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Page 1: Why KiKi...Buzz2009

Why KiKi?

Page 2: Why KiKi...Buzz2009

Who is KiKi, anyway?

KiKi is a seeker of knowledge & inspiration. She is a friend to the cause. She is a fighter. She is a peacemaker. She hates bullets...yes, even these. KiKi is.

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Started her organization's first podcast Created successful online communities for chapters, sections and now for the entire membership's technical divisions Instructed her Marketing Department & Meetings Department on using social media for meetings Plays well with her association social media peers Loves this stuff!

The Resume

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KiKi's dreams of attending Buzz2009 with all the cool kids is

threatened by the tormented economy...

a thunderstorm on her parade.

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You Can Make the Right Decision

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Twitter: @kikilitalien Blog: Acronym Soup