
1 February 2020


The BANNER Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

Greetings and Happy New Year to the wonderful UMW of the

Wilmington District!

In 2019 we celebrated 150 years of United Methodist Women as we continued

to build the Legacy Fund for the future of our organization and that of women,

children, and youth around the world.

Census 2019 is in full swing! To that end, we are seeking your help in making

the Peninsula-Delaware Conference shine, by completing the census form for

your units/circles by March 30, 2020.

Pen-Del Conference is planning an event on February 29th that will be action

packed and fun-filled as we all get the opportunity to understand our UMW po-

sitions better...please mark your calendars.

Please remember our Annual Day of Giving, March 23, 2020; the Legacy Fund

eclipsed $29 million at the end of November 2019; but we still have more work

to do! Won’t you consider being a “Legacy Builder”...more information in this

edition of the Banner!

Finally, hope to see you at the Northeastern Jurisdiction (NEJ) Conference on

April 24-26, 2020 in Baltimore, Maryland. There’s still time to register!

The District Team is a resource, please let us know how we can serve you and

your mission activities and efforts; we are available to assist and guide when and

where needed. We are also here to help you complete your census count.

There are many exciting events and activities for 2020, let’s make it happen by

being bold in our mission and purpose as United Methodist Women.

Our District newsletter, “The BANNER” is great, however your input can make it

awesome! We need to know the great things our local units are doing in mis-

sion; therefore, please forward information and articles about your activities and

events to let your light shine.

Serving our Lord through Faith, Hope and Love in Action,


Wilmington District

Leadership Team

President Angela Taylor

Vice President Linda Perkins


Audrey Gidney


Kathryn Daum

Mission Coordinator—

Spiritual Growth /

Membership, Nurture & Outreach

Sally Cavanagh

Secretary, Program Resources

Ashley Blevins

Committee on Nominations Chair

Iva Boardman

Nominations Committee

Sophia Evans

Audrey Gidney

Communications Coordinator

Francine Davis-Motley

2 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

President Angela Taylor (302) 379-9889 cell

E-mail: [email protected]

Vice President

Linda Perkins (302) 654-2036 home

16 Birkshire Road (302) 333-2215 cell

New Castle, DE 19720 E-mail: [email protected]

Secretary Audrey Gidney (302) 995-2004 home

4506 Pickwick Dr. -010(work)

Wilmington, DE 19808 E-mail:[email protected]


Kathryn Daum (302) 652-8541 home

102 Bellant Circle 555-0101(work)

Wilmington, DE 19807 E-mail: [email protected]

Mission Coordinator for Membership, Nurture & Outreach Sally Cavanaugh (302) 737-4694 home

/ Spiritual Growth 1200 Chelmsford Circle

Newark, DE 19713 E-mail: [email protected]

Secretary, Program Resources

Ashley Blevins (302) 518-2409 home


Chair, Committee on Nominations Iva Boardman (302) 475-8744 home

2215 Nassau Drive 555-0101(work)

Wilmington, DE 19810 E-mail: [email protected]

Nominations Committee Audrey Gidney (302) 995-2004 home

Sophia Evans

Communications Coordinator

Francine Davis-Motley

UMW - 907 Centerville Road

Wilmington, DE 19804 Wilm District E-mail: [email protected]

Wilmington District – United Methodist Women – Leadership Team 2020

3 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

4 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

United Methodist Women Census 2019

Do you have any idea how many UMW are in your Unit?

Greetings Bold Women!

Local Unit Presidents: Local Unit Presidents are asked to complete the Census form for

their respective units! This is mandatory— this year’s census is focused on giving infor-

mation and sharing ideas for sustainability and growth!

We still need your full participation and count! Each local unit is encouraged to report their membership online at:

If a local unit MNO or President does not have access to a computer—District Leadership

Team is available to help you enter your unit’s membership data. (*Please remember to

include your Pastor(s) in your membership count.*)

Local units can also report on paper via the “Membership Report”, however you must

complete and turn in your membership report by March 1st. Paper forms should be

emailed to the District MNO Coordinator.


What happens with the Wilmington District census information? In 2020, the National

office will begin developing new resources, launching targeted giving, piloting a soul care

retreat model to introduce women to UMW and testing new, additional membership join

options for potential members from various generations alongside of our current “join”


Please complete your Unit census information so that we may continue to share our ideas to

inform the way United Methodist Women change and grow into the next 150 years!

Online Census Submission Deadline: Monday, March 30, 2020.

The UMW Census is completed once each year by the Unit President.

5 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

myUMW 2019

Do you have your UMW membership card?

All Members of United Methodist Women are invited to complete the “myUMW” member profile; when finished you will be able to print a personalized membership card. This is a very easy process...only a few, simple questions on the profile!

United Methodist Women is a membership organization dedicated to mission with women, children and youth. All mission-minded women within and beyond The Unit-ed Methodist Church are welcome. We are an open, Christian organization with ecu-menical ties and connections around the world.

United Methodist Women will never share your contact information without your per-mission.

Each United Methodist Woman is encouraged to go online and complete their mem-bership profile at:

“myUMW” is completed one time only! Entered by each UMW.


6 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

Wilmington District Treasurer

Kathy Daum is the 2020 Wilmington District Treasurer and has held the position since 2016. She can be reached at [email protected] or 302-652-8541 and her address for mailing is 102 Bel-lant Circle, Wilmington, DE 19807.

Some information from Kathy:

Thank you to the Local Unit Treasurers for the work that you do and to your Units for their generos-ity. In 2019, Wilmington District met its pledge of $12,000. Thank you all for making that possible. Our pledge for 2020 is also $12,000.

As well as giving for Pledge, there are other ways to give money to United Methodist Women. In order to attain 5-Star recognition, a local unit must give in the Five Channels of Giving listed below. All gifts are appreciated and make a difference in the lives of so many women and children in the United States and globally. Just a reminder that a United Methodist supported National Mission In-stitution is located right here in Wilmington – The Neighborhood House.

The following information is from the United Methodist Women’s brochure On a Path for Mission.

Where does your pledge money go?

Journey of your pledge: Local to District to Conference to National to Mission work in the United States and around the world

Five Channels of Giving

Not all United Methodist Women members can travel the world, but their mission dollars can and do through the five channels of Mission Giving:

Pledge to Mission. Special Mission Recognition. Gift to Mission. Gift in Memory. World Thank Offering.

Supplementary Giving

United Methodist Women members also give special offerings that support special grants, including the following:

Brighter Future for Children and Youth Call to Prayer and Self-Denial.

Please contact me with questions, requests for forms or cards. THANK YOU!


7 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

United Methodist Women

Peninsula Delaware Conference

Wilmington District - Pledge Form for 2020

Church Charge _______________________________________________________________

Church ______________________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________

President ____________________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________

Phone (home) __________________________ Phone (cell) ___________________________

E-Mail ______________________________________________________________________

Number of Women in Local Unit ___________________

Unit Meetings are held on ______________________________________________________

Unit Treasurer ________________________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________________________

Our unit plans on being a Five Star Unit in 2020 – Yes _____ No ____

To be a Five-Star Unit you need to pledge in the following categories:

Pledge to Mission $ ______________________

Special Mission Recognition Pin ($40 min) $ ______________________

Gift to Mission (Card- $5) $ ______________________

Gift in Memory (Card- $5) $ ______________________

World Thank Offering $ ______________________

(Hold program in October/November turn in funds collected with final remittance of the year.)

UNITS PLEDGE TO MISSION FOR 2020 $ ______________________

*Please retain a copy of this form for your records.

*Please return this form no later than December 5th of each year to your current district treasurer.

8 February 2020

Wilmington District UMW 2020 Budget


District Pledge to Mission $12,000.00


Development (12 % of pledge) $1,440.00

Spring Event Offering/Registration $125.00

Annual Meeting Offering/Registration $125.00

TOTAL $1,690.00


Officer Expenses

NEJ Travel Escrow Account $150.00

Assembly Travel Escrow Account $250.00

Racial Justice Charter $50.00

Mission u $350.00

Trainings $100.00

Supplies $50.00

Travel $100.00

Officer Handbooks Escrow Account $40.00

Total Officer Expenses $1090.00

Program Expenses

Spring Evet Speaker/Food/Printing $100.00

Annual Meeting Speaker/Food/Printing $100.00

Total Program Expenses $200.00

Other Expenses

Newsletter Printing/Postage $50.00

Audit $150.00

Special Mission Recognition $50.00

Mission u $50.00

Total Other Expenses $300.00

Contingency / Scholarships $100.00

TOTAL $1690.00

9 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter




Late Registration January 1 – March 31, 2020 $375

Called to Be. Called to See. Called to Live.

There’s still time to register for the Northeastern Jurisdiction of United Methodist Women! Excitement is in the air and expecta-

tions are running high as we look forward to gathering in Baltimore, MD April 24-26, 2020. We embrace everyone and encourage

ALL women to attend. We are calling you to bring a friend, or two, or three and help us celebrate our legacy of 150 years.

Come where ALL women are welcome! Come discover your passion and purpose! Come experience spirit filled worship, inspira-

tional and motivational speakers and workshops that promote advocacy and service to others! Come gather skills for successful

leadership! Come gain opportunities to network with a dynamic group of women! Come learn how to be an agent of change!

Come be a part of a movement where women are committed to putting faith hope and love into action!

10 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter


FEATURING Keynote Speaker

Jennifer Crumpton

Rev. Jennifer Crumpton is the author of Femmevangelical: The Modern Girl’s Guide to the Good News. She earned a Master of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary and was ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at Park Avenue Christian Church. She is the mom of a 2 year old daughter and lives in New York City. Connect on Twitter @JenniDCrumpton.




11 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter



United Methodist


The organized Unit of United

Methodist Women shall be a

community of women whose

PURPOSE is to know God

and to experience freedom

as whole persons through

Jesus Christ; to develop a

creative, supportive fellow-

ship; and to expand con-

cepts of mission though par-

ticipation in the global minis-

tries of the church.

Donations being collected for NEJ in April!

Wilmington District UMW attending the Northeastern Jurisdic-tion Conference are collecting items for “blessing bags”. Please drop off all donations to District Leadership by April 10th!

The Northeastern Jurisdiction Event Team is proud to partner with The Neighborhood Well. The Neighborhood Well seeks to meet the immediate needs of the homeless and unstably housed communities in our neighborhoods while creating a pipeline to other organizations and resources that enable those in need to achieve stability and long-term self-sufficiency. While serving they give encouragement and support following the teachings of Jesus Christ. We are asking Jurisdiction Event Attendees to bring the following items so that we may pack blessing bags for donation:








Sanitary napkins

Shower caps

For additional information on the mission of this organization please visit:

Hope your Unit will help collect for this wonderful volunteer


As we continue to practice

“Climate Justice”, we encourage you to

bring your own coffee mug or water bottle

to your Unit meetings to show we are

attempting to be environmentally


12 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

13 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

14 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

15 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

16 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

Ways to Give

There are many ways to contribute to the Legacy Fund En-

dowment Campaign. For example, you can make a one-time

gift, a recurring gift or make a pledge over time. Please reflect

on the best way to make a significant gift. Development staff

from the United Methodist Women national office are available

to discuss the various giving options with you. You can also

speak with your financial or estate planner.


Cash/Check/Credit Card

Planned Gifts

Life Insurance Policies

Matching Gifts

IRA (or other retirement plan distributions)

Appreciated Securities • Online Giving:

Text to Give: Text “41444” on your cell phone and enter

“Legacy 150” in the message area

Send checks to: United Methodist Women, attn: LEGACY 475

Riverside Drive, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10115

Write: “The Legacy Fund” in the memo line.

For more information on the Legacy Fund Endowment

Campaign, please contact us at (212) 870-3705 or e-mail

[email protected].

Giving Update:

17 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

Together, we are building our legacy

A Legacy Builder moves forward the mission of United Methodist Women by making a monthly gift of $18.69 or more to The Legacy Fund Endowment Cam-paign in honor of United Methodist Women's 150th anniversary. Just as our foremothers invested in our future in 1869, gifts to the campaign will ensure that United Methodist Women continues to prepare future generations of wom-en to practice mutuality in mission, working to transform the lives of women, children and youth in deeper and even more impactful ways.

***Monthly donation is tax deductible. / Can be cancelled anytime.

18 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

United Methodist Women: We Must Help Dismantle the School to Prison Pipeline

Members Urged to Actively Support Rep. Ayanna Pressley’s Ending PUSHOUT Act!!

As the nation celebrates Black History Month, United Methodist Women today expressed support for U.S. Representative Ayanna Pressley’s (D-MA) Ending Punitive, Unfair, School-Based Harm that is Overt and Unre-sponsive to Trauma (PUSHOUT) Act. As the largest denominational organization for women, the group urged its members to actively support the sweeping bill that incentivizes schools and states to end pol-icies and practices that funnel black and brown children away from edu-cational success and into the criminal justice system. The organization encouraged members to support the measure by:

Urging their respective federal elected officials to support the bill,

Utilizing United Methodist Women’s Bible study curricula around school pushout,

Studying Monique Morris’ book, “Pushout” as part of the organiza-tion’s 2020 Mission u. Morris worked with Rep. Pressley on the legislation cited above.

“While for some folks the conversation about the school-to-prison pipeline and school pushout might seem like a new is-

sue, the reality is that it is a continuation of a long-lasting, un-finished struggle for racial justice and educational equity,”

said Emily Jones, United Methodist Women’s Executive for Racial Justice.

Rep. Pressley’s Ending PUSHOUT Act creates a $2.5 billion fund to incentivize schools and states to: abandon unfair and

discriminatory disciplinary policies and practices that push black and brown students out of the classroom; strengthen

civil rights monitoring and enforcement; and establish a task force to address school pushout, with particular attention to girls of color. Participating states and schools would also be

supported to invest in restorative practices, trauma-informed care, counselors, social workers and mental health profession-

als. Funds may not be used for police in schools.

“To honor the call of Jesus on our lives and the movement of the Spirit in our midst, women of faith must be actively en-

gaged, supporting directly impacted communities and people-of-color led groups in the fight for educational equity, racial

justice and an end to biased, punitive and exclusionary school policies,” Jones concluded.

19 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

Living Wage 4 All Series This series of brief essays, reflections and frequently asked questions provides resources for going deeper into United Methodist Women's Living Wage for All Campaign.

As women of faith, we know that God promised us abundant life. As women

of action, we work to ensure that promise is possible for everyone. The

Abundant Life for All series helps us imagine and investigate the many

components of an abundant life, such as: the biblical basis for living wage,

the important relationship between labor unions and faith communities, the

case for paid family leave, and more.

We want to update you on the Paid Family and Medical Leave campaign and the status of the FAMILY Act. This is part of United Methodist Women’s Living Wage for All Campaign. Thanks to all who have contacted your elected officials, created displays, circulated post cards, hosted a video screening and more! There are ongoing opportunities to get involved.

Good news! Thanks to the efforts of United Methodist Women members and to Family Values @ Work advocates across the country, there are now 204 sponsors of the FAMILY Act bill in the House of Representatives with 218 needed for a sim-ple House majority. We hope to get to 218 in 2020! To see the list of Congressional co-sponsors, click here.

Browse through the Resources listed below for ways you can learn more about Paid Family Leave and how you can edu-cate others to help reach our goal.


The Zero Weeks documentary on paid family and medical leave is now available for public screenings. United Methodist Women is providing digital or DVD versions for use in church, community and house screenings. Click here to request the documentary for a public screening any time this year. We will then send you information regarding hosting a screening.

The Zero Weeks discussion guide and Christian Reflection are now online.

We encourage you to take pictures of your screening events to share on Facebook with the tags @UMWomen and #LivingWage4All, as well as via email to [email protected]

The second issue of our Abundant Life for All essay series is on Paid Family and Medical Leave! Paid Time to Care, written by Family Values @ Work co-directors Ellen Bravo and Wendy Chun-Hoon, is a useful hand-out for your events.

We’re pleased to announce that United Methodist Women’s February Faith Talk will feature Ellen Bravo and Jennifer Morales of Family Values @ Work to share further about Paid Family and Medical leave and the status of the FAMILY Act. February 20, 6:00 p.m. (EST).

In addition, Family Values @Work will host a webinar for those interested in taking further action, on January 30th at 8:00 p.m. (EST). They will share more information on the policy and the movement for paid family and medical leave. RSVP here for the webinar.

Thank you for your active engagement. Keep us posted about your activities at [email protected].

20 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

21 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

22 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

On Thursday, February 20, please join me for a #FaithTalks podcast recording on

paid family and medical leave. Featuring our very own, Carol Barton, United Method-

ist Women’s executive for Community Action and lead staff for the Living Wage for

All Campaign, as well as Jennifer Morales and Ellen Bravo of Family Values @

Work. During the call, we’ll discuss state and national efforts to pass “time to care”

laws, the theological underpinning for such laws, and the work that our organization

and our allies are doing to ensure

women and working people can

work with dignity without sacrificing the well-being of

their families.

You can register for the call here:

webinar/register/WN_SZ3w7wBKTimhwk4F_xjz9A. Prior

to the call, you’ll want to download Zoom to your phone

or computer. Once you register and download the pro-

gram, you’ll have the option of joining the Faith Talks via

computer or phone.

23 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

24 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

25 February 2020

Wilmington District United Methodist Women Newsletter

4 June 2016

Local Units/Circles






Please send all

Announcements, Articles, Social Media Posts,

Dates, Information or Inserts to:

Wilmington District UMW

Communications Coordinator

[email protected]

The BANNER is the Wilmington District’s email communication— we need your help with LOCAL UNIT content!!

Our newsletter always has an inspiring opening letter from our District President Angela Taylor!

It includes some of the latest information on activities and events happening in the Wil-mington District and in the Pen-Del Conference as well as National UMW initatives.

But what’s missing???? YOU!!

Please send in your success stories and local unit highlights. Never underestimate the power of a great story. This could be the catalyst to get other units to try or plan a new activity or event!

Spotlight or profile a United Methodist Woman in your unit! We are all working hard to support our unit, our local churches, conference and community...tell us all about it! United Methodist Women putting FAITH, HOPE and LOVE IN ACTION!!
