Page 1: WHY JUST COPE - Anxiety Free · by the accumulation of stress throughout one’s life. This could be from significant traumas, constant small stressful events, or periods of prolonged,



CURE IT?An Effective Drug Free, Body Mind Solution


Page 2: WHY JUST COPE - Anxiety Free · by the accumulation of stress throughout one’s life. This could be from significant traumas, constant small stressful events, or periods of prolonged,

Hi there,

I’m Dr. Dov Phillips, owner of the Inspiring Wellness clinic and writer of the information pack that you now hold in your hands.

A few years ago – while I was working in Melbourne – a client named Ethan came to me for help. Ethan was in bad shape, and had actually only come to see me because his wife pretty much dragged him to my office.

I could see straight away that he desperately needed a hand, and it was a good thing his first appointment with me was the last of the day – we ended up taking an hour longer than scheduled!

Ethan’s anxiety had really gotten the better of him, sinking its hooks into nearly every aspect of his life. At home, in the workplace and even in everyday social situations, keeping it together was a real struggle for him. The smallest things were putting him on edge, making him feel useless, hopeless and really unable to cope. He felt lost and alone, even with his devoted wife beside him.

It was all too much of a strain for him to take.

Though he was very nervous when we started, once our session had ended Ethan turned to me with a look of calm on his face – a change that I’ll never forget – and told me that for the first time in as long he could remember, his mind was finally still. Not only was he no longer anxious, but the pain in his chest and the thumping headache that had followed him around constantly for weeks had also finally lifted.

He didn’t know why the psychiatrist he’d been seeing – for three 45-minute sessions at $350 a go – hadn’t spoken to him about any of the things that we’d discussed. They just wanted to medicate him, he said. I told him that I’d be a little annoyed, too, if I’d spent $1050 to be told almost nothing. Imagine that!

Ethan didn’t want to take drugs to manage his problems, but was on the verge of giving in as he didn’t think there was any other option. That was before his wife took him to see me – and he discovered with a smile that medication really wasn’t the answer.

Now, I didn’t start out working with people who suffered with anxiety as their main concern in life – but more and more often I would see that clients who came to me suffering from back pain or neck pain also had anxiety problems.

Because we at Inspiring Wellness work with both the body and the mind, clients would often tell us that not only was their pain gone, but for the first time in their lives they didn’t feel anxious. As a result of this, I started getting many referrals from past clients who recommended that friends, family and colleagues come to see me for help with their anxiety – even when there was no physical pain involved.

Both my clients and myself saw amazing results almost instantly – results that people I treated simply weren’t getting anywhere else. It very quickly became obvious that even though people suffering with anxiety were trying many different approaches to get rid of it, what we were doing at Inspiring Wellness was simply far more effective for them.

The enjoyment that I got from seeing these amazing results, and helping so many people who truly felt trapped in their lives, led to me focusing more and more on treating anxiety directly – and the more people I help, the more I’m convinced that our approach at Inspiring Wellness is truly the best option available.

So if anxiety is getting you down and standing in the way of the life you know you can have without it, please have a read of this pack... and I have a very special offer waiting for you at the end.

Yours gracefully, Dov Phillips

Our Story 03

Can We Help You? 04

How Do We Help? 06

Anxiety and the Nervous System – How They’re Linked 10

Ignoring the Problem is NOT the Solution 14

Our Treatment – Defeating Anxiety in Phases 18

What Does It Cost? 21

What People Are Saying About TheWellnessShift 22

A Special Offer for YOU 24

About Dov Phillips 26

02 I Contents Our Story I 03

Page 3: WHY JUST COPE - Anxiety Free · by the accumulation of stress throughout one’s life. This could be from significant traumas, constant small stressful events, or periods of prolonged,

Anxiety Anxiety can be a strange beast. Being a general term, you’ll often find two people who suffer from anxiety describing their experiences and struggles as though they’re facing two completely different conditions. However it’s affecting you, we’re fully equipped to help in the majority of cases. Where we can’t solve your problem directly, we’ll know exactly where to refer you to.

Some people have panic attacks while others never get them. Some people shut down in crowded social situations while others struggle more with smaller scale interaction. Some may always have a constant sense of nervousness or worry, while others think they’re doing just fine until, out of the blue, they’re sweating... or caught in a full-blown panic attack.

But no matter the trigger, these are all cases of anxiety. The majority of anxiety problems are actually caused by the accumulation of stress throughout one’s life. This could be from significant traumas, constant small stressful events, or periods of prolonged, intense stress.

It can, on occasion, arise from a number of medical conditions, for example pernicious anaemia or coeliac disease, or even head trauma or drug use and withdrawal.

Anxiety is also common in people suffering from mental illness – though it is important to note that I do not believe that anxiety, in most of the cases that we come across, is a mental illness in itself. Rather, it’s a nervous system phenomenon. This is a key factor in your recovery, and I’ll tell you more about that later in this pack.

Anxiety is most commonly broken up into four sub-categories. These are:

o Social Anxiety

o Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

o Panic Attack

o Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

04 I Can We Help You? Can We Help You? I 05

Another sub-category of anxiety is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). We have had great results in the past in treating people with OCD, but currently choose only to work with people whose OCD is in a very mild form. If you aren’t quite sure whether you fit into this category, or any of the four above, just get in touch with us and ask. We’re here to help.

Additional symptoms

When you’re suffering from anxiety, you often find that it comes with other symptoms, including:

o Insomnia

o Depression

o Negative self esteem and self confidence

o Communication breakdown in relationships

We also get astounding results with these.

We’ve turned around the lives of countless people, who we’ve helped get off of their sleeping medication or antidepressants – which weren’t really working for them... but they kept taking them, regardless, because they needed to feel like they were doing something. This is one of the most rewarding parts of my job at Inspiring Wellness, for a number of reasons.

Spending every day drowsy or numb in order to overcome the problem is just trading symptoms for symptoms... it isn’t a solution, and simply makes life harder. When this changes and you see the person who was once struggling, relying on drugs just to cope, transform into someone who is thriving, living life with energy and drive – a sparkle in their eye again – well, it’s extremely rewarding, to say the least.

We’d love to help you make that transformation next.

Our focus at Inspiring Wellness is on helping you discover real life strategies that you can use to achieve immediate progress. If you’re suffering from one of the above conditions, you’ll find that we get exceptional results with all of them!

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06 I How Do We Help? How Do We Help? I 07

Drip by drip the glass is filled with life’s stresses and traumas... and then flows over.

One of the main reasons that other practitioners don’t have much success in treating anxiety is that they only address the symptoms, not the cause. They’re more concerned with managing the overflow outside of the glass than they are with getting the glass empty again – stopping it from flowing over in the first place.

While drugs can help to slightly lessen the effects of anxiety by taking the edge off, they don’t do anything to tackle the root cause – to lower the level inside of the glass. The glass is still full, the water still dripping in... but you are kept unaware of this terrible situation. They are by no means a solution, and sadly, as toxins, they also place extra stresses on the body – they need to go through an elimination system (mainly the liver), adding yet more drips in the process!

Getting into a positive wellness mindset is very beneficial for dealing with stress, and is an important factor in recovery, but this makes up only about 15% of what we do (though it is vital). The reason that we keep it such a small part is due to the fact that when the glass is full – the body and mind stuck in survival mode – it leads to thinking that is defensive and reactive in nature.

The first experience of anxiety can be a terrifying one if it manifests as a panic attack – though this is not the case for all anxiety sufferers – and makes for a compounding problem... the fear of having another panic attack creating even more stress to add to the glass. When this happens, a cycle begins, leading to constant overflow and a permanently “on” fight or flight reaction – permanent anxiety!

How Do We Help?

Many people are (rightly) skeptical of trying new things, when so much has already let them down in the past. Yet even though many people walk into our practice with a healthy amount of skepticism, they walk out with a sense of hope. Here’s why we’re truly different, and our approach so powerful.

The experience of anxiety is the body being in “fight or flight” survival mode. When in survival mode, we operate from a different part of the brain than we do normally. This creates the sensations and effects that we label as anxiety.

The way that I like to think of it is imagining your body as an empty glass. A glass only has so much capacity for storing water, much like our bodies only have so much capacity for stress. If we pour too much water into the glass, it’s going to overflow -- and the same is true for our bodies and stress.

If we, in our daily lives, let our stress build up to that overflow point, the symptoms of anxiety will begin to manifest. For many people, this experience can seem to come out of nowhere – completely at random – and we’re often unaware of exactly what triggered it.

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The brain is hard-wired to protect you when you’re under threat, and when in survival mode it’s like you’re walking around with a constant shield held up, ready to react to whatever may go wrong and defend yourself at the smallest perceived provocation. You may know how you should really be thinking and acting, but your body is constantly screaming “Danger!”.

We work with both the body and the mind (your complete physiology), to develop a healthier mindset and help you to become more resourceful, resilient and powerful. When the nervous system calms down and your thinking comes back from that defensive, reactive realm to its open, creative and proactive self, you’ll feel calm and at peace once again.

08 I How Do We Help? How Do We Help? I 09

It is, of course, a specific process that needs to be followed in order to get to this point – to regain your freedom of mind – but it doesn’t take as long as you might think... especially if, like many of our clients, you’ve been suffering from anxiety for decades.

After helping hundreds of people break free from anxiety, I brought together a collection of my most powerful techniques – the ones that most consistently delivered great results – and created this process for people to undergo that changes not only their thinking, but how their bodies behave as well.

Y o u can’t easily shift

your thinking patterns if your body and nervous system is stuck in

this defensive mode – because you aren’t truly in control. Rational thought is hijacked,

redirected by the brain’s total focus on survival.

This is why we’re different, here at Inspiring

Wellness. We get right to the cause – the nervous

system being stuck in a defensive pattern

due to accumulation of stress. We release

this built-up stress and provide new,

healthy strategies to keep it

gone for good.

The reason that I call it this is because when people undergo this 7-step process, it’s like they have a complete shift in the way they think and feel. It’s based upon principles of physiology, neurology, psychology and behavioural change, and will help you discover your own philosophy of life... and the blueprint for realising the potential that you know you have.

Being aware of TheWellnessShift is the first step in the process – so you’re already moving forward.

Anxiety truly can be a thing of the past. Are you ready to regain your freedom?

By working directly with the nervous system, we make real change.

I call it TheWellnessShift.

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10 I Anxiety and the Nervous System Anxiety and the Nervous System I 11

Anxiety and the Nervous System – How They’re Linked

The nervous system controls all other systems in your body – for example, if you want to lift your arm to pick up a rock, your brain sends a signal down your spinal cord and out at the level of your neck. This goes through your shoulder and down to your arm muscles, where it sends the appropriate instructions for chemicals to be released and the required muscles to relax and contract.

If you feel the need to go to the bathroom, a signal comes from your bladder, up through the spinal cord and into a part of the brain that registers the message. The nervous system regulates and controls all of our hormones, emotions, digestive functions, heart, lungs and everything else.

Most of the functions of the nervous system are unconscious, automatic. We don’t have to think about breathing, for example, or concentrate on keeping our heart beating. These things happen by themselves, controlled by a part of the nervous system called the “Autonomic Nervous System” (ANS).

This has two parts: Parasympathetic and Sympathetic. These are two different collections of nerves that travel to the same body parts, but have opposite functions.

Parasympathetic – Rest and Digest Sympathetic – Fight or Flight

When you are relaxed and at ease.

The parasympathetic system tells the heart to slow down, breathing to settle and blood vessels to widen.

In a dangerous situation, you can have only a split second to react if you are to survive.

The sympathetic nervous system takes over, sending signals to the heart to pump faster, more blood to divert to your muscles and adrenaline to dump into your bloodstream.

It puts your body on alert, ready to take whatever action is necessary to escape the danger.

Just like a see-saw, when one of these sides is up, the other is down. When

stress responses are taking place and the sympathetic nervous system is

active, the parasympathetic, responsible for being relaxed, is subdued.

The built-in survival mechanism that the sympathetic nervous system gives us is a fantastic, and effective, short term response. As soon as the stressful situation is resolved, the parasympathetic division should take over once more and return us to a relaxed state...

... but if we’re in an environment where we are continually stressed, our bodies remain stuck in the responsive sympathetic mode – we cannot become relaxed.

When stressed for an extended period of time, the “plastic” nature of the nervous system leads to undesirable changes. When you continuously have a certain experience – such as being stressed or anxious – it becomes much easier to have this response again and again. The brain becomes used to it, and adapts so that it can more quickly and easily move into that mode.

Just like a bodybuilder uses repetition to condition and develop their muscles towards performing a certain function – lifting heavy weights – when repeatedly exposed to stressful situations, your nervous system conditions itself to always expect to have to respond immediately.

Similarly, imagine learning to play a chord on guitar for the first time – it’s clumsy, awkward... but practice makes perfect. After repeating it many times, playing that chord becomes effortless. The same is true of your nervous system – it adapts and rewires.

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Simply put, if you have encountered many individual stressful situations, or prolonged periods of stress, then you are more likely to become hypersensitive.

Pretty great when learning to play guitar, but not so much when it’s an anxious response.

When this adaptation happens, you become “hypersensitive” – you get anxious very easily, and even the smallest of things that interrupt your basic, relaxed state can have you feeling anxious over and over again.

This is why many people suffering from anxiety report that they

always feel on edge – like they’re always “switched on”.

This can be especially true for people with traumatic histories, having grown up in a dangerous or unsupportive environment. Stressed parents, domestic violence or abuse during childhood and adolescence are very common causes of anxiety disorders.

Your nervous system adapts, and it can have a very strong negative impact on your life.

Connecting the dots – the body and the mind

So, let’s connect a few dots here. When we’re stressed or anxious for long periods of time, our nervous system becomes conditioned for hypersensitivity. We’re more likely to remain locked in a state of “fight or flight”, and two things happen:

1. Our bodies go into tension, maintaining a sustained, defensive pattern. 2. Our thinking becomes alert, reactive and defensive.

This shows that the accumulation of stress first affects our bodies, and then has a knock on effect on our minds – producing feelings of anxiety. This then feeds back from us into our environment, creating a negative sphere where we continually cycle in a stressful mode – we’re stuck in a nasty negative feedback loop.

The effect on the mind proves a difficult, but crucial, challenge to overcome. Because the part of your brain that is most active is the defensive/reactive part, it can be hard to make a change in your thought process and avoid falling back to older habits and behaviour. Even if you know what you should be doing or thinking, you can’t seem to stop from doing the opposite – you’re trapped in this disempowering state.

This is why it is vitally important to work with the nervous system – to release the tension anchored there in order to let the nervous system feel safe again. When this happens, you move from primarily using the mid brain (the defensive part) and on to the prefrontal lobe – where self-awareness and personality are the driving functions. In short, you’re “you” again – reconnected to reason and judgment, and once more able to see through the fog.

Real change can not only be easy, but it can also be enjoyable. First, though, we need to feel safe – and this only happens when the nervous system is addressed. I believe this to be the major “missing link” in most anxiety therapies that fail – and why our results are so consistently outstanding.

12 I Anxiety and the Nervous System Anxiety and the Nervous System I 13

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14 I Ignoring the Problem is NOT the Solution Ignoring the Problem is NOT the Solution I 15

The cost of trying to live with anxiety

is huge – because that cost is the

very enjoyment of your life.

When a new client comes to see me, I often ask them what it is that has driven them to do something about their problems now. The answer is always that not doing anything for so long has caused such a build-up of pain that it is seriously affecting their life.

They’ve realised that not taking action is leading down a path they don’t want to tread – one where being able to have the life they want is in serious jeopardy.

Quite recently I actually had a client who, before he came to see me, was so anxious and stressed that he decided to head off for a 10-day holiday in Fiji with his wife. Did it help? No.

It didn’t help because, unconsciously, he took his anxiety with him. Wherever he went, it came with him, and nothing seemed to lessen it – even taking time off from work was no good, as he’d just get more stressed about the increased workload that was waiting for him when he returned.

You can gather from this that his anxiety wasn’t just caused by stress in his life at the present moment, but stress which had accumulated, and continued to accumulate, over time. He spent thousands of dollars on this holiday, sincerely hoping that it would help him – but lying on a

beach and doing nothing will not reset the core of the problem: the nervous system.

It might calm it temporarily, sure, but once you return to normal life and into the same old behaviours and thinking patterns, your nervous system will go right back to its heightened state.

A client once said to me, “You only live once, and I have lived my whole life in fear. I really want to be able to live life and actually enjoy it just for once.” The effects of untreated anxiety can’t be put any more succinctly than that.

Think for a moment about what your anxiety has already cost you. If there was a solution available that could bring all of that back, what would you be willing to do for it? To see real results, and take back your life?

Making Excuses Only Makes it Worse

There are people who work in the same building as me who know they need help with their anxiety. To them, however, they’re simply too busy – a common pattern in the cycle of anxiety. The excuse of time is an easy one to rely on; it allows you to avoid making getting help a priority.

For them, life will steadily get a little worse with each passing year... but often, people just accept it as the natural way of things. In truth, they simply need to take a small amount of time out from their lunch break to come down in the elevator and see me. Their life would transform – but the excuse of time always feels like the easiest option.

Others are so devoted to getting ahead in their professions or making as much money as possible that they completely ignore the stress and unhappiness that it places on them. I would never judge anyone for doing this, but I do find it fascinating. If you don’t value your health then you won’t have it... and when you start to lose it, you’ll be forced to value it. A very difficult position that paying just a small amount of attention to the needs of your body and mind can easily prevent.

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In fact, I have clients that travel from Hamilton for weekly sessions – yet people from upstairs in my building struggle to make the time. I've had people fly from wider parts of the country for help – which is, of course, a struggle for them as they can't do that on a regular basis – yet we've seen some amazing transformations together.

16 I Ignoring the Problem is NOT the Solution

The most amazing success story I have to tell is of a man who flew all the way from Saudi Arabia and spent two weeks in New Zealand, having sessions twice a day. This man travelled so far, and did so much, because all of the things he had already tried – and all of the people he’d already seen – had not been able to help him.

But we did.

Ignoring the Problem is NOT the Solution I 17



Some people just don't like the idea of travelling into the city for their treatment – focusing too much on their discomfort and uncertainty than on the life-changing benefits that they stand to gain. This is easily rectified by having a friend or family member accompany you on the first visit, and we do recommend this for people suffering particularly severe anxiety.

We've had many people just like this come to us for help – a close friend or family member at their side – and end up walking away in the end with all of the strength and excitement that their new-found access to a whole wider world gives them.

It's also easy to make the excuse of money – of cost. Sometimes, people who need help immediately tell themselves that they simply can't afford it... even before they know the cost, or discover that the process is actually very time efficient and affordable – certainly comparable to many of the other, less effective options out there.

The common thread in all of our success stories – those people now happily free from anxiety, back in charge and living the lives they want to live – is that they refused to make excuses. They refused to fall back on easy justifications like time and money over taking back control of their lives.

An excuse creates an illusion of safety – an unconscious, short term strategy that has a temporary effect... but terrible consequences. Our resistance to change lets us do our best to try and ignore the anxiety, to distract ourselves from it, but eventually it just gets worse.

No matter how inconvenient getting help may be, making quick, easy, short-term excuses is never the solution – change has to be made now, or excuses will continue to be made forever.

And once, like the many success stories that I've told you about, you experience the happiness and power that comes with ridding your life of anxiety... you'll wonder how these simple excuses ever felt like fair justification for not taking action.

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18 I Our Treatment – Defeating Anxiety in Phases Our Treatment – Defeating Anxiety in Phases I 19

One of the most remarkable things about our approach to treatment here at Inspiring Wellness is that clients can often feel the change in their body and mind from the very first session.

Calmness, less physical tension, ease of breath, improved body awareness and a focused, still mind are often reported almost instantly – which can be quite astonishing to some!

These feelings after the first session usually last around a day. For some it can be a week, and for others 10 minutes, but how long it lasts isn’t important at this early stage. What is important is that we’re already making steps towards getting the nervous system out of that permanent fight or flight response. From there, we move into what we call Growth Physiology.

In this stage, there is much to do. We have to teach your body how to be aware of when it is going into a tense, defensive response mode, and become conscious of your physical and emotional triggers – how your thinking affects your body, and vice versa.

You will learn strategies to become aware of these, and how to react to situations in a different way – with calmness and ease rather than stress and tension.

How long it will take to free you completely from your anxiety is a matter of personal circumstance. While most people feel change from the very first session, lasting improvement takes a different length of time from person to person.

In broader terms, there are three stages to treatment:

1. Reset the Nervous System

Here, we take your body out of the stuck fight or flight mode, or make it less sensitive by releasing the tension embedded in the spine and nervous system. This frees the body and mind from its anxiety trap – a truly fantastic and liberating part of the process. You’ll be surprised at just how much progress you can make in such a short time at this stage.

The process normally takes around 3 months. At the end, you’ll be astounded by the way you feel compared to how you felt at the beginning – less tense, stressed, anxious and reactive. I call this first step the Discover Step, because you’re discovering what is going on with your body and mind on a deeper level than you thought possible...

Discovering the things that are causing you to become anxious, and learning the negative patterns that are unconsciously driving you to remain “stuck”... and, even better, discovering how to let go of all of this – to make lasting change and move to healthier, more positive behaviours and perceptions.

2. Reorganise

Now we move on from what we learnt in the Discover Step. At this point, your body has already built strategies for letting go of tension and stress. You won’t feel as anxious, but you will still perceive yourself as an anxious person – so this is where we start to build your new, more resilient sense of self.

This is an equally amazing part of the process – where the real transformation happens, and you go from being perpetually scared to finding and exploring your confidence in the world; from being tentative to feeling stronger, more powerful, with a boosted sense of belief in yourself.

You move from fear of the future to an outlook based on trust, confidence and ambition. The maze of life becomes an open road. At this point, your family, friends and colleagues are going to notice the powerful changes in you... and by the end, you will have discovered the key to being anxiety free.

Most people make it to the end of this stage at the 6 month mark. If you are serious about becoming, and remaining, anxiety-free, you should aim to fully complete step 2.

3. Optimise

This is where we help you to find the “gift” in anxiety. Reading this, this stage might sound quite cryptic, or seem like a silly idea... but it really is an amazing part of our practice and extremely rewarding for clients who choose to continue on with the third phase.

Since it isn’t completely crucial in initially becoming free from anxiety, we won’t go into full details on this phase in this pack – but if you’re interested in knowing more, simply ask about it when you pop into the clinic or give us a call.

That’s why it is essential that we have an initial meeting in order to gauge your level of stress, your history, how your body responds on an individual level and what level of awareness you already do or do not have.

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20 I Our Treatment – Defeating Anxiety in Phases What Does It Cost? I 21

How Often Do You Need to Attend?

In order to break you out of your anxious patterns and teach your nervous system the new behaviours that it needs, we ask you to come in quite frequently in the beginning. For the best, and quickest, results you should come in 3 times a week for the first 2 weeks. This is enough to jump-start you down the path to massively increasing your quality of life.

Think of it like the early days of going to the gym to lose weight or increase your fitness level. You might walk away from a good gym session feeling positive and accomplished – the natural effects of the endorphin rush that exercise gives you – but in the medium and long term, frequency and consistency is key to actually making improvement.

A single workout may feel good, but if you only show up once a week to hit the machines, you aren’t going to encourage lasting change in your body. You aren’t going to see the results you’d like.

Our work at Inspiring Wellness is much the same – except we’re working with the nervous system and not the musculoskeletal. The good news is that the nervous system does learn and adapt faster, so it’s nowhere near the effort required to drop those pounds at the gym!

This extra dedication in the beginning makes a massive difference for the rest of your treatment, which we’ll ask you to come in twice a week for normally around 3 - 6months (depending on your goals). With the sessions being only 30 minutes each, TheWellnessShift is an incredibly effective and time-efficient process.

What Does It Cost?

The cost of our remarkable anxiety treatment at Inspiring Wellness is comparable to that of a psychologist or therapist. The price varies from $114 to $225 a week – the lower price offered to those who are committed to a 6 month care plan (and, not surprisingly, the ones who always get the best results). I do ask most people to commit to a couple of weeks at least, in order to get the best idea of whether this particular treatment is right for them.

Individual sessions cost $75 each on a casual basis, so it’s even affordable if you just want to come in for a couple of sessions or a couple of weeks to see if the process is a great fit for you.

It’s important to note that the first session is priced at $150. During it we explore some of the biggest obstacles in your way – those stubborn blocks that are keeping you stuck in anxious patterns. We’ll map out your treatment plan, lighting the path from where you are now to where you want to be, and get straight to work making you feel the best you’ve felt in a long time.

And don’t forget about the special offer that I have waiting for you once you get to the end of this pack...

It’s no wonder that so many people describe their first session as “life changing” – walking out of the door with a renewed sense of hope... the knowledge that they can finally be free.

You can’t put a price on that.





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22 I What People Are Saying About TheWellnessShift What People Are Saying About TheWellnessShift I 23

“I had been struggling for a long time. I was always tired and bored. I would explore different options in life and always felt either anxious or bored at the idea of choosing a path. I felt like I was in a dark room, not knowing which door to choose, whether or not to turn on a light...

Now I feel like I have the power and ability to do what I want in life. It’s like someone has shown me I do have the choice to open any door or turn on any light I want. He taught me that I don’t need to be afraid of my life anymore. I will always be grateful for his help.”

- Isabelle

“I can’t express how grateful I am, how happy I am, and how positive I am about my life. I share my experience with everyone around me, because I believe that everyone deserves to feel this way. In fact, I’m sad that so many people DON’T feel this way. I just wish there were more ways to share the joy that you, and Inspiring Wellness, have given me.

You’ve changed my life, even saved my life (not in the literal sense, but in the sense of the life that I’m living), and I will be forever grateful. Thank you so much, for everything.”

- Kristy

“What I liked about you straight away was that you talked to me like a real person – not a patient. Not a mentally ill person. Just another person who needed some help. And your goal for me was 100% more aspirational than my GP’s goal for me (which I’m pretty sure was just to get me quiet enough to stop coming back to see them...).”

- Emma

“I have only been seeing Dov for three weeks now and WOW, what a difference! I have had such a social last couple of weeks (which I don’t normally enjoy too much) and the most amazing thing is that I have not had any anxiety and panic attacks, or even the fear of having any!!!!

For anyone who is reading this and suffers from the same thing, mate, what are you waiting for – you just will not regret the decision. It has been the best gift I have ever spent on myself.”

- Rachel McLean

“Before meeting Dov I had tried many other approaches to work through the anxiety, most of which suppressed it just increasing the fear. Meeting with Dov was different.

His connectedness, optimism, understanding, belief in me and non-judgmental approach – combined with regular NSA and many practical strategies assisted me greatly in shifting the beliefs and thought patterns that had taken over my life.

If you have the opportunity to cross paths with this inspiring man, be prepared because your life will never be the same again.”

- Vanessa Crozier

“Look out…I am absolutely on fire!My vision of the future is so much clearer and as I move forward with this clarity I notice a higher level of self belief, attitude and results.Thank you so much, you are a vital part of my life.”

- Dave Lucas

“For years I was suffering from anxiety and low self-esteem. I had tried medication and therapy but had limited success with those methods.

Through Dov and the NSA care I now see the brighter side of life and I am much more prepared to deal with the challenges that life presents, when in the past these challenges would get me down. My self esteem has improved and I am looking forward to exploring new opportunities and interests this year, when in the past I wouldn’t have had the courage to do so. Can’t thank you enough, Dov.”

- Chris H.

“In the short time I have been going to Dov I have noticed a marked improvement in my ability to cope with stress, change and general day-to-day issues. Previous issues with both balance and headaches have also lessened. The techniques he has taught me have been invaluable. Dov takes a genuine interest in his patients and their well being and I have the utmost respect for him both professionally and personally.”

- Andy

“Dov is one of a kind! You can feel his positive energy as soon as you meet him for the first time. I was in a pretty bad space mentally when I first met Dov but he quickly helped me get better. I look forward to every appointment because every time I leave his office I leave feeling calm and happy!”

- Alex Stojkovic


Here you can read some feedback that we’ve received from just a few of our many amazing clients – all of them now tackling life with the energy and positivity that they always dreamed of!

“I’ve struggled with various difficulties such as depression, insomnia, binge eating, anxiety and low self-esteem. I have felt positive effects on all of these symptoms, and many aspects have completely dissolved.

The amazing thing is that the changes are sustainable because Dov goes straight to the root and unearths that, not just treating the isolated symptoms. Of all the health and healing practitioners I’ve felt the effects of Dov’s work to be the most effective and lasting. The joy and excitement of life is beginning to shine through again, and I can’t thank Dov enough for his heartfelt, expert care.”

- Jamie Henderson

Page 13: WHY JUST COPE - Anxiety Free · by the accumulation of stress throughout one’s life. This could be from significant traumas, constant small stressful events, or periods of prolonged,

As a very special offer for taking the time to read this information pack, I would like to invite you into our clinic to request your FREE 20-minute consultation session, where we will give you a “taster” experience – allowing you to make a fully informed decision as to whether Inspiring Wellness is for you, in a completely pressure-free environment.

It would be a terrible thing if you didn’t give our process a try simply because you weren’t sure if it was a good fit for you – and end up forcing yourself to endure yet more years living with the burden of anxiety.

That’s a painful thought to me – I truly love helping people to transform their lives, and I would truly love for our next success story to be you.

So much can happen in this free 20-minute session. I’ve seen lives begin to turn around in just that short time, so this is no throwaway offer. You need to experience TheWellnessShift in order to fully understand it... and that’s exactly why I’d like to give you this unmissable opportunity.

24 I A Special Offer For YOU A Special Offer For YOU I 25


Ultimately, the question is this:

Do you want to be free from anxiety?

If you really do, then just get in touch through one of these methods and let us know that you’d like to book your free consultation:

Email us at: [email protected] with the subject line “request free 20min consult”.

Call us on: 0800 239 355

Don’t put it off... because every day you do, is a missed day of your brighter future.

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26 I About Dov Phillips About Dov Phillips I 27

My “how-to” book on wellness.I’ve written a book that includes insights my clients gained during our conversations that led to profound changes in their lives. It’s called “Wellness words: How to think, speak and feel great” and it gives you the tools to create powerful, lasting change.

By becoming aware of what you say and how you say it, you learn how to speak, act, feel and think exactly the way you want to.

“I Love My Life”I remember the first time I thought how great it would be able to say that and believe it – and less than a year from thinking that thought, I find myself saying this on a regular basis. Not in some affirmation type way but a feeling and thought that just bubbles up. I love being a Kiwi, our beaches, the outdoors, simply going for night walks with a friend, surfing, skiing, camping.

I also love being Dad to my 5-year-old son, Noah, and to our newest arrival, Zev who just turned 1. And I love my Wife Joy, who is actively involved here as our Practice Manager.

Laugh your way to wellness!Comedy is another big passion of mine. I’ve belonged to an Improv theatre group, I’ve performed in the comedy festival a few years in a row, plus I’ve done stand-up on a few occasions. Adding humor and a playful approach (where appropriate) into the process makes it more enjoyable for me and also for my clients who tell me that they look forward to their sessions.


–Dov Phillips

I understand how meeting someone new and starting a new program can make you feel a little uneasy. So I want to open up to you here and now, so you can get a feel for what I’m like personally and how I see the world.

I’ve been nicknamed “Dr. Happy.”That’s because I’m naturally a very upbeat, positive-minded person. I feel blessed to be alive and experiencing this amazing world of ours.

Yes, I’m also well aware of all the negativity, pain and suffering out there. But these things can be overcome. I find great joy in helping people gain insights and achieve major transformations in their lives.

People with anxiety say I have a calming effect.My heart goes out to everyone who is anxious, I see the pain it causes people and I get that for you, to come in and to explore if this might work for you takes courage, it can be very challenging, so when you come in for the first time I see you as courageous.

I naturally gravitated to wellness and our ability to change and improve our lives. From as early as a young teen I can remember being fascinated that we can do things to improve our lives, that almost anything you want to improve, you can as it comes down to being a learnable skill – often found in self help books. I have come across a lot of amazing tools; the best few have made their way into how I practice and how I help people.

I have a degree in Chiropractic, saying that I have never really practiced as a traditional chiropractic – never manipulated one joint since I graduated. But I can tell you I learnt a LOT about the nervous system, the body’s ability to heal and make change and found my mentor who only teaches his work to chiropractors. The work I do is inspired out of a discipline that has evolved out of chiropractic. And the way I practice is NOT a chiropractic clinic but rather a Wellness and Personal Transformation clinic.

I also have a degree in pharmacology. Which probably has something to do with the fact I don’t think we should medicate anxiety as our first attempt to deal with it.

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Inspiring Wellness68 Albert St. (Corner of Albert and Wyndham St.,

above Hollywood Bakery)Level 1 Wherescape Towers

Auckland 1010