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Marketing Magic SecretSauce

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Wickedly Smart Marketing Magic Secret Sauce - That Will Sky

Rocket Your Bottom Line Results!

Marketing: Grabs Attention Through Interest and Intrigue, and Entertains Your Audience - to Deliver “Results” that Fulfills an Immediate or Latent Need.~Mary Simon / MatchedMedia

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You Must First Explore What Is “Needed” by Your Audience

Create A Solution To Fulfill – The Need!

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Craft the Right Message that Supports What Needs to Be Communicated to Your Audience

Share Offerings

That Have Distinct “VALUE” For Prospects, Customers, and Partners

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To Satisfy The Needs

Of Your Target Market -

At A Profit!

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Marketing Identifies Unfulfilled Needs

and Desires

It Defines, Measures, and Quantifies The Size Of Your Market, and The Profit Potential

Marketing Is:The Right Message,To The Right Market

And Through The Right Media

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Marketing, Connects and Engages With Your Target Audience

Enhancing Deeper and More Meaningful and Lasting Relationships

The Noisy World of Media Complicates Marketers’ Capability To Connect at a Deep Level, Yet At The Same Time - Presents Incredible Opportunity To Produce New Stomping Grounds

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Marketing Is An Ongoing Share Of Communication, With Prospects and Customers In A Way That…

Educates and Develops

And Strengthens Relationships and Trust Over Time!

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The Right Marketing – Attracts Prospects and Customers, and Intrigues Them To Your Brand, and Gives You An Opportunity To Share Your Offers With Them to Intensify an Ongoing Relationship

Marketing Is The Process Of - Telling Your Story, To Attract Prospects and Customers, and To Leave a First and

“Lasting” Impression!

Marketing When Done Right, Deepens Each Relationship With Shared Value, and Two-Way Communication - To Boost The “Circle of Trust” and Nurture The “Customer Lifecycle”

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Marketing Is Not a Department – It Is the Total Sum Of “Integrity of Your Business” ~ Mary Simon / Matched Media

Effective Marketing Amplifies Relationships and Inspires Trust. It Is

Not “Push” or “Pull.” It Is Equal - Give and Take!

The Golden Key To Powerful Marketing, Is Mastering The “Communication Mix” For Your Brand, and With Your Prospects and Customers -With What Works Best –“In The Moment!”

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Think Of All The Ways Your Brand Can Support Internal and External Connections, By Staying Laser-Focused on Your Audience, and Share Your Message on - How You Can Solve Their “Most Pressing Needs!”

At The Forefront Of All Your Marketing Is:

“Customer Service First” Mindset = Relationships!

You Must Bridge The Gap Between–Your “Marketing Mix” to Magnify Your…

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Right Message

To The Right Market

And Through The Right Media

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And Match – Touch Points! Permission Based - Moment by Moment Marketing, by understanding “Personalized Preferences” to Connect

How Does It All Work Together

Cohesively and Seamlessly?

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Be Clear About Your Brand and Brand Positioning

Establish Your Value Proposition

(What Makes You Unique?)Why Should A Customer Buy

From You vs. Any Other Competitor?

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Determine Your Business Strategy, Goals, Objectives and Latent Needs

Establish Your…Target Market / Right Person /

Customer Behaviors

Craft Your Direct Response Message

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Connect With Omni-Channel Media…

Online/Offline, Print, Digital, PR,Social and Mobile

To Magnify Your Friends, Circle of Trust,

Advocates, and Loyal Evangelists

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Share - Content + Search + Analytics

= Results!

Strategize Your Reputation Marketing

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Client Lifecyle Nurturing

= Repeat Customers

In Conclusion: Marketing Is Everything and Everything Is Marketing! How We See, Hear, Speak and Share, but Most Importantly… How We Make Customers FEEL – Is All That Matters Most!

WOW Your Customers – and You Will Have a Customer – For LIFE!

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~ Credits: Heidi Cohen / Riverside Marketing Strategies
