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Intraventricular hemorrhage

Brain disorders Cerebral palsy Neonatal encephalopathy

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Types of intracranial Hg: Subdural Subarachnoid Intracerebellar Periventricural -

intraventricural: -- In term infants:

½due to trauma/asphyxia ¼due to unknown causes

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-- In preterm infants: Due to multifactorial factors:

Hypoxic - ischemic Anatomical causes Coagulopathy

Periventricular – intraventricular Hg:

- Fragile capillaries in germinal matrix rupture Hg

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-May extend to the ventricles or brain

parenchyma -Common in neonates < 34 weeks

but may occur in older infants -Starts usually within 72 hours but

may develop 24 days after birth -External perinatal and postnatal

factors may alter it’s % and severity

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- Minimal in ½ of the cases no C/P - Mostly small Hg or Hg confined to

the ventricles resolve without neurological impairment

- In large Hg hydrocephalus or periventricular leukomalacia CP

Pathology: -Due to damage of germinal matrix

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capillary network -↑in preterm infants due to:

Poor support Venous anatomy in this area stasis Hg Vascular autoregulation is impaired < 32 weeks

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Extensive Hg death or handicap due to periventricular leukomalacia:

=Cystic area due to ischemia or HgIncidence and severity:

=4% in term infants =½ infants < 32 weeks are born

with some Hg minimal effect

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Very LBW have the: Earliest onset Greatest progression Highest mortality rate

Assessed by: U/S and CT

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Grades: I matrix Hg

II intraventricular Hg III dilatation of the ventricles

IV parenchymal HgSurvival:

> 90% in I & II -- 3.2% handicap 50% in III & IV

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Very LBW infants: 45% intraventricular Hg

20% of them are III & IV degreeContributing factors:

-Prematurity and it’s complications:

Infection ischemia Acidosis X 3 ↑ risk for grade III & IV if pH < 7.2 RD and mechanical ventilation

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Heparin X 4 Hg

-Postnatal factors: RD Ventilation therapy PCO2 ≥ 60 mmHg within 1st 2 hours PO2 < 40 mmHg within 1st 2 hours Pneumothorax

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Treatment:1 - Antenatal corticosteroids :

↓ mortality ↓RD

↓intraventricular Hg + benefit in cases of PROM

Betamethasone ↓ leukomalacia compared to dexamethasone

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2 – Phenobarbital and vit K = controversial

3 - Vit E ↓ severity and % but does not ↓ mortality

4 - Indomethacin ↑ mortality in infants < 1000 gm

5 - MgSO4 ↓ periventricular Hg

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Prevention: Avoid hypoxia CS in preterm cephalic fetus no evidence

Studies: - No significant difference

- ↓early intracranial Hg

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Outcome in extreme prematurity:

↑ mortality ↑ neurological injury ↑ ophthalmological injury ↑ pulmonary injury

Age α 1 / severe neurological abnormalities

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1862 = abnormal labor spasticity1900 = Sigmund Freud many

abnormalities can spastic rigidityCerebral palsy is caused by a combination of:

Genetic factors Environmental factors Physiological factors Obstetric factors

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Still many doctors are afraid of CP from obstetric factors ↑ CS to 1 : 4 births in US

with no ↓ in CP

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Asphyxia: Profound metabolic or mixed acidemia <

7 Persistent Apgar score 0 – 3 for > 5 min Neurological sequelae:

- Seizures - Coma

- Hypotonia - Dysfunction of ≥ 1 system : GIT -

Cardiac – Hematologic – respiratory

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Causes of low Apgar score alone: PTL Maternal sedation Anesthesia Vigorous suction or intubation Congenital anomalies Newborn diseases as: neurological

musculoskeletal - cardiorespiratory

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Definition:Nonprogressive motor disorder of early infant onset in ≥ 1 limbs spasticity orparalysis ± MR / epilepsy ( not associated with perinatal asphyxia in the absence of CP) Categorized by:

Type of neurological dysfunction:

Spastic – dyskinetic - ataxic

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Number and distribution of involved limbs:

Quadriplegia 20% Diplegia 35%

Hemiplegia 30% Monoplegia

Major types of CP: Spastic quadriplegia (↑in MR and seizures)

Diplegia ↑ in LBW and preterm Hemiplegia - Choreoathetoid - Mixed

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25% of CP + MR ( IQ < 50% )Incidence and epidemiology:

=0.1 - 0.2 % of live birth ( ↑by ↑ survival of LBW)

=0.27 % at age 5 – 7 years =1.5 < % 2500 gm

=1.3 – 9 % from 500 – 1500 gm =50 < % 25 weeks

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Risk factors: Genetic - Maternal MR - Microcephaly - Congenital anomalies < 32 weeks < 2000 gm infection

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Obstetric complications: Not strongly predictive of CP 20% + perinatal asphyxia 50% + LBW – congenital anomalies – microcephaly and others No single intervention can prevent CP Most cases of CPs unknown causeStudy:

25% of CP is due to NTD or postnatal causes as infection or injury

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Strongest predictors for CP: Congenital anomalies LBW Low placental weight Abnormal fetal position as: breech or transverse lie

-No correlation between CS or instrumental delivery with CP

< -1000 gm only early GA

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and LBW correlate with neonatal neurological morbidity

Intrapartum events: No special FHR pattern in CP Continuous electronic monitoring equals intermittent monitoring 75% of CP are unavoidable Abnormal FHR = preexisting neurological abnormalities

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92% of CP + no intrapartum injury 3% + “”””” is possible 5% + “”””” is likely Since 1965 CS ↑ 1 : 4 in US but % of CP is still the same

Study:Electronic monitoring ↑ CP in preterminfants # intermittent auscultation

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Apgar score: - poor predictors of CP except in:

- Complicated birth + 5m Apgar score

= ≥3 ↑ death + ↑ CP - Uncomplicated birth + 5m Apgar

score = ≤ 3 no ↑ risk -Most neurological abnormalities are

due to factors other than perinatal ↓O2

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-LBW + 1 m Apgar score ≤ 3 ↑death X 5 + ↑ CP X 3

-Low 5 m Apgar score is predictive of neurological impairment

< -37 weeks completed + 5 m Apgar score ≤ 3 X 75 fold death

-≤38 weeks + 5 m Apgar score ≤ 3 X 1460 fold death within 28 days

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-Low 1 & 5 m Apgar score alone are: Excellent predictors for identification of infants who need resuscitation Insufficient evidence that the damage is due to hypoxia

Umbilical cord blood gas: If no metabolic acidosis intrapartum

hypoxia or asphyxia is excluded

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Alone U/C pH is not superior to Apgar score in predicting long – term neurological D Most neurological diseases are associated with normal pH + low Apgar score = hypoxia is not a major cause of long – term neurological morbidity Neither pH nor acidemia correlate with long term neurological disease in term infants

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The cutoff for clinically significant acidemia is now pH < 7.0 instead of < 7.2 If pH is ≤ 7 only 7% of infants develop mild neurological sequelaeThe use of pH to assess predictability of neonatal death within 28 days:

≤ 7 + Apgar score ≤ 3 3204 relative risk < 6.8 ↑ death X 1400 fold

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Nucleated RBCs: ↑ in hypoxia Number of NRBCs α degree of hypoxia and can determine it’s duration

Studies: ↑ NRBCs is associated with asphyxia No relation between hypoxia and NRBCs NRBCs are hematological markers of maternal and neonatal infection as well

placental histological evidence of infection

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Neonatal serial lymphocyte and normoblast count may accurately identify the time

before birth when encephalopathy occur: peak 2 hours after injury and normalize in 24 – 36 hoursPeriventricular leukomalacia :

Cyctic areas after hemorrhgic infarction Ischemia necrosis cyst in 2 weeks to 104 days

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Severe ICHg and periventricular leukomalacia may CP 40% of LBW develop CP and III or IV degree ICHg Risk of CP ↑ X 16 in III and IV degree ICHg ≤ 34 weeks 11% of transient cysts CP 67% of localized cysts CP 100% of extensive cysts CP Size of the cyst α ↑ CP risk

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Symmetrical cysts = highest risk Periventricular leukomalecia is linked more than ICHg to infection as: - Chorioamnionitis - Prolonged PROM - Neonatal hypotension Periventricular leukomalacia is associated with:

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1st trimester Hg UTI at labor LBW Smoking PTL Neonatal acidosis Meconium staining >72 hours of ritodrine therapy

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Preterm periventricular leukomalacia:Blood supply to the brain < 32 weeks: 1 - Ventriculopedal system: penetrates into the cortex 2 - Ventriculofugal system: reaches down to the ventricles then curves upward

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In between the 2 systems the area near the lateral ventricles where the pyramidal tract pass = watershed area because there is no

anastomosis between the 2 systems >32 weeks blood supply shifts away from the brain stem and basal ganglia toward

the cortexEffect of ischemia:

<32 weeks spastic diplegia >32 weeks brain damage

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Perinatal infection:Maternal or intrauterine infection

endotoxin ↑ cytokines



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↑Cytokines 1, 6, 8, TNF Direct toxic effect on oligodendrocytes and myelin Vessel rupture tissue hypoxia and massive cell death ↑ glutamate - white matter damage - ↑ intracellular Ca toxic - Direct toxic effect on oligodendroglia

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Studies: E Coli injection into animal embryo brain damage TNF and IL 6 ↑ in brains of infants with PVL AF culture: 45% of CP microorganisms 85% of CP ↑ IL 6 - 8

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PTL after PROM # PTL caused by other causes: ICHg and PVL ↑ after spontaneous labor ↑ after spontaneous ROM Both if + chorioamnionitis ↑ CP Most significant clinical correlates of white matter necrosis in preterm infants:

- Funistis - Purulent AF

- Placental vessel abnormalities

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> 2500 gm fetus + maternal fever or chorioamnionitis X 9 CP + neonatal infection X 19 CP

Prevention: Corticosteroid therapy Aggressive treatment or prophylaxis of infection in women delivering preterm infants = neuroprotective

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Stabilizes vascular tone ↓ fluctuations of cerebral blood flow ↓ reperfusion injury ↓ cytokines and bacterial endotoxins ↓ inflammatory effects of infection blocks Ca intracellular toxic effect

Limited to preeclampsia

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Neuroradiological imaging:CT:

25% of CP normal CT 70% of preterm infants early insult50% of term infants prenatal insult:

37% periventricular leukomalacia 17% maldevelopment 19% cortical or subcortical injury

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MRI: -80% of preterm CP periventricural

white matter damage = hypoxic ischemic -50% of term CP antenatal damage as:

Gyral abnormalities as polymicrogyria = midpregnancy injury Isolated periventricular leukomalacia

In 25% of these cases, MRI + C/P are suggestive of hypoxic ischemic insult

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MRI can predict the specific pattern of neurophysiological dysfunction by:

Severity of dilatation Degree and extent of white matter loss Involvement of optic structures Thinning of corpus collosumMRI can determine the most likely time of brain insult in CP

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U/S: -1st day U/S diagnose antenatal insult

intraventricular Hg = secondary injury that developed in the nursery

-Results of U/S differ than MRI but complementary to it

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Definition:Disturbed neurological function in the earliest days of life in term infantsClinical picture:

Respiratory depression Hypotonia Subconsciousness Seizures

Due to hypoxic ischemic insult ofunknown time

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Mild E: Hyperalertness Irritability Jitteriness Hypo/hypertonia

Moderate E: Lethargy Severe hypotonia Occasional seizures

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Severe E: Coma Recurrent apnea Multiple seizures

Normal neurological outcome: Mild E all Moderate E 80% Severe E all

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Studies: -High risk term and preterm neonates:

30% neonatal E 17% cognitive and motor deficits:

¼ mild – moderate E ½ severe E

-Respiratory complications are the most common risk factor

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-Perinatal hypoxia is associated with: 26% of mild – moderate E 66% of severe E

-Serial head circumflex in E: If ↓ > 3.1% relative to that expected

for age in the 1st 4 months = predicts

microcephaly with 90% specificity

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Mental retardation: %0.3

-Isolated MR (=MR without CP or epilepsy)

is associated with perinatal hypoxia in < 5%

Seizure disorders: -Isolated seizure disorders or epilepsy are

not usually caused by perinatal hypoxia

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-Major predictors are: Congenital anomalies Family history Neonatal seizures
