, but we now quantify the relationship of this to within-species variation, and the

consequences for variation in local phylogeny across the genome. The observation of within-

species diversity being relatively low for vertebrates, at around 0.1%, suggests that low genome-

wide nucleotide diversity levels do not necessarily limit rapid adaptation and speciation. This

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contrasts with the suggestion that high diversity levels may have been important for rapid

adaptation in Atlantic killifish78. One possibility is that in cichlids repeated selection has

maintained diversity in adaptive alleles for a range of traits that support ecological

diversification, as appears to be the case for sticklebacks79.

We provide evidence that gene flow during the radiation, although not ubiquitous, has certainly

been extensive. Overall, the numerous violations of the bifurcating species tree model suggest

that full phylogenomic resolution of interspecies relationships in this system will require network

approaches (see e.g. ref. 41; section 6.2). However, the majority of the signals affect groups of

species, suggesting events involving their common ancestors, or are between closely-related

species within the major ecological groups. We see only one strong and clear example of recent

gene flow between individual more distantly-related species, not within Lake Malawi itself but

between Otopharynx tetrastigma from crater Lake Ilamba and local A. calliptera. Lake Ilamba is

very turbid and the scenario is reminiscent of cichlid admixture in low visibility conditions in

Lake Victoria80. It is possible that some of the earlier signals of gene flow between lineages we

observed in Lake Malawi may have happened during low lake level periods when the water is

known to have been more turbid30.

Our suggested model of the early stages of radiation in Lake Malawi (Fig. 4f) is broadly

consistent with the model of initial separation by major habitat divergence24, although we

propose a refinement in which there were three relatively closely-spaced separations from a

generalist Astatotilapia type lineage, initially of pelagic genera Rhamphochromis and

Diplotaxodon, then of shallow- and deep-water benthics and utaka [a clade which includes

Kocher’s sand dwellers24,26], and finally of mbuna (Fig. 4f). Thus, we suggest that Lake Malawi

contains three separate haplochromine cichlid radiations, stemming from the Astatotilapia

calliptera riverine generalist lineage, and interconnected by subsequent gene flow.

The finding that cichlid-specific gene duplicates do not tend to diverge particularly strongly in

coding sequences (Fig. 5b) suggests that other mechanisms of diversification following gene

duplications may be more important in cichlid radiations. Divergence via changes in expression

patterns has been illustrated and discussed in ref. 11. Future studies that address larger scale

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structural variation between cichlid genomes will be able to assess the contribution of differential

retention of duplicated genes.

The evidence concerning shared adaptation of the visual and oxygen-transport systems to deep-

water environments between deep benthics and Diplotaxodon suggests different evolutionary

mechanisms acting on different genes, even within the same cellular system. It will be interesting

to see whether the same genes or even specific mutations underlie depth adaptation in Lake

Tanganyika, which harbours specialist deep water species in least two different tribes81 and has a

similar light attenuation profile but a steeper oxygen gradient than Lake Malawi61.

Overall, our data and results provide unprecedented information about patterns of sequence

sharing and adaptation across one of the most dramatic adaptive radiations, providing insights

into mechanisms of rapid phenotypic diversification. The data sets we have generated are openly

available (see Acknowledgements) and will underpin further studies on specific taxa and

molecular systems. Given the extent of shared variation, we suggest that future studies that take

into account variation within as well as between species will be important to help reveal finer-

scale details of adaptive selection.

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Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (097677/Z/11/Z to MM,

WT098051 to RD and HS), the Royal Society-Leverhulme Trust Africa Awards (AA100023 and

AA130107 to MG and GFT) and the European Molecular Biology Organization (ALTF 456-

2016 to MM). Raw sequencing reads are in the Sequence Read Archive: (BioProjects

PRJEB1254 and PRJEB15289: sample accessions listed in Table S4). Whole-genome variant

calls in the Variant Call Format (VCF), phylogenetic trees and protein coding sequence

alignments are available from the Dryad Digital Repository ( RD

declares that he owns stock in Illumina from previous consulting. We want to thank the Sanger

Institute sequencing core for DNA sequencing; Walter Salzburger and Ian Wilson for comments

on the manuscript, and the Tanzania Fisheries Research Institute and the Malawi Government

Fisheries Research Unit for support. EM, GFT, MJG, MM and RD devised the study. GFT and

MJG collected the samples. AMT bred parent-offspring trios and performed geometric

morphometric analyses. MM performed the DNA extractions. HS and MM analyzed the genomic

data. All authors participated in interpretation of the results. MM, HS and RD drafted the

manuscript, and all others commented.
