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Why Scrum Works

Camelia Codarcea

Cofounder AgileHub Consultant, Trainer, (Agile) Coach

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Why Scrum Works ?

Bring the biological perspective over Scrum and the reason it works.

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Why Scrum Works ?First it was the talk about “Agility and Life”.

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Why Scrum Works ?Then it was the talk about bringing a new view over agility

in IT teams.

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Why Scrum Works ?

The Third step in this journey is sharing my view on WHY Scrum Framework works,

beyond theory.

Classic Scrum Theory has become cliché – I hear it being easily mentioned too many times and slowly it doesn’t have any effect anymore.

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Why Scrum Works ?

Have you heard the phrase that people who are happy can work better?

There are companies that create environments where people feel safe to:

• give and receive feedback• respect and appreciate the effort other give

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Why Scrum Works ?

Ex: Book “The happiness Advantage” – Shawn Achor

The book is based on a course taught at Harvard.

The first time the course was taught, 1000 students were in the lecture room, proving that:

“those students were there because they were HUNGRY. Hungry to be happy, not sometime in the future, but in the present.“

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Why Scrum Works ?


1) Doctors who were induced a happiness state before giving a diagnosis, proved to have three times more intelligence and creativity that those who were in a neutral state, and could give the diagnosis three times faster.

2) Students who were in a happiness state did better in mathematics tests than those in a neutral state.

WHAT does “happiness” actually mean?

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Why Scrum Works ?

WHAT does “happiness” actually mean?

Apparently there are some specific factors that create the “happiness state”.

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Why Scrum Works ?Ex: “Leaders Eat Last” – Simon Sinek

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Endorphin:• secreted in response to pain or stress in order to ward off anxiety and depression.• helps in creating a state of euphoria.• gives us endurance, resilience because it masks pain. Recommendations:• regular physical exercises.• laughter and anticipation of an entertaining event. • black chocolate and spicy food favor the secretion of endorphins.

Positive effects – “good” substances

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Dopamine:• motivates action towards a goal, desire or need.• is secreted when determining the scope, planning the actions for a scope and when you reach your desired goal.• its absence leads to procrastination and lack of enthusiasm.

Recommandations:• breaking the smaller goals into smaller pieces. • celebrating after reaching each intermediate step.

Positive effects – “good” substances

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Serotonin:• secreted when we feel important and valued.• helps restful sleep, regulate appetite, helps memory and learning.• its absence makes teenagers join violent groups, employees gossiping, be verbally aggressive and selfish.

Recommandations:• reflecting on results / achievements of the past.• thinking/ visioning/ imagining some future positive results. • min 20 min exposure to sunlight (UV rays produce vitamin D and serotonin).

Positive effects – “good” substances

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Oxytocin:• increases the ability to solve problems, increase the productivity• secreted in response to trust, physical touch, intimacy.• favors fidelity and monogamy.• reduce risk of cardiovascular disease and improves the immune system.

Recommandations:• creation of healthy relationships based on trust and honesty.• make small acts of generosity, help the others. Do nice things fro others that require time and energy.• physical contact (hugs better than handshakes).• in the absence of a partner, family or friends, adopt an animal: dog, cat (doesn't work with the fish in the aquarium)

Positive effects – “good” substances

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Why Scrum Works ?

Endorphin• Endurance• Resilience• Euphory


Serotonin• Importance, value• Collaboration• Respect

Oxytocin• Trust• Generocity• Productivity

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Why Scrum Works ?Dophamine




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“any problem can be traced down because somebody did not tell someone something”

Another problem is that every step takes too long, each person works very much isolated in their ownphase and too little with others.

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See you for the 4th episode of these

series!Camelia [email protected]