
The power of identity in the mind of the consumer

Commodity: I Don’t care which one

Brand: I will go out of my way for my preference

A good brand is a product or service who's identity is so strong and desired that people believe there is no substitute.

Branding can be a huge contributor to a company’s bottom line.

brand contribution

Brand Brand Value to overall mkt value

69.6 billion 69%

26.4 billion 71%

29.3 billion 68%

There are so many misconceptions around what a brand really is. Is it…

• A logo?

• Product packaging?

• The image you want to portray

about your company?

• A vague mix of indefinable things?

A brand is something that identifies one seller’s goods & services as being distinct from those of another seller.

But this only touches the surface…

It’s not just what you say, not how you look or what you do. It’s everything that makes you

who you are.

It’s your IDENTITY!

“This is what I am. This is why I exist.

If you agree, if you like me, you can buy me, support me, and recommend me

to your friends.”

-James Heaton

• What makes you who you are?

• What do you stand for?

• What’s your personality?

• What clothes do you wear?

• What foods do you like?

• What do you talk about?

• What do do on your day off?

These things are all part of

your identity– “brand you”

Start by figuring out where you really shine!• What things do you do better than anyone else? • What do you do that no one else can?• Where do you outshine the competition?• In what ways can you set yourself apart from

others in your industry?• Who are you NOT?

All these things should be reflected in:• What you say• How you present yourself• What you do• Who you associate with• You logo and “branding”• Website• Sales processes• etc

Some Principles to consider when Defining your brand. A strong brand is

• Unique• Focused• Remarkable

Unique- can people easily see the difference between you and all the other options available in the market?

Focused- Is the benefit you offer clear and concise? Can your customers easily communicate what makes you different in one sentence in their own words?

Remarkable- Are the things that set you apart things that your ideal customers will get really excited about?

Once you define your brand, apply it to EVERY aspect of your organization• ALL communication & Messaging

• The whole Customer experience

• Employee experience

• Market perception(s)

• The product/ service

• Support

• How interaction with your company makes people feel

He took a long time to respond to my email, I wonder if he’s reliable.

“Wow, this guys looks super creative, I bet

he could help me build my website!”

I’m awesome, hire me!

It’s not what you say about yourself but what others think about you that is the true measure of your brand

As a company, trust is one of the most valuable things you can develop.

The more consistent you are to Your values, the more people trust you.

Not everyone will like you. People may even disagree with your values, but it's important to know the difference between people who just don’t like you and those who are disappointed

People aren't one dimension objects. They have multiple facets. A brand should be characterized by a few clear and specific things, but the way those things are portrayed can vary depending on the audience and venue.

It’s not about always looking exactly the same, but about being consistent to a set of values.

Your organization can benefit from having a unique identity. Having a strong brand isn’t going to win over everyone, but that’s okay,

Would you rather have 10 people willing to do practically anything for you, or 1,000 people who like you, but aren’t devoted enough to lift a finger when you’re in need?

Give people something to be passionate about!