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©Kitchen Witch Coaching


Why Diets Don’t Work By Kristi Hyllen, CNC CHHC AADP

Page 2: Why Diet's Don't Work

©Kitchen Witch Coaching


Why Diets Don’t Work

Diets are not sustainable

How long have you been able to stick with a diet? A week? A month? A year? What’s the

likelihood of sticking with a diet for the rest of your life? Think of a diet you’ve tried, say the grapefruit

diet. Would you want to or could you be on that diet forever? And what happens when you go off

the diet? All that weight you lost comes back with a vengeance. 90% of dieters gain back more

weight after ending a diet. Why does that happen? The body sees a diet as a threat to survival, so

during a diet the body slows down metabolism and conserves fat and calories. Once the diet is

over the brain sends out chemicals to increase the appetite and consume more calories thus

increasing weight over and beyond where you started. A diet is a temporary fix that does not create

lasting change and only worsens the problem.

Diets are alienating & depressing

How many times have you declined an invitation for lunch or dinner because the food choices didn’t

match your diet? How many times have you gone out with friends and watched them enjoy

something delicious while you said “No, thank you?” A diet can alienate us from our normal social

activities which in itself is depressing. Dieting also lowers our serotonin levels which are responsible

for those “feel good” feelings produced in the brain. Low serotonin levels create depression which

leads to carbohydrate cravings to raise those serotonin levels.

Diets are stressful & restrictive

Weighing your food, counting points, and figuring out how many calories you’ve eaten is time

consuming and stressful. Following restrictive lists of what to eat and what not to eat disrupts our

appetite controls making us unable to follow our body’s internal signals for hunger, cravings, fullness

and satisfaction. We lose our ability to trust our food instincts and rely on outside sources to tell us

when, where, how and what to eat. Have you ever noticed that once you restrict your food choices

those foods are exactly the ones you become obsessed over? Restricting your food choices

causes depravation and stress to the body. And since the body refuses to be denied, cravings and

cycles of bingeing begin to occur. This explains the empty pint of Ben and Jerry’s.

Diets come with a high cost

Many diets require specialty prepared foods which come at a high price. Eventually living on frozen

meals, packaged bars and replacement shakes will ultimately fail. Why? Because specialty food

diets once again deprive and restrict, alienate and stress the body. The body’s chemistry gets off

balance and the body rebels with binge eating to consume the calories it has been missing.

Diets are not bio-individual

Diets don’t take into account that you are a unique human being unlike any other person in the

world. Your body has its own blueprint, just like your thumb has its own fingerprint, and that

blueprint causes foods to react in your body in a unique precise way. The saying “One [wo]man’s

treasure is another [wo]man’s poison” is completely true. The foods that nourish and sustain my

body may make you sick. Each diet book is actually based on a system of food that works well

based on the individuality and lifestyle of that author. If there are a billion people on the planet, then

there are a billion diets.

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©Kitchen Witch Coaching


What Can You Do Now?

Get rid of all your diet books

Pack them up, put them in a garage sale, take them to a thrift store, or drop them off at your local

library. You don’t need them. They only serve to take you farther away from your own innate

knowledge about what foods are best for your body. And resist the temptation to buy the next New

York Times Bestseller diet book. Like all the diets books of the past, it too will pass into the

graveyard of diet books that reached a moment of fame and then bit the dust.

Stop eating prepackaged foods

Prepackaged foods such as shakes, bars, frozen meals and meals in a box are not food. They are

products of “food” and most don’t even resemble the original food. The majority of them are full of

laboratory-made chemicals, fillers, preservatives, additives, colorants, and the most dubious of all:

natural flavors. There is nothing natural about any of this. Your body wasn’t manufactured in a lab

or a processing plant so why would you eat “food” that was created in that environment?

Eat whole real foods

So what do I mean by this? If it swims, walks on four legs, grows in the ground or on a tree ~ eat it.

Take a journey back in time in your mind right now, before the invention of grocery stores, before

sliced bread, way back to our ancient ancestors. What did they eat? Whatever was available from

Mother Earth: fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, legumes, fish, animal flesh, and animal products. No

Taco Bell, no soda, no green ketchup. Your body is a part of the earth so eat the foods that come

from the earth.

A Special Offer for You

Half off a private hour consultation with me! For the past 20 years I had a dysfunctional relationship with food. I dieted not because I was

overweight, but because when I looked in the mirror I thought I was overweight. My perception of

my body was skewed. I believed that to be loved and accepted, I had to be model skinny. Food

became my obsession and my lover. The mirror became my enemy. Once I stopped the diets and

began to eat whole foods, my life began to magnificently transform. Now I can look in the mirror

without cringing, I can wear sexy clothes and know I am perfect just the way I am. I can walk proud

out into the world and feel loved and accepted for me! You can love what you see in the mirror and

at the same time be your perfect weight while having a healthy relationship with food.

Contact me today for your private consultation focused on YOU and YOUR story around dieting and

food. This offer is only available for 48 hours, so don’t wait ~ a sleek, chic & sexy YOU is waiting!

To register for your consultation, please visit

Mention “Stop Dieting” when you request your consultation for half-price ($57, regular $117)!

Available by phone or Skype.