
Wieldy remote apiswith

Kekkonen:ClojureD 2016

Tommi Reiman & Juho Teperi@ikitommi & @JuhoTeperi











Possible options• REST / web apis

– Beautiful apis, but for whom?– Extra abstracting to HTTP terms –wor th it?

• Just RPC– Simple, is it open enough (for 3rd par ties)?

• Data-driven (Falcor, Relay, Om Next)– Separate reads & mutations, bundled operations– Great for reads, controlled mutations? Maturity?

• Mix & match?– Commands & Queries, great api-docs– best par ts of data-driven

Kekkonen• Small library for generic message handling– “Functions processing requests via a dispatcher”

• Data-driven, no macros, wieldy via helpers• Uncoupled from HTTP/REST, just data & functions– Ring-adapter with Swagger-docs– Future: Web Sockets, messaging, command line, whatever, ...

• Key concepts:– Basics: Context, Handler, Dispatcher, Namespace, Interceptor– Adapters and APIs

Handlers 1/3• Purpose is to validate & process contexts• Internal representation is just data

{:name :plus:type :handler:description "Adds to numbers together":input {:data {:y s/Int

:x s/Ints/Keyword s/Any}

s/Keyword s/Any}:output s/Int:handler (fn [{{:keys [x y]} :data}]

(+ x y))}

Handlers 3/3• Plumbing fnk-notation with Schemas

(defnk ^:handler plus :- s/Int"Adds to numbers together"[[:data x - s/Int, y :- s/Int]](+ x y))

Dispatcher• Registry of handlers– Compiles handlers into dispatch-table & interceptor-chains

• “a better multimethod”• Functions to work with handlers

– check, validate, invoke– some-handler, all-handlers, available-handlers, dispatch-handlers

(defnk ^:handler increment"Stateful counter"[counter](swap! counter inc))

(defnk ^:handler plus"Adds two numbers together"[[:data x - s/Int, y :- s/Int]](+ x y))

(def d (k/dispatcher{:handlers {:math [#'increment #'plus]}:context {:counter (atom 0)}}))

(k/invoke d :math/plus) ; CoerceionError {:data missing-required-key}(k/invoke d :math/plus {:data {:x 1, :y 2}}) ; => 3

(k/invoke d :math/increment) ; => 1(k/invoke d :math/increment) ; => 2(k/invoke d :math/increment) ; => 3

(k/invoke d :math/increment {:counter (atom 41)}) ; => 42

Extending• Custom meta-data to handlers & namespaces– compile down to Interceptors

(defnk ^:command close-application"Closes the application”{:roles #{:applicant}:states #{:open :draft}:interceptors [notify-on-success]}

[db, [:data id :- s/Int]](success (application/close db id)))

But where’s my


Kebab time!

The cool stuff• Validate handler input without executing body• Handler(mass-)availability with partial contexts• Speculative transactions*• Client-side bundled transactional contexts*• Extract handler-data to clients for local reasoning*• Safe and dynamic api-docs• Command-logging


complex simulated real-life caseexample showcase project

Problem• Digitalized building permits in

Finland• Multiple roles using the app,

collaborating in real-time– Single application

• Role-based authorization• Audit-trail


Actions DEMO

(defn create-api [{:keys [state chord]}](cqrs-api

{:swagger {:info {:title "Building Permit application":description "a complex simulated real-life

case example showcase project for"}:securityDefinitions {:api_key {:type "apiKey", :name "x-apikey", :in "header"}}}

:swagger-ui {:validator-url nil:path "/api-docs"}

:core {:handlers {building-permit-ns 'backend.building-permitusers-ns 'backend.users:session 'backend.session}

:user [[:require-session app-session/require-session][:load-current-user app-session/load-current-user][:requires-role app-session/requires-role][::building-permit/retrieve-permit building-permit/retrieve-permit][::building-permit/requires-state building-permit/requires-state][::building-permit/requires-claim building-permit/requires-claim]]

:context {:state state:chord chord}}}))


(defnk ^:command approve"Approve a permit"{:requires-role #{:authority}::requires-claim true::retrieve-permit true::requires-state #{:submitted}:interceptors [broadcast-update]}

[[:state permits archive-id-seq][:entities [:permit permit-id]]]

(swap! permits update permit-id assoc:state :approved:archive-id (swap! archive-id-seq inc))

(success {:status :ok}))


Findings• Action availability logic on backend– Backend has all the facts, single query with Kekkonen– Not all data can be sent to client for local reasoning

• Modelling commands based on user intent– UI-actions map mostly 1:1 to api actions– Automatic audit trail



Next steps?• Create handlers-trees from external sources / spec (db, file)• Kekkonen over Websockets• (ClojureScript) Api-docs beyond Swagger• Om Next Remotes• ClojureScript client• RE-Kekkonen• CQRS-template with Eventing• Handler mutations & hot-swapping• Graph-based dependency management• Pulsar-backend, extract api-docs, ping @andreiursan• Hiccup-style syntax for namespace-trees

Summary• Kekkonen is a fresh new api library for clj(s)• Simple, data-driven, free from the http– Your domain functions & data

• Enables cool new ways to interact with apis• Get involved– & #kekkonen at Slack

Special thanks to• Prismatic Schema & Plumbing• Pedestal for Interceptors• Elegance of fnhouse• Ring-swagger• Best par ts of compojure-api• Schema-tools• Kebabs

Q&A atSlack@metosin atTwitter

[email protected]


ZachTellman - AlwaysBeComposing

Context• Execution context, client input under :data• Otherwise works mostly like in Pedestal

; simple context{:data {:x 1, :y 1}}

Handlers 2/3• Clojure functions with extra meta-data

(defn plus"Adds to numbers together"{:type :handler:input {:data {:y s/Int

:x s/Ints/Keyword s/Any}

s/Keyword s/Any}:output s/Int}

[{{:keys [x y]} :data}](+ x y))

(Vir tual) Namespace• Just like Clojure namespaces, but uncoupled to

allow internal refactoring

{:name :admin:type :namespace:description "Admin-operations":interceptors [[require-role :admin]]}

Interceptors• Like middleware in Ring• In the end, (mostly) everything is an interceptor• Pedestal <3

{:name "logging interceptor":enter (fn [ctx] (log/info ctx) ctx):leave (fn [ctx] (log/info ctx) ctx)}


Ring-adapter• Create a ring-handler from dispatcher & options

(def app(r/ring-handler

(k/dispatcher{:handlers {:math [#'increment #'plus]}:context {:counter (atom 0)}})))

(app {:uri "/":request-method :get}) => nil

(app {:uri "/math/plus":request-method :post:body-params {:x 1, :y 2}}) => 3

API• Public http-entrypoint in Kekkonen– Wires ring-adapter, middleware & swagger artifacts– Ships with good defaults

(def app(a/api

{:core {:handlers {:math [#'increment#'plus]}

:context {:counter (atom 0)}}}))

(server/run-server #'app {:port 5000})

source code for api

(defn api [options](s/with-fn-validation

(let [options (s/validate Options (kc/deep-merge +default-options+ options))swagger (merge (:swagger options) (mw/api-info (:mw options)))dispatcher (-> (k/dispatcher (:core options))

(k/inject (-> options :api :handlers))(k/inject (ks/swagger-handler swagger options)))]


[(r/ring-handler dispatcher (:ring options))(ks/swagger-ui (:swagger-ui options))])

(:mw options)))))

Create your own api styles!• New styles via Dispatcher & Api configuration• Ships with RPC, HTTP and CQRS Api styles

(defn cqrs-api [options](a/api(kc/deep-merge

{:core {:type-resolver (k/type-resolver :command :query)}:swagger {:info {:title "Kekkonen CQRS API"}}:ring {:types {:query {:methods #{:get}

:parameters {[:data] [:request :query-params]}}:command {:methods #{:post}

:parameters {[:data] [:request :body-params]}}}}}options)))

(s/defschema Kebab{:id s/Int:name s/Str:type (s/enum :doner :shish :souvlaki)})

(s/defschema NewKebab(dissoc Kebab :id))

(defnk ^:query get-kebabs"Retrieves all kebabs"{:output [Kebab]}[db](success (vals @db)))

(defnk ^:command add-kebab"Adds an kebab to database"{:output Kebab}[db, ids, data :- NewKebab](let [item (assoc data :id (swap! ids inc))](swap! db assoc (:id item) item)(success item)))

(def app(cqrs-api{:core {:handlers {:kebabs [#'get-kebabs #'add-kebab]}

:context {:db (atom {}):ids (atom 0)}}}))

(server/run-server #'app {:port 4001})
