
Why Content Shock is Irrelevant to Nonfiction Authors and Speakers

Some claim content shock is ruining content marketing.

That there’s so much content you’ll never break through the noise.

And it’s true...if you think of content as:

A place to put your sales pitch

An ad buy, like radio or TV

A free source of traffic

The era of easy content for mainstream marketing is

However, if you’re an:

The rules are different. Why?

A place to put your sales pitch

An ad buy, like radio or TV

A free source of traffic

Because our goals are different.

Most marketers view content as a traffic source or for lead gen.

Our industry is full of con-rodents selling reports “worth $2,995” for only $29.95.

Your #1 goal must be to build credibility. Why?

You’ll need to build credibility to pull customers past their learned reluctance to buy information products.

What’s the best way to prove you know what you’re talking about?

By talking about it.


to showcase your knowledge, demonstrate expertise, and build credibility.

It’s the easiest and quickest way.

When you sell information, your free content is your credibility, portfolio, and sales material all in one.

If you’re only after free traffic and backlinks, content shock is a problem.

However, if you’re focusing on building credibility, you aren’t affected in the same way.

Let’s look at the difference in approaches. Mainstream marketers create pieces of content.

They promote them through social media and SEO.

They have a lead magnet to collect email addresses of visitors.

They use an automated funnel to drive sales.

Content shock is damaging that approach as free traffic pools dry up in high-converting niches and visitors become more reluctant to share their email addresses.

BUT if your goal is to build

and demonstrate expertise, you’re not counting on collecting high-converting emails or tons of traffic to compensate for a poor conversion rate. Why?

Because you’re providing genuinely

information and sharing your real


Not because someone told you to create great content for marketing, but because as an

quality information is your business.

Authors and speakers created “content” long before it became a mainstream marketing buzzword, and will do so long after the hype dies.

You build credibility, recognition, and goodwill, which are the primary drivers of book sales and speaking contracts.

You don’t need what a mainstream marketer needs, so you aren’t affected the same way when their methods stop working so well.

Your goal of

is safe from content shock.

So, if you think of content as:

A place to put your sales pitch

An ad buy, like radio or TV

A free source of traffic

You’re in trouble. Content shock is a problem, and you’ll need your wallet to overcome it.

However, if you’re an:

Your goals are different, and your ability to build credibility is not threatened.


about content shock.

Use your content to build

and use the global power of the Internet to prove to the world you really know your subject.

And remember, if you’re an

you have the ultimate advantage of actually being an expert in your subject.


Thanks for reading!

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Do you need help developing and implementing your book or speaker marketing strategy? Hire Longstitch for an in-depth Concept Consult and get started or back on track with your information company today. 337-0594
