
why do we exist?

to encourage one another daily to follow in the way of Jesus.

what is our unique call as a church?

We believe that, God has called Kairos to gather together, be formed as

disciples, share how Jesus is working in our

lives, and be sent out to join God’s story.




To approach this call, we are a community committed to:


Knowing the way of Jesus

Through teaching and study, we

engage the Lord’s ways that are

testified to in scripture. We claim

God’s story as our own and ask how

we can continue to live in this way

as we meet the demands of life.



Living in real community

We wrestle in community with vulnerability and honesty, believing that God

works through his people to restore one another from broken sinner into

mature disciple. We seek reconciliation in geographic, political, theological,

economic, and cultural diversity because it deepens our need for Jesus and

broadens our understanding of the Kingdom.




Joining God’s work in the world

We declare Christ will have the final word on this earth.

We know the end of the story so we confidently join in

God’s continuing work of restoration in our families, our

work, our city, and the world. We believe that practicing

the way of Jesus is a purpose not just a preference. We

invite others to join us, knowing that one day God’s

kingdom will be here in full.


why does this matter?

For some mysterious, grace-filled reason, we have been allowed to

see and experience a new reality that comes through

Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. God has called us to

live lives together as witnesses to this reality in every aspect

of our life, and in doing so, we believe we become a

community where the Spirit speaks and acts through

us, the Church. The work of the Spirit in us proclaims

to the world what is to come.


what are the spiritual disciplines we are committed to?

In Acts 2, we see that in order to grow in our relationship with Christ, with one

another, and with Christ’s work in the world we must devote ourselves to:

study of scriptureintimate fellowship with one another

a life of prayerextravagant generosity


As encouragers in the way of Jesus, how do we live out our


We recognize that we are called today by encountering the risen Lord in community, and then in every aspect of life, in small and large way, seeking to love as Jesus loves us.


what do we believe will be the fruit of these efforts?


people will come to claim the new reality of

in their lives and the world

Jesus Christ’s Resurrection


people will be and those stories will be told healed


people’s lives will raise questions from others that can only be answered by sharing the gospel.

something we will do with joy


others will recognize our community as hopeful


people will find their lives intersecting with the poor, marginalized, and the oppressed


people will live lives as followers of Jesus that make Sunday worship something that is needed and looked forward to


leadership is spending more time discerning and praying where our community wants to be generous than we are how we are going to make



people can name who is pouring into them and who they are

pouring into


people are for those in the community, and we are listening and engaging God’s story faithfully enough to share when those

prayers are answered.

praying daily


our community is helping to

disciple our children


our children are the of the church.



people are engaging the with the love of Jesus culture and arts of Atlanta


people feel a vocational call as followers of Jesus


people routinely find themselves around people who claim Jesus as Lord but challenge them to see and experience Jesus in

new and different ways


as people live out their call to follow Jesus, they have a sense of

partnership and togetherness in their specific context (neighborhood, school, work, stage of life)


our lives reflect that Jesus Christ will

defeat the systematic injustices

of our world


Sunday worship continually invites, even demands our community to places of vulnerability and togetherness so that we might fully enter into

thanksgiving, confession, repentance, and the grace-filled

movement of the Spirit.


as a community, we are defined and known for and not what are against.

what we are for
